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19785098 No.19785098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

His exploration of the primary «new left» logic was enlightening and at time scary to say the least. It paints a nice picture on how certain left-thinkers created a foundation on which the bourgeious keep subverting the main message. Are there more books willing to explore this kind of topic?

Namely how Left got subverted from «Occupy Wallstreet» to «LGBTQ»isms and «Woke»isms that in most cases are on payroll from people who they should have been resisting in the first place. As a left-leaning individual I find this whole highjacking of the message to be disheartening to say the least.

>> No.19785101


>> No.19785119 [DELETED] 
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Also just to have some fun, here’s a little something interesting: (see pic)

There were other threads similar to mine, none of them got banned/deleted. This kind of discussion easily belongs on /lit and I’ve even seen some from time to time. What I DID NOTICE is that Jannie is a bit too trigger happy to delete anything that starts hitting Wokeism a bit too hard.

>> No.19785127

Yeah I saw it, but I wonder if there are more individuals who maybe have something else to share. I don't want to spam this thread, which is why I want the topic to run to the ground by itself and not by being deleted by a Jannie who clearly abuses its power.

>> No.19785166

Seems like a great book, will buy. Much thanks OP.
While not exactly what you're looking for, Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn does explore how ideals of prominent leftist thinkers as well as the typical leftist-identifier matched up and changed over time. PDF and EPUB available for free here: https://mises.org/library/leftism-de-sade-and-marx-hitler-and-marcuse

>> No.19785227

Damn that's insanely well-put, thanks anon. The thread was worth for this one comment alone

>> No.19785236

And what are you gonna do about it bitchboy?

>> No.19785253

Seeing as how NSA seems to be moderating discourse around here, maybe finally quit.

>> No.19785271

Why would I leave? This is the only place that sieves these kinds of niggers because they don't read books and therefore are easily filtered

>> No.19785285

Occupy Wall Street was so disappointing. I remember thinking it was going to be the start of a big movement to take down the parasites of high finance but it just fizzled out and was quickly forgotten.

>> No.19785292

I like competent moderation, but not from the government, please.

>> No.19785302
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> Hitler was a leftist

>> No.19785339

You still have blm at least

>> No.19785340

>paints a picture
>to say the least
>on payroll
>to say the list (again)
Why do right-wingers exhibit the most lifeless patterns in their writing style? It's as if they're afraid their ideas don't already communicate how dull and cliched their thought patterns are. They have to "hammer home" the point by also being boring and unoriginal.

>> No.19785350

What do you mean? BLM has nothing to do with Occupy Wall Street.

>> No.19785356

Why do fake-leftoids who take payroll from the elite seek to paint every other left-leaning individual as a rightie? It's always either Nazi or Racist with your types.

You're not a leftist at all, you're just larping.

>> No.19785361

Their whole worldview is about believing in the truth of cliche and being wary of anything new. Their hackneyed writing is a reflection of that.

>> No.19785369 [DELETED] 


>> No.19785373

People really just hate the term “Wokeism”, in general. Its gut wrenching. Either that or the Jannies are in denial and coping.

>> No.19785378


>> No.19785379

Your reading comprehension is so bad that it's actually made me stupider.
>doubles down with the retarded rhetorisms
Can't wait for you to reply to this saying you were only ironically be a caricature
Also just not very intelligent people in the first place.

>> No.19785384
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>> No.19785386

Pretty much this. If you'll notice most of the Nazis that escaped to South America and became powerful ended up as leftists trying to impose leftist regimes wherever they went.

>> No.19785391
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>> No.19785396

I love it when they do that. Otherwise I would've had to look up the author and only dismiss him as a kike after reading:
>Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (German: [ˈkyːnəlt lɛˈdiːn], born 31 July 1909 in Tobelbad, Styria, Austria-Hungary; died 26 May 1999 in Lans, Tyrol), was an Austrian political scientist and philosopher. He opposed the French Revolution as well as communism and Nazism. Describing himself as a "conservative arch-liberal" or "extreme liberal", Kuehnelt-Leddihn often argued that majority rule in democracies is a threat to individual liberties, and declared himself a monarchist and an enemy of all forms of totalitarianism, although he also supported what he defined as "non-democratic republics," such as Switzerland and the early United States.

