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1971848 No.1971848 [Reply] [Original]

i know we always have a FAV FILM thread
but let's get a more general one foing

Fav Book
Fav Album
Fav Movie

hard mode: make massively exaggerated generalisations about other posters because we like to be mean.

.gif unrelated but made to catch attention

>> No.1971864

Fav Book: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
Fav Album: Controller by Misery Signals
Fav Movie: Vanilla Sky

"Hey look, I'm OP, I'm one of those millions of fagots who post about favorite shits but I don't say what mine are because I suck big floppy wieners."

>> No.1971865

It changes quite a lot, but at this moment in time...

Book: Infinite Jest (Haters gonna hate)
Album: The King of Limbs
Movie: Lost In Translation

inb4 I have the worst taste ever, I'm aware how bad it is, let me wallow in it

>> No.1971875

>Favorite Book
...I don't have one.

>Favorite Movie
...I don't have one.

>Favorite album
...I don't have one.

>> No.1971884

i didn't want to post right away and just get called out on my taste
but here goes

the dice man

Kid A

Fermat's Room

did you watch Radiohead's basement sessions of the King of Limbs? Really made me like the album more (found it disappointing at first)

>> No.1971897
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Fav Book: Twilight
Fav Album: Twilight
Fav Movie: Twilight

Twilight goes in all fields, including tripcode.

>> No.1971906

I did yeah, gave me a whole new appreciation for it. All the stuff they've done to back it up since it came out, Supercollider/Butcher, The Daily Mail and Staircase have made me really like the album. I still reckon they should have waited and made more of an event about it though

>> No.1971913

Fav Book
>Hamlet (shut up)
Fav Album
>Rubber Soul
Fav Movie
>Silence of the Lambs

>> No.1972482

Fav book:
Erm.... The Iliad. Martin Hammond translation.
Fav album:
Altered: Second Movements - Solar Fields.
Fav movie:
Blade Runner: Final Cut.

>> No.1972487

why is she putting her pants on backwards

women are so weird

>> No.1972488

I went to my buddy's house recently and was looking through her CDs, there were the OSTs from two of the movies that she claimed were her moms.

>> No.1972489

Favorite Book: Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
Favorite Album: We're Only in it for the Money by Frank Zappa
Favorite Movie: Eraserhead by David Lynch

>> No.1972496

>book-Deathbird Stories, or Chariots of the Gods
>album-Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
>film-Clerks, or the Big Lebowski

>> No.1972500

Invitation to a Beheading
Blemish by David Sylvian
Synecdoche, New York

>> No.1972501

Fav Book: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Fav Album: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutal Milk Hotel
Fav Film: The Human Condition by Masaki Kobayashi

>> No.1972502

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
The Moon & Antarctica by Modest Mouse
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.1972505

Try hard

>> No.1972507

Hahaha. I was expecting that reaction.

>> No.1972520

Book:The Old Man and The Sea (Entry level I know, but nothing else has affected me as deeply)

Album:Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde

Movie:American Beauty

>> No.1972524

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Solo Piano - Philip Glass
Dr. Strangelove

>> No.1972525
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Dat ass.

Fav Book: One Hundred Years of Solitude. May not be high brow, but fuck.
Fav Album: This differs a lot, but at the moment the Wugazi - 13 Chambers. Wu Tang Clang and Fugazi mash up hnnnng~
Fav Movie: The Royal Tenenbaums

>> No.1972527
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Fav Book: James Joyce - The Dead
Fav Album: Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Fav Movie: Terrence Malick - The Tree of Life

>> No.1972531

You graduated from being a teenage sci-fi geek by becoming a PRETENTIOUS sci-fi geek.

Thom Yorke saw you in the Sainsbury's on Cowley Road, and he couldn't help laughing. It's those trainers you're wearing.

Your parents are religious and one of them is mentally ill.

When people ask about your favorite book or album, you always pick the most uncontroversial recent classics you can think of.

Read the Fitzgerald translation instead. Deckard is a replicant.

If you had said Trout Mask Replica and Mulholland Drive, I'd be fellating you right now.

Delete "Clerks", delete "Chariots of the Gods"---congratulations! You just turned 18!

Ooh, an aesthete. And probably doing a degree in drama at Sheffield.

Those choices are actually quite sweet, and I'm being nice to you because I think you're a girl.

You have a good sense of humor, and you've probably masturbated at least once to a trap thread on /b/.

