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/lit/ - Literature

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19726326 No.19726326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's obvious that the Bible is the work of God and not of man

That's why the Bible is the best book one can ever read in his life

>> No.19726335
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>> No.19726342

Blessed, based, and factual.

>> No.19726346
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>The Bible is the work of God because... It just is, okay?

>> No.19726351
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Consider the following:

No one has ever successfully challenged the historical accuracy of the Bible.

The Bible writers were honest men who wrote with openness of heart. Their candor gives their writing the clear ring of truth.

The Bible has one central theme: the vindication of God’s right to rule mankind and the fulfillment of his purpose by means of his heavenly Kingdom.

Although written thousands of years ago, the Bible is free of mistaken scientific ideas that had gained wide acceptance in ancient times.

Documented historical evidence proves that Bible prophecies, or predictions, have come true.

>> No.19726352
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>> No.19726355
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>it's obvious, bro

>> No.19726357


Name all the people that actually wrote the bible

>> No.19726359
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>No one has ever successfully challenged the historical accuracy of the Bible

Fucking retard

>> No.19726369
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>> No.19726373


The Bible was written in Greek dumbass

>> No.19726376
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The bible doesn't say that the Jews built the pyramids.

Not all of it

>> No.19726383
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who wrote the Greek parts

>> No.19726393
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Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Jude, James and Peter

Though there is evidence that Matthew was first written in Hebrew and later translated into Greek

>> No.19726424

If God is real all He has to do is come down to Earth in a blaze of glory and announce his presence to a large crowd, like he does many times in the Boobel but somehow never once since. His failure to perform this very easy task is a proof that either God is malicious, or The Bible is just a dumb fantasy novel disconnected from reality
Christcucks CANNOT argue with that, there's literally nothing they can say against this.

>> No.19726434

All Christcucks have to do is show me one (1) piece of evidence

>> No.19726477

How could there be faith if God just proved His existence to everyone? How could we be properly tested in this realm if there were no question whatsoever of being watched, known, and scrutinized?

>> No.19726500

the vast majority of it was written in hebrew, anon

>> No.19726504

It was canonically written by man with divine inspiration.
Man also has free will, and thus had free will to put lies in the Bible. The odds of there being lies in the Bible is very high given that there were many different authors.

>> No.19726509

Simple. There is no need for a test since God already knows the outcome. If he exists, then our existence is a game to him.
Besides, if our existence is a "test" then it's a really shitty one. It's far easier to be a "good person" by biblical standards when you're born into an upper middle class Christian American household, versus being born into a Mexican shithole where the Cartel runs rampant. Some shitty test.

>> No.19726513

>How could there be faith unless all people engage in a cool "Find God using this dubious evidence" minigame and if they fail to trust a 2000 year old book I'll send them to Hell or something lmao
Oh I dunno say way as it is portrayed in the Boobal, by ways of God constantly revealing himself to people maybe? Like I said, God of the christians is either malicious or fictional, there's no third option. Fucking admit it

>> No.19726519

God sure loved tearing down the Tower of Babel and commanding Abraham to kill his son when there was nobody around to take videos of it, huh?

>> No.19726531


>> No.19726535

The OP is a notorious jehovah's witness schizo from /his/ who has apparently decided to start shitposting on /lit/ as well

>> No.19726609

>I don't understand the Old Testament and New Testament

>> No.19726650

Why would an omniscient being need to 'test' anything?

>> No.19728201

>There is no need for a test since God already knows the outcome
God can surely willfully "not know", because He *wants* to.

>> No.19728213

>[council of Nicea looking even more awkward than when the Syriacs showed up intensifies in background]

>> No.19728290

Shroud of Turin

>> No.19728296
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I prefer my cute girls reading cute things to your cute girls reading cute things.

>> No.19728303

Catholic here, we don't officially count that. It's neat but it's basically an icon, and not even the first icon by Saint Luke. There's a whole bureaucracy to miracles.

>> No.19728315

So you're saying that God is not omniscient out of choice? What purpose would that serve?

>> No.19728328


>> No.19728329

I’m going to get you disfellowshipped

>> No.19728343

Both of you seem to be making the mistake that knowing the outcome on God's end doesn't mean that humans know the outcome or that God's knowledge affects their outcome.
The idea of salvation being a test or limited to a certain number of elect isn't pervasive throughout Christianity. Per the example here >>19726509 a Mexican is more likely to be Catholic (they don't believe heaven is limited in numbers, or that predestination for hell happens) while an American is more likely to be a Calvinist (they believe in limited numbers of elect who are predestined for heaven). There are much fewer Calvinist regions vs Catholic regions worldwide, so the idea that it's a test that people would fail is not really common to the Christian world as a whole.

>> No.19728355

So "God" is just a scientist running an experiment on his lab rats? Reminder that Christianity so throughly condemned Gnosticism as heresy for being too similar to Christianity, not for being wrong about the theology. It's no different than Apple/Samsung lawfare.

>> No.19728361

is this image even theologically sound? Christians don't actually think of the bible story in these terms, do they?
>power and freedom to rule the world on your own terms
>Babylon: a civilization that has redefined evil as good
>Abraham's nation will have another chance to make the edenic choice
>etc etc

>> No.19728367

oh its a JW image hahahahaha nevermind. What a load of nonsense