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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 703 KB, 2123x1412, Advice please .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19740319 No.19740319 [Reply] [Original]

Never Ever go to /diy here.
I was asking as a young lady about digging a hole ok ,
I got a few nice comments, as that menial men work stuff is not for women , my college Female Professor told me get one of the guys here in class to dig it for you !
I kid you Not a Feminist , Just mind blowing ..WOW !
I then got the usual show boobs or you fake !

Please tell me ,your papas , brothers , uncles and relatives not this Sexist ?
I posted self with shovel ..as here

>> No.19740332

Start with the Greeks

>> No.19740353

I'm just sad really how women will always be seen as sex holes , nothing more or less .

>> No.19740354

Weird bait.
Work out for arm and back strength. Till then soften the difficult soil with water. Stretch and take it slow when you start. Generally not dangerous for younger people as they heal faster if there’s any back injuries.

>> No.19740367
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>> No.19740373

Education of masses of women to be more than worker drones and mainds/babymakers/sex toys is all we need. Too many girls today take the lazy neet way out. Same as males.

>> No.19740391

Start with now.
Work back to the Greeks if you need to.

>> No.19740414

Are you ESL? I can't make sense of what you're trying to say. Or perhaps it's just extremely trite and boring.

>> No.19740454

>T.Guy here
I was asking about more ok, Bet You used to be a mansplaining to me ?
Listen I Totally Understand you and yet even here , posting in whispers here
thats our Uterus dancing on eggshells

I was out and Had To dig this big hole ok
Go /diy ..sad .

>> No.19740474
File: 122 KB, 1158x1158, white-anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, could you please remove your tripcode so that you can communicate with us without being a distraction or giving off an air of superiority? You don't need to us an alias on this board. It isn't like gameFAQs, we simply post here and don't try to become known or gain a reputation like an internet celebrity. A tripcode can be used for single threads where you must be identified to post efficiently (usually in order to help someone), and then you discard the tripcode when you're done with it. A name isn't needed with a tripcode either

>> No.19740479
File: 124 KB, 658x483, 1574545200789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.19740504

Please tell me where my grammar or syntax was wrong ?
Go ahead , do an I will archive Every Post , YOU ARE FAILING !
Proceed B1tch ! (I used the 1 as exchange for the real letter I) to stop oneself being alerted to the Mod as offensive language , now try angry troll..... Hahaha

>> No.19740529

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.19740537

>Bet You used to be a mansplaining to me
No, I just don’t understand what you’re asking.
> our Uterus dancing on eggshells
Not mine, sister. Yes, the whole site is infested with misogynists and misanthropes. I’ve weathered it for years, hoped some got their heads straight with whatever advice I gave. Mot much can be done about it.

>> No.19740551
File: 1.01 MB, 200x200, 27927101082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excuse me, could you please remove your tripcode so that you can communicate with us without being a distraction or giving off an air of superiority? You don't need to us an alias on this board. It isn't like gameFAQs, we simply post here and don't try to become known or gain a reputation like an internet celebrity. A tripcode can be used for single threads where you must be identified to post efficiently (usually in order to help someone), and then you discard the tripcode when you're done with it. A name isn't needed with a tripcode either

>> No.19740581

I didnt ask this Hassle ok
I tried doing Mens Work and got shit on , go figure
I Need to get this away from Portland City Council , I broke ground ???
Papas back yard .. ??
I'm a Published Author ..on KDP,
Getting me through college, please Dont Disrespect ,.. small book writers here ok

>> No.19740625

It was me telling you men can Mans plain ,
How they pathetic talk women as kids ,
DO YOU GET IT NOW BIG TITS ??? < >>19740537
Im leaving groups
Just all Very Hateful and Moot SAID IN STONE /lit /
Not one there would feel lesser than others !
We all cheered him then

>> No.19740636

The thing is, this is an anonymous website, why are you bringing any defining qualities to the discussion? This is why they do it. You're being ridiculous.

>> No.19740718
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19740749

Leave my tits out of this.
> We all cheered him then
Moot? Not me.

/b/ is the anonymous page, you raging retarded pea brain with identity issues. Fuck your troll cult.

>> No.19740777
File: 120 KB, 1400x700, 712354172364891274892364891723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh, it's starting to get angry. Mehdua jk itsu Han Solo whuhhahahhahahah

>> No.19740789

I'm too ugly to be considered a sex hole

>> No.19740825
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>> No.19740826

I taught my wife how to dig a hole and plant some plants this week.

