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File: 199 KB, 800x800, Philip Jackson sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19793901 No.19793901 [Reply] [Original]

Philip Jackson sculpture edition

>> No.19793907

prev thread: >>19786620

>> No.19793918

Are those spooky ghosts laughing at me?

>> No.19793919

I havent changed my underwear in 6 days

>> No.19793923

I want to date a chubby Asian slam pig with low self esteem who I'm to ashamed to introduce to my friends.

>> No.19793933
File: 1.60 MB, 268x310, 1642727226971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bondage so much bros

>> No.19793940

You're sitting on the bench minding your own business and they are in the corner talking about how hot and sexy you are.

>> No.19793957

I probably said this last thread. I don't remember. No one likes me because I'm a weirdo. Just wanted to let that off my chesticles.

>> No.19793961

Did he base this sculpture off Eyes Wide Shut or the sex parties he attended?

>> No.19793966

I've seen enough laughingwomen.jpg images to know this is not the case

>> No.19793978

The world is so wonderful and terrible at the same time. It includes evil, injustice, pain, cruelty, and frustration, but also beauty, kindness, friendship, dedication, courage, inspiration, human closeness and warmth, justice, generosity, fairness, knowledge, responsibility, and depth.

I hope I'm making the best with the time I'm here and that I will leave the world better than it was.

>> No.19793983
File: 66 KB, 640x480, jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea. but that is why i like that sculpture specifically. you should check out his other ones too though its all very cool stuff

>> No.19794009
File: 2.49 MB, 640x1136, 1640942685062.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*eats your donut*

>> No.19794016

Is that supposed to be attractive because she's a girl? It's vile. Glazed doughnuts are terrible.

>> No.19794038

It's cool but like most modern sculpture I don't think it should be treated as art such as would be next to a cathedral or heritage building, or highly sort after. It's just just fun.

>> No.19794039

Got a tattoo based on one of his sculpture. It's pretty nice

>> No.19794057


Ughh, bros?

>> No.19794065

This chubby 4/10 that works the counter at this rundown anime store near me talked me in to jacking off on to some anime figure in front of her. This is my first sexual experience....I feel gross, bros.

>> No.19794068
File: 451 KB, 858x1151, 1637708654618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest
Would you?

>> No.19794070

what the fuck

they are both incredibly cute

>> No.19794072

i asked last time but mods deleted thread. can u post photo?

>> No.19794083


>> No.19794084

No. It doesn't look very interesting.

>> No.19794091

Haha nice one anon

>> No.19794096

I would bowl her out for a duck

>> No.19794098
File: 114 KB, 656x822, TheGrandees_large_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not of my tattoo, no. But it's this piece, just the heads

>> No.19794102

I feel like I've done most things there are to do in life, except have children and take heroin I suppose. When people suggest we do something I can only think of when I've done the same thing in the past and just shrug. I don't have any particular desire to do anything even if I know it will be fun, because I've had fun in the past and now I know what it feels like. I usually do still do things out of social obligation though.

>> No.19794106

Why are people who are so into anime so cringe

>> No.19794108

very cool

>> No.19794112

Weak grip. Her hands are all twisted. She needs to get her back elbow up and put her front foot out a bit more.

>> No.19794114

Had one of those in high school. We went to a dance together. Ultimately I didnt pursue her because she was too ugly. Crooked teeth, mouthbreather, etc. Kind of regret it tho. We had good chemistry

>> No.19794121

Are your parents disappointed in you. Mine don't say anything, but I can feel it.

>> No.19794129

Absolutely. Woolf is hot as fuck

>> No.19794131

One time when I was about 14 I agreed to go to a movie with this girl I'd been talking to online. It sounds impossible but somehow being a complete sperg I didn't realise that it was obviously a date. She was very unfortunate looking - like she had some sort of big birthmark across her face and something wrong with her teeth, but we had similar interests which is why we had been talking. We got to the movie and a couple we knew saw us there and it suddenly hit me that this was a date and I felt so embarrassed to be there. We both went home after that and then I never talked to her again.

I remember she smelled really strongly of vicks vapor rub and now whenever I smell that stuff I get flashbacks to that memory and cringe internally.

>> No.19794138

I hate everyone. No one can cope and breath and just take the world all in and not let it rot them from the inside out.

>> No.19794150

The problem is you can't even talk to them. Most cases they won't even tell you how they really feel. It can be that I'm too cynic, but I can't understand the affective obligation parents have with their children and vice-versa. Why can't a parent say that he loves your brother more than you or that you are not the most amazing kid in the world? In the shit hole that I live most children are accidents. I've never met a kid who's been planned beforehand. And even when the parents admit they still pretend it was a blessing - oh, your mother had to abandon highschool and I had to beg in the streets to feed you, but we love you. Give me a break...

>> No.19794161

Do we know whether the statues were in the community before or after Kubrick made Eyes Wide Shut? It could just be rich people LARP.

>> No.19794168

Mine blame themselves for my failures. They've even apologized for how I ended up which I think was a funny way to insult me.

>> No.19794177

>Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.”

>> No.19794192

This looks like the first pots I made after I didn't put enough clay in some areas, or the plastic figures I made when I didn't put enough powder in the mold. I'm not very good at making things.

>> No.19794200

I want to give myself to someone and work hard for their sake.

>> No.19794205
File: 300 KB, 1280x1269, Ca'_Rezzonico_-_Colloquio_fra_baute_-_Pietro_Longhi_(cropped_to_upper_central_figures).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 18th century, together with a black circular or semicircular clasped cape[16][17]called atabarro(andzendalehood[18]) thebautahad become a standardized society mask and disguise regulated by the Venetian government.[19]It was obligatory to wear it at certain political decision-making events when all citizens were required to act anonymously as peers. Only citizens (i.e., men) had the right to use thebauta. Its role was similar to the anonymizing processes invented to guarantee general, direct, free, equal andsecret ballotsin modern democracies. Also, the bearing of weapons along with the mask was specifically prohibited by law and enforceable by the Venetian police.
The sculpture is in Venice

>> No.19794206

It is tragic the amount of loyal subjects out there with no one to serve. Find this man an Emperor!

>> No.19794207

So why are rich people obsessed with them?

>> No.19794209

My god this. I don't want to be an individual right now or for the next 10 years or maybe ever. I want children and to live just for them and their mother. I want to command and serve them and die doing it.

>> No.19794213
File: 34 KB, 375x500, 1d88d480ce7722bd5213e2968ac82673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POV somebody snitched

>> No.19794223

Even though I am empirically convinced of God and believe in him, I still need an earthly fuhrer. Please let another duce be born.

>> No.19794227

Ive watched this video close to 100 times. What the fuck is wrong with me


>> No.19794230

have kids

>> No.19794235
File: 2.19 MB, 2482x2048, Bocca_di_Leone_in_the_Doge's_Palace_(Venice).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich Europeans flocked to Venice from the 16th to 18th centuries, mostly for the carnival. Masks were legally allowed to be worn for 4 months out of the year and once venice industry/trade declined they shifted themselves into becoming a party destination for rich euros looking for debauchery without being judged. By the time of the republic's collapse from Napoleon in the late 18th century, he defined the city as the "drawing room of europe".
I think the mask obsession comes from here. Also, venice's government was a super secretive paranoid police state with an endless amount of council and committed double checking each other, along with boxes placed throughout the city where citizens can submit plots against the republic to the "council of ten" who had complete control to investigate, try, and execute anybody they want.
I'm sure this resonates with elites in all societies

>> No.19794241

So elites just use it as a symbol for their secret debauchery?

