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19737615 No.19737615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Define love in 30 words or less.

>> No.19737623

Stick dick in pussy. Dopamine overload. Brain activates mate-bonding. Then you get cuckolded.

>> No.19737628

Love is an abstract concept.
Nobody experiences love through the five senses.
Everybody has a different opinion of it.

I don't believe in it.

>> No.19737629
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>define love

>> No.19737635

>sex + comf

>> No.19737639

Takes it up the butt like a Champ, doesn't try to kiss you after oral but lets you kiss her after oral.

>> No.19737643


An unremarkable phenomenon of atoms concatenating in such-and-such a way.

>> No.19737652

Does it work like this for male gays too?

>> No.19737653

Tears of sadness when they leave.
Tears of joy when they come.
Tears of anguish when they hurt.
Patience when they're gone for good.

>> No.19737658

Love is what allows you to detect when you are no longer loved--even over the phone.

>> No.19737661

lubricant for machines to interact

>> No.19737666

Great to see you guys watched Rick and Morty too XD

>> No.19737671

False concept invented to sell goods and services.

>> No.19737673

Fucking that slut with the horrible blond wig is not love, and settling down with her is called peak idiocy.

>> No.19737684


>> No.19737688

How I feel when I am with my wife

>> No.19737695

Post timestamped wife + gynecological report confirming hymen before wedding

>> No.19737710

wen gf pats my head after topping me with her 11 inch bbc strapon desu

>> No.19737711

Hymn to the Hymen

So long
I hardly
Knew You

>> No.19737716

For me, it arrests my attention and creates a sensation of longing. Be it person, object, or abstract concept— I am unable to tell the difference with love.

>> No.19737722


>> No.19737727

A temporary lapse in judgement.

>> No.19737748

To will for the good of another.

>> No.19737752

Why are you niggers on /lit/ in particular so lemons about love/romance? You fuckers make it all seem like the most despicable thing in the world.

>> No.19737758
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>> No.19737761

The sight of a twink's gaping asshole gives my brain a sweet dopamine seizure.

>> No.19737762

>nobody experiences love through the five senses

Lol virgin detected

>> No.19737764

>the most despicable thing in the world
Love isn't; women are.

>> No.19737766

>LoVe IsN't, wOmEn Are.

>> No.19737767

Kek, pretty much

>> No.19737771

How can there be true love if you can never genuinely experience another person's mind? Telepathy would have to be real for that to happen.

>> No.19737773

Very gay opinion

>> No.19737777

>implying you'd ever go anywhere near women if you could read their minds

>> No.19737779

In all things the other's well-being is first in your mind.

The other can know of your love through your works in the same way that you can trace another person's thought process through theirs.

>> No.19737782

>Women are like, le devil because... well because they just are, OKAY!? >:^(

>> No.19737785
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>>19737777 (Checked)

>> No.19737787

A tool of the Will.

>> No.19737792

It's almost as if... as if the majority of you are incels or closeted homosexuals... hmmmm....

>> No.19737798

Crabs in a bucket syndrome

>> No.19737810

thot post; did not read

>> No.19737819

Yes the emotion that you perceive as her love is actually being generated by oneself, not by her, so at most it is but a simulacrum that the self generates on the assumption that they are loved by a particular other. It would not be a simulacrum if somehow the other's mind could enter directly into one's own mind and self generate itself there in the form of an emotion that is an exact replica of the emotion felt by that other. Only telepathy purportedly allows for this.

>> No.19737827

Yeah everyone is alone dumbass. They can still know OF your love if they cannot know the actual sensation.

>> No.19737830

Only for Chad.

>> No.19737852

Women can only love their children, and even that isn’t always the case. Towards Chad, they have primal vaginal infatuation. Beta male is just a pathetic useful provider in their eyes.

>> No.19737863

Except that there are so many people that are fooled by false love. In any case, if a thought identical with an other's thought can be telepathically inserted into oneself, then the same should apply for another's emotional state as well. In which case, the thought or emotion in question becomes truly shared and the other's mind has become part of one's own. If thought is a sort of energetic resonance, albeit a literally invisible one, then thought could leave energetic resonance "trails," as it were, which would constitute the closest thing possible to the union of two minds.

>> No.19737867

lit is so shit lately.

>> No.19737869

Yes, that's the common assumption.

