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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 210 KB, 736x1104, D983ECE8-C52A-4198-ABDE-512A3794B80B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19786620 No.19786620 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM: Edward Snowden Remembrance Day

Old >>19781317

Music https://youtu.be/RpKOawpMtsk
Sounds https://youtu.be/ipf7ifVSeDU

>> No.19786624

stop reusing images

>> No.19786629
File: 115 KB, 800x828, 1613529323610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to poop for long periods of time but it gave me hemorrhoids so now I do it quickly. I'm being denied even the simplest of pleasures.

>> No.19786631

Third for Western Culture

>> No.19786632

Still trying to get over ex of 4 years cheating on me at work christmas party. Poor results as shown by me posting about it
Not sure if I want to read Demons to finish off my Dosto log or move to another author for a bit

>> No.19786651
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>> No.19786695

Eh, better than when we had the dbzfag

>> No.19786706

is rape ok?

>> No.19786715

There's a bunch of conspiracy theories that it's bad for your health, but the FDA lists it as safe for consumption.

>> No.19786721

Can anyone here recommend me interesting Journals or Diary? I've read Boswell. These threads inspire me to return to them.

>> No.19786723

No. Rough sex and even consenting bdsm is though

>> No.19786730

God I need to get a real job soon so I can make this girl my wife.

>> No.19786777

I have a serious problem with womens, i think i just lived too much with my bpd mother. Right now im at the bus, a girl on my side appears to be interested on me, and i cant say a fucking word.

>> No.19786791

This is always the dumbest atheist cope. No Christian claims to prove Christianity by proof of God because the primary tenant of Christianity is faith. There might be a handful of exceptions like William Lane Craig's argument from miracles, but that's independent of proofs from God. What proofs for God are intended to do is demonstrate that there is a God and that atheism is wrong. It doesnt sseek to prove any particular God.

>> No.19786798
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I love bondage so much bros but I feel like it stands in the way of a healthy relationship. I wish I could just get off on boobies like normal people

>> No.19786805

at least they did the bare minimum and had a new image every time

>> No.19786813

I stopped posting here for a while because of all that drama. Happy to see butterfly isnt in here sperging anymore

>> No.19786814

Try milan kundera

>> No.19786823

Good anon. Go ahead.

>> No.19786868

Women are instinctively cruel and judgemental. They expect you to be completely confident and self-assured when you're with them, and the moment you act nervous or admit it they will lose all interest in you straight away. It's kind of amazing. They seem so beautiful and kind and gentle but in reality they treat you like you're a candidate applying for a job, scrutinising your every move. They will not hesitate to ghost you without mercy or explanation if you do not meet their standards. It's like they have no pity whatsoever.

>> No.19786880

Women are equal and they deserve respect............just kidding, they should suck my dick

>> No.19786885
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I LITERALLY have autism and I think it directly affects my learning ability. In particular, it makes it difficult for me to learn new languages. Languages are my worst subject, even worse than math and science. I'm actually pretty good at math when I apply myself, but languages just get me in trouble. It's a shame, because I really do want to learn more languages. I'd love to learn German, Spanish, and Latin.

>> No.19786892

At least one of them should. But don’t forget to eat her out too.

>> No.19786934

As long as you both have the ability to keep it in the bedroom it's not a problem imo. Some of the happiest, most long-lasting couples I know are deep into bdsm.

>> No.19786939

Will do. Any specific work you'd recommend first?
Languages are hard for everyone anon. My advice is focus on only one language and practice vocab and grammar each day

>> No.19786946

>But don’t forget to eat her out too.
That's gross. Anyone who eats pussy is a homosexual. It's submissive and signals that you're a basedboy.

>> No.19786971

You guys have such a pathetic, stunted view of sex

>> No.19786973

Nothing wrong with giving, especially if you finished in your partners mouth.
Most ant-eaters seem like virgins or people without long-lasting relationships

>> No.19786975

Rape is probably one of the worst things a person can do to another person. I consider it to be more evil than murder.

>> No.19786985

Then may your dick remain unloved for the lengths of your days.

>> No.19786994

Just need to find a kinky gf now

>> No.19786996

kek, foreplay is 90% of sex virgin

>> No.19787000

Not you and I. But I guess we meet twice

>> No.19787005

It's easier than you might think

>> No.19787011

The context of the discussion is Jay Dyer. He claims he can prove not only that some generic God exists, but that the Trinitarian God of Eastern Orthodox Christianity exists. This is a bold claim, and he fails to do it.

>> No.19787013

Give advice plz. I'm so horny I'm going to explode

>> No.19787021

Well he's a really shitty orthodox christian then. The orthodox tradition has long upheld faith as prior to reason. They would be sickened to see a westerner engage in such thinking in the name of the orthodox church.

>> No.19787029

Yeah it's absurd. He claims to have proven this with mathematical certainty too. An a-priori argument that cannot be doubted. The guy is a tool.

>> No.19787042

This is completely fair. It's basic sexual selection. I think human females have the most stringent sexual selection of all primates, and far above most animals in general. Can't forget it's also hardwired into them that rape and unwanted pregnancy used to be incredibly commonplace, and highly dangerous and even deadly, so it's no wonder they filter out males left and right.

>> No.19787061

I dunno man just hit the dating apps and look for a girl who seems like a weird freak. Worked for me, anyway

>> No.19787091

When did /lit get filled with so much faggots and women, you can smell the out through their posts so easily?

>> No.19787095

When someone asks you a question, and you don't know the answer right away: do you try to figure out the answer with your thoughts or do you keep a still mind and just wait for the answer to pop up?

>> No.19787131

i dont know, i dont have autism

>> No.19787137

Reading is a feminine hobby

>> No.19787145

We used to have a lot of women. It was nice. Homosexuals are always comfortable here and most other boards. If you’re feeling a little out of place, maybe now is the time to sneak out the way you came. Otherwise, sit and be quiet.

>> No.19787146

>They expect you to be completely confident and self-assured when you're with them, and the moment you act nervous or admit it they will lose all interest in you straight away.

I have never in my life experienced this, if anything being nervous around them at the start of things is incredibly flattering.

