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File: 225 KB, 830x1280, AugustineOUCEdition__95645.1534633220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19769664 No.19769664 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to get through St. Augustines confessions, I'm afraid I'm turning gay. He's such a cuck.

>> No.19769671

>He's such a cuck.

>> No.19769694

I stole pears Im going insaaaaane

>> No.19769713

How so? I really liked his introspection on the nature of sin.

>> No.19769726

>B-but then my mommy started crying and having dreams about me sinning! I can't believe I was so mean to my mommy.

>> No.19771029

Aw. I was too wondering what you meant by Augustine being a cuck, but now I see that when you use the word cuck you mean empathetic. It disgust you to see someone have empathy, compassion, guilt and remorse towards upsetting his mother. The reason why you think this is because your mind is poisoned by sin and you do not know God through Christ. Why are reading Augustine if you don’t know Christ? Is it for your pride? So you can say “I’ve read Augustine before “?
But you still have hope because the Lord still let’s your draw breath and he has moved me to come on 4chan tonight to tell you
Believe the gospel, trust Christ. Make him your treasure. And you will be saved.

>> No.19771065

> I stole pears
>for the thrill of friends
Oooo the sorrow.

>> No.19771080

Blessed post.

>> No.19771273

Damn nigga, you kill him

>> No.19771291

i bet you have manboobs and a patchy beard

>> No.19771295

Embracing falsehood is not a virtuous action. If someone’s mummy was a Muslim and cried because her son was a Christian you would not have the same attitude

>> No.19771430

>disgust you to see someone have empathy,
It's his effeminate way of going on and on which annoys me.

>Why are reading Augustine if you don’t know Christ?
Because I like to keep my mind open to points of views I disagree with

>> No.19771500

He is an emotional dude. That’s a great thing man. In our society it’s considered strong to be aloof, especially if you’re a man. But why? Caring about things that happen is not effeminate it’s brave. It’s daring to let yourself be moved, don’t protect yourself from pain.
When we are kids we usually have a moment or series of moments where we become really hurt. Instead of dealing with the pain and healing we try to cover it intellectually. Sometimes we try to become popular. Sometimes we try to get with a lot of girls. Sometimes we try to get our soul mate and have a family. Maybe drugs or movies or games or porn or whatever. We do these things to stop the pain and move forward. It stops the pain sure but it doesn’t heal the wound.
God promises healing through Christ. And part of the healing is the pain of looking at what you have done, and repenting of it. Also it involves looking at the wounds others have given you and forgiving them because Christ suffered wounds by us. He never had to die but he gave himself up for our transgressions. I nailed him to the cross and ripped his flesh and stabbed his side.
So when Augustine is crying about stealing pears and hurting his mom he is healing. He is recording the most intimate workings of the Holy Spirit in his heart.

I really do hope you have an open mind. It’s very rare these days

>> No.19771513

Embarrassing post

>> No.19771555

The problem is that he confuses the "grand" problem of his own time (too much "compassion", not enough "masculinity") as the appropriate lens to judge Augustine's actions. Being compassionate was the right call in Augustine's case.

>> No.19771562

If Augustine knew you, he would first tell you to cultivate compassion. Then he would tell you to pick up the sword and fight sin wherever you find it. You need both to be a good person. It's not either/or. And don't reject society's bullshit so hard that you end up poisoning your mind with the opposite extreme.

>> No.19771563

Holy fucking shit this thread is fucking terrible

>> No.19771580

I feel like I'm disrespecting it but at the same time it amazes me that this book is so dense yet has such an unintentional shitpost energy
>and then I stole some pears
>and then I got a boner inside the bathhouse
>and then I became the best speaker in the world but I couldn't stop cooming
>and then my mom tried arranging a marriage for me to a rich 12 year old

>> No.19771588

Yes, today we have thrown away notions of virtue and vice. So compassion can be confused with indulging in vice. But that is not compassion, “love does no wrong” as it’s written by Paul (1 cor I think?)

>> No.19771596

its an actual my diary desu lmfao

>> No.19771599

checked and blessed, godspeed brother

>> No.19771600

>If Augustine knew you, he would first tell you to cultivate compassion
*persecutes the Donatists*

>> No.19771604

Such is life, we never stop having sin inside us until we stand before God in Christ. It’s very frustrating to truly love God and His law but also finding yourself committing sin. Not to mention looking back on your life at how much you loved evil. It’s not really those actions that bother Augustine but the love of evil. He said he wasn’t even hungry when he stole the pears, they weren’t good looking or anything. He just stole them to commit evil because he enjoyed evil.

