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19833006 No.19833006 [Reply] [Original]

Start-with-the-Greeksbros... it's over

>> No.19833014

I understand this guy wanting to be some sort of "med" rather than a basic arab or whatever it is people called him when he was 12, but to not only create this "med" identity, but to also aggressively exclude anyone who doesn't fit his new "med" definition from understanding anything about the Mediterranean (never mind that he's talking about things produced over 2000 years ago, with a thin connection to the mediterraneans of today). It's a bit silly.

>> No.19833015

This guy's brain turned soft since corona.

>> No.19833021
File: 107 KB, 1200x448, 1573068885903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic arab
how dare you

>> No.19833022

>you'll never understand a sea

>> No.19833036

>Plutarch (/ˈpluːtɑːrk/; Greek: Πλούταρχος, Ploútarchos; Koine Greek: [ˈplutarkʰos]; AD 46 – after AD 119)[1] was a Greek Middle Platonist philosopher,[2] historian, biographer, essayist, and priest at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. He is known primarily for his Parallel Lives, a series of biographies of illustrious Greeks and Romans, and Moralia, a collection of essays and speeches.[3] Upon becoming a Roman citizen, he was named Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus (Λούκιος Μέστριος Πλούταρχος).[a]
Plutarch was a Roman citizen.

>> No.19833049

>Arab larping as a greek

>> No.19833053
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>> No.19833065

If Taleb doesn't want me to call him an arab, I won't. But he's performing some real ethno-magic to turn himself into a cousin of the ancient greeks.

>> No.19833090

Kek, he thinks people want to read Classics at Oxford to understand the Mediterranean? No-one cares about your shitty countries, we care about their formative influence on OUR culture.

>> No.19833094

>he thinks people want to read Classics at Oxford to understand the Mediterranean? No-one cares about your shitty countries
>we care about their formative influence on OUR culture.

>> No.19833102

ethno-alchemy is a perfectly fine field of study

>> No.19833104

there it is. the most based thing I'll read all day.

>> No.19833107


>> No.19833110

sure, if you're the kind of people who believe there is such a thing as a "menstruating man"

>> No.19833137


>> No.19833167

Guess I'm just gonna have to stick to Hume and Locke then

>> No.19833170

this guy is a walking meme

>> No.19833180

Becoming a Roman citizen later in your life doesn't make Rome your national origin you absolute retard. He was born and raised in Greece. His national origin is Greek.

>> No.19833192

>Seneca is a Spaniard, even though he was born before Spain as a nation even existed
Why is this Arab so retarded, fellas?

>> No.19833193


This is cringe. An Arab from Lebanon wanting to be Greek-Italian so bad, and telling other Europeans they will never be "med", as if Southern Euros felt connected with the mediterranean Islamic world.

>> No.19833241

Anyone obsessed with self-labeling is an idiot.

>> No.19833249
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, 1643128213054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be pleb in the Roman Empire
>every V miles or so people speak a different language and what goes for Latin these days
>once you step over the borders of the empire everything is a tribal anarchy wasteland
>Romans sacked my shithole village years ago
>thank Jupiter
>now I have to pay tax sesterces to Cesar, but at least I don't live in the designated shitting street anymore
>fast forward two millenia
>twitter retards argue over my nationality
>glad I'm in Elysium

>> No.19833250

He wasn't of Iberian stock, though. His parents were Roman colonists.

>> No.19833258

I LIKE Taleb but he's getting more and more insufferable.
I want to slap his smug grin right off his face. He lives in New York City, he has no right acting like he's better than anyone else.

>> No.19833301

Tell that to the Arab, not to me.

>> No.19833307

>He lives in New York City
ew. cringe.

>> No.19833327

>never mind that he's talking about things produced over 2000 years ago, with a thin connection to the mediterraneans of toda
Maybe that's what he meant? In earnestness, I've never been to Greece and never want to go there; the best version of Greece existed 2000+ years ago. Now they're just a bunch of retarded broke wogs, they don't even study geometry anymore.