>> No.19785401

I read it for a thesis last year. Its funny how back in 2015 all the shitlib articles from sites like The Guardian were all like “Ooooo ITS SO OUTDATED” or “ALL HE CRITIQUES ARE DEAD GOYS” and then here we are in current year where pretty much everything Scruton described in chapter 1 came true. Irrelevant my ass.

>> No.19785412
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>monarchist and an enemy of all forms of totalitarianism

>> No.19785418

Yeah you're 100% left-larper who's in there for the Woke because it most likely panders to you. Either Black, Mexican or some migrant type that subverts the left message of going against the elites because elites are wiping your ass.

You're not left. You never were.

>> No.19785429

The Janny took away my thread on the Tanakh too.

>> No.19785432
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Please, don't remind me...

>> No.19785435

Stop that, the czarist regime was NOT totalitarian, nor was Austria Hungary.

>> No.19785444

I read Capital for the first time 10 years ago and am now a rank-and-file trade unionist. I will choke on air if you know the first thing about being a militant activist in a union, or if you're familiar with the labor movement at all.
You have to go back, zoomer.

>> No.19785464

Fascists read Das Capital as well, this proves nothing. The fact that you're not agreeing that Wokeism is a cancer to the left is enough of a proof that you're someone who's benefitting from the subversion and misdirection.

>> No.19785469

>muh wokeism
wtf are you even talking about anon? excluding fags from the movement is not gonna help us either

>> No.19785472

Roger Scrotum

>> No.19785478
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I'm talking about this - and don't try to play stupid with me from now on either.

>> No.19785503

Okay retard, keep telling that to an actual working class person involved in the "real movement" of socialism. I imagine manual labor is as foreign to you as a woman's touch and that your cushy middle class ass makes a hobby out of some perversion of socialism not out of material necessity but as a new way of branding yourself now that you've outgrown your previous edgy phase.

>> No.19785506

>NYT pushing capitalist propaganda
how shocking!

>> No.19785511

Yeah now I see who I am dealing with. Explain what left is about in coherent language and what we should be aiming towards in the near future, and who the real enemy is.

I'm starting to think that you don't even know the Left-dogma beyond the superficial, hence why you try to deflect with "MUH INCEL" "MUH MANUAL WORK".

By all means do prove me wrong, but I don't think that you will

>> No.19785524

The primary contradiction of capitalist society is that the production of use values is done to the end of realizing exchange values. Hand in hand with this is the contradiction between social character of production (which you would know nothing about) and the private character of ownership. From these flow all other contradictions the most important of which in practical organizing is the dispute over the length of the working day.

>> No.19785533

And what do you believe must be done in order to remedy this problems? Whom is the main problem, and why is Wokeism - based mainly on sexual strategy and race - more important than class struggle?

>> No.19785555 [DELETED] 
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Covid is the new jew-faggot capitalist lie.

>> No.19785561


>> No.19785567
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>> No.19785573

Happy to help. Apparently there's a "Leftism Revisited: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot" too, but I'm unaware of how that edition differs (beyond the obvious). You might want to check that one out as well, though I remember not being able to find any copies for sale online earlier.

Read Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Times and you'll understand.

>> No.19785574

revolution you trust fundie. Anyways, I made my point, and I'm astonished that you thought something as basic "private ownership vs social production" is some profound revealed truth that only you and a handful of other initiates had access to.
>By all means do prove me wrong, but I don't think that you will
You really think you're hot shit lol. But if you ever just talked to a coworker or just some normal person you'll find out that many people, and a decisive majority of your generation, are coming to ill-articulated conclusions which are parallel to the previous comment I made. And the most bitter irony for you about this is that it's happening the most rapidly among the identities you won't stop whining about. If you ever just left your dorm room you would discover that black people, trans people, and women and discovering much more rapidly that the first and most fundamental problems of society are economic in nature.

>> No.19785586

>Read Liberty or Equality
It's been on my to-read list for a while. You know where I can find a good copy?

>> No.19785588

>be leftist
>just make baseless claims

>> No.19785593

Why are leftists mostly well to do failsons? Even 200 years ago this was true. Working class people tend to like Feudalism and strong men with a heavy dose of noblesse oblige while bourgeois faggots LARPing as revolutionaries are the ones who like to burn down civilization.

