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/lit/ - Literature

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19758017 No.19758017 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really concerned by the short attention span and disdain for books of most zoomers I know, but I only know a few of them. Meanwhile the reputation of the western canon has crumbled and been subverted where it survives, and I watched English academia get markedly diluted and wokeshitty in the years I was in college, and now the few professors I respected have retired (often by being forced into it for their wrongthink). The worst part is realizing this has been an ongoing process since long before any of us were born, and every successive generation has fewer and fewer opportunities to spiritually grow and learn to recognize the beauty of literature.

>> No.19758024

I was born in '98. Started reading a lot when I started grad school. It really gets you into that habit.

>> No.19758034
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>'98 kids are already in grad school

>> No.19758066
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I feel that feel

>> No.19758075

Depending on the graph being used im gen Z but i have as much millennial friends who don't read as gen z friends. Gen z wasn't even the first generation that began using social media en masse, rotting their brains. Gen Z is as homosexual as the millenials, perhaps even more.
Also wokeshit in academia began gaining traction before zoomers even got admitted to college. You got it right in your last statement, it's been a thing for a long time

>> No.19758128

Zoom zoom from eastern europe living in bongland currently, I used to read a lot when I was a teenager, my mom and dad read me bedtime stories including hobbit when I was a little shit. During HS i lost the attention span that was taken over by mental issues but now I slowly get back on track reading one or two books a week and keeping daily journal entries. Of course on this piece of shit board you will heavily rely on confirmation bias but I found that no matter the country it is mostly about the parental figures that foster the reading habits. It’s a class rather than nationality thing and millenialls are just as retarded/dull when it comes to reading or understanding what are you reading.

>> No.19758157

Where are you from? Are you studying in the UK?

>> No.19758162

My 16-year-old brother only reads manga.

>> No.19758165

It just feels like the end is really fucking nigh lately is all. Smartphones are the most subversive and degenerate invention in human history, at least for the Individual Man.
>millenialls are just as retarded/dull when it comes to reading or understanding what are you reading.
This is true I fucking hate millennials. What they became when they had to leave their fantasy world and grow the fuck up is worse than I ever feared.

>> No.19758213

I'm a Zoomer and I read a lot. Just finished Barthe's Mythologies, starting on Baudrillard's System of Objects (30 pages/day) and have Yukio Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea on the backburner (20 pages/day right now)

But a lot of Zoomers don't read and at best just collect books. I don't really know what to do about it, and sometimes it makes me just too depressed to think about it for too long.

>> No.19758224

Okay, it’s not a larp but I am essentially a failed „muh gifted child” from a middle-class family in Poland. I finished a billingual hs back home and managed to get into one of Russel group unis in the UK before brexit but I did not like the course so I ended up going back home and then back to the UK to maintain my pre-settled status so that I can finally apply to proper uni since fuck being a poorfag and typical polack. I make slow moves towards the UCAS shit and should everything go fine I’ll end up in one of scottish unis. I can definitely end up in glasgow since I got an offer there a year ago but due to an administration error from my firm offer uni I couldn’t revert back to my clearing choice. So I essentially live the poorfag life while drinking, walking around the city and reading books. Very odd situation but I manage
Mein neger

>> No.19758225
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Burger 2000fag here, none of my friends read much either because they're lazy/don't have the attension span or are working their asses off. I only read more because I've always been more academically inclined than most of my friends and that developed into my current career path (Latin/Greek education). I do read outside of Western Classical /lit/ as well, been reading and loving Nabokov's translation of Eugene Onegin recently and Lev Shestov has been one of the largest influences on my way of thinking.
every zoomer I've ever met has despised millenials and their ilk

>> No.19758268

i am 18 years old, born in 2004.
yesterday i finished suicide by edouard levé.

>> No.19758287

based gen Z's, please carry your gifts far into the future

>> No.19758360

zoomer here, there's alot of zoomers on this board. i've been trying to get my zoomer friends into reading as well. i know they all have low attention spans so i offer them stuff that's easy to read but good. the plan is if they finish the first book i offer them, i'll recommend a harder book after, then a harder book, and so on, and eventually they'll be able to appreciate literature and see reading as a legitimate hobby. unfortunately my friends never end up finishing the first book i offer them because they "have no time", but i'll keep trying.

>> No.19758373

Why do zoomers type using lower case? Are they all mentally challenged or do they think it's hip to act like a Twitter negro?

>> No.19758374

>no matter the country it is mostly about the parental figures that foster the reading habits
this is very true but depending on the country family life will be more or less disintegrated. in eastern europe you might still have a working dad + housewife mother arrangement, or be living with your grandparents in the same flat, which is vastly more conductive to easing children into reading than some american nightmare of suburban alienation where dad only sees you on weekends, mom works all day and the grandparents live in a facility so you get raised by your shitty school and a smartphone.

>> No.19758395

I don’t want to make fun but it’s very much a „let me tell about your country” post. I do partially agree though. We just have a whole different type of fucked situation back home and western trends don’t make it any easier

>> No.19758418

That's pretty cool. I've been doing the same a bit. Most of the time they just forgot how fun reading can be. My friend who at first didn't read alot began reading YA, then delved into King and last week he wanted to borrow my copy of The Divine Comedy. I don't see it as a mission or anything but it's funny when we meet eachother at a bookstore now. I wish you luck in getting them into reading more friend.

>> No.19758450

Out of curiosity how do you feel about birds? Particularly phoenixes. Do not dodge my question. How do you feel about hussars? Tell me now.

>> No.19758475

This is prolly true of every generation, but being a zoomer myself I find that many zoomer friend groups choose to hang out with poor people emboldened by a liberal political climate who will make fun of people who use capital letters as "taking themselves too seriously". They will also get on you about using what they perceive to be as big words, like the word "consolidate."

>> No.19758552

It's just a guy phoneposting lol, no need to get your panties in a twist. It's not as if you suddenly can't read what he commented without that first letter in a sentence, right? Right?!?!

>> No.19758556

Well, they're free to talk however they want in private, but people should show a minimum of respect to their readers and to language on a public forum, especially on a literature board. No one is interested in learning about the writer's "cool" / "tolerant" / "chill" personality via their quirky typing habits. It's distasteful and narcissistic to draw attention to yourself using superficial devices. I know you don't type like that, but other zoomers would do well to correct their weird quirks, become normal humans, and demonstrate insight and intelligence through geuine thoughts and ideas not artificial cosmetic choices.

>> No.19758557
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I'm an 18yo from Jamaica and i only started reading serious literature about a month ago after doing some meditation and dopamine detoxing to set my routine straighter, and so far in terms of finishing it's only been 1984, BNW and Catcher in the Rye cause it was some fairly simple yet relevant stuff to start with; Tried to read Blood Meridian but it felt like i was spending more time checking the dictionary for incredibly obtuse and antiquated words- ones which certainly haven't been used in the past 50 years- than actually absorbing the story, that and... McCarthy didn't seem to have as much substance to convey as anons here promised he would, so i stopped halfway. As of now i'm reading Don Quijote and learning spanish at the same time, and watching youtube vids about Greek Culture to better immerse myself and gain extra understanding of the philosophers

I know i only barely begun but atleast i'm showing no signs of stopping

As for wokeshit, no, i'm pretty much the opposite; Infact, after reading: "The Real Anthony Fauci", Burn Loot Murder's destruction of entire cities and intensification of racial tensions, the subversion of Occupy with IdPol shit, articles about Bill Gates' nonstop manipulation and violations of human rights, etc... I'm thoroughly convinced that the top authorities/elites behind the current leftist IdPol Neolib Globohomo Movement are all manipulative, barbaric, authoritarian monsters of Nazi proportions; The shitlib grifter elites deserve nothing but death, i'm working my ass off in hopes of seeing a World where the billionaires' heads are all on fucking pikes. Their crimes against humanity are indescribably horrific, the sheer scale and scope of the physical and psychological destruction they inflict on mankind- the Imperialism, the poverty, the vitiation of love and relationships in favor of hedonistic orgy porgy, the growing and growing wealth inequality, the Military-Industrial Complex, the disintegration of the family, the obesity, the dependency on medication, the docilization and subservience of the populace (Just look at the majority of the World still buying the Scamdemic), the crushing of the Middle Class, the downfall of privacy, the demonization of non-leftist ideology, the growing, the disastrous effects of their expansionism on the environment AND YET MORE- Altogether their insidiousness is unrivaled by any other group in history, we NEED these motherfuckers dead one way or another, that much i'm absolutely certain of

>> No.19758560

> how do you feel about birds
I like birds, I think they are funny and curious creatures.
> Particularly phoenixes
Never gave a fuck about them really. My favourite bird is probably a magpie, I also like shrikes, ravens and blackbirds. I dislike seagulls and pidgeons despite being born and raised by the sea.
Stork is a rather polish bird come to think of it, it is not necessarily in the folklore but during summer there is a lot of storks in the villages and countryside.
> How do you feel about hussars?
Despite being a bit of a history autist I don’t have a hardon on them. They certainly served their purpose during vienna and other conflicts and the whole winged hussars thing is pretty romantic and kino. I’m more of a cold war person honestly. In terms of historical events I think that spanish civil war is really overlooked in most countries educational systems despite being a very ideological and one of first modern proxy wars

>> No.19758561

case and point

>> No.19758564

Phones autocapitalize though.

>> No.19758578

I hear you, but Zoomers perhaps more than any other generation feel the need to fit in and will do whatever they can to look cool in front of their peers. Should they be more independent in their thinking and more confident in their conduct? Yes, but on the whole over socialized humans will always be a pathetic and pitiful breed of blushing performers, and one should not fret too much about it.

>> No.19758648

Based anon. I feel like you will get a lot of seething replies, so I want to jump in before they do. Try to raise a good family to improve the next generation. Do what you can to improve your community and your country. From what you've written I would recommend reading some epic poetry. If not that then perhaps try reading the stoics. I would recommend starting with meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.19758657

I was born in 2001 i guess it makes me Z
Yes I do read

>> No.19758702

There's nothing virtuous about caring if a sentence has a big letter at the front or not. It's a thread that will never be seen again in 24 hours, not an academic paper. I don't laugh at the guy for capitalizing, I laugh at him for caring that much.

>> No.19758711

Yeah 98 here. Trying to finish 2666 right now, in terms of reading I am one of two people I know who read from any age range.

