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19814514 No.19814514 [Reply] [Original]

Stormtroopers Vs Xenomorphs edition

Previous Thread:>>19806731

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19814519
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as

>> No.19814526
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Raven Stratagem, The Machineries of Empire #2 - Yoon Ha Lee (2017)

I've rarely seen a more severe case of middle book syndrome than what I read here. It wouldn't have been a problem that 90% of the book was for the last 10% if that 90% didn't feel like padding. The pacing was awkward relative to how much it wanted to cover. This is strange to say, but I felt like the narrative was grinding out conversations and mentioned accomplishments to develop the characters so that their actions seemed plausible. Considering how wobbly the characterizations seemed to be, I think it only made moderate progression towards that goal.

Unlike the first book, nothing won me over this time, which always makes me wonder about my previous rating. The space battles were greatly reduced and not much else of interest was introduced. In their place were many conversations, backstories, and similar. This wasn't so much a quantitative problem as it was a qualitative one. I previously stated this wasn't science fantasy — I was wrong, it was. There was far too much in this one to where saying otherwise couldn't plausibly be defended.

What this book definitely had though was sexual representation. There were arguably three transmen and a host of other LGBTQIA characters and relationships. The typical family situation was unclear, but it seemed to involve marriage contracts, more than two parents, and artificial births. Also, there was sibling incest, which the parents found to be amusing. So despite how terrible everything else may be, at least their society has achieved equality for the identities that matter in our current society, even though they've also created several new identities that are even more discriminated against. I'm at a loss as to how intentional this was.

The ending was far too convenient and neat. I don't know what it was intended to be on a meta or symbolic level. Maybe I'll better understand after the third book. As it stands though, I didn't enjoy it. I don't know what the book is trying to say and that's a severe problem. Perhaps the fault was my own, or there's less to it than I think, or it's just as confused as I believe it to be, but regardless, it has greatly impacted my enjoyment.

I've written a lot about negatives, but collectively they aren't enough for me to dislike the book. I expected improvements and a better second book that would be good, but instead I'm left with a worse book that's only decent. I tend to write about whatever has been most salient for me, so this has mostly been me addressing my disappointments. Sometimes that ends up with entirely unbalanced write-ups that don't seem congruent with the rating and I'm okay with that.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.19814565
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Shilling for this again. Ayyys crashland near a middle-ages German village, and have to interact with the learned priest, local lord, and villagers. Some eventually (sort of) convert to Christianity. It's good shit, and contains no poz.

>> No.19814573

who is this "Bakker" person?

>> No.19814580

Haven’t read it, but the description sort of sounds like Paul Anderson’s High Crusade to me.

>> No.19814588

wait a minute

>> No.19814598
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>who is this "Bakker" person?
He is no person, he is a King author in a pozzed age

>> No.19814600
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19814614

crispy hair, looking like curly fries

>> No.19814628
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Caught up to Aposimz yesterday and was sad that it got axed but it sparked some need for scifi in me again.
A few of you have probably read the Blame! or biomega manga so I was thinking if you have some reccs along the typical Nihei style.
I remeber reading quantum thief which had some wild technology that felt like it could be at home in Blame but the setting obviously is a lot more positive.
Also the sequel immediately turned me off by introducing a second ass character from whos point of view we can watch entirely unrelated events to take away the spotlight so I dropped that.

Searching for Blame! like recs. (or something along those lines)

>> No.19814629
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>> No.19814630

A Can*dian.

Similar concept, but the action is centered around the local region. Also very well researched; most of the events that happen in the story actually did, minus the aliens and the specific characters. It's a nice cross between hard historic fiction and scifi.

>> No.19814637

Have you read Gantz?

>> No.19814643

>Caught up to Aposimz yesterday and was sad that it got axed

Damn, really? Does the story get wrapped up or is it left without a conclusion?

>> No.19814649
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The biggest meme and best writer in contemporary fantasy, why?

>> No.19814653

>members of a technologically advanced civilisation capable of interstellar travel crash land in near middle ages village and after reading jewish fantasy book for goyim written and rewritten countless times by corrupt political/religious elite convert to christianity.

>> No.19814657
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Can you make 'Collections' on your Kindle through file explorer, like making new folders, instead of having to do it through the Kindle itself, and adding books manually that way?

>> No.19814671

No, you cannot. Buy kobo next time.

>> No.19814672

Have you read Knights of Sidonia or Land of the Lustrous?

This is anime, but Gargantia on the Verduous Planet is a pretty good scifi.

>> No.19814686
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Got concluded but it's kinda rushed towards the end. You can see the sights and the battles he wanted to draw condensed in two chapters or so but it's very bare bones. But to be honest, good endings where never really Niheis strong suit so I still very much enjoyed the ride. >>19814672
Yes to all of that.
> Land of the Lustrous?
Haha just 9999 years left for the next chapter right?
Yes. It has giant bitches so that makes it a spiritual cousin to Niheis work.

>> No.19814794

ignore the kober


>> No.19814802

>4 ways
>it's actually 6
holy shit

>> No.19814807

Depends on what model you have. Some of the earliest generations had an app where you could do that relatively easily. There's a calibre app that allowed some later generations to do that, but it was too much for to bother with. I don't know of any way that does it now. It isn't really an issue for me, but I don't care to have a ton of different collections. It shouldn't be too much of an issue unless you want tons of collections and many 100s, if not more, that need to go into each. The easiest way to me would be to put all you want in a collection onto the kindle at once from Calibre and then open that collection and add the recently added into it.