>> No.1972534

Favorite Book: The Cossacks by Leo Tolstoy
Favorite Album: Before The Frost...Until The Freeze by The Black Crowes
Favorite Movie: I'm not sure. I mostly watch music documentaries. I have watched Brief Interviews with Hideous Men a few times more times than anything else.

>> No.1972536
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>Those choices are actually quite sweet, and I'm being nice to you because I think you're a girl.


>> No.1972537

>Fitzgerald translation.
That guy here. I enjoy many different translations of The Iliad but I find Hammond's most gentle on the eye.

>> No.1972543
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Favorite Book: Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
Favorite Album: Songs From the Big Chair by Tears for Fears
Favorite Movie: Meet Joe Black

>> No.1972544

buk: les miserables
moovee: 2001
albumm: marcy playground

>> No.1972546

Also no comment on the music? I'm distraught.

>> No.1972548

Book: William Gibson - Virtual Light
Album: Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Movie: Kamikaze Girls

>> No.1972550

Okay. This is important. Watch American Beauty again. You know the scene where Colonel Fitts thinks Ricky is fellating Lester in the garage? Don't you think that's a little, y'know, tacky to be the catalyst that sets a tragedy in motion?

Now watch it again. Notice that the movie opens intending to make you believe that Jane and Ricky are going to murder Lester. In fact, they said so on tape. The original film ended with a long trial scene. To his eternal credit, Sam Mendes (who knows how to hire a cinematographer) realized that if you just cut it off mid-plot it makes a better movie.

Why? Because as a foreigner, he realized that a lot of American classics do this----i.e., The Great Gatsby or Huck Finn. They begin as snarky satire on American manners, and end with a blurry religio-lyric vision.

By this time you've watched American Beauty three times, and it should no longer be your favorite film now. Go watch Short Cuts or Nashville instead, and make one of them your new favorite movie. If that's too retro, then Magnolia is also permissible.

>> No.1972551

>Breakfast of Champions
>Synecdoche NY
>OK Rainbows

>> No.1972554

Weirdly, I lost my virginity to that album. Specifially to the Metamorphoses for Piano.

The Bell Jar and Dr Strangelove are each a little past their sell-by date. Maybe start saying your favorite novel is "Chocolates for Breakfast" by Pamela Moore, and your favorite film is "Wag the Dog".

>> No.1972555

>Short Cuts.

Jesus Christ, that film is fucking awful.

>> No.1972556

House of Leaves
Acrobatic Tenement or Surfer Rosa
In Bruges

I make no apologies

>> No.1972567

That's a trick question. You don't have a middle name.
Have you ever heard Kiki and Herb do their Wu Tang cover?

That was sophisticated trolling. Tree of Life is not your favorite movie. It can't be. You're confusing it with Yentl.

From those choices, I somehow have the impression that you're actually kinda hot, and definitely smoke weed. I would love to take too much ecstasy with you and make out while we watch "Dig".

Pointman----are you high? Meet Joe Black? If you're a diehard Brad Pitt fan, you can prove your devotion by saying "7 Years in Tibet". If you're a necrophile, then how about Dead-Alive?

The people who sang "I smell sex and candy"? Now I'm worried you fap to that picture of the starving waif on the Les Miz poster.

You have done cybersexual roleplay where either you or your partner pretended to be the Singularity.

Another vote for Synecdoche, New York? Either that or we're being trolled by Jenny Boylan, who wants to mock her former roommate.

>> No.1972570

Pauline Kael agreed with you, so you're in good company. But did you LIKE American Beauty and hate Short Cuts? Recommendations are tailored to the person who's receiving them.

>> No.1972572

The Brothers Karamazov
The National - Boxer
As for movies I don't know, I guess American History X is decent

>> No.1972574

Surfer Rosa is better.

>> No.1972577

Upon further consideration, I would have to disagree. I think Acrobatic Tenement is better. But hey, they are both two of the greatest albums ever made.

Maybe if you count the Surfer Rosa + Come On Pilgrim reissue, I'll give it the slight edge.

>> No.1972580
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Would "Seven" be okay?

Seven was good!

>> No.1972581

I suck at choosing my favourites. Come at me, bros...
Book: Villains by Necessity, Eve Forward.
Film: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.
Album: undecided. Maybe By the Way.

>> No.1972582

I just feel more confident making judgments about the Pixies since they are defunct. So getting people to appreciate them is like getting people to appreciate James Joyce or something. I don't trust Frank Black to curate his own post-Pixies reputation.