>> No.19787238

how tf do people get concerned about work email etiquette. it doesn't matter. nobody reads their email. the ceo isn't going to promote you based on your good etiquette. your supervisor isn't going to mention you come off too "aggressive" in your emails.

when will people realize the world is world is barely being held together by people who go home at 10am because theyre hungover and do the bare minimum

i just saw an commercial for an app that helps white people (come on, lets admit it) be less aggressive in their emails.

>> No.19787249

oops didnt mean to reply to anyone

>> No.19787296

>helps white people (come on, lets admit it)
What the fuck? Keep your Twitter etiquette on Twitter wagecuck faggot

>> No.19787316

Who else would be so concerned about email etiquette?

>> No.19787343

This. My Latino co-worker throws in links to Led Zeppelin videos, random song lyrics, and just goes off on tangents and it's hilarious. I work with an older black woman and she spells everything wrong and constantly throws in superfluous information.

>> No.19787350

lol look how mad he got

>> No.19787533

R. Mutt Shyamalan
thats all i got for today

>> No.19787562
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that feel when listening to cocteau twins and deliberately mishearing lyrics, writing them down, and creating new poems


>> No.19787601

harold budd is one of my favorite pianists

>> No.19787628

>been babysitting my nephew on and off for years
>he's really bad at reading
>basically can't read any word with 4+ syllables
>he's pretty good at math so he's not retarded
>realize he's 12 and I haven't noticed his reading improve at all in like 2-3 years
>when i was 12 I was reading the hobbit
>this lil nigga struggles to read a 6 paragraph social studies article
Does this just happen to kids if you never read to them? He does well in school, but my god damned brother has never read a book in his life, and doesn't read at all.

>> No.19787633

fuck it, I feel like drinking some red wine tomorrow

>> No.19787675

I used to fall asleep to this album all the time. It sounds so ethereal and other worldly, like you're exploring an empty alien planet.

>> No.19787704

Obviously if a kid never reads his reading will never improov

>> No.19787710

How much time does he spend online each day?

>> No.19787718

buy him comic books and manga, that will get em reading something at least

>> No.19787728

I think sex/sexual stuff is fucked up I don't understand the appeal

>> No.19787741

Sex with a loving partner can be a euphoric spiritual moment where you feel your consciousness meld with another's
However, casual sex (that is becoming increasingly common) has the opposite affect of making you isolated from true connection with others

>> No.19787761


>> No.19787855

lol i used to sleep to it too. so much that i had to stop because i got bored of it.

>> No.19787876

Apparently Victor Hugo was a massive Chad

>At one point, Adele and two kept mistresses were all living within 200 yards of each other. As he grew older, Hugo hired prostitutes, groped the servants, fondled society grandes dames, enjoyed casual sex with the daughters of old friends (e.g., Judith Gautier), slept with his own son's girlfriend, and may even have impregnated the actress Sarah Bernhardt. During the siege of Paris, Hugo -- a year short of 70 -- had 40 partners in five months, averaging almost one sexual encounter a day. By then he was so famous that groupies would wait outside his doorway at night, pleading with him for a baby. Still later, his stepson-in-law used to catch the octogenarian creeping downstairs in his slippers and vest: "Where are you off to, you disgusting old man? Leave the cook alone!"

>> No.19787911

there is a religion in Vietnam that worships him as a saint lol

>> No.19787933

I wish /wg/ wasn't so intermittent and that there was always a thread up. I lurk it to read stories anons post because I want to improve my writing, and the first step is to that is analyzing the works of people who can actually write well.

>> No.19787944

Actually less than most kids. He's outside a lot, and likes to play with my cats. He's not some ADHD tech junkie by any means.
Any recommendations?

>> No.19787967
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Anyone that goes to a university willing to share their email so I can get into scientific papers?
>t. community college pleb

>> No.19787968

Can someone explain Francophobia to me? I just have this general disgust of French people and culture. They're just gross, rude, gay, pedophiles, and they all just seem like lying rats to me.

>> No.19787974

Its natural, they are another species and i am glad that the French are going extinct.

>> No.19787992

Listening to the sourceless music once found in wsg feels thread.
Market is dying.
So are the rest of those miserable bits of investments I still had.
Yep, those two years working a soul-crushing job sure did pay well, shame I lost most of it half a year ago being an idiot. And It is also a shame I didn't take that comfy position they were offering me, just to keep me around.
See that guy sitting there, smug as shit? He still has a good job for his age, makes more than his parents ever did in their life, a bunch of his friends are still around.
That guy doesn't know shit about any aspect of "real" life, yet he thinks himself to be tough shit.
Don't you just want to punch him in his teeth?
"A genius"
Head above the crowd... and shit.
"Making it." — Oh yeah, one day for sure, one day for sure...

Life's in shit...
As it always has been, for everyone.
"Yeah, but you see it's my particular life that is shit."
"And who the fuck are you and why should I care?" — said God.

"Entering a bear market!" — love these guys...

Looking at the chart there's something mesmerizing.
Behind every tick, every indistinguishable movement, every open contract, every liquidated position, there is a person there. Crushed by realization of debt they will never recover from, red is a color of blood, you see. And some jumping around in exaltations of sheer joy about a newfound wealth — nouveau riche.
I could never see myself like that.
Even in my most indulgent fantasies I could never imagine buying an expensive car, or a giant mansion. I'd probably still use public transport, maybe I would upgrade to driving uber everywhere. Maybe I'd buy a place with a nice view from the window, one where you open a window and hear an ambiance of a city... it's not too intrusive, no, it just floats there, on your window sill, blowing fresh air in your face.

Sure, I did have my good days, — seeing the green numbers, big numbers, updated each second, each second getting bigger — suddenly, you feel a confidence boost, and you should, those numbers, they really do represent your time, money really is time — time solidified.

A lot of time can be spent... just getting things going.
And your experiences depend on time just as much.
Ya wouldn't want go live out your dreams when you finally make it, year 55 of your life... would ya?
Yep, that's what I thought as well.

I'll take as many gambles in my youth as I can. Gamble my way into the higher echelons of life.
Luck, luck, clusterfuck.
It's all luck after all.
Some skill, sure, but mostly, just a result of contingent chain of event, all leading into one point in time, like lines on a graph that eventually converge — kiss and goodbye.