>> No.19814813

I am currently writing a short historical fantasy novel involving a college student from the present day being transported back to England during the Viking invasions and caught in the middle of a cosmic contest between Christianity, Arthurian legend, and Norse mythology.
Where would be a good place to get useful feedback on my writing? Obviously I'm not stupid enough to post it here expecting constructive criticism, but I am admittedly an amateur who has no hope of publishing and just wants to write an enjoyable story for my own self-amusement.

>> No.19814814
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I am now convinced that he's truly dead. RIP Bakker, gone but not forgotten.

>> No.19814816

I've a Paperwhite. I don't know the exact model. I could probably find out but I don't care to at the moment. I remember doing this on my old Kindle 3 and it being a colossal chore. I'll mess with calibre.

>> No.19814820

>calibre method says to jailbreak my Kindle
Do I really have to? I mean, I don't use the online features at all but I've been finding and uploading ebooks from the internet for at least a decade and it hasn't bothered me yet.

>> No.19814821

is that Lindsey Ellis?

>> No.19814827

When you get older you figure out what really matters.

>> No.19814832

Kys, the only good way is to jailbrake it and install custom software, but good luck jailbraking recent update kindle. I have an old paperwhite with 5.6.5 firmware and and none of those options work. Obviously amazon way is garbage and only allows amazon purchased books to be managed.
So just fucking drop kindle and buy a kobo

>> No.19814845

If you mean the Kindle Keyboard, if you had the right app it was super easy. Literally just drag and drop. Mine stopped working a couple years ago from wear and tear so I bought a slightly newer model, like 8 years old versus 12, for like $30 off ebay. It was a shame that I couldn't use that any longer, but I do like the backlight it has now.

>> No.19814852
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>non-amazon books
what did they mean by this>

>> No.19814855

not worth it, check the other methods and hopefully you find one convenient

>> No.19814907

The preface of the first new one is basically "my editor wanted more money"

>> No.19814910

I was here during first anniversary of his last blog post. We are clocking on the second one soon.

>> No.19815028


>> No.19815160
File: 3.18 MB, 3500x3500, SFFG Isekai and Gamelit Recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Off The Press!

>> No.19815174

I like how you can instinctively yet accurately judge the quality of every book in this image from its tiny little cover.

>> No.19815179

Library of Mount Char is not isekai nor gamelit.

>> No.19815232

You do know you can pirate EBooks, right anon?

>> No.19815257

if I liked Mother of Learning which books form that pile of trash would you reccomend me to read?

>> No.19815270

Hidden tower is very good, choice of magic also not bad, only watched magicians tv show and it was absolute trash, book is probably a lot worse, not sure about other works on that list

>> No.19815325
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>Carl Sagan meets Umberto Eco
Carl didn't deserve this

>> No.19815412

people you know irl, the writing general in this board. if you post here some excerpts there might be some anons who will read them and give you feedback

what's the point of this chart, you are supposed to order them by quality or something. why should i read one of the books there over any other

>> No.19815443

el reddito
fantasywriting sub or something

read wizard knight

>> No.19815504

Based. Even the anime-shitters try to copy our memes.

>> No.19815521

>female opinions

>> No.19815528
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>> No.19815534
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This one made me read him.

>> No.19815602
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I just finished this book. I don't usually like steampunk, but this didn't have any of the usual shit that I hate about it. It was a great read overall and I hope Butcher crawls out of his cave to finally finish the sequel this year. 5/5

>> No.19815604

Does it not have needless brass cogs everywhere? If you say yes, I put it on my to-read list.

>> No.19815607

so what's it about? just finished reading Bakker and need something to read

>> No.19815613

What was the "punk" part?

>> No.19815617


>> No.19815657

God I wish Kellhus was my dad

>> No.19815659

I can't recall a single cog in the entire book. Very little steam even. To be honest I only used the term steampunk because that's how the book was described to me but like I said I didn't really see it much. The aeronauts have goggles while they fly through the sky which counts I guess. The main ship is made of wood and most things are powered by magic crystals with no brass pipes anywhere. And the talking cats were cringe at first but they grew on me as it becomes evident that it isn't being done for typical "lol so randumb xD" nonsense and you see what role they play in the world.
Disgraced former-navy airship captain and some young nobles get caught up in the plot of one spire (big tower that humans live on since the surface is uninhabitable and filled with monsters) warring against another. The ship battles are really well written and easy to follow.
If I like something it's 5/5 and if I don't it's 1/5

>> No.19815673

Is Butcher still alive, when is the new Dresden book coming out. God, when covid hit and everything was shut it was literaly perfect time for these people to write their sequels, but wtf did Butcher do? Fucking dissapeared for like a year with no updates. The fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.19815694

Publishers froze nearly everything for the last two years and now have a backlog of releases that will take several years to clear out.

>> No.19815750

Post your mjolnir necklace.

>> No.19815752

>when is the new Dresden book coming out.
The last update on his website says he'll start writing the next Dresden book after he finishes Cinder Spires 2, which is his next one allegedly. This update is over a year old though so he might be dead in a shack somewhere by now.

>> No.19815805
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>feminist scifi
how is this

>> No.19815910
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>> No.19815966

Why is Steven Erikson such a fat fetishist? Does he have a smoking fetish as well?

