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19781317 No.19781317 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM: The resurrection of Mani is at hand!

Old thread >>19773555


>> No.19781321

first for f. gardner

>> No.19781333
File: 66 KB, 640x983, 1622888891967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty great ever since I stopped getting drunk every night after work.

>> No.19781426

you've already used this image before.

>> No.19781442

The computer fan is loud and annoying. I prefer it like that, its disturbance is a reminder that I shouldn't be on it.

>> No.19781445

Eyy that's a fucking cat right there

>> No.19781458

Shhhh no we didn’t >>/lit/image/8rzX37dqctTVKW06rrKqZQ

>> No.19781460 [DELETED] 

I hate work as much as the next guy but some of my friends are completely retarded about their expectations from their employers. Their employers will ask completely reasonable things and they will act indignant and like it is infringing their rights. Plenty of people work actually shitty jobs and get legitimately screwed over by their bosses. I feel like it cheapens those situations when you charade as a unionist in a situation where the employer is being completely reasonable.

>> No.19781478

you should give other people a turn at hosting the thread

>> No.19781487

I was born into the End Times. The climate warms, the seas rise, carbon emissions rise. Truly, the Great Cataclysm is here.

>> No.19781490

amor fati

But then you get used to it and it just becomes more noise pollution.

Lads I am breathing fresh air again for the first time in months and it smells wicked good. Books for this feel?

Ηαρδ μοδε
don't just post the bloomer chart, post something that unblocked your spiritual sinuses. something that made you feel like in burnout where the boost bar finally clicks and you slam it on mid-drift and hit a nigga with a sick takedown

>> No.19781495

You want the next one? Go ahead
I just like the picture

>> No.19781509

Case in point #310635 that climate change is just an apocalyptic cult. If it were about "the science" you wouldn't be compelled to use religious language.

>> No.19781516


>> No.19781522

it's dark outside, it's pitch black

>> No.19781561

If climate change seems Biblical in scope, that is because of how enormous the calamity is. I’ve thought about it before, you know. Maybe whoever put Revelations to paper saw global warming happening, millennia later.

>> No.19781566

>oh no the sea levels rose 5 feet in the last 60 years IM GOIIINNGG INSSSAAAAAANEEEE

>> No.19781628


>> No.19781640

this is a reference to a post probably only I remember, but basically the idea is that the guy has seen cthulu and told his cat that hes going INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAANEEEEEEEEEE and then to top it off he sees an italian, and he is so racist against italians that that adds to the experience after having seen the eldritch one or whatever the fuck he's called, and I thought that was very funny

>> No.19781683
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Everything I have done so far has ended in failure.
I've never been special, I've never won any medals.
There's nothing I could have done to change this, even my current ambitions will end in ruin, shattering what little remains of my bonds to this world.
It's too late, it's all too late...
I shall forever be a lonely child.

>> No.19781690

I have a complete inability to work backwards from objectives to the courses of action necessary to bring them about. Even a task as simple as "I should clear this desk" or "rearrange my clothes drawer" becomes a baffling ordeal as I try to consider not only what is the actual arrangement that the objects should take, but then, once I have settled on an arrangement that I won't immediately regret as inefficient - the act of removing everything and repositioning it.
I marvel at people who restore machinery, one buys an old car, they don't know how much bodywork will need fixing, what engine components will need changing. Same with building extensions on old houses - where are the load bearers? Is there any water damage.
Truly they are like Jazz musicians - except Jazz is boundless and free - they are like Jazz musicians instructed not to use certain notes.
I envy them all.
I can clearly envision end-products, but not fathom the means to achieve them.

>> No.19781737
File: 36 KB, 450x314, nabokov_index_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost fell for the Zettelkasten meme yesterday.
The prospect of through force of habit amassing a wide collection of digital index cards that would organically constitute a work almost seduced me. I could just write a few haphazard cards a day, and eventually it would just somehow form into a whole.
And then I came to my senses and remembered - who the fuck would read it? No seriously. Having a good system of keeping your notes on hand is fine, but who other than me would find any value in the notes I keep?
It still fails to solve the single problem that has thwarted all my artistic development these past few years - finding an audience. You can't even get feedback on how to improve unless you get someone to give you a second opinion - that requires at least an audience of 1.
The cold hard truth is I need to whore aggressively on social media, insultingly talk to friends out of the blue for no other reason than to self-promote my latest release.
I almost fell for the Zettelkasten meme.
Maybe I would have been temporarily happier if I did?

>> No.19781801

Zettle is for people who write non fiction you retard. Are you publishing? Are you blogging? If not then you use obsidian just as a cool note taking software.

>> No.19781823

I know it's for non-fiction, irrespective, who would read it?
>Are you publishing? Are you blogging?
Same problem, if I was, who would read it. I'd need to promote that shit.
The problem has always been getting an audience

>> No.19781870

Why is audience stopping you. Do you not feel the need to create? Is it just something you think you should do.

>> No.19781879

It's not that it's stopping me outright - it's that I am not developing or improving because I can't get feeback and constructive criticism because no body reads what I do

>> No.19781890

>be me
>class doing a family tree assignment
>making a craft tree from foam and felt
>write names of our relatives on felt leaves
>all kids having fun talking about their family
>I dont understand the assignment
>my dad hates his family so we moved to a different continent
>my mom is total trash and doesnt even know who her father is
>teacher criticizes me because I only have three leaves on my tree
>tells me I need to have more
>"who are your grandparents?"
>I dont know
>"do you have cousins?"
>I dont know
>"What about aunts or uncles?"
>not even sure what those are
>"Well anon you need more leaves. Write down your friends names"
>dont have any friends
>only person who is nice to me was the janitor
>the janny taught me how to tie my shoes
>write down his name
>now I have four leaves
I destroyed the project when I was older

>> No.19781900

Funny. I feel WORSE because of it.

>> No.19781901

Did you have an overly critical mother?

>> No.19781904
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>>only person who is nice to me was the janitor
>>the janny taught me how to tie my shoes

>> No.19781906

>is loud and annoying. I prefer it like that, its disturbance is a reminder that I shouldn't be on it.
I tell myself the same about ur mom.

>> No.19781907

I found a girl writer's Discord and I want to join but I'm nervous :3 How do I introduce myself?

>> No.19781916

They were always untied and he got tired of having to tie them for me.

>> No.19781932

Hell no, she always had that airy fairy supportive rhetoric that most mothers have

>> No.19781940

You should work on your kinetic intelligence. I've deal similar spergy organization issues but I have discovered how to make progress. What you're doing wrong is that you're taking a step back and trying to mentally picture the "goal state" you want your actions to result in, sort of by simulating what you'll do without doing it. Instead, think with your body and actions. Start moving stuff around and reevaluate the effects of your actions. Keep repeating this action-evaluation-action loop until the pieces start coming together. If you stop and try to analyze you will get bogged down in the details which are unnecessary to have to store in your head all at once.

You'll start to see that you can think with your hands and what you need to do will become clearer as you effectuate in real time.

>> No.19781964

Okay, that's good. Just asking, because I have this prejudice that people who tend to get mired in unfinished tasks are like that because their mothers were unduly and arbitrarily critical. Hence, the child when he grows up panics because he doesn't know where exactly he's fucking something up, but he knows he's fucking up. I think this was once a pretty popular hypothesis to explain the development of schizophrenia.

>> No.19781970

Thanks anon. For the tactile stuff like organizing drawers, I think you're absolutely correct. Thinking by doing rather than become fixated on envisioned 'goal states' as you call them.
But what about for more complicated and potentially social processes like:
>finding seed funding for a small business
>organizing a birthday party when you have social groups who are on opposite ends of town (and at what point do you decide to just split it down the middle and do two separate things?)
>not social but - trying to learn a new technique in VFX compositing and not having access to new or original elements, and there's no tutorials to show you step-by-step how to do it?
This is the stuff where I really get lost

>> No.19781974

Today I wasted a precious opportunity, the likes of which I am unlikely to see again. What’s worse, it was all done through my own cowardice, incompetence, and weakness; and there is nobody but myself to blame for it. I feel like a man who won the lottery and immediately threw away the ticket, only to hate himself forever and mourn for what could have been. Never will I forgive myself for what I did today. Never. Not even if I know that self-forgiveness will ease my suffering tenfold. I would rather suffer more, and feel greater shame, embarrassment, and disgrace, than forgive myself for the disgraceful way in which I behaved today.
All that’s left to me now is to hate myself and imagine with teary eyes what could have been if I were a better man.

>> No.19781993

I think I'm gonna reach out to my ex. I don't know what my intentions are.

>> No.19782003

I have heard that theory about schizophrenia. The whole 'double bind' thing. Personally I don't like using such a diagnostic approach, because while I could easily say "it's because my father was a codependent who took over every time I tried to..."
It just feels too easy you know? More to the point, sure, if I blame my current inadequacies or inefficiencies on something in childhood. That doesn't do anything to fix them now.

>> No.19782004

the first time i read the word "outré" was in a story by lovecraft. out of a plethora of exotic terms, it stood out as the only one of french origin. *Outré may bring smiles of recognition to fans of the American writer of horror stories H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), it and nefandous being particular favorites of his. The very French-looking outré, "excessive, extreme, exaggerated," is indeed a past participle of the French verb outrer "to push or go beyond the limits." by the way, lovecraft used "outré" ten times and "nefandous" once in his œuvre. in a story by august derleth, i came across the word "outré" for the second time. the story owes its origin to a note by lovecraft, elaborated by derleth. i interpreted his use of the word as a tribute to his literary idol. since then, i have encountered outré two other times: in robert e. howard and in mark samuels, a contemporary writer of horror stories.

>> No.19782007

My grandma (an avid Fox News watcher) and I were talking about countries and the like. It got on to her saying that if you don't like your own country then she doesn't understand. Her home country is Scotland (but she is here in the US) and she often criticizes Scotland (which is fine but then today she also says she doesn't know enough about it anymore). I brought up a very big-brained thought provoking response and said, "what if a Chinese person dislikes China?" She said that was fine because China is totalitarian. I asked her how she knew and she mentioned the Uyghurs and what they're doing. Of course I know what they're doing to them: nothing. She went a little ballistic and said that I don't know what I'm talking about and that ends the talk. I asked her about the refugees, why their birthrate has increased, why the CCP is fine with other Muslim groups, why no actual Muslim groups say it's happening, why they celebrated Eid, etc.

She didn't respond at all. It was a bit frustrating because we were having a pretty good talk before it which I don't get to engage with often with her because she usually gets angry when anything is brought up. The irony, and I told my mom, is that we most likely have many of the same ideas about politicians and the like but she hates that I'm a Marxist. In fact, one of her statements tonight was that the Democrats are communist. I asked her how, to which she responded "how are they not?"