>> No.19794279

Im so fucking tired of every discussion devolving into a strawman argument and character assassination. Its almost as if no one has the actual means to argue their points effectively. Its an extremely pathetic and petty way to converse and leads to the stagnation in flow of ideas. A willing obfuscation of truth for the sake of "winning" discussions. "Bad because youre x stereotype" or "bad because youre bias" or "bad because your conception of the world is limited". Everyone seems to think their ideas are right while at the same time are unwilling to actually test Not only that but they are willing to bring others down and destroy them if need be because all who oppose are wrong. Im not targeting this towards some specific group either it seems true for the majority of discussion. Even scientific.

>> No.19794292


>> No.19794306
File: 108 KB, 800x800, 67B684B5-13F8-48E5-8059-639E7D8D6468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends mock me for a being a pedophile just because two 16 year old girls have a crush on me.

>> No.19794314

you deserve it. why are you hanging out with 16 year olds in the first place?

>> No.19794327

I'm don't hang out with kids. Let alone some of my friends. I met them when I went to a Christmas and new year programme at a church my friends went to. Ended up talking to everyone, including those girls because I was in the festive mood.

>> No.19794346

Yup, I'm going insane

>> No.19794353

What I would give for mods to do their jobs and moderate /sffg/

>> No.19794357

I don't know but there is obvious connections with the type of things that went on in the late venetian republic and how modern liberal democracies conduct themselves.
OP's pic is done by the royal sculptor of Queen Elizabeth, so if eyes wide shut type shit went down I'm sure he participated

>> No.19794376

>I was in a festive mood, Your Honor.

>> No.19794405

>Ever doing their jobs.
/sffg/ has been garbage for over a year due to a few anons samefagging and haven’t done shit.

>> No.19794413

I went to a family gathering and one of the friends of the family's daughters kept wanting to take pictures of me, hugging me, trying to get me to go over their house, etc., but they were like 13 and 14, and I declined because prison. Also at a family friend's graduation party the parents tried to hook me up with their daughter of like 16, and I'm in my 20s. These were all Filipino people, not sure if that's the reason they act like that or what.

>> No.19794433

Maybe one day.

>> No.19794434

You're objectively wrong. Glazed doughnuts are 10/10

>> No.19794435
File: 310 KB, 1600x1199, Cast-Jason-Alexander-Seinfeld-Michael-Richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a weird dream last night that there was a Seinfeld movie. For some reason the plot was they were on the run from the mafia and so the gang had to stay in a haunted castle. Dracula and the wolfman were there and George got married to a giant black transgender prostitute.

>> No.19794445
File: 41 KB, 600x899, 17ad1dd8c991d64759f1d119845603705ca7d385ec06f997fa0fd5b48154d1cf_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done a wonderful job of alienating every last friend I've had over the last three years.

>> No.19794455

Honey, when are you gonna be all mine?

>> No.19794461

I refuse to believe Chrysippus didn't die of laughing.

>> No.19794463

You can come over tomorrow afternoon. Let yourself in.

>> No.19794469

one summer when I was like 8 years old or so, my mother used to baby sit a few of her friend's kids; one of them was a preteen girl that I was apparently attracted to
I say apparently because I never paid much attention to her until I had this dream; I usually played toy soldiers with her younger brother who I remember being a bit of a prick. Anyways, in the dream we were all outside with water guns and water balloons. At some point, she began changing clothes and even though I wasn't supposed to be looking, I did, and behold, she had a cock and balls. I was so shocked that I woke up immediately. Interactions between us were never the same, not that I interacted much with her before. But when I grew older, I found myself having a fascination with girls having male members; not transvestites mind you, as I still hold a somewhat bigoted view of mental health, but this idea that a cock and balls on a girl was somehow more beautiful than that of a vagina.

>> No.19794500

I just want to let out a big long scream but my housemate will hear me.

>> No.19794505

Do it into a pillow or your girlfriend's belly.

>> No.19794516

There is nothing more repulsive to me than small tits on a woman with a big frame. Small tits on a petite woman is completely fine because it's all proportional, but small tits on a larger woman makes me want to puke.

>> No.19794524

What do you about big head but small tits in place of her eyes? Like the tits are where her eyes would be. Imagine it. No eyes. But small tits are there.

>> No.19794527

I could get around that

>> No.19794533

What's wrong with it?

>> No.19794534

Haha you gay

>> No.19794536

Well my mom is a huge fuck up so her standard is low. But my dad is very successful. He got drunk and told me he was smarter than me. I pulled a socrates on him and talked him in circles til he rage quit the conversation. I got a bad mix of my mom and dad. Smart like.my dad but a sack of shit like my mom.

>> No.19794537

few anons samefagging hard and killing any and all discussion.

>> No.19794541

Will God forgive me for cutting myself

>> No.19794545

Is there anything actually wrong with being in your early 20s and having a mutual interest with a 16 year old?

>> No.19794551

Legal reasins.

>> No.19794570

Any actual moral problems tho

>> No.19794575


>> No.19794576

First guy here. Mutual interest in things like hobbies I don't mind. I'm just not keen on having any romantic interest with girls that are that young.

>> No.19794583

16 year olds are immature and usually have immature interests. There are also far too many examples of exploitation to just blindly trust any man who says he just has common interests with a child.

>> No.19794588

I had snow for the first time in more than 6 years at my house, was very nice. I went outside and made swastikas in the snow and pissed some letters into it.

>> No.19794596

I think about that. I remember being 16 and having a sexual relationship with an 18 year old girl. I remember the emotions being so confusing.

>> No.19794597

Swastikas being pissed on in the snow, just like 1941

>> No.19794611

No I made the swastika in one part of the snow and I pissed on another part of the snow.

>> No.19794613

You need to go out more often. Pretty good video though.

>> No.19794620

So if immaturity is what determines who's morally right to date who, then manchildren should be able to date immature children. A mature child should be able to date mature adults.

>> No.19794626

Not sure that one will hold up in court but you're welcome to try

>> No.19794627

Theres a fundamental category difference. A manchild is one who is supposed to be mature but is not while an adolescent is not supposed to be mature at all. The fact that one is stunted does not give him a pass.

>> No.19794635

It does also 16 is old enough to make the decisions not sure why you think that puritanical 18 is so holy.

>> No.19794636
File: 42 KB, 192x224, 1638456444946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "mature child" does not exist. They're often kids who mask their insecurities and childlike interest in ways that make them seem more mature but underneath that mask they are still a kid.

>> No.19794637

What did you do to alienate them? Most of my friendships have also frozen but it was mostly, or perhaps solely, because I haven't communicated with them. I find it extremely hard to initiate a conversation if there's no specific purpose or need. I also share, quite frequently, pessimistic and life disaffirming thoughts--the kind that is popular here. I am not sure if that has contributed to it.

>> No.19794640

I am not happy.

