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/lit/ - Literature

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19789589 No.19789589 [Reply] [Original]

Best occult literature?

>> No.19789618

Magic in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley

>> No.19789620

Typhonian Trilogies

>> No.19789621

does it make dick bigger?

>> No.19789628

Idk, haven't read it lol, I just recommended it because people seem to read it for occult shit but my only interest in /x/ and paranormal stuff is discussing weird fringe historical cults and sects.

>> No.19789630

damn. i cant cope being sub 8. I will read it and post my big dick if it works

>> No.19789642

Wouldn't you just focus on learning how to be funny or charming, thin or well-groomed, rather than worry about something that you can't actually change?
4 inches is average though.

>> No.19789646

ok er. none of that shit u mentioned matters

>> No.19789649
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>4 inches is average though.
In Asia maybe, western women demand 6 inches minimum and majority have experience with 7 or 8 inchers.

Back to the topic though, I just read picrel as introduction to Chaos magic and it's excellent. Occult stuff aside, it also works as mental self-help with focus on ego, meditation, learning etc.

>> No.19789652
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>> No.19789653

Any esoteric techniques that i can learn to increase my penis size?

>> No.19789654

Sorry, the "four inches is average" is an old meme you might not remember.
>The average erect penis is just 5.16 inches, according to a 2015 scientific review that looked at the flaccid and erect penises of over 15,500 men. In the review, 68% of men measured between 4.5 and 5.8 inches while erect. At 8-inches, you’re in the top 1% of men. (In case you’re interested in girth—i.e., the circumference of your dick— the average penis had a girth of 3.7 inches when flaccid and 4.6 inches when erect.)
>You got to be careful with that thing! If your partner has a vulva, you should know that the vaginal canal is typically around 4-5 inches when aroused. Translation: you really shouldn’t attempt to insert all eight of your inches—at least in the beginning. (If your partner wants you to go deeper, of course, listen to them, but you really want to start off slow and gentle. Your partner will need to be warmed up before taking that salami stick!)

>> No.19789656

nigga why tf u asking me? i have a legit micropenis (>8inch)

>> No.19789659

semen retention + nofap

>> No.19789660

Horror’s Call

>> No.19789662
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i was talking about this

>> No.19789686
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>> No.19789724

Based Ambrose

>> No.19790233

I've never seen any "occult literature" worth reading. They're all just mystics flexing power they don't possess. Either that or full on psychotic larp. Complete waste of time.

>> No.19790286

francis x king

>> No.19790294

I miss him so much bros...

>> No.19790296

The three magical books of Solomon and King James' Daemonologie are all you should read, everything else is nonsense.
Kabbalist texts too if you count that as occult rather than esoteric mysticism.

>> No.19790306

This cannot be sincere

>> No.19790327

The Occult by Colin Wilson is basically a history of western occultism and covers a lot, wilson does a good job of filtering out horseshit.

>> No.19790364

I invite anons -- like I have many times before -- to tell me what they've learned from the occult. I have NEVER gotten a straight answer.

>> No.19790378

Occult knowledge (plus tarot) got me laid about fifteen times. Several of those were catholic hoes, now tradwives. kek.

>> No.19790391

>""""Occult knowledge""""

>> No.19790409

Baphomet's equilibrium, quantum improbability and anal sex without asking for permission.

>> No.19790410

>and majority have experience with 7 or 8 inchers

>> No.19790420

It's true though, highschool girls don't mind sharing and recommending big-dicked Chads to each other.

>> No.19790424

you gotta be veeery cucked in the head to think and post this shit

>> No.19790426

It's real life experience, had very busy social/sex life back in HS.

>> No.19790442

Ambrose has been reading Guenon

>> No.19790476

Psychophysiology and cybernetic feedback loops, various forms of applied psychology, an innate understanding of bullshit, a much more limber view of "reality", and a series of knacks and bag of tricks that are only impressive because the method used is esoteric. Possibly some kind of inner peace as well. There's certainly a spiritual dimension but it includes an associative mode of thought that I find extremely useful from time to time.

>> No.19790477

Cyber sex with trannies doesn't count chud.

>> No.19790501

Can you stupid faggot niggers stop dragging your shit smeared sweaty asses all over the ground?

