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19830041 No.19830041 [Reply] [Original]

> realised norse literature is shit after studying it thoroughly
> has become clearly depressed
> has continuous doubts about his choice of profession
> but keeps up the facade for his Viking fans and to keep food on the table

>> No.19830048

Yeah I noticed this years ago lmao. A PhD and hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to specialize in the scribblings of bog barbarians.

>> No.19830052

Yeah that's the feeling I get from watching him

>> No.19830057

He mentioned in one video the struggle of not being taken seriously by people when he tells them what he does for a living. Sad

>> No.19830080

I thought Americans loved Vikings. Is viking studies not considered a cool profession in America?

>> No.19830107

Vikings are considered cool but basing your whole life around them, I don't think so

>> No.19830190

That's like being a professor of cowboys.

>> No.19830208

>I thought Americans loved Vikings.
Americans hate higher education more than anything else. It's just easier to dunk on this guy because he's clearly taking things too far.

>> No.19830238

that sounds dope

>> No.19830259

Maybe it's just teaching norse studies which is depressing?
How are people teaching similar courses doing?

>> No.19830608

whos this guy

>> No.19830616

literally who (i want to see him suffer for his misbelief)

>> No.19830618

This would be cool because america is cowboy country. But why would an american study vikings? Its only cool when people from the finland etc do it.

>> No.19830624

That's probably the most depressing thing I've read in a while

>> No.19830629

He had a severe head injury as a teenager and can't have a real job because of it

One of his videos he talks about it, he tried ro be a tough guy and got his ass handed to him for it. He is basically disabled.

Luckily he seems to be wealthy enough to have a silly hobby as a job.

>> No.19830630

>posted from his phone

>> No.19830703

Finland is not norse though

>> No.19830716

That sounds kino. Post a link.

>> No.19830778

I just don't see the need for it and think most education should be replaced with inquiry-based learning. I think things like diplomas are really just the equivalent of "good boy" points for dogs or subservient husbands.

>> No.19830916

He's still making videos? How much material is there really to go on? I last watched him probably 3 years ago and it felt as if he'd coveree everything there is.

>> No.19830922

Jackson Crawford

>> No.19830929

Meanwhile I want to read some of it, because my country lacks things like runic myths. Wish we had that too...

>> No.19831028

Finland is Norse but not Scandinavian.

>> No.19831058

Something that I don't see many people talk about is that the popular interest in Vikings and all things Scandinavian is largely a fad. Sure, many people today think that Vikings are epic and mystifying, but will this interest hold in five years? Ten years? Twenty? The fascination will fade from the eyes of those enthralled and something else will enter the limelight.

>> No.19831069

>specialize in the scribblings of bog barbarians.

>> No.19831085

I don't think vikings will ever go away. They've been a compelling subject since the 19th century; their popularity just comes and goes. As with anything else. It's not new, at any rate. Though speaking as a swede, they never experience any particular surges anymore; they're just always there in the background. Though we view them less as the archetypal "viking" than as the ancient norse; the "viking" is a bit narrow.

>> No.19831087

This guy got beaten almost to death in high school and it left him with some weird form of diabetes where he's permanently thirsty and has to piss all the time or something

>> No.19831089

I watch his videos sometimes. They are pretty cool.
I think he suffers because most people can't appreciate higher education and the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake. I am studying computer engineering, and it is really tiring talking to people about what I do.
Their first reponse is always
>whoa could you, like, hack an instagram account
>that's a good career, lots of good jobs
when I actually want to go into academia.
I can only imagine peoples' attitude when they learn he makes a living reading old poems.

>> No.19831094

He doesn't exactly live in some centre of culture and learning. As compelling as the cowboy-professor of norse studies is as a 'character', he's still living in cowboy country and learning has never been of much value there.

>> No.19831115
File: 81 KB, 828x821, Biblia Sacra Vulgata Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is only a testament that pagan cultures are inherently inferior to everything Christianity brought them. There is a reason why savages willingly converted, contrary to Islam that spread by the sword or mob tactics.

>> No.19831119

I dont know, all those snowy euro countries are the same.

>> No.19831152

That one fits better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZVcSPcr2M0

>> No.19831158

they don't speak a Norse language

>> No.19831221
File: 1020 KB, 2410x2644, b8998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is true that we don't speak a Norse language but the Norse cultures and Finnish tribes had interacted with each other a long time which for example resulted in similarities in mythology and Gods. Finns also participated in Viking raids, conducted raids themselves and acted as mercenaries. There has been found about 400 Viking era swords of which 31 are Ulfberht swords.

>> No.19831241

The word you are thinking of is "nordic", norse is a language.

>> No.19831250

>He had a severe head injury as a teenager and can't have a real job because of it
What? I've never hear about it. What kind of damage to the head could preclude him from getting a real job yet still allow him to master few Scandinavian language including an ancient Scandinavian one?

>> No.19831252

I agree but computer engineering isn't higher education, it is bug-man indoctrination.

>> No.19831260

Norse is a language but it is also a demonym for Norsemen.

>> No.19831261

Well hes obviously a rich person(family clearly has large amount of land and his clothes arent from fuckin walmart)

Rich people have fucktons of fake problems, many of them mysterious, and rich people are also geeat at having pity parties

His head injury caused a crazy vitamin or hormone problem and made him have to piss every 5 minutes for the reat of his life or something and that had a big effect on him psychologically

As well he probably had chronic acute pain and other head injury related issues

>> No.19831272

>a misunderstood child of wealthy parents acquires a debilitating illness which renders him unable to perform well in any stable job thus compelling him to turn to literature and living off of his parents' box
Based and every-single-19th-century-writerpilled

>> No.19831274


>> No.19831279

It is kind of a recurring theme isnt it

Now you know all your idols were just special snowflakes

>> No.19831280

I just watched a selection of his videos from his whole career. I now disagree. He has always been like that. His interest in the subject has not faltered, in fact he published a new book last year. My honest autistic opinion is that he's developed some kind of personal problem or tragedy within the last four or five months which keeps him from peak efficiency.

