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/lit/ - Literature

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19795227 No.19795227 [Reply] [Original]

why dont men read books

>> No.19795235

reading books (as a hobby and not for work/technical knowledge) is effeminate.

>> No.19795242

I don't understand what this graph has to do with your question

>> No.19795248

This, men only read the used car catalogue and Mechanics Manuals

>> No.19795257

English teacher here.
1) boys are forced to read when they want to be active
2) boys find literature hard to relate to; in particular, there is too much literature that focuses on 'feelings' (of which, boys are often not mature enough to understand in their adolescence)
3) literature has a relatively high bar to entry (comprehension, visualisation) and we live in an age of easy access to entertainment

>> No.19795264

In the case that you're a faggot trying to satirize my post to make yourself feel better, it's objectively true. My dad only reads a weekly boating magazine and books related to history of warfare (which he teaches), both of which are for work/technical knowledge. You will not find an overtly masculine man who reads as a hobby.

>> No.19795273

Well by your own logic, reading would disqualify him from being masculine in the first place, so the whole point doesn't really matter, does it.
Movies and games entertain them better.

>> No.19795277

Satirize? Is that one of those faggy words you nerds use

>> No.19795278

That's not what I said at all, go back and reread my post like the queer you are, he reads for work and technical knowledge.

>> No.19795285

Noooooooo I can't read books by women or Jews, they won't be based enough

>> No.19795289

Unironically true though.

>> No.19795291

I'm not pretending I am excluded from this, I recognize that reading as a hobby is effeminate of me.
what are you talking about you schzio

>> No.19795297


>> No.19795301

>you disagreed therefore you must be queer
Stop projecting. The fact that you keep resorting to this type of arguments just show how big of a bitch you are. And it makes sense why you'd go
>hmmm, I read and I'm an effeminate bitch
>therefore men who read are also effeminate bitches
The way I used reading obviously meant the reading you thought was effeminate, that was pretty clear from the context, if you had actually bothered to understand what I'm saying, instead of picking it apart so you can get a "dub" on an anonymous site.

>> No.19795302

We read classics

>> No.19795309

Women read classics more than men do

>> No.19795324


>> No.19795329

Video games and JAV incest porn game shows are much more rewarding.

>> No.19795346

Lol your dads a homo, does your other dad read too

>> No.19795347

>incest porn game shows
Link please?

>> No.19795452

Women waste their time reading

>> No.19795457

jane austen is not a classic

>> No.19795675

but muh insightful and witty take on the world around her xD

she was a hermetic femcel autist

>> No.19795706

Your dad sounds like a bitch.

>> No.19795829

every man who doesn’t read will mindlessly stare at the television or social media, which is also feminine

>> No.19795847
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>shouldn't have touched that book, son

>> No.19795851

so she was based, cool

>> No.19795889

You need to be at least 21 to post on this board.

>> No.19795927

Seriously though, when did this begin to happen? It's fucking depressing that I am the only male in 90% of my lit modules at uni (in one class, it is me, 19 girls and a trans teacher). The few males that are in my classes are almost *all* gay.

>> No.19795928

If they did, the list would just be shitted up with Tom Clancy war thrillers and similar stereotypically masculine genreshit, not to mention boring pop history etc.

>> No.19795937

Book publishing was the canary in the coal mine for the cat ladyfication of culture and politics.

>> No.19795965


Higher lit must be like 80% men at least. Btw I'm gonna cum in your ass because you're weaker than me

>> No.19795975
File: 89 KB, 601x564, LGBTQ Merlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much. Timmy doesn't need LGBT Merlin in his life. He's probably got enough gay shit to deal with in school.

>> No.19795978

Define higher lit. If you mean University, you are wrong. Oxford's 2020 intake was 54% women.

>> No.19795983

Reading a book is basically inviting the author the spread the lips of your brain pussy and shove in his fat thought cock until he cooms his worldview all over your consciousness. Shit is GAY.

>> No.19796011

kek. quality post right there

>> No.19796040


>> No.19796229

>boys are often not mature enough
More like forced to never acknowledge their own feelings bc it's feminine to admit you have them.

Which only leaves the women not glued to their ig/of pages explaining why lit is dead.

>> No.19796235

men download books for free

>> No.19797390


>> No.19797408

Nietzschean take. Impressive, very based.

>> No.19797413

Men read books, just not the new ones.

>> No.19797447

Men are too busy having sex to read. Do you know how many unimpregnated women are on this planet?

>> No.19797517

men typically gravitate towards highbrow lit, women don't really bother with what they read

>> No.19797530

I'm okay with the West collapsing if this is it's future.

>> No.19797534

Your dad is a cocksucker and so are you. If your masculinity is so fragile that it's shattered by reading books other than manuals, then you're a colossal faggot.

>> No.19797568
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Kek, well played.

>> No.19797589

Why would I read literature If there's better shit to do? It's just a romanticized hobby from other time. I read "manuals", technical shit, philosophy and science publications because there's no better source to learn or keep informed, but reading the new gay book about soul and happiness is a womans activity

>> No.19797610

Spot on.

>> No.19797619

All men are subhuman.

>> No.19797633

That can't be possible. Human means "of man". Men define mankind.

>> No.19797640
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It's not so much as not acknowleding one's feelings, but rather which feelings get emphasized. When people say "men should get in touch with their feelings" what they are really meaning is "men should act more like women", and a womanly way of approaching one's feelings is essentially speaking them out, since there is the expectation that SOMEONE will care and, hopefully, provide to them.