>> No.19790507

Sounds based, which books do I need to learn such powers?

>> No.19790514

When was this? Did they get Ambrose?

>> No.19790518

The scary part is that this non-linear, pre-rational thought works. Ancients discovered that the mere act of being aware of whether or not you are being aware has an effect on heart rate. We still don't know why, but the effect was confirmed.

>> No.19790601

We love HP Lovecraft

>> No.19790613

Since beginning occult practices daily a year and a half ago I went from living in a cockroach infested apartment to living in a 6 bedroom home making almost double my income, and that is insignificant compared to the spiritual development and growth which has resulted in a much more rich and meaningful life in general for me

>> No.19790702
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That it's all bullshit and you should turn to Christ because running around in the forest naked and high on nitrous won't save your soul. Yes, this is something discussed by Peter Carrol in this book >>19789649

>> No.19790725
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Is this to thots what tradcath larping is to incels?

Buncha nerds, regardless.

>> No.19790727

God will judge you

>> No.19790745

it's hilarious that he posted this under his real full name

>> No.19790780

No problem, I'll just confess lmao (like those sluts I buttfucked did)

>> No.19790790

This. It’s literally
>Maybe if I start praying to god I’ll finally get the hot trad gf I deserve
>Maybe if I start worshipping this demon I’ll finally get the hot chad bf I deserve
Both used to be atheists who believed in that “good things come to those who wait” cope, and they were too pathetic to take control of their own lives and steer themselves in the right direction. So, in desperation they both turned to “the old magicks” in some vain hope that maybe some authority higher than humanity will gift them the things they failed to acquire for themselves if they just say the right words in their heads in a dark room twice a week.

>> No.19790801

Correct, but those wicca zoomers at least get casual Chad dick. Tradcath incels just seethe and cope.

>> No.19790817

>running around in the forest naked and high on nitrous won't save your soul. Yes, this is something discussed by Peter Carrol in this book
Based, downloading it now

>> No.19790829
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You must admit, they do have some good points mixed in there.

>> No.19790831

shut the fuck up

>> No.19790858

That’s the funny part - they both get a cursed version of their wish, for both trying to take the easy way out:
>Wiccans can get Chad’s dick, but never his love, his passion, his devotion, his hand in marriage, or even a stable relationship from him, just the old pump-n-dump he hands out to anyone not completely disgusting (and even then, if he’s drunk enough he’ll even fuck the disgusting hogs)
>Tradcath incels can hold a fellow church-girl’s hand and get invited to religious events with her, because she’s kind and caring to everyone, but they can never get her to fuck, date, or marry, because she was only trying to be nice to someone she sees as pathetic and desperate, just like Jesus would do

>> No.19790870


>> No.19790909

If you don’t know, pipe down.

>> No.19790927

I said shut the fuck up

>> No.19790928

Is Chaos Magick compatible with Christianity? Can't your augoeides just be the imitation of Christ, and the chaos magick, the work of the Holy Spirit?

>> No.19790972

*slaps* SHIT DOWN!

>> No.19790982

Chad Butterfly dominating the virgin Anon

>> No.19790990

Stop samefagging

>> No.19791011

Why the fu— w/e
Anons actually like me.

>> No.19791029

Ones that recently received a lobotomy

>> No.19791056

Not surprising that slipped out of you considering your "Hobbies"

>> No.19791105

That hobby is yelling at anonymous chuds.

>> No.19791165

Completely incompatible, the goals of either are completely opposed

>> No.19791570

*grabs you by the neck*

>> No.19791596

Please don't tell me youre a retarded witch as well

>> No.19791622

No. It was meant to be humorous

>> No.19791805

Do you think these caricatures resemble actual groups of people, or do you spend too much time online rather than going outside?

>> No.19791812


>> No.19791852

I've seen few of those new age wiccan sluts around campus or coffees, but for majority of them it's just online persona probably. Tradcath incels on the other hand are very real and numerous, met dozens of them preaching virtues while the girls from their church group were smoking pot and fucking Chad just around the corner.

>> No.19791877

Lol you sound like a very wordly person, attuned to the intricacies of life. It doesn't sound like an exaggeration based on the two or three real life experiences you've had in the last two years. Not at all.

