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/lit/ - Literature

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19824380 No.19824380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is 4chan formatted like this?
Is it for the concealment of wisdom?
Why doesn't anyone know each other? The internet does not permit any sense of community.
Why does everyone just follow along?
Everything on here is fucking retarded, or gay, so why does everyone just do this? Shouldn't the smart people have left?

>> No.19824382

It doesn't matter to the world. That's why it does.

>> No.19824420

I want to get off the imageboard train, but I can't.

>> No.19824548
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I can freely be myself on 4chan in ways I never could in public, or even on social media.

The power of the Mask is very great and I will never be ungrateful for it. I can say and do and behave as myself under the veil of anonymity, and it's very liberating and comforting. It allows me to also be myself in public settings. 4chan allows me to express the aspects of myself that I'd rather the public not know, which in turn helps me to express the aspects of myself that I DO want known, under my own name.

If the people who know my name knew what sort of person I was on 4chan, I'm not sure they'd want to be around me. But that part of me is still me, and it has to find its way out somewhere. On 4chan it can find its way out harmlessly.

Anonymity has its uses. The mask has its uses. Disregard it at your peril.

>> No.19824553

This is 4channel, educate yourself!

>> No.19824594

what is smart

>> No.19825840

this place is an echo chamber, leave while you still can

>> No.19826018

People will say incredible things when eyes won't look directly at them. That and there being less pressure to build rapport by lying, you can get more ideas to stick. Sure now some people go insane with schizoposting and teenage discord raids but if you can look past that you will see a wider variety of idiosyncratic views here.

>> No.19826034


>> No.19826054

If people here were less iliterate, it would be fine. Unfortunately 99% of the user base is constituted of stupid people.

>> No.19826192

There are precious few smart people on this board. Maybe during peak european hours you'll get a few worthwhile discussions and one or two on-topic threads that don't devolve into incel seething.

/lit/ appeals to the idiots left behind because it appears to be a gathering place for intelligent people. Young men with superiority complexes love to be a part of it: the anonymity allows these clowns to consistently make retarded contributions without suffering any social repercussions. An incel colony has metastasized here because the atmosphere of 4chan supports them; disdain for society and a sense of superiority are a balm for those wounded by life.

The only upside is that a few people here are actually intelligent, funny and they at least read enough to know what they're talking about. There are sometimes good book recommendations too. That's why I stick around personally

>> No.19826245 [DELETED] 

>Young men with superiority complexes love to be a part of it: the anonymity allows these clowns to consistently make retarded contributions without suffering any social repercussions:
The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

>> No.19826294
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At this point I cringe more at others than I do with myself in public. I used to cringe at myself and aspire to be more like others when I started posting on 4chan. I've grown too much. I've out grown too many horizons as my IRL crowd has had their horizons shrink such that they have no other perspective but to antagonize me senselessly or ruthlessly.
I now know how to present myself as Tom Rowsell and James Allsup and Stefan Molyneux and Donald Trump and Sam Hyde have taught me taking the chans to the world by force and strong held presence. But this has made me too conspicuous. So I gray it down and afford myself a few cringey losses of face and this has made me more approachable though it has been a risky game riskier than the duh submit don't ask questions norm. I have made friends with unexpected dissidents but I am not smart enough to study their studies and confirm. I do know what I want but I know others don't WANT to know what they want and agree on any constructive common vision. All attempts to this one task are what would make an ideal community but no one is trying: not in person and only in one great man's fruits online....
The hacker known as 4chan
The creator of 9gag
The man who personally wrote every green text you have read here
The artist who drew every rage comic



>> No.19826317
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This is bait, but there's precious few smart people anywhere. It's all a shifting average, with /lit/ being slightly higher on the scale because at least here some degree of literacy is a prerequisite.

If you're going to bitch on about
>muh iq
then you're part of the problem. Faggots who have far too much appreciation for their own intelligence are the cancer of western society, and should probably be cast out.

