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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 640x853, A race of vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19832816 No.19832816 [Reply] [Original]

What category does this belong to?

>> No.19832818


>> No.19832820

speculative fiction

>> No.19832840

Funny kid's readings.

Any dad that hands this shit to his kids is as based a post-nazi... Who isn't btw

>> No.19832848 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 428x500, 271B9C17-C744-4543-A4A8-1DEB97BB306A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that even Jews themselves see themselves as rats.

>> No.19832850

Comics. So >>>/co/

>> No.19832861

They're mice.

>> No.19832892


>> No.19832898

Meh, close enough. Continuing the analogy, the Weimar period was Mice ruling over Lions, and the Nazis were simply re-establishing the natural order.

>> No.19832913

>the natural order
I mean, whoever's naturally on top, deserves to be on top at a given time. Only petty delusional losers act violently against the victors.

>> No.19832925

So are they only petty losers until they actually win? At that point they’re now on the top.

>> No.19832936

They're petty losers if they do petty loser stuff, like Hitler did.

>> No.19832947

You people believe he expelled 6 million Jews straight to hell, I dunno if that’s true, but if it is, seems like winning to me.

>> No.19832949

>Hey goyim... did you know.. HOLOCAUST BAD?
Whoa deep AND original.

>> No.19832975

No, it's a quintessentially petty loser tactic: impotent rage and excessive violence against a victor. It's like when you were a kid and you were playing soccer or whatever and your team was winning and you scored a goal and then a boy in the other team became angry and starting punching you out of frustration. That's what a petty loser is. In the case of Hitler, he went from petty loser, to official loser after losing the war.

>> No.19832988
File: 24 KB, 414x353, EF26F966-DDA8-4F43-A4CE-ADDD2B1D6A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No goyim! You can’t have a permanent end to our thousand year old feud! Killing me makes you a loser! You need to let my people come back to subvert your country in a couple generations!

>> No.19833007

It's funny that you say this because Hitler helped in the creation of Israel. His petty loser actions led to the creation of the world's HQs of subversion and foreign control.

>> No.19833034

You have a childish understanding of history, and politics kek. Are you referring to the Haavara Agreement? Or are you a retard who believes that Israel was made by tear struck goyim because the Holocaust just shocked them SO MUCH and they wanted to protect poor, innocent, Jews?

>> No.19833051

jewish propaganda

>> No.19833203
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"In the words of Roberta Smith, "drawings are a direct extension of an artist's signature and very nervous system." The humble act of making a line with sensitivity and grace is one of the defining acts of humanity; it's the first thing our ancestors did when they evolved from Neanderthals to modern Cromagnons. So what are we to conclude from the state of drawing today? Artists such as Art Spiegelman and Chris Ware seem to be the current darlings of the illustration community, but largely because of the content of their message. Let's face it-- their drawing is just plain lame." - David Apatoff


>> No.19833230


>> No.19833455

The trash.

>> No.19833468

I found it enjoyable to read, the art is pleasant to look at - and that's coming from a denier. Belongs in the fiction section btw

>> No.19833475

>Belongs in the fiction section btw
Why wouldn't it? It's a fictionalized account of a historical event.

>> No.19833658

>historical event

>> No.19833661


>> No.19833684

>petty loser tactic
unlike the moral and righteous tactics the canaanites use of course

>> No.19833696

I believe a certain midcentury event is not as clear cut as it would seem. Most casualties were due to disease and starvation at a time where a certain country could not even help its own citizens. Even if it did happen in the way it is said to, there is nothing that makes it specially significant. Far larger genocides have happened, hell, even in that war tens of millions of Europeans died.

>> No.19833710

Is a certain midcentury event an absolute truth that cannot be refuted, only denied?

>> No.19833716

>Far larger genocides have happened

Really, like what?

>> No.19833732
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>> No.19833775

Holodomor 6-8 mil
Genghis Khan's conquests 60 mil
Great leap forward 60 mil
World War I & World War II 40 mil + 80 mil
There's plenty of mass death to go around. Personally I am far more concern with the devastating and fratricidal world wars wherein brother slew brother.

Thanks for correcting my language.

>> No.19833804

Just because you don't care that millions of people were murdered for racist reasons, doesn't mean it didn't happen anon.

>> No.19833834

Like the armenian genocide and the barbaric slave trade of european by arab mudslim
And he is not racist it's the truth you trash

>> No.19833836


>> No.19833841
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Nice reading comprehension

>> No.19833858

What do you mean, you literally said "far largers genocides have happened" and literally 80% of the examples you gave are fucking wars, and the remainder doesn't reach the total tally of the Holocaust at all which is 11 million dead.

How about you just say what you want to say instead of pretending to be an intellectual? We both know you're just a bad faith faggot /pol/yp.

Also btw:

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19833873

Hes not just blindly copying that metaphor, like a whole part of that novel is the way the author plays with and criticizes the use of the cat/mouse metaphor.

>> No.19833880

>The Khan’s massacres of surrendered, defenseless, cities are just “wars”
Using that mentality, the Holocaust was “just a war” too, since a couple Jews in the ghettoes shot Germans when they came for them. See, it’s a war! There’s fighting on both sides!

>> No.19833903

The Khan's massacres also happened in Mongolia, China and the Middle-East 800 years ago, if anything could be done to rectify it, that time is long since passed.

Again, why be such a pseudo-intellectual? You're just engaging in bad faith, you don't give a shit about the Khan's massacres nor the Armenian deaths or the Jews, and just say it instead of acting like you care you fucking homo.

>> No.19833910

>you don't give a shit
No shit retard
When was that implied?

>> No.19833917

Such a fucking awesome comic. Antisemitism is cringe btw

>> No.19833927

>you don't give a shit about the Khan's massacres nor the Armenian deaths
>Or the Jews
Never happened, but if did I wouldn’t care. Especially looking at the bullshit kikes such as John Money push today.

