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/lit/ - Literature

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19809600 No.19809600 [Reply] [Original]

You can read the summaries online for free. Find the most memorable quotes from them and find loads of videos and essays on the book written by people snarter than you or me. So they'd notice things that you wouldn't on the first read. I'd save so much time by doing this.
Although it doesn't apply to non-fiction the superior genre.

>> No.19809624

>Although it doesn't apply to non-fiction the superior genre.
Exactly the opposite.
Entire concept books can be summarized into 15 video.
and "history" books are just fiction feeling the blanks of documents

>> No.19809644

Good non-fiction books are condensed to their extreme to feed knowledge. All of the maths books ive read wouldn't be able to summeriesed. Feelings are finite and there's nothing to discover in them. However the pursuit of knowledge is still unending with many unknowns to delve into

>> No.19810082

All the Math books I've read can be summed up as
>None of this is useful. None of it will have an impact on humanity. If you want to know the useful bits of Math go into engineering. Otherwise it's just pretentious wanking about abstract concepts which have no basis in reality.
Field, rings, groups. Those don't fucking exist mate. Measure theory. DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. It's all just wanking over someone's intelligence from an arbitrary set of rules they come up with. Then one guy said, hey these rules actually imply these rules. And that's all Math is. Some wanker saying, "Hey these rules we've been using...they actually imply these rules I just made up as well."

>> No.19810093

That is probably the most BASED retard i've ever seen

>> No.19810175

Is this the same guy making these threads? Let's say you've figured out reading is useless. Why is your immediate reaction to come here and proselytize?

>> No.19810193

Are you trying to persuade us not to read or looking for someone to validate your laziness OP? I fail to see what the point of this thread is.
Just beeeeee yourself, you don't need to seek /lit/'s approval for your choices. You want to read summaries, as long as you are beeeeeeeeing yourself that's okay I guess.
Why did this need to be a thread?

>> No.19810235 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 750x1017, 283757BC-1574-445B-98B9-F1ABE6398280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought provoking post OP. What do you think of this image?

>> No.19810348

>by people snarter than you or me
I would be so happy if there were many people smarter than me. Being surrounded by idiots is a special kind of hell.

>> No.19810975

Just because your brain is too smooth to comprehend what those specific mathematical techniques are good fkr that doesn't mean they don't exist. E.g. group and graph theory is incredibly useful when creating self learning AI. And it was thought up of before that. There are many cases where the theory came before the use. You just had to google to realise how wrong you are

>> No.19811011

The prose

>> No.19811017


Bet you post on Facebook "why'd I learn algebra I never had to use it once. They shoulda taught me to change a tire reeee" from your magical phone that god must have bestowed on us on the 3rd day of creation.

>> No.19811046

Your brain is fucking smooth anon, im sorry

>> No.19811056
File: 7 KB, 232x217, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to know the useful bits of Math go into engineering

>> No.19811081

I hate my life

>> No.19811094

You’re a fucking retard lmao kys

>> No.19811110


>> No.19811445

Do you hear yourself? Jesus Christ

>> No.19811453

Hey that's my post

>> No.19811469

Kek I’ll bet you’re the same guy making Jordan Peterson hate threads

>> No.19811493

rooster is a gay boy

>> No.19811533

I know it's bait or just a starter for a conversation about reading in general, but I'll give my opinion about reading when you think you already know the subject.
I used to not read at all. In school we were supposed to read Wuthering Heights, All Things Bright and Beautiful, and To Kill a Mockingbird. I didn't read any of those. The only one I went back to was Wuthering Heights and it was great. I don't care to read about sheep giving birth so I'll pass on bright and beautiful...
ANYWAY, there's this book, "Treasure Island". I didn't think I needed to read it because it's so ingrained in pop culture that I've pretty much got the gist of it, right? OooOOooOOh, there's pirates and they go get treasure or whatever, who cares?
Wrong. It was a God damned adventure and a half. It's amazing, and not even a quarter of the good stuff is spilled around into other media. Just because there's a restaurant called "Long John Silver's" doesn't mean you don't need to read the book.
Reading it got me into other swashbuckling adventures, eventually reading about real heroes like Vasco Nunez de Balboa, now there's a champion who fought in the Americas and lived a legendary life. His dog was a personal gift from Ponce de Leon and earned the pay of a lieutenant and wore Indian gold. The fucker killed more Indians than any American military nerd can claim to have killed officially or unofficially because it was half Greyhound, half Spanish Mastiff. That was a big fucking dog. Bigger than any piss poor nutrition peasant warrior and almost any man in general, except not Vasco. That guy was over 6 feet tall and fought in the fencing style before it became popular, so he had a huge edge in swordfighting.