>> No.19815969
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finished solar cycle finally.
now i'm depressed.

>> No.19816563

It isn't steampunk at all. It has a Victorian-ish setting so maybe that's what you meant. Great book though.

>> No.19816612
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Books like pic related?

>> No.19816615

This was a fun book, typical Butcher style. The cat thing was kind of dumb, but it grew on me.

>> No.19816617

Surely if he was dead it wouldn't be a secret this long?

>> No.19816624

Add a curved phallus and you have Bakker.

>> No.19816629

See >>19814519

>> No.19816640
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is it anything like pic related? because pic related is comfy.

>> No.19816657

add a penis to the elf and it will pass

>> No.19816818

My diary

>> No.19816845
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Books like pic related (without lesbians)

>> No.19816903
File: 21 KB, 290x475, CD41150B-52F7-40A3-9EC6-47AE73C5F3F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked the other day if I should give up on this when I was around the chapter when they go to the botanical gardens. I’m on chapter 17 of Claw of the Conciliator and I can confirm the series gets better and better as you go. Shits really good.

>> No.19816988

read the wizard knight, that may as well be a scene from it

>> No.19816997

based wolfe enjoyer

sword drags a little in the very beginning (5-10%) but it just keeps getting crazier from there

>> No.19817001

Glad to hear you stuck with it, anon. It only gets better.

>> No.19817010
File: 799 KB, 1224x814, wizards amiright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a book for /this/ picture? And no, not Raistlin Majere.

>> No.19817021

the book of the new sun series?
the book of the long sun series?
solar cycle series?
Downloading them, but wondering how I should label and sort them in calibre

>> No.19817045

sounds based

>> No.19817052

Turns out "don't judge a book by its cover" is the worst fucking meme ever

>> No.19817062

Football 17776
Last Legends of Earth
Lord of Light

>> No.19817074

i'll check it out thanks anon

>> No.19817082

Don't know a thing about a single one of those but I've heard good things about The Wizard Knight

>> No.19817084

I planned on quitting once I got to the end of Shadow and thought what the hell im just going to keep going, I got through all 17 chapters just today because I got really into it. For anyone having the same problem as I did really just keep going because it gets way better.

>> No.19817109

it's two series
I don't know if calibre can do double series
but ideally you'd label them the book of the new sun and solar cycle series

>> No.19817125

I wanted to say claw has some of the best moments in the series, but then I remembered all the great moments in sword and citadel and shadow, and it turns out the whole thing is just really incredible overall.

>> No.19817284

>Hidden tower
isn't that cuck shit?

>> No.19817316

What isn't cuck shit at this point imo

>> No.19817323

yeah, like actual literal definition of it

>> No.19817331

Shit where the guy gets the girl.
Not the guy gets the girl after shes had everyone else and learned.
Not the guy gets the girl after the bad guy has her and he "rescues" her.
Not the bad guy gets the girl and the "good" guy ends up at peace with the universe or some shit.
Just, the guy gets the girl, he and her stay faithful to one another even if its inconvenient.

>> No.19817355

but that's not heckin subversive...

>> No.19817383

Like, I'm reading david bryn's "Earth Clan" and I'm really enjoying the coming of age story of the MC and his interactions with the alien diplomats, particularly Uthacalthing and his brilliant sense of ironic humour, and the MC gets with the alien ambassadors daughter, they end up marrying each other to make some political gambit to save the day, but they had actually developed feelings for each other, and she's got a body that can morph to suit her needs and his tastes, so it's all good.
But then just as it's about to wrap up happily, some hogwash about needing their own kind gets thrown in the mix and she pushes him onto some female marine and goes off to frollick among the alien men as soon as the heat is off and they can move freely again.

soured the whole damn book for me.

>> No.19817421
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>> No.19817434

I mean, I know not to judge a book by it's cover, but that certainly does look like it fits the bill.

>> No.19817445
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>> No.19817455

I need more to go on than this.

>> No.19817477

why do they do this

>> No.19817527

I think it's because a 100% faithful woman wouldn't be believable.

>> No.19817559
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unadulterated kino, enjoying it more and more

>> No.19817569
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The first and only Japanese LN I've read was that shit where the guy is transported to another world to become a queen's husband. He's the descendant of a cadet branch of the royal family and she thinks he could help propogate her magic bloodline of space transportation magic. She also doesn't want to marry any of the nobles from her own kingdom because they've never had a queen regnant before and they'd try to take over as king due to sexism. Fair enough.

So because the author hates everything that is holy he decides to make her a cuckqueen. She pimps out her husband to bitches from other countries even though he doesn't want to which makes absolutely no sense and puts potential pretenders to her throne in the hands of her enemies, not to mention undermining the monopoly on space teleportation magic her dynasty controls. Fuck that series and fuck cucks.

>> No.19817652

are there any sff booktubers I can watch to get constant recommendations on what to read?
I use to use this gen to do that, but lately it's just shitposting

>> No.19817671

reddit's r/printsf is the only subreddit I go to and well I think it's fairly based and you should check it out

>> No.19817710
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>> No.19817712

Weebs are a plague

>> No.19817750

nah, that's americans

>> No.19817792
File: 185 KB, 1000x826, BLGotrek-Jun19-Books12o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they are cheesy and corny and read like a never-ending Gimli-Legolas scene from the LotR, but once you get hooked up on it, you just want to read more. And there are about 15 of them, so...
Plus, you travel around with them, learning about the different parts of the Warhammer Fantasy world, which is kind of cool, I guess.
Once I'm done with this, I'll switch to Sigmar trilogy.