>> No.19794642

Have you tried reading a book

>> No.19794648

No it doesnt. Arrested development is not comparable to standard development.

>> No.19794649

The only times I am happy are when I am reading. But that is not true happiness, just escapism.

>> No.19794662

>But that is not true happiness, just escapism.
not true mate

>> No.19794668

What is happiness to you?

>> No.19794677

a warm gun

>> No.19794683

To be able to live without dread

>> No.19794688

You don't know what this is like

>> No.19794689

I feel sad and angry again.

>> No.19794694

I think that I might go for a long drive tomorrow and stay in a motel or something. Maybe even for a couple of days.

>> No.19794696

I met a girl at work and have developed some infatuation over her. I don't know what it is that draws me to her, though I know it's not charm or beauty, but I can't get over her. Perhaps it's my lack of social interactions, particularly with women, that makes me easily susceptible to such feeling.
I have left the job and it's been a while since I had a conversation with her via a chat. I want to stay in touch with her but I'm not sure how I should do that without appearing like a simp, desperate for her attention and affection. I'm not even sure if I should, as I know it's going to one day end inevitably and it's unlikely we'll ever meet in person again. Do you think women find it annoying when a man pesters them?

>> No.19794712

>A "mature child" does not exist
I disagree, but you can say the reason why allowing adults to date a minor is wrong is because any individual shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility of determining whether a certain minor is "mature" enough.

>> No.19794717

and do what?

>> No.19794718
File: 11 KB, 235x237, oggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been carrying out this small experiment which consists of testing out people's inner selves with impromptu & improvised fart jokes, puns, spoonerisms, so-called ''juvenile humor'' in general, and by god has it been a highly effective filter. It's like a barrage of critical hits to somebody's façades and pretences, and it's fascinating to witness a fag's psyche unraveling under pressure. You can visibly notice them going into panic mode and trying their damnedest to get out of this oh so embarrassing situation as quickly as possible. There's a deeper fear involved, but i'm not exactly sure of what it really springs from. Maybe it's extra sensitivity against forces of chaos. Maybe it just shows that the world is more vast, more unpredictable than you might think.
The best instances are when they try to assert their superiority over a mere retard by referencing a bunch of factually incorrect bullshit about literature or anything they might deem fancy, then the retarded one proceeds to school them. I am not a fan of the 'midwit' buzzword, but man, these psychological battles really cemented its validity. It's either:
>bro you're like old now, why are you still making these kinds of jokes
>dude just talk about memes instead, it'd be significantly better (this was genuinely uttered by a man)
Turing test for 'beige' people. Observe a human being's reaction to some good old fartistry and you will know a lot about his character. Plus, it's a healthy creative exercise, requires more activity from your brain than just blurting random quotes for a cheap, often insincere laugh. These escapades are another good reason for not killing myself.

On another note, this album rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_p1Tz0yXPwre

>> No.19794721

Why not entrust the parents within a firm and well established community?

>> No.19794746

Idk just explore and be alone for a while. I also just enjoy driving for its own sake.

>> No.19794754

That's already part of the law. By individual I mean the adult interested in the minor. Parents should have the trust to know whether their child is mature enough, which they do. I see that it's 12 for girls with parental permission in Massachusetts.

>> No.19794788

Feeling cooped up in the house.
I needed to clear my head: a walk around the local sports fields. Mid afternoon. Mostly deserted. I waited until there were no people around, only a guy laying down under trees on the other side of the sports field.
At the park bench, camouflaged by the surrounding grove of trees, I removed my t-shirt and shorts (no underwear).
I really just wanted the diversionary thrill of stripping off briefly, for my own benefit.
But I slicked my penis with spit, stood up from the bench and suddenly squirted three volleys of cum. Like splashes of water on the dirt.
I looked around and no-one had seen me.
Very occasionally I have a similar urge. Once I dared myself to walk the entire perimeter of the three sports fields and adjacent main road, naked, at about 5am in summer. I left my clothes and keys on the bench mentioned above so I had to make it all the way back to get my clothes and keys.

>> No.19794789


>> No.19794790

You're also an NPC, you're just a different species.

>> No.19794804

>Do you think women find it annoying when a man pesters them?
Depends if she finds you attractive/funny or not. Do you think we became almost 8 billions on the planet by keeping distances? There's nothing wrong with being infatuated over someone as long as you show some respect to the people around you. Just don't be a simp and if in doubt, ask her directly.

>> No.19794825

Can i join you?

>> No.19794838

i know

>> No.19794843

What’s their fucking problem?

>> No.19794869

I don't think she finds me attractive. Though she has told me over a chat that I'm "creative at humour" and has on few occasions reacted to my messages with profuse amounts of laughing emojis when I made some witty remarks. She also told me she likes certain traits of me; but I'm not sure she was sincere. When it comes to women, I'm like old man trying to figure out how a new technology works.

>> No.19794901

Just ask her out what the fuck is wrong with you? You no longer work there, so if she refuses what do you possibly lose?

>> No.19794915

Tell her some guys on an anime website pressured you in to asking her out.

>> No.19794916

I'm in motion to move on. It's been six months since she dumped me after five years together and I told her my final (unwarranted by her) goodbyes a few days ago. There's no regret, no hard feelings that I feel, just lingering love and apprehension for the future without her that has yet to come.
I wasn't willing to do it at first but the weight on my heart has been lifted a little bit more today. I'm grateful good people came into my life and pushed me closer to the edge because otherwise I would have believed for years that she'll come back one day, like in the stories we read on the net.
She responded and wrote something along "I'm happy that you're moving on. I didn't know how to respond before (when I told her I still loved her a month ago) and it was on the back of my mind. I'd still be here if you ever need to talk. Goodbye." and to that, I just felt acceptance along with an underlying touch of disappointment. The tight knot is truly unraveling now and I can only wait to process it. I know I'm not alone though, not like in the beginning. I built back some confidence I didn't know was destroyed by giving and receiving an inordinate amount of hugs in the past months, even with covid. I get why people say the only cure to a broken heart is time and love now.

>> No.19794928

I feel intense panic and alarm when I don't understand, or have no playbook, for a situation, but as soon as I figure it out a am completely emotionless. I went on a date last week, and the whole process leading up to it, and initial conversation, was like a intensifying loop of fear until I figured it out and then it dropped down to complete detachment, almost like hazy dream.

It was like this with my new job too, and everything else really.

>> No.19794935

you are pathetic.

>> No.19794946

nothing wrong with that, in a healthy society that would be a legal age but since we live in this shithole, don't break the law

>> No.19794954

i'm glad you're looking at the horizon now, man. this is good. you're carrying more tools in your travels. godspeed.

>> No.19795097

The technology we have today would have been called magic 200 years ago. And likewise the technology we will have in 200 years would be called magic today. That's why I'm not worried. We will soon have magic! We will bring the dead back to life, turn back time, teleport to other dimensions. And all for 4.99/month.

>> No.19795181

>The technology we have today would have been called magic 200 years ago. And likewise the technology we will have in 200 years would be called magic today
Norwood 6.

