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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 250x191, Map_of_Scandinavia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19722721 No.19722721 [Reply] [Original]

What is essential literature from Scandinavia?

>> No.19722727

no idea.
t. swede

>> No.19722758

Translations of foreign literature t. scandi

>> No.19722766

it's all fucking crime novels.

>> No.19722767

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.19722773

Why? I am not actually Swedish

>> No.19722777

Besides the regular ancient mythology stuff you mean?


>> No.19722797

Hamsun (Growth of the Soil, Hunger, Mysteries)
Ibsen (Emperor and Galilean, Peer Gynt, A Doll House, Hedda Gabler)
Strindberg (To Damascus, Inferno, Miss Julie)
Sigrid Undset (Kristin Lavransdatter)
Volsung saga

>> No.19722803

Hamsun, Strindberg, Ibsen, Kierkegaard, Pontoppidan, Tom Kristensen, more but can't be assed, read the entire ouevres of the ones mentioned and then I give you more.

>> No.19722811

>read the entire ouevres of the ones mentioned and then I give you more.
Sure, just give me 5 min.

>> No.19722816

I know that if you're able to publish in Bokmal, you're guaranteed, I don't fully remember, a 1000 book sales. This might not be true anymore and the number might be far smaller, but I remember the government bought books in bokmal to try to encourage writers to do so and preserve the language. When I was learning bokmal and writing children's stories I thought about doing it in that language. I don't know if they have certain stipulations and if they would even buy those types of books, but I thought about it.

>> No.19722835

I have an old translation of some Sweedish folk stories.

>> No.19722893

wtf you talking about?

>> No.19722917

Yeah you are probably a stinky mudslime living off welfare in Sweden

>> No.19722924

The Norwegian government buys books written in Bokmal.

>> No.19722925

The Quran

>> No.19722928

Probably not. Swedes are known globohomo anglolovers.

>> No.19722938

No. I am just a Dane trying to make Swedes look bad

>> No.19723005

The works of Knausgaard, Solstad, Fosse, JP Jacobsen, Ibsen, Strindberg, Swedenborg, Kristensen, Hamsun, Kierkegaard, Vesaas, Undset

>> No.19723009
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reject barely literate mainlanders, embrace the superior Icelandic literature
Halldór Laxness, Þórbergur Þórðarson, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Guðbergur Bergsson, Prose and Poetic Eddas and Sagas (Saga of Burnt Njal, Saga of Egill and Saga of the People from Laxárdalr stand out)

>> No.19723012

In a few decades that book will be the new constitution and everything prior to that would be declared years of degeneracy by the Islamic republic of Swedinistan.

>> No.19723022

Gösta Berling's Saga

>> No.19723034

>book by a woman
how about no

>> No.19723065

Hc Andersen is pretty comfy

>> No.19723068

baseret falsk-flager

>> No.19723104
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Magnus Vinding's books are worth reading.

>> No.19723106

pretty sure the public libraries of every country in the world buy books.

>> No.19723112

in Norway they buy every book published in localised Danish

>> No.19723117

The Folktales of Asbjørnsen and Moe

>> No.19723119

Der Ewige Jyde

>> No.19723129

no, they don’t? are you, dare i say it, fucking retarded?

>> No.19723132
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>> No.19723149

look up Innkjøpsordningene
the government buys 1000 copies every book published by a major publisher in Norway (as long as it meets a minimum literay standard which most books do) for local libraries

>> No.19723166

so not every book and certainly not yours. also both nynorsk and bokmål

>> No.19723175

almost every book published by a major publisher
and yes both danish and norwegian

>> No.19723191

The Elder and Younger Edda

>> No.19723201
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>> No.19723206

Back to /pol/. How are you retards still stuck in 2017

>> No.19723212

It's pretty good

>> No.19723229

>33 year old virgin doctor who hates his profession becomes obsessed with a married woman who already has a lover but he decides to murder her husband anyway to free her from him because he's a mega simp
Doktor Glas is real /lit/ material.