>> No.19785595

Free download here: https://mises.org/library/liberty-or-equality-challenge-our-time
There's a paperback on Amazon published by Mises Institute. I got the PDF printed out into a hardbound from a nearby publisher, cost me half as much.

>> No.19785603

To put it scientifically, they got that loser stink on them. Losers lose, and continue to lose, so they believe society is unfair/evil, to cope with themselves being losers

>> No.19785605

Totalitarianism and authoritarianism are not the same. An authoritarian regime is just a regime where political power resides in the hands of institutions that are not legally accountable to to its subjects. A totalitarian regime has that too, but is also characterised by a drive to aggressively and radically alter society and its subjects, into a new form, usually in accordance to some ideological agenda. Modern Russia is often described as authoritarian. It does have some trappings of democracy but basically Russians can't really get rid of Putin. He and his are going to stay in power. But aside from that, it's business as usual. If you're a normal person just keep your head down and keep the grumbling to a minimum. Laws are well defined and understood and power is generally only exercised within that framework. In contrast, a totalitarian society is Stalinist Russia. There is an ideological project at work to transform society and create a new soviet man. They're not content with a complacent population.

>> No.19785616

You're actively avoiding the basic crux of the matter whilst still trying to bait me into autistic screetching - spoiler it ain't gonna work.

Now please answer the question you've refused to answer, don't deflect, be consise and explain kindly to me why Wokeism should be just as important as the original class-struggle. You did not answer that question. You seem hellbent on defending Wokeism though, and when pressured to defend it, start doing shit like this:
> Muh "normal people"

Again, please explain to my Race, Sex and Sexuality should be equal to Class-struggle against the bourgeoisie - who happen to happily manipulate those 3 btw.

>> No.19785620

I live in a very anti-leftist suburb where nearly everyone is a loser, so I've never understood this point you're trying to make. Lower middle class men are always defending the elite's right to greed. It's strange.

>> No.19785624

Why would they need men when they have Woke "lefties" who derail all the legit attempts at fixing anything?

>> No.19785636

>explain kindly to me why Wokeism should be just as important as the original class-struggle
>You did not answer that
Because this is not an opinion I hold, you autist.

>> No.19785648
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I accept your concession.

>> No.19785653

True, though keep in mind most totalitarian regimes evolved from authoritarian empires, their function above all else to preserve the empire from fragmentation, following new economic, technological, geopolitical stresses.

>> No.19785654

The elites are leftists. The are trying to push faggotry, globalism, forever wars, and covid hysteria on people.

>> No.19785669

Your autistic analysis to a shitpost tells me you're either a woman or a tranny, go choke on your lexapro and fuck off

>> No.19785674

No, the elites have no ideology and everything you listed is an artificial distraction created by them in order to split us apart.

>> No.19785684

The elites aren't leftists. Haven't you noticed they're pushing identity politics to prevent a more universal working class struggle from emerging?

>> No.19785717

The elites are elites and will use an ever shifting array of ideologies to justify and protect their control over the 99%. Consider UK, an extremely classist ever more unequal society that uses the discourse of human rights and especially minoritarian rights to enact all manner of repressions against working class majorities.

>> No.19785736

>>>19785227 >>19785302 >>19785386
>>>19785098 (OP)
>Seems like a great book, will buy. Much thanks OP.
>While not exactly what you're looking for, Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn does explore how ideals of prominent leftist thinkers as well as the typical leftist-identifier matched up and changed over time. PDF and EPUB available for free here: https://mises.org/library/leftism-de-sade-and-marx-hitler-and-marcuse


>> No.19785738

UK had one chance which was against Thatcher. If unions had showed solidarity from day one, rather than watching from sidelines as the biggest and baddest got picked off 1 by 1, UK would have stemmed the tide of globalism at least for 40-50 more years.

Unfortunately Boomers fucked up and todays Britain is direct result of that.

>> No.19785887
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This is the kind of shithead who ruins left. He's not a true leftie, he's a larper, a play-pretender, the kind of parasite who takes on the characteristics of its host via "aggressive mimicry" (a real thing read on it as I believe it shows who we are dealing with) and then tries to bring you down by poisoning the message, by derailing the discussion and by baiting you into autistic screeching.

