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File: 65 KB, 992x1247, qtaoqa70ihc71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19759841 No.19759841 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your Luthien, bro

>> No.19759849

she cute

>> No.19759876

ArE yOu SuRe YoU oWn ThE cOpYrIgHt FoR tHaT pHoTo?

>> No.19759900

qt pie

>> No.19759962

Not bad at all. I can only imagine the grace she had without all the kike and nigger culture that wrecked the world

>> No.19759979

Can you buy a hardback copy of Fellowship of the Ring with the original cover art?

>> No.19759986
File: 80 KB, 1920x800, MV5BZDY1ZDc3ZTItODQ4Zi00NzI2LWE3NTEtNWU3ZmQwNjBlMjlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzgxMzc3OTc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Collins played her

>> No.19760005

I don't know how to use the internet, sorry

>> No.19760020

Qtpie. Professor Tolkien did well for himself.

>> No.19760229
File: 545 KB, 1600x1200, Tolkien's_grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolkien had good taste, it seems.

>> No.19761740

that bitch is part jewish

tolkien was a schizophrenic retard babbling in made up languages trying to retell jewish fairytales

>> No.19761767

i wish retards would stop misusing the word schizophrenic it’s very tiring

>> No.19761779

he heard a voice speaking nonsense in his mind and he tried to rationalize it by making up language

you fucking schizo

>> No.19761786

Are you this unpleasant in real life?

>> No.19761790

>Her mother, Frances Bratt, was 30 years old, unmarried, and was the daughter of a local shoe and bootmaker.
knocked up by a kike traveler, many, many such stories

>> No.19761796

Who gives a shit you dumb retard. Mental illnesses only become an issue if you become dysfunctional.

Shamans all are clinically diagnosable with schizophrenia, they get hella bitches and hella cash. All these mental illness categories are just another little story we tell ourselves to make the world make more sense

>> No.19761805

>and don't put any of that silly elf stuff on my headstone please John
>of course, dear
2 years later

>> No.19761822

>Alfred Frederick Warrilow
100% jew

>the relationship had become known to Tolkien's guardian. Viewing Edith as a distraction from Tolkien's schoolwork and bothered by her Anglican religion, he forbade any contact between them until Tolkien became a legal adult at 21.[9] Tolkien grudgingly obeyed this instruction to the letter while Father Morgan's guardianship lasted
>However, on the evening of his twenty-first birthday, Tolkien wrote a letter to Edith, who had since moved to Cheltenham.[10] It contained a declaration of his love and asked her to marry him.

>She replied saying that she was already engaged

what a spectacular cuck

>> No.19761826

you fucking schizo

>> No.19761854

>It contained a declaration of his love and asked her to marry him. She replied saying that she was already engaged but implied that she had done so out of a belief that Tolkien had forgotten her. Within a week, Tolkien had journeyed to Cheltenham where Edith met him at the railway station. That day, Edith returned her ring and announced her engagement to Tolkien instead.

I don't know. Seems like he cucked whoever she was engaged with instead.

>> No.19761860

she was getting drilled while he just ghosted her because his jewish witchdoctor told him to, sounds like a cuck to me

>> No.19761910

He had a wide this cute and makes poltards seethe, Holy based

>> No.19761969

you sound like a subhuman faggot obsessed with cuckoldry. You will hang on the day of rope troon.

>> No.19762013


>> No.19762059

yeah she's a jew bitch
explains why tolkien is such a faggot

>> No.19762081

>marrying a fickle thot who breaks off her previous engagement as soon as better chad comes along
Yeah bro suoer based. I'm sure she wasn't at all getting dicked all day while Cuckien sat in the trenches and thought about magical lands of elves to cope with nightmares around him.

>> No.19762084

>that part of the letters where Tolkien talks about her death
It sort of makes me glad I'm a perma-virgin and will never know that kind of agony.

>> No.19762091

>replying to a post that explicitly says she was Anglican

>> No.19762104
File: 169 KB, 1022x635, 1572227096136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even realize this but you're right, that one letter Tolkien write back to some Nazi explaining he wasn't an anti-semite is 100% the reason his threads draw in a bunch of retarded polacks. Which is fucking bizarre because it was such a mild refusal of Nazism, why would any normal person to go such lengths to lie about and try to malign a figure they've never met, that is long dead, and to do so on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving e-consortium of all places?

The sad thing is if they were just slightly less brain damaged they'd realize there's a lot in Tolkien sympathetic to their general direction.

>> No.19762115
File: 420 KB, 2100x2700, j-r-r-tolkien-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never called Edith Lúthien – but she was the source of the story that in time became the chief part of the Silmarillion. It was first conceived in a small woodland glade filled with hemlocks at Roos in Yorkshire (where I was for a brief time in command of an outpost of the Humber Garrison in 1917, and she was able to live with me for a while). In those days her hair was raven, her skin clear, her eyes brighter than you have seen them, and she could sing – and dance. But the story has gone crooked, and I am left, and I cannot plead before the inexorable Mandos.

>> No.19762123

this poster is from discord btw. Also he frequently visits r/cuckold as all stormcucks do.

>> No.19762124

Warrilow is an English name, it dates back to the 5th century lol

>> No.19762141

>see beautiful blue eyed brown haired woman
>think calling her a jew is an insult
>actually just flatters jews
>woman in question is 100% English
makes you think

>> No.19762164

You seem to be the kind of person who exclusively masturbates to NTR

>> No.19762168

better than just blue eyes, those were grey

>> No.19762174

Crazy troon

>> No.19762175

literal kikes

>> No.19762183

t. stromtranny crypto-jew
your kind is well known club of cuckolds. Go join your divisive and subversive kind subhuman. Don't forget to dilate as well

>> No.19762208

horrendous thread
well done boys

>> No.19762209

if stormtrannies were smart they wouldn't be stormtrannies

>> No.19762243

so your logic is that
1. the english name warrilow does not exist, it's actually a weird spelling of the russian вapилoв
2. all russians are jewish
stellar detective work

>> No.19763187

oh you silly jew

>> No.19763209

she hit the wall

>> No.19763309

meds, all of you

>> No.19763420

Its time for your meds, schizo.

