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19754319 No.19754319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christianity is the religion that makes the most sense

>> No.19754347


>flushed knees

This guy gets it

>> No.19754352

Nah, if we're going for a personal God,
deism > Gnosticism > Christianity

>> No.19754358


>talking snake
>dude I have to manifest myself as a guy who will die on a cross and thereby bear the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""infinite""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" sin of which I have adjudged you all guilty so that I can save you from my own arbitrary caprice lmao
>posts a popular image of anime girls posing as if to "flex" on the rest, when both the subject of the image and "flexing" itself have nothing to do with christianity

>> No.19754364
File: 1.55 MB, 4435x3029, 1636642923294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See my drawing

>> No.19754367
File: 13 KB, 225x225, christcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude I have to manifest myself as a guy who will die on a cross and thereby bear the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""infinite""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" sin of which I have adjudged you all guilty so that I can save you from my own arbitrary caprice lmao
It makes perfect sense to me. Maybe you're just not very good at 80-IQ mental gymnastics.

>> No.19754373
File: 284 KB, 1025x1000, christcuck mental gymnastics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God will torture you for a literal eternity if you don't kiss his ass hard enough
>but he loves you

>> No.19754377
File: 759 KB, 5564x4459, 1637791556493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the thread where we circle jerk each other the fastest to see who could blashpeme against God the most?

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/ you soulless fucks

>> No.19754379


Right, a concatenation of arbitrary stories taken too seriously. At least you had the decency to post an image citing the doctrine of the JWs, who for all their stupidity at least believe in the doctrine of annihilationism, as opposed to eternal torment. But not on account of any moral sense of theirs, but only on account of their autistic pilpul read of the thing. The JWs have a happier view of the afterlife in spite of, and not because of, whatever personal morality they may have.

>> No.19754380

>Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/ you soulless fucks
"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his religion is worthless" (James 1:26)

>> No.19754381

> srsly, Christkikes are the oldfags
Look, what the Christkikes don't get is that we've never taken them seriously. They flocked here from FreeRepublic, GLP, and other boomer haunts in 2016. But their very presence on 4chan, a degenerate anime-porno site, is the mark against their professed dogma, and nothing they can do can change that. Their presence is 10,000 times louder than their words. They're self-refuting. They have no conviction. They don't really believe in living a clean life. We high-IQ fedoras will never see them as anything more than a parody of themselves. The world is leaving Christkikes behind, and it's a pleasure to behold.

>> No.19754385


>Boys, you are about to hazard life and limb so that eighty years hence, man-ladies will walk the streets, negroes will pollute society in every way that it possible to pollute society, and the jew will live. We pray for success, in god's name.


>> No.19754389


God controls both light and darkness. He secretly was the snake too, as well as Adam. The fall of man is God casting himself into his own creation in the form of man. Where Adam is a declension of God, and mankind is a splitting apart and scattering of God and Adam. A universal and perfect consciousness limiting itself, then tearing itself to pieces into multiple forms. Creation, that is the conversion of word into matter, or possibility into moment, or the coversion of the general into the particular, creation could not have been created without the nature of God himself instantiated in it.

>> No.19754391


>> No.19754393


Good man. Around this point they like to claim that they are "going among the sinners" which is a bad faith (heh) cop-out since they're clearly here for giggles and anime like everyone else, maybe the odd bit of masturbation or internet argument.

>> No.19754392
File: 437 KB, 900x2485, Uncovered+dinosaur_68f149_9287922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, . . . for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Revised Standard Version.

The Hebrew word Sheol, which referred to the “abode of the dead,” is translated “hell” in some versions of the Bible.

What does this passage reveal about the condition of the dead? Do they suffer in Sheol in order to atone for their errors?

No, for they “know nothing.” That is why the patriarch Job, when suffering terribly because of a severe illness, begged God: “Protect me in hell [Hebrew, Sheol].” (Job 14:13; Douay-Rheims Version)

What meaning would his request have had if Sheol was a place of eternal torment?

Hell, in the Biblical sense, is simply the common grave of mankind, where all activity has ceased.

