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19827392 No.19827392 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.19827399

Buckley for exiling the John Birchers and the Southern Agrarians and leading to Mel Bradford's being sidelined and to the ascent of neoconservatism and Con Inc.

>> No.19827402


>> No.19827404

Buckley is always in the wrong for being a posh faggot

>> No.19827417

I can't believe what I'm saying but I side with Vidal here only because Buckley ruined American Conservatism.

>> No.19827427

I hate Vidal more than I hate Buckley, so I'm siding with Bill here.

>> No.19827441

Gore Vidal was part of many controversies to the point where I think he was likely the problem in all of them.

>> No.19827448

Will Buckley and Irving Kristol killed American conservatism. Never trust Jews or Catholics.

>> No.19827460

AmCon must have been so weak that two retards destroyed it.

>> No.19827533

>Gore Vidal
>writes slightly preachy but competent historical fiction
>Buckley Jr
>writes spy novels about a guy called Blackford Oakes who meets the president

>> No.19827542

Buckley sounds more based.

>> No.19827544

Bircherism is a stalking horse honey pot. Always has been. Probably communist propaganda from the beginning, intentionally designed to castrate grassroots conservative action.

>> No.19827754


>> No.19827764

It was weak, because it couldn't supply a definitive moral core to its anti-totalitarianism other than vague humanism and reverence for "Western tradition."

I have a feeling it won't make the same mistake again. The populist, neo-Buchananites taking over the Republican party are a little more robust and explicit in their conception of "Western tradition."

>> No.19827952

Vidal for being a slightly bigger faggot.

The WASP establishment sold out to the Jews in order to route the influence of German Catholics in America.

>> No.19827971

the only thing I remember about Vidal is that he was slightly less extreme than Buckley. that being said, I don't read much into what either has to ofter.

>> No.19828060


>> No.19828132

All I want is an America run by WASPs that respects the Founding Father's and that doesn't let Jews in the country clubs or Ivy Leagues. instead we get a Republican Party that can't go 5 minutes without praising Israel and humoring every backwater televangelist grifter in the country.

>> No.19828159

>All I want is an America run by WASPs that respects the Founding Father's
A masonic pseudo-state? You have it.

>> No.19828269

I think he means original Jeffersonian WASPs instead of country club WASPs (s to spit).

The country needs to be run by republicans in the lowercase sense. I recommend reading The Machiavellian Moment and recapturing the actual views of the Fathers.

>> No.19828307

>I have a feeling it won't make the same mistake again. The populist, neo-Buchananites taking over the Republican party are a little more robust and explicit in their conception of "Western tradition."
Sadly I can't tell if this is bait or not. We're not talking about nugrifters are we?

>> No.19828318

When Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Wendell Berry die, the last vestiges of Old America will die with them. I'll throw in Thomas Sowell for the hell of it.

>> No.19828322
File: 89 KB, 700x760, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think not what the Young Republicans can do for you, but of what you can do with the Young Republicans by radicalizing them.

>> No.19828350

I don't think that's what he meant.

>> No.19829525


>> No.19829992

Trumpanzees are ironically the last bastion of American freedom.