>> No.19833373

Exactly my point! Even worse, he's a hypocrite. He teaches at some college there for a salary.

>> No.19833483

>using words like gerrymandering incorrectly in order to appear intelligent
I’ve already disregarded his entire comment due to his incompetence

>> No.19833829

What is he trying to say? Google translate isn't working... and I can't understand Arabic

>> No.19833942

>arab thinks he’s med
lol lmao

>> No.19834025

Let's be honest it's the fault of Europeans that Arab Christians deluded themselves in the first place

>> No.19834079

I enjoy the Arab philosopher Nassim Taleb

>> No.19834907

Nobody should listen to Taleb, he's a victim of contemporary politics. A real retard.

>> No.19834921

How can I trust a man who doesn't know the difference between a semicolon and colon?

>> No.19834923

Next thing you know he's going to start wearing a tie.

>> No.19834928

This is why whites shouldn’t read blacks

>> No.19834960
File: 369 KB, 2182x1174, msaofandjasds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am NOT "med", like turkoid/frankish/"""jew""""larp barbarians that inhabit its shores. I am 100% pure semite and 50% of the world culturally appropriated my religion and culture

>> No.19834976

Based Arab

>> No.19835008

Ironically, Arab Christians were some of the most important people in developing Arab Nationalism.

>> No.19835024

>half the roman emperors were not even from rome
uhhhhhh okay

>> No.19835052

I don't hate "Arab" christians but I find it hard to respect them.
They didn't fight against Muslims like Greeks and Spaniards and Indians did. Copts were the majority in Egypt for 500 years. They were the majority in Northern Iraq until Tamerlane, and the majority in Lebanon as recently as a few decades ago, yet even European crusaders fought more against Muslims than them.
They are like weasels with little christological heresies.

>> No.19835090

You are a braindead idiot whose conception of history, culture, and religion is that of a video game and nonsense grand narratives. Arab christians did not "fight" against the Muslim conquerors because they were semitic peoples who saw the Arabs as more of a compatriot people and better option to live under in the premodern imperial model of governance. Romans were controlling, oppressive, and persecutory foreigners tax farming the lands of the levant and north africa and turning them into shitholes. Arabs turned the levant, Iraq, and Egypt into the seats and centers of continental empires, not provincial territories.
Muslim conquest into "european lands" is a completely different circumstance

>> No.19835101

hundreds of thousands of christian arabs fought and died, putting their life on the line to resist muslim tyranny. you're that same seething """persian""" mudslime aren't you? again: your "religion" is a war cult. you have been deceived by the great deceiver to do the work of the devil. everyone resisted you. everyone despises you.

>> No.19835104

and your the same /pol/fag. so what difference does it make.

>> No.19835113

hence Aramaic, Syriac, and Hebrew speakers almost immediately adopting Arabic as their language while other peoples like the Kurds and Persians retaining their own. It was the same people. The idea of these Arabs taking away the "roman east" is completely antithetical to the actual history. Besides Arabs existing in the region for centuries, the Arab conquests was a reversion of the trend that turned semitic peoples into the subjects of foreign dominators like the Romans, Greeks, and Persians that had went on for centuries

>> No.19835123

>hundreds of thousands of christian arabs fought and died, putting their life on the line to resist muslim tyranny
And hundreds of thousands fought alongside muslims. The make up of these kind of medieval/classical militaries is of zero relevance, especially on the roman side. They were conscripts of a professional army. They are not representative of 99% of the people on the ground. There was no "Christian resistance" there as a state resistance, and as soon as that state lost everything else disintegrated. You are simple minded clown thinking in these monolithic groups and vague generalities of big civilizational battles. Stop, and stay away from history. You inability to even address any of the points already says everything about what knowledge you hold
>you're that same seething """persian""" mudslime aren't you? again: your "religion" is a war cult. you have been deceived by the great deceiver to do the work of the devil. everyone resisted you. everyone despises you.
Dumb faggot, I'm this>>19834960 poster, I'm a Christian Palestinian. Now scamper off to whatever retard hole you crawled out of, the adults are talking.