>> No.19833940
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>> No.19833949

Young adult.

>> No.19833954

>>if anything could be done to rectify it, that time is long since passed.
>"it's invalid now goy"

You argue like a shitty lawyer who shoehorns in implications that didn't happen like >>19833910 already called you out for. How embarrassing though that we can easily catch you doing those things as those are written, not spoken words.

>> No.19833957

>you don't give a shit about the Khan's massacres nor the Armenian deaths or the Jews
Why should people not involved in those events who are not Historians care?

>> No.19833973


did it really happen? masturbatory machines?


human skin coverbooks?

>> No.19833977

>When was that implied?

It's implied when you have to downplay the Holocaust by pretending something worse happend somewhere else on the planet some time in the distant past.

Like, 2 wrongs don't make a right you fucking dumb nigger.

>> No.19833981


calm down, Avi

have you done the yearly mourning @ Auschwitz/Birkenau ?

>> No.19833984

So...are the Jews who died in the holocaust "losers"? This pseudo-Nietzschean outlook is dumb

>> No.19833999

The Holocaust if it’s real is not special. There are genocides that are more recent than the mystical Holocaust, so if time and not numbers is what matters, they’re more important. Maybe we should have kids read funny comics about the Hutu Chimpanzees slaughtering the Tutsi monkies.

>> No.19834000
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There's two ways out of this, either you admit you are making shit up, or picrel.

>> No.19834021

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834038

I give a shit more about what Genghis Khan did than what happened in the holocaust because I can empathize with the people Genghis killed but not with jews.

>> No.19834042

What a intelligent rebuttal, there’s a thousand and one things that I’ll never have that I would want before that. The only thing that will suffer due to the eventual extinction of the white race is humanity, our extinction barely effects my personal life as long as I avoid the shitholes.

>> No.19834045

And yours is on borrowed time, seeing as you've got about 400k african migrants in tel aviv alone and a rapidly growing muslim population and the majority of your people in israel are soon to be useless orthodox mouths who require a host to parasite off of. You did it to yourselves too, by swallowing your own multiculti propaganda.

>> No.19834049

Good post. Exactly the kind of brain-rot /pol/goloid response I was looking for, but your friends here have to play the bad faith game for an hour before they show their actual power level first because they are cowardly faggots.

>> No.19834057

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834069

You will never be loved

>> No.19834073

>You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834077 [DELETED] 

No, but I will make sure Palestine gets their ethnostate.

>> No.19834078

You will never be loved

>> No.19834086

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834088

You will never be loved

>> No.19834093

anon was trying to say that it not unlikely 6 million Jews were killed considering the tens of millions of gentiles killed at the same timey

>> No.19834097
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>> No.19834100

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834103

You can now act hard done by and embarrass yourself all you want in front of befuddled litposters. I genuinely hate your ilk for the way you act.

The fact you need to accuse them of being antisemitic (but are refusing to show it) makes it so much better. You *need* others to believe everyone who disagrees with your lunacy is an enemy. That's a symptom of BPD, by the way. You might want to get that checked out before engaging in more emotionally heavy topics, like whether jews can be wrong.

>> No.19834109

You will die alone

>> No.19834111
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>> No.19834121

>downplay the Holocaust
Not him, but it's completely beside the point to children and to normal people who work a 9 to 5, nothing about this is important enough to be salvaged because it's that mystic, it becomes obnoxious browbeating that has taken up the political tone of America's already garage educational system, not because it was special but because it's not worth losing your job saying otherwise, which I browbeating. Seriously, what part of this persecution is any more important compared to many others in history? if you think because it was 'modern' many other persecutions happened way after the Shoah, like the Rwanda Genocide in 1994. Nobody is 'downplaying' because it was already a small piece to the massive combatant casualties of the Second War.

>> No.19834131
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>> No.19834139

Let's continue the topic as was before Shylock got his histrionic entrée. He's trying to derail the thread and confuse the posters ITT.

>> No.19834143

>I genuinely hate your ilk for the way you act.

And yet you peruse this board constantly and just can't keep yourself to your fucking containment board.

Literally rent free you fucking loser.

>> No.19834147

Nobody cares about your gay meme genocide anymore

>> No.19834162

Let me guess, you believe in the holodomor

>> No.19834166

Yeah, you aren’t representative of this board retard. You’re the only one here in this thread shilling for the official holocaust narrative. Your ilk is better represented by reddit.

>> No.19834167

You care a lot you fucking fag. You care so much that it's literally the only thing you guys talk about all day and you constantly make bait threads about it everywhere on this site.

>> No.19834174 [DELETED] 

I hate disingenuous actors such as yourself.
Tbh you seem to me like a dumb jew, pragerU youtube comments are a better place for you.

>> No.19834177

PragerU is Nazi propaganda.

>> No.19834178

I dont care about that either, I dont need any reasons to think commies are dumb faggots beyond watching the ones we have now

>> No.19834185
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Another good book on the topic, OP.

>> No.19834188

>nooo you have to care about muh people being killed

>> No.19834191

It was probably with Genghis Khan's conquests that the Buddhist remnants of Central Asia were destroyed. And what's funny is that Genghis Khan's descendant cultures, like Turko-Mongol legacy, strengthened Islam like crazy.
I agree with you, but I hope you're not some dumb Mudslime who believes in Ummah. Technically speaking, your Ummah was strengthened by Genghis Khan.

>> No.19834197

You gonna tell me that I posted OP as bait too?

>> No.19834200

I'm not disingenious at all lol, stop projecting you fucking NatSoc faggot. I just know who my political enemies are, you clearly don't.

>> No.19834210

Holy shit it’s having a stroke.

>> No.19834211

Of course you did lol.