Modesty and/or humility is one of the corner stones of a long-lasting society, and at least here, most people don't have established identities so they're not fagging it up for internet points, or cred. Other than that, 4chan is no different; there's no guarantee that if you browse le Uzbekistani programming forum that you're not an NPC; just that you're more introverted by nature.

I don't really have a point; this entire post was meaningless. That said, I like some of the attempts to forum a true literary community in the spirit of those attended by Stirner and Marx; at least, irrespective of politics those would've been fascinating to be a fly on the wall for. Just no discord. Discord is the death of community.

>> No.19826335
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This site was fine before everyone else found out about it. Normal people ruined it for everyone.

>> No.19826341

1000% free anonymous speech. i can say nigger. i can say i am going to bomb the un tomorrow. i can say i fucked my mom. sure fbi are here and lurking but at the end of the day im anonymous and can say what i want without the fear of being banned

>> No.19826353

4chan is its own worst critic. Reddit accepts none and denies all. This place therefore attracts aristocratic hierarchical types who in then attract a more blind hierarchy of dopamine hunting frens. These frens then popularize and aggrandize our esoteric revelries. We then get an import of retard normies who are fun and a chore to mock. Then this reinforces the critic.

>> No.19826386
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I bless this post

>> No.19826401
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Was with you until
>esoteric revelries
When I say shit like that I mock myself for what is very clearly a terminal case of autism.

Anyway, I have high standards because I've completely cut myself off from the rest of the world hermit style. I don't use any social media, except maybe steam and d i s c o r d, for those few people I still keep in touch with.

Because of this, I have no positive views towards most things, just varying shades of gray in terms of tolerance and the baseline levels of brainlets in the population. Granted, a certain degree of arrogance and superiority is definitely required here, but most people segregate themselves based on the bored, and most of the true retards are (blessedly) absent.

What does this mean? Yeah reddit is abhorrent and a playground for corporate interests and ςoy. This does not mean 4chin is good simply by measure of *not* being reddit; it still needs to elevate itself based on deeds and community (which, while not all the time, it at least manages a fair amount).

>> No.19826464
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>Muh IQ
Cognitive power is only so much when cognitive history and position can in precious moments of circumstance blessing and fortune override a life time of accomplishment and striving.
Especially in the case of a well orchestrated wedding that manages to pull families to mingle and discover new lands and follow schedules. Do we value professors and dusty mighty tomes above our daily bread and bosom? Do we value it more than the pedestrian joys?
Some ideas are better than others. If Ideas have people and people don't have ideas than an idiot with a good meme mogs a genius with bad memes like the blessed light of God revealed to him by frens and accompanied by common presence not abstruse ivory tower reclusion. Now pic related is a genius proposing bad memes after having completed a lifetime of worshipping the best memes in the best secluded study possible. Guenon was obsessed with the inner circle of a religious esoteric practice as a means. So he could use bad memes on idiots so he could live by the best memes all for himself! And the Booba!

>> No.19826496

When I say esoteric revelries it means to me we made a world leader laugh and act too cheeky for safety in the spotlight.
We inspired mega corporations to react convulsively to our most spurious and innocent intimations.
We also wasted hundreds of thousands of not millions of man hours on anally retentive obsessive details that no one cares about or will see profit or reputational gain.
No. The joy of shitposting that itself was the attraction for the effort posters and effort masters IRL.
And the Lord saw the chans and he said it was good.

>> No.19826513
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>> No.19826576

He was 4chan before there was a 4chan

>> No.19826582

God is a meme and memes are God yet to be understood/realized

>> No.19826603
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Pic related Mitchel Heisman was the Great Reset about 15 years before the Great Reset.

>> No.19826611
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are you OK?

>> No.19826619
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You may be the prosecutor but I am the defense

>> No.19826626
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4chan got me to challenge my nihilist doomer beliefs. I realized I couldn't justify them that well and it helped turn my life around.

If I was in some faggot reddit echochamber I would've never challenged my beliefs.