2666 has been very difficult to get through though, and it mostly has to do with my computer and phone and how I can easily just look up youtube videos and kill 4 hours. 2666 is also a weird book, where it doesn't seem to tie to itself at all, but I understand that it has loose connections and becomes more of a traditional novel near the middle. I genuinely believe though that reading hasn't been a thing for many years for most people. This goes with any age range. And a huge reason for that is the absolute trash that is released now. Look at any publishers top sellers in the last 20 years and you only find cheap shit made by ethnic women writing about their plight. An interesting book I read that I think defines this is "On Heros and Hero Worship" Where you really don't see any form of ideal human that people worship from literature or antiquity, for the idea of history seems lost at least in North America.

But Gen Z is really not to blame for any of this and I would put it much more on the millenials that raised Gen Z the way that they are. We were forced by them to take pills and be babysat by screens. 11% of kids between 6-11 years old are now diagnosed with ADHD and medicated. These diagnoses are not done by Gen Z on themselves, but instead by millennials who had a tough time growing up and now must find faults in their own children and "fix" it so they can have an easier time growing up than they had.

>> No.19758740

yeah caring about stuff is fucking cringe bro no cap. i like, wanna kill myself so bad right now lmaooooooo

>> No.19758744

probably a euro and grad means collegio or something

>> No.19758783

>lowercase letters aaaaa im going insane
embarassing, (You) should kys

>> No.19758866
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I was born in 2001 and I have 0 friends and will be in online college until the spring semester when I might be able to transfer into a state school with a dorm. When my gf left me she took all of my friends and I haven't talked to anyone except for my dad since October. I'm reading how to win friends and influence people and liber lilith right now. Most of my day actually consists of sitting in a fugue state and downloading anything that sounds interesting and waiting to make myself some food by listening to music and zoning out and taking two showers because I forgot I took one in the morning. Truly, this is the worst generation

>> No.19758869
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For you, mon

>> No.19758875

>the demonization of non-leftist ideology
It's funny you say this while the rest of your post reads as pro-leftist

>> No.19758884

>how to win friends and influence people
Step 1: move somewhere without "mask culture" or "social distancing culture" AKA hysterical fear of human contact.

>> No.19758898

I'm actually grateful for the social distancing culture, as it allows you to filter people within 5 minutes of meeting them. You can very quickly find cool people just by signalling that you are not going along with the program.

>> No.19758902

In the last 6 years leftist = wokeshit enforcers/twitter warriors and pro-vaxx psychotics
Traditional anti-corporate hippie leftists are seen as crypto MAGA hat chuds these days for their skepticism of the media and refusal to participate in vicious exclusionary IDpol.

>> No.19758921

it's tough, I'm a Literature student and even I struggle. Short Attention spans mean, at least for me, poetry is much more interesting and easier to discern.

>> No.19758937

>Their crimes against humanity are indescribably horrifi
It's called the synagogue of satan for a reason

>> No.19758948

I was born in 04 and atm reading the rings of saturn. I have one other friend who actually reads literature but everyone else only pretends. the majority of this generation do not have the attention span to read 300 pages

>> No.19758963
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>> No.19758977

Most of don't.

I used to get read stories when I was a little kid. Those stories made my childhood, I used to read a lot when I was a little kid and stories made my childhood. As I grew older I stopped reading, it took too much time, and filling my head with useless garbage and entertainment is much easier and fun.

I am 23 now and I have just begun reading again. I finished my first book of the year which was beowulf. I am now reading thus spoke. I have to admit, my attention span is shot and its painful, but I'm hardening my mind.

>> No.19758988

Based rastatard.

Jah mon.

>> No.19758990

I'm '02 and I have been trying to get more into reading. Some days its 15 pages a day, some days its 50-60. For others in the generation, it really depends who you ask. The average Gen Z doesn't read at all - some may read one to three books a year outside of the classroom. Actual bookworms are increasingly difficult to find thanks to modern tech.

>> No.19758992

He could be a leftist against the demonization of non-leftist ideology. That's what all moderates used to be whether left or wrong. Now the fire has been rising for too long and we're long past the point of no return. People who have been paying attention are just biding their time, prepping, and waiting for the inevitable.

>> No.19759003

>left or wrong
Kek right*

>> No.19759054

Let us not pretend boomers are all erudite. Most never read books that aren’t crap and spend their evenings burping their dinner in front of the TV.

>> No.19759055

you're based and you share my carnal hatred for "them", but:
>authoritarian monsters of Nazi proportions
>Altogether their insidiousness is unrivalled by any other group in history
what if I told you that one particularly problematic ethnicity has in fact had this level of insidiousness, consistently, for the past 2 millennia, earning them hundreds of expulsions from practically every country?

>> No.19759058

I'm from 2004 and I'm starting with the Greeks. Read the Iliad, some Plato, Zarathustra and some other shit

>> No.19759063

'01 here. I got really into reading about two years ago. I'm mainly interested in history and philosophy, fiction doesn't really do it for me. I'd much rather watch a movie for my fiction intake.

Currently reading beyond good and evil (about a quarter of the way through it) and so far think nietzsche is a faggot

>> No.19759078

I was born in 96, I spent most of my early childhood with my grandparents due to my parents work hours. Most of that was reading books, playing card games and chess. I think thats why I still read a lot was due to growing up with tv/vidya not being bit in the household. Other genz who read a lot had similar upbringings.

>> No.19759193

my younger sister reads relatively often, though a majority of her time is still taken up by tik tok and roblox. i got her some books this christmas and she has gone through them all, so maybe it's just a matter of not having a lot of new reading material.
meanwhile one of my friends has said that i'm retarded for reading books with any attempt at coaxing an explanation as to why only making him angrier and more incorrigible. if we go to a bookstore and i want to look at anything other than manga and funko pops he huffs and puffs while hovering behind me, glancing at his phone and making passive aggressive comments while asking if i'm done yet like a child. it really depends.

>> No.19759251

Zoomer here. I read about 70 books last year. Currently reading Gone with the Wind.

>> No.19759268

>I read about 70 books last year.
Post them

>> No.19759280

Gen z and I'm reading, yeah
I'm 21 if it matters

>> No.19759291

You can legally fuck someone born in '04.

>> No.19759293

>One or two books a week.
I'm not gonna fucking make it.

>> No.19759295

Most states and in Canada you can legally fuck someone born in 06'

>> No.19759304
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>muh dik

>> No.19759314

I'm 18 and I'm reading Oblomov at the moment. Comfy book. I've got some problem with my thyroid that's fucking with my memory so it's a bit hard until I get that sorted out, though.

>> No.19759322

you can fuck someone born in '20 and then just kill yourself afterwards and they can't do anything

>> No.19759326

I'm 22 and I read a fair deal. I do have a poor attention span though.
I was born in '99 and it took me 5 years to get my Associate's haha... I'm now unemployed

>> No.19759333
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>When a literal Jamaican zoomer teenager is more eloquent than you in describing my disgust for the "elite".

I guess that means I'm just going to start exactly where you started.

>> No.19759343

Yep and I read

>> No.19759364
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Shestov was a friend of Bataille. Looks like /lit/ will become a Bataillean board after all. Good luck zoomzoom

>> No.19759372

If only they would.
True but I didn't want to nitpick if an anon went BUT THAT'S ONLY 16!

>> No.19759385

>Does Gen Z read?
Some do, some don't. Like most generations. Granted, there is significantly a lesser amount of kids that read but eh.
>Are any of you Gen Z?

>> No.19759386

>the subversion of Occupy with IdPol shit
You are too young to remember this but it was quite sobering. What was ridiculed as a distraction, the whole "progressive stack" and needing to be "intersectional" in order to have a valid critical voice against the financial system, that all actually became holy writ of all the big companies, which now have landing pages on their websites that are indistinguishable from the rhetoric used to silence criticism during OWS and push out the people who were strictly single-issue anti-corporation. Read God Emperor of Dune—a tyrant selects his best administrators from among the rebels.

>> No.19759393
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Was born in 2003. Started reading consistently last March. I never truly realized how fucked the average Zoomie's attention span was until I began reading. The technology of today is pure fucking evil. My generation will be the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.19759397

>there is significantly a lesser amount of kids that read but eh
I'm far from a zoomer apologist but I sincerely doubt there are more boomer-readers than zoomer-readers. I know most boomers read a lot when they were kids but I don't know a single one who reads anymore. The hierarchy of most-read is probably millennials-zoomers-boomers.

>> No.19759405

Read McLuhan. The problems of communication technology are not new.

>> No.19759464
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>Try to raise a good family to improve the next generation. Do what you can to improve your community and your country.

A certain pathology responsible for much of the suffering and senselessness of the World becomes especially clear if you live in a poor country like me: Once they hit their Middle Ages, most people are too thoughtless and rash about having kids for petty reasons such as "fitting in" or "meh, why not?"; They have no sense of direction in raising a competent, virtuous person, they shy away from an uncomfortable but healthy look into the pathologies of themselves and their peers: To notice the pitfalls dug by the trappings and temptations of a life taking the path of least resistance, to examine what patterns arise to stop them from achieving their dreams.

Nothing worth aiming for in life comes easy, and neither is creating and shaping a whole human being in a futile attempt to fill the hole tore open from a wasted youth going to do any good long run: No improving the circumstances around you, no happiness, no spiritual awakening or whatever, nope, nada. And as far as the thoughtless go, fitting a little basic wageslave mold to cope and consoom and waste their time and energy all the way to Death is the best result you can typically expect; Of course, when you also factor in the poverty and the frequent vitriol of little compatibility between "lovers" that comes out of from the same rotten root, you're more likely than not looking at a stereotypical thug in the making. All that does, atleast circumstantially, lend some credence to antinatalists' points about the lack of consent in birth; I struggle to see anything but carnal thoughtlessness behind most relationships and most births.

It can be demotivating to really reflect on the virulent nature of this whole cycle of bad decisions. Sometimes you manage to talk sense into people, they can be going through the motions relatively without examination, but still have a hint of open-mindedness in there... but there sadly reaches a certain level of roboticism, of fearing not conforming, that blocks out all that doesn't fit into their narrow "programming", "Mr. Smith Effect" they call it.

My greatest hope in this regard is that the suffering of my generation from all this can be turned around into an unprecedented force for change. If you really consider the psychology of these afflicted zoomers that are being made in droves: Incels, all the abused kids, the ones who were neglected with only the internet to interact with and developed a host of neuroses, the ones whose home life was ruined by all the promiscuity and divorce; You notice the pattern of a person who's been disillusioned by these "simple things", like, marriage and children, that are taken for granted. The ones that are redeemed and revitalized into engaging with life healthily are likely to have the mindfulness required to raise a generation that is also mindful and healthy, creating a ripple effect

>> No.19759486
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Gen Z here
I value concision over poetry and make it a point not to put up with texts that waste my time

>> No.19759549
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>From what you've written I would recommend reading some epic poetry.
Yeah, just summaries of the Odyssey, Iliad, Gilgamesh, etc. already make me anticipate absolutely incredible timeless value, there's gotta be a reason greek storytelling/myths, just like philosophy, weaved itself into the archetypes of what came after; But i think i should reserve those first two for after i'm more familiarized with the context they were made in, the greeks are very interconnected in general.