>> No.19834216

>Holy shit it’s having a stroke.

And you will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834221

There are several white ethno states existing today. As for the future, many things can happen. Hubris...

>> No.19834222

Looks like it has Tourette’s syndrome too.

>> No.19834226

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834229

Tourettes affects speech, not typing.

>> No.19834230

No, not a Muslim at all. I just weep the cultures the Mongols destroyed. They of course did good things too but their legacy on some underdeveloped parts in the world is undeniable.

Dude get some new material, I can see the veins popping from your receding kike hairline.

>> No.19834238

You’ve never heard of butthurt internet spammer Tourette’s syndrome than.

>> No.19834254
File: 46 KB, 333x500, 9781631440441-fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving him (you)'s, he's probably getting paid to do it and if there's one group that loves money more than dignity......

>> No.19834257

Who do you need to convince sweatie

>> No.19834259

You will never have a white ethnostate.

>> No.19834271
File: 29 KB, 754x503, file-20170505-21027-1wgh5ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's probably getting paid to do it

>> No.19834292

You mean someone would do it for free?

>> No.19834293

critic-core award bait with no real target demographic
the only people who will praise it are critics who think the masses need watered down propaganda, not understanding that maus only appeals to people who already hold the opinions it tries to teach and everyone else reading it has it assigned as a highschool book report by a teacher trying to reach these keeeeds

highschool kids in turn have their reception to the message decided by their disposition towards their teacher, the bootlicking teachers pets who soak up everything maus espouses were always going to become indoctrinated, all others will resent it (either because it's too shallow for them or simply because it was assigned as homework)

>> No.19834302

Well you post constant Nazi propaganda on this hellsite every day anon, and you do it for free.

>> No.19834308

Is telling the truth nazi propaganda? Damn cuh

>> No.19834317

>I just weep the cultures the Mongols destroyed.
Yeah, Bactrian Buddhism was pretty much destroyed. Some scholars argued Greco-Bactrian Buddhism was still present in some parts of Transoxiana before Mongolian invasions.
They did more damage than Arabic invasions.
I don't understand why a lot of /pol/tards revere the Mongols when it was thanks to them Islam developed a stranglehold on Central Asia / Khorasan.

>> No.19834319

If it’s so hellish, maybe you should go back to r e d d i t.

>> No.19834327

Balkh used to be a center of great learning but became backwards after Mongolian invasions:


>> No.19834335

No I think I'll rather stay and shit up your propaganda threads with the triggering words "You will never have a white ethnostate".

>> No.19834339

Also, I agree with not empathizing with Jews because they have a very wretched and backwards culture based on viewing all non-Jews as subhuman.

>> No.19834345

If you want to piss me off more you should spam “you will never have a robot gf” instead.

>> No.19834364

You have to take it on a case by case basis like with anyone else. There are jews who understand reciprocal goodwill. It's not like their entire race are dicks

>> No.19834388

After some hearty toiler ruminations I've coined this phenomena as the Maus Midwit Circlejerk Cycle

>Midwit creator makes tepid social commentary media
>Midwit critics praise it profusely
>Midwit highschool English teachers love it
>Midwit highschool students get assigned it
>Midwit students grow up
>Midwit students become Midwit artists, critics and highschool teachers
>cycle repeats
in a Nazi bizzaro world the midwits singing Maus' praise would be on the other side of the fence singing about the vision of the fuhrer

>> No.19834403
File: 111 KB, 500x640, 642D5C69-AF5E-4A13-937D-9EE1A7008004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a Nazi bizzaro world the midwits singing Maus' praise would be on the other side of the fence singing about the vision of the fuhrer
Not even that, it would be comparable to say they would sing the praises of the Poisonous Mushroom.

>> No.19834407 [DELETED] 

The thing is their tradition supports being dicks, and unless the Jew is against the very nature of his or her ethnic identity, then they are bad people. They are just a mix of Levantines or whatever, but they choose to view themselves as being imbued with holy blood.

>> No.19834427

Viewing your people as superior is not the end of the world, what matters is whether they are willing to treat gentiles poorly or not. I dont care if Jews think they're the best, almost everyone kind of thinks their ethnicity is the best deep down, it is natural mostly mostly harmless unless accompanied by actual contempt for other ethnicities

>> No.19834441

True, Persians and a lot of Indians also think they're the best but it's mostly inoffensive. Chinese and Jews just reflexively see everybody else as subhuman cattle.

>> No.19834458

>Persians and a lot of Indians also think they're the best but it's mostly inoffensive.
No, they don't, you liar.
>Chinese and Jews just reflexively see everybody else as subhuman cattle.
Post-CCP Chinese, yes, but not before then. They probably viewed themselves as more culturally advanced but not in a way where others are subhuman.
>Viewing your people as superior is not the end of the world, what matters is whether they are willing to treat gentiles poorly or not.
That's a valid point, but the Talmud and Kaballah do describe gentiles as subhumans and devoid of divine light.

>> No.19834723

I'm not lying. Indians are notorious online in a quaint and funny way for being extremely proud of Indian culture and claiming Indians invented things thousands of years before they are usually thought to have been invented. My partner is Persian, and trust me they are extremely proud people, but also some of the kindest and definitely the most hospitable you will meet. Often disdainful of Arabs.

>> No.19834752

>nazi germany didnt exist

>> No.19834774

>This pseudo-Nietzschean outlook is dumb
Tell that to the nazifags and "muh übermensch actually means a German man!"