>> No.19771615

Thanks for the effort post bro that's an interesting way to put it. Idk man I just don't relate to it, but I'ma try to get through the book as I'm already 1/3 through already

>> No.19771655

No problem, go ahead and finish it. I never finished it but one book that was similar to that I really enjoyed was Tolstoy’s “confession” it’s a lot shorter and easier to understand, from a better writer too. It’s the same “how I found God” story

>> No.19771665

I've read some short stories by Tolstoy as well as Dostoevsky.

Do you think Dostoevsky was a Christian in the normal sence? I wondered what he was getting at after reading BK

>> No.19771666

Based and Christpilled

>> No.19771684

Persecuting heresy is actually compassionate for the individual heretics, because it is saving their souls from the fires of hell. Romans 12:9 also teaches one to abhor what is evil. Letting heresy spread is the opposite of compassion. It is reprehensible morally

>> No.19771709

In that case, was the persecution of Christians by Jews a compassionate act, since they considered the Christians to be peddlers of a grave and blasphemous creed? If someone genuinely believed that the Christians were a false and immoral cult, they couldn't be held, by your standards, morally accountable for the torture and killing of Christians, no? Indeed, God would consider their intent noble -- their failure would not have been to hold the wrong values, but to be in the dark as regards the facts. They would have been acting under bad information. But their intent was correct. The same would apply to Islamic persecution of Christian, and perhaps even Communist persecution, since the Communists believe Christians are liars and servants of dark, oppressive forces on earth.

>> No.19771711

Here we have an exquisite window into the mind of a perfect Jewish slave. He is so transfixed by the possibility of eternal hell that commiting any cruel act in this world is justifiable as long as it's against the people his Jewish masters tell him are heretics.

>> No.19771716

>reading against the academicians
>there's a point in the dialogue where theystop debating and all cry after a comment is made about redemption through christ
>you will never have a room full of bros like that

>> No.19771726

It's what happens with any Jewish ideology.

Take communism for example. There is a make believe "workers paradise" future. Anyone who opposes communism is road block in on the way to "paradise" so they can just be killed.

>> No.19771732

I've actually been to a church like that. Glad I'm out

>> No.19771733

Christianity is the truth, and other ways are lies and false paths. It doesn’t hold when a Communist oppresses a Christian, or a Muslim a Christian. Falsehood surpressing truth is not something good.

Also—“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do“
>he thinks Christianity is just about staying out of hell

>> No.19771734

Don't forget that Christian theologians like Aquinas say that the happiness of the blessed in Heaven is enhanced by their knowledge that the sinners in Hell (even their former friends and family) are suffering immeasurably and eternally.

>> No.19771738
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>> No.19771741

>Christianity is the truth, and other ways are lies and false paths. It doesn’t hold when a Communist oppresses a Christian, or a Muslim a Christian. Falsehood surpressing truth is not something good.
But Christians shouldn't use indignant language when describing the oppression of Christians by Jews, Muslims, Communists, Nazis, etc. The problem is not that they are committing immoral acts per se, they are just factually misinformed. Persecuting Christians would not be a bad thing, if, as the persecutors believe, Christianity was a false and pernicious sect. The persecutors are not bad people. If they were Christians and their victims were stubborn heretics, it would be a good thing. Indeed, even children should be tortured.

One problem however is that heretics genuinely believe their creed to be true. And in this case, a heretic abandoning what he believes to be the truth under duress is a morally bad thing, since a Christian abandoning the faith while being persecuted by pagans or infidels is considered bad.

