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/lit/ - Literature

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19767295 No.19767295 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting for the Cities to Fade Out Edition

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>> No.19767327
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>> No.19767351

Kept reading that Foucault was notoriously a pedo and signed a document calling for abolishing the age of consent. Did some reading and found out about the whole incident.


>A number of French intellectuals – including such prominent names as Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Louis Aragon, Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, Bernard Besret, and various prominent doctors and psychologists – signed the petition.

>de Beauvoir

What the fuck? What is it with French pomos and dismantling traditional AOC barriers in particular? Not saying I support it or not, just never seen this happen anywhere in the world. Truly bizarre.

>> No.19767356

We're just two lines that intersect at a single point...

>> No.19767373
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Is it reasonable to claim that all art stems from some degree of narcissism? The idea that you're so confident that your ideas/view of the world are worth putting out for the world to see, to get them to spend their precious time with *your* own abstracted self, is quite arresting when you think about its implications. How can a genuine artist not feel guilty about that? Or maybe i'm just rationalizing my bullshit.

>> No.19767392


>> No.19767399
File: 127 KB, 1024x1000, French Pepe (possibly has AIDS, very intellectual).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this mundane aspect of this mundane life. The corridors of the supermarkets and the familiar yet hard to place vestigial echoes of the images of the products that pass by in the back of your mind every time you walk there. Buying bleach and powdered soap, buying meat and frozen french fries in that amorphous bag that deforms itself bending to gravity as you awkwardly pick up its gelid constitution with its pallid yellow fries inside of it, through the transparent parts of the bag, looking at you. Passing through one of the corridors and looking through a particularly wide one, or that huge wide corridor that has all those rectangular fridges in the middle of it, and feel the sudden rush of desire shoot up like molten lead up your spine demanding the kinetic order that you run through it, but you can't, as you never can run or jump through the things you feel an instinct to do so, your innermost and so painfully genuine chimpanzee instincts. And the people, the ever so mediocre looking people, some of them, rarely, attractive, specially the women in their velvety smooth skins and generous thighs, some with impressive breasts. Some of the dudes in good shape, sometimes one of them would have a decently handsome face. But most of them were so mediocre in all aspects, in their vocabulary, in their attire, in their genes. The entire place was a nightmare of normalcy, lukewarm, harmless, welcoming even, normalcy. The place that welcomed me back every time as if taunting me in my inertia, in my lack of projects, of attempts to claw my way out of this normalcy-void of this suburb. I should have been rich at this point, endlessly wealthy, worshiped, debauched and delighted in an infinite of the most excessive pleasures, wrecking a havoc of sex and partying whose trail of destruction would be a youth of impressive memories, but ultimately, I'm 25 and did nothing with my life. And I remember by walking through these familiar places the reverberations of these dormant and still potent memories, as mine tend to be, as I rarely forget anything, of all the times as a younger person, still full of dreams, that I expected myself to be a creative force and be working on some project I was interested in at the moment, and the desires I had for companionship and for success, still unrealistically colorful in my mind. They are still there, but more bound to an increasingly attractive Plain Jane reality to which I have made myself comfortable. It's called being an adult I think. Your dreams don't die, as the drama queens cry. They devolve. And now Plain Jane, in her brown eyes and hair, in her mediocre face and thin but still feminine and delicate lips, in her frumpy clothes and modesty of appearance and personality, coyly offers me a gentle smile from across the room, and I shoot my eyebrows up to indicate I see her. But I don't know if I want her."

>> No.19767402

Using imageboards without a goal in mind serves no purpose and is a waste of time (unless your goal is to waste time) the catalog reminds me of social media algorithms wanting you to click them but instead is anons writing in the most provocative way possible for replies and attention.
The book recs are good but most of the time I don't feel like anons have insightful things to say, even when discussing interesting topics or books the act of reading and writing posts is non-consequential to my life. Similar to idle talk. In the end, this is an entertainment website and that's fine. I always think of this quote of Epictetus when I see people discussing philosophy.
>The philosopher's lecture room is a 'hospital': you ought not to walk out of it in a state of pleasure, but in pain; for you are not in good condition when you arrive
I feel like I have much better things to do with my time than posting here, this isn't mean to be an anti 4chan/imageboard post. I used to be addicted to them around 4 years ago but every few months I come back to them for some reason and this is how I always end up feeling.

>> No.19767407

>Or maybe i'm just rationalizing my bullshit.
You're projecting many insecurities. Write your basic assumption:
>The idea that you're so confident that your ideas/view of the world are worth putting out for the world to see
is supposed to be bad.

>> No.19767419

glanton spat.

>> No.19767421

I hate pornography so much it's unreal. The more I think about it, the more I realize how downright satanic it is, how much it warps young people's ideas of sexuality and healthy relationships, how exploitative the whole thing is, how it corrodes the moral fiber of those involved in it. It's a cancer on the world.

>> No.19767478

Want to move to Prague but don’t want to leave my friends and home behind.

>> No.19767490

I am a philosopher. I have been a philosopher before I knew what philosophy was or that I was doing philosophy. I have been thinking about reality before I knew that thinking about reality was a thing that you could do. I never knew what I was doing, I was just doing it, because it is my ultimate nature to be a philosopher. That's why I will become a master, not through any active striving, I do it constantly without trying or knowing I am doing it, therefore I do it more than anybody who is trying to do it. I have never realized I was a philosopher because self identity is something that almost always comes from others telling you that you are something, if nobody tells you that you are who you are then you are who you are without identifying yourself as such, and so have I philosophized in private with no thought of telling others that I am a philosopher for first they needed to tell me I am a philosopher. I have always attempted to turn myself into the ideal of a master, someone who is a master at their craft not because they strive to be a master or even because they love their craft, but because it is simply what they do and what they did before they knew you were supposed to love your craft or become a master of it and they did not even know it was their craft. I have adopted many crafts and many methods for obtaining skill and becoming a natural in search of this ideal, never realizing that I had already obtained it because the ideal is such that you do not know you are the ideal, you simply are. I have a madness for philosophy and that is why I will know more than any average intellectual in whom true philosophy does not naturally reside even when they have read one thousand times more philosophical treatises than myself.

>> No.19767495

You should only write about possible developments in your own life.

>> No.19767498

well if you post often here I have probably seen many of your posts in which case we are more like curves that intersect at many points

>> No.19767505

Why is this random Chinese guy promoting his shitty Redbubble on /lit/? I guess he’s sucking off the janitors like the other obvious shills we get here

>> No.19767530

Fucked over Indian caller in my call centre job, couldn't do anything for him

>> No.19767569
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I was gonna post this on the thread about why people are having less sex, before jannies nuked it, might as well share my thoughts here

1. Other people are now full of liabilities, because you can be accused of whatever oppression of the day (harassment, racism, whateverphobia) at the slightest misstep. This hurts specially men, and since men are initiators, this risk-wariness means less initiations which means less sex;
2. The omnipresence of social media has thrown everyone into a state of hyperreality and they have developed standards that are basically born out of hypercurated social media and pornography they follow. Women want Chads and men want 20yo pornstars, and the real people that exist cannot compete. Women have it somewhat easier in this respect too since pussy still has inherent value;
3. Alternatives to sex and relationships exist. Not the same, but you can get enough dopamine to forget about the outside world from porn, Netflix and videogames, which are all cheap and plentiful and with enough content to take over your entire day. Why take a nonzero risk of rejection and accusations over these perfectly pleasant activities? Of course, this lifestyle makes people more risk-wary, more socially retarded and uglier (fatter and unhealthier), so it becomes a vicious self-reinforcing cycle.

tl;dr we now have literal on-demand fantasy worlds to escape into at our fingertips, which both warp our reality while also being less risky and less painful than real life

>> No.19767674

Frenchies were always two steps in the future when it comes to sexuality.

>> No.19767687

Imagine using Christopher Hitchens' early life essays to argue against American imperialism for two years, only for your friends to look him up and see him making a full-throated defense of the Iraq War. I look like an idiot now. Fuck you Naomi Klein.

>> No.19767692

And how can this be fixed? At least on a small scale?

>> No.19767826

I enjoy exercise and if I had it my way I would be dedicating a good portion of my day to manual labor out in the fields. I dislike how the relations of production today have forced exercise into a compartmented "gym time" box. It's unnatural and artificial to get all your exercise in an hour or two each day rather than continuously. Except this format for exercise exists because of the relations of production, most people have to sit at their desks like cattle in their pens for economic reasons to power the machine of capital.

Exercise through manual labor is superior because it is natural and as a bonus, economically productive. You get shit done while at the same time exercising. As it should be and as we were always meant to be. Obviously I can't be out chasing gazelles or a farmer but this is another source of displeasure as my options are strictly limited by the mode of production. The mode of production structures lifestyle options categorically. Only by radically uprooting myself and becoming an outcast can it be otherwise or else I have to accept that my life is boxed up into designated activity compartments.

I can't hike much either because I live in a city and can't leave because of my job.

>> No.19767918

Everything in my life feels wrong. I can't pinpoint what it is, what is wrong and why, but I can feel it.
I mean wrong in the sense that things don't feel like the way they should be, that I'm pushing myself deeper and deeper into a life that isn't what it was supposed to be.
Maybe I'm just crazy, I don't know.

>> No.19767941
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What do /lit/ think about this poem?
It was written by a friend of a friend.

>> No.19767974

Not erudite enough

>> No.19767979


>> No.19768024
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I don't give a shit about what e/lit/ists think of anime, I WILL read Lusíadas, I WILL watch Sono Bisque Doll Wa Koi Wo Suru and I WILL be happy.

>> No.19768036

ruined, fragmentary, shattered, young, 17, smoked bad weed, four years pass, haven't recovered, hospitalized twice, spent November with no laces in my shoes, lobotomy in shot form, lasts months, December screen time 10 hours all 31 days, flat with a pudgy chin, the drool type, don't do much, erased expectations of old self, episode could spring over toothpaste shortage, no consistency, new man every 12 minutes, each iteration insufferably dull, miss them dearly, the mirrored pair of eyes with essence inside, sudden introversion, botched inhale, lost gall.

the enduring dream is restoration, revolution of spirit, restoration of soul. It comes in spurts. they hit like crack. I'd cry daily if the fuguestate faltered, weep, kiss god on the cheek, mumble nursery rhymes.

