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19819638 No.19819638 [Reply] [Original]

You have 34 seconds to demonstrate your mastery of the English language by using the word "obsequious" in a believable sentence.

>> No.19819642

i have obsequious ways of railing your mopm

>> No.19819653

obsequious attentiveness of THESE NUTS

>> No.19819656

Obsequious--I'm afraid I don't know that word.

>> No.19819676

The obsequious American goy always waited upon its masters.

>> No.19819684
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>m...must serve obsequiously and slavishly for my overlord's approval. YES FEED ME DISINFORMATION MASTER! More! MOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRR!

>> No.19819702

That dumb fucking obsequious bitch. Ill show her!

>> No.19819714

The government official acquired his post by means of obsequious behavior.

>> No.19819715

"I called him an obsequious little cunt"

>> No.19819716

i need o shit

>> No.19819787

Once, obfuscating an obsequious obscenity my humble self told an anonymous friend to use his imagination considering the olfactory qualities of a Japanese painting.

>> No.19819793

Obseque on these nuts

>> No.19819799

OP is an obsequious fag

>> No.19819801

OP's mom was deeply penetrated by an obsequious nigger.

>> No.19819812

The jester's loud clothing and nervous, twitchy movements stood out in stark contrast to the seemingly obsequious deportation of all others at court.

>> No.19819817

Not bad
Even better
Middle school tier
Could almost work
Modernism is dead

Overall, pretty bad.

>> No.19819837

What's bad here is the lack of reaction pics from that one shotacon milf who was ready to fuck a teenager who's like twice as young as she is. That's the real crime.

>> No.19819842

Not him, but this probably the best example in the thread so far. It could be a bit be a little more specific with context clues, but overall I think it's perfectly valid.

>> No.19819849

Character: Obsequious.

>> No.19819867
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You must obsequiously follow the unspoken rule of reacting to all these comments with a picture of a big-titted evangelion milf who has a knack of self-inserted cuckold teenagers. Failure to comply with the demands of proletariat will result in in you taking the bullet.

>> No.19819873

No, it's the type of sentence that ESLs have to write to learn tenses or whatever. No one ever talks or writes like that.

>> No.19819876

I obsequious into a sock before bed to help me fall asleep

>> No.19819943

Obsequious is a gay fucking word and so is the entirety of the engl*sh """"language""""".

>> No.19819956

last time I got banned for that because I guess LARPing isn't allowed :(

>> No.19819968
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I like Misato.

>> No.19819973

It's too vague and ambiguous in explaining what obsequious means

>> No.19819981

True you could glean multiple meanings from that sentence. But you can tell he at least has an idea of what it means.
You wouldn't come up with a sentence like that at random. I say he passes.

>> No.19819986

It's not supposed to explain what it means, it's supposed to have the word flow without bothering the reader. That sentence fails at that because it's too artificial.

>> No.19819993
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Im so osequious right now.

>> No.19819998

>it's supposed to have the word flow without bothering the reader
understanding the meaning is a prerequisite for this

>> No.19820000
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I'd obsequiously lick Misatos toes

>> No.19820002

>demonstrate your mastery of the English language
That sentence does not do anything close to this, all it proves is that he can identify what kind of word obsequious is.
If he actually does know then he's displaying a layer of obsequious irony in the posting of that example.

>> No.19820007

Say hello to my obsequious oblong object, smirked the whore.

>> No.19820018

Jannies are fucking gay

>> No.19821748
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> obsequious, that's new word I've learned today. Thanks!
As OPs lips went over Misato's feet and he took a deep breath to envelop himself of her moisture she pressed up his nose with her riding crop insistently until she said the word and OP glanced up at Misato with obsequious eyes.

>> No.19821761
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>> No.19821787

His obsequious servant stood silently by the door.

>> No.19821862

I'll do you one better.
>I was pleased for it to finally be over, this wearisome service for a servant of no consequence. How much time had been wasted, I wondered with private amusement, on obsequies for the obsequious?

>> No.19822010

Tomorrow's editors' cocklickers and sycophants, the main practices of whom are prolonged genuflections obsequious and almost fetishistic, are full-well known by the people of this board to be today's punk, anti-authority /lit/-fags.

>> No.19822104
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Same. Best girl. I'll be obsequious to her.

>> No.19822107
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>You have 34 seconds to demonstrate your mastery of the English language by using the word "obsequious" in a believable sentence.
What is the meaning of the word "obsequious?"

There--exactly what OP wanted. I hope he likes it and it helps bring attention to his thread. I'd better bump right after this just in case.

>> No.19822121

Good luck OP!

>> No.19822231

nah, i don't want to be obsequious. smc OP

>> No.19822291

The girl smiled having received praise from the teacher, her obsequious nature apparent to everyone but herself.

>> No.19822329

This is good, it'd be even better if possible to give the impression of a forced or sweet smile or maybe say she smiled a voluntary smile

>> No.19822478

Yeah, she’s a domineering bitch with her coworkers but an obsequious little whore with the supervisors

>> No.19822516

Your mother is sexually obsequious towards all the boys in the neighborhood.

>> No.19822558

She heard two sharper knocks against the wall, as if to remind her that she had been raised to be obsequious to her mother above anything else and at any time.

>> No.19823098


The pet negros obsequiously kneeled down before the hidden master as he announced "No! Liberalism is completed and done! The new cycle has begun! O hideous niggers, wash my feet, kiss them, and my swollen foot too!"

>> No.19823809


Wow, very good, 10/10!!!

>> No.19823883

Her wet tongue obseqiously orbited the pucker of my asshole

>> No.19824236
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I was working all night in my office, when a man I had recently killed called me up from a phone near my building. So I looked out the window at him; he had the same obsequious manner that was the reason I had him killed.

>> No.19824271

This Anglo-Saxon hand will not write obseekweez Latin crap to prove anything about English, you antichrist-fellating discord tranny.

>> No.19824400

I'm afraid that I have been outed as a pseud by this thread
I must now follow my true nature and increase my posting on /lit/ 1000x fold

>> No.19824737

I'll be obsequious to the uses of this place and say: get that anime shit out of this anime image board.

>> No.19824766

And though he implored with dull, obsequious eyes, the strap was already on; it was peg-o'clock in poonville.

>> No.19824781


>> No.19825569

His obsequious demeanor had made a favorable impression on the commissioner.

>> No.19825573

His obsequious demeanor left a favorable impression on the commissioner.*

>> No.19826744

Shut the fuck up you obsequious piece of shit.

>> No.19826753

when will aleph be an obsequious boss in smt.