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/lit/ - Literature

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19824667 No.19824667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with this feeling?

>> No.19824692

Books without that feeling?

>> No.19824704

Crime and Punishment.
To the Lighthouse.

>> No.19824788

Women should be banned from the internet

>> No.19824802

Her insta is @fakeschopenhauer She's just another "intellectual" whore obsessed with appearing apathetic and filled to the brim with mental issues

>> No.19824814

>being praised and affirmed
oof, that's sounds like a potential break up waiting to happen if you ever get with her

>> No.19824890

Sounds like me.

>> No.19824898

you're a whore?

>> No.19824930

Sounds like a truly terrible person, hope she dies

>> No.19824942


>> No.19825133

Why not?

>> No.19825186

Don't be redundant you obnoxious cuck.

>> No.19825200

I would absolutely crush her at chess.

>> No.19825317
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>my biggest muh fuzzy feeling is being praised and affirmed...

I always thought I was feminine. Not in the "I want to be a woman" sense, but in the sense that I can only describe that I am aware of my emotional prison being neglected. Which a lot of men seem to not have or simply not have the time to delve into that Pandoras Box at all.
Dangerous in fact because to be an ideal man is without "need", precisely women's affection. Which becomes a downward spiral of desperation that cannot be easily reached out of.
Women have built a society wherein they are a byword for "abundance" and for men "scarcity".
Do not be confused however, although poetry, the arts and "fun" is appreciated by women, it is merely the act of ingesting that they enjoy, and not the dialogue. In fact the most you will ever see of any woman's receptiveness is, "You may kiss me", in other words, "You may continue to feed me your love". They are simply incapable of giving.
A man who recognises his feminine urge to be "reciprocated" (you should realise how insane this sounds, and yet it is true)
is immediately met with the mirage in the desert head on.
You picture yourself with your to-be-wife,
she pictures herself enjoying herself being enjoyed, you are simply not even there.
If this is properly recognised, the impetus to work and many other such things would come crashing down, and so in a way, men are kept in the allegory of the cave, being told they are being recepted, far away from the truth, their gifts are merely taken, just as a gold necklace is given as a purchase and not a gift.
And so the feminine mind suddenly veers to the other, radical side of thought. That women are like global bankers, or dragons, hoarding up all of the pleasureable virtues, for fear that a future coin will be stripped from their enjoyment, and the men are convinced that "emotions weren't worth much anyway" and told to watch Football, perhaps via other men who have unconsciously given up trying.

>> No.19825390

>She's just another "intellectual" whore obsessed with appearing apathetic and filled to the brim with mental issues
i could feel my dick getting harder while reading this sentence

>> No.19825403
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Excellent post, /lit/cels should internalize this before they get burnt.
I had to learn the hard way - got exploited and cucked to hell and back by a slut during crucial formative years (17-20). Lost all interest in women afterwards and soon enough realized that without the pussy incentive there’s no need to subject oneself to wageslaving at all.
Took me years to stop hating the slut and comprehend that I got let down by my disinterested father who should have warned me.

>> No.19825593

Shit prose

>> No.19825648


>> No.19825765

>get cucked during teenage relationship
>lose all interest in the opposite sex and become a workshy NEET
>blame your father for your failures
you really took the worst possible lesson from that scenario didn't you? If you were my son I'd kill myself

>> No.19825795

I’m not blaming him for my current life because that’s what I chose and I’m content with it, but I absolutely do blame him for cowardly avoiding the male role model duty and letting me stew in the humiliating suffering back then.
This lesson >>19825317 would have sufficed.

>> No.19825893

I see myself in that, had a similar experience in approximately the same age. I even went to my father for advice. "You figure things out". When shit really hit the fan, he retracted. Confused by the amount of shit i got. "Your friends should help you out." Then of course, he himself is single, and while separating from my mother, he actively moved in to one of my classmates since my mother "locked him out".

>> No.19825925

Yup. Careless/clueless/absent father is a curse.

>> No.19826139

Could be a Narcissist

>> No.19826150

thing is people like her are always chasing "the next high" so to speak, it'll never lasts, which I guess wouldn't be a problem if you didn't intend it to last.

>> No.19826180

Have sex.

>> No.19826199

and then what will you do?

>> No.19826247

Why would I do anything. I've had sex before and therefore realise that everything you (or whoever wrote the post) wrote is bullshit. There is no grand theory of the genders that explains why you've been hurt before or why you have never gotten a girl to be attracted to you. Girls are just humans, some are selfish and some are giving. Most, just like you or any man, wouldn't date or approach someone who is disfigured or who seems entirely boring just or the promise of a beautiful soul somewhere deep inside.
With every woman I've been with there were times where she sacrificed a lot or me and times where I ignored her needs, and vice versa. I'm not even attractive so I'm drawing from experiences from the 2 to 3 girls I dated, I just accept these as human experiences and I don't write autistic paragraphs about the specter of 'women' on an internet Anime forum because I can't get pussy.
Tl;dr:Have sex

>> No.19826253

you sound like you need to have sex

>> No.19826260

dear god have sex

>> No.19826271

she used to be lit_memes_and_greentexts on Instagram and posted absolutely nothing about lit or literature in general

>> No.19826280

You think that the woman question is about sex, it is not. This is your first flop into some 'trying to get laid' teenage dialogue.

>> No.19826287

Ascendant volcel take
Simping beta cope

>> No.19826304


>> No.19826320

It's funny, most discord trannies are actually people who follow Instagram pages like that, and decide to shit up 4chan with their faggotry. There's several LGBT deleuze/theory pages on Instagram, and as they become more popular, the more you see tthos kinds of posters here. Instagram killed /lit/

>> No.19826330

I don't, I just mention sex because it might help some of you see how pathetic you sound. "No woman has ever done something nice to me, therefore no woman has ever done something nice" says way more about you than women.

>> No.19826396

You mention it because you assume that it is a clarification of your value as a man, to be recieved by woman. This is not the achievement you think it is, you have been the means to an end like so many others.

>> No.19826438

I don't, it's kind of just the mean. You're the one who idiolises love from a woman so much that you feel the need to write paragraphs about how nasty women are to justify to yourself why you've never received. All while literally billions of people out there had and are having normal reciprocal relationships. Is it the billions who don't understand what 'reciprocation' is? Or are you the problem?

>> No.19826442

We should bomb her acc. Anyone here sent her Dick pics already?

>> No.19826445

there's no "we" here incel, jesus

>> No.19826455

She posted a couple of times about it here I think. She also posted herself in /fa/

>> No.19826477

That'd just attract even more trannies to the board

>> No.19826516

Sounds like your father was kinda an autist

>> No.19826617

implying this isn't her thread

>> No.19828313

jerrylabe lichess.com

>> No.19828363

good post anon, I relate

>> No.19828400

Please don't tell me this creature posts on /lit/.

>> No.19828963

I googled her handle and the first things were links to onlyfans and something called "erothots."

>> No.19830019

Sounds like /lit/.

>> No.19830680

and yet somehow these bitches get into top universities, maybe the professors cant resist.

>> No.19830714
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Only good post in this board, thanks.