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/lit/ - Literature

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1981833 No.1981833 [Reply] [Original]

>But Anon, why would you read children's books?
>children's books

>Cruciatus Curse, Dementors' Kisses, the poison in the Hallow cave

>too many to list; people dying left and right, from knives to heart, strangulation, being burned alive, and good ol' fashioned kill spells

>cutting off hands, losing ears, losing bones, dying from a curse, scarification galore

>Merope drugging and raping Tom Riddle Sr. for months

>between species and between those of different blood purity

>Voldemort's Muggle agenda

>political coups and fascism
>Voldemort's Ministry takeover

>implied pedophilia
>Fenrir's antics

Yeah. Totally children's books.


>> No.1981844 [DELETED] 

>thinks violence makes something nonchildish
never change, america

>> No.1981848

how about no

>> No.1981851


Quentin you forgot to drop your trip before making a non-shitpost

>> No.1981854


>> No.1981855

>he thinks violence, politics, racism and "implied pedophilia" make a work mature

so cute.

>> No.1981857
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Nice doobs.

>> No.1981860

>thinks violence makes something nonchildish
Try telling that to the GRRMfags.

>> No.1981868

>thinks a children's book can still be a children's book if it contains torture, murder, mutilation, rape, racism, genocide, coups, fascism, and pedophilia

so cute.

>> No.1981872 [DELETED] 

>thinks american is a race

>> No.1981871

we do, they just ignore us. i don't know why potterfags need this much validation when the other fans of shit genre literature don't.

>> No.1981873


pretentious or trolling?

>> No.1981874

>thinks a children's book is something aimed at under 10s.

this book is aimed at 13 year olds, any 13 year old could handle any of those topics maturely.

>> No.1981877

Grimm's Fairy Tales has all of those except possibly the pedophilia.

>> No.1981883

For each of the things I listed, provide a corresponding tale.

If you fail this task, triptrash, then you are full of shit. Rather, you are full of more shit than we already knew.

>> No.1981887


>> No.1981891

LOL he thinks GRRM isn't for kids.

>> No.1981892

That is quite a clever retort. I can tell you're a potterfag.

(also, it doesn't contain any pedophilia. implications are implications because you have to extrapolate.)

>> No.1981896

>subtext doesn't matter

>> No.1981897

lol is this the butthurt fag from /tv/ earlier?

>> No.1981899

>can't read

>> No.1981902


trolling then. aiite

>> No.1981903

Oh the ironing.

>> No.1981905

>if I close my ears, the truth won't sting so bad ;_;

>> No.1981914

If GRRM ever gets around to writing believable human characters and stops killing them off for kicks, maybe it'll get promoted to Pulp Genre Fiction rather than Children's Pulp Genre Fiction.

>> No.1981915


>porn and copious use of cock/cunt: for children

>> No.1981922


say manchildren and you'll have an argument, but right now it's just silly.

>> No.1981927

>copious use of cock/cunt
it's not for children, its for manchildren who feel rebellious when they read words like cock and cunt in books. There's nothing mature about books with copious use of the words cock or cunt, that is high school level immaturity.

>> No.1981935

judging from the amount of times you used cock and cunt in that post, you seem to be the exact person you're talking about

>> No.1981937


to be fair, people who like fantasy have very little to choose from that isn't essentially LOTR fanfic.

>> No.1981938

>Harry Potter thread devolving into a GRRM thread

Worst thread ever.

>> No.1981940

> Beauty and the Beast is a story about Stockholm Syndrome.
> Winnie The Pooh is a story about Platonic Homosexuality and dealing with Obesity.
These are "mature" themes, but mature themes don't make a story mature.
Are you going to try to lecture me on how Winnie The Pooh isn't a children's book, OP?

I like Rowling. I really do. But she has the same level of talent as people working in the comic book industry and people working in the anime industry, if not even less

>> No.1981945


I will bump it just for you baby.

>> No.1981947

>murder, torture, mutilation, rape, racism, genocide, coups, fascism, pedophilia
>for children
>the human body
>not for children

You're the type of person my grandmother used to call a "fucking idiot". She always had a way with words.

>> No.1981954

>These are "mature" themes, but mature themes don't make a story mature.

False premise. None of the things you mentioned factor into their respective texts; ergo the argument is unsound.

>> No.1981959

Hey GRRMfag, what age are you?