>> No.19771742

Dostojevski writes christian books in my opinion. He is so true to human suffering. He feels for humanity in such an intimate way, you can tell by his writings in crime and punishment how much he loves. The topics he writes about are brutal and unsavory but like is brutal and unsavory. I think he was a Christian though, I don’t know his heart of course, but I feel more comfortable saying he was than I do Tolstoy

>> No.19771750

Christians believe grandmothers and children with wrong theological beliefs being raped and molested and vomited upon and branded and frozen and tortured for endless trillions of years is good

>> No.19771761

They might intend it as a mercy, though they are in error. And because they persecute Christians in error, they unintentionally perform another kindness by making martyrs, so that it may be fulfilled what is written: "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

>> No.19771762

Bro you are half right, when we get to heaven we will be so sanctified that we could watch our own mother burning in hell and praise God for it. BUT that time is not yet, Jesus wept when Jerusalem rejected him as messiah. “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked” -The Lord.

>> No.19771767

Good observation. That's what turned my off from Christianity. Look up the story of "King Yudhisthira in hell".
You know in the back of your mind that there are family and friends who will burn and be tortured forever for not accepting a desert cult as their savior.

>> No.19771774

What a strawman

>> No.19771776

That’s why it’s compassionate to burn the texts of heretics, and to kill the unrepentant ones and to convert the rest back to true Christianity. Otherwise they will continue in their ignorance. If someone is sitting ignorantly in a burning house and won’t come out, the moral thing to do is to remove them by force despite their protests. The punishments delivered to heretics and pagans are good for their soul, read Plato’s Gorgias to see what I’m getting at.

>> No.19771788

>complains about a desert cult
>wants people to read a poo-smeared Indian text

>> No.19771795

You choose to go to hell, and the option of going there is literally what makes heaven consensual not a weird cosmic rape.

>> No.19771799
File: 112 KB, 602x720, 7cf7bfc37cd91caa881d9546f6dadd64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you actually read any Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita or Upanishads?

>> No.19771805
File: 173 KB, 591x741, catholic solution to sex abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it a strawman? It is a necessary implication of your belief system. Unless you have some other idea about what Hell is, and who goes there
People do not "choose" to go to Hell in the sense of possessing a full awareness of the facts about God and Heaven and Hell and deciding that Hell is a preferable place to be. Most people seem to merit Hell simply by failing to recognise the truth of Christianity which, admittedly, is not obvious.
Are the unrepentant ones damned however? What if they genuinely believe they are serving God? I find it difficult to understand how a Christian in possession of the truth differs morally from someone who is not in possession of the truth. It often seems to be the product of accidental circumstances. In most cases they have not carefully reasoned their way into their belief system, nor do they have privileged access to any information.
Also, should boy sodomites be burned at the stake?

>> No.19771808

No. According to Christianity God chooses if you go to hell. It's not up to you.

>> No.19771813

>I find it difficult to understand how a Christian in possession of the truth differs morally from someone who is not in possession of the truth.

>> No.19771816

>Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Again this is something God chooses for you not the other way around.

>> No.19771824

>You choose to go to hell
Augustine thinks otherwise:
>the Augustinians hold that, in our present condition at least, God owes us nothing, they also believe that the grace God confers upon a limited elect is utterly gratuitous and supererogatory. As John Calvin put it, “For as Jacob, deserving nothing by good works, is taken into grace, Esau, as yet undefiled by any crime, is hated” (Calvin 1960, Bk. III, Ch. XXIII, sec. 12).
>Augustine [wrote]: “Man … produced depraved and condemned children. For we were all in that one man, since we were all that one man who fell into sin” (City of God, Bk. XIII, Ch. 14).

>> No.19771834

What has the Christian done to merit being lucky enough to hold the correct belief? There is nothing obvious that distinguishes the average pious Christian, in an epistemological, belief-forming sense, from his non-Christian peers.

>> No.19771853

It's because no one else is making the absurd claim of eternal torture. It's a very powerful psychological weapon used to target people with especially weak minds

>> No.19771854

>I did bad things just for the sake of doing bad things

What a childish point of view.

>> No.19771876

I have, I am born again by the blood of Jesus Christ. I have read the Gita. My friend I’ll speak to you like someone who is searching for truth. They are wrong notice krishna tells the warrior how to be saved and it is the same thing the Muslims say and the Jews. “Do good works so you can reach nirvana/heaven/jannah” the works are different but the message is the same old lie my friend please think about this.