>> No.19835131

waaah oh no i'm /pol/ because i pointed out that muslims committed, and continue to commit, genocide? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
you will all burn in hell

>> No.19835136

Keep going, I love jester entertainment. You are just acting like a retard right?

>> No.19835141

why are you so angry about genocide /pol/fag? i thought you guys liked it?

>> No.19835151

if you have to threaten to murder someone to get them to convert to your religion, it's a shite religion
you worship a false god and false prophet

>> No.19835159

>spend years writing about "intellectual yet idiots" and black swans
>suddenly become IYI and blind to the black swan when it happens

>> No.19835163

I think it's one of those situations where the obese boomer mixes up his personal risk profile with society generally.

>> No.19835165

are italian americans like myself honorary meds?

>> No.19835204 [DELETED] 

yes, brother

>> No.19835205

vicious takedown would like and sub

>> No.19835226
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, can we come with any theories as to why intelligent people such as Nassim Taleb (by "intelligent" I mean people who put out "intellectual" content, even if the material is midwit-tier at best like Taleb's books) get sucked into the Twitter/social media whirlpool?

I totally get having a Twitter account if you're a famous person who needs a platform to get your content across to your audience, but it seems like this guy does nothing but tweet his half-baked opinions and get into arguments with Twitter trolls.

I am also aware of this phenomenon from personal experience. A professor of mine would constantly go on during class about how he would dunk on "anti-vaxxers" on Facebook, and in my mind I was like, dude, you're a professor at a university who has several publications. What are you doing arguing with people on Facebook?

>> No.19835232 [DELETED] 

>but tweet his half-baked opinions and get into arguments with Twitter trolls.
Skin in the game, imbecile

>> No.19835261

/int/ tier thread

>> No.19835269

I'm a 146 iq, constantly reminded about how much farther ahead I am in all matters of knowledge compared to nearly every 4chin poster, yet still waste my time here arguing with retards.
It is a deep vice that transcends "intelligence", addiction like any other.
Also, calling Taleb a midwit just because he likes to write in a more approachable format is not the best way of evaluating him

>> No.19835270

Not having real outlets for frustration, anger, etc. These people need to workout, paint, meditate or whatever more. Or at the very least get into bar fights instead of flame wars.

>> No.19835272

This will go down in history as one of the chief mental diseases of the "long boomer generation," and its domination over politics and society. Every fucking two-bit celebrity, politician, public figure, third rate diploma mill PhD holder, "influencer," and office HR lady on earth is on twitter edging themselves to the dopamine drip of getting into it with other boomers. The worst are the faded celebrities, it's literally people who were on TV shows in the 90s begging, pathetically begging for attention.

You ever seen someone you know in real life trying to get twitter famous? They obsessively curate their awful tweets, they pin shit as soon as it gets a few hundred likes, they start embarrassingly saying "I have to tweet this!!" or "My followers will love this!!" about their own half-formed jokes. 90% of their followers are mutual follows from other degenerates like them trying to get e-famous, it's like a mutual agreement to enable each other's fake-it-til-you-make-it self-delusion.

Zoomer social media addiction is just as bad but not the same as this. Zoomers can't live without it, but at least they are creatures born and raised on social media so it kind of suits them in a sad way. I can't get over how pathetic it is to see some boomer with a single successful blog article or media appearance in 2019 still begging to be recognized as internet famous.

>> No.19835273

sure. no one is smart enough to be smart at everything. but in todays always on, no limits, no reason world, they either perform in every corner or theyre out. so they retweet whatever popular smart-sounding stuff is. eventually it leads to leftism. whereas on 4chan no one here has a name to namefag and the inevitable evolution is to go far right. leftism = looks. rightism = substance.