>> No.19831290

Yeah history has naturally progressed to this point, pagan savages willingly converted to the superior religion of Christianity, and savage Christians have now willingly abandoned Christianity for the much more logical belief in evolution.

>> No.19831292

>it is bug-man indoctrination
Is this the thinking gravel meme again?

>> No.19831317

Finland is the one Nordic country that didn't have vikings.

>> No.19831324


>> No.19831335

Yeah, I scrolled down after writing that and realized my mistake. Pretty neat. Wends did it too I believe. Ultimately what motivated the Christianized Danes to go on camapaigns in the Baltic.

>> No.19831339

Who cares? He’s a rich cowboy.

>> No.19831340

Yeah wow estonianworld, great non-biased source. Next I’ll get my medisinsk knowledge from OdinsWisdom.com

>> No.19831357
File: 106 KB, 360x460, Klaus Fleming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the name of the newspaper is a good enough reason to dismiss the work and research of Tallinn University archaeologist Marika Mägi?

>> No.19831452

could he be gay?
that video with a friend next to some triceratops skull game me gay vibes from both

>> No.19831466

It's not that biased, it's just that they mostly operated in Baltic sea area.

>> No.19831520

Vikings are like pirates, they'll always be somewhat popular.

>> No.19831559

2010 ended over a decade ago friend

>> No.19831761

tl;dr He got a concussion and didn't immediately go to a doctor when he was a kid and it fucked up some glands in his brain and for years he had bladder issues on top of blackouts and severe moodswings. He ended up becoming an academic because if he fucking passed out in a puddle of his own urine he'd at least be at a desk rather than operating heavy machinery. He's apparently better now due to actually going to a fucking brain doctor.

He's clearly not given that he couldn't buy his grandparents' ranch.

Nobody "is" gay, they're made to take part in a twisted religious cult by malicious and predatory forces. Having said that, he does strike me as the kind of man that these predatory forces target. He's clearly on the right side of the bellcurve, is overly empathetic, is definitely lacking in self confidence, probably isn't getting laid that often, and is, of course, an academic.

>> No.19831791

You don't know what poor is if you think this guy isn't rich.

>> No.19831953


I bet Jesse watched that video that his cool friends shared with him then started laughing and beating off


Do you think he's ever pissed in a woman's pussy during sex? Or ever had sex?

>> No.19832799

You can read about Finnish (Karelian) vikings in the medieval chronicle of Erik (Erikskrönikan). The plundering across the baltic seems to have been very mutual indeed.

>> No.19832940

>hurrrr durrr he has a high enough iq to pay rent on time therefore he's a gazillionaire
Okay sure maybe compared to like, the average Brazilian or something, fine.

>> No.19832950

That would be sick

>> No.19832971

a poor person is one who knows how many sheep he has

>> No.19833101

Jesus, a lot of mean shit in this thread. I'm not much of a norseboo but I've always appreciated this guy's videos and recommended them to people who are. Tragic to hear about his injury but great that he manages to live a full life in spite of it. I feel bad for him that he opened up about it and all people can think to do is jeer.

About perceived melancholy or depression in his voice, who knows, people are complex and go through ups and downs. I don't understand why every internet "personality" has people obsessed with their personal lives. If someone had some major tragedy or life event like >>19831761 suspects then why does that need to be anything more than a slightly noticeable dip in video frequency or mood in videos? It's like we've lost all decorum, we have no filter so we have to say everything as soon as it comes to mind, in the most cynical way possible. Online everybody's a perpetual fly on the wall "commentator," like an eyeball with no body and thus no vulnerabilities so it exists just to judge and pry.

Reminds me of those dedicated doxxing websites that attract the most cruel and twisted people, the broken runoff of the internet who can't form normal relationships. Have we lost so much self control that we can't "pull a punch" here and there when we see someone in a vulnerable position? Why do the most avid watchers/fans of these channels always become the cruelest critics and antagonizers.

And no I am not the guy, all the casual cruelty ITT just left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I'm getting old.

>> No.19833119

>Maybe I'm getting old.
And based. Leave while you still can.

>> No.19833176

Haven't watched much of this guy's stuff. What gives you these impressions?

>> No.19833224

Lol are you intimated by people with more good boy points than you.

>> No.19833253
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Based and CLAVDIVS-pilled.

>> No.19833299

I honestly can't think of a more /comfy/ professorship

>> No.19834136

Like I said, you dont know what poor is.

>> No.19834148

How about you commit soduko you fucking faggot ass nigger bitch

>> No.19834150

>> realised norse literature is shit after studying it thoroughly
source? njals saga is commonly seen as one of the greatest works of medieval literature, and it is written in a language very, very close to old norse

>> No.19834159

I hereby dub thee Pissy McPhearson the Norse God of Fake Cowboys

>> No.19834180
File: 34 KB, 267x342, kyubei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He got a concussion and didn't immediately go to a doctor when he was a kid
>mfw i was hit in the head with a log at five years old and blacked out because of it, but my parents found me fine afterwards so we didn't go to a doctor
>mfw i study assyriology, a field even more obscure and autistic than studying old norse

>> No.19834186

We no longer have based aristocratic egyptologists who believe they are the reincarnation of Ra and murder their cute female students in order to embalm them and take them into the afterlife, so I guess shitting on guys like this is the next best thing.