Shit's getting to long, ay? I wanted to commiserate a bit, but then found that there is no one I could write to, so you'll have to soak up my soppy stream of consciousness this time.

It's a faken Friday muuuhh duuuuudes, enjooooy the shiiit anonymooooss!

>> No.19787998

Actually, I don't think I've ever met a French person that didn't leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. Duplicitous cunts. They all have this air about them like they're at the same time openly contemptuous of what they have to put up with, but also being gigantic pussies. I like Flaubert (even though he was a pervert nihilist), but I won't even read a book if its author is French.

>> No.19788002

The answer is to stop asking questions

>> No.19788029

>I've ever met a French person that didn't leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.
You shouldn't suck so much cock then

>> No.19788149

I can't stand fat gluttonous cunts. They are no better than pigs.

>> No.19788281

Can anyone help me find Preeti Sagar singing Ten Little Nigger Boys? It's the only way I can fall asleep

Here's some nice Preeti while we wait

What is even the point of a fat woman. It's like a bird that can't fly or a bat without sonar. Their main function is gone.

>> No.19788293

Is there anything that sounds worse than the thumping bass of your neighbor's shitty hip hop coming through his speakers next door? Now I know why South Americans always complain about people doing this

>> No.19788294

I know a real skinny guy who dates and obese woman

>> No.19788314

Flightless birds are better than other birds.

>> No.19788397
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I miss him so much bros...

>> No.19788405

Jack Sprat?

>> No.19788446

No, someone else

>> No.19788454

Forget about this thread. Say what's on your mind.

>> No.19788477


>> No.19788497
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I got a brunch date with a gal tomorrow. She's pretty cute. I'm a little worried because she hasn't been exposed to my massive autism yet as we only met a few days ago, but I think it will go well. She's very smart. We are all gonna make it, frens.

>> No.19788503

Had a dream where I had to fixed a clogged toilet from overflowing. What do you suppose that means?

>> No.19788515

Good luck the date fren. You can make it.

>> No.19788529

It means you wish to replace your father

>> No.19788530 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1423990825156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your latest interest/hobby/phase?

>> No.19788537

I've taken up running in the past six months. It feels good to come home from a run and get stuck into a book.

>> No.19788538

What is your latest interest/hobby/phase?

>> No.19788548

Thanks fren. You will make it.
I've been thinking of getting back into running. I haven't ran seriously in years, but last May I impulsively joined some friends for a Ragnar and ran almost ten miles. My legs were destroyed for the next few days, but I had so much fun.

>> No.19788579

My last 3 dreams have all been about marrying. One a girl that had the hots for me in a class I took last semester, the next about my high-school homeroom teacher and last night's was about an Imam's daughter from my childhood.

>> No.19788582
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I'm wheelspinning on a science fiction project because I don't know where to start. It should be simple - some lore for a table top - but every time I sit down to get it out of my head and in writing I just stare at the screen like a retard.

>> No.19788601

Often when I can't write I simply talk to myself out loud about the idea and record that audio.

>> No.19788619
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I had a nightmare recently, where I had died in a car accident, and my family (that is to say, siblings, nephews and nieces, as I remain unmarried) tore each other's relationships apart trying to claim each other's inheritance, and then even, squandering the money on frivolous and superfluous things, to the point of hedonistic self-destruction. This is not how I intend on passing on at all, and in response I have decided to design a system to address this -- right now I am looking for feedback.

I am not asking if whether or not this is even possible (my estate planning attorney will see what we can actually do), but what I am asking is if this is a good idea:

In the event of my passing all of my wealth would go to an irrevocable conditional trust account that lists all applicable family members together as trustees, that is to say, they have equal and free access to the funds and assets, PROVIDED certain withdrawal conditions are met. OTHERWISE if at any point these conditions are broken, EVERYONE in the trust account is removed as trustees and the entire account is permanently given to an unknown, undisclosed, and unrelated 3rd party beneficiary (to them). So either they all play along, or nobody gets any of it.

What exactly these conditions are is simple:

>Any attempt to inquire further, change, modify, or remove these terms.
>Any attempt to withdraw or move money towards any expense not pre-approved, with even the attempt alone enough to trigger stripping everyone of this account's privilege and moving everything away to said unrelated beneficiary (basically just a charity organization they were never fond of).
>The full list of approved/disapproved expenses kept hidden and private only to be checked upon a withdrawal or money movement scenario.

Spoiler alert: There is actually no approved/disapproved list and they can realistically use it for anything they want..

My intention is that it will be the threat of losing it all that will keep them together, and that the funds will be used only as an emergency or last resort, rather than blowing it all on vacations. Because I realize actually writing an extensive approval/disapproval list would be impractical, and if I say, disapprove of using the funds for airfare, there may be a situation where someone needs to fly to different country to see a specialised doctor or something, cancer treatment being something I'd obviously approve.

But at least the idea that if they even try to use the money on something I'd have theoretically disapproved beforehand like shopping sprees, should be enough to stop them from going on shopping sprees with it. What do you think, would this system work?

If you were one of my beneficiaries, how would you try to break the spirit of this system on bad faith? (as I actually do intend to keep people I may not have personally liked in as trustees since they are important blood relatives)

>> No.19788643

I have spent too much time on /his/. Somehow thought the thumbnail was a map of the mediterranean.

>> No.19788696

My philosophy courses have a lot of Armenians in them for some reason.

>> No.19788700

scihub retard

>> No.19788722
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Weird that you say "Ed Snowden Rememberance Day". I got really high about three nights ago and started reading pages on pages of wiki articles about Snowden and all the shit he dug up during his time at Dell and Hamilton. Left such a mark on me that I went out and bought his memoir today. This sparks an interesting debate about the 4th amendment and it's relevancy in the modern world; what's more important, the security of the American public or the privacy of the American public? I'm afraid I don't have the answer.

>> No.19788723

>writing well
kek newfag

>> No.19788759
File: 60 KB, 753x184, apu band.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No autotune, no fireworks, no acrobatics, no twerking, no foul language - just a wonderful song, a pure and clear voice with beauty that comes from within.

>> No.19788760

I just messaged a girl because she highly reminds me of a girl who I used to be deeply in love with. Not sure if this is a good idea. I tried to resist but I couldn't.

