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19727203 No.19727203 [Reply] [Original]

Did you read Roald Dahl as a child?

>> No.19727207


>> No.19727212

Sadly not.
I somewhat like my tortured, worn-out look though.

>> No.19727283

of course. the witches was my favorite. it was so fucked up.

>> No.19727347
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>> No.19727390

I still do

>> No.19727442

so damn fine looking that guy was

>> No.19727456

relentlessly handsome.
Who's that?

>> No.19727457

He didn't have ugly thoughts. He was too morally and intellectually defective to conceive of the ugliness of his actions.

>> No.19727460

Nick Land

>> No.19727465

Based physiognomist

>> No.19728703

Theodore Roosevelt Bundy

>> No.19728717

No he definitely thought about raping women and strangling them and raping their dead bodies and cutting their heads off and masturbating with the heads constantly.

>> No.19728859

The rational explanation is that these aren't evil thoughts

>> No.19728893


>> No.19729022

No it is you who are wrong senpai

>> No.19729054

Yes but those are bad thoughts for the normal normal people, not for psychopaths like him who see it as pleasure

>> No.19729229

No one ever mentioned the word evil. They are ugly thoughts alright, just like El Paso shooter who thought about shooting people.

>> No.19729370

the guy on the bottom is very ugly, and frankly looks like he smells bad too. he's smiling though and seems like he might be a pleasant uber driver, but he's definitely ugly

>> No.19729959

reading comprehension of a 9 year old

>> No.19730306


>> No.19730315

but his face is beaming and he looks like he'd be fun to be around

>> No.19730504
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>mfw I start hating niggers but with a positive mindset

>> No.19730554

He's still hideous.

>> No.19730617
File: 176 KB, 385x312, buymybook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the fuck out of light in the attic and another one I don't remember

>> No.19730639

the part where a witch tries to coax the boy out of the tree scared the shit out of me as a kid. had to put the book in another room to help me get to sleep better.

>> No.19730680

Apart from the massive unibrow, missing tooth and bald head bottom right isn't actually ugly at all. Without these superficialities he'd mog top right easily, regardless of expression. Dishonest pic.

>> No.19730704

I still don't understand why that el paso guy chose to post such a horrible picture of himself online.

>> No.19730936

wearing glass while while having RBF while being thin is la good way to get automatically ostracized now

>> No.19731247

Shooting up walmart doesn't help either.

>> No.19731950
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Guy on the bottom looks like a better version of Stav

>> No.19732687

rip bill withers

>> No.19732738

It literally doesn't matter. There will always be a hysterical tranny with too much time on his hands who'll look at every single frame in existence that depicts you, find the one where you look like an incel, and shoop the picture to make you whiter and frownier if necessary. It's not a matter of whether or not you look like an incel shooter strawman, it's a matter of when: when is it that a raging tranny who mistakenly saw his own reflection in the toilet water that morning will look at you and choose you as the enemy, the incel, the generic white person with glasses and a neutral expression who happens to look straight at the camera that he identifies with everything evil in his deranged brain.

>> No.19732921

Yes but those were thoughts of an aesthetic nature, pleasant and holy to him.
Compare that to someone who ruminates on their bitterness and powerlessness.

>> No.19734292

Yeah :(

>> No.19734394

He's wrong. People justify the actions of beautiful people and vilify the ugly for minor transgressions.

>> No.19734425

I should have taken this into account before reading Sartre. After reading The Nausea, I made a principle out of only reading attractiveness authors, and ignoring frogs poorly disguised as people.

>> No.19736294


>> No.19736856
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>> No.19736991

His smile is contagious

>> No.19737017

I have some pretty distinct memories of reading the Witches while I was at a science fair as a kid, waiting for my project to get looked at.

>> No.19737050


but to him they were lovely thoughts that shined out of him like sun beams