Is not this definition of hell more logical and in harmony with Scripture?

What crime, however horrible, could cause a God of love to torture a person endlessly? (1 John 4:8)

>> No.19754395


>could not have been created

completed* fuck

>> No.19754396

>Le ebin redditor tries to pervert scripture against the faithful Christian for the thousandth time

>Look, what the Christkikes don't get is that we've never taken them seriously
That's funny because i've never taken whatever flavor of atheism you are seriously either. In fact all I see is you self fellating and boasting MUH HIGH IQ like every other so called "free thinker". If you were one you would know beyond a reasonable doubt that there's more to this life than what your favorite e-celeb monologues about

>> No.19754399


Tell me more sparkly unicorn stories.

>> No.19754401

>>Le ebin redditor tries to pervert scripture against the faithful Christian for the thousandth time
Why do you think I am an atheist? Calling people soulless fucks and telling them to fuck off is not Christian behaviour. It seems to me that your idea of religion is something that gives you new ways to insult people

>> No.19754404

The OP is a notorious Jehovah's Witness schizophrenic from /his/ who likes to spam weird comics about his religion and never argues in good faith (like all Christians, I suppose). Not worth engaging.

>> No.19754405

>Calling people soulless fucks and telling them to fuck off is not Christian behaviour.
According to someone that mocks it without fear of retaliation? Fuck you. You don't get a fucking say in what is and isn't in relation to God anymore then those faggot and nigger loving priests that preach "muh equality and civil rights" or the pope for that matter.

>> No.19754409


If you drink my cum every day you will live forever

>> No.19754411

Since when did it make sense to post a non literature thread on the board devoted to books and use cartoon whores to advertise your i religion?

>> No.19754413

You are not a Christian. You are a disenfranchised 20-something who feels alienated by society and is resorting to larping as a Christian in order to justify your political beliefs and feel a sense of belonging and identity. You aren't fooling anyone except yourself.

>> No.19754418

Yep, got you covered, senpai, but having trouble finding my "but Jesus spread the light among the dregs and would be having a grand old time on 4chan shitposting, laughing, and dropping slurs too, bruh" copypasta.
warosu /lit/ archive is horribly incomplete.

>> No.19754419

>without fear of retaliation
Like anyone who isn't completely retarded. How fucking stupid do you have to be to be scared of yahweh? The Christian god appeals to a primitive mind or a fear-mongering one, christianity is the "turn off your brain" of religion.

>> No.19754422

I'm more Christian then whatever the fuck you call yourself. That's the funny thing too, people like you always rail about fake Christians that choose and pick what they want to hear but then you do the very same with your spirituality. I follow my relationship with my Creator to a T without disrespecting Him.

>> No.19754421

>seething cliches of the buttmad Christkike trying to punch above his weight in three-digit-IQ territory

>> No.19754423

You can take your big mouth and zip it about my Savior Jesus and my girlfriend Ami.

>> No.19754424

>I can do things that are explicitly stated to be sinful if I'm arguing against non-christians because... because I just can ok???
Nice larp you got going there

>> No.19754425

What is wrong with a “nigger loving” priest, exactly? Saint Moses the Black is an Orthodox Saint, and Moses had an Ethiopian wife. The Ethiopian church is one of the oldest in the world. And “faggots” are no less fallen than yourself. Michelangelo, by all indications, was erotically inclined to males, and yet he was chaste, pious, and extraordinarily gifted.

>> No.19754430

>Like anyone who is missing the part in their brain that differentiates good from bad

>> No.19754433

>you do the very same
That's a lot of projection there.
Your reasoning boils down to "other people do it so I can do it too". The cognitive dissonance is too much. Ten years ago you'd have been a fedora had you not been in elementary school, and ten years from now you'll have jumped on to the newest trend when larping as a pious Christian won't be hip with zoomers anymore. You're a walking meme

>> No.19754434
File: 141 KB, 1200x900, DragQueenStoryHour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong with a “nigger loving” priest, exactly?
Beasts of the field and curse of Ham.