>> No.19835280
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>> No.19835288

Jesus Christ how embarrassing of a post. I hope for your sake you are under 18

>> No.19835295

your vagina is not real

>> No.19835299

You're a literal tard. The word "farther" refers to physical distance, whereas "further," the word you meant to use, refers to degree, time, or space.

I won't bother to argue with someone who can't even use simple words correctly.

>> No.19835300
File: 382 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my sweet summer newfaggot....

>> No.19835307

Please keep going and keep exposing yourself you pathetic retarded newtrash. I almost pity you

>> No.19835325

>The word "farther" refers to physical distance, whereas "further," the word you meant to use, refers to degree, time, or space
Wrong. There is no "rule" conducting this designation beyond hearsay english teacher etiquette meant for the 5 paragraph structure writing mediocre masses. I left that shit in because I know I can get seething tards to start foaming at the mouth.
My addiction holds me in prison.

>> No.19835328

Tranny ESL outsider, stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.19835331

You came here in 2018, your iq is under 115, you do not read, spend most of your day online, and most likely under the age of 23

>> No.19835334


>> No.19835340

you will never be a woman
hormones cannot change bone structure
race does determine IQ
sodomy is disgusting

>> No.19835341


>5 paragraph structure writing mediocre masses

Looks like you also need to learn what hyphens are. What were your school grades like, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.19835352
File: 51 KB, 1318x176, zcnjkasckas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is almost amazing how little self awareness these gremlins have

>> No.19835357

islam worships satan in the black cube
muhammad was deceived by satan. TWICE
islam is a war cult
muslims are rapists and bandits
you will always be inbred
you will never be iranian (aryan)
your home is in the desert, because no one else wanted that land
your "converts" wear kustis under their clothing and burkas

>> No.19835392
File: 549 KB, 1337x1105, IMG_20220108_204257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunch on strangers on an image board dedicated to the discussion of satanic communist cartoons fighting over an arab larping on twitter as an italian, greek or god knows what
We are reaching /int/ levels of retardation.

>> No.19835400

is this you?
>seethes because zoroastrianism and guenon threads were notoriously popular and are now inseparable from the /lit/ identity
>seethes because bible threads go to 300 every day
>seethes because no one wants to read the insane my diary of a camel fucker

i literally don't care, i'll have christianity, zoroastrianism, buddhism, gnosticism, taoism, hellenicism, anything except pisslam.

>> No.19835413

My grandma's family came from Sicily do I count as a medchad?

I'm an Amerimutt but the ethnicities I most closely identify with are Sicily and the Netherlands.

>> No.19835506

That's what fear (manufactured of course) does to you. He's no different than the atheist who ask gods or God to save him from harm or death.

>> No.19835509

you're more mediterranean than taleb is

>> No.19835542

>the ethnicities I most closely identify with
This is a more quintessentially Mutt phrase than any other except, perhaps, BLACK LIFE MATTER.

>> No.19835577

Do you people not have even smalledt sense of gratitude abd respect for Greece? Is that why you lot end up kanging for your history yourself as turns out you lack any? Even Arabs were grateful for Geeek philosophy now and then.

>> No.19835609

Same could be said for Christianity

>> No.19835610

>your "religion" is a war cult.
Based. How do I convert to Islam?

>> No.19835648

Same could be said for Judaism

>> No.19835673

? What wars have heebs waged to convert the others since the last 2000 years?

>> No.19835677

oy vey i don't know... where are we now? be covert vey

>> No.19835770

Nobody fucking cares faggot. I swear to god the Shitalian diaspora is loudest on 4chan. Anything that's vaguely connected to Italy and you always get several fuckers going "OMG guys I'm liek part Italian! Isn't that cool!"

Just shut the fuck up you dumb guido.

>> No.19835779

This seems like a disproportionate response. It is a long running joke that Americans say things like "I'm Irish" while being 5th generation emigrants. But he seems perfectly aware of this. What's wrong with being aware of his heritage?

>> No.19835786
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>What's wrong with being aware of his heritage?
Mutts don't have a "heritage"

>> No.19835822

>or whatever it is people called him when he was 12
LMAO, I'm gonna add that one to my list of subtle insults.

