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19788611 No.19788611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you all just chilling here knowing that you're gonna die one day and don't even know what's gonna come after?

>> No.19788628

We do not rush toward death, we flee the catastrophe of birth, survivors struggling to forget it. Fear of death is merely the projection into the future of a fear which dates back to our first moment of life.
We are reluctant, of course, to treat birth as a scourge: has it not been inculcated as the sovereign good—have we not been told that the worst came at the end, not at the outset of our lives? Yet evil, the real evil, is behind, not ahead of us. What escaped Jesus did not escape Buddha: “If three things did not exist in the world, O disciples, the Perfect One would not appear in the world. …” And ahead of old age and death he places the fact of birth, source of every infirmity, every disaster.

>> No.19788631

Not my problem

>> No.19788634

what else should be done with inevitable?

>> No.19788640
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>he doesn't know

>> No.19788646

I already died once, not afraid of it, just be yourself bro.

>> No.19788648

I’ll leave my future self to worry about it

>> No.19788649
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It helps to not be at the bottom of the food chain.

>> No.19788651

Im too busy living

>> No.19788654

I had the same exact thread discussing Ecclesiastes and had good answers but a fucking janny deleted it. I hate this new janny.

>> No.19788657

If people knew what came after theyd all try to game the system and itd become meaningless

>> No.19788661

You will be purged.

>> No.19788667

It doesn’t given the fact that animals don’t ask existential questions about life.

>> No.19788671

Death is the end of suffering, whether there is a heaven or nothing

>> No.19788675


>> No.19788677

That is only because they are to busy trying to not be eaten.

>> No.19788681
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Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

>> No.19788683

Or the universe could repeat itself and you would be forced to live your life over and over again for eternity. Or, given the fact that the matter which compromises you is not destroyed upon death, you could find yourself in a new form ready to repeat the struggle of life once more.

>> No.19788726

nigger nigger nigger tongue my fucking anus bitch fag bix nood

>> No.19788729

kind of hard for the latter to work out if the matter comprising me is a corpse

>> No.19788741
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>don't even know what's gonna come after
Ahhh, but that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.19788755
File: 55 KB, 534x723, FIhbp_HXIAMuJ_W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i need to deal with it by facing myself and facing discomfort and becoming indifferent to phenomena, maybe become a buddhist monk for this purpose. But i just hate fucking discomfort and loneliness, and my life is comfy. So it's hard.

>> No.19788774

I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. As I Lay Dying I'll probably start to bug I guess

>> No.19788776

If it repeats itself, I will never be aware of that. It will be the end of my suffering anyway, every time it repeats.

>> No.19788785

I try not to think -directly- about it, but I constantly feel like I don't have much time anyway. I guess you just can't change the inevitable, so it's useless to think about it: you'll never have the answer you're searching for, except for when you're dead.
Personally, I'm christian (or at least trying to be) and I hope there is something resembling Heaven, or that we live in the astral plane after.

>> No.19788787
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nothing (except basic mathematics) is completely knowable so why bother worrying about it?
that's not the say you shouldn't think about it as theories are interesting and fun but don't stress

>> No.19788794

Imagine if they acquired sapience out of nowhere

>> No.19788804
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>and don't even know what's gonna come after?
But anon, I know

>> No.19788807

Where do you think other things get their matter from?
How do you reason that repeating your life forever is the end of suffering? If anything it would just make your suffering new every go around.

>> No.19788838


>> No.19788847

someone mentioned the akashic records in one of my dreams before I even knew what it was, should I just lurk /x/ now?

>> No.19788853

I'm signed up for cryonics

>> No.19788854

this image is genuinely terrifying

>> No.19788857

well it's certainly not going to miraculously transform from corpse to dirt in days or even years
by then i'll be fine again
won't be the first time and won't be the last

>> No.19788863

Just live in the moment and view life as a journey or open world rpg

>> No.19788869

>well it's certainly not going to miraculously transform from corpse to dirt in days or even years
It wouldn’t really matter given the fact that you wouldn’t have any perception of time.

>> No.19788871

>It wouldn't really matter
first correct thing in this thread

>> No.19788891
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I know exactly what's going to come after because I did the work, I read the books. And if you were psychotic like me then you would've done the same

>> No.19789027

it's not a mystery, you go to Hell for rejecting God.

>> No.19789071

Mr. Frog is still alive in that pic most likely and he will go down the gullet whole. Once in the huron's stomach he will asphyxiate on the gasses released by the stomach acids which are dissolving him and anything else floating about in there.