>If not that then perhaps try reading the stoics. I would recommend starting with meditations by Marcus Aurelius
I've been wondering if there was a book that would directly help with my pain tolerance, it would be really helpful just day to day; It's of course challenging as a writer to even get through to the reader's head an idea of the sheer, vivid, crushing feeling of intense pain, let alone ways to deal with the reality of it in the moment. And that could be it, assuming all those shitposters calling the stoics "just cucks/LARPers" weren't actually making a solid half-serious point like all good bait does.

>> No.19759572

another 98. my friends have only ever recommended numale self-help books ala 4 agreements or the slight edge. otherwise, as far as i know, they spend their time watching sports and spending $12 on a beer to feel discerning. i didn't start reading outside of schoolwork until dropping out of med school. mostly jungian and kohutian bullshit at this stage in a futile attempt to get over mommy issues.

>> No.19759587
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Let's just hope the few and many tendies stages move faster than I think it does. Otherwise as a millennial I'm looking at few tendies for the rest of my life.

>> No.19759601


>> No.19759607


>> No.19759627

Yes there is.
You were rigorously taught the right way to do it. You have to go out of your way to fuck it up.
You're actively participating in the degradation of the only language you know how to speak and read.
You know what? You should write in ebonics for everything you write in pen and pencil and try not to get your ass kicked.

>> No.19759643

Hi, I am a zoomer here (born 2004) and I enjoy reading. Although I don't enjoy fiction, I find keeping track of characters to be a hard task (zoomer brainrot). Neither do I enjoy poetry, I read it and it generally doesn't make me feel anything. I mostly read about philosophy, politology and mathematics, which I don't find nearly as hard to read since I usually use whatever I find in these works to argue with myself.

I barely have any friends, so I'm perpetually out of touch with the interests of my colleagues but whenever I mention in conversation that I'm reading or read something and find that no one else has read it.

>> No.19759647

I'm you're age anon and there might be other factors involved since I'm American but does meditation and dopamine detoxing actually get you anywhere? I'm probably about as bad as you can get attention span wise, I've been reading Plato (before anyone laughs at me for starting there, I've read a good amount of fiction beforehand, I'm only having difficulties starting out reading philosophy) for months and I've only almost finished the second dialogue in the compilation.

>> No.19759655

No, you finish your undergrad in four years and start grad school right away.

>> No.19759657

I was born in '03 and I've always been big on reading, but I was kind of a social reject and I didn't get the internet until I was nearly fourteen, so it kind of checks out. I want to get back into hobby reading, because almost all of my reading over the last year was for school. It was fun and all - my Ancient History class basically took me through a tour of all things Ancient Greek right up to the death of Socrates and my philosophy teacher was cool, but expected a lot of prior reading in stuff like Nietzsche, Sartre, Montaigne and Hume to do well in his class, so all my reading was for study rather than leisure. I've been doing some light reading of poetry and making my way through the /lit/ poetry chart, but that's mostly light reading. Any recommendations to someone who has a reasonable education in Greek philosophy on what to try next?

>> No.19759665

Haven't delved much into the frogs myself, any recommendations on where to start with him?

>> No.19759673

I think 97 is technically zoomer but I have absolutely nothing in common with people more than two years younger than me.

>> No.19759674

>when I started grad school
so like a couple months ago?

>> No.19759687

In English, the essays collected as Visions of Excess. His main philosophical work is The Accursed Share (three volumes, but 2&3 are grouped together as one book), which relates sacrifice, eroticism, and sovereignty to his notion of a general economy whose production exceeds the base needs of life and forces us to gainlessly squander past a certain point. Surya's biography may also be of interest.

>> No.19759710

Curious, how do you make a living?
t. future med school drop out who needs a backup

>> No.19759724

>attempt to get over mommy issues.
You just need to find a nice girl who will step on you

>> No.19759742

Born in '00. I'm a final year history student and my degree has had me doing a lot of reading (sometimes over 200 pages a day, though that has me feeling burnt out). I enjoy it and I'm good at it, once I graduate I'll definitely continue the habit.

>> No.19759800
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To even think of ideologies in a left-right binary seems like an arbitrary to me, the only reason i even use these terms is due to the self-perpetuating tribalist contexts which they arose from. To oversimplify all these nuanced if not often, contrived to the point only experts fully comprehend, real world issues into a supposedly incompatible dichotomy of types of solutions; Is something that could only be the result of either short-sighted formulation of language at its origin, or deliberate black-and-white coating of reality to diminish the possibility of real change, via civilian infighting.

I'm leaning towards the latter, actually, consider the following: Don't you think the common conscious and subconscious idea that the left and right are both just as valid, because they simply fight for different values, is leaving something out? If we are to accept that "leftism" supposedly means morals such as protecting the poor from oppression, not persecuting people for traits out of their control, and being able to learn from history; While "rightism" supposedly means morals such as striving for a strong-willed, well-armed and well-informed population that can't be trampled by authoritarians, preserving healthy and organic families and romantic relationships, giving people the encouragement to not fall into hedonistic degeneracy, etc...

Then we come to question, why are these values incompatible? Why do they fight and seek to destroy each other when put together like the left and right do? The answer is... they actually aren't and don't, and to even think of it this way is obfuscating that a complete, virtuous human being should strive for BOTH of these things, not either or.

I guess then the closest descriptor for me would be "centrist", yet even that term is obfuscating. To fancy yourself a "centrist" is to generally associate and be associated with passivity and lack of strong convictions. "Centrism" isn't exactly what you expect to lead any revolutions now do you?

The whole political scene in the western World is and has been fucked to hell and back for i don't even know how long. People led astray into infighting through petty categorizations and justifications, elites puppeteering a poorly informed population to avoid responsibility, votes that really do nothing... And it would really help if we shifted away from the whole "left/right" false dichotomy and started thinking of ideologies in a more isolated, and more complementary, manner to each other.

Really, just take any reasonable person, pan to them a big picture of the tribalistic culture war insanity going down in countries like the USA right now, stemming from this binary vision of politics; And they'll start to reconsider their perspective too.

>> No.19759812

Based. Remember, above everything else, one should act morally; one should be a good person. This matters much more than being red-pilled.

>> No.19759829

01' baby. I think i might have fucked myself by trying to read naked lunch when I was in high school, not in that it was a bad influence but that it gave me the impression that reading was a lot harder then I thought it was and so I was hesitant to make myself read in that it felt almost impenetrable. Ironically reading on the road out of pure curiosity about a year ago made me realize that not only is reading not so hard but that it's it's own distinct art form with an unmatched power (Willing to confess that OTR is not quite "great literature" but it's hints at it were enough to persuade me to move forward in my reading) Now I get about 30 pages in a day on average. Most people around me my age seem to read around 3-7 books a year. Most of them are trying to "get into" reading and making slow slow progress (this is also me). I'm hopeful for many of us, but I'm not sure if it reflects the generation, most of these friends I'm referring to are also online weirdos.

Similar thing happened to me, keep moving brother. If you actually make it to irl college be sure to hit the gym up and join some clubs. Also I'm sure you know this but this place is like the alcohol of social media in that it's fun in small doses but fixate on it and it will fucking ruin you

>> No.19759848

i did grad school in le stem and only read textbooks

>> No.19759862


>> No.19759886
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Nice take.
Gen X, I think, read a bit more than millennials. However overall millennials seem to be more slightly more passionate about the classics and "literature" per se, while gen X is a bit more likely to read (and read more) pulp and light nonfiction as a pastime.
That doesn't mean they don't result in catastrophe. From the perspective of a white russian emigre, the world ended as they went into exile and lost their homes and values. This kind of offhanded dismissal of concern for change is nasty and nihilistic imo.
>a book that would directly help with my pain tolerance
have you tried the Bhagavad Gita? I found it a really helpful grounding for meditation/breathwork practice. Spirit is breath, breath is life, it's really all there is fren.
>(zoomer brainrot)
I feel bad calling out zoomers in my OP, it afflicts everyone who's been using phones and social media to do everything for the last decade. There's research showing that even professors spend far less time reading papers and concentrate on reading for much shorter periods of time than they (themselves) did a decade ago.
Learn ancient Greek/Latin while you're still young and have opportunities to study it in school, IMO. There is nothing more rewarding and patrician than reading unadulterated true classics.

>> No.19759887

Political syncretism is nonsense. The distinction of Left and Right is not a distinction between different sets of policies, neither is it is a conflict between two different mindsets.
Left and Right is ultimately about the distinction of ally and opponent. Political syncretism is the idea that it's somehow impossible to escape the distinction between ally and opponent.

If a syncretist ideology it would have to default to either quash the left and establish themselves as rightists, or quash the right and establish themselves as leftists.

>> No.19759892
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Beautiful, anon

>> No.19759911
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>> No.19759975
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This place isn't as addictive as it once was to me, but I am coming back to it more and more recently, so maybe it is time for a good break. I wish I had people around me my age who read.

>> No.19759980
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>>I'm you're age anon and there might be other factors involved since I'm American but does meditation and dopamine detoxing actually get you anywhere?
I understand you've probably had more addictive garbage thrown your way your entire life since you're american, i mean, most of the food in your country is caked with sugar for literally no reason but to be addicting and unhealthy, even salads. So this is likely to be significantly harder for you, but yes, it's absolutely worth it.

I'm gonna sleep now cause it's late and i've done everything i wanted to do today, but some time of the day tomorrow i'll check this thread again if it's still up, if you want an elaboration of how to dopamine detox and achieve more mindfulness, just ask.

>I'm probably about as bad as you can get attention span wise
I'm pretty sure i was born with ADHD, i had its symptoms even with no internet bro, if it worked for me it probably will for you too. Even back as a kid, poor and having to work unusually young, i was erratic, prone to wandering off and very easily distracted when lacking the right conditions to trigger hyperfocus.