>> No.19723233

You must really like your people being raped.

>> No.19723261

gib recs

>> No.19723267

Your local newspaper should have plenty of the crime stories taking place of your people being raped.

>> No.19723283

Kierkegaard is the only Scandinavian worth reading
Checked and based

>> No.19723287

I need some Swedish recs, for unrelated reasons I already know very basic Swedish and I’d like to put it to some use.

>> No.19723296
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Pär Lagerkvist for Sweden. Some here will know him as the Author of "The Dwarf". I've recently started binge-reading him, had The Dwarf, Barabbas and The Sibyl. Short and dense books about really fucked-up characters. Won the Lit Nobel Prize in 1951.

>> No.19723304
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I love Barabbas.

>> No.19723305


>> No.19723308

Oof, sorry anon, I hate crime novels. I just know that the germanics are fucking obsessed with them. I live in germany, and It's bad enough, but the further north you go, the worse it gets.

>> No.19723312
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I hate you newniggers so much.

>> No.19723315
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I forgot to mention: Fuck Norway and Hamsun

>> No.19723328
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Try the Sibyl. Same stuff:
> Meet Jesus
> Fucks up your live
Wonder whether he wanted to tell us something :)

>> No.19723332

hva faen, svante?

>> No.19723334

A lot of good posts ITT already, dropping this for further reading.

>> No.19723344

>Wonder whether he wanted to tell us something :)
Yea, he wanted to tell us Swedes were faggots who were going to be raped by Muslims because of their atheism.

>> No.19723346

daily reminder that there is no Norwegian literature as Norwegian is not a written language
there is Danish literature and Danish literature written in Norway

>> No.19723347

I inherited just about half of his oeuvre from my literary grandmother. They're hidden in a stack somewhere, I think. Not sure if I have the Sibyl, but certainly the Dwarf, The Death of Ahasverus and The Holy Land.

>> No.19723350

Based overlord

>> No.19723357

From my non-Scandinavian (objective) perspective: Norway > Denmark > Sweden

In terms of literature and in general. Sorry but it's true.

>> No.19723358

Norwegians are better writers anyway.

>> No.19723364
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>> No.19723371

can danes understand the works of aasmund vinje and olav h hauge?

>> No.19723372

I understand Norway being #1, but what makes the Danish better than the Swedes?

>> No.19723373
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northern Danes*
literate Norwegians are by definition Danes living in Norway

>> No.19723382

about as well as 90% of Norwegians yes

>> No.19723432
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From my German perspective:
> Snow Jews have a Nazi sympathizer as their national Bard, kind of funny and sad
I hope they invade you and will send you a lot of Kebab

>> No.19723491
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Don't read it if you're depressed though. Hamsun is dark, bug Lagerkvist is worse.

>> No.19723528

The Egyptian by Mika Waltari

>> No.19723551

I thought there was an undeniable strain of *some* sort of hope in Barabbas, at least. It's a bleak sort of hope and there's nothing to confirm it's justified, but it's still there.
>Bara Barabbas hängde ensam kvar, ännu vid liv. När han kände döden komma, den som han alltid hade varit så rädd för, sade han ut i mörkret, som om han talade till det: - Till dig överlämnar jag min själ. Och sedan gav han upp andan.

I just checked and I do have The Sibyl, thanks grandma.

>> No.19723594
File: 810 KB, 850x750, dwarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dwarf is pure, undiluted kino that is virtually never mentioned by /lit/niggers

>> No.19723688

lurk more

>> No.19723705

It was frequently mentioned around 3-4y ago.

>> No.19723719

by rights it should be in the /lit/ top 100 chart

>> No.19723759
File: 20 KB, 615x200, Kierkegaard_cropped2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kierkegaard, he is all we have. No other Danish writer has put so much time and effort into their craft.

t. Dane

>> No.19723801
File: 152 KB, 800x1328, 9780006126096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Röde Orm (The Long Ships)

>> No.19723862

Fantastic book. It's a shame Bengtsson died at 60, else he'd have been the best possible candidate to translate Tolkien. The first one we got came from more of a latinate tradition and did not get it at all.