>> No.19834816

That doesn't mean anything. Being proud =/= viewing others as subhuman, which is what I'm talking about. I'd rather learn about a person's values and conduct in life before passing judgments like that.
Also, modern-day Persians are retarded, and I don't understand the recent Western fascination with us. We don't have much to be proud in except for some impressive art-house film directors like Abbas Kiarostami, which I think Europeans ironically enjoyed more than the retarded Iranian masses. Europeans undeniably have a better culture until they decided to shoot themselves in the foot due to their fetishistic worship of victim narratives.
Modern Indians actually have more to be proud of because they at least preserved the impressive Vedic legacy whereas Iranians (both Western and Eastern) lost their Mazdan one like a bunch of cucks. Modern Iranians are indistinguishable from Arabs in mentality and culture.
I would have much preferred being a high-caste Indian or Yaghnobi living in the mountains than a fucking Iranian. I must have bad karma in life.
Iranian hospitality is fucking trash too. Real contemplative men act more reserved, not like fucking buffoons trying to entertain guests and wasting time with superficial sideshows.
Anything is better than being a Jew though, and I support the ethnic cleansing of them. Even Arabs can be negotiated with unlike Jews. However, knowing the deceptive nature of modern Iranians, I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually working with Jews in the background, which would be the final straw in me renouncing my ethnic identity.

>> No.19834828

Why did you reply to me?

>> No.19834831

It was by accident.

>> No.19834834

Are you the crazy Zoroastrianism guy? Are you actually Jorjani, since a shill thread about him was just posted? I can't keep up with the schizo posting olympics.

>> No.19834847

Jorjani is precisely the kind of Iranian I despise. He is a piece of shit, and he even plagiarized me.
And no, I'm not Zoroastrian anymore. I've gone back to Mahayana Buddhism after reading the Lotus Sutra, BDK 2nd edition.

>> No.19834903

>self hating Iranian racist buddhist
What did modernity mean by this

>> No.19834937

People who define themselves *solely* based on their ethnic identity are retarded. I'm not saying ethnic identity isn't important, but there will always be exceptional people who do not fall into trends, even if the probability may be low.
Black "people" and "Jews" are technically not human beings. The former is a kind of subspecies due to ~19% non-Homo sapien admixture whereas the latter is more like mediums of demons due to subversive channeling rituals done on a large-scale in their ethnic group.
Eastern Iran, called Khorasan, around areas of Balkh were heavily Buddhist. Gandhara and Kushan empire had many Iranian ethnic groups like Sogdians and some Persians, including influx of Greek and Indian influences and peoples.
The idea that Mahayana is only for East Asians is retarded, but I would agree many East Asians were enlightened like Huineng and Kusan Sunim.

>> No.19834981
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>> No.19834988

Were there Buddhists historically in Iran? Arent you guys hyper Islamic or is that a meme

>> No.19835026

jewish propaganda

>> No.19835029

>Were there Buddhists historically in Iran?
They were mostly located in the Central Asian parts of Greater Iran, also referred to as Khorasan, during various phases of history. There were few in Iran proper, which is just the Western half.
Eastern Iranians also tend to have a bit more steppe admixture if that matters to you.
>Arent you guys hyper Islamic or is that a meme
None of the statistics are reliable. There is a large trend of people believing in secular values though, but I consider secularism largely a failure. Islam also does not particularly speak to me.

>> No.19835045

AKA the truth. You Nazis like to call everything that doesn't conform to your genocidal worldview propaganda.

>> No.19835109

You will never have ovaries

>> No.19835111 [DELETED] 
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It's actually the jews that are genocidal.

Bolshevik revolution was carried out by jews
Armenian genocide was financed by jews
Trans atlantic slave trade was financed by jews and using jewish ships
Mao Zedong's china was supported by jews, they were the one that implanted his regime
Current day genocide in Palestina is carried out by jews

Cultural terrorism, financial slavery, political corruption, child, organ and drug trafficking, all financed by jews

According to their sacred books of jews (Torah & Talmud) the goyim (i.e non-jews) must be killed, raped (as young as 3yo), and are "beasts that the lord granted human form so as not to be displeasing to the jews".

Their whole worldview is based on hatred and feelings of undeserved superiority

I'd really like people to actually take a chance looking at the other side of the story before judging. You can check both versions, and in the end choose whatever feels right to you.

>> No.19835115

Graphic novel.

>> No.19835126

You sure seem to be fond of Ben Shapiro's style of arguing (gish gallop) for someone who hates Jews. What do you know, not even a single source for any of this.

>> No.19835128

>there is nothing that makes it specially significant
Yes there is. It proves the moral superiority of the defending forces even more than the simple fact they were stopping a megalomaniacal warmonger. It also shows the folly of antisemetism in allowing this warmonger to take power, and thus made countries drop this idea in connection to the war.

>> No.19835137

I'd start with the documentary
"The greatest story never told"

Or if you want a book, given that we are in a literature boarrd. "The myth of German villainy"

>> No.19835148

>1 jew for every 15 WASPs in the financial elite
>its all da joos fault guys I promise

>> No.19835150

>watch my Nazi propaganda

>> No.19835158

He asked for sources

Both works provide sources. As does "The history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind". This gives a clear picture of how moneylenders (jews) gained control and subjected the world to financial thralldom

>> No.19835167

>the myth of german villainy
Even if the holocaust never happened Germans were villains. Not even including attacking innocent middle and lower class Jews and small businesses run by Jews they were villains. They were warmongers who attacked Poland for no reason, made peace agreements with intent to break them, supported the Japanese empire who did the rape of nanking, and killed millions of people by bringing world war II to Europe

>> No.19835177

The issue with the Holocaust that makes it so different from other genocides is how organized it was. It had such a connection with the government at the time, without it would not have happened. It was orchestrated incredibly efficiently through an infrastructure built specifically for it. It also, while mainly targeting Jews, targeted many other individuals as well, specifically those deemed degenerate, or inferior.

>> No.19835181

No, it's propaganda because it only exists to instill an emotionally loaded set of stereotypes about a topic in public opinion so as to influence people and frame how they think about the topic.
Read Lippmann, Bernays, and Ellul if this concept is new to you.

