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19767385 No.19767385 [Reply] [Original]

What are the ideals of journalling and the proper techniques for achieving them?

I use it to look for patterns in thoughts and behavior so I can change them or at least be aware that they happen. That requires a robust index.

>> No.19767406

open journal every day, write stuff in it

>> No.19767409
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And dreams, many, many dreams and dreamscapes.

>> No.19767429

Literally buy a journal/notebook that you like( I like Rhodias) and a nice pen with favourite ink colour. Write everyday, even a few words or bullet points - it’s about being consistent. You should catch the rhythm after several days, should you be like me and procrastinate for 2 weeks, just chug down 2 energy drinks so that you become too amped up to so. Don’t journal with an intention to be read - it’s your venting space and you can write as verbose or concise as you want

>> No.19767466

I like the unlined pentalic sketch traveler, 160 pages because they're cheap, unlined, and I fill the little 80 pages ones too quickly.

>> No.19767496
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I own a „goalbook” and several 48-page little notebooks to carry in my pocket. At the end of the day I look at the notes/bullet points from the small booklet and expand onto them in the proper one. Moleskine is kinda shit for me, never had the german ones(Leuchtturm?)

>> No.19767520

I have the big Leuchtturm notebooks with dotted paper and I have to say the quality is excellent. The only thing I can see bothering people is the color of the, it's this off-white cream and if you are looking for anything light and white, don't go for these. Otherwise the paper thickness, the covers, the personal scrap pockets and the thick stickers that you can put on the spine and the cover/back are really good.

>> No.19767533

Nice to hear a coherent opinion from another stationery autist, I just stick to rhodias because they have nice colours, aesthetic and price isn’t terrible for my volume or entries. But I must say that the elastic pen loop gets loose super fast.

>> No.19767550

I used to use only rhodias but the covers never really felt thick enough for me and the elastics on the Leuchtturm certainly hold for longer. I have one from three years ago, almost four now, and the elastic band on it is noticeably looser than it used to be but still holds it shut properly. I don't hook my pens on the bands though, so that might have helped keep it in shape.
>from another stationery autist
w-we're autists?

>> No.19767571

Do you have a pilot metro, fountain or Pentel g-tec pen? Of course you do.

>> No.19767596

Not him but G-Tec is made by pilot, I also have the pentel brushpen
Yes we are on the spectrum, no normal person cares about pens as long as they work in my experience in school and hospitality

>> No.19767627
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So it is.

>> No.19767656
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Mein neger

>> No.19767659

I don't because I found that the best pen that works for me is the 849 Caran d'Ache and I haven't looked back since. The only other thing I use is a .5 Faber-Castell Ecco Pigment felt tip to take quick/daily notes with. it's just such a pleasure to write with. I use the pen only for 'serious' things that I want to keep for a long time in my Leuchtturms on my shelf.
We're not autistic, we're aristocratic becuase we appreciate quality in all areas.

>> No.19767675
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i wish i could keep a neatly handwritten journal, but as you can see, i have some serious(ly retarded) issues blocking me. i never learned another way to do it. unironically how do i fix this? i start feeling pain after about ten minutes of continuous writing.

>> No.19767686
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My handwriting is a shitty cursive but I don’t really care. Have you tried picrel?

>> No.19767689

Depends on what you're trying trying achieve. Stream of thought writing to create a chronicle of your life? Just write and don't even edit
Want to work on your journalled problems? Focus on them as you write through them, using your mind's natural progression to address the problem

>> No.19767691

I used to have rhodia that I kept in my pocket at all times. I would write down everything that came to mind, even cool shit I found like wrappers or flowers, or whatever. I filled about 4-5 notebooks like this. Then I finished school, and I never leave the house anymore, so I stopped.

>> No.19767700
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You are truly fellow aesthetistes.

>> No.19767710

Shame really, even if you have a stagnant life situation like me or no friends just going on random walks or public transport rides can breathe some fresh air into having something to write about

>> No.19767724

yes i have tried that, and despite my efforts i was never able to apply enough pressure on the pen to control it and write legible text. sometimes when dealing with a bad pen, i can't even get any ink to come out of it. are there any exercises that you would recommend? maybe i just need to strengthen my fingers.

>> No.19767732

>That requires a robust index.
It requires trial and error. You'll never start journaling if you think this way. Just write your ideas at the back of the book and try them out to see if they're good. Eventually, you'll come up with a method that you never change 99% of the time. But the most important thing is to start.

>> No.19767735

I just think that you should get a smooth writing pen that eases the pressure of writing - pilot v5/7 was the shit for me, buttery smooth action with practically no force applied

>> No.19767739

>just going on random walks
I'm too neurotic to do it alone
>public transport rides
costs money
I'm probably making excuses, but I know what you're talking about, and I do lament not going out more- but then, I'm always confronted with the choice: do I go out and wander around the ass end of nowhere for a while, or do I stay home and try to be productive? And then of course I want to be productive, in part because I feel crippling guilt for being a NEET, and then in the end I do neither. It's a shitty disaster of a situation, but I'm getting better, I've started being a lot more productive (ironically after I stopped feeling guilty). On top of that, I'm moving soon and I've made the promise that once I do, I'll start leaving the house regularly.

>> No.19767743
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shame i learned how to write retarded, somehow
so yeah writing isn't all that freeflowing for me as it is supposed to be
>dynamic quadrupod

>> No.19767753
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Relax it into a painter's underhand grip.

>> No.19767758

> On top of that, I'm moving soon and I've made the promise that once I do, I'll start leaving the house regularly.
Stick to it anon, I found myself losing sanity after moving back into my shitty but cheap rental room and going out to parks, beaches etc. helps a lot in my case. Things are nice out there, yesterday I went to this rather unpopular shopping mall and the vibe was so fucking weird but interesting

>> No.19767800

thanks anon. my life has gotten a lot better since I finally got put on the right meds. I'm fixing everything a little bit at a time.

>> No.19767817

Yeah I’m back to procrastinating but I need to get my university application in check in like 1-2 weeks and get a job plus some other shit. You got this and so do I

>> No.19767819
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>no ink
I don't get it. What do you do with these, and why don't you just use an ink brush?

>> No.19767839
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Best of luck, anon!

>> No.19767858

Default empty one for watercolour maybe? It also caught my attention

>> No.19767884
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Ink wash with fountain pen and waterbrush. Carrying a full watercolor kit is too messy.

>> No.19769084

bump for this based thread

>> No.19771068

Leuchtturm >>> moleskin

>> No.19771157

I name objects around me as journal entries. It’s like how when you name an animal it sticks with your for life.