>> No.19737875

What the FUCK is wrong with that bitch's nose?

>> No.19737884

>that video
Is she making fun of mentally handicapped people or is she one?

>> No.19737948

They overwhelmingly mistake lust for love, their happy feelings for a spirituality.

>> No.19737966
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>> No.19738065

Yeah, but that can be reduced to chemicals in your brain, evolutionary biology, etc. Humans evolved to procreate mainly, our brain chemistry is a huge reflection of that. Generally statistics say the same thing, only 3% of mammals are monogamous. That's why we have a 60% divorce rate in the United States

Look, you can believe in whatever concept you want, but the word "love" will never be a completely concrete word. I don't doubt you found someone that makes you feel good, that's wonderful. I just don't personally believe it's a real, tangible, lasting thing

It's nice on paper, but anything looks good when you don't weigh pros and cons from reality

>> No.19738078

I like that

>> No.19738079

Also, this is cringy shit to say. There are "despicable" people from both genders, it doesn't matter. I've met just as many self-centered ego aggrandizing pricks as I have bitchy stuck up women

>> No.19738082


>> No.19738101

>only 3% of mammals are monogamous.
And artificial monogamy though religions and others permitted to achieve better social cohesion, which lead to progress.

Polygamous societies were always behind in the long run and are relevants today only for states having oils.

>> No.19738111

That's great for you then man. If you can hide it behind religion and delude yourself into a messy divorce and kids who hate you for fucking them up, be my guest. There's nobody stopping you.

I'm not an antinatalist either, I guess you can't have this both ways though. What's your end goal if it's not that?

>> No.19738172

>That's why we have a 60% divorce rate in the United States

kek, fucking retarded zoomer

>> No.19738194

>only 3% of mammals are monogamous
And only 0.0000001% of mammals invented internet, retard

>> No.19738198

Love in a way feels like the opposite of loneliness, when you really feel love you can sense you're almost a complete being. Even if you still recognize the void of chaos implicit in existence, you're not as much afraid of it as before.

>> No.19738218


>> No.19738248

People cannot describe or feel love anymore because all the elements that could make you truly fall in love with a woman have been obliterated by godlessness and nihilism. And before then there was a time where women held a vestige of these things within themselves and falling in love with them was true but deluded. So this chain was completely broken eventually. Men forgot how to love and women forgot how to be lovable. All that is left is whores and whoregoers.

>> No.19738253

That wholeness I feel from being with my wife and knowing she feels the same thing when she is with me

>> No.19738258


Based and Aquinas pilled.

>> No.19738302

it is what I feel for women with dicks

>> No.19738307

>Women can only love their children
only if their child is a chad, otherwise they will try to undermine him or straight up treat them like thrash

>> No.19738319

>Define a quale
Not possible.

>> No.19738328

Divorce rate is due to a lack of responsibility in relationships. It’s a social issue, not a biological one.

>> No.19738350

>social issue
It is driven by instincts, which are driven by genes and hormones, which are driven by biology

>> No.19738358


How do you figure?

>> No.19738359


>> No.19738374

Black and white thinking
We do though? 50-60% last time I checked. Feel free to post a source, otherwise you're still in a fantasy land.
>lack of responsibility
This isn't going to change. Even with religion you're not going to change any of it. Human condition. Cognitive self-serving bias and wishful thinking.
You will end up as a statistic and wonder how it happened

>> No.19738385

ok retard

>> No.19738389

>Black and white thinking
hes literally just using your own reasoning

>> No.19738399

You are not as informed or intelligent as you think you are. Your limited understanding of biology and behavioralism are not an explanation of the phenomenon you are trying(and failing) to explain.

>> No.19738408

Look around you. The morons on /pol/ complain about degeneracy caused by the decay of society, no you idiot, that's always been the case
You could always prove me wrong instead of calling me uninformed. Isn't that the point of a conversation? Because maybe we'd see eye-to-eye or learn something.

>> No.19738413

Nice one.
Checked and keked

>> No.19738415


>> No.19738424

It’s what happens to young, uninformed, newlyweds who go into the relationship without realizing that it’s going to be a rocky road that will require tremendous effort from both parties to stay afloat.

I’d argue that 50-60% of people get married thinking that all of their troubles will be over once they do, and so they begin to neglect each other’s needs and the marriage falls apart.