>> No.19768066

>kiss god on the cheek
aim for this. I also smoked bad weed and had to give up every semblance of an expectation. it's a good goal.

>> No.19768108

>I WILL be happy.

>> No.19768155

>tfw hate the world so much i want to destroy shit and go on a rampage
is this the most normie sentiment ever?

>> No.19768179


>> No.19768198

as an autist i used to know how to channel my frustration into hobby because i only vaguely felt it and didn't know where it came from
as a semi normie i focus on the cause of frustration too much

>> No.19768207
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You WILL be happy.

>> No.19768231

all i do is make people upset

>> No.19768246

Teenage boys, unfortunately.

>> No.19768359

Since I won't be able to figure out the hidden (or obscured) meaning of the poem, (and I speak here as the representative of the average educated citizen,) I'll save myself the useless trouble and stick with the surface of the poem - and I find that: superficially, the poem isn't very interesting. The words should have been taken from further back in the thesaurus in order to have a magical effect - since all this poem can do to me is inspire awe by virtue of its obscurity.

>> No.19768577

i think fundamentally the thing that is making bdsm culture so attractive to zoomers (at least those in big cities) is that the nature of the practice allows for a more (psychologically) secure commitment between the people in a relationship. they have grown up in a world of shallow and disposable relationships which has in turn caused psychic pain and commitment issues. bdsm culture stands as the imposition of rules and constraints on a temporal and permissive world which causes great emotional pain to its inhabitants. the ritual of having or wearing a collar reminds one of the significant other and creates the sense of a deeper bond between the partners. it also alleviates some of the gender confusion between both partners where they know that in each others presence (and not in public) they can act according to the desires of their stereotypical (and actual) gendered behavior. the tensions are resolving in a practice that disambiguates the relationship and ritualizes the bond.

>> No.19768693

Marijuana numbs your emotions. It gives you the feeling of wisdom, health, energy and pleasure (assuming you don’t take too little or too much). The feeling is short lived. The feeling lasts ninety minutes. Then you are left with numbness and a craving for more. Once you establish this relationship, it becomes a cycle that you feed into. A symbiotic relationship.
You now live in your head. You are a string of thoughts. Your ability to feel is replaced with thinking about feeling. And when you get high again, you get just a glimpse of what a healthy person feels for free.
I want to feel like a child again, but the only way out is through.

>> No.19768710


>> No.19768791


>> No.19768808

>anons writing in the most provocative way possible for replies and attention
Without upvotes and identities, attention is the only dopamine source on here

>I don't feel like anons have insightful things to say
When they do, they post it on a website that isn't anonymous instead, and get their well deserved clout.

>every few months I come back to them for some reason and this is how I always end up feeling
I return here once in a while when my anxiety gets bad. Writing anonymous posts doesn't intimidate me as much as talking to real people, so it's a good way to ease back into social interaction

>> No.19768815

Thread theme:


>> No.19768838

My name? Reid de Sade.

>> No.19768841

Men who are afraid of talking to women because they don't want to be accused of rape/sexism/assault would have beaten their wife to a pulp 100 years ago. It's a good thing that women avoid this type of man now, because they would rather stay alone than be with an abuser.

>> No.19768853

Are you trying to summon the army recruiters?

>> No.19768864

woman hands typed these beta-hating comments. those un-afraid would likely done the same given the normalcy of it all. wife beating I'm sure has more to do with wealth then this bs. you just (rightfully) despise genetically trash men.

>> No.19768865
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>> No.19768883

Wow! And I thought I just had a soft spot for nipple clamps!

>> No.19768893

Bullshit. We don't have a problem with ugly and meek guys, there are plenty of ugly loser women around as well. We just really hate sexists.

>> No.19768901

Aren't there also a lot of women who like sexists? Like, more women than you would suspect?

>> No.19768902
File: 248 KB, 620x610, 2274fbc8dd8e7aaaa987889c875c6eaf32bb3dd3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a teaching and education course, in training to be a STEM teacher/arch STEMcel
>first day of "serious", 6 credit hour class
>"let's do a braindump about equity to center ourselves in our duties"
I can't go on

>> No.19768906

>We just really hate sexists.
every single black and white movie with a handsome male lead disagrees so fucking hard

>> No.19768949

>Because everyone knows women run Hollywood
Think before posting, hu?

We’re all multifaceted people, males and women. Some women get infatuated with driven, take charge types. They allow sexists or are fooled by some hidden sexists all the time, yes.Pity them.

>> No.19768952

why is the discourse on women here always 4th grade treehouse tier

>> No.19768959

I suspect they all got their PCs when in the fourth grade

>> No.19768960

Because there are no real women here

>> No.19768985

>Pity them.
Why should I pity them on account of their multi-faceted nature? I'd much rather congratulate them.

>> No.19769004

What about them?
.t teenage boy (18 yrs mods pls don't ban)

>> No.19769058


>> No.19769069

Call me whatever you like, I’m not falling for the trap. Mark my words, current gender relations will only improve when it comes to sex stuff with the re-emergence of stuff like chaperones, etc. I expect arranged marriages to make a comeback too, expect this time the matchmaker will be an AI.

>> No.19769075

take your meds

>> No.19769085

he just wants to ravage some boys ass like theres no tomorrow

>> No.19769094

All women = multifaceted
Women who make a poor choice in male partner = to pity (not congratulate)
Why pity? Because it perpetuates misery, I guess.

Hahah. I remember trying to explain that we don’t pee out the vagina. Hahaha.

>> No.19769097

pretty photo me likey

>> No.19769100

go elsewhere

>> No.19769103
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That’s paint (or some other medium)

>> No.19769126

>Aren't there also a lot of women who like sexists?
Yeah just like there are plenty of men who don't respect themselves and fall in love with bitches and whores. Doesn't mean there aren't men who are into good women.

>> No.19769138

Wishful thinking lol

>> No.19769160
File: 87 KB, 699x521, 1608922810370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend wants to kill himself but frankly I don't feel like even trying to stop him. I can't even justify living to myself let alone someone else.
I'm not suicidal myself or anything but every night my mind inevitably wonders to something like pic related.

>> No.19769168

Lmaoooooo cope cope coperino

>> No.19769179

>waaah waaaah why isn't life like Lord of the Rings I'm gonna kill myself it's all pointless

>> No.19769250

You don't want me to answer that. Now scram.

>> No.19769255

now i will write what's on my mind....

I will write about the summer of 2015, when i was 20 years old.
2nd year of stem college, creeping around school being weird as fuck not talking to anyone. Most beautiful girl i've ever seen helped me quietly on exam with a question and smiled at me.
Then my family went to seaside and i stayed at home then i smoked weed and had some weird realization/ vision that my dad molested me as a kid. Next morning i forgot about it. FF a week or so friends were rolling molly and i tried half a pill, felt nice but didn't like the company.
FF a week or so i was going a vacation on the seaside with my hs/ college friends. Last night there I was hanging out with this girl and she was pretty and laughed at my jokes, she layed her head on my shoulder and then i escorted her back home, then we kissed 2 times which are the only kisses i had to date. It was the most beautiful night of my life
Anyways, FF autumn, i decide not to pursue this chick i kissed and college starts and i see this chick from the beggining of the story and i approach her and then we ended up doing some project together. FF some weeks i get all crazy about the dad molestation thing, tell everyone and this pretty much defined my 20's
I obsses over this college chick for the next 3 fucking years even tho she doesnt care about me really.
So, my question is: was I young? I was always wondering did i miss out on my young years, when i put this all together it sounds like i was young, it was pretty hectic and intense
My other question is : why didn't i decide to contact the girl i kissed who was obvious ly into me and i was into her, but for some reason i wanted it to stay like this, perfect night when i kissed a girl, didn't want to spoil it. Instead i obsessed with this chick for next 3 years and got nothing out of it except being permavirgin at 27.
post theme song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IphTbVpGv2s

>> No.19769277

>was I young?
What kind of dipshit question is this

>> No.19769332

i want to write a coole dystopian novel that isnt derivative, just a fun read

>> No.19769338

But daddy...

>> No.19769372
File: 73 KB, 780x431, 1642526907423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or does it feel like american "urban living" is accelerating in a way that may actually cause weird political effects

we've been living in this weird state of propagandized denial about how degenerate cities are, there are whole academic cultures and subcultures dedicated to telling you you need less police, you need to replace more violent criminals from prison, mental illness and drug addiction and vagrancy should be "destigmatized," everyone bad and dangerous is just "different." this has been the holding pattern for what seems like eternity, a civilization in decay that constantly denies it

but i wonder if events like this continuing, coupled with parties or movements emerging that can't be ignored or sidelined by the mainstream academic and media propaganda anymore, could actually cause a major sea change.

i mean it's always been this bad, this is what all the internet racialists say, violence has been normalized for a long time, but what i'm wondering is whether people will finally start noticing exponentially more, leading to some kind of critical mass of noticing, a Great Noticing of something that's really been there for ages

or will people just adjust to even random violence in "nice" areas? or are we just seeing the emergence of the divide between nice (privately policed, gated) areas and everything else, with no more middle class, and what little rebelling and complaining the half-dead middle class does is irrelevant anyway

>> No.19769464

a lot of very sad things have happened in the last... 13 years. probably some fairly sad things before too, but it's hard to remember so far. I know that dad almost killed himself 15 years ago. there are long stretches with very little content, very little memories of family. it's all so strange. it's one of those things where you know remembering it is gonna suck and not remembering it does suck. just gotta go along. for now I think I'm processing the sad things from the last 13 years. it's gonna take time I think. It has happened in a kind of alternating way, but I think soon there will only remain crazy sorrow, for a few weeks and then it will gradually change.