>> No.19826638
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I am become /pol/, destroyer of reddit and builder of memes.

>> No.19826653
File: 61 KB, 416x620, חֶברְמַן.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back
here's some /lit/ for you to take with

>> No.19826667
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You have now lost the argument

>> No.19826675

People on here are totally fagging it up for validation, that's the end goal of most social interactions, especially conversation.

This place could never come close to a true literary community, it only seems close to one on first inspection. Once you actually start reading the facade falls apart and you realize almost everyone here has no fucking idea what they're talking about. Conjecture is uncritically accepted as truth and literal retard incel mutterings take up half of the catalog.

Valid and the autisim is funny.

True retards are not absent. Incel theories are no better than conjecture but they proliferate all the same. This places understanding of social structure and evolutionary psych is so stupid it makes my head hurt. There is no scientific rigour, no statistical analysis, just pure bullshit that conforms to a reactionary worldview. Deep investigation into this boards culture reveals a culture of ignorance and stangnacy, rejects clinging on to the few great works of antiquity as evidence the modern world has gone downhill. It's an echo chamber of the worst sort, one that leads young men down a bad path. Engaging in this place leads one away from making the meaningful real life connections. The aura of superiority one acquires from this culture only serves to drive good people away.

>> No.19826694

>True retards are not absent. Incel theories are no better than conjecture but they proliferate all the same. This places understanding of social structure and evolutionary psych is so stupid it makes my head hurt. There is no scientific rigour, no statistical analysis, just pure bullshit that conforms to a reactionary worldview. Deep investigation into this boards culture reveals a culture of ignorance and stangnacy, rejects clinging on to the few great works of antiquity as evidence the modern world has gone downhill. It's an echo chamber of the worst sort, one that leads young men down a bad path. Engaging in this place leads one away from making the meaningful real life connections. The aura of superiority one acquires from this culture only serves to drive good people away.

You have just described my feelings when talking with every single "philosophical pessimist" on here.

>> No.19826713

Editorial choice is what makes the difference between a grumpy antinatalist Schopenhauer and an equanimous beautiful Buddha. Thus it is en masse.

>> No.19826727
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Schopenhauer’s views about our extensive and intense suffering are also based on his metaphysical theory. I do not have here the space to discuss this metaphysical theory but will just note that the falseness of the empirical claims he makes weakens it.

I will also note It's very amusing when these people cite one psychological study that never replicated as definitive proof that everyone's lives suck.

>> No.19826842

I like your style anon, what do you study?

>> No.19826851
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Nice, Schopey scholar. I an amateur Bhikku will now unzip my katana, not from Google but from Audible audiobooks and not fapping for a long time. Namaste.
Buddha's nirvana as liberation from Dukkah is an antisocial detachment from the Hindu concept of Dharma. This is the same instinct that is unshakeable independent nameless and blameless found in Ted Kaczynski and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We are all here for this lonely nectar yet technologically we are not "alone". The alone illusion itself makes this place a San/g/ha (monastery brotherhood and sisterhood). Our anonymity growing our horizons and the overly socialized shrinking horizons now obviates the Maya the illusion of self. Our alternatives inferior on the internet social media are thematic to Buddha's polemic continent splitting Indra's Net. In order to completely severe the castes and concepts as dead hollow rungs. The Eastern vocabulary and thus ontology are far more refined than western borrowed academia such that we may as well learn their language(s) to invent wholly new vehicles of meaning totally themselves detached from our native non-meme obsessed speak. 4chan is evolving incels to frog posters into philosophers and philosophers into monks.

>> No.19826861


>> No.19826862

I have a need to call people faggots, niggers, and trannies.

>> No.19826865
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Learn meme speak, monster man. Out of that whole rambling aspiration my bottom line is you have to construct right speech out of right view as a new foreign thing altogether even if that new thing is ancient and new because you are learning it late after childhood.