>> No.19738428
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>> No.19738461

Love is infatuation as an adult

>> No.19738489

Love requires an element of risk in that regard

>> No.19738549

Mutual self-giving.

>> No.19738566

She is cute and i would enjoy watching more videos of her being stupid

>> No.19738572
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>> No.19738636
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>> No.19738649

What a USELESS whore

>> No.19738652

Have sex, Ligotti

>> No.19738657

I played footsies with a girl under the table and I got a full-on erection

>> No.19738676

>We do though? 50-60% last time I checked. Feel free to post a source, otherwise you're still in a fantasy land.

The joke is you positing that increasing divorce rates are due to some kind of static human nature you do not understand and not changing values in regards to the institution of marriage and pre-marital sex(and introduction of widespread contraceptives and other forms of birth control like abortion). Number 1 predictor of marital success and faithfulness is previous number of sexual partners, number 2 is age at relationship start.

>> No.19738742

I had a gf like this in hs and it was great

>> No.19738760

Fuck off slut, show us the boobies or go back

>> No.19738768

Men should only love virgin females

>> No.19738770

Being a homo is superior to being hetero only for that reason. A majority of women are undeserving of love while a majority of men are. All the best writers are men, the of the best are gay. If you’re a roastie kys. Do the same if you’re a man because you’re obviously a dumb pussy.

>> No.19738783

>no arguments
ok retards

>> No.19738816

Love is living with that feeling you have when you fall on your bed, exhausted, and for a brief moment forget how serious it all is and you remember the last time when you really had no care in the world, being tucked in by your mom, a goodnight's kiss to put your soul, your whole being at ease, when you felt a primal trust and when you truly felt un-alone for the last time, sort of.
But then you lose it all because love is living, dancing on the edge of a blade and when you slip, and you will slip, or they will slip, you will really know what being alone really feels like and you look back at what you thought 'alone' meant and you wish for that time again.

>> No.19738976

Love is old, love is new
Love is all, love is you

>> No.19739029

A resigned horniness of the soul

>> No.19739045

>erotic love

>> No.19739060

When I posted “how do you figure” I meant for you to elaborate on what I think needs further explanation in order to provide an argument. Please apply yourself before posting.

>> No.19739096

lmao, look how many trannies and femoids this based post brought out

>> No.19739136

I think this board consistently over counts "trannies."

>> No.19739157

Love is when you put someone else before yourself, be it romantic or platonic. A man can love a woman or his comrades or his country or his god.

>> No.19739220

Which Henry Miller book is this from

>> No.19739230
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The all-encompassing desire to achieve the best for someone to the point of triggering the psychological defense mechanism of expanding the space of self-identity around them.

>> No.19739258

Please tell me somebody has more of this painted-up whore? I desire to imagine my seed flowing endlessly through her fertile womb until all eggs are exhausted in pursuit of my evolutionary necessities.

>> No.19739326

Shouldn't those poor children be even more fucked up by ma and pa fucking left and right?

>> No.19739366

Lmao same
t. virgin

>> No.19739405

Go back to wattpad.

>> No.19739514

Never been. Will they pay me for smut?

>> No.19739537

This is a woman, right?

>> No.19739556
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something that a 31yo virgin like myself will never know

>> No.19739627


>> No.19739642

Love is always yours. You’re free to feel it anytime you want.
Get this straight and maybe returned affections can come your way.

>> No.19740101
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It is that special grounding feeling of having your entire being truly known, understood, and embraced.

>> No.19740128
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Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver
É ferida que dói e não se sente
É um contentamento descontente
É dor que desatina sem doer.

>> No.19740173

Can anyone actually refute the idea that love is just the the bestial desire to put peepee in vagina?

>> No.19740306

I love my children without doing anything of the sort

>> No.19740432

What is remarkable to you, enlightened materialist?

>> No.19740485

What you describe here is sexual desire. What the word eros has come to mean. Though it was once just the love of man and woman in general. Love of friends, family and world are loves not involving sex. Your lack of consideration for the many splendors of love is bestial.
Get well soon.

>> No.19740491

Legos and trains

>> No.19740499

Love is when you stop seeing your partner as an object for your sexual desire.

>> No.19740514

Well just imagine love to be many high speed trains converging on a giant palatial Lego station we call the heart

>> No.19740518

Love is guilt in neon and candy.