>> No.19788836

According to Freud, you want your ass hole pounded. Dm me

>> No.19788840

Based Northridge bro

>> No.19788909

I ate too much, now my stomach hurts :(

>> No.19788930

>Forget about this thread. Say what's on your mind.
We must learn to live without being detritovores again.

And the inevitable sequel…
Stop doing it, anon.

>> No.19789033

I remember seeing this. I played a similar one. Mc had a leather jacket look

>> No.19789040
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Guys I fucked up. My wife went on a "sex strike" a few weeks ago because I refused to get the vaccine. Her father is already in pretty bad health, and she's worried about him with this new variant going around. I decided to stand my ground and wait it out. But I became increasingly distracted by pent-up urges. I didn't know what to do so I turned here for help. Some anons told me to just straight up rape her. They said she was testing me to see how much of a man I was and she would enjoy it. It kind of made sense. In the book, Gone With the Wind, the protagonist gets raped by her husband and that helps her realize how much she loves him. I thought it would be fun and we could laugh about it afterwards.

Well let me tell you that was not the case. She immediately left to stay with her sister. She wouldn't respond to my calls/texts for almost a week. Then today, she said she'd be back tomorrow to get the rest of her things and asked that I not be there. I don't know what to do bros. I already got the first vaccine shot, but I don't think that will be enough. We don't have kids, thank God, but I don't want to lose her.

>> No.19789063
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I need to stop having a defeatist mindset especially when it comes to dating. It's just hard to do when you never really tasted success. The crippling social anxiety, depression and years of isolation certainly doesn't help.

But I'll try harder this year. Maybe it's gonna hurt like hell or maybe I will connect with someone for real this time. It's worth a try.

>> No.19789064

So I got covid despite being vaccinated twice, what do now?

>> No.19789078

You now have plenty of immunity to it. Carry on.

>> No.19789187

I'm shocked that anyone takes advice from here seriously. Good riddance anyway. Sex strike is a red flag

>> No.19789195

You realize you're giant retarded faggot moron sheep who would let the government literally ass fuck you. Then you feel had about yourself and hopefully develop a resolve against peoppe violating you

>> No.19789225

Sex strike is a classic play

>the government
Big pharma directs them all. EU, Australia

>> No.19789236

painter anon here
post a modernist painting and ill paint my analog
otherwise i am exhausted by my current paintings
so far this year have been painting modigliani ripoffs but i need something to wake me up

>> No.19789258
File: 795 KB, 1080x1171, 46B83847-5102-410D-8FD0-140387F7A2F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s this?

>> No.19789270
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>> No.19789305
File: 250 KB, 1024x706, 1642821983947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, sweet postmodernist meat, a bit dry tho

>> No.19789308
File: 240 KB, 1024x696, 1642822291294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ones better

>> No.19789325


>its a poltard doesnt know the difference between modernism and post modernism episode

>> No.19789327

I cock my ass with a dildo shit bich bastard

>> No.19789328

painter anon here, so far going with this as model, any other inputs?

>> No.19789330

You said this exact same thing last week which means its now fake. You said she was coming to get the stuff last friday.

>> No.19789335

it doesn't matter what you call it, stuff these bones in your throat and shut the fuck up

>> No.19789339
File: 200 KB, 920x1080, 757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this modernist?

>> No.19789349

fricks sake just google it

>> No.19789351
File: 462 KB, 512x512, F810FB76-3CF7-4B51-BEA0-C03384A3AC21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I donno.

>> No.19789354

idk how to attach an image to a question on google

>> No.19789370

I personally think videogames are much better than books

>> No.19789374

just delete your post

>> No.19789377
File: 54 KB, 503x604, 385EA9E8-861B-46D7-91D1-225C66E20F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agostino Arrivabene. I don’t know the name of art genres. Fantastic Realism or Surealism. He’s like Odd Nerdrum or Beksinski

>> No.19789381
File: 2.09 MB, 498x379, stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk. all i want to do is smoke weed right now. i thought i was doign well the the past 2 months but iveb been getting bad cravings this week. this is no way to live.
i can try my best to run away but my afflictions will always get the best of me.

>> No.19789392
File: 5 KB, 257x196, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got lods of emone

>> No.19789397

So what's the best support you can give to an someone with acute anxiety? A friend of mine has ended up suffering from an eating disorder because of this, but i really don't know how to help him out. Most of the time when i try to talk someone like that and offer assistance i find ourselves getting locked in a hopeless situation where no hypothetical scenario works and no solace can be found in any scenario, which isn't necessarily the case in reality and with a bit of hindsight it turns to be erratic, but in the spur of the moment i feel that sense of powerless and it's really tragic, you try to help and end up making things worse.
So what can I do?

>> No.19789401

damn im gonna tell you some real shit, but you might learn to get away from them. anyone with a serious condition is not going to respond to your efforts, no matter how earnest, and in fact "proving you wrong" is a part of their pathology. ive never been able to save anyone, and neither has anybody else.

>> No.19789405

i went outta my way and bought this fancy ass expensive bird food and all these little retards are rejecting it in favor of the cheap stuff

>> No.19789410
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>yoko ono is clearly a bpd bitch
>goodbye sadness is an amazing song

>> No.19789428


>> No.19789490

It you and your folks, Blake
Me and my folks, Blake
When curruptions first begun
Hat you and your folks!

>> No.19789499

seems like that ^_^ mf officially disappeared.
i wonder what happened

>> No.19789503

btw painteranon here. still building influence

>> No.19789545
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>> No.19789554

should i try to sleep or spend the rest of the day half-asleep?

>> No.19789572

enjoy the ADE ride

the majority in hospitals are the vaccinated
media isn't separating number of doses of each group in hospitals because it would be obvious even 1 shot is worse than none

>> No.19789574

>Guys I fucked up. My wife went on a "sex strike" a few weeks ago because I refused to get the vaccine
if she took the vaccine she wont have healthy children, if any, there is no point to your marriage

not reading the rest but that's my advice, torture her psychologically until she regrets taking the vaccine


>> No.19789577

>I don't know what to do bros
rape her again, but this time actually mean it, put her on the ground and force your dick inside her pupu

ive seen some gifs of women being raped in a socially acceptable context (girl was twerking on guy's dick while everyone was watching), they resist at first but then they accept their place in life

>> No.19789585

that's painful man

>> No.19789592
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You shouldn't rape people. It's wrong.

