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19787961 No.19787961 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book
>what’s your drinking schedule

Spring Snow

I prefer a 3 day weekend but I’ll settle for a normal 2 day one if there’s not one for that month. The important thing is that I only allow myself to drink between the hours of 6pm-6am and if I pass out I’m done for the night. It’s critical because if I don’t do that, and take the time to get sober for 12 hours in between I drink for the entire weekend and then I have to go through an excuciating hangover when I dry up from my bender my first day back at work. You’re basically gonna be having an anxiety attack the entire next week. Another recommendation is to have 2 Gatorade’s when you’re done drinking for the night and you should be perfectly fine the next day. I try to limit it to just one weekend a month sometimes I do two but really don’t want to go over that limit in order for me to stay healthy, perform well at my job, and not become a full time alcoholic. It also keep me a relative lightweight so I don’t need to buy that much alcohol to get really drunk.

Anyway I’ll buy 2 dozen white claws. This is because the don’t get you fat, test alright, you can drink a ton in a short amount of time, and they get you just as drunk. I’ll buy these with maybe one to two 6 packs of a beer I like. I like coors banquet, English ales, German lagers, and Weiss beers. I’ll try and drink them all during the weekend, if I don’t finish I’ll either give to a friend or pour down the sink. This also all pairs well with a nice cigar to smoke around midnight, extremely comfy.

Shows/Movies I like to binge while binge drinking include:
>Cobra Kai
>The Inbetweeners
>Full Metal Panic
>My Bride is a Mermaid
>Avatar the Last Airbender
Tbh I’ve rewatched all of these at least 3-4 times while drunk since the pandemic began. Anyone have any recs for me?

>> No.19788035


>> No.19788138


>> No.19788394
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>just one weekend a month
im proud of myself when i get it to just one day a week. am i fucked lads?

>> No.19788404
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>Moby Dick
I don't drink anymore since I went full wino last year. I reckon that alcohol does to me what weed probably does to most people, rendering me in a haze of artificial tranquility that encompasses through the senses to the psyche, soothing nervous and jittery thoughts, and making me focus more on the present and sensations that come and go, specially tact. Despite that, drinking doesn't feel that good to me. It gives me a decent buzz of light-headed serenity similar to sleep deprivation and that's that. It upsets my stomach, gives me light prickly hints of needle-piercing migraines and messes with other things: my palms burst open in sores because of my excessive drinking, and after disposing of the last three wine bottles I have not drank since Halloween, and honestly, probably never will again, neither will I smoke (which is shit) or do drugs. I have become straight edge right now at the age of 25 and that is fine for me.

Many a ridiculous pleasure that I thirsted after as an inexperienced teenagers with wide-eyed fantasies of bohemian debauchery that could be satisfied in brief spurts and then held under wraps from a week to another have revealed themselves unappealing to me after all. My younger brother, aged 22, has picked up and put down the habit of chainsmoking like there's no tomorrow, and from him I got one or another cigarettes, which I hated. I smoked a cigarette of pure tobacco wrapped in hay paper and hated it, and then smoked the only normal cigarette I've ever had: tastes of pure burning fire and the ink of a black pen, which in case you don't know, tastes like ear wax, in your mouth. When I was a boy I was biting the butt of a black pen and it exploded in my mouth, and I remember the sunny day, the dizzy run to the bathroom, a loud and obnoxious roaring airplane that passed over my building exactly at the time, as I washed my tongue at the sink. Black ink in specific tastes of ear wax, and the smoke in your mouth from smoking tastes of black ink, that happens to be on fire.

I'll start working out this year, as I'll start working on my first novel. These memetic pleasures of society never tickled me the way they seem to do other people if not for sex, which I've always been obsessed with, and even then, I rarely see whores or go pursuing it too much.

It's all monastic living all the way down and I feel fine.

>> No.19788410

Go to bed.

>> No.19788428

don't drink, that might change in order to observe religious festivities

>> No.19788457

Catcher in the Rye

I don't have a schedule. Since covid, I might spontaneously buy beer or wine at the store and drink it with my wife.

>> No.19788474
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Thomas Browne's Religio Medici
Drink an extreme amount every single day. Try to drink less nights before I teach, but that ends up being a bad idea because I can't fall asleep. Used to use zyrtec to fall asleep, but quit because of a really bad sleep paralysis experience. Anyone got any advice on how an alcoholic can get to sleep?

>> No.19788511

I really hate your obnoxious prose style attempt. If I wrote this badly, I would want someone to tell me; I'm just trying to be helpful. Also, a true fan of the novel always refers to it as "Moby-Dick; or The Whale". If you don't include the second part of the title, you're completely missing the message of the book.

>> No.19788514

>The Colossus Of Maroussi

>I’m ~8 years sober and clean

>> No.19788535

What are the odds that someone so endlessly pretentious seethes when prose-mogged.

>> No.19788554

I don't really drink except a beer or two in social situations. Last time I got drunk was in October in a techno club in London where I threw up in the men's room. After that I had a cigarette and hit on a girl in the smoking area with my vomit breath and then walked home for 20 minutes

>> No.19788558

I'm not a good prose writer & I know that, which is why I quit. It's better to know that than to ignore it & continue down that path. Also, what about my post had anything to do with pretense? I'm just going to assume you used that word without knowing what it means.

