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19821839 No.19821839 [Reply] [Original]

So I was at work this morning and started talking to this Christian lady and I was explaining I'm not really a Christian but I like the Bible and how it's like a big book of philosophy and good teaching and how I think Jesus had a lot of good things to say but ALL this lady kept talking about was how Jesus was God and how he got resurrected and crucified and I just didn't get how somebody who devoted themselves to Christ one only care about the man's death and resurrection, there was so much more to him as a man than that and it just felt so one dimensional. Why don't Christians ever discuss christ as a man and not the whole him being son of God and stuff? There was so much more to him than just that one part of the story

>> No.19821933

Christians don't know what Philosophy is

>> No.19821941

It's indoctrination

>> No.19821944

t. lost redditors

>> No.19821952

What was Thomas Aquinas doing then?!

>> No.19821958


>> No.19821961

Christians are allowed to be lowbrow brainlets. That's why a priest gives them instruction.

>> No.19821962
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women aren't capable of philosophy

>> No.19821969
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Because the Resurrection is literally the most important thing about Jesus. It's also what validates His mission. Jesus said He would die and rise from the dead, and then He went and did exactly that. This means everything else He said was also true. Without the Resurrection, Jesus is just some dude, no different from Buddha or Socrates or anything like that. The Resurrection gives Him a different level of authority than any other moral thinker.

>> No.19821979

>What was Thomas Aquinas doing then?!
A braindead and opportunistic rehashing of Plato, Plotinus and Aristotle.

Christianity has not produce a single original thought.

>> No.19821995

Yeah I mean I get that aspect of it, but I'm interested as Jesus as just some dude, I understand the resurrection was great and the immaculate conception and stuff. but why can't christians just talk about all the stuff inbetween that, I just don't get it I guess.

>> No.19822015

the stuff inbetween has no epistemological weight if not for those

>> No.19822032

Christians talk about the miracles and parables and everything in between all the time. But the most important thing is his crucifixion and resurrection.

>> No.19822201

Wasn't Christ validated at birth? Or by the thousands of years of prophecy beforehand? Looking at a single moment to define legitimacy is absurd. I guess the lifetime of ministry and devotion to the highest didn't matter, because welp, death can't hold meee. if that's the case, why is Christ special? Because death can't hold you, either, does that make you king?

I get that you're looking to acknowledge Christ as Lord and you're not trying to say anything other than that. I'm just saying that reliance on dogmatic teachings is an indoctrinated short-circuit of your brain, and you're here for more than that.

>> No.19822222
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>I'm just saying that reliance on dogmatic teachings is an indoctrinated short-circuit of your brain, and you're here for more than that.

Oh, yes, because it's impossible for someone to arrive at the belief that Jesus is God of their own volition, right?

>> No.19822263

I think the focus on the Single Most Important Thing Ever as the crucifixion/resurrection is related to the fact that most people are not very certain about their belief structures. How many people honestly investigate what they say they believe? Not relying on what some pastor told them, or in a book, but based on direct, personal experience? From what I've seen, most people profess to believe something, then accept it, and call the suppression of their own doubt 'faith' instead of actually having faith and inquiring within. Much easier to build an identity around tradition, and project by judging everyone else for thinking something different instead of, oh, actually following Jesus' teachings and actually accepting people as they are. Better to focus on the crucifixion, because it gives meaning to my own suffering, rather than looking around and following Jesus' life.

>> No.19822271

of course not.
>I'm just saying that reliance on dogmatic teachings is an indoctrinated short-circuit of your brain, and you're here for more than that.
Of course, you'll hear whatever your filters let you hear.

>> No.19822856


>> No.19823126

Quints of the lord

>> No.19823161
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Christfags usually care about yummy cummy in heaven where you can eat endlessly but never get sick or fat, and you can cum big but never go soft. Yummy nummy wummy cummy fun fun. But there's a catch...you have to not attack and murder, not swear or use the lord's name in vain, and you have to bother working and raising your kids! Oh noes!

>> No.19823176

>why are people interested in the most important event in all the history of creation?

>why aren't they more interested in vague and contradictory anecdotes about some guy