>> No.19811981

and just so many americans grow up in chinese sweat shops making phones, and so many americans don't own cars in their adult lives and don't need to change tires.
>get fuckin real anon.

>> No.19812192

Go fuck yourself

>> No.19812257

Durrrr why did me learn maths for 8 years when I coulda learnt how to raise a jack and change 6 bolts durrrr. Maths is dumb and pointless because I'm a fucking loser who works in retail durrrrrr

>> No.19812413

Then, for the sake of arguing, take this preposition
>useless things stay useless if one doesn't to use them
and this rule
>useful things must use useful rules
and make up something useful

>> No.19812535

>and "history" books are just fiction feeling the blanks of documents
Post the last history book you've read that wasn't your 10th grade textbook

>> No.19812536

Goddamn, why did we let subhumans into university?

>> No.19812562

I just don't know if i can get into it. My reading speed is so slow and right now im still a student so my time is limited. I wish i read more and liked reading but i feel like it's just something you needed to have earlier or something that you have or you don't.

>> No.19812567

The humanities are pretty easy to get into

>> No.19812580

I know it's bait, but you're still a hideously malformed soulless brainlet and I pity you.
What has to happen in someone's childhood to yield a perversion of humanity such as this?

>> No.19812585

I thought I'd hop right into the heavy stuff. I thought I'd take on Ulysses. But then I thought better of it. I still had a copy of The Great Gatsby and all of those old books from high school so I just started with those.
Treasure Island, The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights, and I got All Quiet on the Western Front for Christmas.
The Great Gatsby isn't even long, I've got it right here. 180 pages. Treasure Island is 196. They're just as good as The Cont of Monte Cristo and that fucker was 900 pages, and it wasn't even the good version, turns out. I had a shitty translation (I still loved it and it's my favorite book though... tied with Gatsby, which I've read more).

>> No.19812597
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That's why we use to filter out midwits and retards with Latin and Greek. But that was when exclusivity was valued, instead of inclusivity. It's over now, it's fucking over.

>> No.19812682

Wot a retard!

>> No.19812778

it's gotta be bait, no one could be THAT retarded irl...right??

>> No.19812789

Why even eat? You can shove onions up your cockhole and still get nutrition.

>> No.19812818

the point of fiction and literature in general is to make you more intelligent by providing you a higher set of words and mental figures, that's why ancient Greek education was primarily concerned with making children memorize all the classics

Leibniz also said the one who has seen the mist amount of pictures is the most intelligent

Intelligence by the way is used in the ancient sense here. There, have some forbidden knowledge

As for payment for making me reply to you, I will accept you sharing this knowledge with others.

>> No.19812825

>Otherwise it's just pretentious wanking about abstract concepts which have no basis in reality.
>Field, rings, groups. Those don't fucking exist mate
uh, aren't Algebra and Number Theory the foundations of modern cryptography?

>> No.19812841

Yeah, but to be fair G. H. Hardy made the same mistake in his A Mathematician's Apology (1940) foreseeing that number-theory would never have any practical use outside of academia, though on the other hand, he isn't G. H. Hardy and this isn't nineteen-fucking-forty, lol.

>> No.19812925

>Feelings are finite and there's nothing to discover in them.
you can't even describe a feeling you have, you are the epitome of dunning krugger

>> No.19812936

do you own part, only recommend texts in the original languages, refuse to discuss them in English

>> No.19812961

From readingness to wiki rating
>Poetry, Lit fiction, non fiction, mainstream fiction, philosophy

You can't really summarize poems, that's the not the point. You can summarize all philosophers, that's the point.

>> No.19812985

Everyone seems to claim that they are surrounded by idiots but no idiots are coming forth so where are the idiots I wonder? Clearly I should have seen them by now since everyone claims that they are surrounded by them.

>> No.19814648

Engineer chads rise up