I'm betting 15

>> No.1981964

24, asshole.

>> No.1981972

>murder, torture, mutilation, rape, racism, genocide, coups, fascism, pedophilia
>for children

what, I didn't say any of that.

>> No.1981973


I'm 25. Hell yeah there are two of us.

>> No.1981978

Tao Lin reading hipster faggot hating on GRRM.
Did not see that coming.

>> No.1981982

Ad hominem. If you can't participate in a conversation using logic instead of emotion, please don't bother.

>> No.1981990 [DELETED] 

The difference is I wasn't using it as some sort of expression of my edginess. If I said "He was called a Nigger on /b/" I'm not being the edgy teen on /b/ who gets kicks out of saying taboo words.

>> No.1981992


It would have been much less sad if you were 15.

>> No.1981998

Not who you're replying to, but knowing the words ad hominem only makes you look like a retard if you use them wrong. An insult isn't ad hominem. Claiming he is right because [insult] is an ad hominem. He is just insulting you.

>> No.1982001


are you new to 4chan?

>> No.1982004

He was using the fact that the tripfag reads Tao Lin to discredit his argument, which is an ad hom. Get your shit together.

>> No.1982007


>herpaderp, genre fiction is beneath me, I only read Russian literature and I read it in Russian

>> No.1982009
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Sometimes, people argue to prove a point to educate a person into understand their point. But sometimes people argue to prove that they are right, and the other person is wrong.
You are doing the lather.

>> No.1982011
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>> No.1982014

And sometimes, people write a lot without saying anything. Ahem.

>> No.1982022
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You know what else has a lot of words in it, but has no meaning on first glance?

>> No.1982023


I believe you have just summed up /lit/.

>> No.1982024

Harry Potter is bubble-gum flavored beer in a can with cartoon animals.

It's both childish and unsuitable for children by normal standards.

>> No.1982032


>> No.1982143



the fox and the hound

beauty and the beast

The only one not in a disney movie I can think of, and this is a very forgettable part in Harry Potter anyway

song of the south


>political coups and fascism
the lion king

>implied <anything>
every disney movie

Fuck off dumb shit. Kiddy shit ain't all daisies and sunshine.

>> No.1982153

>thinks one or two dark elements in a story is the same as seven or eight

You should donate your brain to scientists. They need as much laughter as they can get.

>> No.1982165

the seven or eight in Harry potter are spread out over seven books which take years for a kiddy to finish. The one or two in EVERY disney movie are each seen after an hour, hour and a half, so a kiddy can in a weekend see a greater content of 'dark elements' from disney then they can in the same weekend of harry potter.

>> No.1982200

Um, what? All but two of them were in Deathly Hallows. And it's not just the presence of the elements, but the saturation. Someone was getting killed or tortured or maimed or abused about every ten pages. In a Disney movie, you get MAYBE one death, and it's usually off-screen or heavily toned down. No comparison.

>> No.1982213

Why is this even an argument? It is a children's series insofar as children can read it. So can adults, just like adults can read Alice in Wonderland if they feel like it.

>> No.1982215

Can we get past how inappropriate it is for children, and just talk about how bad it is?

>every plot resolved by magical deus ex machina

>half-assed swipes at social relevance dropped and forgotten

>half-assed swipes at ever having a moral dropped and forgotten

>alternates between forced whimsy and forced grimdark

>"I want this series to grow up with the readers." -- the closest later volumes come to being more mature is being more violent

>"realistic" kids still treat sports as important when fighting for their lives, and studying as nerdy when the skills learned instantly give them power over their surroundings and each other

>> No.1982218

>implying Alice in Wonderland was a children's book

>> No.1982224


You forgot unbelievably forced romantic relationships.

>> No.1982225

OK, so some kiddy gets the idea to read Harry Potter.

1) kiddys read slow. Really slow. So they get like one or two of those spread out over years. Watching disney for a weekend they get almost all of them spread out over A DAY.

2) It takes them years to get to the deathly hollows. By then they can probably handle the 'dark elements'

3) If you get some weird kiddy who reads fast enough to still be a kiddy when they get to number 7, guess what, the time to read it is still slower than the time to watch MULTIPLE disney's which will expose them to more in a still shorter amount of time.

Basically, yes there is more in one harry potter story, but with disney there is more in less time.