>> No.19835855

erm actually the lingua franca of the roman empire was koine greek

>> No.19835873

Absolutely murdered that low IQ infantile poltard.

>> No.19836013

When I, a European, hear that white is just a social construct and doesn't exist, I believe it. For we are people of different nations and a Frenchman and A German are as apples and oranges. However, when I read a mutt post like this it is hard to believe this idea that white is a social construct came from the one place in the world it isn't a construct. Dutch and Sicilians are so alien to one another, how can you identify as both?
America is truly the great Satan.

>> No.19836029

I spat out laughing

>> No.19836163

What a pretentious twat

>> No.19836228

Based and correct. You should only read books written by people of your own race.

>> No.19836237 [DELETED] 

imbecile. i block idiots.

>> No.19836253

Self hating agnostic MENA subhuman.

>> No.19836300

enjoy beheadings/kike bombardment

>> No.19836339
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Inshallah, a good death

>> No.19836350

lol nonmeds. I like having northernmen as friends to amuse me in their silly ways, oh and the bountiful white breasts of the northernwomen will surely sully our lines. I chortle

>> No.19836849

Considering Europe is on its way to have similar demographics as America, white is soon going to be a real identity here too. Also, dont forget the world doesnt see French and Grrman and Hugarian, they simply see the White Man.

>> No.19836895

Conversion of the edomites under Judah Maccabee

>I let the others argue for a moment while I brooded over my resentment; then, unable to contain myself any longer, I spoke up: "Mr. Wiesel, you're wrong; the fact that a group of people has suffered appalling persecution does not mean it is inherently good and innocent. All that the persecution proves is that this group was in a position of weakness. If the Jews were in a position of strength, who knows if they wouldn't become persecutors?"

>To which Wiesel replied, very angrily: "Give me one example of the Jews persecuting anyone!"

>Naturally, I was expecting this. "At the time of the Maccabees, in the second century BCE, John Hyrcanus of Judea conquered Edom and gave the Edomites the choice of conversion to Judaism, or death. Not being idiots, the Edomites converted, but afterwards they were still treated as inferiors because even though they had become Jews, they were still originally Edomites".

>Wiesel, even more upset, said: "There is no other example."

>"There is no other period in history where Jews have exercised power", I replied. "The only time they had it, they behaved just like the others."

>That put an end to the discussion. I would add however that the audience was entirely on the side of Elie Wiesel.


>> No.19836910



>> No.19837003

Last two thousand years, i said. Everyone knows of their early violent retardation. I know that they later wanted their religion to be a seekrit club but then the extreme interfaith-marriages, atheism since recently disputes this.

>> No.19837076

Isnt that site fake, gay and cringe?

>> No.19837163

They're unironically less swarthy than shitalians, trust me I've been to both countries.

>> No.19837205

Stop posting twitter feed screenshot shit on this website JFC., it's insanely fucking cringe. That sandnigger was trolling and you got triggered like the butthurt little bitch that you are.

Doesn't mean you had to start a faggot ass loser thread about it. You normie scum disgust me.

>> No.19837211

I want to genocide Arabs/Muslims

>> No.19837272

It's gonna happen /pol/tranny... Day of the rope coming don't worry... Just two more weeks...

>> No.19837297

based Tunisian economic refugee

>> No.19837346

You already posted the answer in your picture. It's literally an addiction (closer to gambling addiction than substance abuse but all the same to dopamine receptors). People think "oh but I'm too smart and strong willed to fall prey to [gambling|nicotine|alcohol|meth] addiction, so it's okay for me to do X recreationally". If you look at Taleb's early tweets it was something he'd do to kill time, doing math puzzles and the like while waiting at airports (this was the first mistake, he should have been reading and writing). Then the math puzzle poster died and he started interacting more with "other twitter intellectuals" (ie, associating with other addicts) and now that's all he does and his latest book was shit because he didn't edit it property nor pay for an editor to do the work for him.