>> No.1972583

As an alternative that hasn't been mentioned, Inland Empire.

>> No.1972586

Book: Naked Lunch
Album: Primary Colors by The Horrors
Movie: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

>> No.1972587

Seven is a WAY better film than Meet Joe Black.

If you can ignore all those scenes where the rain machine is turned up to monsoon but you can still see the California sunshine coming through the windows.

>> No.1972588

Blood Meridian
Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home (Angels of Light)

>> No.1972589

I'm not the faggot who has American Beauty for a favourite movie. What am I, 12 years old?

Anyway, your inability to accept the faulty blowjob scene in AB as a valid and integral culmination of the plot line says more about your own uneasiness toward it than the actual function it has in the film. "Oh, God. It does look like that Fitz kid is blowing him. This is tacky. I don't want to see this."

Nevermind the fact that his father is watching, and probably has an undeniable hard-on. Let's not deal with human things like that, please, hmm?

>> No.1972592

Huh? I never mentioned his solo stuff. Acrobatic tenement is by At the Drive-in, a long defunct band.

As far as his solo stuff goes, its pretty good, still better than most music, but a far cry from the Pixies. Surfer Rosa and Doolittle really are milestones in moden music though. I don't think any band has done so much with such a simple style.

>> No.1972593
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I'm just glad there wasn't any comment to be made on Tears for Fears.

I honestly thought I might get chided for liking them, but they are so good.

>> No.1972598


I didn't mean to offend. I'm more curious about WHY you picked that film. It's 3 hours long!

>> No.1972599

>Trout Mask Replica
I do have it on vinyl
>Mulholland Drive
I prefer Blue Velvet.

>> No.1972602

Book: Cop Hater
Album: Planet Rock
Movie: Beavis and Butt-Head Do America

>> No.1972603

>Anyway, your inability to accept the faulty blowjob scene in AB as a valid and integral culmination of the plot line says more about your own uneasiness toward it

Uh no. It doesn't make me uneasy. It just reminds me that Alan Ball was a sit-com writer when he wrote American Beauty. Annette Bening's character is based on his former employer.

And the mistaken blowjob scene just struck me as, like, bad sitcom writing. It's like if Mr Roper mistakenly thought he saw Jack blowing Larry on "Three's Company".

>> No.1972605
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Uh, it is slow but I think it's the message as a whole + Hopkins and Pitt as an acting combo.

I didn't like the woman...AT ALL. I found her whole adoration for Joe to be kind of fruitless but the relationship at times between Hopkins and Pitt just made the movie nice.

>> No.1972607

>>1972599 again
But I must mention one more thing. You're trying too hard by saying Trout Mask Replica because it is nowhere near as good as Money, and Mulholland Drive is also not even close to David Lynch's best movie.

>> No.1972608


Oh, okay. In that case, I am sorry I mocked you for choosing it, Pointman. And instead I will ask: have you read the original Italian drama it's based on?


Check it out. :D

>> No.1972610

>You're trying too hard by saying Trout Mask Replica because it is nowhere near as good as Money,

Yeah, but when I get stoned I frequently start chanting "Neon Meate Dream Of A Octafish" like it's Richard Burton reciting Under Milk Wood. Which is the highly scientific basis upon which I would select it as my favorite.

>and Mulholland Drive is also not even close to David Lynch's best movie.

Blue Velvet is his best movie. However, I'd argue that Mulholland Drive is his most /lit/ movie: it allows informed fans to have really intelligent idea-driven conversations about how it works. Blue Velvet kinda doesn't. If that makes sense.

>> No.1972611

What the fuck are you even talking about? It's not played for laughs, and it is not extraneous. It is a crucial scene deeply ingrained into the fabric of the whole.

You seem to think it's far-fetched, and maybe what Col. Fitz sees is too ideal for reality, but that is how fiction works. At any rate, people see what they want to see, and even if AB played out that his dad saw Ricky go over there then come back in 20 minutes, well, that would have served the plot just as well. That's more than enough evidence for someone like Col. Fitz, but the spectator needs more, usually.

In summation, I'm gonna have to ask you to deal with it.

>> No.1972613

>It is a crucial scene deeply ingrained into the fabric of the whole.

Which still doesn't disguise the fact that Sam Mendes could cut the last 30 pages of the screenplay, and nobody---including yourself, apparently---noticed.

>> No.1972614

I'd still say Eraserhead is his most /lit/ movie. I mean heck it has the same effect as reading a story by Franz Kafka.

