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/lit/ - Literature

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19827639 No.19827639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

there are women browsing this board right now

>> No.19827643

>there are "women" browsing this board right now

>> No.19827652

i bet theres not a single biological woman on this board right now

>> No.19827653

I will hunt every female on this board and maker her mine....

>> No.19827656

I don't care what women do. I don't even think about them until you bring it up. Stop being an obsessed fag.

>> No.19827658

based harem maker

>> No.19827661

say something nice about them

>> No.19827676


>> No.19827679

I hate women

>> No.19827681

i love women so much bros

>> No.19827689

Teets or out

>> No.19827696

no. I only show them off to men I like.

>> No.19827698

and they all have penises

>> No.19827700

Hello, mademoiselle
Begone, foul beast

>> No.19827707

>she likes men


>> No.19827710

ok. bye.

>> No.19827718

What is your opinion on race realism?

>> No.19827737

post teeth then

>> No.19827742

the following boards are the most likely to host active female users:
>/ck/ (really good board by the way)
i'm sorry but /lit/ is quite low on the totem pole of biologically female anons.

>> No.19827743

last time i asked an anon who claimed to be a female to post tits, i got a pic of level 1 estrogen tits and a cock


>> No.19827745

And you forgot /cm/

>> No.19827748

That's sweet of you anon.
To make this more /lit/-related, I feel like there is relatively little material on the simple affection that you can feel toward the other sex. Nobody ever talks about the niceness in the existence of guys.

>> No.19827755

>The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with female participants showing a far more pronounced bias. Positive traits were assigned to men by participants of both genders, but to a far lesser degree.

>> No.19827758
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>> No.19827759

have you not seen the discord girls who post there to appeal to lonely guys and use their orbiters to make money/get attention (ciara/sunny/markie/whoever else)? it's pathetic but it's a real thing. preys.

>> No.19827767

Hey ladies, you are looking GOOD today.

>> No.19827772

/lit/ is still a good board so I doubt it. W*men and w*men enablers ruin every community they infiltrate.
Reddit with its karma whoring, NPC groupthink and HR email style communication is their natural online habitat.

>> No.19827773

>Women are Wonderful Effect
Is this the cause of mtf trannies?

>> No.19827781

to continue, i even coincidentally bumped into an anon outside of 4channel after power levels were hinted at, and even he had an ex-girlfriend who used to be on /r9k/.

>> No.19827787

Someone post that thread where /lit/cels made some qt delete her YouTube channel after she found out faggots on here were creeping on her.

>> No.19827788
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>>/ck/ (really good board by the way)
Expert trolling

>> No.19827794

i want to see their boobies lol

>> No.19827801

>forgetting /soc/ and FUCKING /cgl/
>but including /jp/ and /diy/
nigger wtf did you hit you head after /adv/?
I guess /jp/ is actually moderately up there but not /diy/

>> No.19827832

Unsurprising, since men use compliments as a weapon. By assuming you are kind and sweet, they encourage you to behave that way.
Maybe it applies to all people though, and I'm the only one dumb enough to be affected by this.

>> No.19827834
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>By assuming you are kind and sweet, they encourage you to behave that way.
And that's a GOOD thing.

>> No.19827841

She acts like she doesn't believe in God.
Yes, nature herself purposed female beauty to attract males but simultaneously did a horrible job with fashioning males. It's all random mutation and natural selection, so of course this narrative makes perfect sense.

Or human beings are a fine-tuned creature, unique among the species.
Being Divinely Created, male and female beauty is equal, a gorgeous woman is reflected by a gorgeous man, and an average woman is reflected by an average man.

Obviously, most women just don't have brilliant aesthetic principles. They fail to realize their male equivalent.

>> No.19827852


>> No.19827856

/lit/ used to have a ton of female lurkers and semi lurkers because it attracts a lot of the kinds of girls who date 4chan guys and know of 4chan but have a problematic relationship with it. It also attracts twitter art hoes who come here for five minutes just to get offended because they think this is where "dank memes" come from. But they can't handle banter and fundamentally don't enjoy anonymous posting (whic his meritocratic and requires concrete exchanges of effort for dopamine, either through effortposting or effortful shitposting) so they usually leave quickly.

Women don't need or want the kind of belonging and community we get from 4chan so they don't tend to stay and post every day unless they're genuinely weird. Usually they use it at specific and transitory, often lonely times in their lives. Or they use it in such times between boyfriends, and simply stop visiting after they get another boyfriend since their interpersonal stimulation needs are met.