>> No.19782013
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>be me
>be the smartest kid in kindergarten
>write stories about dinosaurs, ghosts and detectives but never talk to anyone
>teacher is genuinely impressed, sits me next to dumb kids, so my brilliance may osmosis to them
>i hate them, they are loud and they talk about stupid things
>one day a ring at my door
>it's the stupid kids
>mom answers the door
>"can anon come and play outside?"
>remember laying flat on the ground next to mom out of sight to the kids
>motion her to shoo them away, don't want these dirty kids around me
>mom says that i am sick and can't come play
>am forever thankful to mom
>now alcoholic loner
>lmao mfw

>> No.19782016
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Intelligence services rule the world and you can't stop them.

>> No.19782021

do you have friends now anon :<

>> No.19782029


>> No.19782034

>I don't know what my intentions are.
How would you feel if she, in a very subtle way, revealed that she's seeing someone else and is happy?

>> No.19782041

My friend is a Chinese Nationalist, from China, loves China, etc. Even he acknowledges that China is fucking with the Uyghurs. Of course, he frames it as a good thing. The chinese are civilizing them according to him. Same argument he made in defense of China in Tibet. And frankly I dont give a rats ass about what the chinks do to the Uyghurs. But to say nothing is happening at all is totally absurd.

>> No.19782044

I'm fairly certain she isn't but that would obviously make me unhappy.

>> No.19782052

just trust me on this one, champ. it poisons you

>> No.19782053

I have finally, in my sweeping downward spiral, alight atop the pinnacle of madness.
Paying no heed to the inverted nature of this unintelligible wasteland, I can only continue to descend.

The weight of knowledge has borne me thus. The inevitability of my coming installed millennia before my birth.

I'd laugh, if not for terror.

>> No.19782055

It took me 15 years after Kindergarten ended to make friends. But now I have them so it's all good.

>> No.19782056

>But what about for more complicated and potentially social processes like:

I would say the same concept applies with some modifications. The basic reality you have to keep in mind that at any given moment you do not have complete information. So you can't just sit back and mastermind an elaborate strategy and then execute it and expect the world to cooperate. You need to test the waters, "ping" different things that are relevant to your goals, and then reevaluate and adjust your plan to accomodate this new information. All of this is a bit abstract so let me use your examples to illustrate.

>finding seed funding for a small business
This is something other people know how to do. Find those people and either get them to tell you what they did, or follow their example. This is a networking thing so you need to talk to people. There's no way around it.

>>organizing a birthday party when you have social groups who are on opposite ends of town (and at what point do you decide to just split it down the middle and do two separate things?)
Here, you need to find out who can do what. How do you do this? Don't just attempt to simulate what you think they can do based on your knowlege of them as your friends. Ask them. Better yet, create a group chat and get everyone on the same page. Accept that maybe not all your friends can make the party. Or compromise and host it some place in the middle of the town.

There is no optimal solution to this problem using just first principles. I mean you can't just reason it out without communicating and finding out what is actually possible for people. THEN base your plan.

>>not social but - trying to learn a new technique in VFX compositing and not having access to new or original elements, and there's no tutorials to show you step-by-step how to do it?
Idk what the hell that is. I assume it is some kind of technical computer shit thing. Again, probably the best approach is hands on. Just tinker with it. Supposing you can't accidentally destroy something, just fuck around with it and get new information until patterns start to emerge.

I sympathize anon. The autism is hard. But you can get the better of it! And honestly once you figure it out your autism will give you an edge because you'll think different. Normies can just do the hands on stuff, they don't have the kind of brain that treats the world as a deductive system. The combination however is powerful.

>> No.19782062

send a picture of your balls on the cover of your favourite novel

>> No.19782063

I agree with the other anon then, if you would be unhappy rather than indifferent or even happy for her if she moved on (doesn't matter what you think the probability is) then don't. It means that you're hoping to rekindle things. And obviously there is a reason why you broke up in the first place.

>> No.19782072

>Of course I know what they're doing to them: nothing
And that's where I stopped reading

>> No.19782102

i'm broke and i feel bad

>> No.19782103

>Find those people
See I have no idea how to do that.
>Don't just attempt to simulate what you think they can do based on your knowlege of them as your friends. Ask them.
Genuinely good advice. Make an overture.
Thanks anon
> Just tinker with it.
Doesn't work though, I keep tinkering in ways which I'm not learning.
It's never a matter of "oh if I change this value it doesn't do the thing I want - BUT I CAN SEE HOW THIS VALUE AFFECTS THE RESULT - so I now have a better idea what I should do" it's always "why the fuck did it do this thing? That doesn't make sense. What if I do the opposite... what... that's totally different again!? What if I do what I did earlier... Why is this acting different again!?"

>> No.19782109

From what I've seen there is a good amount of anti-Chinese or just, well, terrorists/fanatical sentiments with the Uyghurs due to various reasons and that the Chinese authorities are trying to fight that with education/re-education/what have you. Nothing violent at all, just de-radicalizing? That is what I've seen from my readings on the subject. When I say nothing what I mean is that a genocide is not happening nor anything else even on the level of Gitmo or something. Which, if I had thought to mention it, has Uyghur detainees. Strange America is rallying around anti-Muslim practices when for the past twenty years we've been going bonkers on them.


>> No.19782119

America has never had a ideology-specific alignment, at least in modern times. Also why do you pretend to know with certainty what happens in Mongolia?

>> No.19782132

is the broke because of the feelbadness or is the feelbad because of the brokeness? i.e. are you in a bad spot are you generally pathetic?

>> No.19782169

>See I have no idea how to do that.
If push comes to shove use the internet. Literally just search "how to get seed funding for a small business." There are probably 100s of Medium articles about it. Or use linkedin and message the shit out of people. When you don't know what to do, the best bet is to pick a general direction and throw shit at the wall until something sticks. Eventually you will learn more than you currently know, which is inevitably because you know nothing. It may not be much at first but it will snowball if you persist.
>Doesn't work though, I keep tinkering in ways which I'm not learning.
I can't advise you well on this because it is a hard skills kind of issue and I don't know anything about the field. Look at it this way, can you at least answer why what you are doing isn't doing what you want? That way you can at least build up a database of what doesn't work, which will make it easier to chance upon what does work. Or, start with what you do know how to do, and try to branch off from it. I'm sure there are also various forums/channels on the internet where people discuss this sort of stuff, so search around.
Good luck.

>> No.19782183
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>be me
>be 12 years old
>go to new school
>black kids befriends me
>cool teacher lets us play tekken 2 after school
>cute girl that looks like jaws' gf from james bond likes me
>we kiss in the field
>every day we kiss in the field
>start telling people because i used to be cringe but now im based
>somebody tells the lame teacher
>this post-wall roastie publicly shames me and my girlfriend
>actually punishes the whole class and tells the other teacher not to let us play video games at school anymore
>everyone hates me
>hate myself

>> No.19782184
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Well obviously America is in opposition to China, so we use everything we can against them, even it it makes us hypocrites. China does the same to us. Its all propaganda designed to agitate the citizens.
So yeah there's not a genocide or anything. And the Chinese are "reeducating" the muslims because they kept conducting terror attacks. The muslims used to go on the crowded chinese trains and stab over a hundred people before being stopped. I'm partial to Nationalism myself so I totally understand why the chinks would go after the Uyghurs.
That said, anyone who is properly liberal would be appalled by what China is doing. They are putting them into camps and forcing them to violate their religious principles. For example they force feed them pork. Wouldnt shock me if they were using torture or other abusive methods. Again, I really don't care, but a neolib like your grandma would think it's too far. Webm related is a uguyr woman being forced to marry a gook

>> No.19782188

>all my guy friends are autistic nerds
>girls never respond after the first night of talking
I'm so tired of pseudo bullshit. They just can't ever talk about things without getting overly intellectual about it and I just do not care anymore. I'm desperate for the female energy where things are never that deep and it's just light and fun, but I can't seem to keep them hooked long enough. I'm not sure what it is, but I know after a certain point people "latch" on to me for one reason or another, but they always stop talking before that point. It's just this vicious cycle I'm stuck in and I have no idea how to break it.

>> No.19782205

that because talking on the phone, especially texting, is autistic, and girls get bored. every fun relationship ive had with girls or female friends has been like 10% texting at most. it has to be in person.

>> No.19782209

I often wonder if I could become one of those self-help grifters
>By coming to my webpage you've already made potentially the most important step into become the best version of yourself. A journey of 1000 steps starts with one. Now you're on the journey, are you going to chicken out and turn back or are you going to continue. I can't promise you it'll be easy, but I promise you you're on the way. That's okay if you want to continue being a loser and leave. I don't want to take the money of losers.
>People judge you negatively when you say that you want easy money. But that's a loser mindset. If you make easy money that doesn't mean you're adverse to working hard, it means that you demand to be rewarded for your hard work. If you have two job offers, both equally difficult, one pays 50 dollars an hour and one pays 150 dollars an hour, only a fool would take the 50 dollar one. This is what loser-mindset people do when they criticize you about looking for easy money, they are saying they'd take the 50 dollars an hour. And you know why they do it? Because they are afraid. They are afraid to demand what they want. And that's good news for you
>If men realized how easy it is to have sex in 2021 society would collapse. There's two things you need to know, firstly women settle. Now why should a woman settle for anyone when she can have a bonefide winner like you? So why is she settling? Because she doesn't know you're a bonefide winner. Dating just like everything else in the attention economy is simply another aspect of marketing. You have to make them aware of you. You are a product. You have to market yourself as a boyfriend.
>If you're not making money online you're crazy. You could be monetizing your social media. Why are you giving away your content, your effort to Fuckerberg for free? Because he doesn't have a loser-mindset, so you shouldn't either! You can use your social media so that he can PAY YOU

>> No.19782226

Thanks anon, there's some sound advice in there.

>> No.19782235

then why the fuck are they on /soc/ discord threads and such? ffs

>> No.19782242
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Not bad, but tldr. Needs more pictures of mma fighters wearing ill fitted suits and expensive watches. you have to use this gif and throw in the word sigma male a lot

no but seriously, my male coworkers eat this shit up. the trick is its just a dopamine/serotonin kick, something to bring them out of the lull while their sitting at their desks. its like drinking a mental preworkout.