>> No.1972615

>Have you ever heard Kiki and Herb do their Wu Tang cover?

Nope, but then Kiki and Herb don't really interest me much, I may look it out some time though.

>> No.1972618
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POINTMAN. I finished Journey to the Center of the Earth a while ago.

>> No.1972621

>What the fuck are you even talking about? It's not played for laughs, and it is not extraneous. It is a crucial scene deeply ingrained into the fabric of the whole

And that's the problem. It's not played for laughs when, up until that point, most of the script has been played for broad comedy. ("Fuck me, your majesty!" "You're so busted!" "Jane not home" etc etc).

Then we get a scene which, in its basic contours, might have been taken from an episode of Benny Hill. And it is played for all the pious high-minded Alan Ball sanctimony that Conrad Hall can backlight.

>> No.1972622

Fav Book: Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
Fav Album: Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Fav Movie: City of God

>> No.1972627 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 224x199, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

book: the sun also rises
album: fevers and mirrors by bright eyes
movie: the assassination of jesse james

>> No.1972630

What's that GIF from?

>> No.1972631


True. But what Mulholland Drive has on top of Eraserhead is knowing that it's a movie, and being about movies and what they do.

I know some people are allergic to the "meta", though. I respect Eraserhead as a choice.

Inland Empire, though, honestly bored me.

The Straight Story however is so beautiful. Whoever was going on about Tree of Life should watch The Straight Story.

>> No.1972636

If you're talking about cutting out the trail--everyone knows this, man. It's not like you're privy to information about American Beauty that nobody else is. Honestly, the ending plays too much like a "whodunit" for my taste, with Carol walking in the rain with a gun and all, but so fucking what? That has nothing to so with the scene you find so sitcommy or hokey or whatever dumb idea you've got.

>> No.1972638


Dortmund Quartet 1976


>> No.1972640


Oh, fantastic!

How'd you take to it? Any favorite characters/parts?

I saw you mention the part where the narrator gets lost.

>> No.1972644

>The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Why is this your favorite?

>> No.1972645


Looks interesting...and in book form!

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.1972646

will any of you guys cop to just not giving a fuck about one popular artform or another? the biggest book nerd i know is a little bit of a music obsessive but her favorite movies are like, step brothers and mean girls

>> No.1972657

The part where he gets lost is my favorite part. It was really intense, I'm probably gonna ruminate on the idea of such a fate for a long time.

Hans is my favorite character because I find him endearing in his steadfastness, but absolutely creepy for how calm he was about everything. How about you?

>> No.1972658

Yeah sure. I'll cop to that.

My favorite film is either Viridiana or The Exterminating Angel by Buñuel, and my favorite book is probably Pale Fire or Ulysses, or possibly The Sacred Fount by Henry James.

Whereas my favorite album, this month anyway, is The Dalton Warblers. Particularly their rendition of "Bills, Bills, Bills."

>> No.1972660

No. I am a sad lonely fuck whose only pleasure is the excessive consumption of 'artistic forms'.

>> No.1972671


>The Godfather
>Beethoven's ninth symphony

umad? I'm untouchable. u so mad

>> No.1972673
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I hated Axel most of the book because, my god, you'd think through all his troubles and what not he'd become a tougher man but not really. I mean he kind of gets over it but meh.

Though, I'll agree and I think you're talking about when Axel gets lost, it's really eerie. I think what ADDS to it is that he's just such a wimp, so he sees and describes everything in such a terrifying/dramatic fashion.

I personally found the Professor to be a hilariously neurotic character, as he just never stops being who he is. The map, the craters, the god-damn hole - he's like "oh geez, never give up adedede."

The best part is arguably the part when they see the huge human or when they get saved by Hans. Both are dramatic in their own way.

Hopefully though this leads you to other Verne novels - he's really a "I like him" or "I don't like him" kind of author.

>> No.1972674

You mean boring.

"What are the most critically acclaimed works of art? Okay those are my favorites"

>> No.1972677

Do you guys have a source on OP's image?

>> No.1972678

That's why he's untouchable. Only on 4chan can you disagree with critical acclaim.

>> No.1972683

>the godfather
Such a pleb film. Try again after you watch some Brakhage, Tarkovsky or Weerasethakul.

>> No.1972686

Counting plays as books? Tamburlaine the Great.
Not? The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.

Arcade Fire - Funeral

The Royal Tenenbaums

>> No.1972691

>Try again after you watch some Brakhage, Tarkovsky or Weerasethakul.

