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/lit/ - Literature

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19756356 No.19756356 [Reply] [Original]

>trust /lit/ rec
>it's another story about the autism of a nervous fag who doesn't do anything

are most authors retarded and just write these self inserts? how big of a fag do you have to be to like this shit

>> No.19756362

Stoner is so dense and unremarkable, am I supposed to think there's some kind of dignity or quiet heroism in his worthless life of nothing? Do people relate to mumbling scaredy cat retards like John Stoner for real?

>> No.19756378

what an ugly cover

>> No.19756385

I learned after No Longer Human not to trust a single recommendation here.

One of the big /lit/ redpills you should understand early on is that when posting here, and arguing with someone, and if you get triggered by their retardation, remind yourself that there is a 95% chance you are arguing with a 15 year old. Then you just laugh and move on to the next thread.

>> No.19756397

Or even worse a 20 year old girl

>> No.19756403

/lit/ is almost entirely composed of ESL incels.

>> No.19756414

Yeah I get a really strong shitskin Latin America vibe whenever some anon tells me my opinion is wrong.

>> No.19756425

really? i imagine a bitch ass doomer kid who will spend his entire life being a navel gazer . Dean Koontz blows this trash out of the water.

>> No.19756430

Or even worse a 28 year old STEM-lord

>> No.19756461

My Latin-American friend keeps talking about how "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is shit and the true patricians choice is "The Fox from Up Above and the Fox from Down Below".

>> No.19756584

Read this shit 2 years ago, maunly because of high goodreads ratings and people saying its «stoic». Was the worst books ive read that year

>> No.19756606

>>it's another story about the autism of a nervous fag who doesn't do anything
And, what’s wrong with this? You’re critique is laughably puerile, you don’t understand characterization, you can’t grasp major and minor themes, read How to Read a Book before tackling actual literature

>> No.19756630
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Escape midwittery and worthless reccs forever with this one simple chart.

>> No.19756651

actually my mom is a literature expert, she says otherwise. according to her analysis you don't know shit about books. She also said you don't get pussy

>> No.19756660

Stoner is a tragic story about the real lives of innumerable men like him who have existed in history. Maybe you, a man-of-action extraordinaire, cannot find it within you to take pity on these sorts of people. But in that case you do not have the intense feelings and sympathetic disposition that are required for a true appreciation of art.

>> No.19756674

Blah blah this shit doesn't impress anyone. A book is good or not.

>> No.19756679

Based. Also learn Greek, it will change your life.

>> No.19756687

i'm not a man of action. i actually liked the book lol , but i think stoner is a faggot worthy of contempt and I think less of the author after having read it. But taking it as a cautionary tale about how bad your life will suck if you are autistic and too stupid to even talk then it's pretty funny

>> No.19756702

That’s not what she said while I was pounding her from behind last night.
I went more like
>OH YES ANON HARDER! Such a virile man, please share your thoughts on Blood Meridian with me next! OH GOD YES!

>> No.19756709

what he >>19756630 said

>> No.19756719


>> No.19756724

have the sex

>> No.19756735

>self inserts
Not everything has to be some mental masturbation for your toasted zoomer brains to "relate" to. Sometimes you can also observe things from far away and try to understand the motivations of people - just like you do in real life.
In Stoner's case the fact that he is ultimately a coward who's life just passively happens to him is what makes it so great.

>> No.19756760

like i said i like the book but not the character and i think people who enjoy the book because they relate to john (clearly a lot of people ) are fucking fagz, got it champ?

>> No.19756774

I am a mumbling scaredy-cat like him so yes I do relate to him. In fact I am even worse. There is a warped, twisted kind of dignity about it, yes. It's not easy to be anxious and scared all the time.

>> No.19756792

well hopefully you don't marry a mute retard who you only met once like John Autist

>> No.19756796

Good thing no one cares about what you think about them "champ"

>> No.19756797

>There is a warped, twisted kind of dignity about it, yes.
no there's not
It's not easy to be anxious and scared all the time.
yes it is

>> No.19756801

Stoner doesn't even really express anxiety that much in the book, just a lack of personality and insight. It's like he is blank inside and can only form half of a thought or half of a motivation. He's so pathetic. If he was actually neurotic he'd be way more interesting, people with anxiety are very active and imaginative internally. I see Stoner as a guy who is SO dull and SO undeveloped that it almost manifests itself as catatonia.