>> No.19782258
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>> No.19782259

...its because they're autistic and boring...anon pls

>> No.19782263
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>> No.19782267

I welcome boring at this point. Anything to turn my brain off

>> No.19782271
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>> No.19782278
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>> No.19782279

Bro, dont post this shit. im tryna goof off on 4chins, not have a manic episode as pull out all of my money and stuff it under my mattress

>> No.19782283
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Good suggestions. I was thinking that rather than say 'sigma' I'd have to invent my own phrase because then it's a USP and your coworkers would feel like I'm giving them some sort of secret insight no one else has

>> No.19782289

that janitor at least was a nice person
I'm glad I never had to deal with this since I don't like alcohol myself. I've never even gotten drunk before

I used to write a lot. It's what I discovered as young child to be my creative outlet. I enjoyed it immensely. I thought I was going to a writer growing up. The writing waned in my teens, but when I was finishing high school I once again became very passionate for it. I remember having 90 pages (more or less polished) of a book I was making. But eventually I stopped all of that. I had picked up a secondary hobby, music. First guitar, but then I learned to play drums and then a keyboard. Gradually I played more music and I wrote less. Until I just wasn't writing in the first place. This hasn't changed as of now, I do write still in the form of lyrics. But I find meaning and beauty through a different medium now. I still love analysing lyrics and writing my own. Even music, and instrumentals themselves hold the same power to tell stories and feelings as words for me. I love finding such things. Not really writing related anymore, but if anyone is more interested in what I told. This was an instrumental song I wrote 3 months ago

>> No.19782291

/lit/ is my favorite board

>> No.19782323
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>> No.19782347

My sincere hope is that we and China enter a Cold War so severe that the Feds start tracking and “taking care” of pro-CCP Americans. Treat you guys the same way your beloved CCP would treat a traitor in their country, you know?

>> No.19782370

The current status-quo of limited engagement and war-by-proxy in nations surrounding China and Russia is going to continue for a very long time.

>> No.19782373

Well thats boring. I'm hoping Ukraine will amount to something

>> No.19782384

are there any reliable news as to whether omicron is causing long covid? i can't take my thoughts off that

>> No.19782387

This modern wave of psychedelic culture is so cringe. I swear if another normie tries to tell me one more time about how dmt is a 'spirit molecule' and that its produced in the pineal gland during rem sleep to create dreams, I will fucking go postal.
What is with this obsession of reducing any immaterial experience to material processes? I'm not against the use of psychedelics. But then again I'm of the opinion they are zero benefit to normies outside of trying to give up smoking or deal with trauma in a professional setting.

>> No.19782392

>reliable news
>reliable science
Boy, what century do you think this is?

>> No.19782413

The psychedelic subculture has always been a victim of its own lack of self-reflection, ironically. I'm convinced that the wave of positive emotion resulting from the experience itself bleeds over into everything and colors the entire subculture, so they caught in a feedback loop of "positive vibes". They're no different from stoners who get uncomfortable any time they have to live in the real world for a moment. It's Neverland.

>> No.19782417

>What is with this obsession of reducing any immaterial experience to material processes?
Why is this bad? Particularly with psychedelic drugs. You are ingesting chemicals and experiencing neurological events as a result. It's a biological and chemical topic, not a spiritual one.

>> No.19782423

Few things to consider thoughtfully.

1: The US, in WWI and WWII, bought up all the worlds gold and silver by shipping weapons and material to Europe during the war. The US currently has 40% of the worlds gold reserves. For the world to build a new reserve currency it needs to be based on some unit of trade. When Nixon took the US off the gold standard and then Bush forced the world into the petrodollar, that as a massive middle finger. The world has to adjust going backwards and central banks know just how precarious foreign trade with gold tends to be as the counry which owns all the gold tends to turn everyone else into the vassal states that can't trade with anyone else.


Blockchain can be a way to provide a lot of resiliancy and transparency to international trade as every foreign transaction is documented, which means daily up to date and accurate data on trade flows which allows countries to set very specific policies and enforce how capital moves in and out of the country. Theoretically, this can enable trade while preventing vassal statehood. This is why China and Russia want to push a cryptocurrency, not so much to force us off the US dollar, but to force countries onto their currency BEFORE countries populations recognize this and impliment it. This is the real power of currencies like bitcoin.

Reason Russia is banning it is they are preparing for war and are trying to decouple themselves from trade pressure beforehand. China on the other hand views knocking out Taiwan economically as a way to keep their labor revevant for awhile longer, no chips, no AI, no Bots, no automation, manual labor reigns supreme.

>> No.19782428

Sorry anon, maybe I should have been clearer.
They wish to reduce all immaterial experiences to dmt being the source. Near death experiences, "bro its dmt being pumped into your brain". Dreams, "bro its dmt being pumped into your brain". Trance states during meditation, "bro its dmt being pumped into your brain" etc etc.

>> No.19782429

2: There's only so much profit, or ROI, to be had from any given economy. The old way of monopolizing and controlling ROI was through equity piracy banking; you print up some debt, give it to your buddies, run all the small businesses out of down, force everyone to work for you, plaster propaganda everywhere about it, and see what sticks. This is keynesism in a nutshell.

We figured out how to make equity piracy obsolete in the 1930's with commonwealth companies that paid majority profits to their staff based upon the profitability of the org. This was a fantastic way to deal with a deflationary depression because it allowed companies to run with very little capital and largely off of company stock (faith) in the enterprise. This is the same innovation that more or less allowed Nazi germany to rise from the Weimar republic and conquer Europe in less than 10 years with the one Reirchmark per one hour work policy Hilter put in place. Literally the guy standardized prices for awhile and made sure the profits stayed with the people doing the work, and the economy roared to life. The great depression was about deindustrializing the US, paying people so little they decided to go back to working on farms rather than engage in the promise of factories so they would be weak and ripe for invasion.

1960's central banks tired to reign that in with high (8% YOY) inflation and got fucked up during the SL& Crisis of the 80's. They then kept the inflation rate low during the 1980's - 2020's and went back to equity piracy backstopped by the chinese labor force. This is the elite merger b@nn0n talks about on WR. The US got so far ahead 1950-1990 from everyone else technologically, militarily, and economically that the world worried about the US becoming an empire. After the USSR fell, globalist empiricists tried to take over the US and forge the NWO which has prooven really unfeasable.

>> No.19782436

This is the same deindustrialization force is in play today, and the reason we have a labor shortage driving inflation is 3 fold.

First, the boomers all retired due to covid.

Second, people are so impoverished by equity piracy they can't move to where the jobs are at due to high commodities prices, and even if they could, equity piracy is preventing businesses from starting up due to incredibly high costs.

Third is political. The rest of the world views their the US way of running a country an affront to their way of life. Europe, Russia, China. About the only people who don't think that way are India, Japan, and a few other Western countries like France who appreciate america but think we're a little extreme. Due to how far ahead the US is, they feel the need to engage in our politics to deindustrialize or prevent progress as much as possible. They want trade for tech transfer and free gibs, but the problem with trade is your workers get ideas like they should have better labor laws and protections or should be able to own guns. This becomes problematic.

Populism is spreading in the US and foreign powers are being driven out. China is an export led economy and needs to break out of the first island chain if they hope to weather the demographic collapse Russia's demography is in collapse and they want to take the carpehtenian mountains and push their borders forward into ukraine, poland and romania to have a bastion against future invasion. Covid and the now largely failed color revolution in the US was about taking the US out of the picture, and it's looking like the US is very much in the picture and very much pissed off.

>> No.19782437

>China on the other hand views knocking out Taiwan economically as a way to keep their labor revevant for awhile longer, no chips, no AI, no Bots, no automation, manual labor reigns supreme.
No offense, but this is just wrong. CCP propaganda is full of mentions of the importance of AI and automation to China, both in the short and long term.

>> No.19782442

3: Demography is going to define politics in most of Europe going foward. Urbanization and low infant mortality combined with new tech and political BS has caused population decline in most western countries and the net result of that is populist sentiment. The Globalists have mucked up supplychains between multiple countries and have created an epic fucking mess. Over the long-term, the US has stable demography, which few countries have, and the reason a rotten shanty in NY goes for $1m is because every countries rich people recognize they can afford to lose 50% of their wealth in the US but can't afford to lose 90% at home in a populist or communist revolution when all the young people tell the old to die off so they can have money to have kids.

It's evident to me the central banks have no fucking clue as to what hety are doing or how to proceed. Populists in the US are set to get into power, and when they do, keep one thing in mind. The Weimar republic spun up to life in less than a couple of years, put everyone to full employment and fixed a lot of shit in a short period of time. The difference today is when that happens in the US, EVERYONE in the world can see it because of the internet. And that's going to create populist revolutions elsewhere.

>> No.19782444

>experiencing neurological events
>not a spiritual one
What's the difference? What would you recognize as spiritual?

>> No.19782446

Jimmy Dore sifts through the crap to get at the truth, or as close to it as we’ve got.
There’s a British physician who cuts through the crap too. Here’s his

>> No.19782449
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4: Finally, and this is important. What will the future bring?

The US Populists have seen the worst of what the NWO has to bring to their doorstep and every countries culture and they've pretty much had it with them. This means either other countries rich people are going to try to format the planet for their posterity by killing everyone off they can e.g. WWIII becomes a posturing war, then a very short and exciting tradeoff of missiles before the nukes fly, or the the populists are going to win.

Picrel was what the russians put over one of their radio frequencies they use for covert communication caught in one of the skyking threads. I would say when the order comes down from the rich people to nuke the planet, they won't do it. Imagine the Russians nuking their own billionairs mansions, the chinese nuking beijing to wipe out the CCP, and the US engaging in organized home invasions to arrest and try every motherfucker behind election thefts and other bullshit going back 50 years. Then, the US goes to mexico and assfucks the cartels, and helps france\germany\UK etc deal with their demographic problems with real solutions where those countries adopt for the first time, US-Style constitutions with a european twist.

The US is likely to spark a populist revolution in many countries and throw this labor farming kikery bullshit off for good. While that revolution is occuring, shit gets risky. and we're probably going to see an awful lot of fucked up crap meantime inbetween time.

>> No.19782457

>pol take of politics
>no comfy stories
this thread just turned cringe

>> No.19782458

No offense taken, I was hoping for corrections

>> No.19782470

I promise to make the next thread comfy anon. Well, beyond my fretting over climate change.

Well, I think you are quite incorrect in your analysis. I don't understand what American color revolution you are talking about. If you mean BLM, I don't see how it was defeated. I don't see how populism is winning in America either, I feel that it has been totally crushed.

>> No.19782478
File: 147 KB, 989x1156, 3E016A0E-BE7E-4DC8-9B47-2C14A1E87681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t let “failure” set you back, but don’t let a dream get stuck on repeat either.
Forgive yourself of these expectations, set yourself free of them and learn to live at peace with the here and now. You are never going to be this person that you are now again. Change it the only constant. Surf it. Wipe out and laugh some.

>> No.19782487

>be me
>live next to river
>have a heckin huskerino at the time
>He's scared of water
>be hot day
>take dog to river to cool him down
>nudge him into water
>he freezes in panic
>not even dog paddling
>just slowly and gently floating down river
>have to go in and pull him out

>> No.19782491

Right on

>> No.19782541

I like your song anon. I think it’s fine you moved onto greener pastures. Don’t be afraid of branching out to new things.

>> No.19782542
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Is a book like picrel worth reading or is reading primary sources the only legitimate method of learning about philosophy?

