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File: 287 KB, 539x560, satire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19825852 No.19825852 [Reply] [Original]

people that are self-aware of how clever they are tend to be cruel towards those they perceive as below them
how perverse!

>> No.19825860

>Satire is meant to ridicule white people

>> No.19825864
File: 55 KB, 638x530, hieronymus-bosch-and-workshop-conjuror-c-1502-oil-wood-21-26-musee-municipal-st-germain-en-laye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a medieval sense of comedy
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.19825866

This but unironically

>> No.19825870

we must ridicule the most powerful people on the planet, working class white males

>> No.19825907

the sci fi midwit trembles in the presence of Horace

>> No.19825931

>working class white males
Nobody does that, however people make fun of Donald Trump, who is a rich boy orange man, which triggers working class white males in their fragile ego

>> No.19825939

Fake quote. Pratchett was ofcourse a cuck by the virtue of being an accursed anglo, but he'd wrap his cuck fantasies in a better phrasing

>> No.19825940

That quote sums up what makes satire enjoyable in the first place. Satire is shit tier entertainment for this reason, too.

The most powerful people on the planet are guys like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Larry Fink, which is why they're the target of most memes.

>> No.19825956

A 'power' that lets itself be ridiculed either isn't powerful enough to stop you and therefore isn't a power at all, or so powerful that it doesn't care for the yap of some plebian microbes, making your satire pathetically ineffective. Satire isn't meant to ridicule power, it's meant to ridicule those who let powers exist and walk all over them. This is why shitting on /pol/ is so fun

>> No.19825974

Satire is for whoever the fuck you want to make fun of. Goddamn this le punch up only meme is why comedy is so dead rn. Punch in any direction you want faggot just make sure its funny

>> No.19825978

>be in power
>claim you are in pain
>now you cannot be ridiculed
It's just that simple.

>> No.19825983


>> No.19825989

our man has clearly not read any latin poetry

>> No.19825994

That’s what trump did

>> No.19826000
File: 262 KB, 1657x932, 0BFC1823-0B39-4209-A024-16D31ADE0998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret services already do this

>> No.19826023

Lmao all the gaslighting in the replies

>> No.19826024

Yeah, they won’t do anything about it, they’ll just take it. Everyone knows white males will whine and then get banned for whining. They’re harmless.

>> No.19826055

Your tds is showing

>> No.19826085

Like most leftist talking points, it's very easy for /pol/ to turn it around by claiming the Jews are power

>> No.19826092

South Park relentlessly mocked working class white males and it caught on with the "dey took 'er jerbs!" bullshit. As if not wanting the government to flood the country with illegal immigrants against whom it's impossible to compete due to minimum wage laws - laws which illegal immigrants completely circumvent - was somehow laughable. Ha, ha, look at those poor whites not wanting to lose their livelihoods so that Cargill can make a few extra bucks. lmao

>> No.19826117

Impressive, very nice.

>> No.19826155
File: 42 KB, 900x600, 4c70313b-91b5-470f-b6bb-e820a3dd7535_Screenshot+2021-05-18+at+16.19.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody does that

>> No.19826165

Mocking hicks has been hollywoods favorite thing for how many decades now

>> No.19826483

Satire is the lowest form of comedy and criticism, it doesn't matter who you're writing about.

>> No.19826533

Wonder Showzen did the same thing. People hail it as some edgy alternative comedy but all of its targets were just random innocent people, it never attacked anybody or anything in power. They did literally an entire episode on making fun of hicks, with rich Jew David Cross breaking the 4th wall and talking about how unintelligent his character was.

>> No.19826550

>satire is when there's animals in it

>> No.19826565


>> No.19826627

The people who whinge about satire "punching up" are the same people who break down into tears whenever somebody mocks the jews.

>> No.19826702


>> No.19826708

Excellent post.

>> No.19826729


Bad post. Satire is only understood by a minority of the audience while the majority of them are apes there to jeer at freaks and humiliating sex jokes, or jerk off at violence. Depending on what medium it. And it's always custom that hurts comedians, only sometimes elite pokitical actors. Elites are just more noble and less likely to chimpout over criticism

>> No.19826766

>only a very small and smart minority of people like me understand satire!
This is a very reddit post

>> No.19826807

I knew exactly what video it was without even looking

>> No.19826859
File: 30 KB, 542x565, 1635950339196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you saying Jews run Hollywood?

>> No.19827298

Not /pol/ but man,
>Jewish leaders are condemning ___ for saying in a CNN interview that Hollywood is owned and run by Jews.
>Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, said Monday that ___’s comments were "utterly false″ and urged him to apologize.
>Mr. ___ owes an apology to the Jewish men and women who work in Hollywood for vilifying them and to all Jews for his stereotyping,″ Foxman added.
>In an appearance Friday on CNN’s "Larry King Live,″ the Oscar-winning star of "The Godfather″ Marlon Brando said, "Hollywood is run by Jews.″
How are people taking offense at "Hollywood is run by Jews", It's a fact. You can just look at who's what. What if you say it positively like the comedian says, Hollywood is run by Jews and I'm quite happy about it, is that OK because you're adding a certain opinion to it? That's not how -isms works, you are an -ism when you completely discredit people in spite of their behavior or merit, not when you say facts. How is this so hard to understand?

>> No.19827376
File: 165 KB, 250x250, 1640578959842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, joe biden has given speeches about how Hollywood Jews are responsible for softening peoples views on gays and the like.
I'm evil for pointing that out.

>> No.19827843

up and coming zionist lmao probably completely staged too