A lot of the women who used 4chan for parasocializing have migrated to discord and become e-girls. For every exaggerated e-girl you see like >>19827759 is describing there are ten thousand nondescript e-girls who just have nothing better to do than be terminally online. But being women they naturally prefer small nested groups like discord channels and subchannels for "the squad," rather than 4chan threads and anonymity.

Also 4chan has become notably more right wing and misogynistic since 2014~ so even the girls who used to take it in stride and be ok with the banter are more likely to lurk where they would formerly post, and more likely to leave forever in general. Women overinterpret all the mean jokes and half-joking hostility here as far more mean than it really is. Browsing 4chan and seeing how men talk about women when they think no women are around has either traumatized or enlightened many thousands of women, not sure which. Mostly traumatized I think because the female worldview is so fragile that it just can't integrate men's adversial relation with women once it's been revealed, and move on to a more encompassing and nuanced worldview. They just see it as a dark "other," "this is how men really are" kind of thing.

>> No.19827862

what is the point? fornication is disgusting so it should not be saught even if possible. they most likely aren't interested in having children so they're useless too.

just keep wasting time on discussing books, that's the most you will get out of them.

>> No.19827872

see? only whores here, they might give you spiritual gonorrhea if you engage too much with their posts

>> No.19827877

Why wouldn't there be women on /lit/? Have you chuds never seen the gender ratio of an English Literature class?

>> No.19827883

this. people that want or enjoy sex were raped as children. sex is objectively amoral.

>> No.19827885

"Hey, would you help me with that thing? Surely you won't mind"
"The place really needs some cleaning"
"This work is assigned to me but I know you can do it"
A good thing, of course.

But all I wanted to talk about originally is the great aspects in guys you're not even aware of. I like their self-unconsciousness, the practicality, gentleness and strength, astounding idiocy yet depth when you get to know them for longer.. Maybe some time I'll write about it

>> No.19827889

Women take English because it's easy and they read YA, not because they love learning. If college were as hard as it's supposed to be and actually had standards you could fail instead of rampant grade inflation, 10% of the women who go to college now still would.

>> No.19827900

>whic his meritocratic and requires concrete exchanges of effort for dopamine, either through effortposting or effortful shitposting) so they usually leave quickly
sorry, but i can just write 'fuck women' and attach a pictore of an almost grotesquely muscular man and harvest my dopamine that way

>> No.19827902

Because they don’t get special attention or money on 4chan, they have no use for anonymous communication.
Every interest women have is tied to social capital they can gain from it.

>> No.19827904


>> No.19827905
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now taking gf applications

(please respond)

>> No.19827924
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I'm a man that loves to shitpost about sexism but don't actually hate women. I understand them and find that my personality just doesn't gell with their values. I don't care about material gain, status or other people. I like to spend my time reading, listening to music and writing. I do crack a joke or two and show genuine affection, but I have found that to be too little for most women. They want constant attention, gifts, material gains they can flash around proudly. They want to travel, shop and talk about fucking reastaurants. Show of their fun and outgoing boyfriend to make other women seethe, while I just don't care about any of those things and will probably die alone. It is what it is. Would love to hear your insights though.

>> No.19827936
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what a gay fucking post
look at this edgy SIGMA male over here kek

>> No.19827937

Listen you fucking disgusting 1 bit whore (I call yo 1 bit and not two bit because women only have 1 bit that matters, their loose little cunt, yours is so loose that a slight tug would see it come off your body altogether but I digress)-


You are not welcome here. Nobody wants you here. You come to this board and what do you see? Men discussing the ACHIEVEMENTS OF MEN. Nobody has ever come to this board and made a thread a female for anything other than mocking and laughing. We talk about men here. We worship men here. We praise men. We are inspired by men. I don't want to hear your fucking Muculent cunt lips slapping together, still trying to get down the last of the cum that some fucking back alley stick waving iceman shot over them. No. I want to talk Pynchon, or Joyce, or Homer, or Hegel. You know what all these men have in common? They fuck women. But they hate women. I hate women. /lit/ hates woman. I know that as I type this I have all of /lit/ standing behind me, chucking their penises into the air in triumph, as we say


>> No.19827940
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>> No.19827945

nah. I'm just a boring asshole.