>> No.19782559

Fuck this, honestly. All I want is to have a healthy body/mind, a loving wife, happy kids, a confortable place to live, and some time/money for my hobbies. I don’t think that’s too much to ask from the economic system.

>> No.19782565

lmao, thanks for the sharing the story anon

>> No.19782575

Thanks anon! I don't regret my decision at all. I'm very happy making music

>> No.19782618

If you want to have a real strong understanding of anything you need to engage with primary sources. Textbooks like these serve as a jumping off point

>> No.19782629 [DELETED] 

I feel like I'm officially getting old (middle-aged) because I no longer try new things, but neither do I have a bad attitude about new trends. I'm just like, "Oh, that sounds cool." Yet whenever I listen to new music or try to watch a new movie, I just furrow my brow, and then just turn it off and listen to Steely Dan again. I'm getting married, and yet I don't find younger girls very tempting. Anytime I meet a younger girl, I feel like there's now an undercurrent knowledge that we occupy different realms. I generally like to hear people talk about their lives, but I no longer have the impulse to judge people or even feel apart of their world.
I think one of the best parts about getting older is that it is much, much easier to filter out what doesn't concern me, and I'm much better at shutting people down when they try to loop me into their drama or disrespect me. I like the way people my age talk to each other. It's sort of quiet, casual, and people really respect boundaries. It's like middle-age is much about shifting into management mode, where there's a lot of gratitude about the little things.
Christ, I think the world may be a much happier place than we realize. It's just that much of that happiness is had by older people, who are generally quiet and protective, and aren't exactly full of the same energy.

>> No.19782637

You should always balance the two, but it's okay to lean more heavily on secondary sources whenever necessary (like in the beginning) and they can always be enjoyable

Secondary sources can tell you lots of neat things like that the primary source you're reading was actually written as a response to another guy you were just reading, and you didn't even know this.

>> No.19782639

The “cataclysm” is still plenty of years off, you probably won’t even see the real cataclysm in your own lifetime.

>> No.19782668
File: 23 KB, 560x314, D313D73F-F359-482E-B585-2BF79E21AEBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this one time in high school where I sat next to this cute Asian girl who would typically always sit by herself.
Trying to start any kind of conversation, I asked her if I could copy her answers for some homework that was due. She said that she could send me pictures of the homework if I gave her my phone number. Me, being a fucking dunce, told her hat it would be easier for me to copy it if she just hands me the homework papers physically.
I later realised she was trying to use the homework as an excuse to get my phone number. What a fucking idiot I am.

>> No.19782732

>be me
>meet cute slightly chubby japanese girl at uni
>take her out
>she says why do i drive an old car
>its not even old
>she judges me for drinking beer at a fucking bar
>texting her sister the whole night
>stop playing nice with, im so fed up
>tell her im gonna go
>she gets sad
>tell her cmon lets drive around then
>think to myself, fuck it, im gonna drop her off and never talk to her again, shes frigid and weird
>lean in to kiss her
>it works
>she says, "no, its bad" "do you have a girlfriend"
>starts annoying me again
>take her home
>fuck her fat ass
>order her a ride, block her number

>> No.19782754

Ok thanks!

>> No.19782788

Foreign girls are like this. Hooked up with an Indian girl a few times, but the first time at every step of the way she would intimate that she was not interested. A lot of "I'll let you walk me home but YOU are not coming inside" etc. etc. When we got inside I went into the bathroom and when I came back to her bedroom she'd taken off all her clothes and presenting her pussy to me.

>> No.19782796

and you're my favourite anon

>> No.19782828

I would blast so hard in Boebarts busted pussy

>> No.19782833

Fucking ugly and fat cold whores is not based.

I was especially oblivious to the affections of girls as a boy, when I was in the 8th grade I had 3 girls confess their "love" to me on the end of the year field trip and not a single one of them was even on my radar.

>> No.19782851

Ok reality. I relent. You got me beat.

>> No.19782879

Hangovers last like 2 days now.
So I can't even drink to cope with life without it effecting everything else.
My work and my home are already constant suffering.
My boss is still recovering from surgery and he hasn't paid us in more than a week.
Why am I running another mans business when I'm not even getting paid.
Why do I take care of all these old people at home.
I love my family but fucking christ I hate all this responsibility.
I'd say sleep is the only release but I have nightmares now.
All my friends moved to other cities.
I haven't had a proper girlfriend in years.
I don't actually have anxiety and depression I just have a shitty environment.
I can't even afford to go to a doctor and get some addy for this shit.

>> No.19782890

if its any consolation, my life seems significantly better than yours, and i dont take it for granted, because ive been there, buddy

>> No.19782891

Thanks anon. I've been in decent places too, but it never seems stable. It's always some bullshit. You put one fire out and another starts. I've come to learn that happiness is for other people. It's not just in the cards for me.

>> No.19782927

But this system is confiscatable and people have taken it and are saying fuck you and your dreams.
We need a different economic system.

>> No.19783008

I only ever match with Asian chicks on dating apps but if I date another people will start to think I have a fetish.

>> No.19783018

I could never pull Asian chicks. I'm too obnoxious and american I think. White, Black, Indian, Mexican, etc. I can pull all these but I couldn't ever pull asian girls. I think when I realized this I stopped chasing women because I DO have a fetish.

>> No.19783145
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I just started reading a few months ago but as I’m doing it my mind tends to wander off and I have a really hard time concentrating and it’s really putting me off. I think all those years of YouTube and twitch has fried my brain and I literally won’t be able to ever concentrate. My phone says my screen time is down 39% compared to last week so that’s good.

>> No.19783150

I'm a loud white american living in an asian neighborhood. I'm like God to them. If I didnt have so much anxiety I would have a harem

>> No.19783164

Read faster. Literally your brain is bored because you aren't getting enough information. READ FASTER. Take a book and move your eyes along the words as fast as you possibly can, to the point where you see the words but only half of them register. Do this for 15 minutes. Then go back and try reading at your top speed where you still can understand what it says. You'll be amazed when you develop the mental acceleration pedal. I'd also suggest pauses after sections to reflect on what you read. If non-fiction, read about the book to know where it's going. If fiction, flip ahead to the end of the chapter so you know how long you have to go.

>> No.19783167
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with an asian girl now in a ltr. if people knew my dating history they would be appalled. well, not exactly, but they would get the hint.
ive answered to it once, and i just make sure to point out i like asians in general (not just in a picrel way), which is true. asians are generally smart and have their lives well put together, which attracts me. and theres nothing wrong with liking asian women. theyre fucking cool.
it's when you start invoking the china doll stereotype that people get suspicious

>> No.19783178
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Is this book just a meme?

>> No.19783181

i don't understand. how are all the high IQ, interesting, sociable people around that i find so invested into the most extreme of 'lib' culture? They aren't outright political activists but they absorb and latch onto the culture so deeply. I can't help but just see them hopelessly attached to the beast and have very few influences or experiences with a world outside their own. I continue to enjoy their company despite the fact that they seem less attached to the real world than my grog upbringing.

>> No.19783183

Thanks I’ll try that. Appreciate it

>> No.19783184

Anyone know of some good online English classes? Preferably free. I'm not really looking for a specific subject, I just want something that will help me better engage with and express my thoughts on what I read.

>> No.19783237

I agree anon. My city sometimes feels like its 90% Asian and I've always lived in Asian neighbourhoods just by chance. Just by numbers alone of course I'm going to end up dating an Asian girl at some point since I don't discriminate by race when it comes to that. But I've had white girlfriends find out that I've dated an Asian girl in the past and they think I have a fetish and are clearly uncomfortable with it. I guess it's insecurity on their end and I shouldnt let it get to my head but still it sucks. White women are so much more racist than they let on, they hide it well.

>> No.19783252

Your partner is always going to feel insecure about your previous partners. I'd also imagine that where they are from asians are in short supply, where I grew up it was all jungle asians.

>> No.19783255

There has to be a Russian night club somewhere called KOMPROMAT. If there isn't I will be genuinely disappointed.

>> No.19783263

I’m the same but with latinos in my city. White girls all think I only like latinas and their fat asses and apologize for not knowing how to dance or fuck. But instead of disgust like you are talking about with Asians it’s surprise and anger. White girls are wild bruh.

I wish I was gay.

>> No.19783297

Sometimes I hate myself so much that I hate myself for hating myself. It's exhausting

>> No.19783323

IQ is only one measure, and there are other major personality factors that determine political alignment. Also most people aren't that well read, regardless of how smart they are. Also, for most liberals politics means something different than it does to conservatives. For liberals, politics mainly seems for them to be about compassion.

>> No.19783328

Just remember that you don't have to answer to anybody. I've been with my girl for 5 years, and thank God she never asks about my past, and even if she did I'm sure I can laugh it off and change the subject. Also, yes, I've noticed that it's only White women that want to scrutinize your dating history.

>> No.19783352

Forgive and forget

>> No.19783353

I have a lot of anger and overall moodiness but I cant seem to direct it towards creativity. Is it even possible?

>> No.19783364

Negative emotions like anger and suffering only serve to weaken artists and people who operate in creative fields. People think you need to be a tormented person to be creative, they’re wrong.

>> No.19783369

Be creative.
…I mean, like, go tot he gym or take up gardening or whatever.

>> No.19783443

You should at least try

>> No.19783447

Very concerned to learn that my local used bookstore has become a popular instagram selfie hotspot

>> No.19783450
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Mine too

>> No.19783535
File: 718 KB, 968x1090, A175D9D7-0B52-47AB-A4C0-5A98D809C294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>16 y/o, just moved to a new high school
>acquaintance organizes a game of hide and seek in a local park
>I take the invite way too seriously
>wear my 80’s era BDUs I got from the army surplus store
>combat boots
>Grandpa’s pocketknife
>even used Sharpies to draw the woodland print all over my face
>I arrive, everyone’s wearing t-shirts and jeans
>oh fuck
>but wait
>one other guy’s wearing a 90’s Bundeswehr flecktarn uniform
>even has a badass tactical shemagh scarf
>we team up and demolish everyone else
>bros now
>he goes to a different high school but we keep in touch
>10 years later
>we’re dating

I love my bf so much. Too bad our kids are going to be huge fucken nerds.

>> No.19783538

Gays can't have kids

>> No.19783539

What hope is their for man? Is it only death and decay we bring? Is it only momentary lapses of beauty and well-meaning? I feel my soul decay every day, my emotion dying in some attritional battle against time. I feel my emotions giving in, pragmatism an excuse for the death of feeling. How can one call themself a person when altruism fades, when cynicism takes control? I hate my myself, I hate these lapses into vulnerability, I hate this reliance on the unseen. I truly hope one day mankind can break free of this cycle, god help us all.

>> No.19783569

I’m not gay anon, I’m female

>> No.19783578

I dont believe you but in case you're telling the truth tfw no autistic bundeswher gf

>> No.19783584

I havent changed my underwear in 5 days

>> No.19783589

That's cute man, good for you. Find love where you can, yo autistic lovable fuck.