>> No.19834203

Brutal kek

>> No.19834228

he clearly struggles a lot with his choice of profession but i do think he still genuinely loves the texts

>> No.19834484 [DELETED] 


>> No.19834494

Anon is memeing for (you)s. He was sad because he was doing some kind of business venture (he does paid consulting on Norse stuff for movies, he was involved in Frozen, Vikings, and some third thing that I can't remember) and it fell apart with zero results so he felt like he wasted a year's worth of work. It's pretty clear that he's uneasy about his field being obscure and pointless to "normal" people, but if he hates Norse stuff so much and has accepted the true glory of the Jewish people and blah blah blah all the usual Anti-White bullshit, why does he keep making videos?


>> No.19834537

Assyriology is a lot more respected than Norse studies or whatever it's called

Assyriologists generally know German because Germs are the biggest experts of the field, and also know biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian (obviously), and Sumerian, and can read cuneiform tablets.

I don't know if it's possible for these people to make a living in the private sector, but it's a big brain job

>> No.19834550

>Assyriology is a lot more respected than Norse studies
jesus christ no wonder people laugh at you lmfao

>> No.19834556

Why do people get this idea?

>> No.19834559

because he's called it a dead end job multiple times

>> No.19834565

So this guy literally "passes water" when he's "passing water"? Damn.
I have to agree with the faggot in the comment section, kicking someone when they're down is cowardly.

>> No.19834583

Most things requiring a PhD are dead end jobs. Most people won't get sufficiently high end PhDs to be competitive on the job market and will end up with extra-academic jobs, which makes no sense for a 13+ year degree (BA + average time to completion for most retards these days). Some go even longer with that, with a BA, MA, and ages to complete the PhD.

Even if you are in a competitive program, it's still like a 50/50 shot that you'll find employment at all on the job market, and then most likely you will be a glorified high school teacher, teaching at a small no-name private college somewhere. Even if you do make it in academia, it still mostly sucks.

Something like Norse studies in particular is on the worst end of this spectrum. At least people with modern sociology or history degrees can pretend they are experts on something relevant sometimes. Medievalists, Classicists, and Orientalists go through all that shit and the job market views them as a hobbyist, pushing 40, with no skills beyond an ability to format papers in Word.

>> No.19834599

The ancient history and culture of sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Elam etc is more important than than that of Scandinavia. And learning those languages and scripts is a lot harder. Norse is similar to Icelandic or Old English

>> No.19834606

Fuck you faggot 4chan is the last place where you can be loose with words go be polite in the youtube comment section you giant fucking loser

>> No.19834616
File: 89 KB, 780x520, 622e25b7-1880-475b-a75c-c67775edc9e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, 4chan is the place where you always say the opposite of what a normalFAG would say yeah that's right i said FAG. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?? BACK TO MYSPACE B*TCH

>> No.19834622

And if he were an Assyriologist you'd be calling him a cringe LARPer all the same, so what's your point?

Especially with stuff outside of the Anglosphere, where you have to learn multiple languages (German, Scandi, Norse, etc) that are either dead or are used by countries where everyone knows English.

>> No.19834623

Does he live on a ranch or what?

Seems like a solid guy.

>> No.19834802

Actually yeah not sure where the fuck he lives actually

>> No.19834956

Go back

>> No.19835068

>time to him what 4chan Culture is all about; ill call him a nigger
>are you proud moot?

>> No.19835077 [DELETED] 

Kek he should've been a classicist. Old Norse literature literally consists of family sagas and a couple poems kek.

>> No.19835563
File: 109 KB, 768x960, 1631702774350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible post quality ITT. Genuine illiterates. it's like the average poster age is 16

That aside, Crawford's biggest issue is that the parties primarily interested in his field are hardcore "right-wing" pro-white identitarians on the one side--and on the other rabid leftist ideologues who have recently been pouring into the field solely in order to utterly desecrate and defile it (same thing occurring in archeology and genetics as well atm). Crawford himself has been holding the centrist meme for years but ultimately his weltanschauung is classically liberal. Universal human rights, equality for all, no meaningful nationalist sentiments allowed etc. He has the same milquetoast priors as a Peterson. Hence why he will constantly mention in his videos how he "despises" the 19th-early 20th century contributions to his field because they were racially motivated by people with "evil ideologies" i.e. Europeans, specifically of the Nordic type, naturally attempting to assert their racial identity through these studies.

Crawford finds this highly distasteful and has gone out of his way to combat this current which has always inevitably haunted his field and recently found a vocal resurgence due to online right wing neopagan larpers. In his videos on Runes he explicitly states that he is really only making these videos because there is so much "bad, racially motivated information" out there surrounding the topic and he wants to oppose it. He is locked in an endless cycle of genuflection and has to apologize every step for even having the specialization that he does. He has decried the depictions of the old Norse gods, for instance those of Mårten Eskil Winge, for being once again "racially motivated works of an abhorrent ideology" which in Winge's case is just absurd, the dude was Swedish and had nothing to do with any sort of right wing politics. But his Thor was blonde, and physically imposing, and Crawford therefore sussed out the latent Nazism in it. Due to the schizo-clownworld absolute state of academia he feels the need to make these disavowals because he knows that even by occupying such a field of expertise he is already suspect as far as the regime is concerned and basically if you are involved in Old Norse studies and aren't actively working on how to prove the Vikings and pre-christianized Germans weren't all BIPOC trans-xolk Muslims you are pretty much an inch away from being an esoteric Hitlerist

Crawford can't make peace with the fact that his biggest fans are the sort of people he loathes the most. He has been enduring a glacial existential crisis ever since he started his YouTube channel. He condemns any racially motivated affirmation of Nordic studies attempted by Europeans while simultaneously tolerating the prevarication of these identities occurring at the behest of mainstream media and academia which is even more flagrantly ideological in its motives.

He just can't win, and he knows it. And it tires him.