These tards are not leftists. They're non-affiliates who are ready to sell their soul to bourgeois whilst pretending that they're there for similar reason that you are. They're not. If you consider yourself a left-leaning individual, be VERY careful of POCs, Women and other similar groups because they're not really leftist, they're tools of the elite, never forget that.

And this is why /lit/ is based even if Jannie keeps deleting threads.>>19785098

>> No.19785930

If you want to discuss politics, go to >>>/pol/, it's in the sticky.

>> No.19785951

This kind of discussion is allowed, we've like 6 of similar ones this week alone. Stop derailing tard.

>> No.19786004


>> No.19786161

He probably was a glownigger. There a few on this board, but like other anon pointed out, they don't read so you can filter out quite easily.

The books seemed nice but a few critiques were a bit meh like Lacan and Zizek, but the link to the other deleted thread had better suggestions.

I do agree with you that there are a lot of mimics on left who sellout whilst they bring down legit people. Left really needs a purge at this point.

>> No.19786193
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What destroyed modern leftism
>Science Larping (theorycels in general)
>Frankfurt school (especially Adorno)
>New Left CIA writers (Herbert Marcuse for example)
>Anti-Fascism (Giovanni Gentile understood Marx,''materialism'',and Hegel way better than,say, Lenin)
>Feminized Psychology (Freudians,Willhelm Reich and Frankfurt School)
>Trannies(Every single theory tranny that ever got 100k views in a youtube video is pro tranny in some way,has a anti-transphobia video,or one where he refutes a hecking transphobe,any westerner not fully indoctrinated by the anglo-american empire is disgusted by trannies)
>deracinated bourgeois culturally jewish dogma
>europeans ARE NOT being replaced,anyone that believes that is a white supremacist neo-nazi!
>r eddit
>endless science larping
>leftypol (redditpol)
What destroyed modern third positionists
>skin heads,''alt-right'',nazi larping,pol,Trump,''right-wing'' fascists,Da joos,,ancaps
>retvrn to tradition
>anti-semites and racial supremacists turning out to be retards
>communism=starvation,human nature amirite?!
>immigrants and taxes are parasitic,ignore the bourgoise stealing more money and importing the immigrants replacing your people
>favourite fascist philosophers?De Maistre,Codreanu and Evola!!!!
>Hegel?Nah I'm more of a Nietzsche ubermenschen type ha!
>technology.....LE BAD
>lolbertarian to epic based redpilled fascist pipeline
I just solved the culture war bros
Americans please don't I consider all of you subhuman

>> No.19786261
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It's a spectacle, isn't it?

>> No.19786264


>> No.19786287
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Always has been

>> No.19786294
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Fucking furry

>> No.19786305 [DELETED] 

Totalitarianism is when there's a government

>> No.19786307 [DELETED] 

I have proposed, in the past, that the JDPON should disperse the Amerikkkans throughout the Third World instead of allowing them to remain in occupied North America. Here are some of my reasons:

1) A geographic concentration of Amerikkkans would facilitate counterrevolution. It would also be difficult to exercise proletarian dictatorship over hundreds of millions of enemies: we would need to import a huge unproductive sector of police and such from the Third World. As a practical matter, it would be better to thin the Amerikkkans out, making them minorities in the Third World, where they could easily be controlled and supervised by the international proletariat.

2) Amerikkkans will need to undergo re-education. It would be very difficult to re-educate them in their own kkkountry. They need to be in a proletarian environment where they can learn from the masses.

3) There are land claims to settle, mainly for the First Nations, but also for Aztlán [occupied Mexico -- MSH) and perhaps the Black nation. Conceivably some other nations could be moved to North America if they wished to be, such as Nauru or the small nations in Ghana whose land has been ruined by imperialist corporations. Amerikkkans are going to have to move out of much of North America and make room for other nations.

4) Amerikkkan kkkulture is almost totally reactionary. There is little worth saving in Amerikkkan kkkulture. It would be better to force Amerikkkans to assimilate to the more culturally and politically advanced peoples of the Third World. There is also historic justice in forcing Amerikkkans to assimilate, just as they destroyed so many other nations and cultures.
5) In the early stages of socialism, the Third World will require skilled workers and technicians of various kinds, including medical personnel. These persyns are disproportionately concentrated in the First World. Moving them to the Third World will be a practical way to address an urgent need.

