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File: 37 KB, 807x380, Schopenhauer Simp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19769871 No.19769871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The celibates are absolutely right. If you don't kill your horniness as a man you're just going to fall victim to "Women are Wonderful Effect" delusions that lead to self-destructive behavior

>> No.19769883

This was after he actually spoke to a woman (sculptor lady that made his bust)

>> No.19769884

That never happens though, so he might be right

>> No.19769893
File: 1.76 MB, 2408x3840, 1634432571873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't mean he wasn't in the same state of horniness-induced delusion that male feminists are when he wrote that quote out

The quote is nothing but blatant denial and making up an excuse why women pretty much never achieve anything great. The idea that they, in rare circumstances, "grow ceaselessly and more than a man" is completely clashing with reality (The greatest people to ever live being almost exclusively men) and in a sober state he would have laughed at his own proposition

>> No.19769910

You need help anon. This isn't a sober state of mind.

There have been many great women in history (and an uncountably larger number that have been greater than yourself), it just shows an incompetence in your knowledge of history and human nature to think otherwise.

>> No.19769924

>There have been many great women in history
Damn... it's almost like a broken clock can still be right once a day

>(and an uncountably larger number that have been greater than yourself)
And an uncountably larger number of men who have been greater than them

>> No.19769947

>and an uncountably larger number that have been greater than yourself
an impotent personal attack born from seething and coping
This is an anonymous forum. The poster you are replying to could be the greatest man on Earth.
Women don't achieve greatness because it would be dumb if they did. They can just rely on men to deliver everything.

>> No.19770047

a woman's greatness is birth.

>> No.19770074

>And an uncountably larger number of men who have been greater than them
Yes, and? Great women provide something unique in history, just as women do irl. But considering your knowledge of humanity goes by pics such as the above, and the idea that women are just deviations of men with that clock analogy, I wouldn't expect you to have much personal knowledge of the subject.

The fact that you criticise my 'personal attack' shows well enough your intelligence, no idea lives in pure abstraction, the personality is the argument, the personality is all. That man is certainly not the greatest man on Earth, I know for a fact he is the opposite from what he says, and he has proven nothing. Why do you expect me to be so gracious? He is criticising a gender which is half of life and, if you want to continue to look at it in this crude reductive quantification, in the individual done far more than himself. He says it furthermore, just as you, in the dumbest way possible as someone who has learnt it online. He says it with no wit of original thought, the infograph is the extent of that. I could ask 'how do you know i'm seething and coping? This is an anonymous forum', or how you know the attack was born from impotence, but there's no need to expose your stupidity any longer.

>> No.19770103

Schoppy is right. Women DO grow more so, when mentored properly. Think Vygotsky and his Zone of Proximal Development, whereas man and boy are kindled by the spirit of Piaget-style freedom, and thus resist or rebel against school more.
Even if men ultimately care more about learning, women do it better. It is a shame that they rarely feel the urge to.

>> No.19770150

>The fact that you criticise my 'personal attack' shows well enough your intelligence, no idea lives in pure abstraction, the personality is the argument, the personality is all. That man is certainly not the greatest man on Earth, I know for a fact he is the opposite from what he says, and he has proven nothing. Why do you expect me to be so gracious? He is criticising a gender which is half of life and, if you want to continue to look at it in this crude reductive quantification, in the individual done far more than himself. He says it furthermore, just as you, in the dumbest way possible as someone who has learnt it online. He says it with no wit of original thought, the infograph is the extent of that. I could ask 'how do you know i'm seething and coping? This is an anonymous forum', or how you know the attack was born from impotence, but there's no need to expose your stupidity any longer.
>All that hot air
Woman moment

>> No.19770203

This is one of those "Goethe's theory of Colour" moments from Schopenhauer. He's still a mere mortal; he can't get it right every time. Maybe something happened to him on one of his walks the day he wrote this.
>Even if men ultimately care more about learning, women do it better
There's not much evidence for this viewpoint. Even in domanins typically chosen by women more often than men, the men who enter them far outmatch their female counterparts. A great woman is an anomaly among anomalies (great people), an exception that proves the rule.

