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/lit/ - Literature

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19820404 No.19820404 [Reply] [Original]

Is more important to have a good plot or good characters? Can a book by saved by one without the other?

>> No.19820428

i think even a book with a good premise will fail if you arent into the characters

>> No.19820472


>> No.19820477

All plots are shit.

>> No.19820481

All plots are characters, there is no plot without a character

>> No.19820485
File: 156 KB, 319x310, D2462BCC-3553-4147-91FD-BC3377D211F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mum’s plot is

>> No.19820513

>good plot or good characters
Wrong question. The most important thing in a book isn't plot *or* characters. It's the cover art. So the real question is: what sort of plot and/or characters lend themselves to the best cover art?

Who draws the best cover art?

Frank Frazetta.

I hope this answers your question.

>> No.19820518

Your plot can be crossing the street to the grocery store and if you the characters will carry it

>> No.19821981

They go hand in hand

>> No.19822404

Plot is how you show how good your characters are. Plot is the actuality, characters are the potentiality.
Now one cares what your charachter was supposed to be, you have to actually demonstrate that through choice, action, and narrative.
>Now I know the plot is just my character sitting in a chair, but trust me, you can't tell it by reading the story but he's a really deep interesting character
Oh, suuuuuuuure anon

>> No.19822454
File: 18 KB, 176x300, TheMezzanine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot is the protagonist rides an escalator.

>> No.19822581

Is that just effectively the 'frame story' though? Also it may include his observations - the 'plot' may in fact be the secondary characters he observes... I don't know I haven't read it. You tell me.
Like in Arabian Nights, even though it's an anthology, the stories told aren't necessarily presented as faithful tellings of things that actually happened in the world that Scheherazade lives in.
I realize this is a stretch, but conceivably even a stream-of-consciousness novel could actually involve much plot in that the fantasies and imaginary events of the protagonist themselves consistent the plot, right? Whether it is successful or not is another matter - you'd need to somehow make those vignettes of thought interesting enough that the reader is willing to go along with what is in effect a fiction inside another fiction.

>> No.19822592

No, not a frame story. Give it a read, it is quite good and just 135 pages so fairly quick reading even if it is a bit dense.

>> No.19822610

Dense is not the right word, there is nothing particularly dense about it, difficult to explain.