What makes Christianity different from every other religion? It is the only one that says “you cannot do enough work to be counted righteous so God gave Jesus to bear the punishment so now you can be righteous by faith. When you believe in Jesus, God dwells inside of you” think about these things. Pray and ask God who he is. Dharma is below the true God, the one who created it all.
I’ll pray for you brother

>> No.19771888

That’s just it the Christian is not worthy of salvation. You are here denying Jesus Christ knowing full well the gospel and you dare get mad at God for not letting you into heaven?
You do realize the whole point of heaven is inhibited fellowship with God forever right? So why do you want to be saved at all? You hate God and disrespect His church

>> No.19771889

Reminder that believing you merit going to Heaven is a heresy called Pelagianism. Salvation or damnation is not a matter of moral desert but of arbitrary divine caprice.

>> No.19771894

Unless it’s true. Then the true act of evil would be to not warn everybody, even if they hate you for it.

>> No.19771899

Knowing the contents of the Gospel is not the same as being compelled by the facts to believe that they are true. I know something about Islamic and Indian religion, but I don't think you would disagree with me for thinking that merely knowing about these religions wouldn't make me culpable for failing to believe them (if they turned out to be true) since the words of the Quran are not in themselves convincing evidence that what the Quran says is true. I used to be a Christian (I was a convert to Catholicism) but I lapsed when I realised that I was trying to avoid confronting the fact that I had no justifications for my beliefs. I would avoid information that contradicted my worldivew. I tried to avoid thinking about the lack of evidence, the gaps in logic.

>> No.19771907

The Gita isn't saying God will give you rewards based on merit.
>O Arjun, that person who is not affected by happiness and distress, and remains steady in both, attains liberation.
The goal is to become like the supreme God.

I appreciate the prayers man

>> No.19771913

>Then the true act of evil would be to not warn everybody,
Kinda like how your god failed to do in the first place. Why didn't the Mayans know about Jesus before the Spanish came?

>> No.19771917

>you cannot do enough work to be counted righteous so God gave Jesus to bear the punishment so now you can be righteous by faith

Then why try to live a virtuous life at all? Nothing I do can have any effect on the fate of my soul, so why not just enjoy the here and now?

>> No.19771938

Ok you make an excellent point. Seriously, I am seriously blown away at your honest. Most people never investigate why they believe what they believe. Yes hearing the gospel is not the same as it becoming real and nothing short of an encounter with God is enough to convince somebody of such a crazy story as the gospel. I’ll meet you half way and even say a foolish story (1 cor. 1:23-26)
If you would let me be very honest with you I was in the exact same spot. I deduced from nature that there was a God but I didn’t know who it was, so I started to pray and ask God to reveal Himself to me. “Are you Buddha, allah? Jesus?” Then God revealed Himself to me at a time where I had stopped praying that prayer. I didn’t go to church or read the Bible at the time I was smoking weed and drinking beer all the time and all of a sudden God revealed Himself to me one day. God sent His spirit of course, so it wasn’t a vision or anything crazy, but His presence entered and when a creator meets its creator it recognizes Him. I knew immediately that Jesus was God.

I say all that to say if you keep searching for God you will find Him. I promise you only because He promised you. Tonight this is to you Jeremiah 29:13 “you will find me when you search for me with your whole heart” He isn’t far from you.

>> No.19771943

Of course bro, but he said the point of meditation is to attain the conscience like his right? Isn’t it also said that through meditation and Krishna conscience you can leave the reincarnation cycle and return to dharma?

>> No.19771953

Thank you anon I am very touched by your sincerity and charity. It's annoying that an experience like that is incommunicable lol. I also have trouble resolving (what appears to me to be) the contradiction between the scepticism Christian thought asks us to have about intuitions and sensations and even evil supernatural visions (often by demons), and these sorts of revelations. I wonder what the subjective difference is between a person who has a vision of Christ and a person who has a vision of Vishnu or something. People talk about being converted to Islam by visions. Is there some way that a person can validate a vision without comparing them to a pre-existing religious authority or tradition (which would be begging the question, since measuring a vision by the standards of Christian orthodoxy rather than Muslim orthodoxy, or vice versa, would be to assume that said authority is authoritative before its authority has been demonstrated). A psychotic person has an overpowering belief that their delusion is 100% truth. I don't know. It's very difficult.