>> No.19723872

Icelandic sagas are fun, but the quality varies, and Icelanders are /lit/-tier autistic about insisting how great they are.

>> No.19725435
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Has anyone here read this? How is it?

>> No.19725463

I like ibsen a lot

>> No.19725507

t. never heard of nynorsk.

>> No.19725533

Comfy, enjoyable overall, and dear lord I hate that fucking bald bitch

>> No.19725618

Grandpa took a fistful of snow to cool his burning mouth.

— Back then it was no big thing to be simple and chaste … or dull and brooding, if that’s how you wanted it …

— Must’ve been nice …

— Nothing doing … we trusted our luckystars … saw to ourselves … we were raciallypure and cleanshaven all over … we propagated with style and taste … slow and steady wins the race … We men knew how to enjoy each other … liked being together … there weren’t too many of us … five thousand at most …

Grandpa swallowed, he was having a hard time going on.

— But evil was brewing … something was coming … something that would destroy our world forever …

— Was it women?

— It was women! The inferior race! three openings! Snakeless crotches! … Darkness covered the land … troubling rumors reached us from the south, but no one believed them, at least not at first … They started down in Ume … something about longhaired creatures making land … spinning the heads of tried and true buttfuckers everywhere … of course, everyone thought the rumors were just cockandbull … balderdash … But as we were to find out, those stories held a terrible, grim reality …

His voice sunk even more.

— They spread like the plague … like gangrene … before long they’d reached the vicinity of Vindeln … between Trollberget and Häggnäs … they were sly … didn’t come up the coast via Bygdeå, Ånäset, and Lövånger … the shriekingbuggers there should’ve finished them off! But those inlandfüddies were too slow with the whip … we were used to having things our own way, no regular mealtimes … letting it all hang out … minding our own business … no curfews, no responsibilities … just whim and will and almighty nature … God in heaven, if only the coastguard had blown them out of the water! before it was too late … They spread to Pompej and Sirapsbacken … lamias and harpies had nothing on them … they got beneath our skin with gooeyeyedloveydoveyness … they made their way to Gorkuträsk … Lossmen … the picture was becoming clearer … stumpylegged, narrowshouldered, steatopygic monsters with repulsively swollen breasts … coldblooded and heartless as vipers … they’d swoon on command if they didn’t get their way … we tore at our hair! went about in a daze! pinched ourselves hard! How could respectable barbarians soil their cocks with that?!

>> No.19725623

Grandpa trembled with the effort his story was taking … The woods brooded over his dark saga, the eternal struggle between evil and good.

— One word, the foulest word there ever was, began to make the rounds: Cunt … they had cunts, people said, like little furry animals, smoother and softer than anuses, not as heathenishly narrow … All who tried it were sold … Amfooorrrtasss!!! That’s what it was, all right, the Wound, the gaping, bloody, festering sore that wouldn’t close … They used cunts to take Norrland from us! Eyes full of bittersweet treachery, tongues agile as squirrels … Unlucky love walked among us, burning and pillaging … The bitter fate of Enkidu! They croaked in our arms, begging forgiveness for their desertion … The whores closed in on us, they were merciless … just snuck into our rooms at night and started gobbling … the vampires … coaxing ever-more perverted, bewitched cavaliers into their entourage … not to mention their wagonloads of brats! their knickknacks and householdparaphernalia! … They got off on cheapthrills and expensivegifts … had lowtastes and shrilltongues … daughters of Lilith and Circe … O Tertullian! o Juvenal! Jean de Meun! the godly Earl of Rochester! They made it to Fraukälen … Mensträsk … we prepared for the last battle … drugged ourselves with soma … They broke through our defenses … Gumboda! … Kankberg! … they rushed over us! We fought toothandnail, spit in deaths face … did all that was manly possible … raged in silence … we were like grandpa beasties protecting our young against devils and trolls! The best of us fell, bleeding from a thousand and one mortal wounds! we didn’t call retreat in time! better to be a stuckhog than a lapdog! There was a hundred of them for every one of us! they were like lemmings! Modern men with realjobs and soundminds! fawning, prudish, lecherous cunts! They kept on pushing and pushing, like they were floating logs! Vercellae and Camerone! Maldon and Roncevaux! Culloden and Liegnitz! Poltava and Stalingrad … We marched against them from the endless, godforsaken forests … We had axes, broadswords, and spears … we knew how to use them … The ground shuddered when it drank our Aryan blood … We fought like Teja, chanted laments like Gelimer! We fell with Aryanogrecocks pointing straight towards heaven, took twenty enemies for every one of us, but they just kept on coming … Animals came to our aid, but Mausers took them down … Giantbears, arcticwolves, sabertoothtigers, mutantrabbits … We protected our grandsons with all we had, no one would touch them while there was still breath in our lungs! They slaughtered us by the thousands! mutilations and outrages! bloodyshame and meatyshivers! they were sly as Phoenicians! horny as Etruscans! merciless as Israelites!