>> No.19835188

when I was in like 5th grade I read it and enjoyed it, though the part with the mother was a bit odd

>> No.19835192

What really makes the Holocaust unique is that it was committed by an advanced country, with a very sophisticated culture. Even 10 years before WWII, the Weimar Republic was a cultural center for the world. And just like that, Germany became a country of savages. The Holocaust says something about humans as a species.

>> No.19835198
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World War 2 was started by the bankers because Germany had extricated itself from the international financial system in two ways 1)Germany used an international system of trade based on bartering, that cut out the money lenders, as it wasn't based on a currency)
2) Germany had a nationalised central bank (controlled 100% by the state) whose issuing of money was parallel to the amount of work done. When you worked, you were given a work certificate indicating you had worked X amount of hours.
Every Reichsmark (currency at the time) was not backed by gold but rather by the work of every German. A system which prevented inflation.

Churchill (financed by the ones who supported him politically, The Focus group) was a war monger. Both France and especially Britain assured Poland they'd go to war with Germany if Germans were to invade.

This is why Poles rejected all the treaties from Germany (i.e a railway through the polish corridor to conect east Prussia to the rest of Germany). The only ones who kept rejecting German offers were the Poles. Lithuanians took them, so did Czechkoslovak.

Germany invaded because of the Genocide of Ethnic Germans carried out by jewish bolsheviks in Poland. Around 50.000 Germans were killed in the most gruesome ways.

When WW2 finished, UK & France never bothered bringin up the issue of Poland sovereignity. Weren't they supposed to gurantee it? Why did they let stalin take it?

It's because they were both financed by jews.

Attrocities commited by the allies.
-Katylin forest
-Gorla school massacre
-Dresden genocide
-Torpedoing of German refugee sheeps
-Rape of at least 2.000.000 German women
-Partisan warfare
-Violation of international treaties (use of biological weapons i.e mustard gas)
-Terror bombing of civilians (English started it).

>> No.19835200

This is just a stock line. There was nothing disorganized about the mass starvations under Mao nor the holodomor.

>> No.19835203

>Even if the holocaust never happened Germans were villains
That's because Hitler was either changed by a body double or was a plant from the start. Jews play a lot with controlled opposition as Kaballah teaches. In fact, some of the biggest antisemites are Jews themselves and Freemasons, who are secretly philosemites.
This is because the number one goal of respected Jewish elders is to prevent the assimilation of their own people, so they support antisemitic movements.
They do 4D chess.

>> No.19835208
File: 23 KB, 389x516, gerbils2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835216

never happened, but it should have

>There's plenty of mass death to go around. Personally I am far more concern with the devastating and fratricidal world wars wherein brother slew brother.
germans/hitler shouldn't have been an autistic tranny lashing out at everyone

>> No.19835228

ask me how I know you are jewish

>> No.19835237
File: 294 KB, 828x545, C5F660D4-3996-42F5-AE39-917BFF2080B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao go on a diet

>> No.19835255

oh no
oh anon I'm so sorry
you're probably not a midwit but they got you young, unironically the reason it's fine to ban this book in schools. Independent of it explicitly being one dimensional propaganda the non-propaganda aspects are only appropriate for young adults, not children and I sure hope you weren't nudged towards being a furry by being given it that early but I'd bet that at least some of the gay furry nazis out there were (lol backfire)

>> No.19835259

It was orgnaized because at first they were just relocating them, so it had to have complex logistics to move and feed and house them all. The actual killing part was not really anything special

>> No.19835263

So you're implying Poles wanted to be invaded? They made a peace treaty with Germany that the Germans broke so if thats not warmongering I don't know what is. The attacks on Germans happened after the Germans invaded so while horrible did not play into the invasion.
Also the Polish did come back they just lost their territory to the Soviets because the Soviets backed the winning side

>> No.19835265

>believing these stats
Jews have so much power in various institutions, they can just make up whatever bullshit.

>> No.19835271
File: 71 KB, 646x580, EC5A2756-C559-47EE-88E7-523106B7964D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically all of history is Jews btfoing goys? P funny

>> No.19835282
File: 2.12 MB, 500x375, autistichitler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude the bankers forced hitler to invade everyone like an autistic tranny

>-Katylin forest
-Gorla school massacre
-Dresden genocide
-Torpedoing of German refugee sheeps
-Rape of at least 2.000.000 German women
-Partisan warfare
-Violation of international treaties (use of biological weapons i.e mustard gas)
-Terror bombing of civilians (English started it).

never happened but it should have

>> No.19835289
File: 561 KB, 980x1912, muhrapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh rapes
lmao no, was all willing

>> No.19835293
File: 190 KB, 750x1073, CAE80C36-A365-45F0-9217-E7A8B6452B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, sisters. This comic is transphobic

>> No.19835297

I mean in Europe and MENA at least it has been a kind of seesaw pattern of Jews gaining power and then being expelled from countries(sometimes killed). This has happened a truly ridiculous amount of times. I think the most recent occurence was in Egypt around the 70s but that was kind of tied up with anti colonial sentiment.

>> No.19835301

high IQ?

>> No.19835302

>So you're implying Poles wanted to be invaded?

Poles greatly understimated Germany's military. Consider that they were assured Britain and France would go to war for them and then it becomes clear why they rejected all the peace offers and treaties. They knew they could get away with anything.

Massacres of Germans started in 1925 or so. What you are talking about is bloody sunday, when the Poles were exasperated by the invasion so they started mass murdering Germans.

Britain & France assured Polish independence no matter what. This was the reason why they allegedly went to want. But they never talked about it to stalin.

Not to mention they subjected all of Eastern Europe to communist dominion; yet they accuse Germans of wanting to do the same.