>> No.19795187

Depressed. Unemployed. Anxious about the semester starting tomorrow. No friends. Desire gf. Miserable all day since I think about all these things nonstop. Same shit as everyone else in these threads

>> No.19795208

>*She pats the empty bench side*

Go, my son

>> No.19795336

>he doesn't know about devolution

>> No.19795361

this, there's a reason so many become complete psychopaths due to never getting help, or "losers" when they get older and their facade isn't enough to carry them anymore. Scumbags who use the maturity excuse just exploit an already troubled kid.

>> No.19795374

But that's what they said back in the dark ages and look where we are now: the metaverse

>> No.19795379

Last time I posted my cuts here jannies banned me. Should I do it again???

>> No.19795384

People who lived 200 or more years ago:
Charles Darwin
Isaac Newton
Da Vinci
James Clerk Maxwell (9 years from being born 200 years ago)

People have always contemplated the future.
Even if they saw a phone in middle ages they wouldn't be surprised. They'd probably be perplexed, but only the dumbest would think it's magic, just like the dumbest still do nowadays.

>> No.19795404

>TFW no gf

>> No.19795423
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, 20220123_051655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think bros. Will these scars scare away everyone normal?

>> No.19795431

Will the kike god ever forgive me?

>> No.19795433

I have shitty memory so I use songs to help me remember large chunks of my life
I play a song on loop over the course of weeks
and every time I go back to a specific song I'm flooded with memories and feelings of nostalgia

>> No.19795435

If you ask then yes

>> No.19795436

doesn't even look worse than my psoriasis scars

>> No.19795444

My brother has that condition. Hope you get better

>> No.19795448

I got better
but then my mental illness kicked in and I stopped my meds which made them come back

>> No.19795456

Thats interesting. My brother is schizo and gets that condition pretty bad on his ankles. Do you think its psychological or has basis in something physiological?

>> No.19795458

my doctor said it's stress and diet related more than anything

>> No.19795461

I could mind break you and make you my sissy catboy BF.

>> No.19795464

Thats hot desu

>> No.19795468

So am I, though. I'm just a somewhat shittier kind than you are.

>> No.19795574

>my doctor said it's stress and diet related more than anything
This must be why I already look 50

>> No.19795614

If you have a roof over your head, two functioning eyes, legs and arms and have something to eat for today or tomorrow you should consider yourself fortunate and have no reason to be depressed

>> No.19795628

It's hard to say. Dad probably is but he also has no friends, both his children can't stand him and he's stuck in a loveless marriage.

>> No.19795631

Honestly when I look at this type of stuff I realize exactly why women were subjugated and kept low for the majority of history. When given "freedom" they just become the lowest form of animal.

>> No.19795636

Man you've got to have sex sometimes

>> No.19795649

I have sex a lot, I'm married. You should try it.

>> No.19795650

I live in my friend and his gf's spare room after I had a mental breakdown in November. They're moving out in 3 weeks and, even though they invited me to come with them, I feel that it would be wrong to impose myself on them. I'll need somewhere to live. On the one hand, I don't have much money and would struggle to afford a place just for me but on the other I really hate the idea of living with housemates. I've done it before and had bad, disgusting experiences. So I'm not sure how this is going to go but it makes me nervous.

>> No.19795684

>tfw you're in love with a book that you're currently reading and soon about to finish but noone to discuss it with because it's pretty obscure

>> No.19795694

What made her break up with you?

>> No.19795712

I have come to the conclusion that being at a peak of testosterone while it's unmatched by estrogen is seeing the world in a steely, glasslike state. Time slows to a crawl and it feels like you could bend anything with a touch
Lash this to the moment preworkout and magnesium click into place while lifting heavy, and you are met with an almost delusional feeling. It is what I can classify, as they say, as being high test. The only way I can exemplify this state is the knowledge that, if you truly needed to, deprived of all politics and as a sheer, vulgar display of power, you could kill the president

>> No.19795783
File: 315 KB, 1030x1394, aristotle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody actually read aristotle? Besides say ethics, there is fuck all in terms of individual editions of his works

>> No.19795802

Imagine if it were a man doing that. I'm sure there are men who do, and how do we treat them? Like the shit they are.
99% of women, if they were men, would have been Chris Chan-tier.

>> No.19795841
File: 290 KB, 1310x1537, 80s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give anything to go back. I hate the times we live in. I've posted about it before here, I've tried touching grass, coping and socializing but it doesn't help. I went to a party on campus and I couldn't stand the modern music. I left in about 10 minutes. I hate my shitty generation, everyone glued to their phones and using tiktok. I wanna go back to the 1950s or 1980s but there's no way to do this. If I had enough money I'd live completely in the past, car, music, clothes, tech, etc. I can't because I live on a college campus and make shit money working here. Even when I graduate I doubt I'm gonna be making enough money as a high school teacher to indulge in my nostalgia for late 20th century America.

>> No.19795846

It's a performance for desperately horny men

>> No.19795852

Just stay with your friends. They've invited you after all, and could probably use help with rent too. Bring up your concerns with them and see how they react.

>> No.19795862

Have you ever spoken to someone who was alive in the 80s and not a normie? They fucking hated it for similar reasons that you hate contemporary society.

>> No.19795912

I fucking love films so much. Sometimes even more than books.

>> No.19795932

Diogenes the philosopher lived in a garbage can. One day he went out to buy a fig. I thought they had slaves back then. Why does money exist?

>> No.19796017

I live with my parents and went on a trip to see my brother and relatives. I was constantly sngry at myself for being there as why a 30 year old like me still hangs around with parents. The big city made me feel extremely crushed as I wouldnt be able to survive on my own. A parasyte. It doesnt help as I went to photo exibition as I wanted to trash the place due to me not being able to do anything with my life. Just wasting it away.

>> No.19796024
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1632444455684.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to recommend a few?
>hasn't feel love since five years ago

>> No.19796027

Think it's completely fine if you're not fucking them until they're ready for the kind of mindfuck and bonding that sexual activity entails. If you're trying to be in a relationship with a girl of 16 you've also got to attempt to guide her into adulthood, you've got to be both lover and educator.

Case in point.

>> No.19796055

Nobody would look at me and think to themselves, "That guy is drowning in pussy."

>> No.19796067

Since around age 17 when I started really fully developing until now people assume exactly that and I find it very insulting. Last girl I tried to date was insecure because she thought that I was the kind of person to have slept around.

>> No.19796083

>tfw no gf

>> No.19796090

Could you provide an example of this "fartistry"?

>> No.19796122

Y r u trying to analyze me bb?

>> No.19796179

Why does the existence of slaves mean there wouldn't be money?

>> No.19796185

Money, at least, currency, is intimately tied to slavery. Coinage came from war and pillage loot cut up into mobile pieces for soldiers. The main other loot from the time was slaves because they could carry themselves. Much of roman jurisprudence originates from slave contracts and such. Neat stuff.

>> No.19796205

Midnight Express
A Most Violent Year
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Encounter (2021)
Sound of Metal
>I love all of those films

>> No.19796237

wanted to add that The Sorcerer is from 1977;
Bug is from 2006

>> No.19796256
File: 53 KB, 828x821, 1642784039941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get why Redditors talk about cosmic meaning as if it actually makes much sense to care about.