>> No.19783590

>le our children are going to be so into /k/ stuff! Lmao what consumerist whore nerds! haha it's not like it's an entire industry that targets the weak and fearful uneducated masses to sell an idea of rugged individualism XD WHAT NERDS

I'm sorry I posted this. I'm not deleting it. I'm bitter and angry. Your happiness and the fact you have had 26 years to learn how to not be the way you are fuels my rage.

>> No.19783592

you're going to get jock itch

>> No.19783596

Are you angry that people wear camo jackets

>> No.19783598

We'll all make it man. I'm limping, but we'll get there.
It's not about someone saving you, it's not about finding anything, it's about understanding yourself and growing.

>> No.19783599
File: 25 KB, 316x316, tnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am chilling. i am also high. why do people do drugs? i do not know. we should all relax and be more frienbdly and just work things out. we should kill all the bitches who do not agree to relaxing and being diplomatic. ahhhh!!!

the picture is my favorite album. It's weird I always said it like "al-blum" even though its very clearly not that. so strange!!! just stopped doing it recently....!!! do you guys like the album though? let. me. kno!

>> No.19783604

Killing people would not be chill. And thus we would have to kill you, anon.

>> No.19783611

Why do girls like to randomly moan?

>> No.19783615

Yeah love that alblum anon. What's your favourite song on it? I think mine is Swimming or Only Acting.

>> No.19783616

You're the first person to read this comment.

>> No.19783622

That’s a fucking lie.

>> No.19783626

How do you know?

>> No.19783631

He read it inadvertently after and while he wrote it but before he solved the captcha. The author was the first.

>> No.19783646
File: 44 KB, 176x185, whatisthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I solved the Captcha and was hovering my cursor over the Post button before writing the sentence with my eyes closed.

>> No.19783659

Lmao same. Where do you live?

>> No.19783662

Gays reproduce by raping children, stupid.

>> No.19783691

>le stopasianhate kickstarts in my community
>4 people in my apt alone, that i know of, file hate crime incidents
>3/4 of them, again, that i know of, never received follow up
>2 of them found that their complaints werent even registered
>turns out those same 2 were assaulted by black men

>> No.19783706

/lit/ is ass. average age here is 19, maximum.

>> No.19783711
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I can't stop thinking about death. I keep thinking about how terrifying and brutal it really is. The sounds humans make when they are wounded or being killed makes me uneasy. I watch a lot of recordings - both video and audio - of people getting hurt, murdered, and of war. I was recently listening to an audio recording of U.S. troops on the beaches of one of the Japanese islands during their big island assault in WW2. One solider was narrating the action while another operated the recording equipment. You could hear the snap of the bullets and the constant back-and-forth chatter of gunfire not too far away. The solider narrating was professional and descriptive, but his voice was wavering with obvious fear and adrenaline.
I keep thinking about what would it physically FEEL like to get shot and killed during a battle. If I was lucky and the bullet hit my face, it would probably feel like getting hit with a baseball bat. Perhaps I would feel my skull rattle as the impact reverberates around the inside of my head. I would feel that numb tingly feeling from the force of the bullet slamming my skull backwards. All of that would happen in a fraction of a millisecond before it's lights out and I cease to exist. Maybe there would be the briefest instant of searing pain right before my brains are destroyed enough to end consciousness. My greatest fear is that the feeling of the projectile mushrooming inside my mind would somehow be permanently present as I am frozen in the last conceivable moment of my life for all eternity.

>> No.19783716

Death is just going home. You've been there longer than you've been alive. Whether it's life or nothing. It's not endless waiting, it's simply ceasing to exist. Any really, time is relative. Every moment you've had will exist continually forever, nothing ends.

>> No.19783719

I just got what I had access to, my guy. At the time my bf ordered his online; I didn’t have home internet until I was 19. Local surplus store was going out of business so I loaded up on cool, cheap shit with stashed birthday money.

Thanks anon. I wish the same for you.

I will admit that was a pretty cringe way of saying what I really wanted to say, which was that my bf and I are increasingly weary of the looming encroachment of government/institutions, so we’re saving up to buy land to build a double A-frame house on while we grow black walnut trees, Japanese maples, and ginseng. We’re planning on having cattle and chickens and three children at the very least, but we’ll go until it’s medically dangerous. They will all be homeschooled. They will hopefully be mostly dependent on themselves by the time they’re 13-14 y/o. They will probably be as retardedly libertarian as my bf and I are, though we will encourage them absolutely in diversity of personal philosophy. So they will be “nerds” in the sense that they’ll have dumb /k/-tard 4chin autists as parents.

I would say I’m not currently ‘happy’, rather just contented in our pursuits and tentatively excited, since this dream of ours will remain merely a dream until we can save up enough money which means we’re both wageslaving in the interim. Many, many things can go wrong. I won’t diminish how significant it is to have an anchor like a partner/spouse, but I still struggle with doubt about how to be the best girlfriend I can be because he’s seriously a catch any gal would be lucky to have.

I am sorry as well, that you’re bitter and angry. I really can sympathize with the difficulty of feeling tolerant, let alone happy for other people when you’re going through the trenches yourself. But still, I hope to continue being an enraging retard if it means I have more to learn. Best of luck to you and yours, anon.

>> No.19783722

I have, I think. I'll marry her and have kids and god willing I'll leave this place before she does.

>> No.19783728

Same. I don't care at all because they are nothing to me. Mere noise.

>> No.19783729

Yeah mine is either Sometimes or Make Believe :) cool that you LIKE THEM!!!

>> No.19783731

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.19783733

It would be for the necessary benefit of chill. If we commit unchill acts to attain eternal chillness then it is worth it. Ask not what the chill can do for you, but what you can do for the chill!!!!!!!!! America news to be chill again.

>> No.19783740

Ah anon shit like that sucks. Fear of a similar incident stopped me from getting a gf as a kid and an early teen.

>> No.19783741

>be me
>have thick latina coworker
>"sexually assault" her at a party (cmon we were all drunk)
>shes clearly too ashamed to say anything
im thinking based?

>> No.19783744

I have the option to move to a new city for a graduate program in the other side of the country. It would be an improvement in some sense since I enjoy living alone, I'd be in a city environment once again, I'd definitely be forced to grow, etc.
The downside is I'd be far from my family (whom I generally like), I'd have to probably drive my car down there, take my stuff, etc.

I have another option which is in a shitty ghetto city (still a good program) closer to where I live (30 mins away) but I'd have far fewer options for housing, food, culture, etc. The program is more reputable than the other one too.

Another part of me just wants to go back to working as a restaurant server, get a shitty apartment in the city I'm from, and just hit the gym/work/read etc. all day just so I can get out of the house and maybe save some money. But I know I'd also only be getting older and I certainly wouldn't be "growing" or challenging myself.
My family wants me to stay close by even though I think moving back home after graduation has been a bad influence in a lot of ways and I've felt way worse since then.

Part of me knows I have to put a healthy distance between me and my family but I'm not sure. I'm so burned out after looking for work for a year that at this point I'm probably willing to do anything short of signing up for the military just to get a change of pace, scenery and actually put myself on a path of growth. I especially need to move out so I can date, which I haven't yet done (and I'm 23). Hard choices.

>> No.19783747

I don't want a girlfriend, just someone to be seen with.

>> No.19783754

Learn to love yourself. Introversion is the best thing you can learn while your alone, understanding and why you are. Every moment is a chance for growth.

>> No.19783771

How to use the Zettelkasten method exactly? It might be very useful to me. Any resources?

>> No.19783773
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I'm part West African

>> No.19783780

what do you think about the future of those children? you and your bf were lucky enough to find each other, but it will be extremely unlikely for them have such a luck. add to that that the world is getting worse and crueler by the day, it's almost guaranteed they will have a life worse than yours.

>> No.19783792

>Every moment you've had will exist continually forever, nothing ends.
That's what I'm afraid of.
I'm also terrified of Hell. I try to rationalize it all away but I can't suppress that little worry in the back of my head that blossoms into a deep immobilizing terror when I try to go to sleep at night. What if when I die, I find out I was wrong about whatever higher power is truly in charge and I wake up surrounded by demons? I'll get maybe 5 seconds to let the reality sink it before they descend on me and open up my torso like a can of sardines. They would lustfully gorge themselves on my innards and peel the muscle and skin from my glistening white bones and I would feel every excruciating second of it. Then, after I am separated into dozens of pieces, I am magically made whole again, nice and fresh for the demons to tear apart again and again forever.
I try to pray every night for forgiveness and for the mercy of whatever is in power to please not let that happen to me.
I bought some Vitamin D at Walmart so hopefully that will help some.

>> No.19783797

Anger is neutral by itself.

>> No.19783827

I lied. I am still drinking almost every day. In all honestly I never really stopped.

>> No.19783836

there is nothing on my mind, just the void

>> No.19783869
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Need to get funding for my art project NEED TO GET NEED TO GET FUNDING need to get funding I don't kow how. I don't know how TRUST THE PROCESS. BITCH TRUST THE PROCESS. I will metaphysicalize the funding into my grasp

>> No.19783901

I love my friends.

>> No.19783908
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 49579-Charlie-Brown-Snow-Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I keep running into dead ends regarding what to do with my big story. And it is a BIG story. It's a massive story, told in both prose and verse. The first big book in it is almost 140,000 words. The second book is almost 120,000 words. I just wrote a short story that follows from it, which is almost 10,000 words. And we're only just at the beginning. The sheer scale of this story sometimes daunts me. I feel like I'm going to be writing it for at least another decade, maybe another 20 years or more.

I feel it's the great work of my life. This is what I have built towards for all my career in both education and art; my career as a scholar, as a reader, as a writer, as a storyteller, and as a poet. So I want to start sharing it with people. But I keep feeling like all my options don't quite fit.

I've queried a bunch of literary agents, I've received a few positive responses but no acceptances. I've written a few small presses; I got a favorable response from one, but they wanted me to rewrite the first book to shorten it (which I legitimately don't think I can do without hurting the story). I got an agent, or something like an agent, who responded positively to me but wanted me to hold off because he was busy, and invited me to query him again in the spring. I probably will. There's a small press I've written to as well, which I have yet to hear back from.

There's also self-publishing. I've particularly given some thought to serializing the story, since it is made up of segments, stories, chapters. I've written fanfiction in the past, so I know how effective serialization can be for building up an audience. But I can't find a good platform for what kind of story this is. Wattpad, Royal Road, Radish, Kindle Vella--I don't like any of them. None of them "feel" right, for me, for this story. I've even thought of putting the story up on Substack, but Substack doesn't format the verses of poetry correctly.

I'm just at a loss. This big story is my vocation. I feel it's one of the major things I was put on this earth to do. So how do I make sure the most amount of people read it? What do I DO with it? Writing it is actually the easy part, compared to publishing it. Writing it is easy for me. Sharing it has proved harder.

