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19784669 No.19784669 [Reply] [Original]

Woke up today feeling like denying the existence of universals. Recs?

>> No.19784678


>> No.19784680

Why does almost everyone on this board insist on being wrong?

>> No.19784689
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>> No.19784691

It's the way 4chan is structured. People get a dopamine rush from (you)s, and the best way to get them is to be a polemic faggot who makes posts for the sole purpose of getting a reaction out of others. Then you also have a large portion of posters who have daddy issues and hyperfixate on a single author which they have developed a parasocial relationship with, as kind of a replacement for the parental figure they never had.

>> No.19784704

I am so sick of it. This board fucking sucks.

>> No.19784705

reminder that troons are just modern day nominalists

>> No.19784713

A nice subtle critique of modern philosophy

>> No.19784715

I have been saying this for a long time.
Actually almost everyone in the modern age assumes a nominalist paradigm without even thinking about it, but troons act on it more than most.

>> No.19784721

Modern philosophy is inherently nominalist. No one except for traditionalists talk about essences and universals anymore, and the retards on this board just call them larpers or something.

>> No.19784877

Philosophy of Relativity, Ushenko

>> No.19784882

What the fuck do you mean modern? What modern age? The 21st century is postmodern.
Use the correct semantic field.

>> No.19784923
File: 22 KB, 1328x728, know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Post-modern" is only not modern in name

>> No.19784934

"Postmodernism" is simply modernism taken to its "logical" (actually illogical) conclusion.

>> No.19784976

>the critique of metanarratives is when you jerk off the metanarrative of progress extra hard

i think not

>> No.19785029

>implying modernism or post-modernism are either of those things
you have been memed into oblivion

>> No.19785063

>Modern philosophy is inherently nominalist.
That's why modern philosophy is shit and now you have schizo postmodernism.

>No one except for traditionalists talk about essences and universals anymore
Frege: ???

>> No.19785161

Wrong. They are slave moralists that inherited their sickness from all the moral-institutional fictions universalists created in order to establish societies, which need the weak and mediocre.

>> No.19785163

Ironically, not much. You’re better off meandering.

>> No.19785176

You can check out any time you like

>> No.19785343

Hypermodernity has arrived.

>> No.19785360

please read something else other than nietzsche

>> No.19785375

I will the day someone refute him

>> No.19785407

Father Seraphim Rose did

>> No.19785483

how will you know, then, if you don't read anything other than the guy?

>> No.19785491

Can you link it?

>> No.19785528

>seraphim rose

>> No.19785530

not an argument

>> No.19785536

I don't need to worry about it, mate.


>> No.19785543

ah yeah saying a guenonian retard like rose refuted nietzsche certainly is

>> No.19785544


>> No.19786725

Recs for the existence of universals?

>> No.19786729

>denying the existence of universals
Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Aquinas
you have to correct your misconception

>> No.19786856
File: 27 KB, 405x563, 35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all btfo'd by witgenstein

>> No.19786918

>reminder that troons are just modern day nominalists
Except they aren't. Most that I know of insist there is something substantial, even biological to their insanity. That isn't nominalism, that's just realism with new extra gender identities added to the traditional binary

>> No.19787281

Nah, Aquinas agreed with Wittgenstein at the end of his life. Moderns btfo themselves all the time by not understanding ancient wisdom. 4 pages in Plato's Republic is worth 40 years of modern thinking.

>> No.19788725
File: 25 KB, 323x499, 41p0YvhuSeL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19788731

The Platonic corpus. Read it and reread it until you don't get any feelings like that ever.

>> No.19788737

Gödel and Mitchell Heisman

>> No.19789511

But you can never leave

>> No.19790259

> Most that I know of insist there is something substantial, even biological to their insanity.
that is the emergent property of unguided random evolution processes without any teleology involved, which is compatible with nominalism