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19812837 No.19812837 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my mid twenties pissing my life away by wasting countless hours in front of the screen browsing shallow garbage, also I'm currently unemployed and have no skills

Which books can help me to get my shit together and give me a reality check

>> No.19812842

get a job, don't get a job, it doesn't matter.
kill yourself, don't kill yourself, it doesn't matter.
none of it's real. none of it matters.
unless you have a kid. that's real. that matters.

>> No.19812853

Let's be honest, we could give you a book but you'll finish it, not take any action and come back and whine once more.
Here's a better idea: what steps have you already taken to remedy this situation?

>> No.19812876

I do this but I'm also content doing this. I've been like it since my early teens. Life is easier if you do nothing about anything. Everything passes.

>> No.19812877

I try to actually being some structure into my life and by scheduling and writing down a todo list
On some days I actually manage to get a little bit done but too often I fall back into my old habits of vegetating in front of the screen with crisps and a beer
At least next week I have a job interview but I'm afraid that I will fail because of my terrible habits and self discipline

>> No.19812908

>Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness. Everything passes. That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell. Everything passes.

>> No.19812919

>At least next week I have a job interview but I'm afraid that I will fail because of my terrible habits and self discipline
If you have any social skills you'll be fine in the interview.
I am in a very similar position to you, two months or so ago I got a interview for a short term contract. because they were short staffed because of expansion they made me a team manager and rostered me most days. My boss ended up sharing with the team an email from a customer expressing how happy they were with my service.
And here I am now that the contract is over, doing exactly what you are, again.
You'll be surprised how adaptable you are.
And even if you're not adaptable as me, just assume you are - it's a lot less stressful than worrying about a failure that you apparently have no control of.

>> No.19813106

The problem of the puer aeternus. thank me later.

>> No.19813140

I've been looking for a similar book for years now and I haven't found anything good.

>> No.19813165 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 1334x750, figurativelyme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All due integralness of sapience granted, at twentyfive years of age one dies, and regenerates; by twentyseven one finds oneself in the thick midst of life, on all levels; by thirty one virtually totally reconciles the cordiological with the chronological, the former flooding the latter; the ending supercyclically reconnecting with the beginning; though I am not thirty years old yet, I can see this as clearly as one can foresee the weather.

>> No.19813178
File: 485 KB, 1334x750, figurativelyme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all due integralness of sapience granted, at twentyfive years of age one dies, and regenerates; by twentyseven one finds oneself in the thick midst of life, on all levels; by thirty one virtually totally reconciles the cordiological with the chronological, the former flooding the latter; the ending supercyclically reconnecting with the beginning; although I am not yet thirty years old, I can see this as clearly as one can foresee the weather.

>> No.19813182

>find hobby you enjoy
>participate in that hobby
>stop being a bitching faggot
It's not hard. Bonus points for that hobby not being video games.

>> No.19813198

been there done that
I only got cured of it when I started seeing God actions in my life after learning about it from rabbis

maybe it will help you

I got things to do, goodbye

>> No.19813201

I’m gonna going to say this to try to put you down, on the contrary. Here it goes: nobody cares. Really. The shame, etc., that you feel, it’s all in your mind. Now if you really want a job you want to consider going back to school or learning a skill. Reading books won’t teach you that, they only stimulate passivity.

>> No.19813206

You had me until
Gas yourself kike

>> No.19813243

>What consumable product will improve my existence with no effort on my part
I got news for you bro

>> No.19813441
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>It is true that he knew all the classical passages implying the contrary; but knowing classical passages, we find, is a mode of motion, which explains why they leave so little extra force for their personal application.

>> No.19813776

4chanianity is comically delusional

>> No.19813803

i tried to warn you
if God still loves you He will warn you too, but His warning isn't as gentle as mine

>> No.19813831

Why do you want a reality check? What is your endgame?
Do you want to become wealthier? Get more women? Become more powerful? More famous? A combination of the above? Some other desire?
If you are going to spend your time pursuing your hobbies and seeking happiness, you don't need a reality check. Some basic self-discipline and work ethic is enough to sustain such a life.

>> No.19813834

Have you tried applying for jobs? Have you tried turning off any and all internet machines for a week?