>> No.19827946
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I hope not. Women give me panic attacks and 4channel is one of the few them. Thank god stem still has a decent gender ratio

>> No.19827988

Good post

>> No.19827989

Yeah, I assume most incels or self-described sexists are that way.
Your struggles are not that unique - there are many women that enjoy the exact same things are you. Most people appreciate material comfort and showing off. Most women and men comply with what is imposed on them by constant societal pressure.
I cannot give you an exact way to find the one who are not normies yet not utterly deranged or retarded, since I haven't figured it out myself. Just please don't pull the "I'm deep and women are shallow" speech.

>> No.19827996

>please don’t talk about how the vast majority of women are when there are a few outliers that aren’t like that

>> No.19827999

Absolutely did NOT read

>> No.19828040

>Just please don't pull the "I'm deep and women are shallow" speech.
I'm not. Most men are just as shallow. Most people like those things, not just women. I pointed out women in this case beacuase I'm a heterosexual man who has experienced this pattern with women over and over again. It starts of as
>wow, you like really know your shit, that's kinda hot
because they're usually the kind of normal girl that wants to feel special with her special bf, but it always ends with:
because they thought they could mold me into being more socially interested in other people. I'm not socially incompetent, just bored easily and find life to be far too short to not pursue my interests as much as possible. I might be from a source of a fragile ego and a selfish solipsistic need to prove myself to myself, but I don't care. I haver nothing else to be excited about, other than finishing and improving my craft. I'm not sayinf I'm some 2deep4u saint. I'm also way too self absorbed for normal relationships it seems, just in another way.

>> No.19828050


Imagine being xenomorph in that scene and having to be all like “damn, Sigourney Weaver, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with white panties and gross flat ass. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real animatronic me.” when all it really wants to do is lay eggs in another 16 year old in its dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be xenomorph and not only hide in that ship while Weaver flaunts her flat ass in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting fucking gluteus maximus visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she’s STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SIGOURNEY WEAVER GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her strut around in her disgusting granny panties; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn’t even know that existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of colonists and later alleged space marines for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of LV-426. You’ve never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to hide there and revel in her “voluptuous (for that is what she calls herself)” ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could gut every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you’re fucking xenomorph. You’re not going to lose your galactical conquest over this. Just bear it. Hide both mouths and bear it.

>> No.19828055

>By assuming you are kind and sweet, they encourage you to behave that way.
does this really work?

>> No.19828081

Women aren’t real

>> No.19828088

Also, they show up because they think there is light book talk but become unsettled by the high volume of the word nigger involved.

>> No.19828096
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>incel rhetoric that tries to lure women to "I'm not like other girls! I DO enjoy literature and intellectualism, unlike these braindead whores" mode.
I refuse to slander my whole sex in order to appeal to men.

Sounds like you look for something different in a relationship from what most want. If you don't want to invest time in another person, then what do you need a girlfriend for? If you only want sex, there are escorts. If you want to feel like someone cares about your existence, you'll have to care about them as well.
That being said, the idea of a relationship between two self-absorbed people, each focused on their targets and interests, is very aesthetic. It just probably won't work.

>> No.19828119

>plural and not singular
Not gonna make it.

>> No.19828126

>If you don't want to invest time in another person, then what do you need a girlfriend for?
I think it's just that I never actually liked those women enough, and was with them just for the sake of not being lonely. I've only actualyl LOVED a woman once when I was 20 and that shit fucked me up so bad I was willing to give up everything for her. It just didn't work out because she moved away to porsue her goals while I remained back home for years, stuck in a destructive cycle anger for involving myself with her and self pitty. That behaviour was not normal or healthy for me, so I've chosen a more distanced aproach where working on stuff I want to do is more important than women, whom I try to see as a nice bonus to my life. I guess that isn't working out for me either. Oh well. Maybe I'm just not cut out for that sort of thing, since I either get overly invested or not at all.

>> No.19828138

*of anger over

>> No.19828143

/fit/ has alot of girl lurkers

>> No.19828157

>I'm just not cut out for that sort of thing, since I either get overly invested or not at all.
Either that, or you convince yourself that you are unfit for others because relationship is a lot of work, and a huge bet on one's time, money and emotions.
Not trying to psychoanalyze, just pay attention to what you actually feel at the moment and what are habits driven out of comforts, painful past or fear.

>> No.19828222 [DELETED] 

probably a bit of both. even that one time I genuinely cared would have never have worked out due to my needy entitlement, since I became kind of a jerk for expecting her to just drop her plans for going to a foreign university over me. I don't know, as I said: It's a problem only partially out of my control. I think I'm way too needy and insecure in cases I actually find women I'm attracted to, because to me it's the equivalent of winning the lottery. not a high chance of succes. I hope I'll find a way to control my priorities and emotions before I turn 30 in a few years. nice talk.