>> No.1982226

bloodless, magic torture, which is only as bad as the reader can imagine
barely, mostly off screen, and again things like falling through a veil, hit by magic insta-death spell, there's nothing very bad in it.
> mutilation
ooh no people getting injured.
Love potions don't count, unlike conventional date rape they actually make people love. And there was no known sex after it wore off. Anyway seeing as it was CHILDREN's book it was glossed over.
that's not what racism means, racism was ignored. Discrimination existed but that was the point "discrimination is bad" its all very childish clear cut shit.
again simplistic moralizing fit for children
>implied pedophilia
NO! allegorical pedophilia, there's a difference. In universe Fenrir was pretty clearly not a pedophile.

Children's books, they can be dark, scary, but they can still be for kids? but honestly what's wrong with that.

>> No.1982230

Dude have you ever seen kids read harry potter, they go crazy obsessed they read it in a couple weeks at most

>> No.1982235


I read faster when I was a kid than I read now, because I had a shitload of free time and I would just take books everywhere with me, including under the covers with a flashlight. If I had read HP when I was ten I would have burned through that shit.

>> No.1982236

>In universe Fenrir was pretty clearly not a pedophile.
Not Fenrir. Dumbledore.

>> No.1982239

thats still longer than to watch disney movies. Seen how fast they watch those? Like a weekend is most of the cartoon ones. Point still stands. one weekend > a couple of weeks.

Also disney is easier to rewatch, as opposed to rereading a harry potter book.

Lastly, the fuck is wrong with the kids you see that they get obsessed with Potter? even when I was a kid I thought it was shit and not worth the length.

>> No.1982242

Harry potter is poorly written and the characters are unlikable. All the books/movies stink of forced liberal brainwashing. Rowling doesn't know how to be subtle at all.

>> No.1982244

>even when I was a kid I thought it was shit and not worth the length
You were a loser with delusions of maturity and no one really could stand being around you

>not worth the length
how pathetic are you?

>> No.1982248

Glenn Beck says the same thing

>> No.1982255

If Glenn Beck says the sky is blue, does that make it wrong?

>> No.1982256

Yeah the length, because when you have dyslexia that makes a difference. And I had no delusions, but when I actually managed to read that shit I did not enjoy it. So I read other books, or more often, just played sports and kid games with the rest of my friends.

>> No.1982258

Does glenn beck even know what the word "subtle" means.

>> No.1982286


"The sky is blue" is a fact. The point is that you have the same taste as Glenn Beck, and that's shameful.

>> No.1982295

>Hitler liked ice cream, and so do you.
Are you aware of how stupid a person you are?

>> No.1982296

I don't care for ice cream I find it cloying

>> No.1982300

But there's a difference between having similar taste buds and having similar politically charged massive misinterpretations of the same work.

>> No.1982301


I bet you listen to Muse too. You make me want to vomit.

>> No.1982306


he is a master troll. It takes some subtlety to do that

>> No.1982311 [DELETED] 


>liberal brainwashing

you're such a nigger. the children are put into separate houses based on personalities, they are forced to compete with each other constantly and they are put under very strict rules. what's liberal about it?

>> No.1982325

Are you seriously claiming that Rowling presented all that as an ideal to aspire to?

>This can't be liberal propaganda, people are dying in it because there's no state-provided healthcare!

>> No.1982330

So guys, if murder, rape, implied pedophilia, racism, torture, and the rest aren't adult themes, what the fuck are?

>> No.1982332

You're like those morons who think Frank Miller comics are "mature" because they have nudity, prostitutes and rape. Prurient adolescent bullshit does not a mature story make.

>> No.1982336
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glenn beck says so

>> No.1982337

Bubblegum flavored beer.

>> No.1982343
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>glenn beck says so

>> No.1982345

No, but on the other hand the decision to divide children in that manner is never questioned throughout the book. Even when problems arise, no one even thinks of abolishing the house system, they just think of ways to reform it or such. And Hogwarts is clearly presented as the best place in the wizarding world.

>> No.1982348

When handled and discussed maturely, sex and violence can be "mature" themes.

The Green Zone is a mature movie with mature themes, because it is handled in a reasonably adult way. Grindhouse is not. Do you see the difference?

>> No.1982349



>> No.1982353


she planted the idea that these kind of schools would be swell into the minds of a million children. if anything it has helped to shape an image of conservative, aggressively competitive and strict schools as places where magic happens. there's never any outright criticism of the system, especially not in the first books, and the good guys doesn't try to reform it exactly. now tell me, what's the propaganda

>> No.1982354
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>> No.1982356

It's a teen saga, i read most of the books when i was 11 years old, in 2002.