>> No.19791880

Want to fuck you real real good butters, your holes filled 100% guaranteed

>> No.19791888

And you sound exactly like the sort of tradcath incel caricature we were discussing. Very gullible and clueless people.

>> No.19791913

Yes, because an internet addicted zoomer who assigns people into wojak and tiktok archetypes he sees on 4chan is a well-rounded and enlightened individual.

>> No.19791930

Witchcraft is for women and people who play to much dungeons and dragons

>> No.19791946

Will that happen if I play DnD by myself?

>> No.19791956

I will come with a bag of chips and play D&D with you

>> No.19791965

I've never played, but always wanted to, and I have thought about playing by myself before. So you'll have to give me awhile to read up on the rules and whatnot, if you genuinely want to play.

>> No.19791990

I have never once met a traditionalist Catholic in real life who wasn't a middle-aged person with a family, and I live in rural Louisiana where fucking everybody's Catholic.
You're like those girls that tweet about "guys carrying around Infinite Jest." Who? What guys? Please spend less time on the internet trying to fight imaginary enemies.

>> No.19792006

I remember some girl on Twitter posted some quote by Evola or something and the backlash was so great from the rest of Wiccan Twitter that she had to debate herself and apologize because she had done a fascism. I don't get why lefties are so attracted to the occult, it's always had an aristocratic aesthetic since the middle ages.

>> No.19792014

>I've seen few of those new age wiccan sluts around campus or coffees
Very telling. You just know these poster(s) have no friends. Friends implies you get to know people.
But when everyone else but you is a meme, it shows you don't get to know anybody. Which is why you have special meme powers where you know everyone and their oeuvre, as it were, by a simple glance. And distilled into easy meme descriptions.

>> No.19792019

Witchcraft, that word specifically as and how you used it in a historic context, is the realm of the people. Those who delve into the occult tend towards different extremes politically, after they interface with it. Many are hard "left" but not in the usual way, others take different directions that also require a small book to get the gist of.

>> No.19792028

not that anon, but it seems pretty obvious that young people disillusioned by modern life turn to these sorts of things, except now they just have a platform online to inform everyone else about how they have it all figured out. at least the witch girls seem to be enjoying themselves in their larp, which can't be said of the tradcaths, which always seem to be so butt frustrated that they are constantly on the verge of collapsing in on themselves if they don't perpetually lash out at everything they don't like.

>> No.19792042
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>> No.19792051

Proof positive /r9k/ mutants who saw a /fitlit/ self-improvement meme once are the ones flooding it with this twitter bile.

>> No.19792071

>met dozens of them preaching virtues while the girls from their church group were smoking pot and fucking Chad just around the corner
Kek, are you from Eastern Europe by any chance? Because that sounds exactly like the small town where I grew up
>catholic boys are bitter, repressed, passive-aggressive, judgemental
>catholic girls start to slut it up at 15, then get socially pressured into marriage with one of those virgin boys at 21

>> No.19792080

Lol no they got BTFO and some killed themselves because their psychoses finally hit

>> No.19792113

Why do occult fags seethe about Catholics so much? Is it because the Bible says no butt stuff?

>> No.19792131

Witchcraft has always been pushed by jews, just like leftism. Marx and Saul Alinsky were both satanists. Jews selling occukt books in Spain was one of the reasons for their exile. You aren't resisting modernity, you're playing into it.

>> No.19792141

>at least the witch girls seem to be enjoying themselves in their larp
Is that why so many of them have eating disorders and daddy issues? Tradcaths at least learn latin and have fun with racial slurs. Stop being such a simp.

>> No.19792142
File: 12 KB, 220x267, Dion_Fortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Secret Teachings of All Ages" is good for a general overview, then read "Sane Occultism" by Dion Fortune after that. I've heard good things about "The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" by Eliphas Levi but I've never read it so I can't vouch for it.

>> No.19792149

Do they? I've only read this book >>19789649 and it barely addresses christianity at all, it's just mentioned as crumbling social control relic from the third aeon.