>> No.19765274

that is a jew

>> No.19765298

Ah, I see how one might get confused but that's actually an *Anglo*, not a jew. Simple mistake, quite understandable.

>> No.19765342


stop the damage control, you are very impotent

>> No.19765354

>it's been 10 hours
>the stormtranny is still bumping and spamming their tranny noise because they are so fucking angry they lost an argument on the internet
Yikes, as they say.

>> No.19765411

Wow she looks like a lizard, definitely a kikess.

>> No.19765421

What a sad little person you must be.

>> No.19765461 [DELETED] 

How can you look at that bitch's face and think that's normal?
Clearly eastern/jew genetics mixed in there.

>> No.19765479
File: 61 KB, 507x270, 68E40954-26A5-4679-81EF-1FDDDACF0CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the princess!

>> No.19765523


>> No.19765565
File: 55 KB, 640x512, zamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19765576


>> No.19765801

>Here's your Luthien, bro
Thanks bro, I'll take her from here.

(What is with all the autistic sperging in this thread? I'm so baffled by how strongly you retards feel about this woman)

>> No.19766481

I agree with your point but the shamans are schizos point is a common fucking myth, shamans had to be very organized, priestlike and ritualistic and schizos are very disorganized and act out of turn.

>> No.19766484

Why the fuck are you guys talking about... shamans? In a thread about Tolkien's wife? kek

>> No.19766514

Behead those who insult Tolkien

>> No.19766554

Damn didn't know they were so pretty

>> No.19766558

Cause someone had to bring up Tolkien being a schizo or something.

>> No.19766997

Female aesthetics peaked 1900-14 without going full coom. Some people probably prefer women to just let their hair down completely freely but what they had pre-WWI sure as hell beat whatever weird shit they were doing with their hair in Victorian times that’s for sure

>> No.19767010
File: 13 KB, 315x262, lolno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill-adjusted or not: you're still an insufferable retard

>> No.19767056
File: 243 KB, 690x388, 2342.si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I got drunk and met a girl in college, otherwise I can completely see myself ending up like that too. I'm basically forced to be a functional human for my wife in exchange for sex. I used to spend 12 hours a day on the internet as a complete no life loser shitting up every place I 'went'.

>> No.19767268

Literally made for BBC

>> No.19767284

Did you have a stroke whilst typing?

>> No.19767634

Wrong, Tolkien was divinely inspired to write a Catholic mythology for Europe

>> No.19767779

You have to go back

>> No.19767950

This, just look at that thing

>> No.19767968

Damn she does look kinda Khazar-y but Tolkien was clearly writing a European Catholic book not a Jewish one masked as a European Catholic book.

>> No.19767983

>omg tolkien was heckin r/wholesome 100 r/based r/catholicism tradcath 100 based based!!!
Ok explain why his most prominent fans are troons and overweight nerds then.

>> No.19768012

>European Catholic
yes, like we already agreed, jewish

>> No.19768025

Catholic Church recognized the JQ for nearly its entire existence

>> No.19768031

You already know

>> No.19768033

I'd shag her, don't know about you guys

>> No.19768050

>There are people itt simping for a Jewish woman who died 50 years ago

>> No.19768235


>> No.19768955

>This set is boring
>One more scene with nigger milkmaid and I'm done for the day
>I wish I was snorting coke off a cock right now

>> No.19768967

>that bitch is part jewish
Must be why she's cute.

>> No.19768990

They're also neurotic though.

>> No.19768996

Neurosis makes girls both cuter and more fun in bed.

>> No.19769018

How much of a fucking tranny do you have to be to spew vitriol on Tolkien of all people?

>> No.19769040

Unless they're neurotic to the point where they can't relax, they're grossed out by semen, are worried that they'll get pregnant even if they're on birth control, etc. Neuroticism is anxious/nervous insanity. What you're talking about are regular insane chicks, who are more fun in bed, yes. But it's a different type of woman.

>> No.19769120

Yeah sure, but that's not the average, even among Jewish girls.

>> No.19769837

Because Tolkien stuff is written so well it serves and with a lot of lore that it serves as good escapism for someone who wants to utilize it that way.

>> No.19770109
File: 273 KB, 600x583, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forgive modernity for taking tradwives away from us.
How is anyone supposed to do anything of worth?

>> No.19770346

no one identifies with anything you weird fucking kikes say, stop trying to fit in

>> No.19770848

the AI brushwork fucks it up a little but that is a jewish woman

>> No.19770864

Real recognize real

>> No.19771033

i think you're the kike, fag

>> No.19771069

Back to the Middle Ages with you, witch hunting retard.

>> No.19771101

that's a picture of a jewish whore

>> No.19771505

He's from reddit, they do that sort of thing there. They think it's amusing.

>> No.19771530

It also has to do with the Tolkien Society's official Twitter account acting particularly shitty, even by their standards. Someone posted a photo of Tolkien in a tweet wishing him happy birthday, and the Tolkien Society's account demanded to know how they'd gotten the photo, since the Society itself owned the copyright to it.

Naturally the person in question responded that they'd just gotten it from a Google search.

>> No.19771775
File: 159 KB, 345x480, Twains lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They robbed us of everything that was good and noble in this earthly life. They will pay for this!