>> No.19835574 [DELETED] 

>terrible post quality ITT. Genuine illiterates. it's like the average poster age is 16

>>proceeds to make pants-on-head retarded post

>> No.19835586

this makes sense, i know people like this irl. they hate that their field is being raped but they have neutered themselves of any tools to resist it with a lifetime of caving to progressive platitudes.

there's a whole class of people who just want it to be the 1970s-1990s again where the disease is steadily killing the host but the host body is still liveable and almost seems like it isn't ill, if you're living in its upper echelons (ivory tower, secluded areas, mostly white regions). easy to be a classical liberal cum civic nationalist in vermont.

>> No.19835811
File: 409 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hate that their field is being raped but they have neutered themselves of any tools to resist it with a lifetime of caving to progressive platitudes
Yes, precisely this.

It's depressing that Crawford would never address the travesty which is the Angrboda pic in my post (even tho he's made videos about more trivial issues regarding historic inaccuracy relating to the Norse before) and he is probably aware of it since he actually consulted on the Assassin's Creed viking game they did and might have been tapped for the god of War one too.

He'll never say a word because he doesn't know how to. Any objection to what is clearly a politically motivated act of calculated demoralization and blatant falsification would be taken as an implicit affirmation of a caricatured European supremacy. And as all the Boomers know this leads to that which ends in he who can't be named and before you know it we're back at Auschwitz.

Crawford understands or at least has vague admonitions of the absurdity while also genuinely loving and wanting to preserve the literary and cultural accomplishments he has dedicated his life to. He's said so on multiple occasions. He appreciates Nordic culture and their heritage but he's paralyzed (and confused) by the ferocity of the opposition coming from globohomo while also rightfully seeing the base and crude anti-intellectualism which drives the RETVRN TO TRADITION larpers who want to poach his works for their own aims as well. He's ultimately just ineffectual which is a shame because he really does possess an expertise in Nordic studies and could be an authoritative voice on the issue that could help thwart the process of subversion.

But as one poet once put it:
>Thy feet in mire, thine head in murk,
>O man, how piteous thy plight,
>The doubts that daunt, the ills that irk,
>Thou hast nor wit nor will to fight —

it was Crowley but the dude had some good verses

>> No.19835996

>kicking someone when they're down is cowardly
"cowardly" is too tame. Based on what Dr. Crawford said, it was downright murderous. The dude who did it should have gotten prison time. If his friend hadn't stepped in, he could have died or become a vegetable.

>> No.19836111


>> No.19836134

I can assure you the nordic personality type is extremely consistent and persistent and that my grandpa's grandpa 100 times backward was just as racist as my own grandpa

>> No.19836158

Except that he's 100% right.

>> No.19836166

There is a reason Hitler was successful, it was not because he was right, but because he spoke to something that was very much inside such a massive proportion of his people. To act as if Hitler was the first Hitler is abusrd. He was no anomaly. I too, like Crawford, would just like to read the happy nice little stories, but do not think for a moment these stories accurately reflect the mind of a people. The nursery rhymes of the english, are likely on the same level. It's a week connection to how the British as a people actually happen to exist.

>> No.19836175

Maybe Crawford just has an odd set of mannerisms. Awful long post, we know good and well that his platform would censor him quickly, perhaps Crawford is cringing at that. Perhaps Crawford must deny his own beliefs to maintain his way of life, like many others.

>> No.19836179


>> No.19836287

uuuh thats based though?
Plus, I really need something on the Sumerians+Akkadians (and maybe Assyrians :) )

>> No.19836292

I mean, that is what he is dressed like.

>> No.19836592


>> No.19836923

Sign me up

>> No.19836947

>websites that attract the most cruel and twisted people, the broken runoff of the internet who can't form normal relationships.
Where do you think you are?

>> No.19837904

>Willingly converted
Tell that to the Saxons, Britons and Baltics who were basically genocides by Christians over a thousand years.

>> No.19837943

For many it was also a top-down conversion, where the king basically just wanted a better trade deal and forced his people to convert in order to get it.

>> No.19838760

>>mfw i study assyriology

What books would you recommend for a self-taught beginner?

So far, I've read:
Huehnergard J. - A Grammar of Akkadian (2011)
The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture (2011)
Rickards T., Black J.A., Green A. - Gods, demons, and symbols of ancient Mesopotamia. An illustrated dictionary (1992)
Jacobsen Th. - The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion (1976)
Foster B.R. - Before The Muses. An Anthology Of Akkadian Literature (2005)
Wisnom S. - Weapons of Words. Intertextual Competition in Babylonian Poetry (2020)

>> No.19838779

There are depths you don't know. Those websites are all trannies with mood disorders who try to make fat youtubers kill themselves. Like someone who starts facially sweating while ranting about how he wants some twitter guy he follows to die, and you have that moment where you realize some autism isn't for the meme.

>> No.19838806

Sorry sweaty, but might makes right!

>> No.19838829

What is the purpose of a man's work or career?

>> No.19839018

I feel you man. Get out of this place while you can; you're breaking the conditioning this place puts on all of us. Years of cruelty and mockery for nothing other than the "lulz" has lost its luster and eventually you realize it's not a good life to live. Just leaves you bitter and jaded

>> No.19839721

He's relentlessly handsome.

>> No.19839939

>tfw no Old Norse cowboy gf

>> No.19839948

To contribute to the people and animals he cares about

>> No.19839968

My country (Lithuania), the last country in Europe to abandon paganism, only converted to Catholicism because of geopolitical reasons. The Teutonic Knights and the Livonian Order were constantly raiding and attacking us. Mindaugas was baptized and proclaimed king by the Pope, but since he made no effort to Christianise the pagan population and continued to sacrifice to Lithuanian gods the crusades continued. Afterwards the ruling families decided enough was enough and consented to the baptism of Lithuania.
So no, Christianity did not always spread peacefully. I’m a Christian now but I recognize that I only am so because my ancestors were slaughtered by Christians. I’m sure this has happened to other nations too.