Where's the sovereignty and freedom of Eastern Europeans? They started the "slavs are subhuman" propaganda so as to rally eastern Europeans against Germans.

Everyone hated Stalin and around 10.000 soldiers defected each day from the soviet army, even at risk of being shot

Hitler avoided war until the last minute

>> No.19835308
File: 173 KB, 1357x612, white expelled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites have been expelled from 200 countries

>> No.19835318
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x4032, 508E8B9E-0D7E-4C46-A51A-2E7E27A7DA7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a trans natsoc this comic mAde me cut myself

>> No.19835319
File: 2.04 MB, 2172x1710, belgians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical demoralization propaganda. Kikes are the most universally despised people in human history.

>> No.19835320
File: 54 KB, 640x627, 742bcbe3f54304afdd588b30fea2bacd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proofs these stats are a conspiracy?

>> No.19835326
File: 1.11 MB, 674x500, nazi propaganda film on christianity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler hated christianity because he was a tranny and the bible condemns such lifestyle

why he killed 50 million christians and not a single jew.

Pic related

>> No.19835327

I'm well aware of the crimes of whites anon, I think literally everyone is lol. It's a different pattern though obviously, military conquest and colonization are obviously a different dynamic

>> No.19835332

>Everyone hated Stalin and around 10.000 soldiers defected each day from the soviet army, even at risk of being shot
sauce? were 45 army plots against hitler, 0 against stalin

>> No.19835336
File: 173 KB, 828x578, A33549AD-FE41-4A58-A321-1948270ED248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s the Jews fault German women took the BSC
No it’s their husbands fault for being cowardly trannies

>> No.19835337

Difference is Europeans brought civilization as well as higher standars of life for the native population.
Yes, there were some attrocities, but this is by no means the majority of cases, and even those attrocities were frowned upon by the majority.
(Unlike with jews, were they promote the racist judeo-centric worldviews and support attrocities against non-jews)

If Europeans wanted to get rid of all non whites, they would have already done it.

Jews brought decadence, financial slavery (through interest), and oppression of the masses. Most of the times they were expelled or attacked because of their ritual sacrifice of chilren during jewish easter.

Why do you think they were expelled over 1080 times from 109 different countries? If you get expelled from 109 schools then at some point you have to think if you are the problem

>> No.19835344

>be based
>want to get bigger
>tell doc youre trans
>test for free

>> No.19835348

500,000 french (civilians) were expelled from algeria after they lost the war there.

the "jewish expulsions" list also has expulsions as a result of wars (i.e. babylon/rome)

it's the same

>> No.19835349

Also never forget the ones Europeans killed the most are other Europeans. (30 years war, WW1, WW2)

It is absolutely false, and jewish propaganda that whites wanted to genocide all non-Europeans

>> No.19835355
File: 150 KB, 729x288, literally pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay that we've been expelled from 200 countries because WE WUZ KANGZ
yeah I bet the jews rationalize they dindunuffin too

>> No.19835358

Its very hard to get rid of entire races because they tend to fight very hard when it comes to that
The only time I can think that happened is Spainiards with native americans, which was mainly smallpox anyway

>> No.19835359

gonna shift the goal post an inch so I don't have to refute all the barely qualifying examples on your list

despite making up only 0.19% of the 7.89 billion worldwide population Jews have been expelled from 109 countries

>> No.19835360

Only plot against Hitler was the 20 July, which was carried out by nobles (Stauffenberg) because their titles didn't grant them any priviledges in NS Germany. They wanted to grant Germany a "constitution" and form a corrupt "democratic" state (like the Weimar era) in which they could live off the people

The reason there were no attempts at Stalin were because of the purges. In the end he was poisoned and the USSR destalinised, so it prove my point.

>> No.19835362
File: 1.82 MB, 1515x5000, Jewishbolsheviks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bolshevik revolution was carried out by jews
pic related

>> No.19835366

The difference is that Europeans don't have a long-lived religious tradition teaching that all non-Europeans are subhuman.
Everything else is just common parlance of what other people have done through conquest and not uniquely European.
The only major issue with Westerners are the philosemite Freemasons who fetishize Jewish esoteric bullshit.

>> No.19835369
File: 838 KB, 741x1912, neckbeardtriggerslavetrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armenian genocide was financed by jews
>Trans atlantic slave trade was financed by jews and using jewish ships
pic related
>Mao Zedong's china was supported by jews, they were the one that implanted his regime
so the chinese were mindless animals that did whatever a single jew told them?
>Current day genocide in Palestina is carried out by jews
never happened but it should have

>Their whole worldview is based on hatred and feelings of undeserved superiority
your claim that they btfo everyone constantly makes that claim p deserved imo

>> No.19835376

Amerindians weren't even close to disappearing.
Keep in mind they killed each other, and they were far more ruthless than Spaniards
Many of them also allied with Spaniards against enemy tribes

Not everything is black or white

Again, if Europeans wanted to get rid of nonwhites they would have achieved it easily

>> No.19835379
File: 103 KB, 412x522, incel computer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite making up 8% of the world population, whites have been expelled from 200 countries

>> No.19835382
File: 216 KB, 828x1792, 8CEDCCCD-EBBC-41E1-BCB6-BE9F046F8A1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish transphobia is not funny

>> No.19835383

Lmao you are trusting jews to tell you that jews are not the perpetrators of a crime? how disingenuous are you?

>> No.19835386

European "Jews" are medieval Turks with no connection to ancient Israel.
>The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The "Rhineland hypothesis" depicts Eastern European Jews as a "population isolate" that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the "Khazarian hypothesis" suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco-Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo-Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazars' contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis

>> No.19835388
File: 498 KB, 828x1418, 443218E4-3ADA-41A6-AA84-A4D6B01896E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835390
File: 147 KB, 1201x423, polirl jewpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) which people in this rebuttal pic are "jews"
2.) proof they lied
3.) sources they're wrong

>> No.19835394

the ratio is 21:1, that is a massive difference
aren't you people meant to be good at maths?