Never needed to take meds to deal with it though, good thing i never took them, just look at SSRIs and how, at the vaguest hint of being sad about your life, many shrinks will unnecessarily try to shove that down your throat knowing it's prone to cause a buffet of shit worth of symptoms for that person to eat later down the road? And will not solve the core issue at all? The greatest force in the pharmaceutic industry is dishonest profiteering pushed behind the curtains by the scientific illiteracy of the public. Do you really think adderall does not suffer similar issues from overdiagnosis and general unnecessity of administering it, outside of as a last ditch resort?

>> No.19759999

> I feel bad calling out zoomers in my OP, it afflicts everyone who's been using phones and social media to do everything for the last decade. There's research showing that even professors spend far less time reading papers and concentrate on reading for much shorter periods of time than they (themselves) did a decade ago.

I wasn't commenting on how much I read, but rather what I read. I find that I can't immerse myself in stories really in a way I can immerse in arguments and teachings.

I tried to read through the old testament, and I couldn't get past through the two books of samuel, I can't take anything interesting to take away from these tales.

I then try my hands on the New Testament and unironically it's great. The sermon on the mount is one of the most beautiful collections of teachings that I have ever read.

And this reflects my general reading habits, I'd happily read a philosophical treatise but give me some novel and I will struggle to read it.

>> No.19760021

teaching at my old high school--the only place i had any social capital left. regressive restoration of the persona, if you will.
all of the materials were given to me in a google drive, so i show up, riff for three periods, and go home. cushy but unfulfilling. mostly white kids, at least.
if you are in the us and want to keep your loans in deferment, find some bullshit online grad program. there's no shortage to choose form. most will give you ~$20k a year in "cost of attendance" refunds. two hours of work a week that you can easily chegg or plagarize through.

>> No.19760131

I am. I should read more desu.
can confirm, I am homosexual too

>> No.19760154

Holy shit no wonder /lit/ sucks, this whole fucking board is filled with zoomers. I hate zoomers so fucking much. No memory of what it was like pre-9/11.

>> No.19760167
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checkin in, '01 here. I mainly just read sci fi like pkd and gene wolfe, I like the overstimulation they provide so that kinda plays into your thesis. Can't stand stuff like dune since it just says stuff how it is and doesnt leave anything to be figured out really, even if i can appreciate the world and atmosphere they provide, the act of reading that sort of stuff isnt too enjoyable. Feel free to rec anyone similar (doesnt have to be sci fi just that kinda prose style).

>> No.19760168

Gen Z reads way more than Millennials It won't be huge classic novels, but they do read a lot of manga, light novels, and generally short stories.

>> No.19760183
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Born in 96. I'm accused of being a millennial and a zoomer. I've always loved reading, although I only really read science fiction, fantasy, genre stuff for entertainment. I only really lurk and occasionally shitpost on this board. Most people my age don't read and I don't press them on it.

>> No.19760195

I see what you mean by "reading"

>> No.19760200
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>> No.19760228

Quick question, is a yl20 year old really a zoom zoom?

>> No.19760230

early gen z, but my parents only allowed me one hour of computer time a day and would take me to the library twice a week. i think all parents should limit their childrens screen time, maybe not to one hour in 2201, but definitely nothing as toddlers and severely limited when they get to the age when social media dominates at school.

>> No.19760232

I've been posting on 4chan for longer than some of you have been alive. I hate it.

>> No.19760246

I was born in 96, and am a novelist.
However, I only started using the internet when I was 11, and more regularly when I was 14.

>> No.19760254


>> No.19760326
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I'm 19, and though I've started to lag a bit in my reading recently I still read a decent amount, mostly classics, but a fair amount of fantasy and science fiction (none of that modern trash though, more works by Peake, the Strugatsky's, Le Guin, the more literary kind of author). However, all but one of my friends don't read regularly, and she's one of those hyper-competent types that can do almost anything they put their mind to. She's learning Latin, Greek, and French too, God, I have no chance. But, I and her are the exceptions I would think, the rest of our generation too enamoured with other, more exciting distractions. Even if they did have the attention span to attend to books and literature (which very few do), what makes books better than videogames, tv shows, or the latest marvel movie? I've tried to get some of my friends to read books at times, with middling success. There just isn't much reason to read anymore unless you grew up with it and had that kind of talent and interest fostered by your parents, a problem that will just compound as the years go by. The current state of learning and education among my peers is one of the few things that can thoroughly depress me.

I don't.

>> No.19760332

I got my masters in '98.

>> No.19760365
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I'm an Indian, '03 born. As a consequence of both of my parents being professors of English, there was never a dearth of books in my home growing up. I remember my father narrating As You Like It and other classic plots (watered down, of course) at bedtime. Curiosity in the lit that my parents used to teach at college thus piqued, I bought some graphic novel adaptations of Shakespeare's works and other heavily abridged versions of classics like Don Quixote and Great Expectations when I was in primary school. Thoroughly enjoyed them, got cocky and tried to read the originals. Heh.

What followed was a bit of a downgrade. I found some recommendation lists in my school magazine and started reading average zoomer-tier books (Harry Potty, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rick Riordan's genre fiction). Having found nothing of my interest in the middle school library that children my age had access to, I got permission from my Principal to sit in the senior library whenever I so wished.
In my very first visit to the senior library, a shelf called out to me. It had some books by Tolkien in the front, and I would've picked one of them had I not noticed a book with sick looking cover art lying neglected behind that row of books. "The Truth" by Terry Pratchett. Pivotal read. The prose was just the right density, and just the right mix of satire, adventure, fantasy and everything in between. Started devouring the Discworld series. Also found a collection of Dahl's short stories there intended for adults (but my librarian didn't know any better). Pretty graphic at times, rape and whatnot. Fun.

I levelled up slowly and steadily. Lewis Carrol. Edgar Allan Poe. M.R. James. RL Stevenson. Dickens. Ray Bradbury. Orwell.
Made a horrible mistake in the first few years of high school - joined Chinkstagram upon my girlfriend's insistence. One thing led to another and I was whoring for internet points and lurking on Bihari rape threat making forums all day long.

Everything changed when I saw a video on Diogenes. Encountered Marcus Aurelius a few Wikipedia clicks later. Meditations was probably the first non-fiction lit that I read and it had an incredibly immense impact on my life. Developed personal heuristics. Stopped consuming sugar and junk. Understood the futility of internet points, left social media and cut off all contact with weaklings. (I only occasionally browse /lit/ now, no other boards or chans.) I've only read The Enchiridion of Epictetus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Lovecraft's and Kafka's prominent works since then. I have acquired a huge to-read list though that I am raring to start working upon once done with my entrance exams.

Reciprocating your concerns, OP, I do strive to get some of my friends that I think there is still hope for to quit basedcial media and globohomo-influenced ideologies and to think for themselves. I don't think it is working. But do the weak not deserve to be predated upon?

>> No.19760381

I'm 19, and I try my best. This site is basically the last vestige of degenerate modernity I have yet to kick. I'm reading Chaucer and Eliot currently, but I also suffer from retard level attention-span from years of uninhibited social media and vidya.

>> No.19760397


>> No.19760402

Hmmmmmmmmm. Well, only proves that I don't lurk here much.

>> No.19760434

22 yo zoomer here. I‘ve read a lot before I‘vr started university 2.5 years ago, but since then I have only read very little since studying architecture is notoriously energy and time consuming

>> No.19760492

I‘m sorry to hear this, anon. If you‘d like to talk about your situation and what you‘d like to do about it you can write me on loydpark1000@gmail.com
I‘m not kidding and I never posted an email adress on 4chan before. Good luck, anon!

>> No.19760503

>Millenials are to blame because they raised gen Z
The parents of Gen Z, whatever the fuck that arbitrary label really means, are probably Gen X.

>> No.19760512

Born in '01 here. I'd bet the most of us read YA novels.

>> No.19760565

>the short attention span and disdain for books of most zoomers I know
This does even apply to milllenials. I´m the only one in my friend group who read books. It´s actually sad what has happened. Multiple times when watching movies or TV series with friends they keep missing stuff beacuse they start doing something on the other screen or start using their phones. When i recommend reading to them its like a repulsion. I think to myself "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU BRAINDEAD MODERNISTIC CONSOOMER WHO IS BEING INDOCTRINATED PURELY BY MODERN TRASH" as I smile and tell them its ok, maybe start with something easy and short.

>> No.19760671

This is purely anecdotal, but most zoomers who read usually go for YA, manga, or whatever is popular on #booktok.

>> No.19760736

>hearing that some Zoomers are actually interested in reading

This makes me smile as a Millennial. My generation is filled with a lot of people who do not read, and I know there's a lot of Zoomers who don't read either. Hearing that there are people who will keep the flame of books alive is a great source of comfort.

Especially because I'm a writer and a poet myself.

>> No.19761072

You are very eloquent Jamaican zoomer. I hope youll go on to live a great life.
On another note, I hope you dont fall for the NPC meme, the vast majority of people have a soul within them, but end up suppressing it for the sake of making life easier to bear and going along with. Add to this all the mind numbing entertainment and technologies they have access to and you end up with a very NPC like person.
This is not to say we all have equal intelligence though, obviously some are more gifted and can understand more things more deeply.

>> No.19761095
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I have purposefully maintained my attention span and enjoy reading. I can sit down for long periods of time to ingest or to write, or to pursue my primary passion, which is drawing. When I interact with my peers it makes me want to kill myself and I realize that there is absolutely no future for not only literature, but all of western thought in every artistic field. My peers cannot read, they are functionally illiterate, parade themselves as artists yet cannot name a single one, and all seem to be courting the same stuffy women.
I cannot stand being alive. I am also making lolita 2 in a protest to anger neoliberal moral junkies.

>> No.19761193

In all due respect anon but it’s a difference in priorities - I am currently unemployed because I have to wrap up my university application. Plus aside from 2-3 people back home and ones studying in the same city I moved into I have nobody to talk to, unless I score a date or sth like that. You will make it:)

>> No.19761269

>the only reason i even use these terms is due to the self-perpetuating tribalist contexts which they arose from
Stopped reading there because you sound like a pretentious midwit

>> No.19761305

>Multiple times when watching movies or TV series with friends they keep missing stuff beacuse they start doing something on the other screen or start using their phones.
do your friends also forcibly shove their tiktok highlights in your face at least once a week, no matter how much you clearly don't give a shit about fragmentary 15-seconds-a-pop entertainment?