>> No.19840018

The Ostsiedlung was even more relentless, it's tragic how Wendish culture was simply swamped by the Northern Crusades. People assume there was just forest and a few huts beyond the Elbe, but there was a thriving civilization with urban centers like Arkona and complex trade.

When the Livonian Order showed up in the Baltic the Lithuanians were regularly raiding the Latvians and doing typical pagan human sacrifices. Estonians were known for being very vicious "barbarians" too. One of the reasons Latvians converted to Christianity is for defense against their neighbors.

Central and Eastern Europe have always been like this. It's amazing we became civilized at all. Has Crawford ever done videos on the Wends or on the Rus'?

>> No.19840040

Reading this thread it sounds like he has what it takes to become recognized as a prolific writer fifty years after his tragic death

>> No.19840046

He should cover up and stop showing off his sexy chest hair.

>> No.19840225

Crawford's Sumer and the Sumerians is a servicable modern, university oriented book on the culture of the Sumerians
Thorkild Jacobsen's The Harps That Once... is the best available printed translation of a wide variety of Sumerian literature in my opinion, as he actually translates into verse. Some of his reconstructions are, however, questionable, partly because of its age
i'm less knowledgeable on the Akkadians and Assyrians, but the wikipedia articles for the Old Akkadian period and the Neo-Assyrian (i'm guessing that that's what you're thinking of) should have something
if you *really* want to study akkadian, von soden's book is a must
also it seems that you're interested in somewhat later akkadian literature (erra & ishum, enuma elish), for which the huehnergard book is somewhat insufficient as he covers the old babylonian dialect
a good selection you've got there, though
for general history books you might want to add van de mieroop and kuhrts books on the ancient near east, helps to give you perspective and ground your more specialized readings in a broader context

>> No.19840362


is it true linear elamite has been desciphered recently? or is it bullshit or are scholars not sure yet?

Ive seen stuff on the internet from a Francois Desset man that claims to have done it

>> No.19840481

dunno, i know little about elamite languages
looking at the wikipedia article it seems that his work has yet to be published, so we'll have to wait and see
as far as i can see there are multiple apparently bilingual inscriptions with linear elamite so the work isn't impossible, anyway

>> No.19840507

>Scholars have been comparing the Indus valley script with Linear Elamite, as the two languages were contemporary to each other. One of the best sources of knowledge regarding the Elamite language is a bilingual monument called the "Table of the Lion" currently in the Louvre museum. The monument is written in both Akkadian, which is a known language, and in Linear Elamite. On comparing this ancient language to the Indus script, a number of similar symbols have been found.[10]

Wow this could be interesting if it's really deciphered

Is this what you mean?

>> No.19840842

I mean, after studying the field for like 15 yeard and knowing pretty much everything about it, even a full on nazi would despise right-wing pagan larpers who have no idea of what they're talking about...

>> No.19840965

you think so?
i imagine he would, taking an interest in them worshiping in a historically accurate manner, educate them to that end

>> No.19841590

He obviously is pretty sick of the field at this point. Moreover, he's increasingly running out of new content to cover, but has to keep making videos to tread the water since he's made this his main income stream.
There are directions he could go to expand his range of work, but he keeps on the same narrow topics (mythology, runes, a bit of the sagas) since those seem to be the money-makers, and perhaps he doesn't feel knowledgable enough to talk about much else.
It's pretty sad.

>> No.19841599

Why would Americans care about vikings? I could understand Britbongs, who seethe.

>> No.19841613

they need something that inspires their fragile masculinity, like american football and WWE

>> No.19841614

>norse literature is shit
It can very easily be mistaken for primitive and brief fairy tales, but there is a real inventiveness in the verse and profundity in the philosophy.

Modern Icelandic poets still write in the same verses and produce many beautiful works. You could say it was closer to modernist verse than anything pre-Baudelaire as well because it does not employ regular rhythms.

>> No.19841622
File: 532 KB, 754x704, 1643495262850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My country (Lithuania)
Stopped reading lol

>> No.19841630

Vikings literally discovered America

>> No.19841642

>but because he spoke to something that was very much inside such a massive proportion of his people.
And that would be?
>people still take the Sonderweg seriously.
But you're correct that to claim that the Germans didn't share some of Hitler's ideals is a gross reductionist view of that period.

>> No.19841783

that's the coolest shit i ever heard anon

>> No.19842032

>But his Thor was blonde, and physically imposing
I was under the impression that a Thor accurate to the mythologies had red hair and a belly. So idk much about Mårten Eskil Winge but his depiction of Thor probably followed the same logic of white, blond, blue eyed Jesus Christ, where in reality we know he most likely looked like an Arab.

>> No.19842042

a mythological figure looks like however the people venerating them want them to look like
why the fuck would you feel it necessary to impose upon white people to worship someone who doesn't look like them if they don't want to, or vice versa
if the people who care about these things don't like how the videogame jews depict thor, then the jews are wrong
(jews figuratively)
simple as

>> No.19842055

For the sake of accuracy. We're talking about Jackson Crawford's area of expertise. Also It's silly to pretend that there's no connection to the right wing racism and the mythologies and depictions of Nordic gods.

>> No.19842316

Yeah, it's dumb and not worth it.

>> No.19842332

>Also It's silly to pretend that there's no connection to the right wing racism and the mythologies and depictions of Nordic gods.
While I don't think the ancient Vikings would have been sympathetics to Nazism as it was practices due to the authoritarian and nationalistic nature, the whole "No Nazis in Valhalla" movement is bizarre. One, they're imposing their political beliefs on an entire spectrum of worship, which is ridiculous considered how decentralized and diverse "paganism" was, and two, imposing modern morality on ancient cultures or figures is a crapshoot to begin with. Ultimately political beliefs and ideologies are products of their time and we have no idea if there are Nazis or commies in Valhalla. Its like the dumb people that argue whether Jesus would vote Republican or Democrat.