>> No.19769485

I’ve been considering law school lately.

>> No.19769486

so weird how there's a bunch of people who had all these grand expectations for their future. lower your standards a bit lol, fucking firstoids.

>> No.19769513

It’s really less about the unreachable grand expectations and more about the immensely disappointing reality. It’s not just “real”. It’s “subreal”. It’s almost the antithesis of living, walking dead life.

>> No.19769524

I think human beings are largely supposed to be married

>> No.19769554
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Are (modern) people just hardwired to be a a certain type of individual thanks to their upbringing and are unable to shift away from it, such as a more literary person concerned with metaphysical concepts and whatnot trying to become a d-i-y engineering wrenchmaster? is it why the ratio of polymaths has dramatically decreased these days?

>> No.19769615

I was in Atlanta recently, having lived in Georgia all my life, and it's shocking how shitty and unsafe it feels downtown. Everything is dirty, people try to sell you stolen phones, and you feel like you're going to get mugged if you hang outside for more than 30 minutes. The only way I can imagine people defending this living environment is if they don't actually understand it. It has to be the sort of naivete that drives Wanderlust-inspired white women to hike in 3rd world countries and get themselves raped and tortured in the Middle East. It's a doting savior complex detached from the real world. This mindset can only be sustained by a group of people reaffirming their own delusions in private.

Anyway, crime is still down from the '80s so people don't care. We all know our cities shouldn't be this way, but no one seems to be doing anything about it.

>> No.19769619

Hunter-gatherers didn't do marriage because they, just like us, were genetically predisposed toward serial monogamy. Forcing ourselves into the role of lifelong monogamy doesn't change what we are or how we feel.

>> No.19769630

No, what are you talking about? Most people weren't polymaths in the past. There's probably more varying interests per capita now than in the past.

>> No.19769675

i didn't say that most people were polymaths, that's just silly. my point was that there was a higher percentage of genuine, dedicated polymaths amongst populations of the past; i.e an accomplished astronomer could also be a highly innovative architect ...etc. as a counter example, would a successful natural language processing researcher also be contributing to the world investigative journalism?
yes there are more interests going up exponentially with the ever increasing number of humans, but the former seem to be stuck within certain impenetrable bubbles. i want to say that this could be due to the highly incompetent and energy/time wasting educative system in place today that has given them lesser tools than needed in order to branch yourself out, but there's many different catalysts to it.

>> No.19769690

I genuinely stop and wonder at the beauty of nature cosntantly. Be it a leaf blowing in the wind, the waves lapping at the shore or the sun as it sets leaving the sky with filled with colour.

You're a tiny spec living on the molten crust of a nuclear reaction, hurtling through space whilst rotating at over 900mph around a huge lump of ignited hydrogen. Nothing in this life is ordinary or dull. It is fantastic

>> No.19769710

I think it's because we're in the sweet spot where we know too much but not enough to act on it, leaving life to be somewhat dull in comparison with people's expectations. Unironically the "born too late for earth exploration but too early for space exploration" meme. People in the past did not have expectations set as high by the accumulated mass of knowledge and scientific possibilities at the time. Even if they had high expectations they still had some sense of adventure presented by unexplored lands and unknown nations.

Going on a tangent though, lately it feels like even the idea of space exploration is growing distant. Too expensive to transport stuff in space or even terraform and it would require projects that take entire generations of investments and commitments to finish. (Which might easily be stopped and set back by some politician or revolution at some point in the process.) Earth might very well be both humanity's crib and grave and we will only really explore the universe through lenses and satellites.

>> No.19769736

I'd like to confess one day I blended a hamster just for fun. But it was terrible. Guilt has tortured me since then and I find that nobody in this world can pardon me on such a sin. I have faith in Christ, but sometimes I wonder why Buddha said that everything happens for a reason.

>> No.19769755

I don't know you anon, nor you familiarity with the realities of the legal profession... and I'm not going to go on a law school rant right now. But think very, very carefully before going down that path...

>> No.19769820

I am about to start in two weeks and have spent the last month realising its a mistake. Should I quit before I begin or should I at least do a semester? How bad is it really?

>> No.19769880

I've noticed it myself. The homeless specifically seem to be growing more restive and psychotically violent. Attacking and often murdering random people in unprovoked assaults. I don't know what to read into it. It's not the homeless are getting squeezed by economic pressures; they have hit rock bottom, so macroeconomic fluctuations do little to alter their circumstances. It could be that BLM-influenced police reforms have prevented them from their usual animal control duties dealing with the homeless. And of course, the state will never address the problem once and for all. Even people WITH JOBS can't afford housing in these conditions.

The ever building contradictions of a failing system inevitably surface as social pathologies . Pathologies which arise in the absence of any viable political expression as denied by that iniquitous, unraveling system which could channel that discontent into real change. Violent mental illness is a social product as much as it is an individual disturbance. Cities are the hotbeds of such pathology as a matter of mere statistical aggregation. More people, more problems, more collective insanity which an ineffective government and social order cannot address or even conceptualize solutions to without implicating the biases and flaws of itself and therefore confirming the reality of its own obsolescence and removing the class inequalities which maintain and exacerbate power disparities. America in particular is going to hell because of these sociopolitical dislocations.

>> No.19769901

I don't buy it. By this same rationale, you can argue that almost any human activity has "some degree of narcissism" because it bears some reflection of ourselves.

You're also assuming that artists 1) necessarily think their art is good, and 2) they create for other people. Every artist I've met, with little exception, either doesn't show their work to anybody, and/or is terribly preoccupied with how bad they think it is that they're not even sure it's worth it.

Of course, self-doubt and self-hate is not incompatible with narcissism. Still, I don't see anything of the narcissistic character in 9/10 artists I meet.

I'm an artist, and all of my work is done in private, making exceptions only for big pieces which I post in hopes to fetch me some money. I've never seen the artform as a way to "express myself". This is simply a cliché. It's really more like learning a language. And, like most art forms, the process is the real passion, and after obsessing maybe a two weeks on a painting, I'll put it away as soon as I'm done and never look at it again. I don't know what narcissism has to do with any of that.

>> No.19769928

Things have to get worse before they get better. Only when things are really bad will we elect a strongman candidate who can fix things. Until then, we will keep crumbling.

>> No.19769929

I don’t have a good reason not to because I don’t have any clear alternatives.

>> No.19769940

Another reason why artwork doesn't really attract narcissists is because you can't fake it. A true narcissist has to fake everything in order to avoid looking at themselves, and they certainly wouldn't be able to stomach the harsh learning curve, nor the lengths of isolation and self-judgment that art requires. It would just annoy them, and they would instead flee to something you can far more easily fake.

>> No.19770028

No one gives a fuck nigga. Pathetic bitches on /lit/ talking about SEX SEX SEX. Go read a book for a change.

>> No.19770035

>traditional AOC barriers
Tradition would be no AOC or considerably lower AOC, stop calling everything you agree with "traditional." I would also learn context, learn about what was going on in France at the time, read the actual document, read what else they wrote on it, it may not be so black and white. Were they against AOC laws or where they just against the current law for some reason like teenagers going to prison when they turn 18 because their gf had yet to turn 16? Or something like that? Were they even serious? They may have been attempting to prove some other point, perhaps there was a great number of pedos protected by their powerful positions at the time and they were drawing attention to it, but this context was lost to time. Stop relying on wikipedia, learn to actually research things.

No, I am not advocating for lowering or abolishing AOC, but m

>> No.19770075

Accidently posted before finishing.

but many AOC laws have problems, they leave wide grey areas which often hurt the innocent and protect the powerful or cause other issues, a 60 year old can often date a 12 year old as long as they do nothing sexual which allows for grooming and the example given above.

>> No.19770119
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I have a hard time living in reality. The day is catching up to me since i have too much time at my hands. Once again i succumbed to pointless and obsessive f5ing of different imageboards. Despite my futile attempts at of doing something else than scrolling I landed on this thread as if out of necessity to express major dissatisfaction in my life.
The morning started as my dad pushed my wheel chair bound mum to our house for a visit which woke me up. He said through the door that my brother is propably going to get institutionalized for a couple months due to schizo affective. Then they started to listen some podcast together while i tried to haul my ass up from the bed, failing to do so for the next 20 or so minutes. While i was dressing my brother came through the front door which seemed to surprise my dad. He was given a okay to go home but adviced to take more pills as needed in hopes of delucions subsiding with some time and rest. Otherwise it was day like every other. We spent some nice family time until it was time for mum to leave again. Me and dad took the taxi to her hospice care place. We said goodbyes for a few days and i walked back to my studio appartment which is less than a mile away.
I landed on my computer chair instantly upon arriving at my place 8 hours ago, only getting up for food. This isn't unusual for me but it's gradually going worse. Meaningless NEET life is bad in itself but tolerable when everything else is stable. Now that it's not my life seems to be in downfall and there's nothing i can do. Due to health problems i'm unable to exercise pain away as i used to when i was younger. I'm tired of being stuck on this fucking chair waiting for better times as i've been doing for the past two years. At least expressing my feelings helped a little.

>> No.19770146

>Fascism is left wing
I finally understand politics

>> No.19770193

>Communism is right wing
It all makes sense

>> No.19770225
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I just finished Becker denial of death and the last messiah and I'm running into this problem. I feel like for a lot of these pessimistic theories I emotionally believe them despite the evidence seeming to be unclear. And again, as I reflect on these works, it seems to be one of those issues where

>Oh you believe me, that means I'm right
>Oh you don't believe me, that means you're coping and I'm also right.

It feels like it's almost religious at a certain point. Like no matter what objection I raise to it the person will respond that no matter what it means they're always right.

>Oh god made you suffer, that means he's real

>oh god didn't make you suffer, that also means he's real.

I also read that Becker had kids despite writing denial of death before having written his book before having them. I wonder why he would do that?