>> No.19813874

Kikes not welcome

>> No.19813895
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Get a job no matter what it is and start saving money now. Be a responsible adult and build up a nest egg/ emergency fund then start investing. Millions of people have got out of debt and got their lives together with Ramsey financial plan. Its not rocket science and it can be helpful to you

>> No.19813905
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>> No.19813908
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stoicism might help
It sure as hell helped me
find something you like, or just find something, and do it. Having a job helps you keep a straight mind, usually.
Here's a poster at a gym that I go to that also helps:

>> No.19813965

did you know all the apostles were israelites and so were the first christians? (well, except a roman and some woman who did believe, the former had more faith than anyone in Israel, Jesus noted)

>> No.19814011

As I mentioned in a post above I got an interview scheduled next week so at least I'm forced to move s little bit out of my comfort zone.
While a part of me wants that job, somehow I'm getting more and more unsure about the proposition since I actually enjoy my semi neet state at the moment
However it basically turned me into pic related, also my executive functions are absolutely messed up (might genuinely have some sort of add)

>> No.19814016
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>> No.19814341

add doesn't exist, it's just a problem of lack of routine, specially sleep times

it's scary how the Bible keeps getting proven correct, that pic is basically what is described in many verses in Proverbs

>> No.19814378
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Pack sandwiches and go hike to a nice park with some Joseph Campbell.
Find out what you want to do in your life. Try to figure it into a remunerative vocation and work on that. Above all be honest with yourself in finding what you like, what you love, and take it easy on yourself.

It’s scary how biblefags keep dredging it up. For every truism one might find in it, there is rancid dogma. Hey, you might be secularist, whatever. Peace.

>> No.19814390

Tartar steppe.

>> No.19814392

>It’s scary how biblefags keep dredging it up. For every truism one might find in it, there is rancid dogma. Hey, you might be secularist, whatever. Peace.
It's literally a Double-Think manual.

>> No.19814411

>Which books can help me to get my shit together and give me a reality check
Positive Desintegration by Dabrowski.

Ecology of Mind ; Gregory Bateson

Check out books on Narcissism, Parental Abuse, Bipolar, Double-Bind's

>> No.19814420

I'm doing the same except I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.19814485

Lift weights at least 3 times a week for 3 months

>> No.19815991

what is your vocation anon

>> No.19817525

you can deny the truth but you can't ignore the consequences of denying it

>> No.19817544

I have a job and "skills" but I feel like I'm pissing my life away too, to be honest

>> No.19817639

Get a construction job, seriously it helps to see old men who wasted their lives doing hard work and it’s good for your body. It scares you and makes you really consider your future

>> No.19817647

Why would it matter if he has a kid? Lol you’re whole philosophy was admitted by yourself to be false

>> No.19817775

Any book, really. Having something that you can do every day, that isn’t looking at a screen, and boosts your attention span, is really useful.

>> No.19818065

First: Recognize in what you are good or have facilities
Second: Excel in that work. Read So good they can't ignore you of Cal Newport i think. A lot of people, famous and not famous has met happiness of fullfillment not by doing what they like but doing what they do right or the best they can. Steve Jobs wanted to be some hippy in India but he excel in what he was good instead and fullfillment was waiting for him in that field. Be careful, sometimes (in all cases actually) doing what you like is destructive, more in arts. Do something right and find purpose in that road. That's the way.

>> No.19818074

>Steve Jobs wanted to be some hippy in India but he excel in what he was good instead and fullfillment was waiting for him in that field
i think he would have a happier life becoming a hippy in india
maybe the world wouldn't have the corporate scummy practices we see today if apple didnt exist too

>> No.19818399
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Drink more water that is better filtered more often. Put your damn phone in a drawer for the week end, and longer but more intermittedly, and come to stop using it for the internet altogether. Uninstall any pirated games, delete any illegal media, migrate your films and such to a separate device. Prepare your consciousness for a long-term transition from using the internet as a source of consciousness and thought, to using books you own physically. Whenever you die in a video game do a set of pushups or curls with a dumbell or the like. Go outside, but don't force yourself to, only seek to attain the bodily status which hydration is essential in finding of wanting to do shit, and just do it.

>> No.19818427

Thrinaxodon puberty is a strange time, you can see his disorientation in his face

>> No.19818442

Even if the interview fails you'll be closer to making it out. You learn more from failed interviews than successful ones, and they also help you grow a thicker skin. Just don't downplay yourself or sperg out like I did my first few rounds. Also keep applying to stuff, now is the time when job postings start popping up in droves for summer positions

>> No.19819465

get a job
develop skills
help people

>> No.19819512
File: 75 KB, 1280x854, jordan peterson 12 rules for life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the haters and read this

>> No.19819521
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>> No.19819527
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>unless you have a kid. that's real. that matters.