>> No.19761427

I read but I am also a loser and kinda retarded. My friends don't read at all but sooner boys don't read generally zoomed woman read but you know what they read...
For example yesterday I finished the myth of mental illness.
I am not woke
My attention span with books is not long but with kindle I can read for days
Just got newest paperwhite recently. I started with reading lit RPG novels on royal road. I want to study engineering, somethin with programming and maybe math mostly for the flex

>> No.19761445

>I am not woke
barely anyone born after 2000 seems to be, even the woke-adjacent types mostly seem to adopt the 'building an identity out of the mental illnesses one self-diagnoses with' and 'I'm not a stereotypical alpha guy/feminine trad girl, so I don't fit into the gender binary'-aspects while dropping the political commitments wokies would like them to believe follow necessarily from that. interesting development, that.

>> No.19761588
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>be 2000 gang of friends
>start talking about 1984
>one friend actually knows a bit but all the details are not correct
>'did you even read the book, mate?'
>'no, i skimmed through wikipedia so its literally like i finished it'
>wasnt even suprised because hes a redditor

>> No.19761589

Retarded phoneposter

>> No.19761599

Based mon.
>he actually read blood meridian
Its gore for the sake of gore, dont even bother. Try out Seven pillars of wisdom. Its briish but understandable

>> No.19761616

Try Invisible cities

>> No.19761649

Same born in 2002, next to no friends since moving to a new state a while back. Graduated high school during the peak of COVID hysteria. I'm paying my way through college without debt due to my current work as a 3d parts draftsman. Work all day, study all night. I read as much as I can whenever im intrested in a subject. I rarely ever invest time into fantasy or sci fi books. Im honestly more worried about what comes after us zoomers. Kids who grew up in the 2010's are barely reading anything. They would rather listen to podcasts and audiobooks instead.

>> No.19761776

'97 here. I've NEET-ED for most of my post-highschool life ( save for some jobs that lasted months and attending college part-time for about a year) and during this time I worked on music and read books. I read non-fiction and philosophy as well as great literature and prose. Most of the great literature went over my head but I did enjoy it nonetheless. Anyway now I'm poor and resentful because of the lack of quality in Art and the rat people I have to generally interact with every time I go out. I'd say 90% of my peers are illiterate and mostly unbearable. To echo a common sentiment, I enjoy lower class peoples company over the cringe yuppie middle class. Many of my high school friendships which carried on thru the years were with such people and over time I couldn't stand their blindness even if they were more literate than some of my lower class friends. Anyway idgaf anymore about books and want to stop being poor.

>> No.19761780

99fag here, most zooms dont read because they are degenerate race mixed mutts who use broken nigger english and only care about... actually i have no idea lol

>> No.19761825

Born in '99. I used to read a bunch when I was a kid, then naturally school killed my interest in literature and the internet killed my attention span. I started getting into it again about 2-3 years ago. Still struggle with staying focused from time to time but I'm enjoying reading for the most part. Unlike watching a movie, it's actually evocative and I feel like an active part of the process.

>> No.19761832

I gave up on a bunch of fantasy novels simply because reading them feels like reading a glorified wikipedia article. Love BOTNS tho. I think it's what fantasy/sci-fi should be - weird, poetic, evocative, alien, etc.

>> No.19761839
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My friends and family (of my generation) range from 1990 to the early 2000s and literally no one fucking reads but my -00 cousin and I. They might listen to an audiobook now and then, a few might read a novel per year. It's not really generational, and trying to slot people into strict categories does no one any favours at all - especially not non-americans, to whom the exceedingly american labels rarely apply with any accuracy, if at all. Those with an active interest in literature have always been a minority.

>> No.19762137

I'm 22, don't really consider myself Gen Z because I don't use TikTok/Twitter/insta etc. and my friend group skews older than me. I read a few books each year, but what really gets me is people not even having the attention span to listen to an album.
My brother is 17, uses all the typical brainrot sites and doesn't even have the attention span to listen to a full album from a band he likes. He might do it incidentally, but only in the background and not really taking in what it means. This is someone who does multiple musical extracurriculars, so it's not like music isn't his thing. As you might expect, he hasn't touched a book in years unless it's for planning a DnD session.

>> No.19762142

it's just a stupid marketing lie that these books are all grouped together into "fantasy" and "science fiction" when some of the authors are writing literature that happens to involve an imaginary realm or a spaceship and the others are just producing 500 more pages of nonsense about elves for people who don't read anything else and don't care about literary value. the latter is unfortunately more commercially viable and suffocates the former.

>> No.19762149

Born in '98, have read more than most /lit/ chumps, got published a few years back and gave up

>> No.19762264

What general area are you in? (east coast west coast, mid west ect...

>> No.19762297

>born in 2002
>read 43 books last year
>hobbies are chess, piano, lit
>don't use social media or play vidya
I don't have friends lol

>> No.19762336

>academically gifted


>> No.19762350
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I am eighteen and have had the luck of being introduced to literature at a very young age.

My mother and grandomther would always accompany me to the library and buy any book I wanted, which made me develop an interest for science fiction and surrealism while I was still in elementary; some of my favorite authors at the time were Asimov, Orwell, Kafka, Bradbury and others.

One thing I have noticed is that, in my early years of high school, I completely stopped reading as a form of conformism since books weren't popular at all among my peers, with whom I wanted to socialise.

Later on I got back into literature thanks to an amazing professor, although I lost basically all of my friends as none of them are keen on literature. I currently have no one to discuss with apart from professors and my girlfriend.

One thing I have noticed is that, at least in my [EU] country, books have started to become popular among my peers - who compulsively buy them at flea markets - as a form of aesthetic commodity rather than an actual medium to share information.

Many of my peers have a very superficial understanding of philosophy based exclusively on online resumes (eg. School of Life) or poor school textbook readings.

One time, for example, I had a ''friend'' asking me whether I preferred Doxa or Aletheia (?)

I started Dostoevskij's Idiot back in November and I'm halfway through it; I haven't picked it up in two months as these past ~8 weeks I've been in an existential quandary about my future, being completely inactive in my free time as a result. I really like Dostoevskij's oeuvre, but I feel completely anihilated to be able to enjoy reading anything in this period.

>> No.19762461

Nice, anon. I recently finished Baudrillard's 'The Consumer Society,' and the book before that was Yukio Mishima's 'The Sound of Waves.' Currently reading 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays.

I think I share your sentiment about guys in our generation not reading at all; and even if they do, it's just manga or light novels and YA bullshit. I personally tried getting my friends into reading, but they're just not interested enough, since vidya is just much more 'fun.'

>> No.19762469

Also, the thing that irks me is the gamefication of magic. It's no longer this wonder inspiring phenomenon, it's just an excuse to have people shoot fireballs out of their hands.

>> No.19762493


>> No.19762515

Effeminacy is the reason.

>> No.19762553

01 fag with little to no social media here, with the possible exception of using 4chan that is. I've just planned to start reading m8.Wish me luck litizens

>> No.19762564

im just starting to read

t. 2001 fag

>> No.19762566

cheers m8

>> No.19762636
File: 543 KB, 828x835, 3466CC32-68F1-4F76-90A3-0E5C6066BEC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born in '03 but I thank my uncle for showing me good books

>> No.19762648

Some of us do. Just this year I've read 3 books and a play already.
>The Plague -Camus
>Portrait -Joyce
>Götz von Berlichingen -Goethe
>Ciocoii Vechi si Noi -Nicolae Filimon(don't know how to translate it in English. It's a historical novel about how social parasites would go from rags to riches durring the early 19th century Romania under t*rkroach occupation. It depicts the moral decay of Romania brought by their dirty and stinky oriental """"culture"""")

>> No.19762819

>before anyone laughs at me for starting there
lmao, imagine laughing at someone for starting with Plato, you're on the right track anon

>> No.19762952
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My literacy is pretty good, in fact, my mother taught my brother to read at a young age and I (about 18 months younger) simply learned off her teaching him and just started reading without her instruction. That being said, after primary school, I just stopped reading. I'm not sure exactly why, but I just did, literally didn't read anything between the ages of 12 and now. I'm starting with Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathrustra and Beyond Good & Evil. I'm also most likely going to read some of the Greeks and perhaps some earlier philosophical works. Im also attracted to Russian thinkers, and I might make an effort to learn their language enough to be literate in it, so that I might read some originals. I will admit that I dislike poetry, but I find some works very intriguing like those of Edgar Poe. I think perhaps my aversion to books stems from a naive desire for self-reliance.

>> No.19763300

99 fag here. Doing an MA in the Netherlands, reading Schelling’s „Philosophy of Art” and Spinoza’s (pbuh) „Theologico-Political Treatise”. Just finished Laclau’s and Mouffe’s „Hegemony and Socialist Strategy” to better know my enemy.
Obsessed with phil books atm, so not much lit sadly.

>> No.19763885
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>implying you can convince the mindless horde of positivist materialist moderns to read anything edifying to the soul lest it turn out to be "useless"
99% of zoomers are so entrenched in the nexus of scientific materialist nihilism they can't imagine sitting down to engage with something abstract or conceptual. Self-reflection, any philosophical or spiritual engagement is automatically slandered as "useless" if it doesn't enable wage-earning, GDP growth (increase levels of mud and coom ad infinitum), or some utopian political goal ("equality" and maximising pleasure like a pig in shit). Metaphysics don't exist, everything is made of mud and coom, epistemology can be substituted for "trusting the science", ethics can be substituted for blind obedience to the technocratic clergy of salesmen and scientists. Observe even the disdain for poetry in this thread, abstraction, intuition, feeling is just seen as a useless artifice that stands in the way of the utilitarian, prosaic, expository. I know a HANDFUL of people my age that appreciate literature, but I think poetry and philosophy in particular are being relegated to some sort of fusty pastime that racist white men used to indulge in. The modern world has manipulated the psyche into repressing the introverted functioning of the mind and privileging the extraverted functions of action, physicality, engaging with sensory world ONLY, in order to enable more mindless productivity. And zoomers fucking fall for it hook, line and sinker.

>> No.19763910

I simply suppose reality through evolution, how could you refuse it? It is you, you cannot escape yourself. Ha.

>> No.19763915

this but unironically

>> No.19763918


>> No.19763927

Im not being ironic, I believe it with my core. I guess my nature is to accept my nature, it seems that the nature of the philosopher is to refute the existence of his nature.

>> No.19763936

based indeed except for this
>it seems that the nature of the philosopher is to refute the existence of his nature.

>> No.19763948

Well, I suppose some philosophers, after all, every man is a philosopher in his own sense.

>> No.19764035

At least you got the degree!
Yes I enjoy reading this board has really been a fun time discovering authors I've never had heard of before. Yet i fell in love with their works.