>> No.19756810

u mad bro

>> No.19756814

>this guy is such a bitch bro, like if I was at a BBQ and I had to talk to him, I'd be like... so weirded out
>and that's why I think the book is bad
I legit thought only women do this until now.

>> No.19756821

What might actually be useful is if you suggest a book yourself that's actually good, at least according to your standards.

>> No.19756823

i wouldn't be weirded out, i'd beat the fuck out of that nerd no cap bruh. can't be doing that sus shit around me all autistic and shit lmao

>> No.19756827
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>> No.19756842

>yes it is
Try not having friends or lovers all your life mate. Try spending your life inside your own head, perpetually in fear of everyone around you, cursing yourself internally for everything you do, and feeling intense shame and embarrassment during every social interaction you have, all the while still paradoxically believing that you are superior to everyone.

>> No.19756848

It really do be like dat. zoomers have been so niggerified its not even funny man

>> No.19756852

Make sure you keep doing what your mom says. That's a good boy.

>> No.19756855

that's a personality disorder, it's called vulnerable narcissism. it just means you're a bad person but you feel sorry for yourself , it isn't something you should admit to

>> No.19756856

try not to concern yourself with other fucks business while you're trying to enjoy art, it's a nonce's habbit

>> No.19756869

i'm not concerned, i'm just pointing it out since you wanted to describe your personality disorder for us. seems like you aren't really aware of what you're revealing lol

>> No.19756886

I don't believe in psychology. They can define anything they want. Before homosexuality used to be a mental disorder, now it's not. What research and analysis brought them to this conclusion, or was it merely the changing times?
My problem is a moral one. I am a coward with low self esteem and I am afraid of everybody because I grew up without a father and was bullied at school. It's really as simple as that. And no I won't take your zombie meds.

>> No.19756891

you're literally just lazy and don't want to have to put in the effort in social interaction.

>> No.19756900

you don't get medicated for a personality disorder dummy lol, i can tell you're underaged from the stupid ass way you type. get out of here you theater kid fag

>> No.19756915

i'm not the same guy, just trying to pass on some insight.
being unable to ignore what "society" or other individuals might take from the work is as normie of a mindset as there is.

imagine never separating your experience from the eyes of others. if that's not narcissism idk what is

ideology ate your brain

>> No.19756919

Stoner is actually good though. NLH is not.

>> No.19756920

Doubt it. I know what laziness feels like. If I am lazy to attend a lecture I do not feel like throwing up and hyperventilating. If I am lazy to make food I do not avoid my house and hide away somewhere. Nor do I feel uncontrollable, incapacitating shame and embarrassment when I am merely "lazy".

>> No.19756926
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i am able to ignore it. you seem to think i'm like seething or emotionally/personally affected in any way when i just think it's funny to rile up autists on 4chan with a hot take sometimes. i thought the character was a fag just like the posters here and i think that's funny it doesn't go deeper than that . even after i say this i will still collect more autistic essays about how mad and retarded i am. can't wait

>> No.19756935

>it will change your life
How has it changed yours?

>> No.19756943

Yes, and Stoner is good. OP is a coper who doesn't like having the mirror held up to him, or is simply somebody who never reads and picked up Stoner as his first foray into literature. It's a great novel.

>> No.19756952

i said i liked the book like 20 times ITT, I'm nothing like any of the characters in the book. Maybe the fat guy who makes the toilet wine

>> No.19757260

Ι live with a constant back pain now and don't get enough exercise.
However I can be smug about the fact that in 6 years I'll be able to read Sophocles.

>> No.19757283

you sound easy to push around like a frail woman

>> No.19757785

I got recommended 'In Praise Of Older Women' yesterday. On this very literature board! It's more or less a smut novel...I'm not angry, though - it's hot, and certainly has some good recommendations within...

>> No.19758027

> Before homosexuality used to be a mental disorder, now it's not. What research and analysis brought them to this conclusion
What ‘research or analysis’ made them form that conclusion in the first place? Anyway, there was psychological research that preceded the change:
> The American Psychiatric Association listed homosexuality in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1952, but that classification came under scrutiny in research funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. That research and subsequent studies consistently failed to produce any empirical or scientific basis for regarding homosexuality as anything other than a natural and normal sexual orientation that is a healthy and positive expression of human sexuality.[1] As a result of this scientific research, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973.