6) The Third World is also owed big reparations. An excellent way to make those reparations is to put Amerikkkans to work building infrastructure in the Third World: roads, housing, water supplies, sewage, electricity, telecommunications, schools. Amerikkkans can also work in Third World factories and fields to expand production for the benefit of the Third World.

7) Part of the process of civilizing and proletarianizing Amerikkkans will be putting them to productive work--for a change. Amerikkka has so little productive capacity that there may not be many ways to put all those people to work in occupied North America. They may have to go to the factories and fields of the Third World.

>> No.19786312 [DELETED] 

8 ) Amerikkkans will need to be reduced to a Third World standard of living. If they stay in occupied North Amerikkka, they will benefit from the vastly better infrastructure and all the stolen wealth that they currently hold. It would be better to move them to the Third World as a way of accelerating the process of re-education.

9) There are historical precedents for relocating large numbers of enemies. Millions of Germans were forced to move after the Soviet victory over fascism in World War II. Even enemies like the united $nakes and the "united" KKKingdom agreed that it was necessary to move Germans off land that was needed for Poles, Czechs, and others. Again, this is related to the national question of the First Nations, Aztlán [occupied Mexico -- MSH], and the Black nation.

>> No.19786318
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Post-Modernism as done more harm by reducing everything to a power dynamic fetish instead of looking at people as an individual’s, and many western leftists this, at least modernism was trying to to achieve by accumulating wealth and fulfilling desire can be only en achieved by renunciation. The more you try to still desire by material accumulation, the more you will end up becoming desensitized to the experience of ownership, which will create trans-humanism.

>> No.19786336

Aren't we already there though? Or is it trans-humanism from the perspective of AI and 'machinefication'?

>> No.19786345 [DELETED] 

>>technology.....LE BAD
Yes. Also, making fun of theorycels while being a Hegelian, ngmi. Post also screams terminally online, for example, if you seriously think leftypol(a board with like 200 members max)was/is a big contributor in the destruction of the modern left.

>> No.19786374
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We are currently trying to create the 0sjwgmodern equivalent of a mechanical womb so we can return to primordial man because of bodily suffering, and the consequences of simply existing, it’s why in today’s age it’s easy to feel numb and distracted, instead of creating we consume to distract. Any spirituality teaching asceticism is therefore worthy of rediscovery, since there can’t be an absolute distinction between the individual and the universe, the essence of existence itself can be found within ourselves.

this Transhumanist consequence is happening because The West just has been taking L’s after L’s since the World Wars, and it’s people are losing the will to live, to fight, so they construct cages for themselves because this reality they helped built is hell on earth.

>> No.19786441

>this Transhumanist consequence is happening because The West just has been taking L’s after L’s since the World Wars, and it’s people are losing the will to live, to fight, so they construct cages for themselves because this reality they helped built is hell on earth.

Of course, because of the atomization of society--the familial networks are all effectively destroyed. The male, the man, the husband, is a figure of no respect, but rather is expected to invest in and continuously condescend to a woman, soi disant his girlfriend, who can decamp at any instant without the slightest consideration of ethics or honor. And this male must pretend that such relationships are purely of an arbitrary and endlessly interchangeable nature: that they have no intrinsic metaphysical effect or worth.

>> No.19786452

why can't minorities be leftists?

>> No.19786471

He's not saying they literally can't, but they're often coopted against proletariat majorities

>> No.19786477

They can, but only if they're willing to rise above obvious race-baiting done by elites, and start working towards the real struggle which is the struggle between classes. Very few are capable of that hence why it is more prudent to consider them potential plants and useful idiots for the elites, at least until proven otherwise.

>> No.19786493

>proletariat majorities
do you think the proletariat is not conformed by a bunch of these minorities?
>Very few are capable of that

>> No.19786565

I get what you're trying to do here, but I'll play along.

Easily manipulated because the system refuses to make them resilient. By coddling blacks, women and other migrant minorities, they create individuals who're unable to resist manipulation. If me calling someone Nigger, Whore or Spic on the street causes individuals to chimp-out like some sort of Bonobo, then that individual is not ready to face the elite because the moment we will be marching against Billionares is the moment they will activate their "Psyop Codeword Nigger" and I'll get shot in the back by a person I was considering a brother/sister in arms because that person ended up seething to the point where the body lost its connection to the brain and couldn't understand that those "whites" on the ground are not his enemy.