>> No.19817799

Why not the GR group in the OP?

>> No.19817824

I’m going to start soon, I need to expand beyond 40k. Thanks anon

>> No.19817826

>Society that treats commoners like absolute shit and have no rights
>Religious police state that will burn you at the stake for heresy
>Nonhumans are overworked to death or killed for sport
>At least it's not heckin s*xist or homophob*c though

>> No.19817832

That's somewhat like this series

>> No.19817836

Do you need someone you can pretend is an authority to give you specific recommendations for you to try so that you don't have to think for yourself at all?

>> No.19817894

>90% of the book was for the last 10% if that 90%
What the fuck.

>> No.19817902

I love how the Jap artists feel compelled to embellish Severian's character design beyond recognition.

>> No.19817903

no, I want someone who has more time than me to dig through the trash for me

>> No.19817906

That's not really possible. You won't know until you read it for yourself until you can find someone who reliably likes the same stuff you do, which seems unlikely.

>> No.19817910

Are you responding to how it's written or what was written?

>> No.19817912

it won't be perfect, but it'll be better than nothing

>> No.19817916

>first page
>can science fiction wake us up to our climate reality?
I don't know what I was expecting to be honest.

>> No.19817917

>until you can find someone who reliably likes the same stuff you do, which seems unlikely.
It works like this, noone on the goddamn planet has heard of anything that I haven't until I find something that's new to me and actually good, THEN and only then, it will turn out that nearly everyone in the fucking world knew about this thing and just could not remember, but now it's all they can talk about.

>> No.19817932

How To Use This Group
/sffg/ Reviewers
This thread shows the members that have written reviews. It's updated once a year usually. It's there so that you don't have to look through every member to see who has how many reviews.
13 members have 100+ reviews and 52 and 20+.

/sffg/ Ratings
This is an overview of all group members to see what was most read and best rated. Due to the time it takes, it won't be updated again.

/sffg/ Group Reviews
Enter a book title in the search field and then click "view group reviews". This will show all group activity from the group members, including from accounts set to private.

What is /sffg/ Currently Reading?
An overview of what the members of this group are currently reading.

>> No.19817938

That sounds like some kind of bias at best.

>> No.19817953


>> No.19817954

Like when you learn a new word and suddenly see it everywhere and before it had never existed or was incredibly rare, something you only found in dusty old books (and you didn't know what it meant), but now it's on street signs all of a sudden!

>> No.19817959

Yeah that's what I was trying to remember here >>19817954
Thank you!

>> No.19817999

it's not feminist
It's alright. Kinda long form thought experiment. Not super exciting. Earthsea and The Dispossessed are better places to start with her. City of Illusions is good too.

>> No.19818203

She wrote the WORST sci-fi/fantasy short story of all time.

>> No.19818248

Which was?

>> No.19818266

Sounds interesting. I’ll have to add it to my Papal SFF reading list.

>> No.19818269

Seems like a lot of people feel the same way anon, myself included. Can’t wait for my re-read now that I’m done with it.

>> No.19818282

I just got into gamelit/litrpg. This'll be useful. I'd recommend "Shadeslinger" and "Dungeon Crawler Carl"

>> No.19818284

I kinda like these covers.
I really liked the Angelina Fleischer series but I might give these a shot. Very few fantasy books have been able to scratch their comfiness.

>> No.19818363
File: 95 KB, 751x1063, b01b8f0f69cff72d5975d0b199e73dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some fantasy novels/series to reference while writing my own systems of magic for my own fantasy story.
A friend of mine recommends the Wheel of Time series but I'm looking for more books that have a really fleshed out, definitive system of magic.

>> No.19818381

>try to find book
>smut for women keeps popping up
is this how girls feel...

>> No.19818382

as much as I hate him, it's Brandon Sanderson. That dude is an autist about it.
His books are anime in book form. So, just read the notes at the back to learn about his magic systems.

>> No.19818393

I've read his notes about creating magic systems a couple times already and that's exactly how autistic I want to be with mine.
I'm just stuck on what kind of magic I want to work with and am looking for sources of inspiration.

>> No.19818426

You're approaching it from the wrong end.
>write the story with no rules
>invent rules so that the story makes sense
>shrinkwrap the story onto the rules in editing
There are so many fucking things you have to be good at when writing. There is a maximum of like ten good authors in America at any given time, and if you're in a smaller country, you can adjust the odds downwards from there. If you make it any harder on yourself than you have to with world building and magic systems there is absolutely no way your qualities are going to shine through the mountain of RoyalRoad-level trash you're buried beneath. Sanderson gets published through Mormon fuckery; don't think that emulating him is going to get you anywhere unless you convert to that or scientology. Rothfuss is about as autistic as you can afford to get.

>> No.19818443
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I'm establishing the largest parts of the world first before getting into the setting and story itself like you're supposed to. Developing a system of magic is something that needs to be done first as it's apart of the foundation of the story itself.
I'm not looking to find asspulls in my story, I'm looking for things to reference as I develop it fundamentally before I even start writing it. I think you misinterpreted my post and you seem just generally upset.

>> No.19818472

I'm telling you, as someone who's written a fantasy novel, that you're going to trip over what you think you're "supposed to" do. Nothing more I can do than tell you that and good luck. I'd love to see more fantasy authors because god knows the genre needs life.