>> No.19792158

We don't, usually. Lapsed Catholics are the only ones we see eye to eye within our own cultures. Our greatest enemy is and always was our only friend and rival. There has to be a great and beautiful corrupt system for its opposition to exist. Most days we all get along while the protties took over the nasty shit. Priests, pagans, the lapsed and atheists are buddies in more ways than not.

>> No.19792165

Most occultists are women and homosexuals.

>> No.19792168

also occultniks aren't pagan in any sense, ignore that bit.

>> No.19792172

>Lapsed Catholics are the only ones we see eye to eye within our own cultures. Our greatest enemy is and always was our only friend and rival.
Not surprising, since you both fell for Jewish demoralization.

>> No.19792173

Did you reply to a wrong post?

>> No.19792177
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>"The Secret Teachings of All Ages"
This looks good, I'm pirating it right now. Thanks.

>> No.19792182

No, I was elaborating on an earlier point that most occultists are opposed to Christianity because of it's sexual morality. This is why occultism is promoted so heavily among leftists and queers.

>> No.19792187

We've all experienced the Mystery and have a problem with the system. You wouldn't get it, it's not for you. Glad you're happy with your current subscription plan as I am with mine, not everyone is.

It's a bit dated and not great. A good read but don't take his pet findings too seriously.

>> No.19792195

i think the eating disorders and daddy issues were there before the witchcraft. probably a big reason for the witchcraft, in fact. if tradcaths are having fun somewhere, i certainly haven't seen it. one of their overarching principles appears to be No Fun Allowed.

>> No.19792197

Manly P. Hall admitted that the purpose of the masons was to serve the Jews. That's all the occult is. A trick to bring the goyim into servitude.

>> No.19792198

>Glad you're happy with your current subscription plan as I am with mine
Based and reasonable wizardbro

>> No.19792202
File: 174 KB, 967x1500, grail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also look into Julius Evola
he's probably the closest to /lit/ as technically he's a philosopher and not an occultist
start out with his book on the Holy Grail and go from there

>> No.19792211

>The Mystery
You've actively turned from the mystery and embraced a countetfeit.
Because your concept of fun is conditioned by modernity and a preoccupation with sex. You don't want wisdom.

>> No.19792212

>if tradcaths are having fun somewhere, i certainly haven't seen it
They're having a blast right here, of course: debunking occult mysteries and defending the honor of loose church girls, kek.

>> No.19792218

Evola was a literal faggot.

>> No.19792219

I tried Evola a couple years ago but didn't like his writing style much, sadly.

>> No.19792226

>Manly P. Hall admitted that the purpose of the masons was to serve the Jews.
When did he say that?
>That's all the occult is. A trick to bring the goyim into servitude.
Ask me how I know you've never read a book on occult philosophy.

>> No.19792227

>defending the honor of loose church girls,
There you go again, bringing up thots when nobody mentioned them. You haveca typical weak modern mindset that you try to embellish with mystical nonsense.

>> No.19792229
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>Catholics vs. Occultists
why not have both?

>> No.19792245

Nothing repels some brainwashed streetcorner prottie prosthelytizer utterly unequipped for even a community college campus off more than saying you're Catholic. Caths laugh when I tell them. It's rare to find a prot in a crisis of faith in the system who still acts in the likeness of the Nazarene (that also infuriates protbabs) and fraternizes without being changed by it.

Eh. The Mountain is large and we come at it from many sides.

>> No.19792246

Aren't you the one screeching about occultist women and queers? Bit hypocritical coming from a catholic, as youe cult is infamous for child-raping priests and easy women.

>> No.19792259

>Because your concept of fun is conditioned by modernity and a preoccupation with sex.
not really, i've only ever had sex with my wife. my concept of fun is spending time in nature, which seems like something the witches are into.

>> No.19792265

>a middle-aged person with a family
These people don't hold to bizarre fringe ideologies like "integralism" or "sedevacantism", they don't LARP about being crusaders on the internet, and they certainly don't go on 4chan.

>> No.19792275

It's not a mountain, it's a gate.
You started with the assumption that tradcaths are only trying to get girls and somehow witches are better because they are more promiscuous. Not only was this heavy projection, but revealed that you have a skewed concept of worth, that ignores the fact that witchcraft attracts degenerates.

