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/lit/ - Literature

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19834626 No.19834626 [Reply] [Original]

Just used a 150$ Amazon gift card to get some books from based bezos. What are all y’all’s thoughts and post you’re most recent bookhaul

>> No.19834636

You forgot Eggplant

>> No.19834641

>look i bought the (forced) meme books for the (forced) meme

holy shit... he really did it, the madman! put me in the screenshot!

>> No.19834642
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complete waste of money.

>> No.19834643
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Is that even on Amazon? I looked it up and couldn’t find it

>> No.19834667

I cannot read right side up can you please flip the picture upside down so I can see the titles

>> No.19834678
File: 146 KB, 640x640, 78EFFB43-CCAC-462D-9C61-1CC5B396CE2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are just crabs in a bucket. I think /lit/ should support it’s own when they attempt to have a voice in a ocean of normie tripe and garbage. If Ezra pound didn’t do likewise back in the 20s we would have gotten Joyce

>> No.19834693
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*wouldn't have gotten Joyce

Here you go

>> No.19834696

only two of those authors are /lit/izens, and their books are objectively shit. stop promoting mediocrity just because the authors browse the same meme website as you.

>> No.19834738

One of the authors is that poster, he always does this. They all come from a Discord server.

>> No.19834744

had to grind to find

>> No.19834746

Harassment architecture is decent at the very least. Would be considered run of the mil in the 90s but A breath of fresh air in the current sphere. I already own and genuinely enjoy BRONZE AGE MINDSET and I know BAP is a /lit/man. Call of the crocodile is half for the memes and half because I t like the guy and could use some fun genre fiction

>> No.19834759

faggot tourist

>> No.19834791



>> No.19834797

Thanks and based dubs. I will add it to my next haul

>> No.19834841

>pic is upside down
kys and saged

>> No.19834955

Ok can you turn it sideways now I’m laying down on my phone and I still can’t read it

>> No.19835096

Anon I...

>> No.19835175

Why are you like this?

>> No.19835209

Based haul; if only because it triggers the tranny marxshits.

>> No.19835370

Commies fear the Raw egg nationalist

>> No.19835474

You didn’t upload my picture sideways but that’s fine because I’m hanging from my ceiling beams upside down like a bat and I can finally read your op image

Tell us what book was your favorite

>> No.19835530

Based flexible anon. As to the books I’ve only listened to the audiobook of HA cover to cover. Raw egg nationalist is a cookbook with personality but not really /lit/. I’m a big Wallace bro and I liked oblivion a lot so I decided to go for his other short story collection and tackling the pale king finally after completing IJ I am a few chapters in call of the crocodile and there’s a tale to this city(yes I will make a thread about it for waldunfags) and I honestly have to say Gardner is the better writer. Also his covers are genuinely more unique and memorable(also way more cheap) then whatever pseudo hipster shit waldun and his buddies were going for with their book. Miss lonely hearts is fucking kino and I just wanted a physical copy of it+ day of teh locust so overall ranking of the books I’ve actually read

>miss lonelyhearts
>call of the kinodile
>there’s a tale to this city

>> No.19835562


>> No.19835597

I haven’t read miss lonely hearts but I will now because you are either a seemingly effort poster shill or you are just genuine. I think you are genuine. If you aren’t I don’t care I will make it work to my benefit. I’ll listen to the audiobook of HA too.

Outside of these books, what are you usually into; or is this how you are getting into reading

>> No.19835739
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x1535, A5F22668-1A52-4F99-9C41-F3102927C178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been a reader a since I was a kid. My first “big boy” book was Dostoyevsky’s notes from underground and then TBK but I really hit my stride when I read Lolita by uncle nabby. After reading his literary criticisms I felt he “truly” taught me how to read and how important it is to savor every sentence on the page. Since then I’ve been really into aesthetic, stylized prose artists. Also just good “detailed technical” writing in general. If you want a list to get more of an idea about me

Top 5 novels(in no particular order)
>pale fire(very comfy and Soulful read it every fall)
>IJ(something about Wallace’s voice and mood really clicks for me and it carries me through all his works)
>moby dick. Just pure biblical tier kino
>the brothers Karamazov(partly nostalgia partly because I relate to alyosha and partly because father Karamazov reminds me of my own grandfather)
>Swanns way. Just pure prose porn

>> No.19835900
File: 3.37 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220130_004950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this

>> No.19836720

There's a tale to this city, is not worth it.

>> No.19836873

There is a satisfying duality to your original post and this one. It’s refreshing. Also I can trust you because you picked the right flavor of doritos.