>> No.19770339

Chud detected

>> No.19770362
File: 70 KB, 720x563, una.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically men gave us the horrors of our inhumane industrial/technological dystopia. ergo, all men should be executed.

>> No.19770420

The really horror is life to begin with. Hence why >>19770047 is so laughable.

>> No.19770426

>woman haters are antinatalists
LOL, it all makes sense.

>> No.19770428

Women make men. Holding them to that standard is like censuring men because they can't give birth.

>> No.19770431


Women make me cum good and therefore they bring my happiness to the world

>> No.19770433

But all of this shit is terrible. Women contributed shapely butts, nursery rhymes, and delicious cakes that never needed any improvement.

>> No.19770442

Hush, incel

>> No.19770467

woman giving birth is no worthier of praise than when my balls shooting hot spunk all over her cooch

>> No.19770475

>tfw don't hate women
>tfw mid 20s virgin
I wish I hated women so I'd at least have an excuse

>> No.19770501

Ignoring the fact that there's literally no sacrifice for one but an enormous (in comparison) sacrifice for the other full of many troubles and pains, giving birth and raising a child is a beautiful action. You shouldn't project your shitty upbringing onto all examples.

>> No.19770522


Give it time and continue browsing this website regularly. t. 37

>> No.19770545

What fucking sacrifice? Women spend their entire lives dolling up and behaving in ways to achieve this exact thing. It is their highest desire to squeeze offspring out of her mangled meathole.

>> No.19770548
File: 339 KB, 523x594, 1614496900389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no sacrifice for a man having a child
That I had a good father is why I know you're wrong.

>> No.19770552

But girls have always been so nice to me I never had a reason to hate them, I've been on this site since like 2008

>> No.19770555

This point will only grow less and less important as time goes on honestly. Women are growing less likely to have children and we're at times fully ready to use technology for the development of a child. I'm sure carrying a baby in your uterus is exhausting as is but this world is growing more desensitized to certain things. I'm sure if women aren't giving birth they'll have other things they'll complain about.

>> No.19770614

That anon is wrong, there is definitely sacrifice for any honorable gentleman, but I'm sure you understand that it is much easier for the male to abandon the child and spouse than it is for the woman, which I believe was his point.
I'm my opinion I think we, having forgotten our places, are tragically confused nowadays. It will end badly.

>> No.19770639

It is very easy for a woman to abandon her child in the eternal current year, just drive a state over at most and they'll wet-vac that shit right out of there.

>> No.19770658

How fucking retarded do you both have to be? One of you doesn't even know what pregnancy involves, the other thinks I said fatherhood doesn't require a sacrifice. Maybe read what I was replying to? The anon was contrasting pregnancy and ejaculation, not the respective roles of men and women in raising children. He said there was an equal sacrifice between cooming and pregnancy, which is obviously not true.

>> No.19770666

>Women spend their entire lives dolling up
Remind me again what you're spending your youth doing?

>> No.19770694

The point isn't hating women at all cost. The point is telling the truth: most women are unremarkable normie cattle. IF, as the qoute says, some woman overcomes that condition, then she would surely deserve praise.

>> No.19771028

The based take is that Goethe's color theory wasn't wrong. It just needs a psychological reinterpretation.

>> No.19771042

the only person in this thread capable of comprehension

>> No.19771113

You LITERALLY said in your post that there's LITERALLY no sacrifice in one compared to giving birth AND raising a child. A woman can abandon a child just as easily as a man, so there's really no difference in value between either side's role in having a baby, especially because both sides are necessary. You're just some braindead midwit who doesn't speak deliberately then gets assmad when people call you out for things you said but probably didn't mean to say.