>> No.19770286

Your conclusion is wrong. The bar of knowledge today is many many times higher than back then. To be a polymath then is standard higher education right now. Ie see da Vinci who yes was very skilled in his fields (anatomy, drawing/painting, engineering) but the first two have severe overlap and are literally delegated to hobbies and the latter is way more complicated. Most of his more known engineering ideas aren’t even feasible.

>> No.19770309
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I'm going to be straight with you anon, and I'm not going to elaborate on this to a point where my argument is as logically sound as to be air-tight and considered a proper piece of academic argumentation, but more just something one says in conversation to another person.

This shit just isn't objective. You look at the Universe, there is an almost unpredictable amount of elements that will bring either suffering or joy, and even if you tried to quantify them in both categories in the immediate world around you, they'd be likely neck to neck or you'd notice that suffering isn't as intense, close or conspicuous as the pessimists think.You NEED a biased view of the world to believe it as either leaning towards optimist or pessimism because they are emotional perspectives over the seemingly random series of facts that we call the world, that may bring suffering or joy.

>> No.19770334

are you really sure that you can't fake artwork? what would that make of commercial music aimed for exploiting the emotions of teenage girls for example (g-eazy and blackbear and the type=

>> No.19770341

I had a dream where I was back in highschool and I tried to seduce a random girl, not even somebody I know, by showing her porn on my phone. It didn't work and I heared her talk about it to her friend.

I think it's been too long since I've talked to somebody in real life.

>> No.19770350

If my life gets even an ounce worse than it already is, I’m going to kill myself.

>> No.19770355

What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?

>> No.19770395

What if the afterlife is worse then how your life currently is? I don’t think it’s likely but the probability isn’t “that” low

>> No.19770430

I don't get your point. I don't consider commercial music "fake", nor do I even consider it "art". Good or poorly produced, I don't see how anyone that produces this kind of music can even reach the status of a "fake artist".

>> No.19770438

the only way to deal with that feeling is one of these three
>numb yourself with intoxicants like booze or molly and create fleeting feelings of bliss
>preoccupy yourself, usually with work, but a hobby can also be of use until you don't have the mental bandwidth to dwell on this nebulous feeling of wrongness
>make a potentially arbitrary decision to focus on one area of your life where you can specifically identify both what is wrong and how it makes you feel unsatisfied, and then make it your priority to ameliorate that through behavioral change. Occasionally patting yourself on the back for any progress you make.
You should pick the third option and don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good - you can't fix everything but you can make your life perceptibly "less wrong"

>> No.19770455

I've read Jacque Ellul's tecnological society. Plenty of interesting insight but the ultimate conclusion seems misguided, he believes that society will eventually form a one world goverment fallowing technique.
I now realise that the meme book was in fact a meme book.

>> No.19770468

>The idea that you're so confident that your ideas/view of the world are worth putting out for the world to see
Most artists are the absolute opposite, they are bitterly confused about their view of the world and it is actually a lack of confidence that moves them to put things out there, like the proverbial "run that idea up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes". That's if they want to share their stuff at all.
There's probably an argument that art-making is a form of Distributive Cognition, that the interaction with the medium is an attempt (not always successful) at working through confusion, trauma, fractured notions of self, reassembling narratives, or creating a coherent gallery of personal symbolism that allows them to 'function' as a person.
Then there's people who just like playing guitar or playing with oil paints just for the fuck of it - that sensation pleases them in a very immediate and hedonic way and no connection to any notions of self

>> No.19770477

Honestly, I'm just waiting for a war to die in.

>> No.19770502

The Rebuke of Azure

enough of azure azaleas damask,
avast! and avast! the profound behold,
enough of the barely holy and masked,
for now I pass the ceremony old.
come search me scourge me test me only gold
most pure I’m sure surges best in me, wholly bold,
i purge each urge, my testimony enfolds,
i am the divergent and I am the goal,
I am the demiurge and I am the soul,
I am the many and I am the sole,
from me comes plenty try to empty my bowl,
the healthy and wealthy and hefty i control,
between epiphany and Sheol I stroll
and eddy for any and every goes
steady then heady as if one great rose,
i flow with revelry in revery repose,
whether destiny or spiral I go
past spire and idol for the fire I know
is not the devil but knowledge aglow
not with dreadful flame but cooler than snow,
it grows but stays level between fast and slow,
it is the rhythm and bezel and plateau and the odd,
the even, the system, the vessel and trods
with rod to trample the pilgrim facade
and tremble the temple with wisdom, leaving God.

>> No.19770517

remind me of Taxi Driver

>> No.19770525

Why? My statement isn't particularly controversial among normies

>> No.19770572

I've changed my mind

>> No.19770593

I wanted to say this prose has the quality of goodness.

>> No.19770600

Formal experiments in comics.

>> No.19770605
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I think your hypothesis is spot on.
There's certainly something curious going on with a person who spends most nights and weekends alone covered in paints. I've had nice apartments which I've absolutely covered in stacks of canvasses, tables full of paint tubes, whose walls I've turned into sketch boards. There are any number of famous artists who were known for living in squalor (picrel; and Chaim Soutine's neighbor once called the police because Chaim hadn't been seen in weeks, and they smelled a rotting corpse, only to find he had been holed up and painting dead pheasants.)
So, there's some element of self-mutilation that goes on, a digging into oneself, that I don't believe would ever be permissible to well-rounded people. Even "well-rounded" artists I have known don't seem capable of true artistic transformation -- because they don't need it.
I hate pseudo-Freudianisms, but I can't help but suspect some sort of delayed childhood roleplaying in the obsessive acts of painting.

>> No.19770621

>oh know aisles full of well-refrigerated groceries IM GOING INSAAAANNNE
unacceptable. there's is nothing wrong with the world. you're just depressed

>> No.19770624

>and are unable to shift away from it
Feedback loops.
You develop habits, behaviors and attitudes that are as expeditious as possible between the potentialities of your person and your immediate environment. Changing those behaviors obviously means battling resistance, but also unless you change your environment and the reinforcing forces in your life be those social, architectural, professional, dietary, etc. etc. that keep you in there. If someone decides to live 'ethically' in the bullshit hippie way - now they need to change how they get to work, they need to change where they shop for groceries, they need to change their diet, they need to change where they buy clothes. The resistance is now hugely dependent on just being aware and having knowledge of where the modes of transport and retailers that provide for this new attitude or way of being are, that requires huge amounts of preliminary research before they even begin acting on the change. And of course there's always the possibility that they stray from the path
>Oh I'll just drive the car this one time, it's too hard, and I'll ride the bike tomorrow
which becomes the thin end of the wedge
And you ask "why not become" because the hardest part isn't changing yourself, but actually totally reinventing your relationship to the very physical and financial and practical restrictions of the outside world

>> No.19770648 [DELETED] 
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Sadness, it seems to me, is about having an uncoordinated point of view. Maybe, in another word, a lack of identity. Malaise, fatalism, impotence, all flow from there, from having no position. This underlies the quiet distrust and disdain I've had for sad people. I have always known it was a moral failing, a sign of moral failing. I once wrote an essay about the function of religion being an anti-depressant, a prevention against self-neglect. Religion makes man important, de facto.

>> No.19770655

With regards to the transformation or role-playing thing, I think there's a very obvious analogy between the mosaicist and the process of becoming a well rounded person. Putting all these little fragments together until they take a pleasing compositional form.
But as you say, the living in squalor and messiness, is it because the pursuit of that well-fromed self is the priority, or is it just because of the sensory/hedonic love of the process in the moment? Like a athlete may love the game? Like a gourmond may love the taste of food?
And of course it could vary by person to person

>> No.19770727

I read If on a Winter's Night a Traveler because people on here recommended it, and I'm only barely getting into it now that I'm halfway through. Really hope Lioudmila and that weirdo npc protagonist don't end up together

>> No.19770728

Honestly, as I move away from expressionistic art, I find that frame of mind harder and harder to remember. It was something like an attempt at divination: sifting through colors and shapes in search of forms, and little by little tweaking them into some sort of balance. It was like re-creating the world. It certainly felt like this. I don't know why I did this. Now my work is decidedly representational; I paint portraits.
Certainly, at its heart, art to me is still about reducing the world into its formlessness, and slowly introducing myself into it until something worthwhile appears.

>> No.19770795
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damn it feels good to BTFO somebody with well-structured arguments and a good grasp of the language, promptly shutting them the fuck up.
i might be transforming into a monster. this adrenaline/dopamine rush is getting addictive. help.

>> No.19770804

to continue, on this website i sometimes even destroy my own arguments with a follow-up response post, as if i was someone else.

>> No.19770812

what do you usually argue about?

>> No.19770814

The people who do well in society are the ones who have given up on society.

>> No.19770861

I can't believe what I've seen. Oh wow.

>> No.19770865

it really varies. the last instance was something about experimental music. not the most novel of subjects but i got caught up into it.
i should point out that i'm not much of confrontational person, 90% of the time i avoid bothering with folks' gripes and just observe how they go about their rhetorical business. but for the remainder ten percent, i get an itch to seize certain openings when i smell them, and go for it guns blazing. i don't dish out explicit insults but there's a veneer of condescension underneath it, which does retroactively repulse me during the post-argumenut clarity. i feel like a snake or something.

>> No.19770869

Work is torture and I don't want to move back home anymore, but even the worst the world has to offer is overpriced now.

>> No.19770878

Women are the root of all evil. They can do nothing to save themselves from purgatory.

>> No.19770884

The working class is being squeezed harder than they ever have been since the industrial revolution. There's also the backdrop of the environmental crisis. Many don't see a future for the planet hollistically, let alone a future for a theoretical child to exist in. Otherwise, decent points, minus the stereotypical patriarchical drivel.
>women are sex initiators just as much as men are

>> No.19770885

Playing video games. Yeah
Was that really his conclusion? He seemed pretty level headed throughout, but I never finished the book.

>> No.19770901

I feel completely disillusioned and beaten down.

>> No.19770920

I hope you feel better.