>> No.19725627

They brainwashed wounded prisoners of war and little boys alike! Taught them to love pussy! and everything else that makes life a living hell! Work! Sobriety! God and church! Law and order! King and country! Offices and factories! Clerks and critics! Bureaucracies and marketeconomies! Majorities and institutions! Parliamentarism and massmedia! Intellectuals and popularopinion! Legibility and literacy! Slave mentality! Slave morality! Creditors! By God! If only they’d killed us! spared us the sight of warriors turning into pigs! Down and Piltdown! After the invasion of the caitiffs and shrews life became what it is now … predictable … mundane … soulless … where your only thanks is a fist in the gut and shame is your only reward … They killed fantasy, honor, and ecstasy … Grubbs and mildew took the cow pastures and crops … The Colorado beetle and the Spanish slug did it for the potatoes and other vegetables … They domesticated animals … began to slaughter them … A few of us got away … refused to be tamed … planned our revenge … the last splinters of a shattered nobility … Like Miltons demons … and I am Satan himself … Accusing mankind before God … We make our home in the hidden places … as close to death as possible … outside of reality … the beastmen of deserted farmhouses … backwater marauders … hoochplied wolfhounds … depopulation’s wackjobs … Our time has come … let the battle cry sound … the lycanthropic revolt can begin …

>> No.19725648

go to sleep

>> No.19725654


Ehhh, ehhh!! EEEGH!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*le poops you out of my pussy*

>> No.19726129

No wonder Swedes are the biggest cucks

>> No.19726216

Finland is not part of Scandinavia, by the way

>> No.19726758

Under the North Star by Väinö Linna

>> No.19726833

Vesaas and Dagerman are the greatest in my opinion. Torgny Lindgren is great. Willy Kyrklund too and Paasilinna.
It's really strange never seeing Stig Dagerman mentioned in these threads. He is without doubt the strongest writer and his death was fucked up. Check out Bränt Barn.

>> No.19726881

her var det mye autisme

>> No.19727093

>Gunnar Gunnarsson (18 May 1889 – 21 November 1975) was an Icelandic author who wrote mainly in Danish.
>One time he went to Germany and had a meeting with Hitler and is considered to be the only Icelander who has met him.
Top jej

>> No.19727105

neither have most Norwegians

>> No.19727127
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>> No.19727146

J P Jacobsen

>> No.19727172


>> No.19727220
File: 224 KB, 1295x1600, AugustStrindberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

August Strindberg, Lasse Lucidor, Bellman, Swedenborg, Hjalmar Gullberg, Harry Martinson, Stig Larsson

>> No.19727342

really doesn't work in translation

>> No.19727621
File: 50 KB, 880x495, Andersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the wrong here?