>> No.19764148

Look at this fucking chud.
Here we are, trying to make a positive change in the world and you’re sitting there, reading or meditating or whatever.
Don’t you realize how selfish you are?
There are plenty of people out there working towards making things TANGIBLY better and you insist on going on “spiritual quests” to “find yourself”.
Just admit your a self-centered jerk that only thinks about himself.

>> No.19764400

in many countries '98 kids have already completed grad school, and are now doing their PhDs

>> No.19764401

you're a metaphysician and you don't even know it

this is a good parody of the type of worldling whose definition of progress includes modifying children's genitals

>> No.19764585

*slavnigger actually. Idk which part of the word os redundant though

>> No.19764602

I'm '04...

>> No.19764735

imagine busting in the bussin bussy of a 2004 boi... hnnnnnnnng

>> No.19765846

Yeah we do. Not to many of us but we do.

>> No.19765856

The one time I fucked a girl a decade younger than me we really had nothing to talk about other than my childish stunted taste in music. It was pretty depressing.

>> No.19765859

shitty LARP
i thought this board was smarter

>> No.19766414
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Why do people like Anna Karenina? It's probably one of the worst books I read last year. So are the Seneca books. Reading them was like a black pill, since I had very high expectations, but somehow I felt that a moron like me could come up with a counter argument to these Great's claims. I thought, "perhaps the greats aren't so great..." and reality started to crumble. Seneca's work is just his opinions they're neither right or wrong. It's no better than the bible.

>> No.19766461

No I'm sure the issue with zoomers not reading is ther being stupid, not the shitty world the other generation left behind for them to swallow up. Ever heard of mental health issues? Ever thought that social media addiction is an actual cultural problem and not only individual inadequacy to your pompous standards of culture? Fuck you, fuck the western canon. The kids are not alright, but at least some of them are not full of shit like you and "muh conservative academia"

>> No.19766476

Your mistake is claiming that american ""left"" is actual left. It's not. They're a liberal right. Actual left would burn billionaires at the stake. Also fuck "traditional" family, that's actually a relatively recent institution and quite frankly it's time to move on

>> No.19766522

I didn't read beyond the first sentence, but that sounds like an opportunity to whine about my brother.
>incredibly intelligent
>but refuses to read any fiction, ever
>doesn't even read nonfiction other than fucking malcom gladwell and his ilk, pop psychology and self-help
>refuses to read philosophy but listens to a fucking philosophy podcast instead

>> No.19766523

Yeah, guess what? Looks like authors write about their opinion and there's no absolute truth. Go figure.

>> No.19766525

born in 98
I read quite a bit until I became addicted to the internet in high school
I now find it extremely difficult to read anything, and my mind has degenerated substantially

>> No.19766553

it's not an attempt to be quirky, chill, or cool
informal writing is part of internet forum culture, and has been for a long time
lurk more, or log off

>> No.19766572


Every single clause is false:

The American left has become fully left over the past twenty years, simply by different racial means (Obama-ism over to the Squad, this faction is the vanguard)

>actual left would burn billionaires at the bla-bla-bla
Read a history book.

>Also fuck the traditional/nuclear family, teenage adverbs teenage adverbs I have never faced any real difficulty in life
Whatever its structure, "the family unit" is the indissoluble social unit above the individual. There is an argument to be had against the "nuclear family" (which is itself mistaken), but there is none coherent to be had against the idea of family unit cohabitation as-such.

One does not "move on" from the family, as one might like to "move on" from this-or-that other form of government. The family is an immanant property of the human condition.

>> No.19766620

05fag here, all i do is read, lurk on the internet or listen to shitty music. theres nothing else to do when you only have one friend and they have a social life lel. concentrating is hard because i either am a autistic chink or years on the phone has fucked me hard. love reading
meta/surreal novels, mostly meta sf and hardboiled novels. anons, school is starting soon and i have no idea how to make any friends. i know to make friends you have to open up about yourself but i struggle with that. even if i do share more about myself, i end up larping as a caricature of myself and making a horrible joke out of my interests just for a laugh out of people i don't connect with. kinda miserable, any help anons?
pkd gang! i liked There Is No Antimemetic Division by qntm. prose is quite bland but the themes are pretty interesting.

>> No.19766670

I am 22 years old, I study law at uni in Poland. I'm fucking disgusted, because literally nobody who I know read fucking anything. Even more intelligent units have their brains washed from dopamine, when we meet they're talking about shit what they've been saying three years ago, because last time when they read any book was in high school.

>> No.19766802

The thing is because of this it doesn't matter if you read a classical big brain book or if you read your Twitter feed. As such all the elitist readers in this thread are fools. Gen Z writes and reads more than any other generation in history. They read memes, subtitles, their multiple feeds, their DMs. Etc. It's such a black pill.

There is some absolute truth in the Hard Sciences.

>> No.19767112

It's going to get better man. We all go through these depressing periods, especially at your age. Just make sure you're receptive to opportunities for change, and therefore growth, when they come.

>> No.19767135

Oh, another poleanon. Nice.
> I study law at uni in Poland
Which university is it? I hope that you have parents or someone with law background - you probably know how hard it is to make it or even live off law in this hellhole.
But yeah, I noticed that when liceum finished most people I know and knee stopped reading since they were not being forced to do it anymore. I wish we had better literary culture, not even high-brow - just a living one lmao

>> No.19767764

Most of gen Z does not read and that's a good thing. Let the natural aristocracy reassert itself.

>> No.19767776

I work in a local used bookstore and there's only one zoomer who comes in regularly.

>> No.19767802

>Chinese comics
>Self help

>> No.19767966

I was born in 99 and I haven't even finished high school haha, i've never been employed

>> No.19767978
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>> No.19768139

>dictionary definitons are arguments
a dictionary entry is just a record of common usage. if most people think the earth is a disc floating in the ur-sea at the center of infinity, it'll define earth as that.

>> No.19768160

I'm 22 and I fucking hate being attention deficit. The fact so many people play it off as a quirk only pisses me off more, like celebrating the fact people are literally getting dumber.

>> No.19768170

>like celebrating the fact people are literally getting dumber.
not a new thing, this has been going on for at least a couple decades, probably starting with le hippie movement

>> No.19768184
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have short attention span, just read in short bits. i probably don't read more than 25 pages before i have to get up and do something. drink water, go to the bathroom, check my phone; that kind of thing. i like fragment writers too
>born in '98
>still in undergrad

>> No.19768217

I went to U of Edinburgh for a semester (American) and found it phenomenal. However I was shocked at the cultural similarities with America-- academia did not exist in the way I thought it would. Students partied and debauched just as much as they do in the US. The only real difference in academics is that the UK is more of a pedagogy and the final exams there are more rigorous and "do-or-die."

Good luck on your journey.

>> No.19768229

>ESL moment

>> No.19768241

I didn't even go to college, just started working right after HS because I had literally no plans.

>> No.19768606

Yeah I’d rather go to Edinburgh than Glasgow but all in all they are both good places to get a degree. Hope that you had a good time in Edi - lots of americans there for sure haha

>> No.19768625

lol I'm '97 and I'm in my third year of grad school

>> No.19768639 [DELETED] 

i was born in 2003. my favorite book so far is the soft machine.

>> No.19768661

You retards are just going out of your way to look for things to get mad at at this point.

>> No.19768666

>grad school
>Leningrad school

>> No.19768692

the zoomers who do read (along with the couple of based millenials) hang out and chat in the general literature discord https://discord.gg/P7zEG6ET

>> No.19768708

I'm from 2003. I only got into reading about 1.5 years ago. I have a few friends of about the same age who read too. We have a modest book club. My sister and cousins read too, but mostly popular fiction. Most of my friends don't read, sometimes with the exception of some history or psychology books once in a while

>> No.19769378

I have a poor attention span for books, but it's because I have an overly vivid imagination. I enjoy writing a loy but can't sit still focus long enough on a book if it doesn't give me a good mental image for my imagination to work with; it's why philosophy books and older texts don't jive with me, since they often are unclear when reading with a modern vocabulary.

>> No.19769463

I feel the results of my generation and the technology we use. I have a short attention span and I can feel it, I get frustrated with it othen when reading. I'll read a paragraph or a few sentences and then my brain will drift off and I'll have to re-read what I just read because I wasn't paying attention. I do read. I actually collect books that I plan to pass down to my kids and grandkids.

>> No.19769477

I'm '02 and I'd be finishing my sophomore year of college if I was an american. My attention span is indeed nuked, but I read a ton until I turned 12, entered secondary school and had my own computer

>> No.19769620

OP, as somebody who was born in 2003, I can say: yes. Gen Z does read. Am currently reading Life and Fate, in fact.
However, I will say that few of my friends do read and most are drooling retards I hang out with due to a crippling need for validation

>> No.19769632

Born in 98' here. I've literally just read the things shilled on here and in the meme charts. No clue what normie gen z reads though.

>> No.19769642

98' kid here. I dropped out of college before receiving my bachelors. Made a shit ton of money with crypto so now I spend the majority of my time either pursuing various internet business ventures or reading.

>> No.19769681

It was wonderful, thank you. A very solitary time in my life I look back at fondly. I am unsure how it exists elsewhere, but there is something distinct about being an American abroad. Something about rootlessness, etc. As I understand it only Americans can simultaneously want to move, desire to stop, and yet be entirely unable to do so. I think this applies to more people now because of globalization, but still feels to me a sad and quietly beautiful American phenomenon.

>> No.19769746

'98 here. My peers are retarded and don't read. I look forward to my dominance over them. I read a book a week. The information is out there they just willfully ignore it.

Just finished the screwtape letters and the bitcoin standard by Saifedean Ammous. I tend to trend nonfiction based upon my interests

>> No.19769774

gen z reads less than any generation with general access to book before them

>> No.19769783

newfags thinking 4chan cared about grammar this place only started spelling correctly in the last 5 years

>> No.19769808

1999 here
I read a lot as a kid but stopped during high school. Literally read 0 of the required books I had to read for my Dutch, German and English classes in high school. I started reading again after my first year of college. That was when I realised that I was addicted to distractions (internet and gaming). I mostly read books in English now but I want to start reading Dutch lit because I have literally no knowledge of it.

>> No.19769862

It's case IN point you absolute mong.

>> No.19769911
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If you like sci-fi I highly recommend pic related for something a bit more "literary" that's got some comfy speculative ideas and is just a lot of fun.

>> No.19769921
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>I am also making lolita 2
Based, please tell me more.

>> No.19769925

>I am also making lolita 2 in a protest to anger neoliberal moral junkies.
What is a "neoliberal moral junkie"? Neoliberals today are bordering on pushing pedophilia.