>> No.19792281

>as youe cult is infamous for child-raping priests and easy women.
If you get all your information from Jewish media, sure.

>> No.19792289
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Gonna read these three, demon gf soon bros...

>> No.19792296

>child-raping priests and easy women.
As an honest occultist, I can assure you the problem is systemic and the appellations are greatly exaggerated. Otherwise they'd be easier to fuck than your kind and apparently I worship the devil so I'd know because I've tried.

>> No.19792306

Yeah, they're just traditionalist Catholics living traditional Catholic lives. That's my point.
I don't know where all of these batshit crazy twitter sedevacantists are hiding and neither does that shitposter saying he knew dozens of them.

>> No.19792307
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if you unironically want demon gf, you should check out this one
Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson

>> No.19792312
File: 323 KB, 1000x1500, Group of World Religions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sane Occultism" is available free here:

Here's a big library of out of copyright occult works:

And here's a YouTube channel that has uploaded a bunch of Manly P Hall's lectures:

>> No.19792314

probably a repulsive commie

>> No.19792320

Where can I get Insane Occultism?

>> No.19792326
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Thank you, friends. Gonna get deep into this stuff.

>> No.19792331

>western women demand 6 inches
youre insane. Any woman you see saying this kind of shit online are posturing. Its very rare to encounter a 8 inch cock, 5 inches and bitches think youre huge

>> No.19792344

Try Crowley's stuff.

>> No.19792354

>5 inches and bitches think youre huge
Anon... they're lying to you. I've had 13 female flatmates over the years and heard their drunk sex talks. You don't want to know the details but let me just say that I've been insecure about my 16.5 cm dick ever since.

>> No.19792398
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Already did, I was hoping you had some deep cuts.

>> No.19792408

Was he a real deal, or just charismatic schizo scamming rich kids and fucking their gfs?

>> No.19792418

Saint-Martin "Man of desire". At least you'll straight away get that this occult nonsense is extremely judeocentric.

>> No.19792437

A bit of both. Lon Milo Duquette is a modern Thelemite who was trained by some of Crowley's contemporaries. He isn't insane and is probably a good place to start if you want to learn about Thelema.
This channel has a bunch of videos done by him:

>> No.19792444
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Real deal but it's more his life was a reflection of his life than the method he laid out.

>> No.19792465
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>to tell me what they've learned from the occult. I have NEVER gotten a straight answer.
yeah buddy you seem to be missing the point

>> No.19792466

Oh yeah, the best place to start by crowley is in his own biography. He travels the world and muses on it, most of the facts even check out. Avoid most secondary and tertiary sources, they either quite literally sucked his dick or have an axe to grind and there is no middle ground.

>> No.19792469

Why do you talk like a woman?

>> No.19792479

Sorry Anon, I'm sure that your celibacy is 100% voluntary.

>> No.19792532

>while the girls from their church group were smoking pot and fucking Chad just around the corner

>> No.19792537
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where do i go to meet women like this

i dont try to make contact with people so i assume they have the same problem

please help me, i am dying

>> No.19792560
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Seconding this question

>> No.19792688


I would date this woman just to abuse her badly lmao

>> No.19792748
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>> No.19792813

t. homo

>> No.19792839


Must be so humiliating being a priest and hearing what a woman has to say during confession.

Jk,.I am Satan and I've awoken and am going to kill you kikes

>> No.19792859

>lol u can't have sex
Are you actually a woman, because you argue like a hole.

>> No.19792868

no you wouldn't, you would date her because she's attractive and fashionable and then she would dump you because you have nothing going for you in life and spend most of your time on a Navajo basketweaving forum

if she would even date you in the first place (she wouldn't)

>> No.19792873

Yo mama is a Nava HO

>> No.19792876

I just learned that the majority of witches that were executed were male, by at least 2/3.
Not only that but in Salem there were only like 20 people killed. And every single one of these women think they were descended from like 8 women. Women who were killed, so they never reproduced as much as they could.

>> No.19792913

Piro-Manso-Tiwa actually

>> No.19792997

Margaret Atwood brags about having an ancestor who was tried as a witch but somehow survived being hung.

>> No.19792998

poor guy

>> No.19793011

Modern witchcraft is no older than the 1920's. It's just a LARP for feminists.