>> No.19818485

that's tame, try finding a book that involves romance without cuckolding, HA!
it's almost as t for some fucking reason if you're a writer, cuckolding is your fetish, they try to sneak that shit everywhere

>> No.19818564
File: 20 KB, 765x111, 1627167015157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started Lyonesse
>Expecting something with fairy tale feeling
>Prologue already has stuff like my fetish Japanese porn
Well okay then.

>> No.19818580

>as someone who's written a fantasy novel
An actual published novel that people would recognize, or some shitty fanfic?

>> No.19818628

If you think "magic systems" or worldbuilding are important to narrative, you have failed to understand the fundamentals of storytelling. Stop playing video games and read a book.

>> No.19818677

cringe, 99% of fiction is is save the cat + world building

>> No.19818695

99% of fiction is shit, enjoy your toiletworld

>> No.19818707

Unironically retarded.

>> No.19818806
File: 17 KB, 468x60, a21446d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the level of this general

>> No.19818809

Yes, I am but a simple fool who wishes to escape his mundane life.

>> No.19818811

Fiction is what you call good fantasy, actually.

>> No.19819136
File: 470 KB, 400x590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The french cover of Carrion Comfort is some nerd-baiting of the highest order

>> No.19819229

Im writing a book about an autistic dwarf girl

>> No.19819254

wish there was more light hearted stuff...

>> No.19819305

Highly recommend He who fights with monsters. Reading it on Royal Road, its up to chapter 573 atm

>> No.19819320


>> No.19819322

Sounds fun, I was in the mood for something like this. Read and enjoyed Eisenhorn a year or so back so I'll add Trollslayer to the list with Gaunt's Ghost as I was told that's fun too.

>> No.19819497
File: 79 KB, 720x527, 147350163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write sci fi society that abolished gender centuries ago
>write group of people that are literally called "gender fetishists" in universe because they get off by play acting old gender roles
>this group causes untold damage across the world through inane conspiracies and revenge plots and directly leads to women being pushed out of power politics
>after they are exposed women immediately bounce back to equal status with men

>trannies reee'd at you because that's obviously transphobic and literal violence and a genocide
>add a line in the last chapter of the last book about how "uuhhh gender is actually good and we should maybe go back to exploring it instead of just making biology the sole differentiator"

I saw their trash in another book that is set in a world where gender roles had been made irrelevant and it's acknowledged that they're mostly arbiterary nonsense and the sexes are equal, but there's still tranny characters and the cops ask you your pronouns and some people use "they" and their sex is never revealed.

May all troons die painfully, I hate nobody else, but I hate them. Every single one is mentally ill and half of them are abusive assholes. STAY OUT OF MY FICTION YOUR SHIT IS DUMB AND MAKES NO SENSE.

>> No.19819539

and here you are ree'ing like a tranny

>> No.19819587

and yet you post tranime

>> No.19819602

>locon will never create another character as spunky as this

>> No.19819659


>> No.19819726

Unironically did not read.

>> No.19819764

The underground city full of morlocks and some kind of lovecraftian horror was such a great moment

>> No.19819774
File: 109 KB, 561x892, High Elf caster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for glorious high elves?

>> No.19819788

malazan i guess

>> No.19819820

Ah, so you read Too Like The Lightning.

>> No.19819827

Are you sure that isn't the female version they made?

>> No.19819831 [DELETED] 

Any SFF books about killing liberals and communists and the sweet taste of revenge?

>> No.19819871 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 680x762, 1618754382424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong general, chud.

>> No.19819879

You wouldn't say that if I asked for a rec for books about killing conservatives and capitalists

>> No.19819893

Thoughts on Brandon Sanderson?

>> No.19819907

He's overhated imo

>> No.19819910

Funny that you assume I'm an American, chud. I couldn't care less.

>> No.19819933

So you think ideology is specific to United States? Found the retard

>> No.19819939

Writes good first books of series but doesn't finish stories well and bloats them.

>> No.19819941

Fuck off back to /pol/, poltard.

>> No.19819990

Cry about it bitch boy

>> No.19820009
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>> No.19820019

Is this where Sanderson got his Mistborn ideas or something?

>> No.19820039

>you're going to trip over what you think you're "supposed to" do
Isn't that the whole point of crafting a narrative though? Figure out how to find a solution to a conflict given only the preset rules you've made for yourself before writing the story in the first place?
>worldbuilding isn't a fundamental part of storytelling
LMAO you clearly haven't tried to write anything in your entire life, you are out of your mind retarded

>> No.19820088
File: 54 KB, 1096x423, 1626317330365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His fans words.

>> No.19820106

>Brandon's focus on the mechanics of magic turns it into fantastical physics, not magic
>Doesn't understand the difference between hard and soft magic systems

>> No.19820181

I agree with most those but Sanderson shouldn't do a sequel to Elantris and warbreaker. I have not read them but Mistborn really drops off in quality after Well of Ascension and especially after Alloy of the Law. Mistborn would have been best as a standalone I think. Long series and even trilogies are overrated.

>> No.19820244
File: 101 KB, 1000x665, space monke quest4 post17 p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your spaceship aesthetics?