What do you need to know?

>> No.19740865

Funny how I got warned/banned for making a post about philosophy (clearly related to literature) and this person makes a post about digging a hole, fucking 4chan faggot mods

>> No.19740869

4chan mods are fucking cucks a clear woman larp but dont delete cause its a girl and theyre fags

>> No.19740871
File: 162 KB, 1000x1437, 1641606375104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, everyone is allowed to break the rules except you. Your pre-existing rage and resentment is fully justified and this is the proof. No need to change anything in your life.

>> No.19740875

yeah, can you tell me how this thread is literature related? dumbass faggot, posting ass. keep sniffing your own ass

>> No.19740881
File: 23 KB, 544x317, 123561485632489123784612903841234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tranny is picrel yal

>> No.19740891

Link your thread from warosu.
It could be that he simply stepped out for lunch.

>> No.19740900

Lol this reads like the scam emails I receive in my spam folder

>> No.19740903


>> No.19740928

tits or gtfo

>> No.19740935

>a post about philosophy
I was fpbp in that thread
> there's no distinction between saturn, satan and the (((cult))) of cronos
There sure as fuck is. That’s not philosophy, that’s /x/ bait and we don’t normally care if there is a book ranting about it. You will find it welcome on >>>/x/

>> No.19740941
File: 132 KB, 780x580, 8AFF71F6-48DE-4283-935E-7A55C36C34BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blind man

>> No.19740943

yeah I didnt remember the post exactly so i guess "philosophy" wouldnt be the right way to describe it but it still is "philosophy" if you want it to be,
>/x/ bait,
>"start with the greeks"
> a thread about the most important greek deity

>> No.19740956

also, the second greentext you quoted isn't me, not that i agree or disagree.

>> No.19740957

And what about this thread?

>> No.19740963

Yhwh is the great satan. Jesus was the first Mason

>> No.19740967

exactly, I made a thread related to the study of a greek god, clearly philosophy, metaphysics or literature, whatever you want to call it, but people are so fucking gay they make excuses to delete that and not the other faggot threads. "We don't normally care"
Cringe considering this is an anonymous board and you gatekeep "we dont care about this"

And your post doesnt even make sense, "We dont care if there is a book ranting about it"

Inb4 this thread is deleted now cause its not alking about some girl digging a hole anymore

>> No.19740974

How was jesus the first mason, fuck people who post vague shit without elaborating

>> No.19740976

now without the shirt and with a timestamp

>> No.19740997

Wrong board, asshole.

>> No.19741003

no, hes right. and you're a faggot retard.

>> No.19741006

Begin with the Hellenes

>> No.19741008

Why you be bumping dis thread mon.

>> No.19741010

imagine defending a troll post "Im a woman" because youre so fucking cucked, just like i was saying.

>> No.19741093

You seem confused, are you mad that this thread is off-topic or that your off-topic thread got deleted? Because the second I pointed out your underlying problem you immediately deflected.

Stay mad.

>> No.19741166
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 15723803461986418921890247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules for thee. And you wonder why such things like picrel exist?

>> No.19741246

put me on the screencap and post me on ig

>> No.19741934

Just a word of warning: REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.19742062

open bob

>> No.19742077
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1739, B28DE792-7BB6-4251-8455-E357C03321AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakota thread is down, but this is left up?
What does go through the janny and moderator’s minds?

>open bob
Bob Saget?

>> No.19742089

what on earth is going on in this thread

>> No.19742100

That's a spade.

>> No.19742110

>anon calling a shovel a spade
Alright, four-eyes. In English please.

>> No.19742117

t. guy larping as female
not bad though, but still too autistic

>> No.19742135

He’s trying to say it’s a low-key BBC thread

>> No.19742184

only good thread on 4chan

>> No.19742205

I get you OP
One day , I wanted a female feminist to explain photosynthesis and she did not know.
I try to explain the mushroom cycle ,we were in a forest, in simple way.
She then say I am mansplaining !
I was very confused and try to explain myself but I saw owl behind her and say 'look at owl!'
Then the owl fly away and I ask if why she is angry ?
Anyway ,she say I was like a ram.
Not english so might sound confusing.
But I did not understand what she really mean.

Please tell me ,all women not like this ?

>> No.19742500

Hi OP.

You're having a psychotic episode.

Love, schizo anon

>> No.19742591

yeah fuck ya mutha install gentoo and listen to it louder however