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File: 1.71 MB, 1000x1500, DostoevskyandtheMeaningofSuffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19805929 No.19805929 [Reply] [Original]

How can someone misinterpret Dostoevsky this badly?

>> No.19805932

This guy is a philosophically illiterate cretin

>> No.19805934


>> No.19805938

>without suffering how would we learn how to cope with suffering
Based and beautiful and moral
>But why not just create a perfect world without suffering
unfeasible, not possible, only an infantile mind would have such an idea

>> No.19805970

this wtf

>> No.19806023

Doesn't the Matrix also postulates we would reject a painless world full of pleasure

>> No.19806026

Because he's commie scum.

>> No.19806046

>only an infantile mind
Only an Anglo mind*

>> No.19806062

The utilitarian principle of pleasure-maximization is responsible for climate change, the industrial revolution, the pollution of the world's oceans, the irradiation of the globe by nuclear reactor accidents, the extinction of countless species, and so on. Utilitarianism/utopianism which does not extend its view beyond the present will inevitably crumble into the most opposite dystopia. The world is not going to be a nice place to live in a few hundred years, to say the utmost least.

>> No.19806154

>>But why not just create a perfect world without suffering
>unfeasible, not possible, only an infantile mind would have such an idea
It is very feasible if you have an omnipotent deity

>> No.19806275

dostoyevsky being very based here. a man is not and organ stop and two plus two is four without me.

>> No.19806284


>> No.19806285
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>that's based!

>> No.19806290

How can one cartoonist be right and wrong at the same time?

>> No.19806324
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1500, NietzscheAndWagner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These comics are great.

>> No.19806364

Bentham was likely autistic, why would you take advice on ethics from a person like that.

>> No.19806368
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>> No.19806472

>Based and beautiful and moral

>> No.19806488

Nietzsche was an anti-semite too, both Richard and Cosima Wagner had to tell him multiple times to tone down his public antisemitic remarks (so that he wouldnt lose his career)
God I hate Existential Comics so much, that fucking pseud. I want to bully him

>> No.19806492

Existential Comics are hilarious. How come they don't get posted here more often?

>> No.19806494

Retarded comic, it is impossible to create perfect world without suffering even if you pull infinite power to shape material world out of your ass.
As long as there humans, there will be zero sum game for power, domination and status, and as long as there zero sum game there will obviously be those on its negative end, who will obviously suffer.
The only way to end suffering is therefore by ending human. Perhaps those communist regimes known for both dream of creating utopia and 7 digit body count were onto something.

>> No.19806495

These are too good. Where can I read more?

>> No.19806508

>How come they don't get posted here more often?
Because most people here aren't well enough to get most of them. This is /pol2.0/ nowadays.

>> No.19806511

im certain this guy is 400iq and just baiting lit with his compics for fun

>> No.19806515

It could be worse. This guy unironically says Dostoyevsky is all about embracing secular life because christianity is too hard to follow.

>> No.19806527

Haven't watched that video, but what's wrong with that take? If you disagree you obviously haven't read The Great Inquisitor, because that's pretty much the message of it.

>> No.19806553

You get that just because Dostoyevsky wrote many christian characters doesn't mean he necessarily supported those views, right? He also wrote many atheist characters, but that doesn't make him atheist either. He's in between and always debating those too extremes, but as this guy said >>19806527, if you had read The Great Inquisitor you would get that the point Dostoyevsky is trying to make is that it's impossible to live like Jesus and we must find a moral that actually fits us. At first the inquisitor is presented as a villain, but ultimately he's a hero.

>> No.19806588
File: 384 KB, 490x690, 1606527400458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can someone misinterpret Dostoevsky this badly?
If you ever checked his reddit/twitter presence you'd realize he mostly just reads the Wikipedia for the authors and philosophers he depicts. He is exactly a dumb person's idea of a smart person.

>> No.19806597

I don't know? Maybe because it's satire?

>> No.19806598

this is the most blatant propaganda I've ever seen

>> No.19806602

God I wish I knew if you were being ironic.

Because most people here are 30 year old boomers and grew out of their libertarian or socialist dipshit phase after high school.