Almost all of the cosmos, being nothing more than an enormous quantity of utterly dead matter, seems to me to be completely irrelevant to the meaning of my

Even so, why does the fact that the universe is so big mean anything? If Earth and its inhabitants miraculously became a million times larger while the rest of the cosmos remained as it was, or if everything else in the cosmos became a million times smaller
while Earth and its inhabitants remained the same size, I would not feel that my life had therefore become a million times more meaningful, or in fact any more meaningful at all.

>> No.19796274

I'm excited to get into a shitflinging argument with my mother over something in the immediate future now that she's visiting.
Totally not going to just be done with her shit and tell her the reason why none of her myriad of nieces, nephews, or my brother and I want anything to do with her because she's a nagging harpy of a woman who can only feel shallow affection that is dropped the split second she's denied or someone goes against what she tells someone to do and is nothing but stressful to be around.

>> No.19796276

It's called The Sublime. It's an emotional reaction to depictions or concepts that are of such a grand scale one loses the sense of self. It's the reddit version of enlightenment, of realizing one is just an extension of the world and not an individual.

>> No.19796308

Only tangentially related, but I hate it when people say things like "the universe wanted me to do X" or "it's like the universe was trying to tell me Y," even semi-seriously. Bitch, you're talking about God. You believe in God but you're too stupid to realize it.

>> No.19796322

uhm sweaty, God is not real.

>> No.19796331

Good taste anon

>> No.19796334

same here man. i just wish there were good places left on the internet where you can have in-depth instructive discussions about films, talking about mechanics and subtleties and strange occurences beyond repeating trivia and saying ''i like this'' ad nauseam. the discourse is extremely reductive to such a vast & complex world.
the deleuze lectures on cinéma are a real treat.

>> No.19796337

Nigger they are disassociating their ideological prerogative from that of the Christian superstructure. They are doing it on purpose because faggots like you make god not cool.

>> No.19796361

Have you considered making friends with similar interests.

>> No.19796362

A lot of people don't understand that we need not feel that our life is meaningless just because we cannot name an ulterior goal or end for it, since the supposition that
in order to be meaningful a life must have an external goal or purpose is incorrect. The assertion, “I have no general goal or purpose
to my life, I just live a life that includes a sufficient number of aspects of sufficient value” can be a good reply to questions such as “What do you live for?”

>> No.19796364

Good luck man. I recently had a huge fight with my mother-in-law, who I would describe in a similar way. It was cathartic and felt inevitable but it still fucking sucks. Thankfully everyone in her family is backing me up, except my wife's grandma who is basically just a worse version of her mom.

>> No.19796368

you guys have no idea how cringe I am

>> No.19796370

When I was on an internship at a law firm - 21 y/o, I think - I got into a conversation with one of the lawyers. I mentioned I studied at a specific preparatory school and she told me a client of hers had a 16 y/o daughter who was there at the time. This client was apparently very rich, so the lawyer jokingly told me I should date the girl, to which I responded that I was too old. She said then that there was nothing a 16 y/o wanted more than a 20 y/o boyfriend.
I should have taken this cue a long time before, because my mom is 20 years younger than my father - and they're still going strong, by the way.

>> No.19796383

i did, but they're just 'regular enthusiasts', as in, while talking with them is always great and i appreciate them a lot, it's not getting to the heart of the matter in a critical way you know?
i'm trying to put together (pathetic but it's still something) films myself so that's why i want to learn as much as i can.

>> No.19796417

Shit you not she threatened to evict me from the house my grandmother left me because I pushed back against her telling me to get a random teeth cleaning. Don't know why
Good luck with your own battle, Anon. It's just kind've a low intensity dread at waiting, isn't it?

>> No.19796427

Are you in college or at least near one? Might be worth talking to some film professors.

>> No.19796447

i'm in the third world

>> No.19796472
File: 48 KB, 608x441, henry-rollins-attacks-hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots like you make god not cool
Being cool is the worst thing you can do to yourself. You know what happens to cool people? They either die young or they live long enough to turn into Henry Rollins. God forbid.
I've never been cool or "with it," not once in my entire life. If I ever start acting cool I give you permission to track me down and shoot me in the head before my condition gets worse.

>> No.19796497

Yeah, it is a bit like that. But my attitude now is that she can eat shit and die mad at me. She has spent over 20 years alienating her daughter, is a total bitch to her son's wife, destroyed her marriage, and has this weird relationship with her own mother where they seem to hate each other but also can't be apart. I have no sympathy and she has always been a huge bitch to me. Also if your grandmother left you the house does she even have the right to evict you?

>> No.19796500

>They either die young or they live long enough to turn into Henry Rollins. God forbid.
okay, ur pretty funny anon.

>> No.19796507

There are film schools in the third world

I met Henry Rollins once, he was actually a very nice and down to earth guy

>> No.19796531

She doesn't, but she does things like that all the time. Just the stupidest, quickest thing to hang over someone's head for whatever she wants
Sounds like your mother in law is a cunt that deserves all the bridges she burned. I hope your wife turned out alright from having to be raised by such a horrid person

>> No.19796541


>> No.19796550

>I met Henry Rollins once, he was actually a very nice and down to earth guy
he was pretty cool in Heat

>> No.19796560

Also Johnny Pneumonic and Kora.

>> No.19796625

Religion is incredibly restrictive to free thought. Ever since I became a Christian I find myself interpreting everything through the lens of Christianity. Politics, culture, history, art, philosophy, science, morals, even mathematics -- all are viewed in reference to the Church and her teachings. On the one hand this could be considered a good thing because it's good to have a systematic, hollistic view of life. On the other hand it feels totally claustroophobic to be boxed in by these stringent categories and rules of thought, always in fear of entering into heterodoxy or believing something which can't be reconciled with the faith.

>> No.19796669

You're allowed to disagree with God.

>> No.19796714

Oh yeah my wife's cool, somehow. It blows my mind.

>Johnny Pneumonic

>> No.19796863

There were no non-normies in the 80s. That didn't start until after 9/11. Hell I was a normie as a kid.

>> No.19796869 [DELETED] 

I will never be a woman. I will never be a man. I will never be a hu-man.

>> No.19796884

now ian mackaye, that's a good man

>> No.19796886

I disagree, I know a guy in his 50s who is basically a 4chan type fully awake soul autism sort of guy, and he had friends similar to him. They all went insane though, not joking.

They even had a kind of proto-/lit/ where everyone is a coping pseud trying to make it. The ones that went insane all went insane because they got into weird Buddhism and Sufism shit and hopped between different things they felt "finally gave them the answers" and eventually burned out.

He says pre-internet was the same, you just had a thicker skin for normie world and were more amphibious, but he also says normies were also a bit more amphibious and you'd find out that your basic bitch coworker is really into English literature or something so you could at least talk to her about that. Everyone was a little more weird. He says everyone is the same now. He also says regional accents have all disappeared and everyone sounds like they're from California now.

>> No.19796928

that makes sense because most people around the globe are exposed to the same experiences mostly within the same context. have you noticed how alienating it is to be immersed in your phone's screen? we're all doing the same shit. no wonder there are fewer fringe cracks amongst regular folks than ever before. lest we not forget the social engineering beast that is the current, asphyxiating internet.

