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19745970 No.19745970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good pro-elites books which argue against egalitarianism?

>> No.19745994

>You are here

>> No.19746002

The whole of Nietzsches corpus

>> No.19746032

>having power during feudalism

>> No.19746055

Old shit and outdated crackpots


>the power elites never had power
Read something.

>> No.19746075

Nietzsche is an egalitarian? How did you read that into him

>> No.19746095

He’s not pro elites as you understand them to be.

>> No.19746110

Butters, have you read Genealogy of Morals or BGE? For example, he dedicates a whole section ("What is noble?") in BGE to affirm hierarchy. I know youre some anarchist progressivist, but how do you arrive at your position concerning Nietzsche? Do you just ignore 60% of what he says?

>> No.19746131
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>He’s not pro elites as you understand them to be.

>> No.19746136

retard alert

>> No.19746147

Anarchism can be progressive, as in focusing more on reforms than revolution. Whats your problem? Not enough attention?

>> No.19746167

Anarchy is an absence of government. By its very nature it can not be progressive you glue sniffing retard

>> No.19746168

>anarchist progressivist
Uh, the word progressive belongs to liberalism. Anarchists are against liberalism and about stopping it in its tracks (unlike rightwing state-socialists, ML, MaoXi-fascism). I read The Portable, I am allowed to disagree on anything of his and to modify it how I please. This bothers some people no end, but I see his ideas about hierarchies as just evident and permanent features of life. So again, do I have to inform you that anarchism isn’t the elimination of all hierarchies, but rather the challenge to all UNJUSTIFIABLE HIERARCHIES.
And my favorite Nietzschism paraphrased: the Übermensch is a cross between an aristocrat and an anarchist.

>> No.19746170
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>My GMU econ colleague Garett Jones has a book coming out in February: 10% Less Democracy: Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less. I just read it, and found it so engaging that I’ll respond now, even though Jones’ publisher surely prefers book publicity nearer its publication date.

>Regarding to the vast space of possible governments, it seems to me that Jones uses “more democratic” to describe situations closer to a 100% democracy ideal, wherein all citizens have an equal say and can vote directly on all government choices, with government able to control all other choices. In this framing, anything that makes it harder for voters to simply and directly choose the options they understand and prefer makes a system less democratic.

>That includes electing representatives instead of directly voting on policy, and also logrolling, divided government, and other complexities that make it harder for citizens to tell what is going on and to assign responsibility. It includes any limits on who can vote, and any ties to outsiders that limit internal discretion, like treaties with other nations or selling debt to bondholders. And it includes longer terms for the elected, and more indirection, such as when politicians appoint other officials instead of directly electing those other officials.

>By these standards, our current system obviously deviates greatly from a fully democratic ideal, and Jones approves of most of these deviations, especially ones that result in longer term views and in more informed voters and officials. And he’d like to move modestly further in such less-democracy directions, though not too far, as he accepts that strong autocrats tend much more to kill their citizens, allow famines, and create more economic growth volatility (though similar average levels of war and growth). Jones musters a lot of data in support of his modestly-cut-democracy view.

>> No.19746185

Interesting, I do believe in steps to be made, but I can’t call it progressivism, even if it takes on sending people into statist congresses and parliaments to pass laws favorable. That’s just a temporary and mostly ineffectual tactic. It could be tried and show the fence sitting progressives how the state is and how their ideals won’t ever work.

>> No.19746186

>anarchist progressivist

>> No.19746214

What would justify a hierarchy in your eyes? And why would you pick a thinker, who idolizes exploitation and slavery as your idol. Im sure there are other ni maitre ni dieu individualists who would fit your worldview better

>> No.19746237

I have no idols, no gods, no masters, no gurus.
I don’t think Nietzsche makes a case for slavery.

Basic justifiable hierarchies: parent to child, teacher to student, expert to novice. Everything is negotiable.

>> No.19746281
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Egalitarianism is the ideology of the managerial elites.its a strategy based on bioleninism and cultural marxism. the cosmopolitan elites hold power by teaming up with the drecks of society against the majority of normal decent white people. Eventually the goal is to mongrelize and faggotize the population into a single indistinct mass of obese consumer cattle with pink hair who will pose no resistance at all. Marxists and the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc community far from being opposed to the system are. effectively the attack dogs of corporate capitalism.

>> No.19746331

Woah! Yas kween slay! So. Diverse. And. Progressive!

>> No.19746336

You’re not a billionaire

>> No.19746340
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>I have no idols, no gods, no masters, no gurus.
>I don’t think Nietzsche makes a case for slavery.
>Basic justifiable hierarchies: parent to child, teacher to student, expert to novice. Everything is negotiable.