>> No.19828266 [DELETED] 

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggernigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niggernigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.19828293

Extremely spot on post anon. You must be a woman, dudes simply don't have this level of empathy

>> No.19828297

Awwooooga thank you i will cancel my subscription to findfuck dot com and start dropping my info here

>> No.19828314

Idk what that means, I'm white but I only date black men, so I'm not racist if that's what you were wondering

>> No.19828320

thanks, bro

>> No.19828321

ok chang

>> No.19828428

retarded post
>they can't handle banter
most of 4channel dot org is not banter at all but pure rage and bilious hate, only someone who is completely unfamiliar with this website would think otherwise

>anonymous posting (whic his meritocratic and requires concrete exchanges of effort for dopamine
Ha yes let me just take a screenshot of a Trump/JK Rowling and create a thread that will hit bump limit for the 10000000th time, because I deserve it

> Women don't need or want the kind of belonging and community we get from 4chan
[Citation needed]
Some boards are frequented by women and there are a few chan that are dedicated to women. What is true is that people with a social life tend to not come on 4chan, that also apply to men. I know because I had friends once

>Browsing 4chan and seeing how men talk about women when they think no women are around has either traumatized or enlightened many thousands of women
Only a complete moron would think that the men on 4chan are a representative sample

>> No.19828440

You are retarded

>> No.19828451

no I'm not. I read books and shit.

>> No.19828486

Impossible. I thoughts trannies and edgelord wondered around /lit/.

>> No.19828499
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that would be cringe women shouldn't be allowed on the internet

>> No.19828502

Greetings from France
I love women so much it’s unreal

>> No.19828503


>> No.19828512

Yet you can't deal with reality

>> No.19828517

cope, feed and sneedate
see? Am I le real 4channeler now xDDDDDDXD

(I have won this argument, do not reply again)

>> No.19828527

I'm replying again.

>> No.19828530
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>> No.19828536

nah. just shit bait. might work on /tv/ though.

>> No.19828541


>> No.19828550

Why would I be baiting? Take your meds

>> No.19828630

I must insist : please abstain from replying further.

>> No.19828650


What type of girls date 4chan guys?

>> No.19828684

usually girls that don't fit in with their real life environment and/or are terminally online.
regular girls can also date a 4channigger. it's all a matter of circumstances and context.

>> No.19828701

The one commonality all my girlfriends have shared is unluckiness, for they were all MY girlfriends

>> No.19828709

>girls who date 4chan guys
Stopped reading right there. No girl dates “4chan guys”. 4chan is something we keep secret.

>> No.19828755
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>The one commonality all my girlfriends have shared is unluckiness, for they were all MY girlfriends

>> No.19828770

tbf they felt bad

>> No.19828787

All types of girls. 4chan guy isnt a type..

>> No.19828791

I thought this wasn't possible either until a girl who I was chatting with at my psychiatrist's waiting room asked if I had a girlfriend. I lied to her even though I was just as desperate for human connection, but less guilible to think mental illnesses is a good pair bonding shared "interest". It would be a great wait to end up in a suicide pact and I think that's exactly what these girls are looking for.

>> No.19828812

>Implying I don't show my GF my masterful shitposts and collection of (you)s

>> No.19828839

I'll try, since you asked so nicely.

>> No.19828890

A woman wrote this post.

>> No.19828896
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>I know that as I type this I have all of /lit/ standing behind me, chucking their penises into the air in triumph

>> No.19828946

This but unironically

>> No.19828995

>most of 4channel dot org is not banter at all but pure rage and bilious hate
>I can't handle the banter

>> No.19829017

Anytime you see a retarded ass fucking post, it is a woman bro

>> No.19829022

>Have you chuds never seen the gender ratio of an English Literature class?
I don't pay attention to the gender of those who serve my burgers, bigot.

>> No.19829041

It’s all men but still, based fellow deenzposter

>> No.19829043

>boards with women
>boards with women (real)

>> No.19829061

/lit/ guy/top x Twitter girl/bottom is one of the hottest pairings.

>> No.19829079

I imagine that empathy/emotional intelligence is something that goes with the variability hypothesis as well. Most men are less emotionally intelligent than women, but I think there are more male “geniuses” of emotional intelligence than there are female, which explains the male-domination of the poetic canon, etc.