>> No.19789595
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Do any /lit/ posters study Japanese?

>> No.19789603

We’re just animals, not much more than the wild beasts. This is gonna be my new world view moving forward

>> No.19789605

I'm half-assedly studying Chinese, the computer tells me I've learned precisely 950 characters. If I memorize another 30,000 I'll be able to read a YA novel in the language.

>> No.19789613

>If I memorize another 30,000 I'll be able to read a YA novel in the language

I thought 2000 was all you needed to read most stuff.

>> No.19789617

>You shouldn't rape people. It's wrong.
it's not rape if they like it

useless weaboo language for social dejects who have to create an artificial personality around that

>> No.19789637

any books about hiding your power level

>> No.19789639

Any civilized person?

>> No.19789677
File: 32 KB, 657x527, apu looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to feed you
my insides

claw out my heart

hear my intestines whine

soon ill be a part of you
wherever you go so will i
and whatever you do will be my doing

i will be your deepest secret
nobody will know

>> No.19789693

why doesn't she come back if you've taken the jab

>> No.19789699

the cuervo gold
the fine colombian
make tonight a wonderful thing
say it again

the cuervo gold
the fine colombian
make tonight a wonderful thing
say it again

>> No.19789711

that's revolting

>> No.19789739

Just talk about philosophy, ancient classics, great poetry, and the bible. It filters all the pseuds.

>> No.19789807

you sit and be quiet motherfucker who do you think you are?

>> No.19789808

>I think human females have the most stringent sexual selection of all primates
Humans are not animals

>> No.19789815
File: 129 KB, 430x470, john-alexander-feeding-the-monkey-at-ma-maison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sky smelled of dead dog
empty fields and roads paved the way
cold rain washed over it
like the devils piss

this is nothing and nowhere

abandoned rotting house
lined up like a corpse
time slows down and space warps
people in the distance shout

>> No.19789841

The worst thing you can be is complacent. Believe in God and sin so that you can tear yourself apart.

>> No.19789856

Blah blah, go fuck yourself faggot. I'm not complaced because I'm self-driven. Fuck your god and fuck your weak faggot ass

>> No.19789881

Yawn. What a boring take, mate. Show some guts.

>> No.19789890

What the fuck response was that

>> No.19789962

I wasted 5 years of my life. I think I’ll kill myself.

>> No.19789980

Why not just waste the rest of your life? There has to be some fun be had.

>> No.19789986


>> No.19790005
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Why did novels appear so late? Are they just an inferior art form that necessitated the appearance of a brainlet mass of readers?

>> No.19790066

Try 11. The best things I've done was go to the gym and have minimal progress and got into philosophy, but only read a couple of books.
I want to go back to studying, but all the jobs I look at in the field I want are scarse and they ask you to do more than what your degree had you learn. Every day I wish to not wake up the next day.

>> No.19790168

I had a nightmare a few days ago about translating Tale of Genji into English but I barely knew Japanese. I thought I’d be exposed as a fraud, but my family supported me anyway (which they wouldn’t normally).

>> No.19790181

Just pick up some serial he’ll like. I picked up I Kill Giants on a whim and any twelve year old could parse or relate to it (Le quirky kid with wild imagination)

>> No.19790190

The Greeks and Romans had novels.

>> No.19790274

Eucharistic miracles prove Christianity.

>> No.19790284

In my case, what makes it hard to swallow is that I had a chance. I wasted two years, but then I recovered big time. Two years later, I took a massive step backward and proceeded to waste three more years. In retrospect, I’d be in a much better position had I just not taken that massive step backward.

>> No.19790290

I'm a Mexican who irreversibly fell in love with some random Polish girl I stumbled upon on social media. She's pretty and personality-wise also appears to be everything I look for in a woman. How do I make it happen, /lit/?

>> No.19790301

> stumbled upon on social media
> "appears to be everything I look for"
> woman
Hate to break it to you

>> No.19790310
File: 209 KB, 600x529, 1628320819695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chick messaged me she wanted to know something from me. I asked her what did she want to know. It's been 5 days now and she hasn't responded back with a question. What the fuck?

>> No.19790331

Is she someone you know or knew before?

>> No.19790337

Taking another perspective, 11 years of no setbacks means you have a clean slate.

>> No.19790361

scarce, sparse

>> No.19790390

Yeah, we used to hang out in college.

>> No.19790411

Agreed, although I feel like my IQ dropped in recent months. I stopped playing games, watching anime and reading manga and only keep up with a few, so we'll see if that improves things.
Both, really. But more sparse, yeah. I'm esl, so forgot the word existed.

>> No.19790473

>friend shows some poeetry he has never shown anyone in his life
>first thing that comes to my mind is how shallow and derivative and it is
Why am I like this

>> No.19790490
File: 123 KB, 639x607, a0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so bored, don't know what to do

>> No.19790492

I guess it would also help to know if you are using the kind of messenger that allows one of the parties to delete the entire convo for both. If she hasn't done that yet, then it wasn't a mistake and she thought enough about you to muster the courage to write to you, but maybe that's all she could muster and now hopes you'll take it further.
But I know a fuckton of all out of your post bro, go figure it out yourself. Women are just insecure and dumber men. She might just be hoping things to be carried forth for her.

>> No.19790510

is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?

>> No.19790558

In principle yes but in fact it can be very tiring. I don't have an existential crisis but my plans are far ahead of my current situation. "Getting your shit together" doesn't have the same meaning for everyone because some of us my have different goals which are much harder to achieve, maybe even dependent on external factors. One thing is clear, the environment in which you live has a huge impact on you and when you try to escape it, he will try to pull you back like a jealous idol that he is. In order to successfully escape it you must stay relaxed, with one eye opened, one closed, half sober, half drunk and when the opportunity comes, go for it with all of your strength and don't look back.

>> No.19790571

if your well-being is predicated on escape you will never be well

>> No.19790574

I could write forever and what would come of it? The despondent reality is at hand, I am chagrin to wake. Look, niggers are everywhere. What is one t do? I weep, softly at first.