>> No.19769930

99 is Gen Y.

>> No.19770162
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Started reading here and there in highschool because nofriends. Didn't do much casual reading for the next~3 years because I was doing a humanities degree and barely wanted to do the assigned readings. Really got into it once covid started. Now I have lots of neo-/lit/ friends and read every day :)

>> No.19770360

Idk man, being a pole in europe is like a mexican or other latino in NA. But I do agree that people from the US have a special privilege with what you have mentioned. Especially considering that your native lingo is fundamentally english. Moving around in the anglosphere sounds like a pretty special thing

>> No.19770915

Holy shit you just blew my mind. You're absolutely right. But then what's the universal (empirical?) definition of a book? I'll admit I had a bit of a problem with that definition of what a book is, since it would exclude ebooks and would imply that if you took apart a physical book, such that it became a bunch of loose pages it wouldn't be a book. For that matter, would a book that has been thrown into a shredder still be considered a book? But anyway this is all useless, the real question is why are Chinese comics (a manga volume) and self help not books? Wouldn't this be equivalent to saying that a nature documentary is a tv show and that an anime or talk show is not a tv show? You go, "How many series did you watch?" I say, "40." You go, "Chinese cartoons. Talk shows. Series?"

>> No.19771008
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>remember 9/11
>remember dial-up
>brain still not full reptilian
97 chads...

>> No.19771174

I can't tell if this is just techno-skepticism or juvenoia but I'm a millennial and after using a smartphone with these social media apps designed to suck and fuck your brain constantly with content I find it increasingly difficult to focus on anything that isn't continuously giving me dopamine hits. On top of that I find things like praise in the workforce markedly absent from what I would like, and that might just be the unique nature of my job which is a very emotionless organization, but I can only imagine it being worse for Zoomers. I find it hard to even concentrate enough to pick up a book.

>> No.19771581

Most zoomers I know don't read but also most zoomers I know (myself included) are 20-21 and have only just started properly reading (myself included). Also the definition of a zoomer is if they don't remember 9/11, I was born before but I don't remember it therefore I'm a zoomer

>> No.19771623

the biggest psy-op is zoomers hating millenials, probably because zoomers are completely unaware of how badly boomers fucked the western world up. Or maybe they just are ok with owning nothing.

>> No.19771717

this is now a reggae thread

>> No.19772008
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I was born in 2004. I quite enjoy reading but I am very concerned for my generation as I have seen that the vast majority do not read.

>> No.19772043
File: 1021 KB, 1668x2560, E37E1535-51D0-4E6A-BE1D-B1A2DD76EB37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m either a boomer zoomer or a baby millennial since I was born in ‘95. I am grateful to have only a few close friends, and they all read, but I agree with your assessment that by-and-large my peers do not read. I think the average American high school graduate nowadays knows something like 10-15,000 words where it was 50,000 sixty years ago. The American education system is now (and has been) exclusively in the production of midwit wageslaves that are just smart enough to be wageslaves but too dumb to be actually effective citizens. This, in conjunction with the nuclear-level brain-numbing capability of smartphones, will propel the downfall of the West with even more velocity.

I’m also a woman, and I find it endlessly irritating that my female predecessors made such a stink about women going to school and becoming educated only to be complicit in the raising of their daughters as whinging strumpets. Modern women are so historically ignorant and horrendously ungrateful it makes me embarrassed to be associated with them. Imagine being able to attain all the same educational opportunities as men only to write utter drivel like pic rel. I find it both despairing and enraging that modern women continue to guzzle the corporate lie about motherhood being merely an option as opposed to a moral good. Being a mother is not the only thing you can do with your life, but it is probably the best thing you can do with it. I wish more women realized this or even entertained the notion of it. Particularly zoomer women. We’re gonna have to turn this train around somehow, sometime, before population decline really gets out of control.

>> No.19772237

20 yo Zoomer from the states. Just started Inherent Vice by Pynchon, and just wrapped up Boxing: a Cultural History. After Inherent Vice, I'm thinking about starting Knaussgard's My Struggle Series.

>> No.19772407

Thing is you likely developed your morals from family and their instruction or critical thinking skills taught by family, whereas the big problem lies in the family break down and the social isolation of children of our and the millennial generations, who were raised by Nickelodeon and Club Penguin

>> No.19772544

certified honeypot

>> No.19772557
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Based Gen Z, I made a thread about that translation about a month ago, how are you liking it? I thought it was clunky in terms of english, but very precise, and liked that he kept the enjambements where they were

>> No.19772561

19 y/o here. Hardly read, very few of my friends read.

>> No.19772570

>I fucking hate millennials
Don't know if you are a Gen Z or not, but it is a habit to hate the generation immediately before you when you are in your teens/twenties, only to discover that they are as lost as you are (will be) once you reach your thirties. I used to think Gen Xers where a bunch of whiny idiots complaining about how difficult life was when I was in high school - then I finished uni and I understood that they were just looking for jobs, mostly, which sucks, and were facing the same difficulties I am facing now.

>> No.19773051


>> No.19773273
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1997 ausfag here, apparently I'm gen z

started high school off pretty well grades-wise but some time around year 10 (4/6 years into high school) they started to dip. my parents had assumed that I just stopped caring about my education because my personal and social life was fine. I told them that I still had an interest in learning but somewhere along the line I somehow lost the motivation, enthusiasm and the drive to put it into practice. I tried to rectify this by getting myself back into reading (I used to be a huge Geronimo Stilton reader when I was younger) so I bought Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson from a local bookshop. I thought it was pretty good so I googled some stupid shit like "best books all time" and bought a bunch of 'classics' lmao (see pic rel). my grades didn't improve (because no shit) but they were still serviceable enough for me to pass/graduate high school

fast forward to now: turns out I have adhd and major depressive disorder, which explains why I literally couldn't manage to get shit done unless the walls closed in on me and forced me to. was diagnosed three years out of high school. these days I'm on 9 dexies a day + SSRIs, but hey, at least I retained my interest in books

>> No.19773275

Spanish zyklon gen here. Just started reading like a crazy man these last few days after reading Napoleon's biography. I want to achieve something even greater than what he achieved.

>> No.19773281

96 ausfag here. you're not alone brother. our lives are basically the same except i'm not on SSRIs anymore

>> No.19773322

I'm born in 99. I never really felt like a zoomer. Probably because I had a lot of older friends in highschool so I could relate more to them than the kids my age worshipping their social media. I listened to a lot of music in highschool but was never into popular trends. In a nutshell, the popular kids my age wore brown khakis or roots joggers and the popular kids younger than me wore Adidas tracksuit pants and the kind of ironic shit they wear.

I always loved art and the literature discussed in English class and would be at the top of the class but wouldn't actually read the assigned material. I could just pay attention to the lecture and understand everything. Last August I got a Vyvanse prescription and now I read as much as I can. So far I've gotten most of the way through the New Testament, Plato, Nietzsche, and Dostoyevsky and I am gonna read Homer next. I have a habit of reading multiple books at the same time, switching between them as I get tired of each. For that reason there are some books I haven't finished, but by the same token I've allowed myself to dabble in other stuff such as T.S. Elliot, Terrence Mckenna, St Augustine, John Allegro, Hegel, Guenon, Hitler, and John Milton.

>> No.19773995


>> No.19774382

I've newer liked reading but when i saw my classmates selling their souls to china and destroying their brains to either sissy propaganda and 1 minute videos, i started reading. this was like in late 2019 when tiktok started to get really fucking popular (and annoying). I only think ca 5 people in my class read.
The state of my generation is embarrassing.
I was born in 06

>> No.19774395

born in 2003, had a big reading phase with my two friends. Starting to get back into it

>> No.19774430

i am gen z 2002. i read but got a shit attention span. i swear tho when i ask people what they read they tell me some fucking kids books like YA stuff, absolute cringe.

>> No.19774437

bro ive never even thought about 15 year olds existing today holy shit and ur aware of sissy porn thats so fucking sad

>> No.19774476

Born in le wrong generation

>> No.19774599

02 here, in 2021 i read the gita, upanishads, the dune series, the master and margarita, plato's five dialogues of socrates, the metaphysics, genealogy of morals, thus spoke zarathustra, and food of the gods by terence mckenna. i bought a shit ton more books but i have a bad habit of buying new ones before i finish them, currently reading blood meridian, rene guenon, and a thich nhat han book. my phone rapes my attention span so i like to read as a way to give my brain a break from that shit.

>> No.19774620

also guys come on, we're not "based" for reading books, books are just another form of consumer media. the only reason you think they're better than social media, tv, etc is because the medium has an established canon and is (generally) higher quality than other formats. we cannot be valuable and noble until we write our own material instead of just consuming and posting in these threads looking for validation from older anons.

>> No.19774654

Born in 2005, started reading one year ago, right now I'm finishing Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19774656

>books are just another form of consumer media
Great literature is not in any way just another form of consumer media. The intellectual investment, not to speak of the time required, is far greater than basically any other form of media - and that's only in the act of "consumption" itself. To say a person who reads a lot of quality literature, whatever that entails, is just the same as someone who consumes TV series or anime by the truckload is a gross reduction at best. You don't have to go on to produce literature to get something out of it; good literature can be ennobling of itself, whether you go on to write some schlock afterwards or not.

>> No.19774934 [DELETED] 

>Great literature is not in any way just another form of consumer media. The intellectual investment, not to speak of the time required, is far greater than basically any other form of media - and that's only in the act of "consumption" itself. To say a person who reads a lot of quality literature, whatever that entails, is just the same as someone who consumes TV series or anime by the truckload is a gross reduction at best.
Read the fucking post again

>> No.19774950

anon mediums and the way they are understood and viewed are purely relative to the period they exist in. reading shitty pulp fiction and serials in the last two centuries was the equivalent of being a funko pop collecting consoomer as opposed to someone who labored for the sake of his family. reading and books are no more than something to be consumed in and of itself. You’re forgetting the majority of people that have read in all of history were not reading the “classics”, a title given to them in retrospect anyways

>> No.19775055

98'. Would have been in my second year of grad school if i were american, or at least on my second year working in big tech. Instead i'm still struggling in my first master's

>> No.19775163

Any other 97fags that feel slighted at being called Gen Z, but then get even more upset when someone calls you a millenial?

>> No.19775179

>destroying their brains to either sissy propaganda and 1 minute videos
Do zoomers really? I honestly thought shit like this was contained to online spaces.

>> No.19775219
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You are such a fucking dickhead. Read more. people have been typing like this for decades. concrete poets?
Even before then.

Learn to semiotics, midwit.