>> No.19843814

Uhm no, sweaty. Asians from East Asian did.

>> No.19843837

Don't make fun of Lithuania or I'll kill myself!!!

>> No.19843916

I would spend my days studying cowboys.

>> No.19843932

Archetypal personality patterns anon, to describe it would be to take away from it as it is an abstract concept. One must simply acknowledge that groups of people share instrinic behavior patterns that have an underlying structure based in genetics

>> No.19843997

>Also It's silly to pretend that there's no connection to the right-wing racism and the mythologies and depictions of Nordic gods.
Because you say it so.
Do you have any indication that the artist has shared Nordicist beliefs?
Most people from Scandinavia and North Germany have blonde hair, It wouldn't be peculiar to assume that their ancestor's gods would share that phenotype, I mean, How many gods, outside Thor, in Germanic/Norse mythology have been described with blonde hair?
And the claim that the NSDAP only cared about people with blonde hair and blue eyes is a meme established by English propaganda, the Nazi's racialist articles and posters have also portrait people with black and brown hair, Hitler himself having black hair.
Unless you have a specific comment from Winge expressing Nordicist beliefs, You're engaging yourself in wild speculations.

>> No.19844029

That's stupid.
I'm supposed to believe that people share an inclination to a set of behavior without verifying it with the scientific method? Not even the Nazis have engaged themselves with this conjecture, Most of their racial assumptions have been based around national stereotypes.

>> No.19844053

I think it's pretty obvious Jesus wouldn't have voted at all. Choosing the "lesser evil" is still participating in evil. But imposing modern senses of morality on ancient peoples is ridiculous i agree.
He's deathly afraid of being cancelled, especially since he doesn't really have anything to fall back on.

>> No.19844055

Anon you were born with most of your behavior, only about 35% of it is learned. Some things that you favor, you cannot unfavor.

>> No.19844103

I don't deny genetic predisposition.
My argument is about
>to describe it would be to take away from it as it is an abstract concept. One must simply acknowledge that groups of people share instrinic behavior patterns that have an underlying structure based in genetics

>to describe it would be to take away from it as it is an abstract concept
>One must simply acknowledge

Being genetically conscious doesn't imply accepting any claim without scientific facts, If you claim that a group of people share a SPECIFIC genetic trait, you must say what trait it is and provide evidence of it.

>> No.19844113

I said what I said because it is obviously not understood to an adequate degree. It would be pointless to form any statement beyond "it exists and has an impact".

I don't see why you have an issue with my restraint.

>> No.19844137

Are you this anon?

He made a specific claim about a specific time period.
>but because he spoke to something that was very much inside such a massive proportion of his people.
I'm asking him about which traits he believes that Hitler may have "aroused" in his people

>> No.19844146

It sure is me. These traits are not understood well enough, but it is obviously observable that groups of people are pleased/displeased in common ways, some environmentally driven and some not environmentally driven. You can take advantage of this in a crude way, like Hitler did, without having an exact understanding of the process. "Playing with fire".

>> No.19844200

The christian god gave the christian emperors licence to destroy there pagan enemies. How is that diffrent from muhamed?
Allso christians have been slaughtering each other since Arianism

>> No.19844201

You are Crawford and I claim my five pounds.

>> No.19844208

>Hence why he will constantly mention in his videos how he "despises" the 19th-early 20th century contributions to his field because they were racially motivated by people with "evil ideologies" i.e. Europeans, specifically of the Nordic type, naturally attempting to assert their racial identity through these studies.


Our norse heritage was an integral part of Norways nation building and indepence from Danish rule. Him despising us for celebrating our history and heritage tells me everything I need to know about him.

>> No.19844226

This leads me to believe that he simply acts in a certain way to maintain his career, and his true beliefs are distinctly different. He probably binge watches Survive The Jive and Edward Dutton. It is clearly absurd to keep such a distance from a basic tenant of what he studies.

>> No.19844279

Honest question how is showing a character a diffrent skin color desecration?

>> No.19844289

It wouldn't be if the intent wasn't so malicious. Yes, this can be endlessly argued about. So I won't.

>> No.19844348

How do you no the intent is mallicious? Having black people in your game is a smart move if your selling it in a country with lots of black people. The norse themselves didnt have a race system and where fine working for greeks and arabs

>> No.19844358

Anon, read the last two sentences of that post.

>> No.19844396

Dont post if you dont want replies

>> No.19844397

>Doing it for (you)s

Might as well become a tranny janny, faggot.

>> No.19844411

>He's deathly afraid of being cancelled
I don't get that impression from his videos at all. What makes you think he's not progressive or liberal or at the very least a moderate? I highly doubt that he's some secret white superracist just because he likes Norse poetry.

>> No.19844422

For the sake of argument, perhaps a liberal would be more afraid of being cancelled than a right wing chud. Sort of a freudian thing.

>> No.19844533

The chances of him going on an anti-sematic, anti-lgbtq, anit-poc rant in one of his videos or essays are extremely low. Dude only cares about Norse literature and protecting the veracity of it. Despite the far right's insistence that it does, that really doesn't have anything to do with social issues or identity politics.

