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19793889 No.19793889 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about being a loser?

>> No.19793894

people say no longer human but lets be honest, that guy is a chad

kobo abe's the box man

>> No.19793897

A Season on Earth by Gerald Murnane

Read the first chapter and you will immediately see why I suggest it.

>> No.19793900


>> No.19793914

Diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.19793916


>> No.19793922


>> No.19793925

buddhist literature

>> No.19793934

I read these books. What do they have to do with being a loser exactly ?

>> No.19793944

Post an excerpt please desu senpai

>> No.19793955

You can read the first dozen or so pages on Amazon

>> No.19793960

It is not the book but the reader

>> No.19793963

nobody would really lie around next to their piss bottles right...

>> No.19793965

The history of France

>> No.19793971


>> No.19793974

Paradise Lost

>> No.19793992

my diary desu

>> No.19793997

I got to the second sentence, starting with:
>His friends....
and then stopped reading

>> No.19794027

>"loser" protagonist
>has a job
>has his own place to live
>has friends
>has sex

>> No.19794033

serious question. why do you think those things disqualify you from being a loser?

>> No.19794041

SHUT the fuck up sex haver and give me some books where the protagonist is a REAL fucking loser

>> No.19794042

The opening is the product of the protagonists imagination, those aren't actual friends

>> No.19794064

Book of Disquiet

>> No.19794079

loser is all about perception, not about arbitrary list

you can have all of that and consider yourself a loser

you can have none of that (monk) and consider yourself a winner

>> No.19794086

what if you had a shitty wagie job, lived in a shitty apartment, had lame friends who inspired nothing in you and a fat pig of a girlfriend? would you not be a loser then?

>> No.19794093

Being a loser is passive. Aside from writing a Jack Sue type of story where external events are thrust upon the protag, how would it be remotely enjoyable reading about someone who does nothing, whines, and self pities the entire time?

Even catcher in the rye has a more active protagonist than "real losers"

>> No.19794653

So you want Murukami then.

>> No.19794769

Interesting point, mind to elaborate?

>> No.19794795


>> No.19795269

It's me, Eddie

>> No.19795891

My Friends (Bove)

>> No.19795897

Reminds me of the “”loser”” from Norwegian Wood who fucks every woman he meets.

>> No.19795901

any book by Houellekek

>> No.19795911


Real losers are unworthy of any attention from society. You're too much of a loser to even be bullied, people just ignore you. Normies have an illusion world of personal relations and communal ideas, and you are not in that space because they do not think you register as fully human. Your destiny is to die, early and unloved, unmourned, unremembered. Even your parents will secretly rejoice. And that's just the nature of sexual selection and genetic differentiation bud. They all secretly want you dead

>> No.19795923

Look at how angry you are on a Saturday, Mr. Winner.

>> No.19795924

have sex

>> No.19795966

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.19795971

Notes from the Underground (Dostoyevsky)

>> No.19795987

Read Henry Miller for turnaroundcore

>> No.19796057

Robert Walser - The Walk and Helbling's Story
Hermann Ungar - The Maimed

>> No.19796079


the only good answer in this thread

>> No.19796096
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Any books about losers who are fundamentally broken and end up giving in to their schizo tendencies, so that they don't care anymore about being losers, focus entirely on spiritual pursuits and slowly drift into madness as the average person becomes completely unrelatable to them in every way and they need to constantly wear a mask in order to even function during smalltalk interactions?

>> No.19796108

>Is the only person to make the girl who kills herself wet
> Has sex with the lesbian
Fuck Murakami and his self inserts

>> No.19796445

Was he ever even said to be a loser? The story is from his perspective so there isn't really much room for other opinions, but he seemed like he lived an average life, and was thought of as an average guy by others.at worst

>> No.19796455

Grendel - John Gardner

>> No.19796470

Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.19796478

pleasant hell

>> No.19796487

Factotum by Charles Bukowski

>> No.19796617

What you probably mean is books dealing with others viewing you as a loser which is the actual problem. I'm coping with this, its hard to not care what others think 9f you desu.

>> No.19796648

This. This book made me feel called out, and convinced me to finally get my shit together..

>> No.19796970

Too Loud A Solitude

>> No.19796986

>thinking that gambling, banging prostitutes, and being a penniless bum makes you a chad

>> No.19797028

The phenomenology of spirit takes this concept to its logical conclusion.

>> No.19797092
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>> No.19797096

Less than zero

>> No.19797376


>> No.19797415
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How Late It Was, How Late (Kelman)

>> No.19797592

Mishima's Golden Pavilion

>> No.19797798


>> No.19797873
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This one. Quijote is the personification of delusional heroicism, Ahab is the maximum exponent of wasteful vengeance in Moby Dick, and Ignatius J. Reilly is the supreme lord of useless wisemen.

A triumvirate of loosers.

>> No.19798458


>> No.19798464

Book of Ruth from the Bible

>> No.19798470

I see you, based Sult reader

>> No.19798640
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>> No.19798884

Why are you so mean?

>> No.19798921
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64 posts. No Eliot Rodgers.

Here ya go OP.

>> No.19798945

came here to post this

>> No.19798946


>> No.19799038

wow take it easy

>> No.19799542

Oblomov is a chad fuck you

>> No.19799550

Suttree foregoes an easy and comfortable life in order to live exactly how he wants to. He's not a loser. If you think he's a loser, you fucked up reading the book

>> No.19799552
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>> No.19799627

No longer human

>> No.19799632


>> No.19799948

refuted by mass shootings

>> No.19799955

how the fuck has no one said Notes From Underground yet? or Crime and Punishment even.

>> No.19800100

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.19800244

The Sorrows of Young Werther, both the protag and the author are major fucking losers and I wish Goethe commited suicide before ever writing anything.

>> No.19800266

Yeah, and?

>> No.19800279

He, only half lit, facelessly pondered its existence.
So much had hindered on his success, but here he was, back again, on the doorstep of an internet madhouse — did he, could he, have anyone else to blame but himself? For these despicable sins commited against himself, inflicted by himself?
There was blame to be had, but not to be placed. There was things to do, but not to be done. How moving, the skyline, he thought. From here, you can only watch the world.

>> No.19800295

>Crime and Punishment
Is handsome and has a cute girl waiting for his return. He us not a loser.

>> No.19800300

Joyce's A Little Cloud

>> No.19800304

r9k threads

>> No.19800328

This. 4chan the man.

>> No.19800704


>> No.19800735

>Oblomov has a Chad friend that gets him laid and savages his ruined land
>even then he manages to fuck up with former

>> No.19800755

Book of disquiet

>> No.19802545


Al Qur'an

>> No.19803167

thats my diary desu

>> No.19803188

In Search Of Lost Time

>> No.19803527


>> No.19803566

Goethe buying the wedding rings for his oneitis and her husband is one of my favourite literary tragedies

>> No.19803586

chad of a person but his books were like listening to a drunk old man exaggerating how good his youth was and how he fucked many beautiful women.