>> No.19771122

i dont think the issue is praising the remarkable women, it's that somehow remarkable women are more praiseworthy than all men which is something you find in both schopenhauer and nietzsche

>> No.19771134

In their era, it was more worthy of praise being more unique.

>> No.19771158

How do you not understand 'ignoring the fact that...'? You are so fucking retarded, you're the assmad one who can't even admit he got assmad because of his own fucked reading comprehension.

On a side note however women would probably be less willing to abandon their child statistically because of their mother instincts.

>> No.19771162

Are we seriously having a discussion on whether men or women are better? Imagine having the same discussion about animals. "Lol the male lion is lazy" or "look at the cuck penguin" or "go grrrl cicada, eat that weak male after mating lol". That is retard tier. Men and women are halves of a whole and function as they do due to evolution and environment. Neither is "nobler" or better, although differences in behaviour are fair game for discussion.

>> No.19771172
File: 7 KB, 208x208, 1585614487538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are the sexus sequior, the second sex in every respect, therefore their weaknesses should be spared, but to treat women with extreme reverence is ridiculous, and lowers us in their own eyes. When nature divided the human race into two parts, she did not cut it exactly through the middle! The difference between the positive and negative poles, according to polarity, is not merely qualitative but also quantitative. And it was in this light that the ancients and people of the East regarded woman; they recognised her true position better than we, with our old French ideas of gallantry and absurd veneration, that highest product of Christian–Teutonic stupidity. These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please.

>> No.19771188

unbelievably based

I think of that last line w/r/t niggers all the time. Pretty much whenever I deal with one IRL

>> No.19771255

"Ignoring the fact" is literally you saying that it is a fact, you blathering moron. I'm not going to ignore that you're saying something wrong just because you said to ignore it, don't even bring it up if you don't want to get called out on it especially when you're saying something that's pants-on-head-retarded. Again, you're a midwit who doesn't even think about the meaning of the words you're spewing.

>> No.19771256

sacred apes of benares lmfao

>> No.19771299

>"Ignoring the fact" is literally you saying that it is a fact, you blathering moron.

The anon in general thought raising a child was nothing special, but the example he gave was pregnancy. I replied to these two separate things.

>> No.19771306

The rhymes and cakes were likely invented by men. The butts you have to thank God for.

>> No.19771354


Honey, I understand it seems "really weird xD" to make fun of women and doing so in public is a marker of men who are suicidal or otherwise not status seeking. But we're in an anonymous online space and there's no penalty here. And there's nothing you can do about that :(

>> No.19771363

That's a great quote

>> No.19771364

A woman has literally never done this, though, except maybe Mary

>> No.19771489


But my penis is different and special...

>> No.19771502

Harder in what way? Cooming can be pretty taxing in the big picture. The act itself probably doesn't draw on much energy though, if that's what you mean.

>> No.19771514

>my penis feels like it is being stretched unfathomably larger and I go through mood swings and sickness for half a year when I coom

>> No.19771576

And yet, any country bumkin could sire their stepfather's kid. It's not exactly a rare ability.

>> No.19771745

I refuse to believe oldfags post in these threads.
There is nothing new under the sun on this topic. Same threads, same circular arguments, the whole "I post here but never read" meme seems true these days. Nobody is gonna agree, nothing is original anymore, how does this not get tiresome to anyone other than newfags who are making this place a synthesis of /r9k/ and /pol/ with an added veneer of sophistry?

>> No.19771811

It's the fate of the entire site. Faggot mods encourage this but who could blame them since they're drawn from the same pool as the users.

>> No.19771858

Op is absolutely right that the thinking that “woman rise above and grow more than men” just because you met one decent sculptor is clearly pussy-thirsty-drunk delusion .

Think about it who’s the greatest female physicist in history? Emmy Noether. She was top tier but no where near the top of the top tier of physicists like Einstein or von-neumann or Dirac.

Same goes for any field . Men have more genius abd extreme talent because there is mOre variance among men than women