>> No.19793033

Women cant judge size, especially not when they are drunk. They think 6" is 8", they are stupid, and they embellish stories. Just like how guys embellish sex stories.

>> No.19793043
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I like BPD girls but getting cheated on really hurts my psyche because I've small penis insecurities ... they are off the table for me

>> No.19793066

No, but Christianity is compatible with chaos magick.

>> No.19793076


you're supposed to cheat on them too idiot. don't play a game if you don't understand the rules.

>> No.19793082

This. Play them so you dont get played. Still I dont know why anyone would want to, that shit is emotionally and mentally draining.

>> No.19793083

as said >>19793082 I really don't want to roleplay some A24 movie

>> No.19793105

>Just like how guys embellish sex stories.
exactly. if you bang a fatty on vacation and your bros aren't there to see it, you're going to tell them you smashed a hottie when you get back. girls are not going to talk about how they slept with a bunch of small dick losers, it makes them look bad. unless they want revenge, anyone they've slept with is going to be a big dicked alpha when they tell their friends.

>> No.19793205

lmao lmao lmao that's hilarious lmao

>> No.19793227

>I asked what people have learned from an immensely diverse fielf of religious practices and beliefs basically defined by being obscure and mystical, and I keep getting different answers. Please send help.

>> No.19793229
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>ywn get to fuck a psycho witch goth sloot
why even live?

>> No.19793235
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i bought pic related and never read it i hear its good

>> No.19793248

This is what happens when white women do not have access to BBC and dogs

>> No.19793274

American Ambrose owns a fauna planet.

>> No.19793278

Sounds like a false rape accusation waiting to happen.

>> No.19793291

What I'm getting from this picture is that witches through history were just crazy wine aunts and burning them was totally justified.

>> No.19793299
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>I dont know why anyone would want to
>I really don't want to roleplay

That is true romance. A man who craves BPD girls is a man who wants a reward worth fighting for. That feeling you get when you see a short haired girl who's nothing but trouble, but she's everything you ever wanted? That's your self-worth crying out to you for a chance to be a hero. Your heart crying out for somebody who is worthy of it. The man is supposed to struggle and out-wit. You have to play her game and make her see that she'll never be better than you at it. Sex on this level is something so beyond any other emotional experience, you'll look back at it like it were an otherworldly experience. And when it's over, she'll go right back to making you fight for it. She won't let you get complacent.

It is draining. It is supposed to be draining. It is supposed to be a struggle for love, not a cheap thrill. Love is an experience both negative and positive. It is violent and affectionate, painful and pleasurable, meaningless and at the same time the very essence of life. Men understand this, but women live this. They are doing what they're supposed to do. The question is if we have the balls to put up with constant pain and suffering just to see how intense an experience love can really be. You win, you lose, you are spurned and scarred, but when it's over you want to experience it all over again. Normal relationships cannot compare.

>> No.19793311
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lets return to tradition

>> No.19793313

Nigga, a hole's a hole. Putting so much into damaged goods is a waste of time.

>> No.19793379

Why does that tweet read like a WWE ad?
>Ambrose the Demon has been on a WARPATH for years now
>The gods of wrestling have had enough

>> No.19793383

that only happens to the chads she's heartbroken pumped and dumped her, they don't file false rape accusations about the guys they don't care about.
You'll be fine.

>> No.19793389

isn't that part of the thrill?

>> No.19793392

>les keel random wimin fer havin warts!
Lets just shoot the likes of you.

>> No.19793573

>les keel random wimin

>> No.19793593

>Women cant judge size
I can't fucking stress this enough. Its the same reason they can't fucking throw a ball to save their life. Their spatio-temporal awareness is comically underdeveloped.

>> No.19793604

>I like BPD girls
Is BPD Bipolar Disorder or Borderline Personality disorder?

>> No.19793632

The latter but there's no difference when it comes down to it.

>> No.19793637

If you're implying she'll crush me with her thighs while wearing a costume and makeup, you absolutely have my attention and interest

>> No.19793642

"Evil is when you take something good and twist it a little". Anyone can help me find where this quote is from? I dont think its the same exact quote word by word though. Please anyone can help me out here? Need help please!