>> No.19806607

Who sides with Bentham lol

>> No.19806610

Reminder that Bentham woke up at like three in the afternoon and started running on the queen whatever park with his delicate fat swinging on either side while plotting his utilitarian utopia in Athens

>> No.19806621

the author is an idiot who thinks too highly of their intellect, their followers are the same
weird they're not on lit, they're a perfect match for our average poster

>> No.19806797

>yeesh, cool it with the antisemitism will ya?

>> No.19806802
File: 24 KB, 300x300, existential comics guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gentle reminder that this is the author of those comics.

>> No.19806837
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>because I would reject it

>> No.19806874

Which you don't, by the way.

>> No.19806878

>If you ever checked his reddit/twitter presence you'd realize he mostly just reads the Wikipedia for the authors and philosophers he depicts. He is exactly a dumb person's idea of a smart person.
That explains his awful summaries of Wittgenstein

>> No.19806962

Crime and Punishment is entirely pro-religion though. Just because it’s importable to be Christ doesn’t mean trying is futile. Dosto was unapologetically religious

>> No.19807900

Where did you get that from
(I honestly want to know, as I need ammunition against the jewish subversion of Nietzsche by Kaufmann)

>> No.19807912


>> No.19807939

Dostoevsky was a living human being. There's letters, accounts of his contemporaries to go off of.

>> No.19807959

The way to create an earthly paradise with no suffering is inherently antinatal.

>> No.19808022

In a perfect world I would be a communist, but seeing how retarded every leftist is has black pilled me on the whole movement. Recently I've reached the point where I find myself preferring libertarianism because at least I won't have an authoritarian retard breathing down my neck.

>> No.19808211
File: 499 KB, 1000x1500, Camus-Candyland-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hardly ones that are actually funny

>> No.19808224
File: 88 KB, 694x662, reaction1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I didn't save part 2

>> No.19808244

Maybe Dostoevsky’s philosophy was based around the realization that the world would never be perfect? He was religious so he believed God had the power to make our lives perfect but didn’t, so he accepted that the imperfect world was what God wanted us to have and He created suffering just like everything else to be understood and appreciated as a key element of the human experience. “Make a perfect world” is literally the philosophy of a 5 year old who just realized that the world isn’t perfect.

>> No.19808477

>Wagner? Y-You're the American Psycho?
That's when I stopped watching

>> No.19808909

LMAO. This is too good and SO Camus.

>> No.19808911

I'm not a school of life fan, but that video in particular is fine.

>> No.19808918

i agree with dosto in this comic

>> No.19808925


Are some people really cut from a different cloth? Why do I find bugmannery so disgusting and contemptible? Or hedonism in general? Is it because I'm circumcized and can't cum as bigly, otherwise I would be all about cumming big and that alone would satisfy my ambitions and need for significance?

>> No.19810793

Misinterpreted or not, this is actually pretty funny.

>> No.19810819

Based Wagner

>> No.19810890
File: 468 KB, 1000x1500, E50298CE-5693-462E-9EA2-F648EFDBDE67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll save you faggot

>> No.19810963
File: 46 KB, 640x444, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19811023

I can't imagine how soulless someone would have to be to agree with Bentham.

>> No.19811042


>> No.19811086
File: 60 KB, 320x640, A9E6C933-C0C1-4D36-86D5-56B0A4064335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>das too many woords fer a days readin’

>> No.19811147

>das too many woords fer a days readin’

>> No.19811228

Leftist humor is only decent when it's absurdist desu, otherwise its trying to hard to be didactic thus more often than not preachy where in meme format just falls flat

>> No.19811251

But the problem with that is they don't actually have a central base, they can only criticise the right which is then dialectically integrated into the right anyway.

>> No.19811266

Gotta love sassy Simone. My type of gal.

>> No.19811274

Humor is inherently leftist, because comedy is all about disturbing the status quo and pushing forward.

>> No.19811343

Maybe, but as we are seeing even now the status quo in many ways is going in their favor (Especially in social aspects) and it's seems to be hindering their comedic output. Guess Comedy won't exist in the leftist world since the status quo is so perfect what is there to disturb or push forward against?