>> No.19771954

What makes you think the Mayans didn’t know about God before the Spanish came? So what if they didn’t? It is recorded that God had tribes of people worshipping him from all over. Malcezedec the king of Salem, was a gentile priest of YHWH. There is also jethro who was a priest in midian that knew God. You don’t know God’s kind character so you assume He is eager to destroy but that’s not the case. The Chinese had an ancient sacrifice wherein they would sacrifice a spotless lamb at the boarder to “the king of heaven” Confucius said that “nothing is His from he who understands the border sacrifice” it was similar in all ways to the Jewish sacrifices recording in leviticus. God doesn’t have to disclose all His workings to you.

>> No.19771955

>Krishna conscience
That sounds like something from Iskcon (the JW's of Hindus) they're a cult.

>you can leave the reincarnation cycle

>> No.19771960

Because you can be given righteousness by faith, this transfer enables you to be able to do righteous things out of a clean heart. It’s not that righteous deeds don’t matter but that really no deeds are righteous because the motivation of those good deeds are dishonest.
For example, doing good things so people think you are nice, or that you get a reward or because your scared to do the evil thing you really want to do.

>> No.19771964

>So what if they didn’t?
You just answered yourself

>You don’t know God’s kind character so you assume He is eager to destroy but that’s not the case.
I don't need to assume. All I know is that Yahweh could have revealed himself to everyone directly. But he didn't.

>> No.19771977

You always have to examine the fruit of the expierence. So I mentioned that I drank and smoked weed at the time of the meeting with God, well after meeting God I literially couldn’t smoke weed or drink beer anymore. It didn’t feel good anymore I hated it and wanted to be away from it. My desires completely changed from that point on

The truly Christian standard is if Im the vision you recieve information or confirmation that Jesus is the son of Gid who came in the flesh 1 john 4:1-5

Actually a really interesting thing has been happening with Muslims. Dreams are very important to them and a lot of Muslims lately have been converting to Christianity based on dreams they have had.

>> No.19771981

He revealed Himself to you and you reject Him. So why don’t you worry about yourself instead of making conjectures about what the Mayans did or did not know.

>> No.19771989

If god wants to give me righteousness, that has no relationship to me deeds.

>> No.19771996

Believe in Jesus Christ for righteousness and you have it. It’s free from God for you . It’s right in your hands if you just trust in Jesus for it.

>> No.19771997

>conjectures about what the Mayans did or did not know.
It's not a conjecture when my ancestors never even knew who Jesus was. Yes I absolutely reject Jesus just as I reject Muhammad, Marx and every other Jewish shill.

>> No.19772000

That's a good answer anon. Although knowing something by its fruits can be a little tricky too. Many non-Christian mystics are righteous, and many Christians (like anon here >>19771954) would say that they are engaging in some (imperfect) form of communion with the divine. Furthermore, distinguishing good fruits from bad can be culturally specific.

For instance if I am an ancient Greek and I believe homosexuality can be socially productive (perhaps I've heard about the famous military practices of Thebes and the brave deeds of their warriors) and all the stories of my culture indicate that the gods practice it, even divine Zeus, am I morally culpable for thinking it good and practicing it myself? This might be a bit of a strained hypothetical, admittedly.
>Dreams are very important to them and a lot of Muslims lately have been converting to Christianity based on dreams they have had.

>> No.19772003
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Is that why Christian believers continually commit the worst atrocities?

>> No.19772011

If god actually revealed himself to people, there would be no unbelievers.

>> No.19772016

>am I morally culpable for thinking it good and practicing it myself?
If you agree with Jewish law yes

>> No.19772029

It's funny how Christians need to spread the gospel at the same time their god is supposedly revealing himself to people without their help. Which one is it?

>> No.19772047


Jesus is not interested in changing the culture of a civilization. This is one of the huge issues with the missionaries during the reign of Britain. They would enter some crazy tribe and preach Christianity but then try to assimilate them into their life style, some of it was good like technologies and such but mostly it was bad to assimilate them. A person in a culture is ok to conform to the culture they were born in. Paul says “we’re you born a Jew? Be a Jew. We’re you born uncircumcised? Remain uncircumcised.” But if the culture promotes sin. It is to be rejected. For example idolatry, homosexuality, etc. This is where it becomes an issue. If the culture indulges in sin (which all of them have a taste of sin) that part is to be rejected. Where it doesn’t that is to be to the glory of God.

