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/lit/ - Literature

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19821888 No.19821888 [Reply] [Original]

>last book you read
>book you're currently reading
>book you're going to read next

>> No.19821892

three musketeers
idk probably something similar loving these adventure books

>> No.19821902

>Gravity's Rainbow
>The Little Angel - Andreyev (it's short stories) + Montaigne
>dk yet, but maybe A Hero of our Time or some of Marlowe's plays

>> No.19821910

Jigoku by F Gardner
Call of the Crocodile
Probably another one of these books

>> No.19821934

>Star Wars: Phasma
>Star Wars: Allegiance
>Star Wars: Rogue One novelization

>> No.19821948
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Ulysses, by James Joyce

The Aleph and Other Stories, by Jorge Luis Borges

The Way of Perfection, by St. Teresa of Avila

>> No.19822007

Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

>> No.19822024

>Dunno yet

>> No.19822030

What did you think of Wise Blood?

>> No.19822094

>2666 (Bolaño)
>The Recognitions (Gaddis)
>Stalingrad (Grossman)

>> No.19822101
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Without picking at the theological details on the Haze's actions at the end of the story, I thought it was grotesque, made me laugh a few times and had a pretty tragic climax. Some moments made me horrified because I imagined if his church actually became a thing what it might look like. Haze's obsession with blasphemy was breathtaking honestly. The plot is thick with symbolism between the three women that Haze is involved with, the three other "preachers", blindness, "did you escape from the zoo," Enoch being a desperate shithead, flashbacks of Haze's religious childhood, and especially the symbolism of Haze's car and his pride in it.
If you've read the New Testament it will especially all make sense, but it is far more ugly of a story compared to her short stories which I've read most of already. The movie from 1979 (watched it right after) is actually a pretty good adaptation but it rearranges some scenes and removes the Enoch character building.

>> No.19822103

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
>The Concept of the Political, Carl Schmitt
>Political Theology, Carl Schmitt.

>> No.19822116

>Patrick White by David Marr
>Ernest Hemingway by Carlos Baker
>Thomas Mann by Ronald Hayman

>> No.19822126

The Plague
Debt: The First 5000 Years
Probably Dubliners

>> No.19822147

Crime and punishment
War and peace
Idk maybe notes from the underground

In my devotion
Pauline epistles
Then the prohets

>> No.19822166

How far are you in The Recognitions?

>> No.19822216

book of urizen
the illiad
probably lovecraft's dream/randolph carter cycle, or ovid's metamorphoses

>> No.19822233

>last book you read
>book you're currently reading
Harry potter and the philospher stone
>book you're going to read next
Already made a start with this one but the horse, the wheel and language

>> No.19822262

La Nausée
I don't know

>> No.19822358
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Last Book: The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima
Currently reading: The Woman in The Dunes by Kōbō Abe
Next read: Stoner by John Williams

I wanted to start with Japanese literature. Mishima seems like an interesting starting point so I bought one of his most well-known short stories. I loved it. It certainly will not be the last Mishima book that I'll read.
While I was looking around the bookstore, one of the employees noticed that I was holding one of Mishima's book and urged me to read Kobo Abe's The Woman in the Dunes. It invokes strange and claustrophobic imagery. Enjoying it so far.
Stoner is my next read. It piqued my interestes while I was looking at lit charts. I hope it turns out to be good.

>> No.19822387

Did you read Nausea in French or are you just another faggot who only puts the original titles of French books but fail to do it for all other translated works?

>> No.19822573

Bible (NT, EOB)
Julian (gore vidal)
other historical fiction, idk

>> No.19822670

The City and The Mountains by Eca de Queiroz
Purification of The Heart by Hamza Yusuf
Narcissu and Goldmund by Herman Hesse

>> No.19822678

DFW essay collection
Bible (im excited)

>> No.19822709


>> No.19823238

Reminder to start with the gospel of John.

>> No.19823250

>Harry Potter series
>Eragon series

>> No.19823378

>This time the World
>The Illiad
>The Spanish Civil War

>> No.19823445

>Smoke and Other Stories by Djuna Barnes
>Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

>> No.19823486


>> No.19823795

Tess of the d'Urbervilles
The Age of Innocence
Anna Karenina

>> No.19823862
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The Incredible Life of Hubert Wilkins by Peter Fitzsimmons.
Wilkins biography was a great read. Fellow traveled to the arctic/antarctic, flew planes, commanded a submarine, traveled on an airship, fought a polar bear, saw two wars, and somehow survived it all.
Moby Dick by Herman Melville. This book is a gay anthem with Ishmael and Queequeg. Very boring slog. Though it is the last book in my big pile of books to read that hasn't been cleared in ~5 years.
Very excited to finally clear my "To read" pile and start on the books in pic related.

>> No.19823874

I seek Fitzsimmons' books everywhere and have been wondering if they are any good. Have you read much else by him?

>> No.19823886

>The Black Company, Cook
>The Duel, Casanova
>The Apology of Socrates, Plato

>> No.19823892

The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Hero With a Thousand Faces

>> No.19823893

Nope, Wilkins bio was the first. He has an interesting writing style that makes me think he suffered one too many concussions while playing rugby. Often jumps around to seemingly unrelated Aussie mythos. All in all he has a simple, easy to read, and entertaining style that I would highly recommend to any proud Australian.

>> No.19824211

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
The Book of The New Sun

>> No.19824223

Moby Dick
East of Eden

>> No.19824255
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>Eugene Onegin (Pushkin, Nabokov trans.), Hercules Furens (Seneca, Wilson trans./Latin text)
>Moby Dick (Melville), Discourse On The Method (Descartes, Haldane trans.), Protagoras And Logos: A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric (Schiappa)
>Les Chants de Maldoror (Lautremont, Night trans.), Phaedrus (Plato, Nehamus/Woodruff trans.)

>> No.19824267

>The brothers Karamazov
>Main Currents of Marxism Vol.3 by Kolakowski
>The Portrait of the artist as a young man (have not read dubliners yet)

>> No.19824411

>Brave New World
>Moby Dick
>Revolt Against The Modern World

>> No.19824417


>> No.19824444

> A Tale of Two Cities
> Heart of Darkness
> Labyrinths by Borges

I’m hoping the Borges collection of stories is as good as the Aleph

>> No.19824640

>The Emigrants
>The Fountainhead
>Not sure, still deciding between some historical non-fiction books

>> No.19824790

>Lord of the Rings
>The Prestige

Mostly reading novels with film adaptations related to /tv/. Any recommendations?

>> No.19824841
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Despentes - Vernon Subutex
Pessoa - Book of Disquiet
Next maybe Foucault in California

>> No.19824907

>Women, Race & Class, by Angela Y. Davis
>The Pale King, by DFW, and Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes
>Beyond Good and Evil, by Fred Nebula, or Around the World in Eighty Days (I'm learning a 3rd language, and it's the first book I read in English so I think it's romantic to keep the tradition going)

guessing university-related shit doesn't count

>> No.19824979

A woman in berlin
Probably metamorphosis or something about beginning of islam

>> No.19825042

Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
The Leviathan - Hobbes
Something by Voltaire like Zadig or Zaira. I don't know yet.