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19824419 No.19824419 [Reply] [Original]

i dunno what good could come of it but I really need for him to fuck frau else cause this tension is boiling

>> No.19825025

damn, emptiness. nothing.

>> No.19826227

The first reich was better, honestly. They lost something with each sequel.

>> No.19826256

Pretty good novel desu. Bolano captures the European normie like nobody else I know.

>> No.19826308
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Based bipoc writer & novel.

>> No.19826336
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>t. based Holy Roman Empire fan

>> No.19826390
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You better believe it, Bruder.

>> No.19826400

>Holy Roman Empire
>Not Holy
>Not Roman
>Not an Empire

>> No.19826431

>quoting that satanic philanderer Voltaire

In my language we call it the Germano-Roman Realm, funnily enough.

>> No.19826439

seethe harder Voltaire, it was better than anything that came out of your gay French Enlightenment

>> No.19827647

I enjoyed it, couldn't put it down once it got going and had to sit and think when it was done. Does a great job toeing the line between the real and surreal with the sick hotel owner sneaking around behind the scenes and coaching the burn victim in the game (even though he says he didn't, we see him doing it).
I think it's a simple story at its core, it's about the failure of his relationship with Ingeborg and the failure of his seduction of Else. Not so much about the game, or the other relationships which are just satellites.
I guess I'll read 2666 by Bolano next. Nothing else sounds interesting to me. Maybe The Skating Rink because it's the same setting as this?

>> No.19827688

Distant Star is my favorite, as well as his short story 'The Return'. 2666 is also pretty good.