>> No.19790600

is all or nothing and I will accept it as it is, coping is for faggots

>> No.19790623

–It's shit.
–What is?
–All of it.

>> No.19790640

Like? Nothing memorable

>> No.19790652
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How does it feel your life revolves around weed? Even if you were sober it would define your personality. Find something better to anchor your life too.

>> No.19790658


>> No.19790732

you ARE coping

>> No.19790837

I was given everything except for any challenge that would make me a person. Maybe if I seethe about it hard enough I can get out of here?

>> No.19790838

How IS he coping? By accepting reality for what is it?

>> No.19790840

fuck my life, I am going to drink again

>> No.19790872


>> No.19790878

How the fuck does he know?

>> No.19790885

>How the fuck does he know?
I know everything

>> No.19790893


> "Getting your shit together" doesn't have the same meaning for everyone because some of us my have different goals which are much harder to achieve, maybe even dependent on external factors. One thing is clear, the environment in which you live has a huge impact on you and when you try to escape it, he will try to pull you back like a jealous idol that he is. In order to successfully escape it you must stay relaxed, with one eye opened, one closed, half sober, half drunk and when the opportunity comes, go for it with all of your strength and don't look back.

Appears to me to be quite reasonable of a stance.

> if your well-being is predicated on escape you will never be well
> "You should ACCEPT your conditions and (somehow) find happiness within." — literally cope.
Seems like you're the one coping.

>> No.19790956

I'm so fucked up. And everyone knows I'm fucked up. I have a reputation for being fucked up. But I think I'm normal. But everyone thinks I'm fucked up.

>> No.19790960

Finally got out of the crypto game. Nothing good can come of that shite.

>> No.19790963


> I failed and I refuse to get up.

>> No.19791097

Give a man a fish, he will eat that day.
Teach a man to fish, he will everyday.
Teach two or more men to fish, they can take turns kicking back

>> No.19791194

Give a man a fish, he will eat that day.
Teach a man to fish, he will everyday.
Teach two or more men to fish, they can kill all fish.

>> No.19791282

I've been reading like this for three months: I open the middle of the book and read to the end, and then I read from the beginning to the middle.

>> No.19791283

Give a man a fish, he will eat that day.
Teach a man to fish, he will eat everyday.
Teach two or more men to fish, they can take turns kicking back
Invent accumulative currency and two or more men will engineer a system that will drain off and poison all the fish before they notice how to stop.

>> No.19791335

Give a man a fish, he will eat that day.
Teach a man anything, he will destroy everything.

>> No.19791349

Oh edgy.
Very nihilistic. You get the black ribbon.

>> No.19791442

Me too man

>> No.19791459

Alright bros I'm tired of never fucking. Gonna try dating apps. I'm barely a step above neet, have a lot social anxiety, and live with my parents. I'm also cute, blonde, and tall. I'm 23. Give advice

>> No.19791506


>> No.19791509

you are using dreams of escape to cope with your reality. I have no such delusions.

>> No.19791519

anyone recommend a decent book that you can read alongside a family member? akin to a mother.

>> No.19791525

Thats all thats left for me I guess>>19791509

>> No.19791536

i should kill myself if this is not the thread where everyone comes to cope about his personal life

>> No.19791548
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it doesn't feel good

>> No.19791695


>> No.19791702

I got a handful of some chicks ass today for a good five seconds and now I feel lonely. Yoga pants too ahhhhhhhhh

God I wish I had a gf

>> No.19791721

Can this problem ever be fully solved? Is there some way to channel and vent men's urges for ass without enslaving all women and turning the world into a dystopia? Is the answer really just to control the urges and only fuck for procreative purposes in marriage?

I want greasy foods but they're bad for me so I only have them occasionally, and that balance works fine. Why can't I have ass occasionally? Why does a person have to be attached to it, and why does that person have to be so insufferable

>> No.19791757

Listen... We.. We have to settle this dispute

>> No.19791804

God be my witness we will settle it *draws belt*

>> No.19791999
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I am adjusting.

>> No.19792105

I'm looking for a short story I stumbled upon a while back. It was about a guy who was sent to prison and gang raped for months. When he got out of jail, his head was so turned upside down from all the rapes that he couldn't live without being raped. It was a good story, really. Additional info: The story was written after 2000 by a middle aged bald guy. He has a website where the story was available for download. He also has some video interviews on youtube.

>> No.19792191

What just happened?
I was happy, content, in my own goddam lane, life made sense just a minute ago, and now I feel miserable again.
Can you imagine, I was just sitting there, reading my essays, and suddenly "Yeah, fuck you" sent from some outer dimension. I literally FELT the transition as it was occurring. This is so stupid.

>> No.19792199

>sent from some outer dimension.
It was from inside. Try to dial it back anon.

>> No.19792204

You seem to have some psycho disease

>> No.19792291

't says "line's busy... retard." when I pick up the handset.

>> No.19792292
File: 59 KB, 731x447, Screenshot from 2022-01-14 00-25-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will things ever get better?

>> No.19792429

in what way?

>> No.19792459

Idk why I find female stupidity attractive. I went on a date with a girl and she was careful about putting her Covid muzzle on everywhere we went, unless we were outside. I thought it was really cute that she was so socially conformist and obedient to the government, even though I would harshly criticise a man for doing the same. Maybe it's because it signals that she is submissive and compliant? Idk.

>> No.19792477

How do I turn the movies in my head into literature? The words never truly capture what I see.

>> No.19792481

Weak people attract weak people, I suppose. Nothing wrong with that. Just don't get on a high horse while you're at it.

>> No.19792498

> image you criticizing me because of your pride
> I tell you to fuck off, because I realize a cop might stop us and waste my time, and not because I actually believe in covid shit
> you end up proving yourself a stubborn retard

>> No.19792506

Instead of turning the movies in your head into literature, you should turn your literature into movies in your head. Work the other way around.

>> No.19792520

I just say I'm exempt and if they ask me to prove it I show them the UK government page where it says that nobody has to prove exemption status -- saying it is enough.

>> No.19792531

Have you tried being pegged by your gf?

>> No.19792701
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Bengals are going to the super bowl
I love this timeline

>> No.19792702

She liked you a lot and immediately realized what she was doing was a bad idea.