>> No.19746344

He doesnt make an explicit in depth case, but whenever he mentions it, he does so in a favourable light (first that comes to my mind is BGE 239, where he says that slavery is a necessary precondition of every higher culture - remember, that he simped for ancient greece and renaissance).

But isnt that a rosy view, do you really believe that we can just communicate into a just hierarchy? And for example, would you agree with social stratification that is aimed at producing greater people at the expense of simple workers? Would that be a just hierarchy? For example, the surplus value of workers would be channeled into the breeding and cultivating those with higher natural iq and talents.

>> No.19746348

My mistake, the billionaires are 0.000+% of population, yeah you’re not a billionaire but you might make the list as a millionaire

>> No.19746349

It's true Nietzsche was very anti-egalitarian (Butterfly still hasn't learned this) but he certainly wasn't defending the mercantile elite.

>> No.19746360
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>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it.i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop the left. This is cultural marxism this is the future they want for our children. If you are a leftist an anarchist if you support "gay rights" or "trans rights" this is what you are supporting.

>> No.19746377

Leftism is truly the definition of slave morality at its shrillest and most snivelling. I mean at least the old christian clergy tried to keep the child raping discreet and at a respectable level, they were responsible for great literature like dante and the bible, while the new progressive clergy wants to brainwash us into thinking pedophilia is progressive and normal their only culture is shrill corporate propaganda. What have the left and their corporate masters ever done except replace christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair?

>> No.19746402

Anarchism is preferable and open to a lot, though it should be mindful of the consequences of allowing any kind of elitism and accumulative wealth. Wealth in others, our connections, family and filial, are all we really need. We had a variety of ways about us and freely changed as nature and necessity drove us. Prosperity can lead to the highest culture, but we are headed for a crash which will lead to much suffering. Only cohesion and mass understanding can avert it.
No Übermensch comes about by the artificial hierarchies of elitism, ecclesiastical or some fiscal system.

I’ve already addressed this ITT

This is unrelated liberals state shenanigans.

>> No.19746408

>Lemme tell you what I think leftism is
I’m tired of the word.

>> No.19746414

St. Augustine and prophet Mohammad were pedophiles, ancient greeks too, Cicero married an underage girl. Aoc back then was renging from 7 to 13, later cultures kept the same laws of aoc as romans, because they inherited their laws. And thats only taking into account the highest cultures in the history of the West. Pedophilia, hebephilia is as trad as it gets. Because of unequal power relations leftists fear those relations. No prominent leftist would dare to publicly and openly advocate for it. Poltards and cuck christians dont know the history of their own civilization.

>> No.19746416

Arent you a representative of the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc community?

>> No.19746439

>le pedo french petition

Nah they cealry have and likely still do

>> No.19746442

No. I’m an anarchist. I don’t attend parades and when they first came out with this “LGBT” thing (I was a Christian conservative at the time) I internally objected to the trans being lumped in there, as they’re not happy with themselves and the other three wanted to be happy with themselves. I felt it was tone deaf of some straight people in academia. Thoroughly liberal. —I was a progressive for only five or six years.

>> No.19746443

This is a moot conversation since according to the Thema Mundi, false equality will be the ruling idealogy of the age. Meanwhile the elites will correspondingly be more unaccountable and distant from any segment of the population than any aristocrats ever were. If you actually want a true “nobility” or “master race” you will get one, but you must get Fabianism as well

>> No.19746445 [DELETED] 
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>>Lemme tell you what I think leftism is
>I’m tired of the word.

>> No.19746456

Unequivocally based and redpilled

>> No.19746459
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>No. I’m an anarchist. I don’t attend parades and when they first came out with this “LGBT” thing (I was a Christian conservative at the time) I internally objected to the trans being lumped in there, as they’re not happy with themselves and the other three wanted to be happy with themselves. I felt it was tone deaf of some straight people in academia. Thoroughly liberal. —I was a progressive for only five or six years.

>> No.19746471

Im talking about neoliberal age 80's-20's. Frenchies were based in this regard, todays left is cucked.

>> No.19746478

Leftists and anarchists support corporations and the state because their ideology makes no sense and their goals are ultimately just pedophilic in nature. They will mindlessly support anyone who gives them a chance to diddle kids

>> No.19746498
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>anarchists support corporations
No. Ancaps aren’t anarchists. They’re neoclassical liberals with a twist of lemon.
You know nothing about anarchism