>> No.19770936

For I am a Karamazov.

>> No.19770988

I feel completely disillusioned and beaten down.

>> No.19770998

Reading good works of fiction literature, non-genre fiction. I used to only non-fiction but that got boring and it's not as good as fiction

>> No.19771000
File: 60 KB, 330x500, ohman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished reading the Tartar Steppe. I'm 28 right now. I feel, and have felt, as if I'm throwing away my youth. When I stop and think about what I could be doing differently to make it not go to waste, I honestly can't imagine much. - I have a good job, good friends, I get laid occasionally enough, most of my free time I spend enjoying my immediate world. I wonder then, is this all there is, is this the best use of my youthful years? And asking myself this makes me want to kill myself. It's as if I wanted more out of life than life could give, and out of spite of not getting it all, then I want out. I cried very bitter tears yesterday as I thought about this.

>> No.19771002

only read non-fiction*

>> No.19771003

I hope you feel better.

>> No.19771007

It's okay fren, we have you.

>> No.19771054

there's an alternate way to kill yourself. if you're so hopeless and fed up with your current, pack up your shit and move somewhere that is completely foreign to you, and really put yourself to the test. you'd be already dead anyway, so what is there to lose?
as for if that's all there is to life, it's clear that in the abyss of your soul lurks a yearning humongous whale, it didn't spring out of nowhere. it's a testament that there things that you deeply care about and want to be involved in. be bold.
you got this, anon.

>> No.19771055
File: 183 KB, 1283x1596, FI5T6a-WYAEtPgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a short contract and now that it's finished I finally understand the wagie mindset. Having a regular job to go to isn't satisfying in itself, but being preoccupied by the work helps you ignore and flush out the existential meaninglessness of existence, while having more disposable income helped me alleviate anxiety.
Now it's over I have both the overwhelming existential emptiness again, but added to that the uneasy uncertainty that the only way to break the cycle is to get another job - and it was dumb luck I got the last one.
I am yet to see what power or agency I have over my life.

>> No.19771116

I have recently become aware that our time is really a dark age and that despite all of our technology, the fancy gizmos and doodads, it comes to nothing. Because man is gutless creature. Because his spirit is shrunken. I think that it is tired at least in West. Having battled throughout the ages, now in his leisure he wants no more of it. But I can’t help but hate it. I feel as though i’ve been been asleep my whole life. Like nothing has ever mattered. So I really hope that things get shaken up a little bit. I want, with a band of my friends, to thunder across the land, and do things for ourselves, and no one else. I envy those things which I read in old books. Things which I know are long dead in the world

>> No.19771137

The wagie lifestyle would be infinitely better if it were 4 days a week with 3 days weekend. What makes the 9-5 so miserable is the fact you only get 2 days to recover which is not enough. It wears on you over the course of the year until you want to kill yourself.

>> No.19771143

>the existential meaninglessness of existence
>man is gutless creature
I swear to god depressed people should be quarantined and not allowed to speak

>> No.19771152

>Many don't see a future for the planet hollistically, let alone a future for a theoretical child to exist in.
Nobody actually believes this, they just include it at the end of their list of excuses for not having children so it all sounds less self-centered.

>> No.19771159

I work 4 days a week, by choice, and it's amazing. Sunday is truly a rest day, and I'm not preoccupied with errands, which I usually run on Friday, nor my social life and hobbies, which I dedicate all of Saturday to. Then again, I know people who also work 4 or 3 days a week, and they just hate themselves for being lazy on their days off.

>> No.19771175

I’m not depressed. And I’m more remarking on the institutions and people I see walking around.

>> No.19771191

I unironically believe one of the reasons that capitalism will never be defeated is because women like it so much. They are the most adamant consumers by far and define their lives on it. Feminism and its relationship with labor is the nail in the coffin too.

>> No.19771198

Yeah, but poor people like it, too. And so do you, and so do I.

>> No.19771199

>Nobody actually believes the climate is changing to the detriment of humans
The real "self-centered" opinion, to justify continuing to needlessly consume.

>> No.19771203

I think that's because women buy more things than men, men do not need a lot of things unless you're a manchild that collects toys and figurines

>> No.19771212

You're mind-broken, dude.
>muh climate change that nobody believes in
>they're just in denial
You're caught in a circular logic. Meanwhile you still don't believe in it, because you don't act like you believe in it.

>> No.19771219

Our society (if you are American) is centered around women and their emotional and material concerns

>> No.19771247

Every society is centered around women's concerns because of sexual selection, dingus.

>> No.19771248

>nobody believes in
There's no "circular logic" here, just your complete lack of it. You are more equipped for /b/, not here.

>> No.19771289

That’s not true. Look to the Romans, who were the most masculine civilization to have existed.

>> No.19771298

Okay, what I mean is the usual chain which goes:
>climate change is the result of capitalism!
>*for sixty years, evidence is contradictory, unconvincing, and has failed every major prediction*
>that's just you justifying your capitalistic behavior!
See what I mean, at least? Also, I'm not a capitalist, and I'm not a big consumer. So, all that is just a deflection, and by the way, doesn't make climate change any more convincing. It's just guilt mongering, alarmism, and redundant rhetoric. It just further shows the climate change trumpeters are more interested in rebuking capitalism more than anything, and that climate change is just another weapon in that battle.

>> No.19771311

That doesn't negate a fundamental interest in women's concerns cross-culturally. Mexico is a good example of an outwardly machismo culture with a domestic female dominance. Mexicans are huge mama's boys. It's both, sucka.

>> No.19771331

Modern democracy leads to matriarchy. By women’s concerns, I am saying that society is feminine in spirit. All societies are not like this

>> No.19771348

In the same way, niggers in America act tough and also have their own “machismo” but black culture is really matriarchal and blacks as a whole a feminine people

>> No.19771385

women voting is the most insane thing ever once you really see it for what it is

they are incapable of genuine interest in politics, incapable of social responsibility, they don't care about history, they don't potentially have to sacrifice for the country like men do, they are inherently frivolous and "here and now" and "live for today," all their instincts are "being nice." why the FUCK would you let that person vote?

better question, why the fuck would that person vote if they were given the choice. if someone asked me my opinion on the cuban missile crisis when i was 12 i'd say "respectfully sirs, what the fuck do i know about cuban missiles?" meanwhile i could walk up to a random woman and say "My Queen! How do we respond to the Moon-men's threat of war?" and hand her a scepter and crown and she would start telling me what to do vis a vis the moonmen like she's actually the queen. women have no instincts for thinking "me? queen? queen of what? why?" they just take whatever you give them and abuse it immediately, because they all know inherently that they're that important and they're merely forgiving everyone for not noticing yet

>> No.19771401

I also am terrible at time management so I always need more buffer than fucking normies because I don't fucking know how long a task will actually take
Nope. What is the meaning of my existence? Go on.

>> No.19771415

I agree anon. The best thing I ever did for freeing my thoughts from preconceived notions was accepting that women should be excluded from all matters of state (and maybe even public life) and that just because technology and the years advance, it does not mean that we are better than the humans that came before us

>> No.19771418

Ahh just after I posted this I just had a thought, y'all ever read a book called 'How to Make Decisions'? he talks about training your CI (confidence interval). Now I'm wondering, and I've probably read this on some postrat website, but anyway... could I start writing up estimates of how long tasks take. And then over time take note of the discrepancy between my estimate and how long it took to complete, and then potentially get more accurate and better at time management?

>> No.19771423

There isn’t one anon. In the wasteland of our time, only those with strength of mind can find it for themselves. But I suppose even normalfags can find it in having a children, or their career. But if you’re like me, that’s not enough for you

>> No.19771433
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I wanted to buy alcohol today but after pacing around my house for half an hour I stayed home. It throws off the reading I like to do when I get in to bed. If I wake up hungover I tend to start drinking in the morning, that throws away another day. My heart feels strained and I have a bag of cocaine that would be hard to keep away from if I drank. I feel dismayed that my accomplishments in life have become nothing more than staying sober for a few days to a few weeks at a time.

>> No.19771440

>There isn’t one anon.
That's why I rejected the notion it was projecting.
But I could easily derive my own meaning in life in certain pursuits, it's just that they take money and resources I don't have.
Some people can find meaning in restoring vintage cars, but you need to be able to afford the car, have the space to put it, afford the tools, the parts, have the luxury of time away from your wagie job to scour ebay and forums for the right parts. The time to spend learning about the specs of those cars, and also what aftermarket options their are - if you decide not to be a purist.
Same goes for... I dunno.. wanting to be an anthropologist or a filmmaker or a installation artist

>> No.19771456
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>> No.19771463

"Don't Look Up" on Netflix mind as well be a documentary. Jeez.
Just my state's coastal sea level is up a foot since the 1950s, due to polar ice melting. North Carolina. A lot of coastal developers don't like hearing that much, as they don't get to build properties on lands that not just get bombarded by stronger-than-ever-recorded hurricanes every few years, but will also be completely underwater in due time as well (the latest best prediction was another 40 inches or so within the next century). So, what does NC state legislature do. Try to preserve as much of the coast as possible? Of course not, there's no money in that. In 2011, the legislature banned new research on the topic from being utilized by any state government agencies outright. Developers gonna develop. Is the ice going to stop melting? Are the tropical storms going to stop happening? Maybe if Bill Gates ever gets his shit together. Otherwise yes, capitalism really is this terrible, and directly responsible for our own demise.

>> No.19771465

So I learned that Ayn Rand is just pseud Nietzsche. Yikes, this is who Americans were raving about for decades?

>> No.19771467

I don’t know, those things still seem to be too shallow. I can’t help but think of death when I consider these matters. I’m almost obsessed with thinking of men who were resolved to die at all times, warriors and swordsmen. Men who lived close to death by choice. How much did they love life? Did things feel as drab as this during times of peace for them? Plenty in my life makes me content, but it all lacks WEIGHT. But enough of that. I think that what I seek is something that couldn’t be taken from me even if I was the poorest of the poor.

