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/lit/ - Literature

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19827165 No.19827165 [Reply] [Original]

don't you get dizzy?

>> No.19827174

No, I walk while reading

>> No.19827187

I don't get dizzy but a lot of people express amazement that I can do it

I never thought it was that big a deal until people started commenting

>> No.19827225

Sometimes I pace around my apartment and read outloud. I acted out the entire court scene in crime and punishment

>> No.19827312

I used to be able to do it as a kid, I would go on long walks with my parents and read a book and not remember anything about the walk when I got home. Thinking about it, maybe I could do that again if I had someone to follow the entire time.
I mean I look at newspapers or my phone when I walk but I don't count that as real reading.

>> No.19827439

there isn't a court scene in crime and punishment you fucking moron

>> No.19827558

No, that's fucking retarded. How can you watch where you're going when you're also trying to read?

>> No.19827589
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Yeah, all the time. One of the only good things about paper-backs really.
> Horrid Henry
If this kid really is from the UK, it would be much more prudent of her to be watching out for Pakis right about now. Wish her the best :)
Are you retarded or do you just live in a mine field?

>> No.19828020

i know it's turbo-pseud, but i always do if it's not raining or snowing
for me, time spent returning home just walking or sitting in train is a wasted time if in these 40 minutes i can read.

>> No.19828142


>> No.19828145


>> No.19828148

I used to walk everywhere with an book, now I have an smartphone. I look at it 24/7, reading most useless trite online

>> No.19828154

i meant tbk

>> No.19828168

Fuck off pseud

>> No.19828170

I used to in high school, but not anymore. Never ran into anyone or anything, but I think its a bit silly now. Listen to a podcast or audiobook while you walk, if you read it looks like you're incredibly time desperate, or want to look intelligent. If you're carrying a book to read somewhere its fine, but don't read as you walk unless you want to look like a clown.

>> No.19828989

Yes, especially with my kindle, simple as. I enjoy it a lot more

>> No.19828997

>looks like you're incredibly time desperate, or want to look intelligent

nothing wrong with these

>> No.19829054

Isn't there one in the epilogue?

>> No.19829087

She's hot.

>> No.19829107

Not him but it can hardly be called "a scene". It just covers in a few sentences how the trial went. There's no dialogue or anything.

>> No.19829182

Only oblivious pseuds walk and read. You see it a lot with blacks for some reason.

>> No.19829207

when I walk, I walk
when I got an ereader, I sometimes read when I'm standing on the bus or in the sub, but beyond that, no

>> No.19829445

i only walk and read when my cigarette is out and the closest ashtray/rubbish bin is womewhere i'd have to get up to reach

>> No.19829574

I sometimes find myself pacing the house while reading. This happens when I'm fully immersed in what I'm reading. I guess I just start walking due to excitement.

>> No.19830291

I've seen women do this. I think it would be better on a machine or something, not walking. Just listen to an audiobook.

>> No.19830402

she is a child you monster

>> No.19831009

yes, I walk in a circle around my appartment. I don't get dizzy as long as I don't try to walk in the other direction

>> No.19831056
File: 997 KB, 377x251, TastyFancyHorseshoebat-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a desperate incel trapped in a sexual desert island. Yes, this means he shouldn't be trusted around elementary school girls, they might try to hurt him.

>> No.19831063

I want to do this now. I wish I wasn't a loser so I could yell my book out loud.
I actually imagine you'd retain less.

>> No.19831314

do it
record it for us too

>> No.19831330

I do audio books while walking in nature's, with earbuds that don't isolate(open back) so for a sound track and situational awareness. Might try reading while walking in safer areas after this thread, just never thought to. Should be like using a phone while walking, no? Normies to that all the time.

>> No.19831447

I just pace back and forth my room when it's a particularly eventful chapter.

>> No.19831485

i pace when i read
or stand
i cannot sit and read

>> No.19831513
File: 2.77 MB, 720x404, ezgif-2-270d9be832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, paper book

>> No.19831534

horrid henry was a fucking GOATED book it taught oyu everything you could need, the duality of people who inhabit the world and the need for balance to allow sustainable lifes you couldn't be too much one or too much the other and that rules only apply if you get caught it's ultimately about maximising YOUR pleasure, if you feel guilty about doing something don't do it again it's that simple

>> No.19832033

yeah, I read 12 audiobooks last year while going on walks. It's the superior way to consume literature because you're out in nature.

>> No.19832035

Use your dammed peripheral vision.

>> No.19832078

but do you remember any of what you listened?

>> No.19832239

not any better or worse than reading physical books