No such expectation exists for men, and men who attempt to deal with their feelings in the womanly way will end up hopelessly frustrated.

That said, there ARE way for men to deal with their feelings in a way that's suitable to them, and it's essentially instilling in them (1) the ability to recognize honestly what is it that they feel (2) the drive to go after that which can be influenced by themselves (3) the resilience to accept that which they cannot change. I don't think I've ever seen this discussed though, as people take the female approach to feelings as the default and that means that males either turn gay or malcontent.

>> No.19797651
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There was a green text parody of this a few months ago.

>> No.19797655

>there is too much literature that focuses on 'feelings' (of which, boys are often not mature enough to understand in their adolescence)
Of course literature is going to focus on feelings. It's just that that the books they make you read focus mostly on feminine feelings, and they pretend that it's "universal" because the youth English teachers are almost 100% female.

If they read books about lust, rage, friendship, and adventure, men would have no problem reading. Look at how popular the Harry Potter books are with boys, for example.

>> No.19797658
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>> No.19797668
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>> No.19797700

>My dad only reads a weekly boating magazine
my dad is the same, except with airsoft hunting rifles.
It made me realise that a lot of the "traditionally masculine" hobbies advertised to men today are done so in a way to affirm they are REAL men if they take part in them.
I'm disillusioned with traditionally masculine hobbies in general outside of weight-lifting, they're almost exclusively populated by fat sweaty, bloated, ignorant old retards who mistake participating in hobbies as being where they derive their masculinity from and believe it makes them stronger than younger generations because of their stemming away from it.
I realise I've started to disregard the opinions of these types when it comes to what constitutes manhood simply because I find a lot of them constrained and unable of critical thought or introspection, having emotional intelligence in general has just been "feminised" and thats probably why we make up 82% of global suicides.
all this writing has made me thirsty, think I'll grab a onions to go.

>> No.19797741

men in general are not pursuing higher education.
I wouldn't take that as a bad sign, in general I think more people are coming to the conclusion university/college is a worthless scam.
If you are wondering why there aren't many men in your lit modules, its probably because they had the hindsight to realise what a pointless waste of time pursuing a lit degree in 2022 is.

>> No.19797784

I would download a car if I could.

>> No.19797800

why do women read nothing but pulp lit and narcissistic self-help stuff?

>> No.19797811

In my experience men devour self help nonsense far more than women do.

>> No.19798235


>> No.19798339

faggoty, effeminate hands typed this post

>> No.19798388

So Stoicism?

>> No.19798393

All true.

Men have become kinda emotionally retarted because we're not reading books anymore, or going to old-fashioned social clubs, or doing anything except working and "hobbies". That's why women are taking over all the world's power structures and men just commit suicide when they lose their job.

>> No.19798412

Lee Child used to absolutely rip. his brother sucks tho

>> No.19798433

Because women are fucking destroyers of male spaces and any genre men get into women follow and kill. Look at Goodreads, every suggestion is womans crap, the spaces on r3ddit, all now dominated by women and simps, all the SFF awards nuked by women. Look at genres, the entire history field has been ruined by them, fiction has been completely took over by boring ass crap, SFF is now all female protags have girl moments, historical fiction is 98% romance crap. The vast majority of magazines and book sites are now edited by women
plus this.

>> No.19798508

This, plus that film completely overwhelmed the niche of adventure fiction for obvious reasons. It's much more dynamic, immediate and exciting to watch a movie than read a book, even one with great prose.

When there were no such thigns as movies, boys would read Scott, Pyle, Stevenson and Dumas but now they basically don't need to, so why would they? They can watch people actually fencing, shooting and riding hell-for-leather right there on screen.

>> No.19798525

Lmao at the amount of Gaymobil figures who completely lost their shit at this obviously true statement

>> No.19798676

For every male-oriented self-help book like Atomic Habits there are 50 Why Men Date Bitches books.

>> No.19798774
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>> No.19799016

Your dad is a fag

>> No.19799045

unironically the best jewish writers are the self hating ones and the women have to be moreorless male mentalities which is rare

>> No.19799110

yeah but my dad would beat up your dad

>> No.19799335

Trade school

>> No.19799469

Just curious

Anyone just sparknotes books? Or whatever that app is that summarizes everything?

How do you feel about reading a book versus reading about it?

>> No.19799483

women tend to read complete shit YA schlock. I rarely see guys that read but they all exclusively delve into high level, informative literature

>> No.19799489

I consider myself to be a pretty masculine guy, both in hobbies and attitudes, and I read a lot, that said I don't read poetry or any of those other super feelsy books, I just don't get anything out of it frankly

>> No.19799586

He's right, retard. They're the same type of guys that listen to podcasts.

>> No.19799597

>my dad doesn't read books so every other man must not

You are a moron.

>> No.19799601

Read the western canon, zoomer. Are you going to deprive yourself of the greatest literature ever written because 4chan aspies would make fun of you?

>> No.19799610

The concept of "emotional intelligence" was created by a Jewish journalist named Daniel Goleman. Take this idea with a grain of salt.

>> No.19799618

Clearly bait. Real men don't give a fuck about what is "manly" or how one is viewed. Diogenes is perhaps the manliest dude that ever walked the Earth. Build your own views and live up to them

>> No.19799628

I feel sorry for my father, he's a meathead that is barely literate. He could never possibly understand or finish piece of serious literature.

>> No.19799630

>build your own views
Retarded. However having no shame in sincerely held beliefs is based.