>> No.1982360

Aside from House Badguy (which gets permanently abolished at the end), it's just a bit of friendly rivalry between kids who sleep in different towers. There's nothing either un-liberal or bad about the house system.

>> No.1982362


Do you realize how often the good guys have to work their way AROUND the system by disguising themselves, stealing shit, breaking and entering into places where they're unwelcome, etc.? If anything it's not promoting the "system," it's promoting sneaking around the system or subtly finding cracks in the system without getting caught.

>> No.1982367

>she planted the idea that these kind of schools would be swell into the minds of a million children.
Schools where they teach magic, you mean?

>> No.1982374


Do you really want schools that incorporate occultist new age bullshit into the curriculum?

>> No.1982377



>> No.1982380

I'm tempted to do a fanfic, just stripping out all of the supernatural elements, and seeing how close I could keep the story.

"Your parents were rich, Harry. They meant for you to go to the elite boarding school they met each other at."

>> No.1982384


You'd basically just be writing The Secret History but without the gay sex.

>> No.1982392


or it could be about adults who doesn't listen to or believe the kids, something which is a common theme in many children's books. the important thing to note here is that the children were right and they felt that they were treated unfairly, most children can identify with that. of course they're going to break the rules.
they're either proud right-wingers who wont stand for the rules imposed on them by the incompetent state or they're crazed liberals who wont do what you tell them, it really doesn't matter.


I thought they were about liberal indoctrination

>> No.1982393


The Bible is a legitimate religious text, you tool. It's not all "Hocus pocus you can do magick!" like a Harry Potter inspired school would be. I could only imagine Wiccans trying to indoctrinate children with their bullshit home-baked "witchcraft" religion.

>> No.1982396

Doesn't /lit/ usually have less stupid people?

>> No.1982406

How many Wiccans do you know? Because I've met a few, and I'd rather go to a Wiccan school than a Christian school any day. It's not all witchcraft and shit like that.

>> No.1982409


such witticism and insight

>> No.1982415


I went to two artsy liberal schools, I've met a few "Neo-Paganists" and Wiccans and they are seriously fucking mentally flakey.

>> No.1982419

Everyone who does that sneaking and sabotage gets punished roundly for it. Ergo, the books aren't promoting sneaking and sabotage.

>> No.1982422

They sound delicious.

>> No.1982429

Pies are flaky.
Pies are good.
Pagans are flaky.
Therefore, Pagans are good.

>> No.1982432

>Therefore, Pagans are pies.

>> No.1982435



>> No.1982438 [DELETED] 
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>mfw after realizing Pagans are a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter

>> No.1982442
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>reading Little Red Riding Hood
>but Anon, why would you read a children's story?
>children's story

path of pins and needles

wolf eating an old woman alive, huntsman hacking the wolf into little bits

Little Red undressing, throwing her clothes into the fire, and then getting in bed with a large hairy man

Killing all the big bad wolf's pups as revenge

Yeah. Totally a children's story.

Get over yourself, OP. Children's stories have been full of violence and shit since the 18th century. You're making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.1982451

You can put in as much death and shit as you want. As long as the story is about "good triumphing over evil through the power of love and friendship" then it's for little babies.

>> No.1982456

Killing the pups of a wolf who ate your grandmother isn't genocite, shit-for-brains. I'll give you the rest, though I haven't read it, and that's still half as many things in HP, and about 0.5% the saturation. Troll harder.

>> No.1982460


>> No.1982465

>that's still half as many things in HP

A story that's less than 3 pages long doesn't have as many atrocities as a book series that's well over 1000 pages in length?

Surely you jest!

>> No.1982466


Fucking this. Seriously. The world doesn't work that way, and only kids books write like that.

>> No.1982469

It's the treatment, not the subject matter, that makes it childish.

>> No.1982480

>everyone in the anime and comic book industries has a subpar amount of talent
this thread is tard central

>> No.1982483

Stephen Hawking on Harry Potter, "I love that shit."

>> No.1982484

Who else would be interested in a Harry Potter thread?

>> No.1982497

LOL the trolling is so shitty its almost entertaining.....almost

Harry Potter is a children's book, but that doesn't mean it is shit. THe Hobbit is a children's book and it is brilliant, no shame in reading a book for kids

>> No.1982511

5/10 I replied.