>In June 1847, Andersen paid his first visit to England and he enjoyed a triumphal social success during this summer. The Countess of Blessington invited him to her parties where intellectual people would meet, and it was at one of such parties where he met Charles Dickens for the first time. They shook hands and walked to the veranda, which Andersen wrote about in his diary: "We were on the veranda, and I was so happy to see and speak to England's now-living writer whom I do love the most."[27]

>The two authors respected each other's work and as writers, they shared something important in common: depictions of the poor and the underclass who often had difficult lives affected both by the Industrial Revolution and by abject poverty. In the Victorian era there was a growing sympathy for children and an idealization of the innocence of childhood.

>Ten years later, Andersen visited England again, primarily to meet Dickens. He extended the planned brief visit to Dickens' home at Gads Hill Place into a five-week stay, much to the distress of Dickens' family. After Andersen was told to leave, Dickens gradually stopped all correspondence between them, this to the great disappointment and confusion of Andersen, who had quite enjoyed the visit and could never understand why his letters went unanswered.[27]

>> No.19727660

fuck the norveigans they have nothing between their admittedly beautiful ears. and denmark is filled to the brim with alcoholics and pigs.

>> No.19727676

Imagine ranking Norway first dude....You either haven't read Danes and Swedes, or is probably some American mutt with ties to Norway - or a Larper "totally not Norwegian" pretender.

Snorri to capture the feel of pre-christian Scandinavia. Then Kierkegaard. There really isn't anyone else on his calibre and anyone who states otherwise GigaCopes - don't fall for the memes.

Scandinavia does get better if you take into account the people who migrated to UK and States though, but at that stage I'd personally like to consider them English or Mericans.

>> No.19727682

H.C. Andersen outdoes every other writer of fiction in Scandinavia.

>> No.19727945

They have to learn both Nynorsk and Bokmal in school retard.

>> No.19727957

Andersen. What an annoying cunt. Self-invited for five weeks!

>> No.19728178

I guess Danish was his second language and there is just a bigger market. Didn't Cioran write in French because of that ?

>> No.19728190

Danish was the main language of Scandinavians in the 19th century. Certainly the literary one. Ibsen, a Norwegian, also wrote in Danish (some Norwegian, like in Peer Gyn and Brand).

>> No.19728333

I studied Spanish in high school, doesn't mean I speak it
Norwegian students complain incessantly about having to learn Norwegian since it's pointless to them as they all just write in Danish anyway
most Norwegians are probably more comfortable with writing English than Norwegian

that guy lived in Denmark for most of his career which is why he wrote in Danish
Danish is still the main literary language in Norway though

>> No.19728337

The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe

>> No.19728348

You don't speak Nynorsk or Bokmal. They are writing standards.

>> No.19728523

nynorsk is the ebonics of fjordniggers

>> No.19728539

I am aware
Norwegians speak in various Norwegian dialects and write in Danish
some write in Norwegians but they're the minority

>> No.19728546

ibsen didn’t live in denmark

>> No.19728552

meant Gunnar Gunnarsson which the original comment was about sorry

>> No.19728720

Swedish authors have this soulless aura of self-hate i cannot stand.

>> No.19728947 [DELETED] 

And Norwegian authors are soulful. I wonder why that is.

>> No.19729940
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swedish-american, interesting physics theories.

>> No.19729956

How easy is for an illegal south american to get gibs in sweden? I want to escape this shithole, but it's very hard and expensive to emigrate legally to europe.

>> No.19730027

There actually used to be a notable south american minority in Sweden, mostly chileans who came here in the 80s after the coup (and some venezuelans). They've either integrated or returned at this point.

>> No.19730034

Tegmark, Bostrom... I hate my fellow Swedes, so soulless. A country of engineers

>> No.19730037

En Dramatikers Dagbok - Lars Norén

Learn swedish

>> No.19730039

The inane opinion of someone who doesn't care to participate. If you've even a swede, which is doubtful.

>> No.19730068
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>> No.19730071

>doesn't care to participate
What? Participate in what?