>> No.19788559
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No favourites but here are my top 3:
>The Gay Science
>War and Peace
>Confession (Tolstoy)

As for drinking, I drink around 3 days a week give or take a couple of days. I love Gin, as well as Armagnac, Cognac, and beer. Nowadays I drink mostly Armagnac and Cognac. I have a bottle of each in my closet. maybe half of a tumbler glass. I don't read while drinking because I don't have a very high tolerance and lose my concentration very quickly. Usually I watch something, play a video game or just browse 4chan and listen to r/a/dio or my own music.

>> No.19788562

>gives up when the going gets rough
>doesn't even know he's pretentious
fucked up

>> No.19788570

Let me know when you self-publish your first novel. I'll be sure to read as a act of brotherhood.

>> No.19788603

Thanks anon, you're a mensch for this one. It'll be a 1200 pages maximalist post-modern work whose entire length details one masturbation session by a man checking out a pretty girl out the window told in excruciating detail and connecting all things to all sorts of thoughts and tales and what else.

Dedicated to (you)

>> No.19788608

Sounds good. I love John Barth.

>> No.19788678

Been down so long it looks like up to me.

Probably drink beer 3-4 times a week. usually after work. I like budweiser mainly but sometimes get Hefeweizen.

>> No.19788680
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forgot the pic

>> No.19788698

Mommy's little bender?

>> No.19788808

>CCRU Collected Writings
>Whenever I feel like it and spirits only

>> No.19788845

The art of war and Sapporo

>> No.19788920

Shallow and pedantic. Everyone knows it’s Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.

>> No.19789017

Brautigan - So the Wind Won't Blow it all Away.
The inverse of my sleeping schedual

>> No.19789420

The Magic Mountain
a nice lager with any greasy meal and a shot of schnapps in the evening if I feel stressed

>> No.19789440

thanks for the detailed schedule. might give this a try.

>favorite book
don't laugh but the The Great Gatsby is still my favorite work of fiction. The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch and Tapping the Source by Kem Nunn are close seconds. My favorite nonfiction is constantly changing but Montaigne's essays are the GOAT.

>drinking schedule
had a particularly brutal hangover two weeks ago which has led me to stop for a while. i'm thinking of finally going for the cure. even though i'm not what most people call an alcoholic, it scares me how only two weeks in and i get REALLY REALLY excited when i drive by a BevMo. anybody who doesn't think alcohol is a hard drug is delusional. stay safe anons.

>> No.19789464

Dezso Kosztolanyi - Skylark
Mon-Thur - a bottle of wine in the evening
Fri-Sun - six bottles of wine and twenty bottles of beer drank throughout the weekend

>> No.19790785
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>The Decay of the Angel
>I don't drink

>> No.19791828

try melatonin, works like a charm for me

>> No.19791936

the bible
a nice cup of water full of ice, i live in a tropical location

>> No.19791979

nah bro you got this, i believe in you

>> No.19792169

Your body is has become dependent, you either drink or don't sleep, part of being an alcoholic. Wait till you sober up and go a month or two without really sleeping.

>> No.19793441

>The Aeneid or Shestov's All Things Are Possible
>Every night at least the equivalency of one beer, however it varies from one to eight depending on the day of the week. Old Milwaukee and Black Box are my regulars.

>> No.19793460

I tried that a few years ago and it did nothing for me. But maybe I'll try again.
: - (
I do get sleepy after I eat a big meal, but I usually wake up 2 or 3 hours later.

>> No.19793542

I love you friend

>> No.19793608

moby dick

i like drinking water

>> No.19793714
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the brothers karamazov
handle of vodka every 2-3 months that i finish in a few days

>> No.19793756

Are half the people here fucking alcoholics?

>> No.19793952

Since food helps it could be just malnutrition, alcoholism and poor eating go hand in hand and while malnutrition makes you sleepy in the short term, in the long term it fucks up your life wholesale. This is fairly common in people who get a sizable chunk of their caloric intake from the drink, they rely on the alcohol to cause them to pass out to get their rest and do not notice the effects of long term malnutrition much since they still have a high enough caloric intake, they are just lacking everything else the body needs. Melatonin will only work for occasional use, the body gets used to the increased levels after a few days. Even if it is malnutrition, you are probably dependent on the booze and will have a pretty good stint of insomnia if/when you quit, you don't really get to the point of not noticing the effects of malnutrition without becoming physically dependent.

There are a great number of alcoholics in the world. The stereotype sloppy alcoholic who constantly is doing and saying stupid shit and completely unreliable in every way is the binge drinker, large amounts quickly. When this get to full blown alcoholism they are either hung over or drunk. The high functioning alcoholic starts the day with a stiff drink, has a beer with lunch and perhaps two with dinner, at the end of the day they finish off and get drunk enough to sleep. But they are never sober so never hung over and long since used to the effects so not impaired. Like old Swann, the high functioning alcoholic knows that the key is often but a little at a time, you still get drunk enough to sleep but it does not ruin your life, at least not for 50 or 60 years. This sort of drunk is far more common than most realize.

>> No.19793976

The American Historical Review


>> No.19794012

far more than a half.
Make mine two halves of whiskey and a case of beer.

>> No.19794015

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.19794023

Journey to the end of the night
I drink every 4 or 6 months but when I do I literally spend that week fucked up until I puke my entrails

>> No.19794032

Better to do your own sister than let a fucking stranger do her

>> No.19794481

I only really drink for a mild buzz to accompany other drugs which is usually like a drink or two with dinner vodka these days

I use pregabalin for reading these days which is usually accompanied by two large french presses of black coffee

>> No.19796030
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