> And “faggots” are no less fallen than yourself.
Wrong again revisionist sodomite. Much, much wrong.

>> No.19754436

Umm, so why are you as a man of claimed conviction enjoying yourself on degenerate 4chan, then? I don't think more than three Muzzies have ever posted to 4chan, yet Christniggers abound here.
inb4 muh sober missionary activity. Not really fooling anyone. You guys derive too much pleasure posting here and trading bants.

>> No.19754438

Taking female sex slaves is good according to the Bible:
>Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man
Numbers 31:17-18

>> No.19754440

Given that yahweh is evil, it is actually those who do distinguish good from bad instead of needing to be told by a semitic book that would reject yahweh's demonic claims to divinity. You accuse others of what you're guilty of, typical

>> No.19754446

>Wrong again revisionist sodomite.
How is it revisionist when the earliest Christian penitentials mandate similar penances for homosexuality as for fornication and adultery?
>Beasts of the field and curse of Ham.
Name one Christian theologian from before 1500 who said this about blacks

>> No.19754447

>Your reasoning boils down to "other people do it so I can do it too".
Thanks for putting words into my post. I'll do the same for you

To me you are the epitome of what's wrong with the modern person. You can't fathom that someone can be sincere in their faith while they adapt to decay of the society around them. Being a nice, neighbour loving, friendly Christian would have worked before in a time long ago when the nation was a homogenous, high trust state. But that's fucking dead and gone and there's no going back to it unless you form pockets of communities in the outskirts but I digress.

>> No.19754453

>you are the epitome of what's wrong with the modern person
kek, again with the projection. Your entire shoddy facade of faith is precisely a typical reaction to modernity. You've made it painfully obvious in this thread that you use faith as an excuse to back up your opinions and nothing more, and you don't even realize that you are an archetype of the modern man.

>> No.19754454

Christianity was literally formed under conditions of poverty and oppression you can’t even fathom. The entire religion is about showing love and forgiveness to people who literally want to torture and kill you. The secularisation of society is not an excuse to start acting like a mean brute

>> No.19754455

> I'm still a Christian. It's just not convenient for me to listen to Jesus right now.
Deep down you don't really believe. It's why you overvalue earthly life / politics and find no consolation in God's plan.

>> No.19754456

Jesus did not claim to be the son of god. That only started much later, after his death.

>> No.19754457

Dharmic religions make more sense than Abrahamic ones and saying otherwise is pure cope.

>> No.19754459

>If you're so good of Faith what are you doing on muh 4chan, gotcha there!
I go where I where I fucking please and I saved many Anons on here and pointed them towards bettering their selves and believing in more

You a kike? Because only kikes follow the old testament, they shaped their torah from it after all.

Because in case you've been blind to the destruction of culture, the revision of great idealists that followed Christianity were secretly homosexual is a popular Trend. Like Newton for instance

>Name one Christian theologian from before 1500 who said this about blacks
The Apostles their selves

>> No.19754460

Are you intentionally trying to be a Gnostic or are you just a pseud atheist working through the logic that led to Gnosticism.

>> No.19754464

> You a kike? Because only kikes follow the old testament
But you believe that God commanded the Israelites to do that, yes?
> The Apostles their selves
The Apostles said blacks were subhuman and cursed? Where?
> the revision of great idealists that followed Christianity were secretly homosexual is a popular Trend.
Irrelevant. I don’t see how that proves that homosexuality constitutes reprobation There are plenty of examples of chaste, traditionalist Christian homosexuals. Evelyn Waugh, for instance

>> No.19754465

You are a heretic.
Your first and foremost duty as a follower of Christ is to love your neighbor.

>> No.19754469

>dude dualism lmao
>yin and yang lmao
>good and evil are the same thing lmao
The single biggest difference between Eastern and Western thought is that East sees good and evil as equals whereas the West sees evil as subordinate to good.

>> No.19754474

The west sees good as subordinate to evil it’s just they can’t always distinguish between the two

>> No.19754476

i only came to this thread because i thought there would be more cute fan art of sailor moon...