>> No.19835396
File: 465 KB, 828x1614, A5ACC21C-DD2A-43AD-8C1E-4C337D6F59D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835398
File: 143 KB, 815x1024, nakbathanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad they took it by right of conquest

>> No.19835401

European colonization was not on the whole beneficial to most of its conquered colonies. In the Americas this was due in large part to the diseases so it's a bit morally complex but obviously the natives didn't end up in a good place they did they. I think we have to simply own this; we dont have to hate ourselves, evry race conquers others, but it's disrespectful to pretend like we made things better for the native Americans.

Africa is a mixed bag. Some places like Botswana came out ahead. Decolonization is what really fucked most of Africa. And then you have the Congo which started with atrocity, became actually pretty nice by the 50s, and then returned to hell again. Rhodesia and South Africa were imo not really morally wrong at all because they built that themselves in barely inhabited land and the natives mostly chose to move there. Apartheid is not unusual historically and was not some great evil.

India was helped in some ways but also looted. Hong Kong and Singapore were mostly fine. It is a complex subject which i have been crudely reductive about in this post but I'm just trying to say that, while there were good aspects, I dont think it's right to say it was positive on the whole for non-euros. Whether it was even positive for us remains to be seen tbqh.

>> No.19835403

More like a dicktator kek

>> No.19835404
File: 411 KB, 828x1442, 22A70601-7D31-45D1-97E2-71155BBCAB8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835405
File: 177 KB, 247x271, goofy white rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? this is your great defense? jews are evil and whites dindunuffin because it's 109 vs. 201 and there's some esoteric ratio differences? whites are still vile parasites that have been kicked out of 200 countries

america gonna be #201

>> No.19835407

70 million people? It was 6 million back in my days.

>> No.19835408

I wonder if the amount of discussion this book elicited on /lit/ evinces why it ought to be in school curricula.

>> No.19835414
File: 728 KB, 828x1436, BC990214-A579-47A3-92F4-394DD4CD200B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835416

nazis killed 70 million europeans and not a single jew. that's how OP jews are and how badly they dabbed on nazi trannies

>> No.19835418

I pointed that out myself in my post when I said it was tied up with decolonization(Egypt kicked out the euros too)?

If you think whites also having been expelled from places is news to me you are very wrong. It is dumb to pretend that jews have not been a particularly, unusually nomadic people though, so this is a more common feature of jewish history.

>> No.19835421
File: 522 KB, 828x1426, 5CF3A4BE-4636-4C33-9307-927A42B2D3A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835424

100,000 european settlers were kicked out of china between 1941 and 1949. One of many examples

cope parasite

>> No.19835425

Not him, but If that’s the case, that’s lot for such an “insignificant minority”

>> No.19835426

This dude is literally paid to do this, either that or he does it 24/7 for free. I've seen this same guy posting the same pics on /tv/, /pol/, and /lit/ for months. He always uses the same phrases. On /pol/ he mostly concern trolls, on /tv/ and /lit/ he just has thread long arguments about "cumskins" and posts BBC shit.

>> No.19835428
File: 669 KB, 828x1517, D0CB5878-BB26-4774-B7E6-342861B73D53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835430

if you're sticking to that metric Jews are 21 times worse than white people

you should be thankful I'm using the number of countries instead of the number of times, Jewish usury recidivism is nutty in Europe's history

>> No.19835431
File: 320 KB, 769x765, incel freakout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not argument tranny-incel-parasite

>> No.19835434



>> No.19835439
File: 661 KB, 818x1487, 4977CE91-C9F2-4F32-8252-77D8D6C6DDE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835441
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, whites are evil but so are jews. You win.

>> No.19835442

You're really not displaying the argumentative deftness of your people lol. Did you even read my post?

>> No.19835443

>that first /tv/ thread
Ew. I think that guy is the least of our concerns.

>> No.19835446
File: 552 KB, 828x1538, B53F522C-6C2B-457C-A9B4-36BD87282F42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835448
File: 337 KB, 1288x1288, incel janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares go cry to janny

>> No.19835449

I'm having fun poking holes in his arguments, he's not very good at his job (assuming he doesn't do it for free)

can you prove that Chinese and Russians are less evil than whites?
face it, we're the best hope you've got

>> No.19835452
File: 182 KB, 1781x1336, A2175784-D35C-4270-85F5-BA1B2E32F514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835454

>chinese kick out whites
>become high tech superpower
rly makes me think

>> No.19835455
File: 1.95 MB, 1611x1077, 1643239969104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835458
File: 86 KB, 404x683, AC2257C1-518A-475E-BBCA-A7F4C41513BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835461

your entire "argument" is "sure whites are evil but so are x". It's pathetic. Incels have admitted how much their side sucks.

Again, america will be 201 and you can't stop it

>> No.19835462

Is it the Ethiopians with the most connection to ancient Israel?
I know that one of the aryan brownies in that area are but can't be bothered to look up which

>> No.19835464
File: 327 KB, 2500x1640, 02018FC3-BF5E-4B65-8DB0-91120F1A7E95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835465
File: 111 KB, 640x360, chadjews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If jews are so bad then why do smelly goys wanna be jews so bad?