>> No.1982547

Kids love that shit though. And it's not like the rape or pedophillia ideas would even occur to them.
That's just adults being silly.
Whatever, you don't need to justify liking them

Also, I think the whole thing with Toms mother was a very interesting part of the story and should have been in the movie.
And not only because I find the COS Tom riddle actor really attractive.

>> No.1982549

>Harry Potter is a children's book, but that doesn't mean it is shit.

Yes, Harry Potter is shit for a multitude of reasons, none of which have to do with it being a children's story.

>> No.1982563

Can't we all just get along?
Oh, wait.. /lit/

>> No.1982579

maybe we can get along once some fanboys admit that they enjoy reading children's books.

>> No.1982580


>The world doesn't work that way, and only kids books write like that.

>Books that aren't happy are automatically superior by this virtue alone

delicious /lit/

>> No.1982584

New low, /lit/

New low.

>> No.1982589

How can anyone say the series is shit?
Clearly it isn't. The success speaks for itself (not that success always indicates somethings worth- twilight but lets not get into that) A generation has grown up with it and still feel very passionate. What is a GOOD childrens book?
You don't expect incredible writing. Children want a good story, characters they can relate. I'm sure Harry potter is an escape for many.
They're amazing books with enduring themes. I'd rather my children read them someday than religious narnia bullshit.

>> No.1982593


I don't disagree - they obviously get kids to read, which is awesome - but you can't say "success speaks for itself" without invoking Twilight. That is not a valid argument, I'm sorry.

>> No.1982596

....But it sucks. It fucking sucks

>> No.1982600

Holy fuck, this thread has been going way too long. Why don't we all agree to just go read a book.

>> No.1982604

I enjoy childrens books.
I'm fine admitting that.. Why are people so insecure about it :(
No wonder the trolls come a'trollin

>> No.1982611

Twilight is clever in it's own way, it's exactly what lonely horny tasteless teenage girls want.
I don't think that counts for much personally.. I feel Harry potter will last a lot longer

>> No.1982623


>> No.1982625


I don't think the author did that intentionally, though. Also, there's absolutely nothing endearing about it. As a children's novel or otherwise.

>> No.1982634

why the hell are there like 4 harry potter threads floating around on /lit/ right now. This shit needs to stop

>> No.1982651


If there are no HP threads on the main page, I will make another.

XOXO love /co/ where I have to deal with My Little Pony and Homestuck all the time and fuck you you can be angry too.

>> No.1982667
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>my board has become shitty
>therefore it is my right to make other boards shitty

this is logical, I am sorry for complaining. I will lieave /lit/ now in exile for my error, I will return when summer is over.

>> No.1982688


good day sir.

>> No.1982816

OP here. Is it too late to say I trolled you so?

>> No.1982831


I was just coming back here to make another HP thread. Well done

>> No.1982866

> angsty is art and 2deep4u

>> No.1982887

I think the worst part that makes it look immature is the black and white morality.
If you're Slytherin, you have to be bad, mean, rogueish etc. Yes yes, there's Slughorn, but the Slytherin kids didn't even fucking join the battle against Voldemort.
Was it really that hard to just put Bellatrix in Ravenclaw for example? Or make some of the Slytherin fight in the final fight, and not be total jerks all the time?

Then there's Voldemort. There was no redeeming feature about him, aside from maybe his tragic inception. He was evil, manipulative, racist for no reason, all of that by default.

I mean, what the heck was his agenda? Immortality? Muggle and mudblood genocide? World domination?
He's not even respectful to his own followers. Snape was arguably his best servant, and here he goes killing him for the magic wand, even though I'm sure there were other ways to do it anyway.

Even the several issues with the Ministry that Harry faced before, they were all because Voldemort's servants were infiltrated inside. He was literally the source of all problems, Pandora's Box itself.

Not to mention that joke of an epilogue. That 's just like in fairy tales: and they lived happily ever after

>> No.1982905


>> No.1982906
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>speaking ill of comics
Maybe someday everyone will finally realize that it's a medium, not a genre, and that it is not inherently any less "valid" than traditional literature.

