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19767506 No.19767506 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning fellow Pickwickian sirs! This shall be our second meeting, where I will announce our first novel. As fate would have it, Charles Dickens's The Pickwick Papers itself was the most beloved book in our poll!
As far as a reading schedule goes, I believe we should attempt to average about 200 pages each week (a little less than thirty pages a day). Depending on which edition you have, this number may vary, but the Penguin edition of The Pickwick Papers (which for convenience I'll treat as a 'standard') sits at just bout 800 pages. So we should aim to finish our books within four weeks. I will attempt to put up a new thread for our discussions each Tuesday, and we will aim to finish up on Tuesday, February 15. At which point we shall begin the process of selecting our next book!
On another note, according to the poll, The Pickwick Readers Club as of this moment has 34 'registered' members! So conversations should be fruitful, and hopefully we will attract more members as time goes on.
In the meantime, I hope you'll all join me for a joyous romp around English countryside. Cheers, gentlemen!

>> No.19767625

Make that 35. I saw the aforementioned thread with the voting, but did not partake, for I did not know to the extant of seriousness, the makeup of those that wish to set off on this grand endeavor. If I shall not see you this fine day, I wish all a fine morrow.

>> No.19767632

hey m8, how can i register for this bookclub?do ineed an account of some sort?

>> No.19767991

'Registration' was merely casting a vote in our poll. In truth, there is no registration besides doing the needful, and reading your book with us.
Quite based, sir. Glad to have you aboard!

>> No.19768003

so the discussion will only take place in this manchurian maggot farming forum rite?

>> No.19768015

Correct! my dear sir. This club was created with the intention of bettering our environment here. Were we to take our discussion and outsource to some other venue, why, all would be lost.

>> No.19768035

ok then fren, see ya next tuesday.

>> No.19768051

Don't be nonsensical! Stay a while, warm your feet. Tell us what you find in this delightful story!

>> No.19768180

I shall in a short while, but I must take leave, for the hour for which I sup is approaching with great haste.

>> No.19768414

My apologies, I do not wish to disturb a man whilst he eats.

>> No.19768525

Would love to join you fellows in this endeavour, since I myself absolutely adore The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Containing a Faithful Record of the Perambulations, Perils, Travels, Adventures and Sporting Transactions of the Corresponding Members, but I only read it like 7-8 months ago so for me that's a bit soon to be going back to it, especially when I've got so many books to get to. Still, I'll definitely join in if this carries on after The Pickwick Papers and a book I either haven't read, or read long enough ago to want to re-read it, is voted in. Anyways I hope you all enjoy Pickwick at least half as much as I did and good luck to you gentlemen.

>> No.19769090


>> No.19769146

Though I hate to see a potential Pickwickian decide against joining our little band, due to your predicament I must understand your decision. I wish to see you in a month when we decide on a new novel, an oxymoron isn't it? Due to the board's tastes, I suspect our next novel will likely be Don Quixote, though I could be pleasantly mistaken. We shall see, my friend, we shall see.

>> No.19769189

Downloaded and ready to read my friend.

>> No.19769274

I will probably skip Don Quixote, I feel like it would be wrong to read it without a knowledge of the chivalric tales it parodies.

>> No.19769281

Don Quixote would suit me wonderfully well; that is to say, I've already planned on re-reading it this year, so yes that would be superb.

>> No.19769589

No apology is necessary my most humblest of travel companions. You did not interrupt my feeding in a negative manner. Great fortune I have to not be of similar mind of the endangered Siberian Snow Leopard, that once disturbed from feeding on its kill, is likely to not return. I am nourished, and have refreshed my mind with a good sit in the out of doors setting of my abode. This scripture, may it find you in good health and security, is to increase the order for which this loosely assembled writings of travel companions sits in the catalog. Reading of the tale that has received the highest of marks, shall begin momentarily, and I will indubitably inscribe my findings, here, on this wall.

>> No.19770613

Great thread and great idea, OP. Thank you.

>> No.19770660

This is one of the most based threads I've ever seen.

>> No.19770948

What a delightfully chaotic first chapter! It reminded me of the confusion and bewilderment I experienced when I read the first chapter of Blood Meridian, though not so violent.
The second chapter was fantastic as well. I never realized that this scene from Dead Poets Society was taken from this book!