>> No.19783943

Dating chubby gf. She smokes weed. Our flat at night is filled with her stoner friends. I get high then worry about getting cheated behind my back. I left her alone with them when getting money for weed, came back and they were all in the bedroom. They left when they saw me. Dont have the will to accept one probably got a little head. Next week I'm painfully shy and cant tell which ones are my friends and if which ones fucked her. I barely talk when they come around. Worst of all the stoners probably think we're friends. Although I've grown to like them. However the fear of being cheated is too much

>> No.19783962

yea yea yea
yeah yea yeah
you and your folks
me and my folks
you and your folks
me and my folks
you and your folks
me and my folks
you and your thing
me and me thang
you and your thang
its a very good thang

>> No.19783967

what's it about

>> No.19783972

I think I'm done using 4chan

>> No.19783980

The grey, flat ceiling is the first thing the man saw when he awoke. He sat up on the side of the blue bed he's on and trace his hand over his head. Stale air moves to his nose and silence assaulting his ears. He's wearing a suit and the bed hasn't been undone. He looks around to see a small, dark room with a white, tile floor, so purely so it stood out among the darkness of the room. It's square and there's a rather antiquated looking television on the corner of the room. He stands up to open the white curtains of the window but discover only total darkness. No matter how hard he try, he couldn't make out anything but this blackness. Blacker than night even. He open the window and put his head outside, but still, nothing. Nothing but the room behind him. He saw two doors as he turn back. One was already open halfway and shows a mirror and a sink. A door to the right is closed. He walks to that door. With his hand on the golden handle, he attempt to twist it, but clicks only came out as the handle resist the twists. The man then threw his hand back. He returns back to sitting on the bed, exhaling deeply as he stare into nowhere in particular. After a moment or so, he stood up again and went to the sink, pushing the door even further, though slightly more ajar. He examine himself on the mirror. He looked to be a man somewhere in his early thirties. Dark hair with brown eyes with the beginnings of a beard.

Strange, the man thought. He just now realize he is not familiar with this body at all. In fact, he couldn't recall anything before his apparent sleep. He couldn't even remember his name. How odd, the man thought again. He twists the handle of the sink and look down, but his body back away, his hands shielding himself as a foul smell akin tobodily waste, sulfur, and tar assualts him. A black, soggy liquid with the consistency of vomit spews from the facet, with little white worm-like creatures among this substance. The man, with reluctance, shut off the handle. Most of the sludge went down the drain, but the quasi worm entities slither on what remain and over each other on the sink. The man decides to close the door.

>> No.19783983


let these words echo through your psyche
godspeed my friend

>> No.19783988
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A story of the deep future, both grand and intimate. About a world centuries from now, ruled by a shadowy cabal of scientists who have exercised clandestine power for centuries, all since the aftermath of a nuclear war that destroyed human civilization.

Also it's about four teenagers that have a great friendship, and only gradually realize they're beings of infinite power.

Also it's heavily allegorical in the style of Dante, and almost every character is both a fully-realized individual but also someone who stands in for something else.

>> No.19784002

sounds interesting, I'd like to read that some day

make it happen, I know you can

I may sound overly optimistic, but I think humans really are "beings of infinite power"

this, also me

>> No.19784013


>> No.19784033


be ready for these ppl!

>> No.19784039

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, playfully watching me
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible
Logical, oh responsible, practical
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable
Oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical

>> No.19784047

And perhaps they should lose everything in a fire. And perhaps they should be mutilated by savages. And perhaps they should die in extreme agony. And perhaps they should be banned from Twitter.

>> No.19784077

America used keep Uighurs in Gitmo for China because China was like " you want Muslim terrorists?" And the US was like "fuck yeah we'll lock up any Muslims"

It's hilarious to me because us patriotism at the time led lots of people who are now horrified by the Uighur situation to tell me straight up they wanted Uighurs in camps because they must be terrorists if Islamic. Now that's not cool, the same people are like "oh the horror" and I'm like "bitch you did not give a fuck ten years back"

It's like watching a bitch who doesn't like football change her fave football team to match her new bf.

>> No.19784085

I still don't give a fuck. All Islam is cancer, that is all.

>> No.19784086

Yeah yeah go steelers

>> No.19784089

I have no idea what the fuck you are referring to because I am not American but proudly Russian.

>> No.19784101

Spartak then

>> No.19784154

it's a fine line between blame and form an understanding, but for sure
t. not that anon

>> No.19784167

>why the CCP is fine with other Muslim groups
one thing to factor in could be that their silk road is probably gonna run snugly through uighur land. real snugly. could be something, could be nothing.

>> No.19784176

the boys and the girls, be they mates or something far beyond. far beyond I think, are in the water. they're in the water, either of the two waters.

>> No.19784190

I want an English degree but it's useless and I'm too stupid for STEM. Maybe I'll become a truck driver.

>> No.19784352

"In a plebeian world, conformism is suicide."
- Me

>> No.19784378

wOOOahhhh dude that's deep!!!!!!

>> No.19784435

I signed up for therapy after realising just how bad my life is because of social retardation. The thing is, I don't really believe in psychology; I think it's a scam. Psychologists used to say that homosexuality was a mental disorder (which it is), but now because of political correctness they changed their opinion. This shows to me that they can define whatever they want because the mind is so vague and mysterious that nobody can offer a real objection to them. But I don't know where else to turn. I've tried religion, I've tried self-improvement, I've tried simply "going for it". It all ends up failing. I just hope this helps me sort myself out because for the past few days I really feel like I hit rock bottom.

>> No.19784448

Tonetta is the best

>> No.19784626

This board has gotten noticeably worse lately. It is really awful these days.

>> No.19784687

hope it works out for you anon. it can work out or not work out in my experience, but either way it should give you new perspectives. remember that they're human too, and even if it doesn't work out that doesn't really mean anything in itself in the grand scheme of things. It can be very, very helpful to actually tell someone things. It could be that you don't know what those things would be, but you'd probably find out there is stuff to say eventually.
t. seasoned mental case, evidence is anecdotal.

>> No.19784693

deal with it

>> No.19784695

I should tell you though that if you are not completely comfortable with them, it's probably best to just switch

>> No.19784697

Lmao homosexuality is not a MeNtAL dIsOrDeR whatever the fuck that means, get the fuck out of my thread faggot. If you knew anything about history you would know that the pathologization of homosexuality is a rather recent phenomena (circa end of the 19th century), prior to the end of the modern era homosexuality was either regarded as a choice, not regarded, or regarded differently according to cultures and historical periods. Stupid bitch kys. You say you feel like you hit rock bottom, don't go to therapy off yourself instead that'll spare you the suffering. I hope your mental health gets worse. Nigger.

>> No.19784731

Don't tell me how to act you putrid worm

>> No.19784732


>> No.19784739

>10 years later
>we’re dating
>I love my bf so much. Too bad our kids are going to be huge fucken nerds.
at 26 your womb is almost barren lady, if you still believe in "dating" at 26 you will never make it, sorry

>> No.19784745

No one gives a fuck what you think, females will always have more chance at dating than you and it's the societal truth, even a 50 year old hag wouldn't want your sorry ass you pathetic bitch

>> No.19784750

People assume that the intellect is the highest faculty of man, but that is wrong. The highest faculty of man is the eye of the soul, or what they call the nous.
Even a very high IQ person can be terribly wrong if he has a bad starting point. A very logical argument can be wrong if its premise begins with false presuppositions.

>> No.19784759

Posted from the psych ward

>> No.19784762

Suck my big cock

>> No.19784787

I will give you an example.
Imagine if a person says this:
>I have a dog.
>All dogs are blue.
>Therefore, my dog is blue.
This argument is logically valid in that it follows the rules of logic to its conclusion. However, it is wrong because it begins with the false presupposition that all dogs are blue.

>> No.19784856

You ever feel like furries get away with too much shit?

>> No.19784857

A highly intelligent person with good logical faculties would also be able to more efficiently determine which initial propositions are false or true. The poster you are replying to is clearly suffering from hubris in thinking that intelligent and interesting individuals should necessarily share his personal political affiliations. He >>19783181 is the one with a low IQ because he (I quote) "can't understand" how people can come to different conclusions within a field as volatile as social "sciences" and politics. It is nonsensical that you even bring logic into this. Factually politics (which is ethics) has nothing to do with pure logic and everything to do with psychology.

>> No.19784901

>No one gives a fuck what you think
this isn't what I think, I'm stating a fact

>females will always have more chance at dating
What "chance" are you talking about? I don't date, I only talk to women to see if they match and if they do we marry on the same week, every woman I meet has the same goal because we have the same religion. I believe only idiots and ignorants date as they don't get you wil never know a person until years into a marriage, "dating" is just fulled on lust and lust ends in 2 years or so

>even a 50 year old hag wouldn't want your sorry ass you pathetic bitch
Instead of getting angry at me for telling you the truth, you should think about the limit time you have on the planet and have white children, you are not a child anymore, you need to work with reality

>> No.19784922

>A highly intelligent person with good logical faculties would also be able to more efficiently determine which initial propositions are false or true
IQ has nothing to do with intelligence

you know a premise is true by intuition, it doesn't require a tought process

>> No.19784931

Yes before the invention of psychology very few mental disorders were regarded as diseases; that’s a given. Unless someone was a raving lunatic, most disorders that we hear about today would have been conceived in Aristotelian terms, as vicious habits or flaws in character rather than illnesses. Homosexuality would have been regarded as a disgusting moral failing, not an illness. I’m not sure what this does to prove your point though.
Besides, my main point wasn’t the homosexual thing. That was merely an example to prove that psychologists can define anything they want to be a disorder. It’s based on the arbitrary judgement of fallible human beings, who are often looking to sell drugs. That’s it.

>> No.19784932

This is all incel cope to me, your words are insignificant, you will never marry the woman of your dreams, you will never have the white children you maladaptively daydream about when you walk in circles in your room listening to music, all of this is a fantasy, you are indulging in a made-up scenario, like when you were a little boy. Wake up, come to your senses, your dream life will never happen, it's all cope, you're better off killing yourself, shoot yourself, faggot.

>> No.19784947

Okay but I was not specifically talking about IQ and none of this disproves my initial argument.

>you know a premise is true by intuition
Prove it.

>> No.19784962


>> No.19784980

Nice self-promo Jay.

>> No.19784992

Whether homosexuality was regarded as a disgusting moral failing and by whom or what institutions depends a lot more greatly than you think on the historical period, geographical location and cultural zeitgeist. You have just never studied the subject closely, and you have no idea what you are talking about, like always. Someone's repressing, I guess.