>> No.1982908

> The plot follows (more or less) a single cell of The Invisible College, a secret organization battling against physical and psychic oppression using time travel, magic, meditation, and physical violence.
ok lol

>> No.1982910

>post about how comics aren't shit tier
>post page of comic that's really badly drawn and full of sentimental garbage

Pick one.

>> No.1982914
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Maybe someday.

>> No.1982916


That... that post actually made sense...

(check address bar to make sure I'm on 4chan)

But really, even though I like Harry Potter, it never really gets beyond Young Adult- level maturity. Even when it had the potential to have some very mature themes, Rowling seemed to pass over them.

>> No.1982919

> not posting maus, from hell, jimmy corrigan, a contract with god, ghost world, sandman, hellblazers, metropolitan

>> No.1982924


I don't know how to break this to you, but A Contract with God is absolute shit bro. Eisner can't do anything that isn't his usual over-the-top gimmicky fare.

>> No.1982926

Loved the books to death. So much that the mediocrity of most of the actors involved in the movies based upon said books only makes me vomit up all the more hatred.

Not from /lit/, and curious...do you guys like HP?

>> No.1982929

Jesus Christ, if you think they're such amazing, unequaled representations of what the medium can truly accomplish, then I'd assume you'd at least be able to get their titles right.

Also, not gonna lie: while those are all pretty good, they're also all extremely entry-level.

>> No.1982932

"bro", just shut the fuck up. you're ruining any cred I was trying to give to graphic novels by excluding one of the only graphic novels that aren't grimdark superhero bullshit.

that's why they can't be taken seriously. it's always the same (truly) over-the-top bullshit about saving the world and having unbelievable superpowers. best case scenario, you can deconstruct that model like watchmen or doom patrol did.

>> No.1982959

transmet and hellblazer are both pretty much grimdark superhero bullshit

>> No.1982969


I wouldn't exactly call Transmet a superhero story.

>> No.1982978

i kind of would! spider jerusalem is about as over-the-top, unrealistic, and bAdAsS a character as batman

>> No.1982997

I'm not much of a reader, first time poster on /lit/. I am a fledgling illustrator interested in stories. Maybe it will enhance my work in some way. I am always grateful that I can read though.

I love to check out comics, mostly for the art, but it intrigues me about /lit/ not liking comics. I always felt silly reading them seriously. Hell I even heard Neil Brennan(co-writer of Dave Chappelle Show) trashing them on the Joe Rogan podcast. I am just happy to see the truth. I want to read books and maybe get smarter. Anything!

>> No.1983001


>mediocrity of most of the actors involved in the movies

You're talking about the kids, right? You must be.

>> No.1983009

>excluding one of the only graphic novels that aren't grimdark superhero bullshit.
Jesus Christ, you really know nothing of comics and yet you're trying to explain their literary importance.
This is why /lit/ is so ignorant when it comes to comics; their knowledge doesn't extend past what they can name drop. It's like everyone on /co/ saying Cowboy Bebop is the greatest anime ever made. I hate you all.

>> No.1983010


what exactly are you trying to say here? I read this post like three times and I still can't tell.

>> No.1983011

>like everyone on /co/ saying Cowboy Bebop is the greatest anime ever made.

i never see them saying that, have you ever been to /co/?

>> No.1983014
File: 150 KB, 550x713, ganges.3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neal brennan minus dave chappelle equals 'the goods: live hard sell hard' - who cares what he thinks

>> No.1983015


Try to make your own thread about it, ask for must-reads.

>> No.1983016

haha nothing actually, truthfully i panicked while writing that

>> No.1983018


Any anime thread on /co/ will devolve into one of two things: neckbeards who say anime is for children, and those who defend anime as a genuine artistic medium with examples of what they saw on Adult Swim as a kid.

Namely, Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.1983022

well your name is cas(。◕‿‿◕。)tiel

you may be biased!

>> No.1983028


>anime threads
>on /co/


>> No.1983030

berserk gets lots of /co/ love

>> No.1983032


You might go as far as to imply that anime shouldn't even be discussed on /co/.

Man, it'll be a dark day when a short MLP novel is published. Even /lit/ won't be safe.

>> No.1983038

Anime are cartoons. They have as much right to be on /co/ as comics on /lit/, in the sense that they share common qualities and are related mediums.

Besides, sometimes it's interesting to see what other boards like.

Like I said, I think anime has its place on the board, as long as people can be civil about it. When it devolves into blatant /b/tard racism or incessant trolls who won't give over to actual discussion, that's when the trouble starts.