Anyways, the philosopher Axel Hägerström caused all this with his value nihilism, clearing the ground for a mechanised society without any common tradition or morality

>> No.19730115
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>> No.19730724

Gross. Scandinavian dogs, for generations mating with Laplanders. They're practically Finns

>> No.19730750

What? There's no written Norwegian? So, guys like Hamsun and Kausgaard write in... Danish?

>> No.19730766

There's two written Norwegian standards, Nynorsk and Bokmal

>> No.19730786

Why two? What's the difference?

>> No.19730827

>what is, 2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany

>> No.19730831

Why, I don't fully remember. But one's closer to Danish. I think a vast majority of people write in Bokmal. I'm not Norsk by the way, I just studied it for a short period of time and I'm quite ignorant.

>> No.19731243


>> No.19731343

Yeah, but they were fleeing Pinochet. What if I'm not a refugee, just a lazy illegal who wants gibs? Can I make it if I'm not muslim?

>> No.19731936

after independence from denmark, the literate slightly the written danish style to how the literate people spoke
at the same time, a gay farmer decided to try to artificially invent a new language based on how random people living in huts spoke. he was too poor to visit enough people, so it ended up just being based on three wankers i sogn. the socialists still prefer this over how normal people speak and write

>> No.19732003


>> No.19732012

all the socialists use radikalt bokmål

>> No.19732032

everything but riksmål is nynorsk

>> No.19732534

Astrid Lindgren
millions of shitty crime thrillers with blood and ordinary objects on the dark cover

>> No.19733640

Tikkanen's address series (Brändövägen 8) is great.

>> No.19733654

Don't care. I'll still do it. If they try to throw me out I will call them racists.

>> No.19733670

Lol that’s literally my plan if America collapses
>Learn Arabic
>Fly to Libya
>Get on a refugee boat
>Make it to Italy
>Travel to Sweden
>Enjoy life

>> No.19734352

Bokmål is Danish, Nynorsk is Norwegian
almost all Norwegians write in Danish and most deride writing in Norwegians as irrelevant and annoying

>> No.19734369

Supremely based choices

>> No.19734476

This is a really fun read. Would recommend.

>> No.19734483
File: 8 KB, 220x320, Frans_G._Bengtsson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frans G. Bengtsson is very based. He memorized every line in Hamlet (both the original text and multiple translations). He was also a complete and utter military nerd/enthusiast yet despised the nazis.

>For those who know Swedish, the response he wrote when a publishing house in Nazi occupied Norway wanted to give out a "corrected" version of Röde Orm (removing a jewish character etc) in 1942 is quite amusing:
"Varken ett komma eller en jude skall med mitt medgivande borttagas ur boken, och min uppfattning är exakt densamma som din egen: jag vägrar överhuvud att bli översatt till norska förrän herrar kretiner och kriminaldårar upphört att syssla med förlagsverksamhet därstädes, och helst upphört med allt annat också."

> Same thing happened a few months later in German occupied Prague. This response is even better:
"Tack för aktstycket från Prag. Jag fyller under inga omständigheter i den sortens smörja, utan vill då hellre slippa utkomma i det stackars landet tills vidare. Bortsett från den ariska paragrafen i formuläret, förefalla mig även ett par av de andra ungefär lika meningslösa som om vederbörande begärt upplysningar om hur ofta jag brukar raka mig, eller om jag är skelögd och i så fall varför. Måtte Sodoms och Gomorras eld tvätta den värld ren, där den sortens ting framfödas ur skurkars incest med idioter."

Röde Orm/The Long Ships is one of my favorite books, but his essays are well worth reading as well.

>> No.19734492
File: 9 KB, 200x297, Volter_Kilpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read this, someone translate pls.
>Alastalon salissa (In the Alastalo Parlor) (1933) is a landmark Finnish novel by Volter Kilpi.
>The central narrative of Alastalon salissa describes a meeting of a group of wealthy men from Kustavi in the Archipelago Sea in Western Finland one October Thursday in the 1860s. The men are trying to decide whether to invest in a shipbuilding venture proposed by one of their number, Herman Mattsson, master of Alastalo. The novel's length stems from numerous digressions, internal monologues and a detailed accounting of each character's thought processes. In one famous scene, a character's journey to the mantelpiece to fetch a pipe is told in over seventy pages.
>No complete English translation has been published; but in the early 1990s, the editors of Books From Finland asked David Barrett (1914-1998) to translate Kilpi’s Alastalo into English; after translating just a few paragraphs Barrett declined the invitation:

>> No.19734497

not tru

>> No.19734509

So you would jump from a sinking ship to a flaming one. Sweden's welfare system is not going to last the next decade.