>> No.19820312

>I'd recommend "Shadeslinger" and "Dungeon Crawler Carl"

It's the same normal shit of "in an online game", like everything else on the market

>"Dungeon Crawler Carl"
It got real shit after book one. The stupid cat got more and more focus, the book became about the cat almost. Also fuck that footfag AI

>> No.19820568
File: 643 KB, 1250x938, 1585679321020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the only good thing to come out of 40k is their ships.

>> No.19820592

>literally has never read a book

>> No.19820633

What do you hope to accomplish with this terrible bait besides giving me (You)s?

>> No.19820641

Not him, but based on your asinine understanding of literature and trivial dismissal of world building, neither have you.

>> No.19820762
File: 237 KB, 996x1500, sabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imblyign a femMC has bigger balls than Sabriel

>> No.19820972

Is that a boy or a girl on that cover?

>> No.19820993

Jirel of Joiry

>> No.19821028

Use context clues.

>> No.19821076

>Villainous character of the evil church organization who burns people alive has the main character on the ropes
>He's sussing out all the secret details of the MC and his gay lord patron
>Calls all of the activity they've been up to "Queer" meaning strange
>Realizes he's commited a heckin homoph*be
>Blushes and runs away in shame crying at his biogtry

>> No.19821167

Why read them if they will bother you? Is that part of the attraction to them?

>> No.19821188
File: 761 KB, 1080x1080, 1631769562100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start reading a book
>the main character is great
>a pure and morally just hero
>he's then killed off because he was a decoy protag and the rest of the story follows a bunch of antiheroes and villains
I hate it so much.

>> No.19821217

All plot no depth. YA level stuff.

>> No.19821340

Sounds pretty good

>> No.19821344

I don't like dropping books once I've started reading them. But this one is getting progressively (ha) worse by the page.

>> No.19821387

> book starts with thing I like
> I like book
> book does thing thing I no like
> I no like book
> book insults me for not liking thing
> I take book outside and beat it up
> book takes revenge with papercut
> I take out lighter and set book on fire
> book smolders with fury
> I win

>> No.19821390


>> No.19821405

>physical books

>> No.19821448

>i don't like thing
>you haven't read enough thing to know thing

>i don't like thing i'm reading
>don't read thing then
every single thread there's one of these exchanges

>> No.19821493

>metacomplaint about thread
every single thread there's one of these slick fellows

>> No.19821499

> book starts with non-rape
> I don't like book
> book does pozzed I no like
> I no like book
> book insults me for non liking pozzed
> I take book outside and beat it up
> book takes revenge with papercut
> I take out lighter and set book on fire
> book smolders with fury
> I win

>> No.19821510

Well, that was a rather quick imitation. I'm flattered.

>> No.19821539

you're welcome

>> No.19821552

Does Buryoku ever stop being bad? I am ~40% into book 2 and it's painful. The protagonist makes me wish someone would just kill him already.

>> No.19821644
File: 177 KB, 349x404, 1639089499016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker, where are you?

>> No.19821673

I just delete books that piss me off. There is absolutely no merit in tolerating things you don't like.

>> No.19821745

I just kill people that piss me off. There is absolutely no merit in tolerating people you don't like.

>> No.19821762

Dangerously based

>> No.19821770

Basedly dangerous

>> No.19821922


>> No.19822000
File: 224 KB, 521x937, based department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19822136

>It's an NTR chapter

>> No.19822146


>> No.19822155

I feel like the rate at which you people talk about cucking/NTR is higher than the rate at which is appears in sff literature.

>> No.19822159

Yo is it true that the percy jackson series became super sjw in the later books?
I remember reading the first series as a kid and it was pretty normal.

>> No.19822163

That's because most people here spend more time reading anime nonsense than they do reading books

>> No.19822165

I only talk about it when I read it though

>> No.19822167

>book is collection fo short stories
>one random story has a paragraph I need to reread like 3 times to digest
>turns out this short story is the graphic description of a little boy being raped by an older man in a theatre
>get super pissed
>rip this entire short story out of the book
>burn the pages
>book on my shelf now has an empty chunk

>> No.19822176

what book

>> No.19822178

How does one even read anime? I mean it is just pictures with few lines of dialogue, what is there to read?

>> No.19822183

Read the subtitles

>> No.19822185

I think he means manga and light novels which are the source of modern anime. Fantasy japshit seems to have a lot of NTR and rape these days.

>> No.19822200

Yeah I meant manga.

>> No.19822204
File: 92 KB, 635x428, Closest I got to book burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I even wrote myself a note next to the torn out pages lol.

>> No.19822209
File: 269 KB, 1280x1407, chad tree guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.19822212

Based. Send the author this pic on twitter

>> No.19822218

I don't do twatter, but feel free to go ahead and do it on my behalf.

>> No.19822236

The only other time in my life a piece of media has made me that mad was The HIlls Have Eyes.
I ejected it before the rape scene was even finished and broke the disc.
to mention it is one thing, but to graphically depict or describe the act is degeneracy on an unnaceptable level, not entertainment.

>> No.19822240

holy based

>> No.19822246


>> No.19822250

Found the pedophile.

>> No.19822253

What's NTR?

>> No.19822254


>> No.19822260

So what?
Foucault is among the greatest philosophers of all time and he advocated it. But somehow we're in the wrong because some retard on 4chan uses pedophilia as an insult.
No, you're wrong. It's not an insult. It shouldn't be illegal.

>> No.19822261

I believe you are mistaken, they support the pedo scene.