>> No.1983041

I see Harry Potter as being more for young adults and teens. I still love the series despite all its flaws.

>> No.1983042

what might be a good /a/ manga to check out?

the extent of my knowledge is mainstream, and last time i got destroyed for mentioning naruto on /a/

>> No.1983055

>>1982816 here

I guess not.

>> No.1983056

that mlp cult is very weird and i hope there is not a single brony out there who ever posted a bitter screed on /r9k/ about how women chase trends in a desperate effort to fit in and be a part of something. shit ain't even as funny as arthur

>> No.1983068

My favorite manga is Nijigahara Holograph. It's only one volume, but it's fucking beautiful. Complete mindfuck that'll deserve re-reading though.
Another personal favorite is The Devil and Me, that deals with the myth of Robert Johnson (negro who sold his soul to the devil for blues skill?). Strong character portrayal, intense atmosphere and grotesque body porn.
Berserk if you just want something manly and violent.
I remember enjoying Parasyte, and anything by Tezuka is amazing. Same with Naoki Urasawa's works: 20th Century Boys and Monsters specifically, though they're long works.

>> No.1983071


That's retarded. There's a board for anime; there is no other board for comics.

>> No.1983075


It's not just this, though. Anyone with half a brain can see that all anime discussions on a predominantly western-animation board will do is start. shit.

If I were to try and discuss an american cartoon on anime, I'd expect to be trolled half to death. And rightly so.

>> No.1983086

That's no reason to preclude civil discussions or introduce people to something they'd be ignorant of otherwise. Would it be wrong to talk about cartoons on /tv/ too?
I enjoy all the forms of media, and can talk about them on any board given the chance. And sometimes it's interesting to see different perspectives, or look past the fandoms that dominate certain boards.
There's no reason it has to become a shitstorm. Hell, it beats ponies either way.

>> No.1983087


Well, there's that. But then, discussing whether or not Clone Wars is a good tv show on /co/ is still better than ponies.

>> No.1983197

at least they don't wear skin tight pants

>> No.1983201

> cas(。◕‿‿◕。)tiel
> wants me to take him seriously over any subject ever
That's really cute.

>> No.1983205

With a name like that they are gay or a girl.

>> No.1983230

why are you people so insecure about whether or not something is intended for children or not

fucking teenagers

>> No.1983234


>> No.1983252

An arbitrary name is really irrelevant to any discussion, except as an excuse to ignore it.

>> No.1983255

Go back to /soc/, sir

>> No.1983257

Because despite quoting Lewis Carol all the fucking time, looking like an adult matters for an adult. Doing what adult people do, sharing the common goals of a society, conformity is part of being mature, the biggest part even.

The book is full of plotholes, the morality is so 2-sided for the exact reason that it's for kids. Kids want to become race drivers and astronauts, they are excited about things like dragons and magic.

Adults are supposed to be excited about getting a career, a family of their own.

>> No.1983258

yes it is. you told that guy he knows nothing about comics but I didn't see you proving your own knowledge either. All I know is that he posted some graphic novels that are worth reading by /lit/ and a tripfag with a shitty weaboo name called him a moron for no reason.

>> No.1983263

He listed the most generic, entry-level titles imaginable, going as far as to bastardize two of them, proving he hasn't even read what he's name-dropping.
And then he goes as far as to say that the Contract with God trilogy is one of the only mature graphic novels that don't involve cape bullshit.

It's the equivalent of saying Fight Club is one of the most nuanced films of all time, and everything else is just silly dramas for women.

It's so utterly ridiculous and if you can't see that, you're just as ignorant.


>> No.1983264

>Adults are supposed to be excited about getting a career, a family of their own.

I hope you're not implying that this is the only proper viewpoint

>> No.1983266

of course not, but neither is giving a damn about harry x ginny shipping !!

>> No.1983267


god damn you're irritating.

>> No.1983268
File: 14 KB, 546x566, Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> <3
> still wants me to take him seriously

>> No.1983269

You don't need to take me seriously for me to be right<3

>> No.1983271


her, or I am the queen of england.

>> No.1983272

I'm pretty sure it's a him. Women don't do weaboo gestures and masturbate over superman comics

>> No.1983274

the quote that everyone parrots is cs lewis, but whatever

I'm not even defending Harry Potter or whatever. I just think art should be judged by its content, not by its demographic. As for your spiel on maturity, I must say you have quite a boring outlook on life.