>> No.19792706

Write what you can down, get the plots in sketches if they mean that much to you. But then read, read who you like, explore different authors you’ve only heard about. Reading helps with writing.

>> No.19792718

>she wanted to know something from me. I asked her what did she want to know.
She got her answer.
You couldn’t tell her about the Pepe’s and couldn’t think of anything else.

>> No.19792722

The more I see people waste time the harder I work. I will obliterate everyone 10 years from now, but I know for sure there are more people like me going super saiyan as we speak.

>> No.19792725
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trying to de-compartmentalize feelings about people. I think I tend to take my bad feelings about them and just shove them away. I don't like allowing myself to feel ill about people, but of course it doesn't go away and everything is just maladapted as fuck. It's an old problem. let's see if somehting better can happen.

>> No.19792731

I always think that a girl I like is the best and nobody I ever find could be better. It makes it really hard to face rejection.

>> No.19792770

Its very common(and necessary) for us to feel or believe things about our partners that are very unlikely to be true. There is a personal mythos you build up around each other that you fit into that rationalized how strongly you feel about each other and why the other is worthy of your dedication.

Projecting these things onto girls that are not yours is another thing.

>> No.19792782
File: 179 KB, 600x899, racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American whites need a white pride movement that isn't full of wignats and neo-nazis. As things stand nobody is speaking up about issues like anti-white bias in academia, anti-white racial profiling in the media, anti-white crime and the weird race based self-flagellation white leftists put themselves through. We're at a point where many people think those things are a myth and the ones who know they're not often won't speak up for fear of being labeled extremists. They won't speak up because being pro-white is social suicide.

Anti-whiteness hurts off-white people too. Pale jews and latinos regularly get called white supremacists if they don't toe the party line.

>> No.19792790

They already have Patriot Front which is better than whatever retarded crap you have in your mind.

>> No.19792849

There is nothing in this world that would hurt my soul more than to roast someone for being poorer than me

>> No.19792863

I don't laugh at them, but I don't help 'em either.

>> No.19792923

>we need a white movement that calls every pro white person a wignat
Groypers already exist

>> No.19792925

What does it mean when a woman tells you the story about how she pooped her pants in grades 1 and 4?

>> No.19792927

It means she's a bad conversationalist

>> No.19792951

what he said was do believe in God AND sin, your take waspretty tame compared to him, lacking SOVL

>> No.19792978

>what he said was do believe in God AND sin
So like every Christian ever?

>> No.19792985

she's a Pynchon reader

>> No.19793020

I keep fucking up I keep fucking up I keep fucking up
I keep fucking up I keep fucking up I keep fucking up
I keep fucking up I keep fucking up I keep fucking up

>> No.19793027

Most christians don't tear themselves apart, though.

>> No.19793030

How do I have faith without believing in anything?

>> No.19793034

Literally all of them do unless you mean "Christians" who don't even go to church

>> No.19793050

You guys are all such pathetic loser it’s disgusting. If you want to talk about how you have no gf go to the /fit/ feels bar thread. For my part I try not to think about or look at women at all as I seek knowledge and truth and not fulfillment of biological pathologies

>> No.19793056

Reminds me of this time I went on a third date with a girl and she showed me one of her drawings. It was so bad I almost laughed from the shock. It was like a doodle a child would make but she was so proud of it. It was a legitimate turning point in the relationship, lost a lot of respect for her from that moment.

>> No.19793059

Give up, go gay

>> No.19793064

>I seek knowledge and truth
The fulfillment of biological pathologies.

>> No.19793077

All action and belief are inherently pathological. I inform my pathologies with reason and use pathology to change the pathologies into ones motivated by my quest. The seeking of knowledge is the only logical answer to the question “what should you do” because you don’t know what you should do therefore you seek knowledge. Pathology is only required to persuade my psyche to believe that logical deduction

>> No.19793088

You sound like a low IQ pseud, fuck off

>> No.19793091 [DELETED] 

:tshirt: :jeans: :underage: :socks: :mans_shoe: :mans_shoe:

>> No.19793093

Ok incel

>> No.19793096

I feel like I'm missing out on contributing to the global internet heritage or humanity as a whole. I find old pictures, videos, any content in general and I think sometimes "Someone is going to look at this in the future and think 'he [posted, created, composed] it so long ago, what is his life like now' and I think to myself 'I don't have anything I could contribute to some day be contemplated about in the same manner'. Even the hentai drawers — their works will probably live for generations and stay relevant much longer than any "beautiful" artwork. Some kid in the year 2385 is going to watch an "old style" series and go on internet searching for porn featuring its characters. The works by those "old", "dead" artists are still in top searches, still relevant, their name lives on, they are praised "damn, shadman was one hell of an artist" they'll say.
Who cares about any actual art nowadays? Who cares about actually good piece of music, artwork, novel? "Just one out of myriad."
It's all about novelty nowadays. "How much can you break the rules and make it fun?"
Everyone is an artist. And many are quite decent. Fuck, many would probably be considered geniuses were they to live a century or two ago. But the bar only keeps getting higher. No more are there geniuses, there are only "people who stated early". No more is there "talent". Well, maybe we still have some reverence for talent, but it is surely on it's way to be replaced by "skill".
What kind of merit would people of the future have to achieve to be acknowledged? With each day people claim their place, damning others to be only mere "imitators", "he is the new [Mozart, Einstein, Malevich]", and I'm missing out each day. What is good enough? Am I forever damned to be mediocre?

>> No.19793100

:tshirt: :underage: :jeans: :socks: :mans_shoe: :mans_shoe:

>> No.19793104

:tshirt: :underage: :jeans: :socks: :mans_shoe: :mans_shoe:

>> No.19793107

My IQ is higher than yours, however I’ve given up all insane philosophical dick measuring and returned to simplicity. The true pseuds are people who make unnecessarily complex philosophical justification for their lives rather than admitting that everything is an arbitrary pathological choice and choosing to follow true philosophy, not because of any grand reason or superphilosophy or any divine emotional experience but because of a simple choice that you then force yourself to be emotionally invested in even if you are not otherwise attracted to it, just because it is the only path you see. All post Nietzschean philosophy has been especially egregious in this regard by acting as if the problem of suicide is a problem or life needs some kind of existential justification. I simply decided to seek knowledge and truth because we don’t know anything including all the infinite possibilities in what we don’t know.