The kind of person who says this is also the kind of person who suggests to his fat girlfriend that they do "Dogville" roleplay in the bedroom, but this time HE wants to be Nicole Kidman, and she can be Lars von Trier.

>> No.1972697


you fucking cannes faggot cock-boy, I'm going to strangle you


just joshing you. would never befriend anyone who lined up all the classics as their favs, that only tells me that they don't care and that they're too scared to have an opinion.

>> No.1972698

Book- I think it's probably Lolita, if on a winters night a traveller, brideshead revisited, or the collector. I do prefer my books to be reasonably short.
Album- Aim and ignite, Hospice, Phrazes for the young. All at once - airborne toxic event.
Movie- Ferris buellers day off, v for vendetta.

>> No.1972706

Axel made me lol because he was constantly complaining and yet he went along with everything. I also found it sweet but somewhat comical whenever he would pine for his girl.

The professor is a really strong and entertaining character. He would be my favorite if not for the mystery that is Hans.

The part with the giant in the forest is runner-up for my favorite part. I also liked Axel's dream about the ape

My library's got a bunch of his novels, but none of them are in French, so to read it that way I'd have to use the computer (I'm awful at french anyhow). I took a look at The Mysterious Island, i may read that one next if it's not too important that i read Twenty Thousand Leagues first

>> No.1972710


Reassure me you are not a furry with severe OCD.

>> No.1972711


I don't think it'd be too much of a problem.

>> No.1972713

Book - Watership Down by Richard Adamsor. that or maybe Ada by Nabokov
Album - Solo Piano - Philip Glass
Movie - Gattaca

>> No.1972715

What's wrong with Watership Down?

>> No.1972720


Reassure me you're not a faggot.

>> No.1972721

I don't have favorites, so I'll just drop my current top picks:

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Prometheus Unbound by Percy Shelley
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham

Pomegranate by Astronautalis
It's Not Me, It's You by Lily Allen
Closer by Joy Division

Requiem for a Dream
Importance of Being Earnest (1952)
In Bruges
The Departed

>> No.1972724

was that directed at me (>>1972713) by any chance? If so then i'm not really sure what to say, I honestly thought I would hate the book when a friend gave it to me but it actually ended up be really entertaining and I have reread it a few times over the years.

>> No.1972727

>The Royal Tenenbaums

uh oh

>> No.1972729

Have you read any other Richard Adams books?

>> No.1972738

Book - Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Album - Asylum Agenda by Foreign Beggars
Movie - Fight Club

>> No.1972742

No, though I have been meaning to read Tales from Watership Down.

>> No.1972864

Source on OP's image?

>> No.1972894


>> No.1972903

Fav Book
>The Master & Margarita by Bulgakov
Fav Album
>Either/Or by Elliott Smith
Fav Movie
>Before Sunrise by Linklater

>> No.1972953

> Fav Book
South Of The Border, West Of The Sun - Murukami
> Fav Album
Phantogram - Eyelid Moves, Weezer - Pinkerton, The Hold Steady - Separation Sunday
> Fav Movie
Requiem For A Dream
[ I know it's massively overrated, but it holds a special place in my heart. ]
> Fav Anime
> Fav Graphic Novel

>> No.1972958

Favorite Book: The 120 Days of Sodom
Favorite Album: ABBA
Favorite Movie: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

>> No.1972961

blood meridian
groundhog day
army of the pharaohs - ritual of battle

>> No.1972966

>Favorite book
The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

>Favorite album
Images and Words by Dream Theater

>Favorite movie
The Shawshank Redemption

>> No.1973225
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So many people in this thread are African Americans who work for me on a large plantation.

>> No.1973243

Fave book: I dunno, probably The Dark Tower series counted as one book because it's 12 A.M. and I haven't slept in 20 hours so fuck you.
Fav album: Right now it's The Devin Townsend Project-Deconstruction but that'll probably change before too long
Fav movie: Fuck this, I'm out. Won six Academy Awards and an Emmy and even a Grammy. The film itself did that last one, not the soundtrack. Don't ask me how, I wasn't there.

>> No.1973344

Favorite Book:
>>The Stranger by Albert Camus

Favorite Album:
>>Recently: People Who Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World by Andrew Jackson Jihad
>>Typical answer: Bee Thousand by Guided by Voices

Favorite Movie:

>> No.1973350

A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway
Sung Tongs, Animal Collective
The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick