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File: 42 KB, 450x366, 1634194678_bratty-foot-girls-agatha-delicious-super-pov-trampling-and-facestanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19838016 No.19838016 [Reply] [Original]

Best books with a strong and sadistic female protagonist?

>> No.19838030

This is a degenerate, degrading fetish anon. No woman wants a man who is like this. It’s only hot for sexually frustrated men who put women on a pedestal. That’s why every dominatrix is either a prostitute or a pornographer. Stop watching porn get a gf and become a man.

>> No.19838038

Name of the guy?

>> No.19838047

Jason Ninja

>> No.19838054

Thank you!

>> No.19838055

>No woman wants a man who is like this.
Some do, but a small minority, and even that small minority would most likely be happier with a dominant man that they're compatible with. Usually they just can't find a man that clicks with them so they think they're dommes or switches.

>> No.19838057

My marital agreement desu.

>> No.19838063

proposal rejected

>> No.19838066

Read Venus in Furs. It basically invented femdom, and the word "masochism" itself even comes from that book, via its author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.

>> No.19838071


>> No.19838076

I have seen that one shilled on here often and tried to get through it but couldnt. anything similar but not as difficult?

>> No.19838091

the back of the shower gel bottle you fucking imbecile

>> No.19838117

>No woman wants a man who is like this.
sounds like a pretty based fetish to me, not bowing down to what women want. demanding they smash your balls

>> No.19838126


>> No.19838140

nice Tell me what it is about thanks

>> No.19838147


>> No.19838148

suck my dick bro

>> No.19838153

he's having a jape. but if u OP and said venus in furs is too difficult, you don't deserve to be dominated by a women

>> No.19838165

the eternal ESL. goodbye pajeet

>> No.19838169

Wrong. I enjoy RPing scenarios liek this with my bf. Not a dom but he is pretty "sub". He enjoys scratches and minor pain but we both hate feet stuff.
No harm in wearing some latex leggings and pushing your bf to explore some limits.

Theres only one important detail: pleasure comes from defeating someone, it's the process in the sexplay of dominating someone.
My bf doesn't start as a sub but as someone who atempts to dominate me and loses.

>> No.19838182

post feet

>> No.19838183

that was perfect english spastic, you're projecting and are some other non-inidan immigrant trying to qualify yourself. I am 100% whit bow down, suck me

>> No.19838188
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OP is a low IQ nigger for starting this thread with this distasteful image. Nevertheless I will contribute a suggestion made in a prior thread, namely Gynecocracy by an anonymous Victorian author. It's good stuff.

based queen

>> No.19838198
File: 41 KB, 680x566, spastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by a women
>that was perfect english

>> No.19838211

>>by a women
yes retard. you're the ESL obviously

>> No.19838221

is it still disgusting if you like feet but not getting degraded

>> No.19838239

I was quoting the actual ESL verbatim. Read the posts, you illiterate dolt.

>> No.19838312

I like feet but I hate that most content concerning feet is based on humiliation

I want someone to call me a good boy, goddamnit :(

>> No.19838669


>> No.19838695

>This is a degenerate, degrading fetish anon.
Yes, that's the fun of it

>> No.19838699

Look into leg porn, it's pretty vanilla

>> No.19839054

Based, acting dominant to please woman is cucked. A real man demands his wife to humiliate him, knowing full well she isn't enjoying it for a single second. Using her as just a tool for pleasure, her humanity disregarded as she pretend to dominate you, but alas, she is the puppet and you are the puppeteer.
Now crush my balls under you heel, please, mistress.

>> No.19839073
File: 196 KB, 1461x2048, gigabaserd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. There is no better way to truly dominate a woman physically and psychologically than coercing her to engage in behaviors she does not enjoy for nothing but the sake of your own pleasure

>> No.19839094

Being a domme is the easiest way to date someone who is way out of your league otherwise. It's not rocket science

>> No.19839111

naomi by jun'ichirō tanizaki (novel, v good, avoid spoilers as much as possible to really enjoy it)
dolores by swinburne (long-ish poem)
aku no hana (flowers of evil, manga and anime, i'm not a weeb, idk why the japanese are world leaders in this stuff)

>No woman wants a man who is like this.
you say that like we don't already know, anon :(
trust me, i'm 32, i know all too well
thx, will check out

>> No.19839118

ok, forcing her to be logically consistent would be my fetish

>> No.19839150
File: 133 KB, 870x1252, r015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and if you really want to go off the deep end then check out yapoo: the human cattle
it was praised as postwar Japan's greatest intellectual novel by mishima

>> No.19839476


>> No.19839518

>No woman wants a man who is like this.
Idk about that one chief. My gf has a fucking intense feminization kink, and I’m a sub in general, so she buys me outfits and when I wear them she steps on my cock. Pretty comfy. Outside the bedroom the tiles are reversed — she always wants me to pick where we go on dates, what we’ll eat, etc. — so I guess that sense of contrast is important to her. But there are definitely girls out there into pretty much everything.

>> No.19839523

meant to type roles, autocorrect is fuckin cringe

>> No.19839549

Larp and meds

>> No.19839568

I’d post a video, but this is a blue board.

>> No.19839580

Post feet, otherwise larp

>> No.19839614
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>> No.19839651

How would a picture of my feet prove anything? I think you’re just horny anon~

>> No.19839766

How did you meet your girlfriend?
Also, are you a twink?

>> No.19839770
File: 795 KB, 900x578, Irish soybean and currynigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the amount of anons disagreeing with you is a testament that 4cucks is virtual hell. What has this place come to? You effeminate males will all burn in Hell.

>> No.19839841

Hinge. I’ve got an average build, a little on the thin side. Don’t shave anything but my face. Before we met I started growing my hair out and for some reason that tripled my response rate.

>> No.19839842
File: 85 KB, 1080x1350, 545550caf7238655d9906ba505af92b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts FPBP
>unironically uses the word "cuck"
>complains about the decrease in quality on 4chan
>damns others to hell
>has a pic of an irish twink and filipina saved on his computer
Sounds like you're just not man enough to be dominated by a woman

>> No.19839975

Disgusting. You don't deserve a gf of any kind.

>> No.19839986

It’s not manly to be dominated by a woman bro. Women don’t like that shit. They want to be led and protected. If you ever find a girl who dominates you she will get bored and try to find another man to put her in her place. I’m not joking, look up female led relationships, the wife getting a manlier man on the side is so fucking common because a woman instinctively craves to submit to a man. You can convince yourself this is manly all you want but it’s really gross and undignified. It’s going to damage you psychologically.

>> No.19840025

>thinks that being sub is going to damage you psychologically
>doesn't realise that psychological damage makes you sub
t. sub

>> No.19840056

Weirdos and perverts!

>> No.19840070
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>weirdos and perverts!

>> No.19840078
File: 240 KB, 1368x1688, merry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy both being forced to lick womens' feet and also forcing them to do degrading shit as well, what now bitch

>> No.19840159

>i'm not a woman but i for sure know what they like and what fetishes they have
Sure thing chief

>> No.19840426

best thread on lit now

>> No.19840511

story of the eye, george bataille

>> No.19840986

Venus in Furs by the guy named Masoch... (pretty obvious)

>> No.19840994

my diary desu

>> No.19841001

SCUM Manifesto

>> No.19841012

You're very correct. When I first started my relationship with my ex-girlfriend, my first, we would talk about this. It felt very strange on many counts (though I wouldn't realize many of them until later) and wasn't in any sense "domination," not even in that strange pornographized sense a lot of people want. It just fed into laziness that I had in all aspects of my life and that relationship. You could even say I was dominated her by, at some points, making her continue like this. It's very sad, and I think you have to admit the detachment this kind of "sexuality" gives.

>> No.19841142
File: 130 KB, 787x799, 1627642663855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femdom turns you into a faggot. The fetish is destroying you. Stop consuming femdom porn. Stop visiting dominatrixes. Look what it did to the Wachoswski brothers. Look what's going on with all the weird bi and sissy shit.

>> No.19841152

It's pretty redpilled on how it destroys the woman too.

>> No.19841366

He's right though. You're damaging yourself further by giving in to that shit.

>> No.19841400

Dude. Spend some time around women. Or read a book not written by some sort of freak. Women didn't come into existence yesterday.

>> No.19841436

>They want to be led and protected.
Yes modern suburbanites truly are protecting their women.

>If you ever find a girl who dominates you she will get bored and try to find another man to put her in her place.
Not if you force her to be a dom. Women leave abusers too, what's your point.

>manlier man
a 6 ft wagecuck cheating on his wife isn't a manly man.

>woman instinctively craves to submit to a man.
I like humiliating women, sometimes I like to humiliate myself. She can learn to live with it.

>can convince yourself this is manly all you want but it’s really gross and undignified
No I'll just do exactly what she wants me to do sexually to her, that is very manly.

>> No.19841442
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>I like humiliating women, sometimes I like to humiliate myself. She can learn to live with it.
>It’s not going to damage me psychologically.
You absolute clown.

>> No.19841721

Why are you pretending to be a woman on the internet

>> No.19841762
File: 33 KB, 375x369, 5252435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll learn to hate it. Right now you enjoy the rush of power but come time you'll despise your boyfriend for being so unmanly. That's how it always goes.

>> No.19841771

Have to recommend the classic, OP Was a Total Faggot Today by Y.R. Mom.