>> No.19734512
File: 142 KB, 1200x630, tranny_ex_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right being a leftist twitter tranny posturing with deleuze and lacan and althusser is so much more continental and... sophisticated right.
fucking anglo-tier plebs. they care about truth and reason. they do like math and shit and occasionally talk about science. ewwww... why can't they smoke cigarettes in black-white photographs and talk about what hegel and marx would have thought about various topics instead. ugh!

>> No.19734524

>Sweden's welfare system is not going to last the next decade.
Eh? Why? Did the population increase that much with immigration?

>> No.19734814


>> No.19734826


>> No.19734980

>Måtte Sodoms och Gomorras eld tvätta den värld ren, där den sortens ting framfödas ur skurkars incest med idioter.
Unbelieably based line. He really was a word-smith.

>> No.19735572

It is a crime that Rydberg and von Heidenstam have not been mentioned yet

>> No.19735772

Idk, but without those Ikea manuals I could never assemble their furniture...so I'd say that's pretty essential literature.

>> No.19735803

What a guy.

>> No.19736105

Nah they should be reading Rudolf Kjellen, Vilhelm Ekelund, Nietzsche and be occupied with subverting the left-cuck Swedish state

>> No.19736542
File: 31 KB, 608x302, the last chapter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamsun has an admonishment for you.

>> No.19736717

Highly recommend

>> No.19737547


>> No.19738291
File: 1.25 MB, 1605x2065, Sagas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begin with the Norse:
- Read first prose and then poetic Edda
- Heimskringla
- Sverris Saga
- Gesta Danorum by Saxo
- And family sagas rated higher than 18/20 on this chart

>> No.19738298

That picture book with the fairy tales is pretty based.

>> No.19738304

Name please

>> No.19738305

Johan Ludvig Runeberg

"Elk Hunters" and "The Tales of Ensign Stål" are good.

>> No.19738306

HAHAHa! You must be a total fucking retard.

>> No.19738311


>> No.19738341

The Kalevala is the most boring folk tale epic poem thing. Just a bunch if tribal cavemen raping and bashing each other over the head.

>> No.19738363

Anything by John Bauer

Most books seem to be collections of his artworks and stories.

>> No.19738632

I appreciate it

>> No.19738659

Are swedish cops badass?

>> No.19738690

I don't know, but I've never seen an ugly female cop over here. They're all lookers.

>> No.19739020
File: 34 KB, 1024x576, hans-christian-andersen.-visitfyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans Coomer Andersen
>A celibate, Andersen not only liked to masturbate a lot, he liked to keep meticulous records of his masturbation sessions, describing and listing them in his diary with a pair of plus signs (++), with sample descriptive entries reading: “When they left, I had a doubly sensuous ++“. In Paris, he liked to visit prostitutes and talk with them, then rush back to his hotel to put more ++ sign entries in his diary.

>> No.19739034

based and gigachadded

>> No.19739165
File: 2.44 MB, 480x270, ywBELg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.19739460

fun fact.
one of the most famous poets in norway, andre bjerke, got labeled a traitor after translating "fenrik stål" when it got released by a NS publisher without his knowledge.

>> No.19739695

I liked Eyvind Johnsons historical fiction. There was a segment in Days of His Grace where a lombard princess "gets her dumbest slaves" to open the gate during a siege because she thought the hunnish commander was hot but the women avoid getting raped by stuffing their orifices with hen meat that ferments and stinks and turns the raping invaders off.

>> No.19740940