Fruits can be simple in that they are the love of God and of mankind. When you eat an apple you praise God for the taste and color and thank Him, this is fruit coming out of you. You appreciate God and see Him more clearly in the good things of life you receive. It ends up becoming a very intimate relationship where you see Gods love all around you.

>> No.19772054

Not the person you were arguing with but he got you there
This is absolutely not true, even in the gospels Jesus was performing miracles in front of the Jews and they didn’t believe

>> No.19772064

>even in the gospels Jesus was performing miracles in front of the Jews and they didn’t believe
Christians believe that the Antichrist will perform miracles and often accused pagan religions of witchcraft. Supernatural power doesn't seem to be a certain sign of divinity. I always found Jesus' 'house divided' reasoning a bit specious, as if spiritual false flags can't exist.

>> No.19772073

>This is absolutely not true, even in the gospels Jesus was performing miracles in front of the Jews and they didn’t believe

Must have been pretty lame miracles then. Some charismatic cult leader doing parlor tricks and cold readings isn't the same as the creator of the universe revealing himself.

>> No.19772075

It's one big pile of contradictions

>> No.19772080

rosseau is btr

>> No.19772094

Well, seems /lit is becomes strong contender for the most funny board, currently being/tv

>> No.19772131

>Why does God put people in hell for being “LE BAD!” fedora argument

It’s not God who places them there, its the sinners themselves that do so. Its time to cope and repent.

>> No.19772139

Wrong. Read Augustine. Humans are slated for damnation before they can even make decisions (unbaptised infants and foetuses go to hell). People can only be redeemed through the grace of God, which he bestows upon some people but not upon others, not by their own actions.

>> No.19772167


>> No.19772275
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>> No.19772316
File: 62 KB, 701x499, Screenshot 2022-01-19 at 16-02-26 r Catholicism - Did Aquinas hold to double predestination .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf... Catholic bros, explain...?

>> No.19772332

>(unbaptised infants and foetuses go to hell)
Augustine actually speculated that they go to limbo which is not tormented suffering like hell gets described as. The Catholic Church and most mainstream denominations don't even really advance limbo theology anymore.

>> No.19772344

What do you make of this objection
>Augustine even tried to ameliorate his views concerning the fate of unbaptized infants by suggesting that “such infants as quit the body without being baptized will be involved in the mildest condemnation of all” (On Merit and the Forgiveness of Sins, and the Baptism of Infants, Bk. I, Ch. 21 [available online]). But many retributivists would nonetheless respond as follows. If all of those in hell, including the condemned infants, are dead in the theological sense of being separated from God forever, and if this implies a permanent loss of both the beatific vision and every other conceivable source of worthwhile happiness, then they have all received a punishment so severe that the further grading of offenses seems pointless. We would hardly regard a king who executes every law-breaker, the jaywalker no less than the murderer, as just; nor would we feel much better if, in an effort to fit the punishment to the crime, the king should reserve the more “humane” forms of execution for the jaywalker. Once you make a permanent and irreversible loss of happiness the supposedly just penalty for the most minor offense, the only option left for more serious offenses is to pile on additional suffering. But at some point piling on additional suffering for more serious offenses seems utterly demonic, or at least so many retributivists would insist; and it does nothing to ameliorate a permanent loss of happiness for a minor offense or, as in the case of non-elect babies who die in infancy, for no real offense at all.

>> No.19772362


>> No.19772418

>sex ruined my life
That's basically the summary of it.

>> No.19772440
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I have a lot of affection for Augustine because I, like him, am a miserable sinner, and my salvation relies entirely on God's grace and my cooperation in it.

I think what makes Augustine really powerful is the same thing that makes all the saints powerful: this shared spirit of humility. What unites all the saints, from Augustine to Gregory to Aquinas to Catherine to Dominic to Franics to Ignatius to Teresa to Louis to Theresa to Padre Pio? What is the one common thread that pulls them all together?

Isn't it that they were humble? That they were sinners, but they knew they were sinners, and knew that left to their own devices they would be miserable, and surely damned?

What pulls the saints together, I think, is that they know that without God they are nothing. And they do not wish to be nothing. So they trust in God, and humble themselves before God, and allow God to direct their lives and lead them where God wants. This is what makes them powerful. Not any talents of their own, but the power of God that works THROUGH them.