>> No.19793754

I always knew Bierce never died, glad to see he's still causing trouble for everyone.

>> No.19793779

"Evil is when you take something good and deprive it a little" - Aristotle, Ethika Nikomacheia

>> No.19793788

>recommending shit you haven't read without a disclaimer that you haven't read it
So desperate for attention.

>> No.19793799

>at least the witch girls seem to be enjoying themselves in their larp,
Then why is the schizo thot in the OP in tears/on the verge of a nervous breakdown?

>> No.19794183

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.19794191

Tradcaths are actually following a premodern tradition and trying to find meaning. Witch hos are just rubbing period blood on their face because a magazine article told them it was empowering. They're victims of modernity.

>> No.19794202

How do I get a witch gf?

>> No.19794216

Eh, not every "tradcath" is new to the religion.

>> No.19794260

The City in the Autumn Stars.

>> No.19794270


Women are weaker than men so some of them are bound to get the shit beaten out of them if they're too ugly for sexytime

>> No.19794274


>> No.19794290

>just like Jesus would do
lol even jesus doesnt want to fuck incels.

>> No.19794301

>most occultists are opposed to Christianity because of it's sexual morality.
Majority of occultists are christians, you only see the weird ones.

>> No.19794336

Because youd be dead if you had one.

>> No.19794362

God wouldnt fuck people cause that would be gross.
Any tradcath who isnt already volcel is not going to make it.

>> No.19794365

I wish that I had been born as a girl so that I could have irl occult friends
>tfw worthless male occult dilettante

>> No.19794373

You can have irl occult friends. Just get into an art or music scene. London has a lot kids running around larping as occultists.

>> No.19794525

Jelqing, but there will be side effects

>> No.19794798

my cousin who I see twice a year told me he started jelqing for some reason so I read around and found a number of poor fuckers who deactivated their dicks from it. scared me the shit out of me

>> No.19795060

What occult practices do you advise doing to achieve similar ends?

>> No.19795136

I followed the coursework presented in Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation by Lyam Thomas Christopher, its not the best way of going about things, but I can definitely attest that if you just follow it and do the work it prescribes it will 100% work for you. Some of it I don't really agree with, but every time I try to go off the course-work (something feels more effective, I think I understand the philosophy behind something and think I can do it better, etc.) I end up just going back to it eventually after learning more and realizing why they do it that way. But eventually you'll get advanced enough to realize what you actually want to do and you'll know where to go from there

>> No.19795145
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the witch reveals herself gather your torches

>> No.19795223

Kenneth Grant

>> No.19795479

pretty sure that's part of the whole larp. might as well ask why some christians speak in tongues and weep at church or muslims blow themselves up.

do you guys completely lack self awareness? the tradcaths are just following tradition but the pagans are making up new things? how fucking stupid are you? you do realize that a huge portion of catholicism is just stolen pagan traditions, right?

why do I even come here anymore

>> No.19795497

Occult = secret, hidden dummy

>> No.19795557

From my own experience and after 5 or so years of study
The maligned or misguided practices in Alchemy, Astrology, and Thaumaturgy are but three legs to the same tripod, one supporting the other two while all three pretty much support conclusions Christianity (in the general 'Mere Christianity sense and then some) had long since come to. The Western Esoteric tradition, as in the ideas of 1st generation Hermeticism (and it's namesake the Corpus Hermeticum) as well as the European/Arabic Natural Philosophies, are effectively a parallel stream.
Most people would be better served by just ignoring anything Hermeticism could posit and untangling where exactly they fit in with the web of different denominations, but anyone who does attempt it is served by faith in Christ.
For actual descriptions; Astrology is the use of the planets and their varying symbiologies as an esoteric dictionary. Wonder why Alchemy has 7 metals connected to the 7 planets (Saturn onto the Sun)? It's because Astrology is a sighting tool for the practical work in Alchemy, which in turn is a physical-into-spiritual work that leads into Thaumaturgy, the layer of metaphysical work.
Anything written outside of the timeframe of either Late Antiquity or the Renaissance has a 95% chance of being simple fabrication
If you do it right/learn how to read the 'museum' of symbols and 'snap' into the current yourself then minor things click into place for you. You have more fortunate encounters, physical or mental training is smoother and easier in progression, resisting temptation and engaging in discipline is simpler, things like that.
Much of it cannot be explained, only experienced, but anyone who says they know everything about the occult is lying

>> No.19795651

Schizo tranny fag.