>> No.19835467

It is baffling that American jews even want the country to become nonwhite. Whites are the only race that is reluctant to be antisemitic. Antisemitism in France and England has skyrocketed with muslim immigration

>> No.19835468
File: 324 KB, 2500x1726, F3D8C89C-E9FF-41ED-95DF-DB5201CA6654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835469

not jewish, not american

find it funny how bad you creatures get btfo over and over

>> No.19835470

I'm glad we've both agreed that Jews are 21 times more evil than whites in any case
It's a shame that us whites have so much bad in our past but at least with this we can move forward knowing we don't need to be remotely as ashamed as Jewish guilt insists

Really the 21 times point being nailed down is just a great point for this thread, so much argument and strife can end now that you've agreed and tried to move on

>> No.19835475
File: 247 KB, 1215x1000, 92626EDD-E10A-459C-BDCA-3A459694126A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save the white race?

>> No.19835477
File: 30 KB, 640x446, 1597292690583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835478 [DELETED] 

expel the jews, duh
have you read a single post in this thread?

>> No.19835480

>Isaac Newton

>> No.19835481
File: 1.24 MB, 1928x2325, jew hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad we're in agreement that whites are evil

your entire "pride" is based around an admittance of how shitty you are LMAO

>> No.19835487

nobody posted that pic ITT

you got shitposters living in your head rent free

>> No.19835488
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, 44C7E7AF-E5F6-436F-9857-07074E597F04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19835495
File: 2.94 MB, 854x480, pol incel shooter door.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but you're weak and pathetic and can't do anything

for instance, hitler failed to kill a single jew whilst the jews reduced germany to rubble

then you have shit like pic related where one of you incels tried to shoot up a synagouge and got btfo by the front door while all the jews laughed at you inside

>> No.19835496
File: 123 KB, 1024x625, grayzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19835501

>another pic nobody posted ITT
holy shit you really are schizophrenic and seething over shitposters living in your head LMAO

>> No.19835505

You've been doing this for a long time. You also use a lot of different country IPs. Are you at least being paid, dude?

>> No.19835507

I dont think you even understand bow arguments work. If you spend your entire life defending Jews and calling them superior while not even being jewish that is honestly even sadder than just being an unremarkable jew who thinks hes thr master race

>> No.19835516

Sorry not gonna let someone 21 times more evil than me attempt to act as an authority, moral or otherwise

Being white is great, okay!
I love my Indian, Black, Asian and Hispanic friends and they're all great too.

Jewish opinions not welcome.

>> No.19835523

See >>19835282


Do you take breaks? There are nine fucking pages of this webm with the same filename

>> No.19835527
File: 473 KB, 1080x979, 1643514747623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsoc sisters...how could this happen?! I thought we were redpilling the normies?!

>> No.19835528

It could be a bot based on advanced deep learning algorithms. They have been making significant progress in recent times.

>> No.19835536
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 1624147378384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it goes back to september 2017
>this guy has been doing this
>in the exact same way as ITT
>with the same set of pictures
>for 5 years
who could be this autistic

>> No.19835546
File: 218 KB, 232x198, who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, who?

lol amazon bestsellers

>> No.19835551

I don't think so, it goes too far back and the responses are too specific and human despite being insane. There are a few consistencies across the posts, he is pro-Jewish and pro-Soviet but he also says nigger and other such things.

What form of mental illness is this? Anyone help me understand? Is this a paid shill or just a cracked person?

>> No.19835558

just a very cracked person

>Canadian flag

okay it's probably a chink, not a jew

>> No.19835571

(You)s are a legitimate addiction and the guy has found a surefire way to farm them. Why fix what isn't broken?

>> No.19835581

poor man, he's too far gone to learn the joy of free range original (you)'s at this point

despite the troubled reality of the board this is exactly the kind of unhealthy posting that /r9k/ was created to try and fix

>> No.19835603

It's a VPN. The org is based in Israel, but it seems like it contracts out to Singapore based on posts they've made. There is more than one person involved. It's just standard J*df stuff, most of the guys they hire probably arent that sharp. The main tactic on /tv/ is to just not even argue at all but spam images with mass replies to make the thread unusable. This is probably a better tactic than having these types try to argue.

I honestly find it amusing that they think they need to do this on blue board 4chan, as if the political balance hangs on what some anon says in a fucking off topic thread

>> No.19835619

What posts make you think it's Singaporean?

I wish /lit/ and 4chan overall had a better immune system against this kind of thing. This isn't the first time I've seen this happen. We're too vulnerable to psyops.

>> No.19835629

this post glows with surety, but it's a soft russian glow
warm chernobyl elephant foot glowies

>> No.19835641

And men.

>> No.19835666

One of the guys, a very passive aggressive type, repeatedly talks about not being jewish and says hes from Singapore
кpacивoe тeплoe cвeчeниe

>> No.19835692

Chink is a slur for Chinese, not Canadians.

>> No.19835705

Canada has been massively colonized by Chinese. It's a/pol/ convention like calling a French flag an Arab

>> No.19835859

It was fine for me, a short read in-between the books in the Peter and the Starcatcher series.
Part of the reason I picked it up then, is we had to read about Hana's Suitcase the same year.
>I sure hope you weren't nudged towards being a furry by being given it that early
lol never

>> No.19836118

>Rhodesia and South Africa were imo not really morally wrong at all because they built that themselves in barely inhabited land and the natives mostly chose to move there.
Are you on drugs?Where do get this info from?

>Apartheid is not unusual historically and was not some great evil.
Then why are white South Africans complaining about 'reverse Apartheid'?

>> No.19836242

>muh safe space is under threat!

>> No.19836786

Fiction. Jews are rodents though that's for sure.

>> No.19836802

>they lost the war there.
They didn't "lose" in the sense you imply here. It was just not worth holding on to the place anymore especially given its rather poor economic benefit to France.
They could have stayed if they wanted to, gunned down every nafri in sight, and made it a permanent French lebensraum.

Jews had no such choices. They either all die or leave.

>> No.19836834

>as if the political balance hangs on what some anon says in a fucking off topic thread
Small bits make a whole. They do this everywhere all the time. You can even see it in the comment sections of youtube videos about their parasite state.

>> No.19837213