I'll skip to the end of this train of logic: phones are mind poison. They are literally brainwashing devices (via algorithmic propaganda and targeted advertising) and spy devices (location tracking, recording everything you do/write/say, etc). If you want to be mentally free, you must get rid of it. Just like an alcoholic is incapable of drinking responsibly, a thinker cannot think responsibly when they own/use a "smart"phone.

>> No.19837629

His fat ass denies obesity plays a role in covid fatality kek

>> No.19837670

>never understand the Mediterranean
The heck is that supposed to mean? The people who live there? Just because Taleb is too pompous and stupid to relate to others does not mean everyone is as thick as him.

>> No.19837678

okay, now do that but for all the non-whites in Engerland
Taleb will be the first to cry, "DAS RAYCISSS!"

>> No.19837691

You’re assuming that Taleb has self awareness and has enough intellectual humility to see when he is wrong or misguided.

>> No.19837705


>> No.19837711

squid pasta is actually good

>> No.19837712

Get lost, Taleb. Go back to Twitter.

>> No.19837841

Taleb imagines and projects various values on the people of the Med based on his particular homeland of Lebanon and literature that was lost and recovered thanks to Arabs, whom he despises for some reason. He lives in NYC, teaches at a college there, writes a book roughly every five years, and is largely famous for publishing a book titled "The Black Swan" right before the 2008 market crash. Prior to that he was a slightly better than average options trader who managed not to go bust and thinks therefore that he's a genius instead of lucky. He feels a lot of subconscious guilt about all this which is why he claims that his homeland/childhood "the Med" is all that is good in life while continuing to live in NYC because his homeland, Lebanon, is a war-ravaged shithole and he's clearly not Greek or Italian so there's nowhere for him to feel at home and comfortable in the entire world except NYC, which is the antithesis of his ideal.

>> No.19837866

That does seem surprisingly plausible. Have a (you) as a thanks.

>> No.19837890
File: 573 KB, 1536x1024, allthingsmustpass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more egofeeding
just meditate bros

>> No.19837928

Covid is not a black swan. He already explained why

>> No.19838052

Being this invested in your ethnic history can't be healthy.
Thank fuck that I already feel smugly superior to other people so I don't have to do this.

>> No.19838079

>Being this invested in your ethnic history can't be healthy.
It's not bad if you actually live surrounded by your history (eg, if your family goes back to the Mayflower and has lived in that area for hundreds of years, or you're French living in France or something). It's only not healthy if you're already divorced from your heritage (immigrants to America) and you can't let it go and remake yourself like an ubermensch.

>> No.19838082

>arabic mutt
>thinks he understands the Greco-Roman mindset
the British unironically have a better understanding of the Classical Greco-Roman mindset than this demonspawn of oriental fatalism. You're not med, Taleb, you're Arabian; that's simply how the population gradient of the conquered Caliphal lands ended up.

>> No.19838134

ma'shallah brotha

>> No.19838142

So? Med is not about skin paleness.

>> No.19838145

cope paleskin, med sun browns a man

>> No.19838154

coof is a planned demolition

>> No.19838159

you're planned retardation manifest, so theres that too

>> No.19838195

take another booster

>> No.19838200

take another meme npc

>> No.19838255

up yrs chap, point is, if you're not English, you'll never understand Shakespeare and the great critic of S. Johnson, you can spend 31 y in Harvard reading Shakes all that sh*t & still know nothing, Wordsworth, Milton, Donne all that sh*t & still understand nothing about the English. Gerra pint down ya son, simmer down.

>> No.19838337

learn english

>> No.19838462
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>> No.19838731

In the east, Rome itself and Southern Italy yes, but everyone not of Equites and up learned latin as that was the language most commonly encountered in Roman Europe and Libya
>What is Romanitas?
Yeah either Romano-Iberian or random Dacians and Persian Sun cultists

>> No.19838746


>> No.19839069

Kek, never gets old.

>> No.19839077

that's what I'm saying, retard.