>> No.19822269

Pedophilia absolutely the fuck should be.
Fucking a pre pubescent girl is abuse and can only result in damage, never reproduction.
Now if you want to take Hebes and puberty and natural, that's another story.
But actual fucking children is off-limits you sick freak.

>> No.19822272
File: 34 KB, 333x500, reaper cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No gays
>No blacks
Was he /ourguy/ all along?

>> No.19822273

it is not that, anyone who rips pages out of the book because they got triggered or really for any reason and then posts
(pictures) about it social media is subhuman redditor

>> No.19822279

>Foucault is among the greatest philosophers of all time

>> No.19822283

Because I did it unprompted.
I was adding my true story to the shitposters.

>> No.19822284

Lmao, it's your worthless words vs one of the greatest philosophers of all time.
Pedophilia is completely natural and normal.

>> No.19822293

>Pedophilia is
Just like homosex.
If it can't result in having a baby its unnatural freakshit.
At least with anal and oral it's merely "weird" and noone is actually being damaged and no freaky new incurable diseases are being bred. (GRID)

>> No.19822296

Would you rather have a perfect fantasy book for you but it was so niche it gets discontinued after the first one, just when the bigger plot opened up, or it becomes so popular it gets adapted as a big series but also gets pozzed in the process?

>> No.19822298

Fuck off retard.

>> No.19822303

The former

>> No.19822305

>Foucault is among the greatest philosophers of all time and he advocated it.
>Someone is a great philosopher so everything they said must be true
Brainlet take. Literally appeal to authority without actually thinking.

>> No.19822306

Oh goddamn, that is a hell of a quandary.
...... I'll go with the former, the dead end still leaves my imagination to daydream, the pozzed series bullshit does a good job of overriding that and increases my blood pressure.

>> No.19822307

The perfect fantasy book is a standalone either way.

>> No.19822308

Must men stop having sex with their wives after menopause?

>> No.19822309

No, strong female characters, strong romance element, a lot of time given to females, dialogue is literally all females and it is garbage, mc protag is literally like a supporing character (supporting females), it is garbage and even more garbage given how it was supposed to be (western) xanxia. wight not just failed as a western author (which isn't that hard or even uncommon these days) but he forever ruined the western authors ability and credibility at eastern fantasy. And don't think that it (cradle) will get better because I assure you it will only get worse.

>> No.19822312

This ain't Bakker.

>> No.19822314

I mean, without lube that is damaging, right?
After menopause women literally dry up some down there IIRC? I know they lose elasticity.

>> No.19822320

Doesn't mean anything.

It's just someone shitting up the thread.

>> No.19822323

It's Japanese for cuckolding, basically.

>> No.19822324

It's short for Netorare which is japanese for Cuckoldry Porn
If you don't know, don't answer, spreading misinformation is for the illiterates.

>> No.19822327

I want to say the former one but truthfully, I'd be pretty annoyed if I really liked something that never got finished. And an even sadder truth is that anything can be pozzed retroactively in this age of cheap adaptations so the second isn't that much worse.

>> No.19822330

Since fucking when?

I've been browsing this shit general for years and never once saw that.

My guess is that you weebs have finally taken over.

>> No.19822332


>> No.19822334

NTR has been a tag and used for shitposting here a lot longer than cuckoldry. But if you only stay in /lit/ you'd have been late to be exposed to it I guess.

>> No.19822336

>tfw you know what all of these mean

>> No.19822337

>If you don't know, don't answer, spreading misinformation is for the illiterates.
You sure have an extensive vocabulary on cuckoldry.

>> No.19822340

Dryness isn't an issue, american men get mutilated early in childhood and stay dry their entire lives and this didn't stop them from having sex (except those few unlucky 5%ers who had it botched)

>> No.19822341

Japanese LN is true literature and there is nothing you can do about it.
Isekai is the best fantasy trope.

>> No.19822342

>Since fuckin when?
Like I said, if you don't know, don't answer.
It is better to sit in silence having everyone wonder if you are an idiot, than it is to open your mouth and confirm it.

>> No.19822345



You just weren't paying attention.

>> No.19822348

>It's short for Netorare which is japanese for Cuckoldry Porn
It has a much broader meaning than just that, actually.

>> No.19822350

It's pretty ironic that I see people on /a/ uses the word cuck more than NTR, and when I browse /sffg/ people use the world NTR instead of cuck.

>> No.19822353
File: 538 KB, 690x460, 1640543571535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weebs sure are going all out today.

>> No.19822357

I admit that three of these >>19822332 terms were new to me just now.
But I mean, it's a tag I note and then skip, I'm not down with the NTR.

>> No.19822365

Not my problem, cuck.

>> No.19822374

To be fair, NTR is clearly not a /sffg/esque acronym.

>> No.19822375

cuck is /pol/
It's still used a lot. As usual, a few anons can make it seem like it's used. So when those few aren't around it may be none. Same for basically anything really.

Not even the Japanese agree with it really means. It can get rather broader and stupid though. "I've been NTR'ed because this cute girl who was I about to talk to actually already has a boyfriend!" Alas, jealousy.

>> No.19822377

Prompted or not, your behaviour is reddit tier, kys.

>> No.19822383

It's an initialism.

>> No.19822384

Says the dipshit talking about "reddit tier"

>> No.19822385

I wouldn't know. I'm not a weeb.

>> No.19822388

I do believe that it is actually an abbreviation as T and R are not the first letters in following words.