>> No.19785005

The transcendental argument is a good argument against materialism and I agree that it refutes atheism. But Dyer and the Christcucks try to play a sleight of hand: they conclude from the fact that they have disproven atheism that Christianity must be true. This is absurd. Jay even claims to be able to prove that the Trinity (only as conceived in the Orthodox tradition) is the only rational way to view God. This is convincing to nobody except those who want to be convinced. Moreover in Jay Dyer’s debates you can see he’s not a deep thinker. He has a script and follows it, but he can’t think through the issues himself, which is why he gets flustered every time someone brings up a novel challenge to his view.

>> No.19785013

this is the saddest fuckin thing I've ever read anon

>> No.19785017

This is wrong and he explains clearly why only the Trinity is the coherent answer to these philosophical questions. Jay gets aggressive sometimes because smug atheists, smug Thomists, etc., don't even try to understand his arguments. They just keep bringing up points that Jay has already refuted.

>> No.19785037

I have been punished for my wicked ways. Or the horrible things I have done have caught up to me and I have accepted that the rest of my life is going to be miserable. I deserve it.

>> No.19785061

The best way to think about death is to compare it with birth. To a baby in the womb, when it is finally born it must certainly seem like it is dying from its own perspective. It’s painful, and the baby is probably interpreting it as a dark, brutal experience. But of course we all know that the baby just doesn’t know better, the only world it knows is receding away in a painful, horrifying experience, so it thinks it’s all going to end, that there is nothing else.
I like to view death as something similar to birth.

>> No.19785084

I only recently read An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, and it stuck with me for the same reason. You wonder if anyone or everyone's subjective experience of death will be such an uncanny nightmare as Bierce imagines.

>> No.19785093

>you know a premise is true by intuition
>Prove it.

don't you get or know things without conscious thought? like at all? nothing? this is what is meant by intuition, the mysterious process through which you ffeel something is correct without second tought

>> No.19785117

How can you say that the mind is so “vague” and “mysterious” while also so confidently determining what is and isn’t a mental disorder?
I do sort of agree that the mind is weird and vague, and psychology and psychoanalysis aren’t as great as some people would like to believe, but you’re just mad that it isn’t popular to be homophobic anymore.

>> No.19785120

bro, surely you can do better

>> No.19785126

Spinoza wouldn't want me to call people niggers on /lit/.

>> No.19785134

stop using drugs and convert to judaism

>> No.19785156

I’ve watched a lot of his content because I find him funny. But his argument for the Trinity is not convincing in the slightest. He claims that only the Trinitarian God of Orthodox Christianity can account for the problem of the one and the many, which is just absurd. We can refute it in many ways:
1) Grant that only a God with multiple persons can account for the one and the many. Then why can’t I posit a Duality or a Quadrinity or a 32-inity?
2) Grant that only a God who is three persons can account for the problem. Then why can’t I posit a non-Christian Trinitarian God? What about the Mother, the Daughter, and the Holy Mascara? Or the Bear, the Lion, and the Tiger? You could posit an infinite number of Trinitarian gods which are not the God of Orthodox Christianity.
3) If we think about it, we can see that the Trinity is not required at all to solve the problem of the One and the Many. The Islamic God, or Plato’s God, or any deistic entity, could just as easily do this.

>> No.19785207

Homosexuality has been reviled in almost every culture and every time in human history. You can bring up the Greeks. They practised pederasty because of the social exclusion of women, but it was considered a massive shame for any man to be on the receiving end of this sort of relationship. Plato himself spoke against the practice as being degenerate and immoral. And in Rome if you called a man a faggot he was honour bound to kick the shit out of you. Besides, none of this proves or disproves the view that it is a mental disorder.

>> No.19785225

you have a very troubled heart ma'am or a dark sense of humor, I hope it's the latter so you're not projecting

>> No.19785255

There are 3 physical realms : 1.) The realm of Spirit. 2.) The realm of Souls. 3.) The realm of particle-space.

There are also many abstract realms : 1.) Universal Ideas (ideas that apply to all physical realms.) 2.) Mathematical ideas. 3.) Pure Abstraction (ideas that are solely related to ideas) 4.) Classification of Phenomena. 5.) Relationships(connections between phenomena). 6.) Imaginary Ideas(metaphor and dream)

That should sum up all that is possible to conceptualize.

>> No.19785278

I think that this video can explain it anon.
Three is the completion of multiplicity and resolves the unity vs separation of only two.
As for your other points, what Jay says is that only the revealed doctrine of the Trinity can be true. Yes some ancient Greek philosophers had an idea of a triad being the ultimate truth of reality, but even then it was impersonal and within a more gnostic worldview that lacked the Personhood and will of God which is necessary for creation.

>> No.19785293

Also I will add this: in the Christian paradigm, the fact that pagan or secular philosophers came up with ideas that were in some way hinting at the Trinity actually reaffirms Christianity. Non-Christian thinkers try to find the truth and due to their fallen nature they cannot find it without God's revelation of the Bible, however at the same time, they can in some figure out ideas that are almost correct in varying ways, and that is because God omnipresent and in all things, and man is made in the image of God despite being fallen in sin.

>> No.19785303
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I'm tired of reading. I want to live.

>> No.19785308

I will sum it up like this: Because God is everywhere and the Truth is inescapable and unavoidable, it is actually impossible for man to be completely wrong 100% of the time. Everyone at least has some ideas that are correct. However, at the same time, man cannot properly and fully understand the truth without God's revelation.

>> No.19785309

>Homosexuality has been reviled in almost every culture and every time in human history.
Ha! You are so fucking dumb, I would spit in your face IRL, what you say is factually untrue and you know it. You have no arguments to back this up, you are saying stupid shit without evidence, you know nothing about the subject you are discussing and you are being intellectually dishonest. Be ashamed. I was not going to bring up the Greeks, the fact that the first thing you even mention is the Greeks only tells me that you have no idea what you speak about, you do not know what you are arguing against, you think in tropes. Plenty of cultures had instances of normalised bisexuality, especially in Asian societies, the most prominent being Edo, and yes ROME, at a specific historical period. There were also many historical instances of societies wherein homosexuality was de facto regarded as undesirable by the clergy, but practiced nonetheless, as well as social strata where homosexuality could always exist without restriction. You are a dumb faggot and I'm going to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.19785310

Right and I explained that you could grant the idea that the Trinity is necessary and still choose a different Trinity than the one found in Orthodox Christianity. Like the Mother, the Daughter, and the Holy Mascara.
But I don’t see why I should grant it anyway. It’s clearly ad hoc reasoning to say that the Trinity is “more perfect” or “more unified” than the 97-inity or the Infinity. It’s just vague and unconvincing.
And why can’t the Islamic God account for the One and the Many? Or Plato’s God? Or Aristotle’s? Of course they can.

>> No.19785311

I have been considering slavery. Spiritual slavery. Endemic slavery that lives in the mind and keeps a man enslaved when all outward signs suggest freedom.
I think of it in the context of the first commandment, wherein God declares his actions of bringing His people out of bondage in Egypt and what not to do in order to leave slavery.
I think of Christopher Hitchens providing his revised commandments, particularly about the prohibition against making images of celestial objects. I recall something to the effect of 'If we didn't make images of stars we would not have astronomy.'
I think of the people who gloss over subjects and think they have all the answers while I habitually form questions against just about everything, nearly to the point of paralysis.
Why is the prohibition against making images lest they be worshipped so closely tied to slavery?
I note that the images are prohibited for things in the sky, things on the ground, and things under the water under the earth. Two of these are places we cannot go. One of this is for things not all of us can go to see.
I imagine how the Egyptians caused slavery by making images of gods that lived in the sky and by claiming they had special access to these beings. They would have been able to make predictions out of celestial events and claim godlike knowledge as proof of claim.
You would not be able to do as well today as anyone with the gumption to learn can predict an eclipse. However I don't have the ability to see the comets or asteroids they say could collide with us at any moment. My telescope is a cheap one.
I remember an Onion spoof article with astronomers claiming immediate danger of asteroid impact, the only thing that could stop it being giving them more money. When I first heard it I thought it was funny. Now I'm wondering if we are still in Egypt, slaves to priests who watch the sky and tell us what to believe because we don't look except through their lenses.
I think of Lovecraft's horrors of the deep. How they can also be used to create slavery. A place you cannot go, only we have the methods to get there. James Cameron's submersibles. A near place and full of unexplored mysteries, and giant swimming squids that will eat us all unless you give me all your money.
Here's proof, I have a picture.

>> No.19785328

Humans are naturally bisexual. Fucking someone of the same sex has no reason to be regarded as a mental disorder.

>> No.19785329
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Imma try to fuck my ass

>> No.19785344

You sound like an angry child who can’t take the fact that someone disagrees with him. Why don’t you calm down?
Your social constructivism doesn’t work because even young children naturally think it’s gross when two men kiss. They have to be taught to be tolerant. I don’t claim that there has never been a point in history when homosexuality was accepted — we are living in such a point today. But talking about the general trend of anthropology and history we can see that the vast majority of societies prohibit homosexuality and look down on it. Including Ancient Greece and Rome.

>> No.19785410

>But talking about the general trend of anthropology and history we can see that the vast majority of societies prohibit homosexuality and look down on it. Including Ancient Greece and Rome.
There is no "Le Ancient Greece and Le Rome", you seeing them as unified cultural egregores only proved to me once again that you lack the intelligence needed to conceptualize complexity, Greece was an alliance of city-states, they all had different micro-cultures and the view on homosexuality varied according the location, completely different people lived in Sparta and Athens, for instance - and Rome is a civilization spanning across a thousand years, this is more time than the span of time that separates you and Descartes, do you and Descartes live in the same cultural sphere? There was plenty of homosexuality in Ancient Rome, it is a known and acknowledged historical fact, I am not going to re-state the obvious. You mention anthropology, you should know that many pagan and tribal societies have bisexuality. You say homosexuality wasn't "accepted", accepted by whom and in which context? Abrahamic religious ethics? The penal system? Learn to clarify your vocabulary when you speak.

>Your social constructivism doesn’t work because even young children naturally think it’s gross when two men kiss.
Lol, the fuck is this argument? This is your logical evidence for rejecting the natural manifestation of adult human libido?

>> No.19785420

it's cool to take a small break from reading anon

>> No.19785440

Mauve Sonnet

Mauve zone monsters gnaw bone yantras,
Their maws moan dharma laws unknown
To Sun or stone or dogma, causation
Their formation stalks as swarms, talks as storms,
Maiden wears faux glass horns to thwart the worms,
They return as ravens, hawks, fields of thorns,
She mourns, they squeak, she’s craven and yields,
They wield each station from gestation to cessation,
They nest in seas and orchards, floors charred
more blacker than achor or ochre,
Things turn sober, the king learns solar swings
Bipolar from burning to colder, pies closer,
He turns older, wiser, wills to sire the maiden,
He draws the mauve fire and kills Satan.