>> No.19844607

Depends on how you define that. They were heavily ethnocentric like any other pre-modern people.
In the Rigstula, Rig sleeps with three couples, producing the three classes. First he sleeps with simple folk, resulting in Thrall. He is ugly and swarthy. The woman he couples with has a "down-bent nose". Meanwhile, the freeman was ruddy in his skin and hair. Lastly, the Jarl has fair hair and cheeks, and flashing eyes, like snake spawn (talk about snakes in eyes seems like a reoccuring theme among the ancient norse, here it could possibly mean blue eyes).
In other words, the Norse had a caste-hierarchy based upon physical characteristics that favored a sort of "aryan" look.

>> No.19844663

>Having black people in your game is a smart move if your selling it in a country with lots of black people.
Why do people think this? Black people in western countries don't care if their games or shows have black people in it. This is something white people on both the left and right have gotten terribly wrong. They think black people want to be shoehorned into everything when really what most wanted was some originality for stories about black characters or fair chance and funding to produce a epic triple-A game or movie or show that features black characters. Black people still throw money at stories or entertainment that has an all white or mostly white cast or even an all Asian cast because who doesn't like fucking anime or kungfu movies?, Unfortunately the reverse is not always true for white or Asian audiences who will often times turn their nose up at an all black cast. Something like Black Panther proves that having a predominately black cast can be profitable if studios are willing to actually push and make it good.

>> No.19844709

Does this guy have assburgers?

>> No.19844720

Has he actually said anything about the (in my view) perfectly moderate view of the vikings/the norse in Europe, in northern Europe in particular? Or are anons just making baseless assumptions like the OP?

>> No.19844725

>I think things like diplomas are really just the equivalent of "good boy" points for dogs or subservient husbands.
Finishing a normal school is a sort of a solid proof that you're not a clinical retard. You can drop out of school and not be a clinical retard, but it's hard for people and especially employers to be sure this way.

Same way with decent higher education - it's a proof that you're not an absolute dumbass child. You can very much be not an absolute dumbass child without a diploma, but the employer would have to figure it out on his own.

Same way with PhDs, really - you can know something about the field without it, but with a PhD other people can be reasonably sure that you do know at least something about the field and not 100% talking out of your ass.

Each step is public certification of not being retarded.

>> No.19844728

They are finno-mongols most closely related to steppe barbarians

>> No.19844751

Only on a site full of NEETs would someone feel comfortable enough to call getting an education, studying and working to specialize in a field, and then receiving proof of it the equivalent of "good boy points". Same logic that the reddit anti-work tranny mod has.

>> No.19844777

This says nothing about his opinion, only his strategy.

>> No.19844784

Anybody that will die for their ancestors is inherently racist

>> No.19844789

School is not about retardation, but agreeability. It shows you have a personality type that will consistently play a positive role. It has nothing to do with intellectual capacity, and everything to do with will to produce the intents of others.

>> No.19844795

I agree with this but I was looking at it from the standpoint of the gamedevs and was arguing that the decision was based on marketing and allso the idea that including more black characters in media could bridge the gap between black and white people which would only be malicious to racists

>> No.19844833

Embracing unity is one thing, taking away and banning culture and types of people is another. What do you call the leftists that want whites to go extinct? Do you merely deny they exist?

>> No.19844852

You need to be a clinical retard to know that you live iN a SoCiEtY depending on others and be disagreeable about others wanting you to contribute back or at least pretend that you do while not getting into their way. Even a disagreeable child knows that he's not just expressing himself, he's fucking it up for others when he can't get through a fucking school class - unless he is clinically retarded, lacking intellectual capacity to comprehend that his actions have consequences not only for himself, but for others as well.

Did you drop out?

>> No.19844863

>What do you call the leftists that want whites to go extinct?
I call them based.

>> No.19844871

Point proven

>> No.19844882

Theres more to life than that. Moral behavior is not restricted to human interaction.

>> No.19844890

They exist but you cant reject a whole set of ideologys because of a few retards on twitter. Can you name anything mainstream that promotes anything close to white genocide?

>> No.19844908

What a laughable request, I won't allow you to engage in pilpul.

>> No.19844938

Long post to just agree with and vindicate him.

>> No.19844946

'Vikings' is a fantasy thing common to entertainment media today. Has nothing to do with the real subject.

>> No.19844973

Nope. Purely a matter of political convenience and the average person was only nominally Christian for a thousand years after. The church basically had the vestiges of an empire and more centralised power than anyone else. It was always to become a sore point and what you might think of as religion was all but irrelevant. Political affiliation and recognition were the only things.

>> No.19844993

The mainstream forbids discussion of the fact whites will be a minority in their own homelands and utterly forbids discussing how to prevent it.

>> No.19845024

>a mythological figure looks like however the people venerating them want them to look like
That's completely sidestepping the point. While true, as an answer to the assertion that Thor is described in our surviving sources as pot-bellied and red-haired, it is essentially identical to any argument that would be used to justify the depiction of Nordic gods & goddesses with dark skin.

>> No.19845033

If you’re a rich cowboy you don’t have the right to be sad. I told you gay studies were good for nothing son. Are you depressed? Go tend the sheep!

>> No.19845057
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I'm sorry but the only nordicist worth listening to is Louis Cachet.

>> No.19845094

Maybe he just thinks hes being stoic and maybe he thinks that makes him look cool

Maybe thats all it is

>> No.19845213

I think you have that backwards, m8.

>> No.19845369
File: 69 KB, 414x599, Thor Eskil Winge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will White people eventually get bored of White people history?
No. "The Vikings" have been a thing continuously since the Medieval period. They're not going to go away. Gushing over the Vikings is more trad than rejecting Bodily Resurrection. I grew up in a small town in rural America that was 99.99% White, and if you asked any hillbilly if Loki was Thor's adopted brother they'd laugh and correct you.