Would you march with me to face the adversary if you weren't certain about me not stabbing you in back due to some "mind control" psyop shit?

>> No.19786590

I'm sure you can find just as offensive things that will make white male workers angry I don't think getting offended by something counts as mind control tho
>the moment they will activate their "Psyop Codeword Nigger" and I'll get shot in the back by a person I was considering a brother/sister in arms because that person ended up seething to the point where the body lost its connection to the brain and couldn't understand that those "whites" on the ground are not his enemy.
has this ever happened?

>> No.19786609

overall I don't think you like the proletariat that much or that you see it as the revolutionary subject because then that would make you also accept all the minorities that necessarilly conform it
you are not that different from the woketards who only what revolution for all those poor and oppressed "minortities" only difference is that you only want it for a "majority" that is often vilified honestly you are just as delussional and psyopped as all those blue haired hippie sjws you claim to dislike both of you will never do nothing revolutionary because you refuse to recognize the universal nature of the proletariat from wich it's revolutionary potential arises

>> No.19786612

> Has this ever happened?
>>19785478 Use your eyes; they're there for a reason.

Whites have a tendency to go for the throat on these kinds of issues, now compare that with Blacks and BLM who failed to understand that it was not the police but the people above them who dictate to terms on which they need to act on.

This why Whites are being kept down whilst Blacks are allowed to run free. None of you are willing to go for the throat; the last person who called that shit was Luther King and Malcolm X - and that was how many decades ago now?

>> No.19786644

>Use your eyes; they're there for a reason.
see >>19785506
>This why Whites are being kept down whilst Blacks are allowed to run free.
how so?
>None of you are willing to go for the throat; the last person who called that shit was Luther King and Malcolm X - and that was how many decades ago now?
you are retarded if you think there are no black communists calling out capitalists rn I mean even those blm protests some of the most heard speeches where from communist party members

>> No.19786652

>> see tard comment
Do you deny the fact that race-related leftism subverted "Occupy Wall Street"? Answer the question and don't deflect.

>> No.19786685

Idk why people look at occupy like it wasn’t already bluepilled. it was filled with neurotic weed smokers to begin with, why do you think it was “subverted” so quickly?

>> No.19786693

Do you deny the fact that race-related leftism subverted the tone of "Occupy Wall Street"?

Answer the question, otherwise you're what this comment is trying to warn about >>19785887

>> No.19786696

sure but that doesn't prove anything you said
yeah people thought it was cool for what it could become way more than what it actually was even at it's best

>> No.19786702

Explain to me why it doesn't prove anything. I'm asking about the clear shift of tone from OWS to Race-related Wokeism.

>> No.19786716

but scruton himself is doing a subversion

>> No.19786720

there was never a moment where anyone activated some codeword and got black people killing the rest or any shit like that it was just a bunch of retards (among them a lot of feds) coming to occupy and circlejerking about idpol while trying to kick out anyone interested in real issues

>> No.19786746

wokeisms aren't even leftism numbnuts it's straight classical liberalism. the left weren't "subverted" it just became irrelevant like all other secular ideologies of a dying age

>> No.19786748

did he do a racism, too?

>> No.19786780

King, you dropped that extra chromosome
Applies to you as well but I knew that u were a nigger from the start. I wasn't speaking literally btw, but figuratively, but retarded niggers have problems discerning one from the other. You get a pass for mental disability desu

>> No.19786790

It's pretty based (on facts) actually.

>> No.19786795

More like based (on derailing)

>> No.19786803

Dumb directionbrain

>> No.19786808

just so you all know this is what it looks like when someone's brain essentially short-circuits:

>> No.19786822

Meh, more glowniggers have joined to derail, was fun discussion though. I'm now certain that glowniggers don't read.

>> No.19786842

What destroyed modern rightism?

>> No.19786845

you are autistic read some marx and touch grass

>> No.19786877

Legit collectivism’s solutions to their legacy of ruin.

>> No.19786881

You've already been shat on and most lurkers will be able to see that. The rest doesn't matter.
Contribute instead of stating bullshit. There's like 1 of them and he's already disabled so what the fk can he do?