>> No.19785446
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, antonio-banderas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally bought a Parker 51 fountain pen
>took a gamble on it not knowing model or condition
>works perfectly out of the box
>1948 aerometric
>no scratches
>writes like butter

>> No.19785448

Shut the fuck up

>> No.19785460

Im afraid of sleeping in the same room as brothers cat might come in.

>> No.19785493

>Your social constructivism doesn’t work because even young children naturally think it’s gross when two men kiss. They have to be taught to be tolerant.
Prove it to me right now, and also prove that children, who don't have sexual desire, aren't naturally grossed out by male/female sexual acts without social conditioning.

>> No.19785510

Congratulations, anon! Statistically you probably will, lmao. Hope it all goes well for you.

I don't find this line of reasoning sufficient enough to be a true deterrent. It is the sacrifice of every woman to have a son, knowing she's sending him to his eventual death. The best thing I can do is teach my children how to mitigate their suffering. The worst thing I could do would be to not have children at all just to spite their suffering, imo.

I am highly sensitive to our (my) potential fertility issues. Fortunately though, the women in my family have a history of being as fertile as the heartland. My sisters are 17 and 18 years younger than me because my mother had them when she was nearly 40. My estranged sister had twins in her late twenties with two different men because both of her tubes fertilized their eggs within two weeks of intercourse; one egg with her boyfriend and one with the guy she cheated on him with (which is part of the reason why we're estranged). I've never taken hormonal birth control and I've got nearly an entire year to get myself healthy otherwise. None of this guarantees anything but it also gives me no real reason to be concerned (yet).

Also "dating" is a loose term; we've already lived together before and we've known each other for ten years so it's not the typical exploratory phase as it is for most others. Our plan is to be married and pregnant by the end of the year since our cars (our only outstanding debt) will be paid off and I'll still have decent health insurance with my job, particularly for delivery costs.

Thank you for your concern.

>> No.19785514

As of today I haven't taken a shit in at least 2 weeks. Maybe it's because I drink so much coffee. I still eat fruit and vegetables with each meal, so I'm not sure what's the problem. Maybe should see a gastroenterologist.

>> No.19785527

>one egg with her boyfriend and one with the guy she cheated on him with (which is part of the reason why we're estranged)

fucking lmao

>> No.19785565

I finished reading Lord of the Flies.
I thought it would be just a "regular" story with a happy ending, but it actually surprised me in a good way. When the "Lord of the Flies" appeared, I just knew the Mood changed. The part that impressed me the most was Piggy's death. I wasn't expecting this at all, I even had a dream/nightmare with gore in a literal fever dream I had after reading that part. But I was somewhat glad cuz I knew it just couldn't have a happy ending from that point forward.

>> No.19785604

Anti-natalists really will do anything but speak to a therapist

Therapy is cope, exercise is cope, nutrition is cope, friends are cope, art is cope, learning is cope, helping others is cope, feeling good about anything for any reason at all is cope...

But redditposting every day about how stupid everyone but yourself is for not thinking "end all life on earth" is a good idea isn't cope.

>> No.19785626

Right but the Greeks still shared a common Hellenic culture and language. When they formed the Confederacy against Persia they relied on the principles of Greek nationalism to keep the fight going. The barbarians were viewed as the "other", the foreigner coming to subjugate their fellow Greeks. Why do you think the Persians were afraid that the Ionians would defect to the Greek side? That's the sense in which we can talk of Ancient Greece as a real historical entity, though we must be careful not to generalise too far.
>There was plenty of homosexuality in Ancient Rome, it is a known and acknowledged historical fact
No there wasn't. Again, it would have been a great dishonour to a Roman man to have been the passive party in a homosexual relationship. That's why they had sex with little boys. And there was no conception of homosexual love or marriage in the ancient world. Sex with boys was seen as "pleasure", like masturbation. It was never seen as something which could replace marriage. And the vast majority of people obviously did not engage in it.
>This is your logical evidence for rejecting the natural manifestation of adult human libido?
No, you're the one who keeps bringing up history. My argument against homosexuality is that it is inherently disordered because it contradicts the telos of sexuality and the sexual organs. When one considers the structure of a penis and a vagina, one can immediately see that they were designed for each other. Why does the vagina self-lubricate when a woman is horny? To receive the penis. And the penis gets hard for the same purpose. And when a man and a woman come together, they create life. From all this it is clear that the penis was designed for the vagina and not another man's bumhole.
When it comes to love, the poetry and harmony of male-female relationships is rooted in the opposite but complimentary dispositions of the two sexes. That's why homosexuals desperately try to mimic the male-female dynamic in their own relationships, with one assuming the masculine role and the other assuming the feminine. But it's just a cheap imitation of the real thing.

>> No.19785677
File: 61 KB, 528x581, 008A7638-DEE7-4381-915A-A68F9F2B9BFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Yaldabaoth so much bros… why did he have to defile Eve and spawn YHWH?

>> No.19785710

2 weeks is quite a lot. Maximum normal amount of days of not shitting is like 3-5 days

>> No.19785760

Zapffe admits his writings are just cope in The Last Messiah

>> No.19785853

I also feel like zapffes writings are this one great unfalsifiable mess to justify his own beliefs.

Like "you agree with me, I'm right"

"you disagree with me, you're coping and I'm right"

>> No.19785872

I still can't forget this experience I had meeting a women outside of a bar that got me so inexplicably aroused. She was a beautiful girl but it was something in her eyes that was better at keeping my attention and sparking this erotic reaction. We talked for no more than 10 minutes and I was instantly captured in a sort of intense 'flow' state. I remember people passing by all over and still we remained in this almost stare-like state. Thinking back on it, it may have been the topic of conversation (something to do with Japanese culture of humiliation) that added to to the erotic effect but again, the feeling was so present and demanding that it felt at times that the words we were exchanging were completely irrelevant. Her eyes didn't shift they remained fixed as mine did on her.

>> No.19785967

and then you didnt make her your gf

>> No.19786011

Bro you can die from not shitting that long

>> No.19786018

I havent read it since high school but I vividly remember Piggys death. I need to reread it. I was only 15 so the lord of flies little monologue went right over my head

>> No.19786059

yeah there was no way. if I remember correctly I overheard her talking to her friends later that night about her boyfriend taking her on a trip somewhere. etc. not to mention the fact that she and her group of friends where clearly in a different class than me. maybe I'm making assumptions but they wouldn't tolerate my lack of resources for a second.

>> No.19786085

God give me more strength to help my nation and work harder

>> No.19786108

What I can't understand is not how people can come to different conclusions than myself but why there is a trend for them to (most if not all) be absorbed in the SAME conclusions. it is why I mentioned 'the beast' or the fact that their attraction to them may be something other than a deliberation on the ideas and rather a pull from some other unseen source.

>> No.19786168

(not the same anon youve been talking to, but ill jump in.)
Most people's politics ("politics") are out of convenience. I know a guy from Georgia who now lives on the West coast, and I swear that all his "politics" are just obvious maneuvers to avoid being seen as racist. The "unseen source" is psychological as the other anon said, and clearly in this case it's a motivation to escape his "redneck" family. I actually used to fuck with him because it was incredibly easy to pick out which side of any given political issue he would fall on. The funny thing is that he considers himself "into politics".
Politics is very rarely anything other than team cheerleading, and social posturing. In part that's because actual politics is fairly serious and difficult.

>> No.19786176

>all the high IQ, interesting
All high IQ people I know are definitely not progressives. You're probably really bad at telling IQ.
>there is a trend for them to (most if not all) be absorbed in the SAME conclusions.
There literally isn't, you're just very confused. In fact all the great men in history had beliefs that most closely align with liberal conservatism.

>> No.19786187

Someone PLEASE talk me out of hitting reply all to my they/them uni housing RA's email, saying that personal pronouns are bullshit and that pronouns are meant to be impersonal.

>> No.19786224

My grandpa has COVID. Pray for him.

>> No.19786235

Maybe your destiny in this fight is to be sacrificed for the cause, so I won't talk you out of it.

>> No.19786274
File: 141 KB, 1200x900, C3943E8C-5AA6-41D3-AD46-7D31E1BB758D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You here?

>> No.19786283

Which nation?

>> No.19786422

When I look out the window, I see nothing but monotonous masses of snow. Sometimes I feel like we're frozen in no man's land.

>> No.19786425
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1614596615288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do black people feel bad that no matter how much pro-black propaganda there's been people still see them as inferior?

>> No.19786426

I look out my window and see mountains, palm trees, sunny skies, and the homeless

>> No.19786489

And if they did, they’d get the old “they all have chips on their shoulders” line. Yeah, I imagine it would get tiring. Wouldn’t you feel pretty bad about it?

>> No.19786538

Doesn't matter how everyone else sees them. Black people are the biggest threat to black people, and they hate each other more than anything.

>> No.19786546

Don't be a dipshit, man

>> No.19786549
File: 724 KB, 882x774, 56894348912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, I'd just accept that my race is inferior and I would do my best to help it rise as much as I could. But that's probably because I'm white.

>> No.19786554

Just delete it and ignore their stupid nu-etiquette
>Hey, didn’t you get the email?!
>Why no. What are you talking about?

>> No.19786557

>I'd just accept that my race is inferior
Lol, sure you would buddy

>> No.19786561

No you wouldn’t, you fucking dishonest wigger.
Go hold up a liquor store or something, you shifty ass mutherfucker

>> No.19786567

Why would I deny reality? My solution is the most rational course of action, so it is the most likely option to work in the long run insofar as human mind can discern.

>> No.19786598

>Black people are the biggest threat to black people
You will always be your greatest enemy. Unless you're like a Chinese Uyghur.

>> No.19786623
File: 2.00 MB, 400x307, 18E34C3D-047F-456A-972A-40F0BF5D2A46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New one

>> No.19786735

>The transcendental argument is a good argument against materialism

>> No.19786743

I have a serious problem with womens, i think i just lived too much with my bpd mother. Right now im at the bus, a girl on my side appears to be interested on me, and i cant say a fucking word.

>> No.19786751

Its never too late bro. Keep pushing, someday you'll discover why you have born.

>> No.19786768

I was born to die

>> No.19786771

Normal brazilian kid, we just learn to deal with it.

>> No.19786773

I had a kitty that looked just like that. Got eaten by coyotes

>> No.19786853

Thats very sad. I'm sorry to hear that brazil bro. But I guess all you guys get to suffer together. I always get awkward and quiet my friends start talking about their families. Had one friend ask me if I was meeting my family for christmas. I had to explain I dont really have a family. Thankfully he saw it was a sore spot for me and changed the subject

>> No.19786991

The stoc market and crypto are fucking dying and I couldn't be happier. My material conditions are going to be tough and very precarious and that will hopefully either kill me or make me a resilient man once and for all.

>> No.19787229

What is that cat doing? Seriousy

>> No.19787368

He's just chilling. mind your own bussiness

>> No.19787767

are you a reddit mod?