>> No.19822392

You don't need to know. Acronyms are said, NASA, LASER, RADAR. Initialism are spoken letter by letter. CIA, FBI, IRS.

>> No.19822398

>Initialism are spoken letter by letter. CIA, FBI, IRS.
>Central Intelligence Agency
>Federal Bureau of Investigation
Abbreviation anon, stop giving english lessons until you've finished taking them.

>> No.19822399

No, not really.

>> No.19822417

Yes, both acronyms and initialism are a type of abbreviation.

>> No.19822425

we are not talking about me, why are you trying to change the subject, you are a fucking re ddit garbage, go back to red dit and kys

>> No.19822436

>Central Intelligence Agency
Initialism, much like
>John Smith
is ONE WORD. an INITIAL is when you use the INITIAL LETTER OF EACH WORD to abbreviate MULTIPLE WORDS.
not the initial letter, the middle letter and the next to last letter of one word.
>Federal Bureau of Investigation
Again, THIS is an initialism acronym.
This is ONLY an abbreviation.
It does not make a pronouncable word so it is not an acronym, it does not have multiple words so it is not initialism.

>> No.19822495

You accept my surrender.

>> No.19822508

Is any of the chink shit good.

>> No.19822514

I do!

>> No.19822528

Only reverend insanity and maybe one or two other works.

>> No.19822533

>reverend insanity
Wasn't that axed by Winnie?

>> No.19822603

It is mostly complete though and there are 2300+ chapters

>> No.19822617

I thought chink shit was all edge or self insert power fantasy, but I enjoyed Way of Choices a lot.

>> No.19822618

What about Three body problem?

>> No.19822631
File: 441 KB, 453x675, Ted Nasmith - The Oath of Fëanor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Silmarillion.

>> No.19822655

Most but not all.

Never read it, the fact that it wasn't banned by communists is huge red flag.

>> No.19822659

took me about 5 tries to get into it then i found a better audiobook version with a good narrator.

great series

>> No.19822680

>the fact that it wasn't banned by communists is huge red flag.
It was pretty critical of the Cultural Revolution though. Chinks aren't banning everything anymore, they're hit and miss with censorship these days.

>> No.19822728

>Isn't that the whole point of crafting a narrative though? Figure out how to find a solution to a conflict given only the preset rules you've made for yourself before writing the story in the first place?
Not really. Conflict resolution is for scenes, not for stories. Stories are generally about having someone who thinks they want something, and then having their views of what they want and what they need challenged over the course of a journey. That's the important part. Maybe what they want is the resolution of a conflict, but the thread of the story you write has to be something more internal to the protagonist. All of the "worldbuilding" is just that; it's stuff you put in the world around your protagonist because it allows you to challenge their fundamental beliefs. Everything else is either directly propping that narrative up or is extraneous and needs to be cut. I mean, imagine - if you can - a novel outside of the fantasy genre, one with no "made up" rules. What's important in that is what's important in a fantasy novel, too.

>> No.19822757

Was it supporting of any communist ideas or ideals?
The notion that communists aren't banning left and right or banning less is false, in fact china is getting more authoritarian by day, something may not be openly banned but things like ambiguous censorship laws and low social credit score means that authors and creators simply censor themselves.

>> No.19822764

Is lord of the rings a good place to start for my first fantasy series? Only ever read sci fi. Also I’ve seen the movies like 3 times, do I pretty much already know the whole story or is there a lot more to it?

>> No.19822796

What's a good lit/rpg/ book but sci-fi not fantasy?

>> No.19822808

They're only good if they straddle the line of litRPG imo. Stuff like Iron Prince or Street Cultivation.

>> No.19822809
File: 391 KB, 1600x787, 1615759193376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this instead. Tolkien is outdated.

>> No.19822814

>Is lord of the rings a good place to start for my first fantasy series?
Yeah, every fantasy afterwards is just a carbon copy of his. So read the original isntead.

>> No.19822815

Read the lion the witch and the wardrobe imo

>> No.19822818

But I am not homosexual

>> No.19822820

Pretty much what these two said >>19822814
start with those series first.

>> No.19822849

Isn’t that more Christian fantasy though?

>> No.19822855

I wasn't talking to you, though. But we all know that transwomen who like men are straight, so.

Congrats on your transition btw.

>> No.19822859
File: 214 KB, 1948x1885, 1637908888288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the canon. You can't really go wrong.

>> No.19822860

new thread

>> No.19822861

No there's no reason at all to read the books after seeing the movies. Unless you're really into dudes walking in the woods and singing songs for hundreds upon hundreds of pages.

Read something with characterization, pacing, intricacy of plot, and not suffering from christian idealism instead.

>> No.19822863

I don't recall any especially communist ideas being presented. But I'm not a Chink so I may have missed some more subtle elements of communism within their culture.

>> No.19822866

Bakker is Baka

>> No.19822869

Already said I am not homosexual

>> No.19822879

Thank you for the suggestion. This Bakker guy seems to be very popular here. I will give it a go.

>> No.19822912

The Magician's Nephew and The Final Battle are the only ones that I would read as straight up Christian fantasy. The first it doesn't matter much, but the second can only be appreciated as a recontextualization of Revelation. The Horse and His Boy could be read as a screed against Islam but only if you interpret it as the most strawmanned caricature of Islam possible and it's not really useful in that regard.

>> No.19822924

Thanks for the effort post, Rare to see it in this general.

>> No.19823551

For free you say?