>> No.19771481

>duhhh they were making a point!!!
Holy cope.

>> No.19771482

People get way too focused on global warming. There are micro plastics in fetuses. Chemicals in the water alter our brains and bodies. We’re fed trash. Wasteful consumption chokes the world to death. Species go extinct Even if the world stays the same damn temperature they’ll never stop trampling and destroying by means of their unceasing avarice.

>> No.19771533

Depth is where you look for it I guess. Personally I know that if I was a musician or a filmmaker I'd be happy. i just have no talent for the former and no resources for the latter. Which is the shame because the former you can do in a bedroom

>> No.19771546

How do you pronounce Plotinus? I've always been saying Plo-te-nus but I just heard someone say Plo-ti-nus.

>> No.19771551

the latter since it's a iota not a epsilon

>> No.19771552

I suppose that’s true, but you could still write a screenplay, just for yourself. For my own part, i’d be happy to continue to do martial arts

>> No.19771554

Most I've met have said Plo-tie-nus, kind of like Pluh-tie-nis in fast relaxed english.

>> No.19771556

The i would be short rather than long, you have it wrong

>> No.19771560

I have, many times... but it feels like getting to the starting line and the firing gun never going off. So you write another script and so on until you feel in this perpetual state of prenatal creative stasis.
But do the Martial Arts bring you the depth you crave? And if not what do you think that depth looks like? You speak of a closeness to death - but what is it about that proximity that gives depth? Is it the precipice walking nature of it?

>> No.19771578

Thanks anons.

>> No.19771583

It doesn’t, but to me it’s a step in the right direction. Ever since I was a youth I knew that I was hemmed in. I knew that what was around was a facade, and the plastic trifles in my hands meant nothing. I felt this so acutely, and as a result I was always drawn to stories of the past. Stories of war and suffering, of cities built and cities burnt. And I always thought that those who lived in those times probably glimpsed something that we can’t. Reading old books always gives me this feeling. It’s odd, and I can’t put it into words. Right now i’m reading Beowulf, and reading about the mail-clad Geats and their shining helms embarking on their long ship out to sea—it just makes me sad. Maybe you could say i’m just a bored suburbanite who doesn’t know how good he has it, but I can’t shake these feeling no matter what

>> No.19771619

God damn........

>> No.19771621

To add on, the things everyone around me seems to care about—money, sex, having fun, careers, politics—it’s just nothing to me. In my heart is something missing, and i’m not talking about a girlfriend

>> No.19771622

>knew that what was around was a facade, and the plastic trifles in my hands meant nothing. I felt this so acutely, and as a result I was always drawn to stories of the past. Stories of war and suffering, of cities built and cities burnt.
Those stories are facades too you know. They're stories. Narratives post-hoc constructed, leaving out the dishonorable and boring bits. The waiting. The close quarters. The disease. The waiting... the continued waiting. The flashes of battles and violence that were over as quickly as they began.
beowulf is a poem ffs!

>> No.19771641
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The pen is huge.

>> No.19771647

Hi yes were might someone find these plentiful bitches that will fuck a man with zero self respect? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19771653

I know this, I do. Yet the nations of the time were the soils from which these stories grew. What type of plants grow from the soils of today? Just wretched weeds. Even if the stories i’ve read are just that, i know that something important has been lost somewhere. I can’t help but feeling like even in the most mundane of lives there was something i’m missing, in other times

>> No.19771676

>Just wretched weeds. Even if the stories i’ve read are just that, i know that something important has been lost somewhere.
And that's what the men who wrote those stories felt of their own time which is what moved them to invent those falsehoods... the more things change the more they stay the same... those who can't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it... same shit, different smell

>> No.19771696

>And that's what the men who wrote those stories felt of their own time which is what moved them to invent those falsehoods...
I don’t think this was the case. I don’t think the Illiad was created because of wretchedness of the times, rather I think it was the opposite

>> No.19771713

>you're just depressed
I really hate the tendency today to wave away negative emotions or despair as less real than others. Even if he is depressed that doesn't make his observations any less true than someone who has a bias for constant positivity. I feel like you're the type of person to read great tragedies and unironically think the author just needed to be medicated.

>> No.19771718

>What is the meaning of my existence?
not my problem. i got my reasons, buddy and i work hard to figure out what those are, and that doesnt include asking anons to justify my life to me. ngmi

>> No.19771728

Well, I trust that eventually sea walls and the like will be built to protect the coasts. Things like wildfires, ocean acidification, ecosystem disruption, etc. are still major issues. Only hope is carbon capture or geoengineering.

>> No.19771736

Tragedies have functions, anon, and that is to warn people of flaws. So, tragedies are constructive, and to be taken seriously. What I dismiss is caustic bickering over, say, looking too deeply at a bag of fries. That is what I call "just depressed." You're not writing a fucking novel.

>> No.19771744

I live in one of the nice parts of LA. Some girl was just stabbed to death for no reason working at a furniture store.
>the homeless specifically seem to be growing more restive and psychotically violent
I have an interesting (but admittedly /x/) theory about this.

>> No.19771747

If looking at a bag of fries in a supermarket full of fat goblins masquerading as people doesn’t make you feel some manner of disgust, you’re just a goblin too

>> No.19771748

Game over in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Lost about five hours in gameplay. It must be a divine signal to stop having fun.

>> No.19771749

>I have an interesting (but admittedly /x/) theory about this.
Don't leave us hanging, spill it

>> No.19771751
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The universal nature out of the universal substance, as if it were wax, now moulds a horse, and when it has broken this up, it uses the material for a tree, then for a man, then for something else; and each of these things subsists for a very short time. But it is no hardship for the vessel to be broken up, just as there was none in its being fastened together.

>> No.19771753

Let’s hear it

>> No.19771768

corporate virtual training got me on the edge of suicide. this is so fucking gay, i'm going back to landscaping. i'd rather destroy my body with hard labor than destroy my soul with this whacked out cultish shit

>> No.19771773

Look into anti-psychotics. Shopping shouldn't be bringing you down that much. Because you know, you MIGHT BE DEPRESSED.

>> No.19771781

>that is to warn people of flaws
What a boring outlook. So if you witness a great tragedy it inspires no deep feeling in you? I don't think the point of tragedy is just to instruct. The genre has its own beauty that stands apart from mere moral/social instruction.

>> No.19771789

I am convinced they do it just to demoralize people. Basically I can't wait until the liberal whites lose their power and some Asians or Latinos with brains take over.

>> No.19771791

How could it not? Half the things in the store are actually poison for you, the people are decadent and weak scum (and i’m barely better), everything is wrapped in plastic, and it’s part of a system which is polluting the whole world. AND i know that without this convenient little store i’d most likely be DEAD. Yeah, when you don’t think about it the supermarket is fine. Anti-psychotics don’t change the truth

>> No.19771797

This is how I feel. A tragedy isn’t fable. It’s much, much more than that. Tragedy is my favorite genre

>> No.19771798

What culture/ethnicity are you of anon

>> No.19771800

lmao, feel the same way trying to finish my masters. I hate these people so much. I hate their pseudo-activism. I don't need to hear how we need to change the world when Im just trying to get this degree so im paid a little more than dogshit. i dont need every subject to be turned into a "capitalist critique" from bitter academic who've never made a dime in their lives. i dont need to hear about how we should "dismantle the nuclear family" from people who dont have kids. please make it stop.

>> No.19771806

>in a period of weakening magnetic field/solar minimum
>an experiment was conducted (completely hearsay and I can't recall anything outside of an image occasionally posted on /x/) when talking about the pole shift disaster theory where mice became increasingly violent as EMF weakened
>schizophrenia and/or psychosis may be spurned by field hypersensitivity/dysfunction
>thus, like the mice, they're becoming more violent

>> No.19771809

I’m just a mutt living in a city where everyday I think of the nature destroyed, the savages far stronger and noble than their replacements, and how beautiful of a city it COULD have been, but instead it’s a consumer hellscape with a nice facade to it

>> No.19771810

>Shopping shouldn't be bringing you down that much. Because you know, you MIGHT BE DEPRESSED.
And why not? Anyone can feel whatever they want. If they don't want to feel those feelings they can get help. You just sound like a shallow moralistic faggot who represses all negative feeling.

>> No.19771817

Those corporate modules do feel rather dystopian

>> No.19771818

I dunno what to say I guess. If I had my way, humanity would mostly live in super dense cities and the majority of the planet would be given to nature. My thinking is that it would be easier to clean and contain humanity's ecological footprint if this was the case.

>> No.19771825

>Anti-psychotics don’t change the truth
Yeah, and we're all going to die someday. Should I keep repeating that fact, and defend myself by reminding you that it's the truth?
They can help restructure your rewards-systems so you stop obsessing over the motes in the eyes of others.
>people are decadent and weak scum (and i’m barely better)
Which is what I suspected, which is I why accused the anon of projecting. Get your fucking life together so that you're not morbidly compelled to repeat depressing facts about grocery stores.

>> No.19771828

I’ve thought of things like that too, but who wants to live in a gigantic ratpile commiebloc . The truth is that as humanity multiplies, the more ignoble it becomes. The more mean and base. All that is common is BAD. Maybe, I say, DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS

>> No.19771838

Misery loves company.

>> No.19771841

If it's any comfort the powers that be will be dropping the population sooner than we think.

>> No.19771843

Well, you might be right, but I don’t want to drug myself into accepting these circumstances. I think it would be better to leave and live in a way not so odious to me, when I have the means. I say my true thoughts on 4chan and not irl so my normalfag friends don’t think i’m a psychopath

>> No.19771845

>I don’t think the Illiad was created because of wretchedness of the times, rather I think it was the opposite
Except the illiad was created precisely because they were looking back to the good old days that may never have existed. That's why it's mythological.
Haven't you ever heard of the Greek Dark Ages?