>> No.19826890
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Nihilism. You waste time on 4chan because you're infected with nihilism. You really see all the faces of nihilism here, from the humanism of
>They may be rough but people on 4chan are genuinely better than normies sometimes
to the most morally bankrupt hedonism, to a revolutionary spirit of destruction of all rules. It checks every single box. And the "good" people are simply just tired, weary of life. And because they are weary they just sleep it off. This is just the sleep of the mind. I shitpost and laugh because when I am faced with how worthless all my nobler goals are and how infinitesimal my chances of succeeding, far too small to have the smallest spark of hope, I truly feel powerless. All my thoughts that I could put into a novel or something else, something structured and good, I vomit them here, I lap them up off the floor like a dog, and vomit them back again the next day. And the reason why I do this is that I won't have to face the disappointment of creating something out of this matter and see how indifferent and cynical everyone will act around it. Here I am not creating anything. I am not sculpting anything but chucking pieces of marble at people because in the end I think this is what the world deserves, no matter if I am capable of accomplishing something truly great. Even in potentia, this achievement is too much. I need to know that it will never happen. I am a nihilist, I do not believe in anything. If I managed to believe in God, I could do it for God even when I have lost all my hope for people. But if one cannot put any hope in God, it's only a burden. Better to throw it away and perhaps hit someone in the head with it, so at least I may have a laugh while another day dies.

>> No.19826912
File: 112 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-Fyodor-Dostoevsky-Pain-and-suffering-are-always-inevitable-for-a-large-intelligence-36-15-26-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do ascetics fight then, monks?
>Because they cling to ideas
It was incredible to me to see an older and wiser phrase than the one I grew up with Eleanor Roosevelt's phrase for
>Brainlets discuss people
>Normies discuss events
>Great minds discuss ideas
So the way I remember is
>Brainlets cling to people
>Normies cling to events
>Scholars cling to ideas and ideologies
>Galaxy brain giga chads don't cling at all and just harness the means of learning and mental refinement as and end in and of itself to be an ever better antenna

If I had my library and editorial time this would be a banger of an effort post my dear Anons of 4chins on 4chanel

>> No.19826943
File: 876 KB, 1267x3795, Code and Culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.19826958

4chan culture now meshes in with internet culture. In fact it's reputation can be found throughout the cycle of internet periods.

>> No.19826977

No mob rule system; no shitty ethos.

>> No.19827072

its the crack in the (bottom) text
hear shifting average moments of circumstance blessing good people away
[meme speaks]
and not fapping for a long time on any constructive common vision
an NPC:
I. E__O
C. R___N
E. S__L

wisdom I do. with myself in public its way has metastasized. disdain for disdain. meta-discussions be like 4chin messianic community under the veil of not-cel-still-in ivory tower vehicles. (e-vimanas? socialized at others in public)

you can get more ideas to stick. ??? profit

>> No.19827102

Anonymous forums are a gift and a curse. On one hand, you can be completely honest here without the fear of being ostracized. On the other hand, not many people here understand the consequences this website brings (lack of real community, echo chamber, escapism)

That's how it is though. The internet is a pretty small place now. It used to be a lot bigger. Since I've spent most of my life on this stupid website I missed out on most opportunities to socialize normally. It's not too late for you though, Anon. If you act now you'll have a chance. Be sincere, find a community IRL. Make a community and share your true self with people. Time runs out way too fast, some day you'll regret ever using 4chan

>> No.19827110

God bless

>> No.19827113

it is good that such concerns are being raised, shows that the consciousness is evolving.

>> No.19827115

Reading this cryptic schizo mock post is much like trying to learn Thai and Sanskrit and Hindi. I haven't made my point gracefully but I have aimed at something that strikes a chord people get.

>> No.19827121

Or German and Jargon
But Jargon is hierarchical and diligent.

>> No.19827128

What is this from? I'd like to read the whole thing

>> No.19827129

that good, intention matters. and perhaps it is not a 'mock post' but a some type of Buddha-post.

>> No.19827137

How old is this? It reads as painfully outdated.