Cue the

>I only read good things


>> No.19775245

I am upper edge of Gen z (1996), we are technically “zoomlenniels” since we are right between millenial and zoomer. You might think this is a needless subcategorization, but no one the age of 25 or younger remembers 9/11.

The reason for this distinction is that true zoomers (born between 2000-2011) were psychologically screwed from the start. Where I spent my middle school and high school years texting girls on flip phones, the true zoomers had iPhones since they were in 6th grade. This mean very few zoomers ever read books unless they had very strict parents. But that’s not too uncommon. I observe that most people under the age of 25 that I know in my major metro, only a few of them read more than one book a year. I attribute this to a hamstringed attention span caused by having smart phones with social media since middle school.

>> No.19775253

If you can’t remember 9/11 on the day it happened, you are a zoomer.

>> No.19775261

t. NÉ EN 2002

>> No.19775328

Midwit who pretends to read.

>> No.19775370

I love Nabokov's translation, I bought his in particular because a while ago I had read the article "The Art of Translation" by Nabokov. The methodology for translation Nabokov brings to the table in the article is what really attracted me to his take on Eugene Onegin. I'm very impressed by it, Nabokov's ideals of translation seem to have been met in his Eugene Onegin: sacrifice of colloquial poesy in favor of literalism and maintinence of the author's original vision no matter the cost. I plan on reading the commentary Nabokov wrote after I finish the book, so that I can try to get a fuller vision of Pushkin's context and Nabokov's methodology.

>> No.19775382

ngl being a woman and going to university only to see women in arts courses writing VAGINA in big letters on things must be pretty redpilling, as it was maybe funny for me to look at. A lot of them just write about sex too, you never see a woman writing fiction about anything else.
You have my sympathies.

>> No.19775399
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I am gen z and I read as often as my idleness allows me to. I've read Dostoevsky, Homer, Machiavelli, Schopenhauer, Dazai, Evola, Varg Vikernes, Mishima, Camus, Pessoa and Orwell. Currently reading Blood Meridian.

>> No.19775410

Same as the other anon. That and its always nice to meet a new stranger (specially if its not driving a misterious van :D)

Hope things get well, anon

>> No.19775416
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I was born in 94, so basically the same micro-generation (if such a thing exists), and I honestly can't say I identify much with any of the general descriptions of millenials or zoomers. The 2008 finance crisis is supposed to be a big watershed moment in the 20-something millenial's life, but to me it meant absolutely nothing. 9/11? I can't tell if the memories I have of seeing it on TV are real or false; they're so blurry it doesn't matter. Maybe it's because I'm not an american, for whom these labels seem to have been created.

>> No.19775424

Everyone born after December 31 1989 23:59:59 should be exterminated.

>> No.19775426

Yup, the adress is xorrect, even with the "w"

>> No.19775471

Born '05, if you read, you're either a gril or a nerd. Most zoomers don't read anyway, they have Instaghey or China (TikTok) to entertain them.
I read, but that's cuz I'm based. simple as

>> No.19775575
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here's my goodreads:

>> No.19775842
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Funnily enough, I was raised by a single dad. Men have taught me way more about being a good person and critical thinker than women have. But yes I agree. I think the systematic chipping away of the nuclear family in the west can be laid at the feet of both women and men, but I personally find women to be slightly more complicit because they are the selective sex, and if they're electing not to select at all, well. What are men supposed to do?

Men need women in a different way than women need men, and I think the modern practice of women denying men children/families for the sake of hedonistic pursuits is horribly misguided. It's a compounded problem though, since men are increasingly less interested in being providers. Both sexes are at fault but it's a bit of a chicken-or-the-egg situation. I can't tell who started this feedback loop, nor can I tell who's gonna end it.

Thanks anon. I agree that it is funny, I can definitely still laugh at the women in my university's art department that paint shit like pic rel. They're so predictable and boring. Still, I don't necessarily have a problem with women being feminist activists or writing erotic romance or whatever, my problem is that women do this with no context of the ground they're standing on. They will bitch about misogyny from the comfort of the various infrastructures and institutions that men have labored to build for them. They always have to be the fucking funniest, smartest person in the room or else its muh patriarchy.

I'm sure all of you anons are better read than I am. I'm sure I'm like 10% more retarded than all of you. My bf is infinitely funnier than I am. It's not a problem. Sure, I have brief moments of envy sometimes when I see men creating amazing art or writing great music or performing exceptional physical feats, knowing I'll likely never be a source of such inspiration. But I still would never want to be a man. Not ever.

Art, music, physical attainment, etc.; these are just the results of the costs men HAVE to pay to have a chance at life beyond their death. Only the greatest men are remembered by history, while all women are remembered by their sons. If having children is the closest thing we have to immortality, to a sense of ourselves beyond the borders of our lifetime, then women have the chance at immortality virtually by fiat. Men can only have that chance if they're chosen by women.

Modern women mistakenly see the lifetime tangible successes of men as the ONLY source of imbalance between the sexes. At the unconscious level though, I think they know the power they hold. Which is why they don't put their money where their mouth is and transition. If women REALLY thought men had all the power in our society then they would simply become men. But they don't, because they're all whinging hypocrites. It is utterly appropriate that AMAB trannies will always have the bigger balls.

TL;DR women are fags, me included.

>> No.19776238


>> No.19776466

>Does Gen Z read?
>Are any of you Gen Z?
Yes. Have read less and less each year since middle school. 19 now and have resolved to change that when I return to college in a couple days. Most of what I read is the western canon and western philosophy tho.
But yes as a zoomer Gen Z is as fucked as you think it is and probably even more so than you think it is. I know one person who regularly reads, the most intelligent person I know. I've met a couple other people who read occasionally. All of them read high-brow shit or technical things pertaining directly to their other interests.

>> No.19776521

Hey honestly I can’t tell the difference between gen z and millennials when it comes to anything, because in my mind they’re all new sincerity, internet loving, education hating fags.

Can someone help clarify the difference?

>> No.19776535

I saw a 2006 and a few other 2005s. Explains why this board is so shit kek

>> No.19776652

I try to read man but I can't remember the last time I completed a book. I usually get about half way through and realize I forget how it started. Regular life is too stressful I'm pretty sure 5g is a boiling our adrenal glands or something.

>> No.19776867

I am an Australian zoomer born in 2001. I have a stack of books that I want to get through by the end of the year. I usually lack motivation to read though, probably because of undiagnosed ADD

>> No.19777333

I was born in 97 and I never finished my ASSosiates haha

>> No.19777692

Are '96 fags zoomer?
I just finished Stoner holy fuck what an unbelievably awesome book

>> No.19777873

18y here. Read a lot in middle school but during high school less and less, mostly the school assigned books but I did manage to always read something during summer.
Trying to get back now but I picked a 1000 pages brick which I'm liking a lot but it's so fucking long

>> No.19777899


>> No.19777912

Talk to people you meet an honestly interested amount and go to church.

>> No.19778324

2002 Serbian here.
My parents always tried to get me into reading and managed to get me interested. Read a lot of childish books and switched to reading more serious shit as I got older.
With highschool, my reading kinda took a backseat to studying and now with uni, I'm really squeezed for time and don't read much. But I am assembling a library of books I want to read.
I really want to read Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Kafka, Kami and a lot of history books.

>> No.19778673

gO To cHUrCh

>> No.19779714

I study at UAM. Yeah, I know how shitty and hard is law to live by here. Nonetheless every year many liceum graduates keep getting trapped, so did I. I regret that I haven't decided to study programming or some kind of engineering, but I'm at 4th year, maybe after graduation I'll rearrange.

>> No.19779870

I read a few books forced by my parents and Romanian teacher, I hated all of them and decided to come to this board and find something that is actually interesting also read books in English for the first time as I already read more English than Romanian. I remember like 6 of them and almost enjoyed Lord of the flies but started thinking a lot about it and ended up hating it. Other books I remember rn from best to worst: holes by louis sachar, white fang by jack london escape from mr. lemoncello's library by chris grabenstein, matilda by roald Dahl, Amintiri din copilarie by Ion Creanga, Number the stars by lois lowry. If you have any recommendations please tell me I'm gonna have to read thousands of pages of shitty literature and maybe this will help

>> No.19779889

02 here. Read my first book back to back at 15, never really liked reading because of shitty EU English classes. Tend to try reading classics but end up reading mostly about history, economics, or religion.

>> No.19780608
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Yes. Currently reading through History of the Peloponnesian War. It's crazy how badass the book is, and yet normies would absolutely flinch of you were to suggest it to them.
It also reminds me of the Three Kingdoms, and the absolutely wacky stuff that went on before, during and after the conflict
Also, OP is a faggot loser who has probably done nothing with their years.

>> No.19782252


>> No.19782777

I was born in 2001 and have read a decent amount when I was graduated highschool and the years after. Like I was reading an average of 10 books a year between 2017-2020. But my interest in reading books fell off as did my interest in writing. I read both older and newer books during my reading days. Any books ive tried to read for a while now just cant hold my interest anymore. I'm not a very sociable person so I rarely go out for fun and not to work (like once a month at best honestly) and I do play a lot of videogames, but I do spend a lot of time on my hobby and some occasional history videos on youtube. I dont know why I lost so much interest for reading, if it puzzles you why gen z doesnt read, it puzzles me even more why dont I anymore. Maybe I'd read more if it did something to not feel loneliness but oh well

>> No.19782831

what are you studying? do you recommend

>> No.19782837

>rotting their brains.
first generation with smartphones is unlike anything before
millennials have no concept of how damaging tiktok brain rot is

>> No.19782869

98 gang I'm reading 4 books right now
2 of them with book groups where my friends struggle to agree on good times to discuss
Getting sucked into twitter in the past has worsened my brain, but so has smoking weed every single day

>> No.19783313

Quebec retard spotted

>> No.19783358


I study comp science, and people looked confused when I read during the breaks. One of them had trouble reading the word 'Karamazov' on the cover.

I think we are fucked.

>> No.19783686

People my age usually read Fantasy or Science Fiction but I'm personally more into classics and philosophy.

>> No.19783702

99, Infinite Jest is my favorite book and I'm reading East of Eden and the Dune series right now

>> No.19783730

I read, anon. <3

>> No.19783764

OP here, fuck yourself.

>> No.19784003

Cheer up anon. You will never be a woman to me

>> No.19784182
File: 524 KB, 720x588, Le Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born 2001, reading picrel. I've completed the Algebra textbook and am almost done with the Trigonometry textbook.

>> No.19784297

>pages glued or sewn together
ebookfags on suicide watch