>> No.19771850

My hope is that something soon the circumstances arise for me and my friends to live a life of adventure as we please

>> No.19771865

What depressed people don't understand is that it's not about "accepting" morbid facts. It's about remodeling feedback systems so that your perceptions are engaged in a more healthy way with your environment. It's a matter of shifting away from noticing things which defeat you. What, do you think happy people don't realize that the world is filled with suffering? Cognitive behavioral therapy specifically focuses on this stuff.

>> No.19771867

Is it harder to write sci-fi than fantasy? Seems like you have to jump through extra hoops to set up a futuristic world than you do with fantasy.

>> No.19771872

I need to get off 4chan and go read…

>> No.19771875

Communism is the best economic and political system.

>> No.19771883

The greatest love is purely hypothetical.

>> No.19771885
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>whole point of the text is that the dude is dissatisfied with his mundane life because he wanted a flashier and more successful one
>The problem isn't society, it is you!
Damn Harold Bloom, you're a real genius my nigga

>> No.19771890

Not my point. I'm not saying one should wallow in misery, but everyone from time to time feels a little low.

>> No.19771891

Yes, if you desire a flashy life, the problem is most definitely (You).

>> No.19771892

Not everybody is a dickless faggot without ambition like (you)

>> No.19771893

Fuck man why the fuck else would you accuse a guy of projecting, then not be able to explain in clear terms why he's not if you have your own life worked out? I mean what's wrong with your life? Flexing on the weak is not flexing. Get help.

>> No.19771895

Fair enough, and I guess it's my fault for going on 4chan and pointing out how depressed everyone is. But I'll be God damned if it isn't abundantly clear that if depressed people are good at anything, it's preserving their own own sad worlds.

>> No.19771901

Whos' the one moping and writing sadboy prose about a bag of frozen french fries again?

>> No.19771902

Just to be clear i’m not depressed. I have friends, i’m fit, good family, job (no gf though). But I am disillusioned with the world in which I live and many of friends feel the same, though not all hate it as much as I do

>> No.19771905

>Get help.
You're projecting again. Possibly drunk.

>> No.19771935
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Rember anons

>> No.19771944
File: 70 KB, 882x833, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently talking to an AI about ERP
and now I'm getting cold feet, damn

>> No.19771951

The issue I have is the mindset that something is "just depression", and so therefore less worthy of real consideration. It's a callous and vulgar perspective. I might equally state that someone gushing with happiness is in a state of temporary madness unable to see certain aspects of reality .. The issue is the underlying, unjustified assumption that any experience of suffering on this earth is only a problem to be fixed. There's nothing inherently bad about experiencing some transient melancholy. They are all just different states of being, all of which will in time pass.

>> No.19771983

>I might equally state that someone gushing with happiness is in a state of temporary madness unable to see certain aspects of reality
Good, I agree.

>> No.19771985

One with a level of prose infinitely superior to what you could possibly achieve despite you wasting your life away on /lit/, And what's more, a capacity for abstraction and seeing the deeper meanings of the world in the immediate sensory elements of it and philosophizing about it. But you can live only perceiving the world as its most immediate sensory qualities, dogs do it and they do well for themselves eating their own shit.

>> No.19771991

>despite you wasting your life away on /lit/

>> No.19771998

I wish I lived in a Christian commune. No I don't want to be a celibate monk, at least not probably.

>> No.19772002
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last page of a little book following the story of a gaelic settlement in the canadian prairies. not my direct ancestors, but of the same stock

i found it quite enjoyable

>> No.19772015

I have fantasized about some huge disaster which forces me and a woman stranger together, and then we fall in love as we create a new life for ourselves in the ruins of the old world

>> No.19772052

>Good, I agree.
No I don't think someone gushing with happiness is mad, nor is someone feeling really sad. My point is to say neither state is inherently better or worse than anything. l feel no need to check and affirm that every emotion I have is "normal".

>> No.19772077
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>> No.19772108

thinking about my past

>> No.19772119

making homophobic statements on the internet

>> No.19772127

feels like I've got limiters on and can't ever take them off but I still get the urges to hug or kiss beautiful people. nobody in my friends group knows about that and being lovelocked by my ex doesn't help

wtf am I supposed to do if I can't get close to people when I feel the need to? I crave for intimacy but not the talking part, I'm miserable

>> No.19772130

I'm actually under a dry spell, I want to do something but doesn't know what.

>> No.19772140

That's cool. I wonder if someone in the far future would read anything written here. Probably not because it's basically noise.

>> No.19772163

alcohol is the only thing i can consume that doesn't immediately make nauseous
meat? fruit? veggies? dairy? instant nausea
malt liquor? complete bodily comfort
i have to force myself to eat breakfast every day otherwise 100% of my calories would be booze

>> No.19772169

Utter filth.

>> No.19772174
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The reason that we're stuck in stasis, in Fukuyama's "end of history," is that everyone is afraid to move forward after how bloody the 20th Century was. World War I, the Russian Revolution, World War II, the Holocaust, the proxy wars of America and the Soviets, the Chinese ethnic cleansing, the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, the Rwandan genocide. The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in history in terms of number of lives lost.

And I think that one big reason for the "end of history" is that everybody knows, deep in their gut, that to move history forward would require yet more bloodshed. How does history move forward? Through war, revolution, and dynastic overthrow. Through the sweeping aside of an old culture, an old order, and through replacing it with a new culture, a new order. This always, inevitably, involves bloodshed. Involves killing. It's almost never bloodless. Indeed, we may say that, most of the time, the gears of history are lubricated with blood.

But the memory of the 20th Century looms large. So no one wants history to keep moving, because if it keeps moving, there will be more blood spilt. It's inevitable. Hence the stasis, which at least is largely peaceful.

But as World War II and the Cold War recede further into the background, people will get fed up with stasis. They'll want to get things moving again. So history will start up again, and there will be more spilling of blood.

>> No.19772181

It felt nice randomly coming across something I made over a decade ago.

>> No.19772195


Imagine this, a thought experiment.
Men huddled in a cave, returned to a land they lost. These men are cursed. What they had was taken from them without thier consent and given to another. How easy it is for others to take your future from you, but there are many futures.

>> No.19772198

My dad almost certainly has dementia. Just waiting on confirmation from his doctor. I've been preparing myself for years now to receive the phone call. It helped, but it's a lot to start with. Have some terrible poetry.

I had never thought much
about how my father
or my mother
is so much older than I am.
But, for the first time
I thought
thank god -
I will have so much time
to get over losing him.

>> No.19772233

My grandmother, who raised me, got the dementia about 20 years ago. 10 years were abysmal, and it basically took us that long to find the right treatment for her. She recognized me for the first time in ten years (ten years ago) and it just made me tear up. It was phenomenal. Dementia is a bitch, but god damn does it have its own bittersweetness. She still lives with it, but that's just her now.

>> No.19772252

>be me
>have to get something from corner store
>have to muster courage because i hate being outside
>drink two shots of whiskey
>they dont let me use their restroom
>pp in my pants
>wash my pants once i get home
>pants and underwear hanging on porch because i pp'd them

>> No.19772253 [DELETED] 

i skrrt skrrted to downtown
mama played the brown sound
Sam sam sam sam

>> No.19772281

I am a rapist

>> No.19772318

Where can I buy 3 lbs. of flax?

>> No.19772320

just go on fin

>> No.19772323


I never raped a bitch. But I once tried to force myself on a drunk girl with the tism. She tried to stop me by saying she's on her period. We made out on the concrete in a cul-de-sac. She told her friend who was fucked up on Jameson and a strong indica and I never talked to her again. He moved to Indiana or some shit like that and I started dating a chick who came out as lesbian 3 years in our relationship. She kept the house we bought and now I drink Electric Lemonade flavor 4Lokos nightly while playing my hacked 3DS.

>> No.19772331
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Which one? Don't tell me...

>> No.19772341

You got it anon. I think one of our biggest issues is that we’re unwilling to admit our decadence and that there’s more truth to the declaration of liberalism being the end of history than we think. No one actually wants war and revolution, they want to be the Last Men.

>> No.19772346

I am 22 years old, I looked at the instagram accounts of my former friends and they all look mature, with beards and stuff while I still look like 16 years old who can't grow a beard.
Is over...

>> No.19772378

still dislike the self-absorbed butterfly poster
hope he commits sudoku soon

>> No.19772381

t. Coping 20smth with no clue about philosophy

>> No.19772396

I love you.

>> No.19772420

I can't hold on to a single vision for any longer than a couple of months maximum. I always change my mind and I'm left with nothing to show for it. I know that I really should stick with one thing the whole way through for once but each time I quit it is for (what seem like) genuinely good reasons. How do I know when to trust myself?

>> No.19772427

I'm thinking how annoying mosquitos are

>> No.19772444

It's weird to think someone like this could be the person in front of me in line next time I go buy groceries

>> No.19772451

>is that everyone is afraid to move forward after how bloody the 20th Century was.
i don't even think about it
in fact, i think we need to genocide niggers and atheists at once

>> No.19772454

Biblical hebrew

>> No.19772463

>perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps
why don't YOU actually learn about it instead of pulling endless apologetic speculation out of your ass?

>> No.19772474
File: 227 KB, 362x447, KINO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are still there, but more bound to an increasingly attractive Plain Jane reality to which I have made myself comfortable. It's called being an adult I think. Your dreams don't die, as the drama queens cry. They devolve. And now Plain Jane, in her brown eyes and hair, in her mediocre face and thin but still feminine and delicate lips, in her frumpy clothes and modesty of appearance and personality, coyly offers me a gentle smile from across the room, and I shoot my eyebrows up to indicate I see her. But I don't know if I want her."

>> No.19772482

normies should all be on meds - and it seems they know it, too

>> No.19772497

Social breakdown will be what gives women a cold shower treatement

They will quickly figure out what the function of women is in a sane society

>> No.19772502

My self image was destroyed externally quickly in my youth after which I became even more insecure for many years. I've tried to be as normal as possible. Everything I did was to fit in and not be noticed; I tried to become average joe despite my circumstances.
Over the years and into adulthood I've come to a point where I think my self has been disintegrated (though I did/do have periods of depersonalization).
I wonder if this development is a bad path to take, it certainly makes me understand and care less about specific situations but also other people.