>> No.19796968

Disclaimer: I am NOT trying to put philosophy in a good light or anything, this is simply words of caution for those who are prone to depression and also pathologically seek superficial profundity in all aspects of existence

I used to be a "light nihilist" (read: I was brought up with the notion that life is meaningless and morality don't reals, but I never cared anything about it and didn't really pay the "meaning" question any time). In my teens I started getting christian, like most teenagers, but unlike most teenagers I got almost obsessive. Nihilism perished from the realm of "possible" quite soon. Existentialism followed shortly after. Evolution evaporated (creationism). Determinism withered easily once my intellect had taken full control of my mind.

The last "battle" for my sanity was the ultimate "Is there ANY sort of meaninglessness to life" question. And fair to say: reason lost to sanity once more.

A few months post this realization added ontop of years of those other realizations I found myself in good company, able to think about the future again. I escaped the frozen brick of existence. I tried to desperately fool myself back into "irresponsible" blissful knowledge. I tried to convince myself that nothing was worth it. But I realized it was just a futile biological reflex trying to justify my whims.

I went from being a suicidal, retiring, sullen and ignorant person to a friendly, ambitious and, intelligent person whose entire existence is pleasurable due to these intellectual realizations.

Some will shrug and say "euphoria", but this is happiness brought on my truth. Some have an ability to be optimists and cheerful and not are. I am not one of them. So if you start to feel nauseas or anxious whilst reading existential philosophy/thinking too much: keep going. It might be worth it.

For everyone else: carry on, but force your realizations on others, some better off for it.

>> No.19796977

I think about this quote a lot

We are forced to conclude that our scientists are incapable of any but the emptiest platitudes when they stray from their specialities. It makes one think back on the collection of mediocrities accumulated by Einstein when he spoke of God, the state, peace, and the meaning of life. It is clear that Einstein, extraordinary mathematical genius that he was, was no Pascal; he knew nothing of political or human reality, or, in fact, anything at all outside his mathematical research. The banality of Einstein's remarks in matters outside his speciality is as astonishing as his genius within it... Even J. Robert Oppenheimer, who seems receptive to a general culture, is not outside this judgement. His political and social declarations, for example, scarcely go beyond the level of those of the man in the street. And the opinions of the scientists quoted by L'Express are not even on the level of Einstein or Oppenheimer...Particularly disquieting is the gap between the enormous power they wield and their critical ability, which must be estimated as null.

>> No.19796987

Someone once described it to me as "negative space," we need more spaces that aren't overdetermined by existing patterns of socialization

Even down to seemingly insignificant things like having to space out and THINK when you're walking somewhere or waiting in line or waiting on public transit or driving. Now everybody infinite distractions any time they want them, you can pull your phone out to kill time even for 30 seconds since it takes no time to "get into" checking your email or social media feed. And even when you're driving you can half listen to a podcast or audiobook or music.

There's no time to just be off the grid and a free agent inside your own head. That's when all the best thoughts happen, when you have that critical series of thoughts that inspire you to write a book or investigate a topic. It's how people become different, when all the material they process throughout the day just has to ferment or bounce against itself inside their head in ways that can't be reduced to generic types. Emergent complexity and creativity must come from daydreaming and spacing out at least half the time. Act of Creation by Koestler talks about this I think.

All that is lost. Reminds me also of Ted's "oversocialization." How often are people just free agents, connected to society by rituals and gestures they have to know to fit in, but otherwise having 80% processing power left over to be whatever else they happen to be, free-floating and rearranging?

None, everyone is 100% focused on going through the motions. A weird combination.

>> No.19796991

the 80s were only cool if you were American. in my country there was only AIDS and heroine and bombs

>> No.19797020

Posting here because the Mary Beard thread got deleted :/

The Beard vs. Boris debate is unwatchable. Obviously Ms. Beard was on the correct side when she said that Rome has done more to influence the West than Ancient Greece. But the arguments she made for it were completely idiotic. She cited the writings of some random prostitute to show how liberated women were in Rome compared to Greece. Then she kept going on about feminism and the Grecian disregard of women, compared to Roman chivalry. As if the Romans were not massively patriarchal as well lmao.
Yes, I get it. She's a female historian and wants to bring women's stories to light as well. But to argue like she did is so stupid. And her Latin pronunciation is atrocious.

>> No.19797059

May peace be upon you
Thanks anon, I really appreciate that. I hope it'll stay that way for a long time. godspeed to you
Life. The first 3 years were made of crazy love and on the fourth I had depression, I did some shit I am not proud of (flirted and developed feelings for a temp coworker, I told her the moment it became more than a co-worker joke, didn't cheat physically but it still hurt her real good), we made up afterwards but it broke our foundation. We used to joke about getting married : I'd ask her if she wanted to during her shower and her answers which were previously yeses changed to "I don't know" during the fifth year. She finally enrolled into physiotherapist school, grew up and realized she didn't want to be with me anymore.
We tried to make up multiple times, it worked out because we had experience and loved being together but eventually after we were away from each other for a few weeks we fought over stupid things and one day in the spur of a moment she told me she wanted to take a definitive decision. All I could do at that time was to confirm if she was being serious and accept, because I didn't know how to react.

None of our friends knew for about two to three weeks until she broke the dam and opened her heart. Some friends came saying it was probably a shit test and that I was supposed to pursue her whereas some of her friends told me I should let her go. I cut all communications and buried myself, working to exhaustion for months and waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened, maybe it could've but then I missed the window of opportunity to get her back.

That's how we broke up. Many times people have asked me if there was some wisdom I got from this and I still don't know. I think that even if by some miracle we could've been together after the breakup the relationship was already fractured and sooner or later, she'd have left forever. It didn't end on a bad note or some crazy cuck shit, it was just over.

>> No.19797086

I completely agree. There was this seemingly innocuous and simple phrase i came across in edward abbey's desert solitaire that really stuck with me: "Time passed by slowly, as it should".
We don't respect time anymore. Worse, we're defacing it. And it's a sacred structure of the world. One day, it'll have its rightful retribution.

>> No.19797090

It feels strange to be in the space between cutting ties with friends who you feel aren't any good for you in the long run and trying to find new people. So often I feel compelled to go back to them because it's what's comfortable and I don't have to do any work. But I know that in five years it won't be any good for me to do that.

>> No.19797182

I ended up on a livestream of some Sunday sermon in a US church. It began with some guy wearing jeans playing electric guitar on stage and singing about how much he loved Yahweh. I'm not even Christian but for the first time in my life I understood why Americans are so into the tradcath larp, I get it now.

>> No.19797185

>, I did some shit I am not proud of (flirted and developed feelings for a temp coworker, I told her the moment it became more than a co-worker joke, didn't cheat physically but it still hurt her real good), we made up afterwards but it broke our foundation.

Bro lmao

>> No.19797194

Pfeiffer as catwoman will forever make me diamonds

>> No.19797216

>17 years and 364 days old
mental illness

>> No.19797274
File: 2.59 MB, 2330x4566, 2021 lit top 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have the /lit/ iceberg pic?

>> No.19797302

What would you do if aliens ate all your pants? Would you go to the pants store in your underwear?

>> No.19797310
File: 120 KB, 1002x1200, IVI3jN9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, I would wear my shorts.