>> No.19786906

Let's not pretend that leftist discourse isn't standardized to the point that you could reasonably assume that individuals involved in it are programmed machines. The right's use of buzzwords doesn't even really compare.

>> No.19786907

i think you forgot you were replying to two people... maybe take a 10 minute break?

>> No.19786913

I don't have much to say, I'm here for glownigger BTFO and >>19785101

>> No.19786923

They're both pretty equally like that actually.

>> No.19787075

Not really. The right just repeats buzzwords that are stir them up do the their emotional relationship with some abstract thing. Leftists on the other begin oppressor-oppressed (and it always comes back to this no matter how much they claim to reject binaries or whatever) much in the same way computers use 1s and 0s. Unlike those one the right, this foundation is not abstract in the lightest because it is a measure of whether their body is comfortable or not, which ultimately becomes whether bodies are comfortable or not generally. When crafting new ideas leftist thought leaders deliberately choose terminology that that relates to that foundation in such a way that correctness of it is automatic to any of those who have adopted it, it is more like the careful crafting of algorithms we see from programmers rather than what happens in any organic human conversation. The right's cliches are uniquely human, the left's standardization is entirely mechanical. Androids exist, and they walk among us.

>> No.19787111

>The right just repeats buzzwords that are stir them up do the their emotional relationship with some abstract thing.
hate speech, inclusion, diversity, visibility, human rights, racism, sexism, POC, LGBTQ, gender, mobility, sustainability, bigotry...

>> No.19787128

You should have read the rest of my post. Those aren't related to some sort of abstract thing like a nation state or ethnic identity. They're related to the immediate and material bodily comfort of the individual leftist.

>> No.19787165

Not him but Hate speech, diversity, and human rights are entirely part of the contemporary political community, what’s “individual” about any of these topics? is it because it appeals to esoteric minorities who believe these things are important? most people who are political minded and fact checkers are always in the minority anyways, the rest just go with it, lol.

>> No.19787169

>just read cuckmunist hilibily bro!

>> No.19787201

>what’s “individual” about any of these topics?
His point is that none of them have any meaningful definitions. "Racism" is unironically whatever I as a Woke PersonX of CrimeX want it to be. Traffic lights be racist? Traffic lights be racist! What does "racist" mean here? Absolutely nothing, it's a mindless Order-Word, a token of power by which the wokoi dtries to enforce their will upon the world. It's pure psychic warfare; "traffic lights be racist" is a magic spell attempting to channel mind-energy into a spear to hurl at the world. You can do this with other stuff too mind you, we're just talking about Lefties in The Current Year.

This is compared to the incredibly autistic theorizing that Right-Wingers will do because they're actually trying to establish some kind of order to the world rather than just clumsily lashing out. It is abstract as there is some distance between it and a given thing; "Christian Civilization" has some distance between it and any given Christian, unlike "bigotry" which is basically immanent (as it's totally definitionless and purely a tool of psychic warfare).

>> No.19787235

You're partially correct, but only partially. ANYONE who gets that deeply involved with politics either has something else wrong in their life that they're avoiding/coping for, or they are genuinely incredibly invested, though those seem to be few and far between these days. For the left, this is partially reflected in the dynamic of "What makes me/others comfortable?", and this shows in the language used, but most aren't just mechanical hedonists, otherwise all of the fringe online communities that keep popping up, wouldn't.

>> No.19787392

I understand that someone on the conservative camp needs to intervene "politically" to the then intellectual situation in the academia. The urgency he felt in 2015 probably made him to write such a book. Yes, and he had a good, justified reason to do that which I also agree with, but as an assessment of a plethora of a completely different tradition, it's hard to agree with the details he elaborated in that book, even if one doesn't agree with those figures. For example, he kind of retreated into this kind of British skeptical tradition 'against the nonsensical French' from time to time, which is kind of disappointing.

I would still recommend this to any leftist, though, just to at least shock them into doing a healthy session of self-reflection.

>> No.19787407

I remember everyone shitting their pants when Frank Miller blasted OWS, even though each of his criticisms ended up being right on the mark. The problem is he mentioned Muslims within the same breath, so everyone disregarded what he had to say.

>> No.19787566

Is there a book you think addresses the issue in a better way

>> No.19787913

Well said

>> No.19788093

Impressive connection of dots, more than likely worth its own discussion if I'm being honest.