>> No.19793109

Didn't read brainlet

>> No.19793115

Bro seriously call your ex-girlfriend, german philosophers are not going to feel the void

>> No.19793120

I wish I could read minds so that I will know if you're interested and I can ask you out on a date.

>> No.19793135

just ask me anon :3

>> No.19793137

You just need a minimum of emotional intelligence

>> No.19793146

Stop yapping.

I guess I know what you mean, but I don't see how "the seeking of knowledge is the only logica answer to the question 'what should you do'". And isn't that an "unnecessarily complex philosophical justification"?

>> No.19793149

Getting a girlfriend in the first place would require intense psychiatry which would get in the way of my quest. In fact being normal would get in the way as my priorities would change to include things like conversation and relationships. This way is the best because I am most able to do what I must do. My goal is not to be fulfilled or to be happy or to fill the void. I consider normal people pathetic anyway because they have no existence beyond their relationships or lack thereof and require other people to define them. They are wrecked by withdrawal symptoms from their life as an oedipal child and require social validations from others to exist, whereas I, having never experienced such a thing in the first place, am completely invulnerable to feelings such as “loneliness.” This is why I will raise humanity up rather than simply continuing it as the cattle are wont to do

>> No.19793151

But I don't know if you're interested.
She's mean to me sometimes, then nice to me other times. Then she keeps telling me about what type of guy she's looking for. But everytime I flirt and hint it at her, she shies away and I fail miserably. EQ is not my strong point.

>> No.19793152

Go outside loser

>> No.19793156

>Then she keeps telling me about what type of guy she's looking for.
Kek cuck

>> No.19793172

Ask yourself “what should I do.” Now you either know what you should do or you don’t. As history shows you definitely don’t, unless you are delusional. So if you don’t know what to do, how can you do anything until you find out what you should do? Therefore you should seek knowledge in order to know what to do. There are infinite possibilities of what might be true. Perhaps the truth is that nobody “should” do anything, perhaps the truth is that everyone should kill themselves, perhaps the truth is that love is the meaning of life, perhaps the truth is that Jesus christ was the son of god, perhaps the truth is that strength is the only important thing, but to know any of this has been hitherto impossible, so you should find out. Of course maybe you can’t find out, in which case you first need to find out that you can’t find out

>> No.19793178

>I will raise humanity up
Whereto are you going to lift us?

>> No.19793184

Shes not interested in your bro. Be more aggressive with your flirting, when she shies away ask "what are you scared or something ...". Put her on the spot without acting like a cry baby.

>> No.19793188

Also it’s not a justification for life as it includes admitting that life might not need to be justified or be justifiable at all, it’s just my personal simple reason for existing

>> No.19793196

The same place philosophers and scientists have been raising you for the last ten thousand years, swine

>> No.19793204

Humanity was raised by military leaders

>> No.19793234

>Humanity was raised by thieves and murderers

>> No.19793244

No, by brave leaders. You're just a dumb communist faggot

>> No.19793256

>No, by bold pirates! You're just a dumb galley slave. Bend over!

>> No.19793262
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>> No.19793273

its not easy when your high t and autistic

>> No.19793289

>It’s always just a game of black and white, good versus evil, team left and team right. Nobody else exists.

Stupid Sith lord

>> No.19793296

>says the fucking faggot who just called all leaders thieves and murderers

>> No.19793318

Not all leaders. All nationstate leaders. They steal resources from one another and declare wars, execute people as a matter of course. They are literally killers and thieves

>> No.19793550

Sometimes philosophers are too fond of playing games. When we ask ourselves
a practical, important question such as how to conduct our lives or how to make our lives
meaningful, let us not play games.

>> No.19793580

This is the worst one of these threads I have ever seen. Not because of any particular post, but no one seems to be actually engaging with anyone on anything.

You might as well all go start 0 follower twitter accounts.

>> No.19793631

"Evil is when you take something good and twist it a little". Anyone can help me find where this quote is from? I dont think its the same exact quote word by word though. Please anyone can help me out here?

>> No.19793658
File: 87 KB, 640x713, 1638170951016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to remember my dreams

>> No.19793668

If a girl ever tells you what guy she's interested in, it means you're not in her fucking radar of guys she would wanna date/fuck. Come on anon, don't do this to yourself. Have some self respect.
Although if you wanna be petty, tell her about another girl you found attractive to her and see how she reacts.

>> No.19793708

nigger tongue my anus

>> No.19793821

Attraction is instantaneous and the signs of it are noticeable. She doesn't want you bro, find one that does.

>> No.19793853

I want a chubby slam pig.

>> No.19793856

No one likes me because I'm a weirdo.

>> No.19793863


Stop watching porn

>> No.19793880


I have a gf and she is very much not like this. I know it’s cliche but you simply cannot lump all women into the same category. it’s just a lazy, childish, and defeatist response to bad experiences

>> No.19793890

I'm a weirdo because no one likes me

>> No.19793898

I dont even watch porn. i just love bondage

>> No.19793905

Sounds like cs lewis. Or maybe Tolkein. Otherwise its basic christian dogma since Augustine

>> No.19793910


>> No.19794116


Virgin detected

>> No.19794143


Just make a big list of various dot points related to the project to get some ideas down. Once you have something in front of you it’s much easier to rearrange and make additions/subtractions as needed. Don’t worry about writing something good yet, just worry about writing something at all, whether it’s shit or not.

>> No.19794153


The security argument is bogus. Who was actually put at risk by Snowden? It’s just a scare tactic used by government to validate aggressive retaliation

>> No.19794166


You can do it anon. It’s hard but you can do it. Don’t let your mental state sour, if you fall down the “black pill” woman hating incel rabbit hole there is no going back and you will live a lonely and miserable life

>> No.19794172


You don’t die that’s what

>> No.19794242


Seek psychological assistance

>> No.19794247


Amen, no one really has any idea what they are doing, we are all just fumbling through trying to find something that works. There is no master plan

>> No.19794257


Christianity is based on faith not on proof. Let me guess, a few months ago you decided to become Christian because it’s “based” and “tradpilled”. You will never be a real Christian.