This is what the saints teach. That no matter what gifts you have been given, if you are selfish and arrogant and try to strike out on your own, following your own will, you will fail, and come to ruin. But if you are humble, and empty yourself, and allow God to work through you, then God will do great things by your hand. To empty yourself out and put God's will before your own is the essence of what it is to be a saint.

>> No.19772602

You sound like I pompous twat, Imagine lecturing someone like this on 4chan.
I can guarantee you don’t live up to a single word of your post and neither do the others praising it.
Say what you will about Reddit but at least they believe the shit they spout.

>> No.19772609

Should I get a critical edition of the confessions and city of god if I'm unaware of roman history/culture?
If so which one?
Also which one will be more relevant to get an understand of the views and doctrine that influenced the early middle ages?
I'm not Christian but i'm fascinated with the period

>> No.19772616

Read Green Knight and become a happy sinner then. Cast out Christ from the Kingdom of Heaven, just as God did.

>> No.19772620

>And so lord I beg you for chastity and continency
>But not yet
Is it so hard to understand that the man was praying, on page for us to see, so that maybe we could ask ourselves why we choose to continue sinning even when we know it's sin?

Find Christ brother.

>> No.19772629

based and blessed

>> No.19772644

>And so lord I beg you for chastity and continency
>But not yet
4chan larpers in a nutshell.
“Uh yeah god I’ll stop sinning tomorrow”
“Uh yeah god I’ll go to church next week”
“I’ll actually read the bible and memorise a prayer this week I prroooooooooommmmmmmmiiice”

>> No.19772646

where's the cuckoldry?

>> No.19772686

Blaming Sex for everything wrong. Original sin and all that. Augustine was basically a proto-Antinatalist.

>> No.19772693

This is unironically what Confessions is.

>> No.19774370

Read Abelard next. He was a chad.

>> No.19774580

Very much blessed and true

>> No.19774813

Compared to some of the Greek fathers, he was pro-sex. He didn't see it as inherently bad, but simply made bad because of the inherent concupiscense accompanying it since the Fall. He believed Adam and Eve would have coopulated in Eden to repopulate the fallen angels.

>> No.19774836

Dont worry op, he would call Christ a cuck too, when hes burning in hell we will be pitying him and he will be seething about us

>> No.19774857

strong argument. why is this not being refuted?

>> No.19774860

heaven in hell already takes place in this life, he moreso means that worry not every action has its appropriate consequence

>> No.19774924

his post is trivial due to it being unnecessarily verbose and obfuscating the truth. God gives every person enough grace to be aware and choose the correct moral choice in every circumstance, he doesn't even fully fault you if you make a moral error unknowingly, hence catholics believe in venial vs mortal sin. The person loving in absolute poverty and sociteal oppression for exsmple woild be given more grace to be able to live in the spirit and all its fruits as opposed to lets say someone borm sheletered in a silver spoon and thats becuase experienece and missions determine your need for grace, otherwise everyone has enough being that they are made in Gods image to know when to choose that is good and that is not, those who end in hell intentionally stand unrepentant before God and say NO, that's why they end up outside the divine life, the nature of God is best depicted in the prodigal son, the gather you runs half way to meet his dejected son, the sons confession is not even a good one, its actually slightly self interested, seeing that he was in a shitty situation, he didnt have a strike of moral conscience, but he repeneted anyway and the father lavished him with grace and mercy, i dont rven get the guys point, ayways youd be surprised at the amonut of accounts of people dyibg and seeing souls who willingly curse God to his face after being given numerous chances, whether God can ultimately turn these people around is still a mystery, but one things for sure, he will not impose himself, pain will impose it on them, the pain of not being united to what you were created for

>> No.19774948

yes it is, if she did it ingood conscience, believe islam was right, even we gamble shes wrong, if she however thougt it was moral to kill christians when she knew it was wrong, then thats a different story, saul was a devout jew who oppressed christians thinkjng he was correct and he did it with a clean conscience but then God revealed to him that Jesus is the living God and he is persecuting him, telling him your vigor is good but your on the wrong team, and ising the wrong tactics, this way my son, his zealousness was morally good but it was unfortunately initally for the wromg faith

>> No.19774964


>> No.19775240


>> No.19775524

Blessed <3

>> No.19775806

holy bros just keep on winning