He has red hair, a beard, green eyes, is muscular, has a hammer, drives a chariot pulled by goats (one of whom is lame), and has a belt and gauntlets with Swastikas on them. That's basically it. Oh, he also kills giants, habitually, professionally, and as a hobby. Laconicity is feature of Norse poetry, so understand that the only God more well described is Odin, and even then just barely.
>Goat chariot
>Green eyes
They're blueish green
>Red hair
He's clearly not a firey ginger, but I've seen people with hair like this who are definitely redheads.
>Swastika belt
>Swastika gloves
>Killing giants

As I understand it the world of God of War is quite decayed, so "Thor got depressed and fat" is contextually accurate. Thor has always been one of the most popular Germanic Gods. The English kept worshiping him in SE England into the 1700s, and the Scandis never stopped. In Viking stuff, people want to see Thor, Odin, and Freyja. It's one thing to make Angrboda or Heimdallr niggers just to spite Whitey, it's another thing to actually damage your product.

English Wikipedia's "Thor" article has a bigger version of pic related its main picture.

>> No.19845940

When you make a change in something, people make to assumptions about your change. The first is that it was intentional, and the second is that you believe the change improves what was changed in some way. Taking a pre-existing symbol and changing it is telling everyone "It's better now than before," which leaves people to examine what changed and what beliefs you are implied to have by making such a statement.

When you take a symbol from the mythology of a particular religion, human/human-like character or otherwise, and change it to suit you as someone looking to unload a batch of politically motivated shallow products for the ignorant secular masses to CONSOOOM, I don't know what you could call it other than desecration. A symbol only exists as it does in the collective minds of those that acknowledge it with meaning, changing that meaning from something important and complex to something trivial and simple is the same as just killing it.

A thousand years from now we're going to have movies about the totally fictional superhero Jesus and how he saved Metropolis City with his sassy girlboss sidekick Mary the totally self-empowered sex-positive womyn, and anything meaningful Christianity might have had to say will be lost because the symbols have been totally disempowered by neutering them into safe-to-sell products.

>> No.19846018

OP's entire premise is flawed. Norse sagas are great lit because it's just an endless clusterfuck of incest, gore, and losers calling each other faggots, which means it has everything that makes this site engrossing and far more

>> No.19846025

underage faggot, kys (not literally)

>> No.19846751

Lots of Scandinavians settled in the upper Midwest, plus they appeal to the pioneer/explorer spirit.

>> No.19846877

What do you think?

>> No.19846989

Why does he put on this tough cowboy bravado when he's realistically a pussy and probably an incel?

>> No.19847008

I believe all of this mass mental illness is being caused by the politicization of everything, including mythology and history. No one would deny Jews their old testament, or blacks or Chinese their myths. They are respected and understood to be apart of a different ethnic and cultural group by most people but many features of European history and mythology have been turned into public domain outhouses filled with shit. It's no crime to want purity in your history. Go and read the sagas, Thor was a rapist, I seriously doubt he or Odin wouldnt be racist. Their entire moral system is completely different than the modern secularized Christian one most people have.

Just let the Nordic supremacists be happy about it. Continually trying to pry away the history of a certain group just because you don't like white racial identity is incredibly faggy. As for Jackson himself, he will either have to stand against the corrupting forces of modernity to preserve what is good and true in his field, which would put him in line with reactionaries and fascists in the minds of his opponents, or he will let his life work be defiled by trannies and kikes. It's the choice we all have to face.

>> No.19847052

Pussy cant even tell me to kms, kys

>> No.19848217

wanna say that everything said here is completely accurate.

it's a real shame because a lot of the time the top Universities (at least for my field of Near-Eastern/Oriental Studies, but this applies to practically all humanities fields) do provide excellent educations, and there's nowhere else in the world one can acquire the specialist skill sets and networks for carrying out this scholarship.

The hard truth is that even if one Graduates with glowing letters of rec from say, Oxford, with a Doctorate, 95/100 will never have job security to have an opportunity to start a family or hold down a solid relationship etc.

It's the wrong era for institutional humanistic study, and there aren't any serious independent alternatives so far. Maybe in a hundred years.Y

>> No.19848269

are you that faggot leaf that spams this whit in /pol/ threads?

>> No.19848525

>have norse ancestry on one side
>senpai into viking shit, really celebrates it
>get loaned many books by them
>read through, realize how pilfered the mythology is from other euro pantheons before it
>learn most viking stuff we love is incredibly embellished
>the most interesting part of the history is their christian conversion and no one will admit it
>sailors and farmers much more than warriors, truly
>bring this up to those that gave me the books
>they admit to not actually having read it
I've learned too much about norse shit to enjoy it anymore. There are many other much more interesting histories than fuedal fisherman who eventually find Jesus.
>other side western slavs that came over post ww2
>family members with atrocities to tell finding their graves in old age
>they take those tales with them

>> No.19848639

>Why does he put on this tough cowboy bravado
Why wouldn't he?

>> No.19848945
File: 411 KB, 624x624, 1624935334429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah my PhD is in cowboiology

>> No.19849193

Because it's dishonest, emotionally speaking.

>> No.19849318

He never claims to be a tough guy. The video you watched earlier is him telling a embarrassing story about getting his ass whipped and suffering from it for the rest of his life. He straight up says that he was never a fighter. There's another video where he explains the hat and cowboy persona, it's just a part of his culture but mostly it's a family tradition to wear that type of clothing.

>> No.19849355


Do you think he's ever pissed in a woman's pussy????

>> No.19849391

lmao, the impression I got from his videos is that he likes women but seems to be voluntarily celibate aka a volcel, so probably not. I'm sure at least one or two of his female viewers probably does have a piss fetish and would be in heaven every 15 minutes it takes for him to go piss.

>> No.19849676

He's a squirter.

>> No.19849776

I really felt that when he posted the video about selling his grandparents house. He probably had that as his plan B. He clearly loves being in nature, and artistic pursuits, far more than anything to do with the academic body and profession.