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File: 379 KB, 750x852, 51E7B419-A1DE-42D3-932D-1C82BDBDB0C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19780978 No.19780978 [Reply] [Original]

>Still relevant after 2800 years
How why he so wise bros?

>> No.19780988

"I'm not dying in your jew wars chud"

>> No.19781001

Thersites literally said this and Odysseus beat him to a fucking pulp because of it.

>> No.19781443

God, what a soulless translation is this?

>> No.19781449

he didn't exist

>> No.19782363

One in a soulless language

>> No.19782448

>“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America. And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”

>> No.19782500 [DELETED] 

>noo it has to be heckin poetic 100!

>> No.19782506

No Russian ever called me chud

>> No.19782572


>> No.19782643

Hey Grandpa
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the Kindle we got you for Christmas.

>> No.19782968

American English. Not that Brits have much soul these days...

>> No.19782981


>> No.19783068

Defining the culture that was the mother of all Western cultures, plus some backprojecting of current values and concepts in translations

>> No.19784454

Well it is a poem, retard.

>> No.19784523

sucks for amerifats

>> No.19785082

>f all Western cultures,
err no

>> No.19785089
File: 40 KB, 759x420, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, intelligentsia russian jews don't count

>> No.19785114

err yes, cope chud

>> No.19785125

a poem /= cheesy anglo rhymes. the "homer" you get from some fairy like pope is barely recognizable as homer

>> No.19785129

no it isnt.

>> No.19785168


>> No.19785184

Fascists never insulted my culture.

>> No.19785220

Of course it's recognizable as Homer you silly beaner, it's the exact same narrative. The substance of the poem is the reason it has such timeless appeal not the particular meter and sound of the Greek original. Of course it's not gonna SOUND like Homer, an ancient Greek poet, because English translations are in the English language and written in forms suitable to their audience.

>> No.19786266

for me it's Lattimore

>> No.19786463

Same, the audio book version was awesome.
He never once in his life consumed s-y or microplastics.

>> No.19787800

The Trojans were the good guys.

>> No.19788902

What's a more soulful rendition?

>> No.19788929

yep. gr*eks were barbaric scum and probably g*rman. each starts with G and they both chimped out on a civilized society for no reason.

>> No.19788966

the original
go learn Greek now

you will be able to read the new testament and with a little study all the other classics

learning languages keeps your brain sharp and the benefit is long term, this is a worthy endeavor

>> No.19788983

I'm working on french rn. Greek is great for books but not really helpful in pretending your from Africa - need those diversity hire bucks

>> No.19789022

>but not really helpful in pretending your from Africa
I assume you're not a nigger?

>need those diversity hire bucks
you have no integrity, you are not a man, your soul cries for being given such a shitty body, go learn ebonics aand Marxist sociology and never come back here

>> No.19789036

What is that little square with massive letters? Is that an e-reader

Hey it worked/works for several American senators.

>> No.19789813
File: 150 KB, 1024x1363, odysseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Odysseus
>get the men ready for battle
>see Thersites
>a known coward and loudmouth
>he is sowing discord among the men
>see that there is no point in talking to him
>beat his ass
>everybody laugh at him
>the men are now happy and ready for battle

It was then that I understood why Odysseus is described as being Zeus' equal in mind.

>> No.19789946

Aren't Chuds an actual ethnic group in Russia?

>> No.19791244

pwaaahahahah and they will still defend ereaders
what an embarrassing pic