Another philosophical quandary solved!

>> No.19797344
File: 560 KB, 784x3888, lit iceberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found one

>> No.19797351

Massive cope

>> No.19797361
File: 1.62 MB, 498x281, im-doing-my-part-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay climate change anon
i unplugged my fridge

>> No.19797377

What is whiggish supposed to even mean here?

>> No.19797406

Not all American protestant churches are like that, just so you know. My childhood friend's church was, but mine was pretty serious and we went to sermons every Sunday morning, and went to choir practice Sunday afternoon. On Wednesdays they also had free dinner, which was usually delicious, and the older churchgoers there are the friendliest people I've met so far in life. It was custom to share a table with people you don't know and chat with them no matter who they are, and they were always nice to me. Public school by contrast was weird by contrast because no one shares a table unless you're friends. American churches are also HUGE on charity, and a major reason why America is the runaway global leader in charitable donations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_charitable_donation).). If you can't afford food, they will give it to you. If you need a place to stay, they'll help you out. It's not quite -Amish- levels of mutual care, but it's not far off either.

They also don't mind addressing skepticism. I had a several hours long talk with a pastor during a youth trip when I was losing my faith in the religion. His arguments didn't convince me, so I left the church, but that's the only reason. If I were Catholic or in Europe, it still wouldn't make a difference. So I kinda wonder why American zoomers gravitate towards Catholicism. Did they go to church as a kid? Do they genuinely believe Protestantism was a mistake? That's a hefty position to try and defend, I doubt most of them can. Hell, maybe most of their parents aren't even Christian - they're atheists, and that's why their children feel no attachment to Protestantism, so they feel free to just pick and choose any kind of Christianity they like.

>> No.19797440

Thanks for the effortpos reply, anon. I enjoyed reading it. I gotta go to bed now otherwise I'd have responded with more substance.

>> No.19797557

I think I'll go to the beach today

>> No.19797578

I'm living a poor life. I'm antisocial. I'm not especially well kept. I abuse substances every weekend, which forces me to go through serious ups and downs and to always feel tired. My addiction to cigarettes causes me great stress. My head is cloudy. I lack confidence. I know that I am ugly and undesirable. I am XX and single. I am doing strictly okay professionally. I am addicted to the internet. I am narcissistic. My sex drive has been ruined by something, likely pornography and/or age. I don't dress well. I drive a twenty year old car. I pay way too much for rent. I'm not saving money. I am barely breaking even. I don't own especially nice things. I don’t like my life.

>> No.19797631


>> No.19797683

I wish that she was happy

>> No.19797722


>> No.19797768

at the end of probably our first proper date (I think we'd been to see This is England) we were going home and waiting for the bus, and it was a long wait. we were 16 and 15 years old. it got real quiet. real quiet. after a long time she told me she liked linkin park (similar era to your clip I think, that's why I thought of it) and asked if I did too. I was kinda lukewarm on it I think. The funny thing is that sitting there in all the awkwardness and feelings of inadequacy is still a very good memory. I think if we ever tried again I'd start by joking telling her I like linkin park. Her stop was before mine. Before she got off she told me kind of hurriedly that she loved me. That was the first time, and way, way too soon. Reminding her of this later and watching her squirm was rewarding.

>> No.19797889

Yes. Many people lack the good faith to have interesting conversations. For me, good faith arises from series of experiences where one sees his/her limitations for directly perceiving and attaining knowledge. You have to be experienced in the fall (into deception) so that when you get out you're less sure and more curious. People who achieve a level of mastery at something are always the most adept because the process towards mastery is exactly like the one described; You have to test your knowledge constantly and face the real results that arise from the trials.

>> No.19797935

Looking for the fellow retard I met in York at 5 O'clock Saturday morning. I had a copy of the Aleph with me and you told me McCarthy was a hack. I think you also said Celine was your favourite writer.

>> No.19797941

I'm such an attention whore. Give me (You)s

>> No.19797946


>> No.19797966

this but unironically

>> No.19797972


>> No.19798009

any books on toxic people

>> No.19798016


>> No.19798018

What do you think is the world record for the maximum number of animals that were partially in their burrows at one time?
E.g., a prairie dog poking it's head out, a meerkat partially concealed, a badger half out of its burrow.
I bet it's at least 2 million.
It's too bad we'll need to wait so long to find out, though.

>> No.19798031

It’s not that easy and people who say this are corny, you could say the same for the vast majority of people in developed countries

>> No.19798032

Yes but my sister does heroin, whores herself, gets DUIs and ditched her kid with them, so they are more disappointed in her and it takes alot of heat off me.

>> No.19798036

I hate winter. I just want to ride my motorcycle. What is the point in wage slaving so much if the weather is just going to cuck me.

>> No.19798043

I’m surprised just how retarded /Sci/ is

>> No.19798064
File: 3.13 MB, 2924x3994, woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babe alert

>> No.19798146
File: 22 KB, 560x250, EB20040910REVIEWS409100305AR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to mcd's
>wait in drive thru for 5 min
>order a chicken sandwich
>have to repeat three times that I dont want fries
>everything on it, with tomato too
>get sandwich
>it only has tomato in it, no condiments, nothing
>refuse to eat it, throw it away
>basically feels just like that scene in thx when thx buys a bright red toy and immediately throws it away at the doorway of the store

>> No.19798154

Stop buying fast food

>> No.19798253

I don't. The last time I got fast food was a year ago, and it sucked then, too. The only reason I went this time was for my grandma lol who wanted ice cream, and I thought what the heck. I swear this shit is depression food.

>> No.19798262

There's only one fast food chain that tastes good and doesn't make me feel like shit and that's Canes. They literally just serve tendies that aren't completely shit. Everywhere else makes my insides churn, my shits run, and make me feel like death.

Glad you took your grandma out. :3

>> No.19798307

Woolf’s sister (the batter) is beautiful

>> No.19798320

Cane's is good. So who's the worst? I think people underrate how terrible Starbucks is. It's beyond fast food. It's just microwavable gas station sandwiches, and processed pastries and candies, and people eat at Starbucks A LOT. I mean is it so acceptable because they also serve coffee? My coworker comes in to work every morning which a fucking giant cup of mocha frappe and a huge grilled cheese, and I swear I can see her getting fatter. That's gotta be at least 1500 kcal right there and that's at 7 in the fucking morning.

>> No.19798324

If this is older than the First World War then it’s pretty cool. Otherwise this is degenerate and satanic art and a corruption of sculpture.

>> No.19798332

>giant cup of mocha frappe and a huge grilled cheese, and I swear I can see her getting fatter. That's gotta be at least 1500 kcal right there
It’s also probably like $25

>> No.19798396
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I am going mad

>> No.19798401

Open my eyes.

>> No.19798403 [DELETED] 
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>be me
>take a week off work to visit my dad
>car rental place fucks me
>get angry and leave
>tell my dad we'll do it next month
>suddenly remember that the rental place actually offered me a better car as a replacement, but i was too angry to listen
>go back
>take car
>nobody is expecting me anywhere
>nobody knows im gone
>with a car, you can go anywhere

>> No.19798404

I don't mind their breakfast sandwiches, but I'm in leafland and maybe they have different suppliers so it's better? They are overpriced for what they serve.