>> No.1983276

> by content
I agree. Can we agree that dragons and EVUL WIZARDS aren't mature? Thank you.

>> No.1983277

No, castiel's a chick, I know her from /soc/.

>> No.1983278

Can we try and stay on topic? I'm tired of tripfags and Anons making everything about them.

>> No.1983279

I'm sure this has been said already, but I don't really want to read the entire thread. While Rowling is by no means The Greatest Writer of All Time, she did a fairly good job in progressing the maturity of the books corresponding to her aging audience. Harry is initially an angsty teenager whose biggest concern is his foster parents, and by the end of the series he's seen death and even caused it.

>> No.1983280
File: 42 KB, 410x580, mainstreamroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> generic, entry-level
hipsterfag detected.

>> No.1983281
File: 32 KB, 251x241, 1278641118520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get snooty with me.

>> No.1983283


then abandon your name and become legion with the rest of us.


>> No.1983285

I would bet money he read a list of "graphic novels for adults" online, read two or three issues, and decided that he'd better remember them because he'd look progressive and trendy in defending comics as "literature".

I was being facetious. Please try and keep up.

>> No.1983286

But it -is- the greatest anime ever made.

>> No.1983291
File: 69 KB, 327x328, 1255235595969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I was being retarded as a joke! ;^;

>> No.1983293
File: 44 KB, 368x567, cb4e7c3c-bb6d-4996-acd8-66d85929dab1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1983296

actually I read all of them in one way or another. Still need to keep up with Hellblazer, and I still have 2 books from sandman. Transmetropolitan was the first I read from them, I just mess up the name all the time.
And I know that there are more non-superhero comics than AcwG but they're seriously overwhelmed by the cape stuff. I didn't literarily meant that it's the only comic of that kind (mentioning more than 1 was probably a hint) but since you're a disfunctional person, you probably didn't caught the subtleties.

>> No.1983298

There's a difference between being facetious and retarded.

I was making fun of you<3

>you're a disfunctional person
>you probably didn't caught the subtleties.
>didn't caught the subtleties.
See, this is why I can't take you seriously as a person.

And that's coming from the guy with the (。◕‿‿◕。) in his name.

>> No.1983299
File: 11 KB, 94x163, ribbon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explains the anomalous gender

>> No.1983300


so are you a parody of weeaboo retards then? this would make so much more sense than someone actually being so irritating

>> No.1983302 [DELETED] 


>> No.1983303

More or less, though nothing save my knowledge of a few decent manga and an annoyingly kawaii name really paints me weeaboo.

My opinions still stand.

>> No.1983304


ah, so when you suggested that /co/ should have meaningful discussions about animus and cowboy bebop is entry level and blah blah this was in service of your faux-weeaboo image, because it is funny.

i respect you now.

>> No.1983307

> inb4 lw&c, vagabond, vinland saga, bersek, homunculus amd monster are entry level too

>> No.1983308

See >>1983068

>> No.1983310

>Childrens book
>Written for Children
>Sold mainly to Children
>All possible acts of violence are toned down.


>> No.1983312

see >>1983299
it's autism awareness ribbon

>> No.1983314

Amazon dot com Product Details:

>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
>Reading level: Ages 9-12

>> No.1983316

actually, like many probably said already, killing shit and doing epic stunts and awesome torture is kiddie level. like playing with GI Joes, but worse
that's why I can't take fantasy nerds seriously

>> No.1983317

> her favorite manga is one of my favorites
> still hate her because /soc/ bitch with ugly name
such is live on 4chan

>> No.1983318
File: 226 KB, 357x400, 1898324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts on 4chan
>Calls other people on 4chan nerds

>> No.1983320

> eragon faggot detected

>> No.1983323

Look, I got it the first time, no need for the "LOOK AT ME! PLEASE RESPOND!" post.
It was cute and everything. But telling me I have autism isn't actually saying anything.

I'm from /fa/ and /r9k/ and have been on /lit/ since it was made, I mostly lurk or post about comics.
You can stay mad though, it's really nothing to me.

>> No.1983327
File: 70 KB, 600x743, Ronnie James Dio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says you have autism

>> No.1983354
File: 30 KB, 219x234, bluenose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baww, I miss Dio.

>that feel when he died
>that feel when Ozzy is going to die
>my youth is dying