>> No.19771084

I wonder if the exchange between Winkle and Snodgrass concerning the duel had any influence on this scene from Woody Allen's Love & Death.


>> No.19771085

I like what was said in the first chapter, on love. I got a little chuckle out of it.

>> No.19771147

I don't remember the quote specifically, what was it?

>> No.19771165

On his right sat Mr. Tracy Tupman—the too susceptible Tupman, who to the wisdom and experience of maturer years superadded the enthusiasm and ardour of a boy in the most interesting and pardonable of human weaknesses—love.

>> No.19771268

>you fags picked 800 pages of dickens first
fuck bros i dont feel so good

>> No.19771387

Stop wasting your time here.

>> No.19771553

Ah yes that's the one! And it is this 'weakness' which gets him into a bit of trouble in the second and third chapters!

>> No.19771584

I vaguely remember that from reading it before. I did enjoy immensely, but I'm not going to read it til I wake up though. I've been ending things in the middle somewhat lately, to try to stop me from getting locked in and not going to sleep. But I'll certainly talk about the rest of chapter two and beyond tomorrow. So exciting.

>> No.19772138

I'm ready.

>> No.19772188

Alright then. Bend over.

>> No.19773048

Kek, the first two chapters are hilarious. But the prose filtered me hard, i had to reread sentences frequently

>> No.19773483

His prose, for all of it's beauty and candor, often dips into density.

>> No.19773489
File: 1.39 MB, 1527x892, comfyapu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning Pickwicks! Remember to do the needful and read full today!

>> No.19773737

if that pic ain't comfy, i don't know what is

>> No.19774644

I'm not letting this thread get killed by shitposting.

>> No.19774743

It's nice to see that you're in it for the long haul.

>> No.19775092

Salutations, my good man! I do hope I did not miss the coach on this most eminent journey. In this rather deplorable neighborhood I am pleased to find a bastion of enlightenment and good manners. I look forward to the adventures that await us in the coming weeks!

>> No.19775432

oi i thought mr. winkle was a goner for certain there in chapter two— looking forward to the hijinx sure to come in chapter three

>> No.19775555

No no. We are still on schedule. We just had a ruffian come about these ways and give us a licken, like the beginning of chapter two, but we're well on our way.

>> No.19775568

Phooey! A man such as Winkle never says die and so ne'er shall!

>> No.19775601
File: 256 KB, 814x1000, muh hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickwick Papers is a legendary romp. I can't pick a favorite episode but perhaps Sam Weller on the stand in court. Try and get an illustrated edition if you can, they really add a lot of charm.

>There are very few moments in a man's existence when he experiences so much ludicrous distress, or meets with so little charitable consideration, as when he is in the pursuit of his own hat.

>> No.19775911

>"Ah! poetry makes life what lights and music do the stage--strip the one of its false embellishments, and the other of its illusions, and what is there real in either to live or care for?"
I like this quote.

>> No.19775945
File: 6 KB, 221x250, birdfren2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet checking in here. Why does the cab driver get so upset with Pickwick in Chapter 2? What does he mean when he calls them 'informers?'

>> No.19776078

Doesn't it say, because Pickwick was writing down information, and wasn't willing to pay what the cab driver thought warranted from him collecting said data.

>> No.19776150

yeah, I'm reading the pirated epub of that illustrated version which also comes with introduction and footnotes. These additions do help add nuance

>> No.19776713

I hope we'll see some of these characters again, specifically Lieutenant Tappleton, Doctor Slammer and Joe the Fat Boy.

>> No.19776732
File: 58 KB, 1080x608, Pickwick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange...I just watched the series so I have no idea if I would really want to read the book but the coincidence is tempting me to so I probably will. I'm a bit late though I guess.

>> No.19776824

Take your time.

>> No.19776841

You're not late at all, my dear friend, you're just in time. This is only the first week! There really isn't a pace you must follow, we all just aim to finish up right around a month from now.

>> No.19777601
File: 26 KB, 581x528, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"And allow me to say, Sir," said the irascible Doctor Payne, "that if I had been Tappleton, or if I had been Slammer, I would have pulled your nose, Sir, and the nose of every man in this company. I would, Sir, – every man."
my sides

>> No.19778895


>> No.19779086

>Do you bite your thumb, sir?