>> No.19811383


>> No.19811419

Sorry friend, Nietzsche is so explicitly not anti-semitic that no reasonable interpretation of him would arrive at the opposite conclusion. He criticizes anti-semites, explicitly for that reason, and praises the Jews for their success. He also says that the Old Testament is morally superior to the New Testament.

>> No.19811568

Didn't you read bergson? Comedy is literally the exact opposite. Comedy is when you laugh at stupid people for breaking the status quo. Laughter is a rightwing emotion

>> No.19811617

>Judaism is the evil conscience of our modern civilization

wtf i love wanger now

>> No.19811785

probably the only laughing matter the perfect communist utopia is going to be the past

to punch up at the oppressive class of the past

maybe laugh and the absurd unfairness and miserable conditions it subjected the proletariat

or when people claim it was real communism when it was not if it fails

>> No.19812120

Sounds lame

>> No.19812184


>> No.19812209

Believe it or not, the Matrix franchise borrowed some ideas from earlier, and better explained, works
Please stop referencing movies

>> No.19812213

Hey now I know that! I may be into movies but that doesn't mean I don't like reading

>> No.19812214

Do you have to read his books in order? I just bought the Brothers and Crime and Punishment. Should I read a different one before?

>> No.19812308
File: 426 KB, 498x432, 5F166A59-E574-46F4-AFEF-91DB277463EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s humor and then there’s infographs.
The “sick burn” poltards came to wasn’t even true. They had to make them up.


>> No.19812356

Check the first or second chapter of Losurdo's book on Nietzsche. iirc the Wagners told him to tone that shit down for the short essay "On the Greek State" (where N wanted to claim explixitly that he regardes Socrates as the first Western Jew), and another time for his lectures at Basilea, where, after like 5 pages of screeds against certain contemporaries if his, he wanted to end the lecture by saying that all aling he was talking about jews.
You missed his point. He criticized GERMAN anti-semites, because he had a even lower opinion of German people. In pretty much all of his texts, jews are seen as parasites and as bringers of decadence. Also the New Testament is, according to Nietzsche, a Jewish text, and everything that is decadent in it he attributes to Judaism.

Again, Domenico Losurdo did a lot of good with his book on Nietzsche. After WW2 Nietzsche was a persona non grata due to the fact that he was strongly associated to Nazi ideology. In order to save him a number of academics (to name a few: Colli, Montinari, Vattimo, Kauffman, Deleuze) basically sanitized him, hiding from plain sights all the most controversial elements of his philosophy. This includes not only his antisemitism, but also his stances om the legitimacy of slavery and violent eugenetics, and his apologia for aristocracy.

>> No.19812368

honestly these people are dangerous. it's not watered down for a retarded social media audience, it's completely removed.

>> No.19812489

brevity = sovl of wit dontcha know.
veriferry not requiræ, thee lord be on mine side

>> No.19812490
File: 358 KB, 1000x1500, sisyphus happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one

>> No.19812498

Straight up hard right now thinking about how shredded Sisyphus is getting pushing that boulder for all eternity (no homo)

>> No.19812550

They all take place in the same universe, but there's not necessary to read them in order. Just read whatever you want.

>> No.19812588

DLU—Dostoevsky Literary Universe

>> No.19812701

Underrated post. This is all true. The Silly Utilly is a monstrous creature that things life and all actions can be reduced to an equation.

>> No.19812920

A peado?

>> No.19812949

Who was in the wrong?

>> No.19812975

How could you possibly read Karamazov and think this is the meaning of it?

>> No.19813436

Same thing.

>> No.19813448

Both of you are retarded directionbrains.

>> No.19813472

When they don't believe in God they can't understand Dostoevsky.
So they have to this.

>> No.19814773
File: 398 KB, 640x480, 1595803930255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th..th..anks anon

>> No.19814842

Ask yourself: how did this comic get posted here? Contemplate for at least 30 s (length of one tik tok)

>> No.19814848

he says on the literature board

>> No.19814864

If suffering is inevitable regardless, why must we synthesise it?

>> No.19814935

Camus, obviously. He cannot respond to Sarte’s argument, so he throws a temper tantrum.