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19830915 No.19830915 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Authors that inspired you to write

I know i'm going to get shit on this one, but GRRM was a springboard of creativity for getting me to write my fantasy novel.

His prose is nothing to write home about and his descriptions can be a bit bland (Nothing of a Gene Wolfe calibre), but he knows how to incorporate foreshadowing and make lines that seem to be of little consequence when they're actually hugely significant as the series progresses.

>> No.19831078
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Melville got me to appreciate rhythm in prose and poetry way more than I had before. He’s almost got a second nature with rhythm so I’m scared I can’t pull it off. Also, his use of non-fiction and analytical musings peppered throughout fiction is really interesting and I hope to emulate it.

>> No.19831107
File: 155 KB, 1000x667, Nietzsche_komponiert_Teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe, I know, but it's true. I read Thus spoke Zarathustra and decided I had to write. Horrible decision btw.

>> No.19832384

Martin's foreshadowing is insane. I don't think anyone else in the fantasy genre matches it.

>> No.19832600

examples of his foreshadowings?

>> No.19832624
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someone called dibs on Nietzsche, so I'd say Spengler

>> No.19832631
File: 167 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit wrong pic

>> No.19832667

As a kid - Brian Jacques, KA Applegate and Gary Paulsen

Brian Jacques originally wrote his books for blind kids, which is why they have the gorgeous, long and intricate descriptions of everything, down to the food at feasts. It was a treat

Gary Paulsen got me into wilderness survival and just appreciation for nature and the outdoors in general. The fact that his life as a kid was so fucked up and that he used nature to cope is even more inspiring

KA Applegate (two authors) inspired me a lot in the science fiction realm - and that even though you are writing books for 'children' you don't need to talk down to them about adult topics and things that may 'go over their heads'.

Still haven't written anything substantial but I think about it daily when i'm not studying

>> No.19832690

Well this one maybe controversial but in book 2 when shireen is introduced she says she dreamed of dragons coming to eat her. And we know shireen is going to be sacrificed though it hasn't happened. This heavily hints her being sacrificed to resurrect jon who is a targaryen.

>> No.19832733

Notice how in the show they don’t kill anyone to resurrect Jon, when it’s been stated over and over again up until that point that magic requires sacrifice. Beric and Stoneheart have their humanity sacrificed at least, but in the show Jon loses nothing, he doesn’t even become a cold zombie since he still has bitches lusting after his dick. I doubt Martin would go that route, and the sacrifice m of Shireen makes sense In order to preserve Jon’s humanity for narrative reasons.

>> No.19832762

Shireen is really the only candidate. Because that's not the only foreshadowing. In the books Melissandre sees visions of waking dragons from stone. Shireen has that stone disease and again Jon is a Targaryen. I don't see Jon coming back any other way if martin ever puts out the book.

>> No.19832833

what is so brilliant about this? Sounds like bog standard foreshadowing

>> No.19832909

Okay show me examples of foreshadowing like this in other fantasy. I would love to read it. And reminder quantity matters too. This isn't the only example in asoiaf. It's easy to one have one piece of foreshadowing for one main plotline.

>> No.19832946

>Okay show me examples of foreshadowing like this in other fantasy.
of a character having a prophetic dream? are you joking?

>> No.19832963

No there are dozens cases of that in asoiaf alone and in other fantasy too of course. No I chose gave it as an example because of it's subtlety. You would get it if you actually had read the books.

>> No.19832969

>lines that seem to be of little consequence (...) actually hugely significant
Such as?

>> No.19833054

Arthur Conan Doyle
Robert Louis Stevenson
Alexandre Dumas

>> No.19833519

Nabokov and Gene Wolfe taught me that I’m a complete pseud and nothin I create will ever measure against them and their tomes.

>> No.19834554
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I've only read moby dick and I can definitely see why so many people consider it one of the greatest works ever made. Is his other stuff as good?

>> No.19836252
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Anton Chekhov because he was not a writer but near the end of his life wrote great works.

Gore Vidal because I want to write essays so that my bitching about how horrid things are right now can be memorialized

>> No.19836348

>Robert Strong was foreshadowed in a Bran's dream since book 1
>Young Griff double foreshadow(Mummer's Dragon and the tale of the rusty dragon insigna)
>Multiple sublte hints about Cersei doing something scary with wildfire ("her eyes were like wildfire")
>Red Wedding foreshadow (Dany vision of a wolfhead king in a room of blood)

>> No.19836634

Look at danys visions. I mean even those are themselves forshadowed by targaryen with the same name having them at the time of fall of valyria