>> No.19798419

I love their pumpkin bread. I eat a couple slices of it for breakfast a few times a week along with a protein shake. I’m in my 30’s 5’11” and 130 lbs

>> No.19798452

There is much beyond "What types of things God could ever conceive of" as Reality grows increasingly complex and there are many compound phenomena.

What is life like in all possible worlds?

Sensory experience, dream landscape, mathematical constructs, computational algorithms, and alternative particle physics all merge.

>> No.19798476
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I'm sure you have tolerable qualities, fren

>> No.19798488

holy shit my farts smell fucking terrible lately wtf

>> No.19798489


>> No.19798532

They're probably just messing around.

>> No.19798535

Stop gorging on asparagus, you monstrous belly.

>> No.19798553

If I become a little what I’m writing, the words will be interesting. If it doesn’t change me, it’s useless. It’s a failure. Nowadays, words dress products for consumption, embellish objects, make dubious ideas seductive… but that profusion doesn’t change us - we learn nothing from it.

>> No.19798568
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>want to fap
>go on 4chan
>fav link is /lit/ catalog
>take my Le carré and finish it
Thank you /lit/

>> No.19798583

Sometimes I, I mean you, are, that is, what is you, I mean, is what, is that, you sometimes, is.

>> No.19798586

is it excessive to set a deadline for belting out one essay/one short story a week as training or is it the correct balanced schedule

>> No.19798618
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>being and time
how about being with some bitches on your spare time LMAO

>> No.19798620

What's the real world equivalent of phlebotinum?

>> No.19798689

>want to fap
>go on 4chan
>open /lit/
>women doing sexy dances in OPs
>jack off

>> No.19798741

>The physical pain to express the psychological pain.
Anon you should go to therapy.

>> No.19798752
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Torn apart under sun
a mad drunken ecstasy
born again endlessly
eat my flesh and become one

>> No.19798754

I want to go monk mode but that would disappoint my parents.

>> No.19798781

I'm scared that they'll come to despise me. I make a conscious effort to be as inconspicuous as possible to them so that they aren't disturbed by having me around (except weekends if they invite me out). I'm only useful to them in bringing their rent down by 1/3rd.

>> No.19798795
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Reading under an umbrella to keep my dog dry because she won't stay in the shelter i made for her unless i'm there.

>> No.19798811
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I should think the umbrella was to keep you and the book/tablet dry as well.

>> No.19798867

Why does trannyjanny keep pruning philosophy threads today? Did he get filtered in his philosophy 101 class?

>> No.19798893

> Was it a good decision to leave Aristotelian science in favor of modern science?
Do you think so? Explain why or why not.
Ask /sci/ yet?

>> No.19798903

It's not a /sci/ thing. Aristotle's "science" is an inseparable part of his philosophy and janny would have known this if he was literate. I doubt anyone on /sci/ has studied Aristotle in depth to be able to discuss this. He also pruned the Nietzsche thread as I was about to post my reply.

>> No.19798939

So philosophers left Aristotelian science.
What else could be done with it?

>> No.19799053

Thank you all for coming to my edition of WWOYM. Its been a pleasure hosting you guys and I hope you had a great time.

>> No.19799119

Anon you should pick up art as a hobby.

>> No.19799136
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A pleasure

>> No.19799244


>> No.19799686

Thank God I'm not the only one

>> No.19799696

Woke up early and spent most of the day out of the house. Drove about an hour out of the city into the bush and took a swim underneath a little secluded waterfall. I've been feeling pretty shit lately but things like that are still nice.

>> No.19799714

Imagine how blessed we would be if a writer of her beauty and talent existed in our day and age, of having someone worthy to worship

>> No.19799719

I would have thought the batter was Virginia

>> No.19799727


>> No.19799937

Anons, if you edit a photo on your phone, like, say, change some text, and send it to some, theres no way they would know, right???

>> No.19799942

old fashioned spelling for wigger

>> No.19799953

You talking about meta data? The editing?

>> No.19799970

An ancient enmity
Wading through the blood and viscera
Toward the glinting promise of peace
Just beyond my reach
We struggle well in the world
And silently weep

The palpable weakness you conceal
Unseen but felt
Fettered to the breaking wheel
The dull pangs of humanity search the cage corporeal

But still, we endeavor
With false intentions and ire
The sacred strife is life
Our petty products to admire

>> No.19800020

I mean just a phone screenshot. I need to change some numbers around, and because im tech illiterate im gonna do it in ms paint.

>> No.19800027

Well, you might screw it up

>> No.19800072

I think I would live inside the computer if I could

>> No.19800084

All of a sudden my housemate has started eating incredibly loudly and in a disgusting manner that makes me want to hurl. He never used to do this before, but now he sounds like a horse giving a blowjob.

>> No.19800128

Send him t to the glue factory

>> No.19800132

ive been talking to a girl and lately every night she forces me to video call her and jerk off on camera while she encourages me. at first i thought yes, what a wonderful opportunity, this will be fun.. but now its just draining. she keeps me up until 3am in the morning, gets upset when i go to bed, constantly teases me to arousal me during the day. i cant function like this anymore.

>> No.19800143

Tell her this.

>> No.19800150
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New one

>> No.19800219

That was an interesting discussion, good job guys

>> No.19800233

Do you need a vacc-pass to order fast food yet? I wouldnt know, Its been so long.

>> No.19800263

>I want to date a chubby Asian slam pig with low self esteem who I'm to ashamed to introduce to my friends.
lmao this was my fuck buddy in my first year of uni. only shame was that she was actually really smart, but had this abusive relationship with her bf which i sort of regret getting involved in. shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on situation. she was kind of poor and she was the first girl i hooked up with in a hotel because she shared a room with her fobby mom kek--and i only brought her to my place once because i lived in a house with like 2 other guys.
she wasnt ugly, and not even really chubby, just boring looking, just like picrel

>> No.19800268

in my county, you need a vaccine card to sit down in fucking starbucks. if you're masked you can go into most places but only for take out, and drive thrus dont matter

>> No.19800925

Writers out there, what motivates you to write? I have been trying to write a short story just for fun, but it turns to shit before I finish the first page and it feels pretentious as fuck to write for the sake of being a writer. Should you already have a a story you want to write when sit down to type the first words? Or just start writing and see what comes out?

>> No.19800970

I want control of at least something in my life.

>> No.19801275

The frosted wingtips of Twilight's outspread pegasus wings glinted steadily whilst she soared like the eagle, front legs
outstretched toward the city which have walls that are made of minted rainbow marble qurried from out the underside of Heaven itself. Her
eyes surveyed from side to side countryside left and right. Her neck was like a chess piece in profile. The clouds swirled overhead
like the face of a James Joyce character. She was a character in an Edgar Allan Poe poem for liquid tears dropfully. What will she do, oh
no, when she arrives at court in Canterlot to account for her crimes? Perhaps it would be best to flee to Albion. Jewels of oblivion
studded the cliff face upon which the monolithic city, her destination, was mounted. Curls of grey clouds unfurled from the peak of the
mountain and slow lightning clung to their edifice, plasma vines seeping across the bulwark.