>> No.19795691


>> No.19795697

i want to fuck chaotic witch aunt

>> No.19795701
File: 159 KB, 730x1095, 1621916357559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occultism isn't about unlocking inner knowledge or practicing magick, but rather it is about aquiring goth Wiccan pussy.

>> No.19795709
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She hates incels tho

>> No.19795893
File: 37 KB, 720x602, -5014897720430799249_120_20210909073831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after many years of dicking around and wasting time and being subtly oppressed by demons i have learned that Christianity is the one Truth and that Christ is King. accept Him into your hearts anons

>> No.19796070
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>> No.19796082


Looks like Elon Musk in a wig

>> No.19796089

Flat as a fucking surfboard lfmao

>> No.19796177
File: 21 KB, 310x163, my granny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, an ancient occult practice called inheritance. According to Seigneur de La Reynie it can be expedited by the judicious use of certain magical powders.

>> No.19796183

I learnt that lead has some interesting properties.

>> No.19796222
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Is that... sulphur I smell?

>> No.19796228

>look her up
>she is now a they/them short haired trender
Extremely cursed

>> No.19796329



>> No.19796340

>/lit/ will make fun of this and then go on to read Spengler, Evola, Jung, Bataille, Guenon etc

>> No.19796346

they need to start walking or doing squats. ew

>> No.19796347

And Bible won the /lit/ poll last year, kek

>> No.19796703
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>> No.19796744

why would I want that when I could just find a normal girl who won't constantly be on the edge of blowing up our entire relationship for literally no reason

>> No.19796761

But just imagine the smell

>> No.19796877

You talk like you’re still a virgin. Did you know that?

>> No.19796901 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that catholics always choose to assume virginity, especially when it comes to their brides. [spoilerCuck][/spoiler]

>> No.19796908

I've noticed that catholics always choose to assume virginity, especially when it comes to their brides. Cuck

>> No.19796912


>> No.19796934
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>> No.19797750

Ok I'll take a look at that, thanks.

>> No.19798104

i could fix her

>> No.19798300

Traditionalism was basically the hipster version of this stuff

>> No.19799021
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i was about to make this thread. nice

>> No.19799047


>> No.19799082

Are you guys looking for OCCULT knowledge? Here's a hidden SECRET locked away for AEONS.

Jews and New Age and Aleister Crowley wannabe fags are going to burn in hell for their pride and arrogance.

>> No.19799113

ape and satyr's anal sex diary from their time in the OTO

>> No.19799151


>> No.19799164

If what you say is true, you've been cucked by every woman you've slept with. What are you even trying to prove?

>> No.19799494

Is keeping the books upside down occult nonsense or just regular nonsense?

>> No.19799575
File: 124 KB, 750x1084, D424D640-1DE3-4406-941D-D039753D82FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly evil males ITT
Like scared little children.

>> No.19799578

Murder novels, PUA literature, self help books

>> No.19799580
File: 116 KB, 608x900, 8E620FDB-65F5-4CEB-8470-B3CDCE8C969C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Ambrose” is just wetiko

>> No.19800007

Thx will give it a look

>> No.19800093

Anyways tell me more about it, I always like hearing from my eastern brothers

>> No.19800181
File: 74 KB, 874x1024, 1633743784666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right whatever you say bro. Then you accidentally knock her up and she insists on keeping it anyway and you have just gg'd your whole life. No thanks playa.

>> No.19800194

I was planning on reading this soon. Good rec.

>> No.19800441

If they want to dress up and play with leaves, they can just say they want to dress up and play with leaves.
No man is going to criticize big goth titties.
They can leave that fake witch shit at home so they have more time for sex and hopefully lots and lots of babies. We need more pale genes. It's for the good of our sons.

>> No.19800546

i've looked into this witchtok thing, it's just another shade of fag culture. pronouns and ludicrous requests, drugs and various made up illnesses.

>> No.19800791

So is everyone else. Including you. Truly insightful stuff.