>> No.19772511

how can they be a feminine people if they have more T than other races

>> No.19772519

>We’re all multifaceted people, males and women. Some women get infatuated with driven, take charge types. They allow sexists or are fooled by some hidden sexists all the time, yes.Pity them.
You are a tranny but no, real (I.e. biological) women are not multifaceted at all

>I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.
>Your desire shall be toward your husband, but he shall rule over you.

Same for men, our base behavior is simple. God was so good though that even the curse we received ended being not that bad, in fact, they ended up being essential for men and women to live happy and fulfilling lives.

You need to understand, reality has an internal structure, which is described by the Word.

>> No.19772528

atheists have pretty sad lives huh
everything your guy described as an ideal fulfiling existence would become boring 5 minutes later, this is something people need to remind themselves, they desire something they don't have, but the same applies to people that do have what they desire. This lecture I watched recently talks about it in a religious perspective


In the end, the only fulfilment you will ever get to fill the void is spiritual, depression is a sickness of the soul

>> No.19772532

>Hunter-gatherers didn't do marriage because
because they never existed, they were survivors of a previous cataclysmic event (EMPCOE)

>> No.19772537

>Possibly drunk.
You're projecting again. It's time to stop.

>> No.19772541

>We just really hate sexists.
only when they're ugly
there is not a single woman who will not ignore red flags if the man is hot enough

>> No.19772552

>Your conclusion is wrong. The bar of knowledge today is many many times higher than back then. To be a polymath then is standard higher education right now
Ok junior, this is the Elementary Algebra in the 19th century, have a go at it some time to see where the "bar of knowledge" really is today


It's unbelievable how ignorant, pretentious and arrogant people today are, despite having no intellectual or practical deeds they can count on to support any boasting, even worse, they have no basic skills which was common in all history such as sewing and, God forbid, cooking. You likely don't even know French, Latin and Greek, basic requirements of the standard education not so long ago, yet say the bar for a polymath is higher today. Preposterous.

>> No.19772558

>And what's more, a capacity for abstraction and seeing the deeper meanings of the world in the immediate sensory elements of it and philosophizing about it
seeing or inventing?

>> No.19772631

I spent the last 3 days thinking about reading, but actually browsing 4chan instead of reading, or even watching the things I have lined up in YouTube.
I don't know why. I could have been done with Dune by now.

>> No.19772640

Decide a time to wake up tomorrow and aim to read 50 pages or whatever. E.g. Wake up at 8am and start reading at 8:30.If you set a target the day before I find I actually do it rather than thinking about doing it.

>> No.19772662

You know. 50 pages a day isn't bad. That's over 18k pages a year. That's enough to fit like 10 of the hugest classics in in a year.
Jesus, and I stopped for a while because I was thinking about a lot of the shorter sci-fi books I wanted to read as I read Monte Cristo. Now I'll have to start that over too... but still. Only 50. Thanks, anon!

>> No.19772695

I love her and I love the light in her light blue eyes when I tell her so.

>> No.19772719
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>> No.19772720

>Ok junior, this is the Elementary Algebra in the 19th century, have a go at it some time to see where the "bar of knowledge" really is today
An elemantary book is not the bar of knowledge. Besides the book being flat out bad pedagogical material (again due to better knowledge we have now) it doesn't say anything about the higher echelons of knowledge, in this case algebra.
Writing a horrendously complicated book doesn't equal better knowledge just worse transfer of knowledge.
>It's unbelievable how ignorant, pretentious and arrogant people today are, despite having no intellectual or practical deeds they can count on to support any boasting, even worse, they have no basic skills which was common in all history such as sewing and, God forbid, cooking
Not sure where this rant is coming from. Polymaths aren't your average joe, but the modern average joe knows more about the natural world than 400 years ago. There's no believe in the 4 humours or elements, gravity is understoond by most, as is the human body, geology, even electromagnetic radiation is understood (Wifi and mobile cell internet). What about the most obvious one; literacy.
>You likely don't even know French, Latin and Greek, basic requirements of the standard education not so long ago,
And this was a basic requirement for who? The higher schooled, as it still is, not average joe.
Being polylinguistic isn't even that impressive, especially in europe where even the dumbest can speak two languages, not arbitrarily classical ones.
>yet say the bar for a polymath is higher today. Preposterous.
Your whole post reads like a grandstratergy neckbeard full of projection and vague claims. Clearly you confuse a polymath with average joe. To master a skill today requires way way way more time investement than back then, simply due to the amount of knowledge gained. You're a dim wit if this concept is too hard to understand for you.

>> No.19772788

How do I deal with paranoia? Im constantly worried everyone i love will either die or start hating me over some trivial thing.

>> No.19772844

tfw instead of ordering a hooker I always resort to just watching porn and fapping instead

>> No.19772867

>i'm sane I swear
>the normies are the crazy ones!!!

>> No.19772878
File: 118 KB, 500x513, non-existent-existentialist-memes-we-must-imagine-sisyphus-happy-it-is-13560420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Camus had a point

>> No.19772896

I've been so depressed the past two months. Omicron and no gym haven't helped but I think I would have been glum regardless as I'm dreading this coming year. You gotta remind yourself though that time passes and things have the capacity to change if we work towards them. It's hard to believe right now but there is a future in which I am happy again, even if its a while off.

>> No.19772903

>Besides the book being flat out bad pedagogical material (again due to better knowledge we have now) it doesn't say anything about the higher echelons of knowledge, in this case algebra.
you clearly haven't read it or the reviews about it
besides, you should try the exercises in it, the content itself isn't relevant to prove they were superior, but the questions the likes of maxwell were drilled into solving with ease

>> No.19772908

You're arguing a different, irrelevant point.
Get a grip.

>> No.19772938
File: 391 KB, 1536x2048, FHI1wDOXEAAuOYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions can be easily changed, so I'm always confused when someone holds an opinion that's not only based on wrong conclusions and overgeneralization, but also hinders them in life because it makes others dislike and avoid them. A lot of the time they don't even realize the negative consequences of their often antiquated and sometimes deranged beliefs, and instead use those consequences to justify their beliefs even more.

>> No.19772988

my wife and I are in our late thirties and she is too squeamish to get ivf
no children for us
it hurts

>> No.19773020

I'm drinking 2 cups per day. I may be in the process of becoming an alcoholic. Any anons had problems with that?

>> No.19773035

are you both sterile?

>> No.19773041

yeah I did. 2 cups of what btw?

>> No.19773049

I used to drink one or two shots of vodka to help me fall asleep for a few months. At night I had terrible intrusive thoughts, so I just wanted to knock myself out asap, but fortunately my mental health got better and I stopped drinking before I got addicted.
Why are you drinking? Maybe you can replace the alcohol with something less harmful for now, even if it's weed

>> No.19773078

Yep, def need help

>> No.19773093

Rum and coke, mostly. Sometimes I drink shots of vodka. But what problems did you have? Like, there some many people taking pills to live, what is difference between that and alcohol?
>why are you drinking?
Boredom and, like you, to stop thinking too much and do what I need to do. Tasks get easier afterwards.

>> No.19773115

I dunno man, atm I'm drinking whiskey and coke as well, although I haven't drunk any alcohol in like 20 days, desu I don't really have the need to drink, it's mostly like a lazy way out to relax, I think it's not so hard to stop drinking actually as long as you occupy yourself with other stuff

>> No.19773166

What for was I born with teeth, eyes, and a tongue? My teeth are for biting and gripping. My eyes are for being bit through at the stalks; my tongue is for tasting my teeth as they rip it from my throat.

>> No.19773189

To eat and speak and being a functional living being.

>> No.19773226

The fascination over this >>19758557 post in the zoomer /lit/ thread just proves to me how fucking pathetic this board is. I literally share the board with retards.

>> No.19773272

It's just the race version of "I'm not like other girls". Eventually he will realize that the people he can impress with that aren't the people who want the best for him.

>> No.19773296

>Like, there some many people taking pills to live, what is difference between that and alcohol?
that it's controlled and monitored by a doctor

>> No.19773301

he's 18 though, this will obviously be good for him in the long run

>> No.19773310

>GoOd FoR HiM
His post sucks and his beliefs are trash.

>> No.19773335


>> No.19773365

My ETL grandmother said her native language is the best language because it is complicated, one can more accurately say what they mean. I told her that's impossible because there are languages more complicated still. She told me I grew up a bastard.

>> No.19773408

potatoes are so fucking underrated

>> No.19773442

I bet she's a turk. my local pizza man basically stopped to inform me that his language was better, more precise than mine

>> No.19773449

everybody wanna be saved but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass cross

>> No.19773527

I just went on my first date ever and I guess the last. God, what a horrible worm I am. Has there ever been someone so autistic? I doubt it.

>> No.19773548

this gives you something to bite down on. just give yourself time and reflect. you'll learn a lot from this.

>> No.19773563
File: 249 KB, 960x1018, 5DFFE546-FE65-44F8-8323-66B386F2880B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread when ya want

>> No.19773708

Not a turk but she lived there for a few years

>> No.19774097

No just the odds are against us is all. I pray that we'll be able to conceive, but she's had two miscarriages.

>> No.19774155

border line, pro vax inside cells, the sad old dog watching behind the storm door, a little girl with her mother finds a seed pod in the shape of a star, my only pants are dirty again, anti vax inside shells, border line, a wary coon marks the road, peers up with glassy eyes, knowing he wont be shot here in the city limits

>> No.19774573

>popular consensus defines my whole existence!!!!!
did you take your antidepressants yet, sweetie

>> No.19774577

have hope, wasn't Sarah infertile? if you're both white, pray to HaShem before having creampying your wife vigorously eery single day

also, consume zinc, vitamin d3 (QP thousand iu every day) and eat more red meat

>> No.19774593

you are trash