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/lit/ - Literature

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1976493 No.1976493 [Reply] [Original]

Every single fucking girl on OkCupid has Murakami on her favorite author list. Who is this fucker and why should I care?

>> No.1976497

He is the Tao Lin of Japan. And you should not care. Nor should you use Ok Cupid.

>> No.1976518

He writes dreamy and/or surreal romance novels, basically. I'm a guy and I like him, but I admit he is pretty overrated in certain circles. Plus he excessively recycles tropes, but meh, I like him.

>> No.1976523

Scary thing is one of the girls told me to ask /lit/ as I was making this thread.

>> No.1976535
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I got drunk with a girl and went into chapters with her and bought her kafka on the shore. I didn't get laid. I never talked to her again. It was like 15 bucks.
I am now depressed.


>> No.1976537


first rule of dating: don't go after intelligent women.

>> No.1976538

over 15 bucks?

He writes surreal romance/dramas/thingies. He's popular. He's fashionable. He's decent. I liked Hardboiled Wonderland and mildly enjoyed Norwegian Wood.

>> No.1976541

Has anyone seen the Norwegian Wood movie?

>> No.1976555


I'm actually kind of scared now; there are vicious vaginamonsters on my 4chan.

>> No.1976557

Correction: Don't go after women who wish to appear intelligent

>> No.1976575


>> No.1976590

He's a good author, I like him.

>> No.1976781

My first impression: Murakami must be a bore at parties. Loads of tedious exposition and dragging works of art and films into it that are mostly irrelevant to the story but are intended to make the author look erudite. Instead he comes across like he just spend an hour reading Wikipedia. Loads of random facts but hardly any insight.

I'm halfway through book 1 of 1q84. I hope that the writing will get better later on, but I fear the worst.

>> No.1976784

I watched about half of the movie after reading the novel.
I couldn't stand it, as I enjoyed the book immensely... and we all know what happens when books go to film (especially low budget like that). So much character building was completely removed, and I gave up when Naoko didn't show full-frontal nudity that one night in the moonlight. FUCK

>> No.1976786

Okcupid is full of hipster pseud girls, every one if which will have you believe she is a photographer.

>> No.1976792


What is up with this photographer trend really? Any talentless hack who aspires to be an artist becomes a photographer. If I became a dealer for Nikon 10 years ago I would be rich by now.

>> No.1976809

If you have no real creative talent, you can take pictures in black and white or buy a lomo and pretend you're being artistic. Then upload them to your blog and circlejerk with all the other "photographers".

>> No.1976967
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>every girl reads

I suspect girls say the last one just to look more smart.

>> No.1976976

I suspect you tick none of the boxes in that list

>> No.1976977 [DELETED] 

>using OK Cupid

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.1977131
File: 11 KB, 180x201, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Alabama
>go to OK Cupid
>looking for hot babes
>fat bitches

>> No.1977143

what was that joke about Murakami's response to the Norway shooting and Anders Breivik, the punchline was 'Norwegian Wood' or something, I don't remember. It was posted here

>> No.1977236

Just wanted to let you know, I got excessively exited by your mention of tropes.

>> No.1977255

Stop hating guys, Murakami is good at what he does. I'm male, and I personally really enjoy his novels and his short stories as well. They are perfect for when I want something somewhat light, surreal and dreamy. I think it's awesome that those girls have Murakami on their fav. author list. I've never met a girl IRL who has even heard of him. If they're hot, I say go for it OP, it shows that they are at least a little open minded, willing to try things a little different.

>> No.1977271

This is a literature board and people don't even know waht the word trope means.

>> No.1977275

I looked it up on wiki bro, it has a "colloquial" meaning as well, it can mean motifs and stuff like that

>> No.1977276

Also I bet a bunch of the haters in this thread, who are hating because Murakami is popular, are the same fuckers that make fun of hipsters.

>> No.1977467


While I have kinda stared hating Murakami because his popularity far exceeds his abilities, his fans don't help when they make retarded comments like "He should win a Nobel."

>> No.1977475
File: 45 KB, 322x337, Sarammff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks Murakami is undeserving of a Nobel prize.

>> No.1977479

As the other anon >>1976784 said...it didn't really do as much justice to the book as it could, like any other adaptation.
Though I thought it showed Naoko's emotions pretty well, but that was it.

>> No.1977489

>can't converse with girls in RL
>Use OKCupid
>Meet girl on there
>still can't converse.

Fuck my life.

>> No.1977503

He is nobody and you should not care.

>> No.1977516


In that case he can wait until Updike, Roth, and Auster get theirs first.

>> No.1977716


does anybody know this joke? i feel as though I'd enjoy it immensely

>> No.1977722

>Awesome little fucker in real life. Sharp, lean features, well-read, philosophical, charismatic personality, great sense of comic timing (I'm an actor and you bitches know it), can get all the pussy and/or ass I want just by standing around looking pretty.

>Still have an OK Cupid account just so I can insult ugly chicks who think they're hot whenever I'm bored.

>Make bitches on OK Cupid cry and threaten to have me banned from the site. Feel boss as a motherfucker

>> No.1977732

Every "intelligent" girl I see on Okcupid usually lists either Richard Yates or David Sedaris under authors. I wish they read Murakami

>> No.1977739


If they list liberal shit they got from NPR it's a no-go.

>> No.1977747

I know it's bizarre. I've been using the site for a while and just about every girl lists either Richard Yates or David Sedaris as their favorite author. I actually did a count it's somewhere in the 20s out of the 50 or so girls that I've been "matched" with.

I've never read any Richard Yates but I'm not into "Guy drinks girl cries" kind of romance novels. I've never heard of David Sedaris.

>> No.1977751


Everyone I know in real life has a hard-on for David Sedaris. I've heard books-on-tapes versions of some of his books and they are really not fucking funny.

>> No.1977754


As the other anon >>1976784 said...it didn't really do as much justice to the book as it could, like any other adaptation.

>> No.1978793


The fuck is muddin'?

>> No.1979109


Redneck hobby where you drive your truck through mud and get your tires splashed brown.

>> No.1979142
File: 137 KB, 566x363, yudothispinkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1979146


Sedaris is an essayist. He's gay too, which features is a few of his essays. He's an all right read.

>> No.1979154


It was more like a series of vignettes meant to accompany the book than a stand alone movie. Almost nothing was explained. Almost nothing was developed. Just scene after gorgeous scene of almost nothing. If I hadn't read the book I wouldn't have known what the fuck was going on. Cinematography was was amazing though.

>> No.1979204


The same reason you would do planking.